123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419 |
- //
- // RACSequence.h
- // ReactiveObjC
- //
- // Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 2012-10-29.
- // Copyright (c) 2012 GitHub. All rights reserved.
- //
- #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
- #import "RACStream.h"
- @class RACTuple;
- @class RACScheduler;
- @class RACSignal<__covariant ValueType>;
- /// Represents an immutable sequence of values. Unless otherwise specified, the
- /// sequences' values are evaluated lazily on demand. Like Cocoa collections,
- /// sequences cannot contain nil.
- ///
- /// Most inherited RACStream methods that accept a block will execute the block
- /// _at most_ once for each value that is evaluated in the returned sequence.
- /// Side effects are subject to the behavior described in
- /// +sequenceWithHeadBlock:tailBlock:.
- ///
- /// Implemented as a class cluster. A minimal implementation for a subclass
- /// consists simply of -head and -tail.
- @interface RACSequence<__covariant ValueType> : RACStream <NSCoding, NSCopying, NSFastEnumeration>
- /// The first object in the sequence, or nil if the sequence is empty.
- ///
- /// Subclasses must provide an implementation of this method.
- @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) ValueType head;
- /// All but the first object in the sequence, or nil if there are no other
- /// objects.
- ///
- /// Subclasses must provide an implementation of this method.
- @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) RACSequence<ValueType> *tail;
- /// Evaluates the full sequence to produce an equivalently-sized array.
- @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSArray<ValueType> *array;
- /// Returns an enumerator of all objects in the sequence.
- @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSEnumerator<ValueType> *objectEnumerator;
- /// Converts a sequence into an eager sequence.
- ///
- /// An eager sequence fully evaluates all of its values immediately. Sequences
- /// derived from an eager sequence will also be eager.
- ///
- /// Returns a new eager sequence, or the receiver if the sequence is already
- /// eager.
- @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) RACSequence<ValueType> *eagerSequence;
- /// Converts a sequence into a lazy sequence.
- ///
- /// A lazy sequence evaluates its values on demand, as they are accessed.
- /// Sequences derived from a lazy sequence will also be lazy.
- ///
- /// Returns a new lazy sequence, or the receiver if the sequence is already lazy.
- @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) RACSequence<ValueType> *lazySequence;
- /// Invokes -signalWithScheduler: with a new RACScheduler.
- - (RACSignal<ValueType> *)signal;
- /// Evaluates the full sequence on the given scheduler.
- ///
- /// Each item is evaluated in its own scheduled block, such that control of the
- /// scheduler is yielded between each value.
- ///
- /// Returns a signal which sends the receiver's values on the given scheduler as
- /// they're evaluated.
- - (RACSignal<ValueType> *)signalWithScheduler:(RACScheduler *)scheduler;
- /// Applies a left fold to the sequence.
- ///
- /// This is the same as iterating the sequence along with a provided start value.
- /// This uses a constant amount of memory. A left fold is left-associative so in
- /// the sequence [1,2,3] the block would applied in the following order:
- /// reduce(reduce(reduce(start, 1), 2), 3)
- ///
- /// start - The starting value for the fold. Used as `accumulator` for the
- /// first fold.
- /// reduce - The block used to combine the accumulated value and the next value.
- /// Cannot be nil.
- ///
- /// Returns a reduced value.
- - (id)foldLeftWithStart:(nullable id)start reduce:(id _Nullable (^)(id _Nullable accumulator, ValueType _Nullable value))reduce;
- /// Applies a right fold to the sequence.
- ///
- /// A right fold is equivalent to recursion on the list. The block is evaluated
- /// from the right to the left in list. It is right associative so it's applied
- /// to the rightmost elements first. For example, in the sequence [1,2,3] the
- /// block is applied in the order:
- /// reduce(1, reduce(2, reduce(3, start)))
- ///
- /// start - The starting value for the fold.
- /// reduce - The block used to combine the accumulated value and the next head.
- /// The block is given the accumulated value and the value of the rest
- /// of the computation (result of the recursion). This is computed when
- /// you retrieve its value using `rest.head`. This allows you to
- /// prevent unnecessary computation by not accessing `rest.head` if you
- /// don't need to.
- ///
- /// Returns a reduced value.
- - (id)foldRightWithStart:(nullable id)start reduce:(id _Nullable (^)(id _Nullable first, RACSequence *rest))reduce;
- /// Check if any value in sequence passes the block.
- ///
- /// block - The block predicate used to check each item. Cannot be nil.
- ///
- /// Returns a boolean indiciating if any value in the sequence passed.
- - (BOOL)any:(BOOL (^)(ValueType _Nullable value))block;
- /// Check if all values in the sequence pass the block.
- ///
- /// block - The block predicate used to check each item. Cannot be nil.
- ///
- /// Returns a boolean indicating if all values in the sequence passed.
- - (BOOL)all:(BOOL (^)(ValueType _Nullable value))block;
- /// Returns the first object that passes the block.
- ///
- /// block - The block predicate used to check each item. Cannot be nil.
- ///
- /// Returns an object that passes the block or nil if no objects passed.
- - (nullable ValueType)objectPassingTest:(BOOL (^)(ValueType _Nullable value))block;
- /// Creates a sequence that dynamically generates its values.
- ///
- /// headBlock - Invoked the first time -head is accessed.
- /// tailBlock - Invoked the first time -tail is accessed.
- ///
- /// The results from each block are memoized, so each block will be invoked at
- /// most once, no matter how many times the head and tail properties of the
- /// sequence are accessed.
- ///
- /// Any side effects in `headBlock` or `tailBlock` should be thread-safe, since
- /// the sequence may be evaluated at any time from any thread. Not only that, but
- /// -tail may be accessed before -head, or both may be accessed simultaneously.
- /// As noted above, side effects will only be triggered the _first_ time -head or
- /// -tail is invoked.
- ///
- /// Returns a sequence that lazily invokes the given blocks to provide head and
- /// tail. `headBlock` must not be nil.
- + (RACSequence<ValueType> *)sequenceWithHeadBlock:(ValueType _Nullable (^)(void))headBlock tailBlock:(nullable RACSequence<ValueType> *(^)(void))tailBlock;
- @end
- @interface RACSequence<__covariant ValueType> (RACStream)
- /// Returns a sequence that immediately sends the given value and then completes.
- + (RACSequence<ValueType> *)return:(nullable ValueType)value;
- /// Returns a sequence that immediately completes.
- + (RACSequence<ValueType> *)empty;
- /// A block which accepts a value from a RACSequence and returns a new sequence.
- ///
- /// Setting `stop` to `YES` will cause the bind to terminate after the returned
- /// value. Returning `nil` will result in immediate termination.
- typedef RACSequence * _Nullable (^RACSequenceBindBlock)(ValueType _Nullable value, BOOL *stop);
- /// Lazily binds a block to the values in the receiver.
- ///
- /// This should only be used if you need to terminate the bind early, or close
- /// over some state. -flattenMap: is more appropriate for all other cases.
- ///
- /// block - A block returning a RACSequenceBindBlock. This block will be invoked
- /// each time the bound sequence is re-evaluated. This block must not be
- /// nil or return nil.
- ///
- /// Returns a new sequence which represents the combined result of all lazy
- /// applications of `block`.
- - (RACSequence *)bind:(RACSequenceBindBlock (^)(void))block;
- /// Subscribes to `sequence` when the source sequence completes.
- - (RACSequence *)concat:(RACSequence *)sequence;
- /// Zips the values in the receiver with those of the given sequence to create
- /// RACTuples.
- ///
- /// The first `next` of each sequence will be combined, then the second `next`,
- /// and so forth, until either sequence completes or errors.
- ///
- /// sequence - The sequence to zip with. This must not be `nil`.
- ///
- /// Returns a new sequence of RACTuples, representing the combined values of the
- /// two sequences. Any error from one of the original sequence will be forwarded
- /// on the returned sequence.
- - (RACSequence<RACTuple *> *)zipWith:(RACSequence *)sequence;
- @end
- /// Redeclarations of operations built on the RACStream primitives with more
- /// precise type information.
- @interface RACSequence<__covariant ValueType> (RACStreamOperations)
- /// Maps `block` across the values in the receiver and flattens the result.
- ///
- /// Note that operators applied _after_ -flattenMap: behave differently from
- /// operators _within_ -flattenMap:. See the Examples section below.
- ///
- /// This corresponds to the `SelectMany` method in Rx.
- ///
- /// block - A block which accepts the values in the receiver and returns a new
- /// instance of the receiver's class. Returning `nil` from this block is
- /// equivalent to returning an empty sequence.
- ///
- /// Returns a new sequence which represents the combined sequences resulting
- /// from mapping `block`.
- - (RACSequence *)flattenMap:(__kindof RACSequence * _Nullable (^)(ValueType _Nullable value))block;
- /// Flattens a sequence of sequences.
- ///
- /// This corresponds to the `Merge` method in Rx.
- ///
- /// Returns a sequence consisting of the combined sequences obtained from the
- /// receiver.
- - (RACSequence *)flatten;
- /// Maps `block` across the values in the receiver.
- ///
- /// This corresponds to the `Select` method in Rx.
- ///
- /// Returns a new sequence with the mapped values.
- - (RACSequence *)map:(id _Nullable (^)(ValueType _Nullable value))block;
- /// Replaces each value in the receiver with the given object.
- ///
- /// Returns a new sequence which includes the given object once for each value in
- /// the receiver.
- - (RACSequence *)mapReplace:(nullable id)object;
- /// Filters out values in the receiver that don't pass the given test.
- ///
- /// This corresponds to the `Where` method in Rx.
- ///
- /// Returns a new sequence with only those values that passed.
- - (RACSequence<ValueType> *)filter:(BOOL (^)(id _Nullable value))block;
- /// Filters out values in the receiver that equal (via -isEqual:) the provided
- /// value.
- ///
- /// value - The value can be `nil`, in which case it ignores `nil` values.
- ///
- /// Returns a new sequence containing only the values which did not compare
- /// equal to `value`.
- - (RACSequence *)ignore:(nullable ValueType)value;
- /// Unpacks each RACTuple in the receiver and maps the values to a new value.
- ///
- /// reduceBlock - The block which reduces each RACTuple's values into one value.
- /// It must take as many arguments as the number of tuple elements
- /// to process. Each argument will be an object argument. The
- /// return value must be an object. This argument cannot be nil.
- ///
- /// Returns a new sequence of reduced tuple values.
- - (RACSequence *)reduceEach:(RACReduceBlock)reduceBlock;
- /// Returns a sequence consisting of `value`, followed by the values in the
- /// receiver.
- - (RACSequence<ValueType> *)startWith:(nullable ValueType)value;
- /// Skips the first `skipCount` values in the receiver.
- ///
- /// Returns the receiver after skipping the first `skipCount` values. If
- /// `skipCount` is greater than the number of values in the sequence, an empty
- /// sequence is returned.
- - (RACSequence<ValueType> *)skip:(NSUInteger)skipCount;
- /// Returns a sequence of the first `count` values in the receiver. If `count` is
- /// greater than or equal to the number of values in the sequence, a sequence
- /// equivalent to the receiver is returned.
- - (RACSequence<ValueType> *)take:(NSUInteger)count;
- /// Zips the values in the given sequences to create RACTuples.
- ///
- /// The first value of each sequence will be combined, then the second value,
- /// and so forth, until at least one of the sequences is exhausted.
- ///
- /// sequences - The sequence to combine. If this collection is empty, the
- /// returned sequence will be empty.
- ///
- /// Returns a new sequence containing RACTuples of the zipped values from the
- /// sequences.
- + (RACSequence<RACTuple *> *)zip:(id<NSFastEnumeration>)sequence;
- /// Zips sequences using +zip:, then reduces the resulting tuples into a single
- /// value using -reduceEach:
- ///
- /// sequences - The sequences to combine. If this collection is empty, the
- /// returned sequence will be empty.
- /// reduceBlock - The block which reduces the values from all the sequences
- /// into one value. It must take as many arguments as the
- /// number of sequences given. Each argument will be an object
- /// argument. The return value must be an object. This argument
- /// must not be nil.
- ///
- /// Example:
- ///
- /// [RACSequence zip:@[ stringSequence, intSequence ]
- /// reduce:^(NSString *string, NSNumber *number) {
- /// return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@: %@", string, number];
- /// }];
- ///
- /// Returns a new sequence containing the results from each invocation of
- /// `reduceBlock`.
- + (RACSequence<ValueType> *)zip:(id<NSFastEnumeration>)sequences reduce:(RACReduceBlock)reduceBlock;
- /// Returns a sequence obtained by concatenating `sequences` in order.
- + (RACSequence<ValueType> *)concat:(id<NSFastEnumeration>)sequences;
- /// Combines values in the receiver from left to right using the given block.
- ///
- /// The algorithm proceeds as follows:
- ///
- /// 1. `startingValue` is passed into the block as the `running` value, and the
- /// first element of the receiver is passed into the block as the `next` value.
- /// 2. The result of the invocation is added to the returned sequence.
- /// 3. The result of the invocation (`running`) and the next element of the
- /// receiver (`next`) is passed into `block`.
- /// 4. Steps 2 and 3 are repeated until all values have been processed.
- ///
- /// startingValue - The value to be combined with the first element of the
- /// receiver. This value may be `nil`.
- /// reduceBlock - The block that describes how to combine values of the
- /// receiver. If the receiver is empty, this block will never be
- /// invoked. Cannot be nil.
- ///
- /// Examples
- ///
- /// RACSequence *numbers = @[ @1, @2, @3, @4 ].rac_sequence;
- ///
- /// // Contains 1, 3, 6, 10
- /// RACSequence *sums = [numbers scanWithStart:@0 reduce:^(NSNumber *sum, NSNumber *next) {
- /// return @(sum.integerValue + next.integerValue);
- /// }];
- ///
- /// Returns a new sequence that consists of each application of `reduceBlock`. If
- /// the receiver is empty, an empty sequence is returned.
- - (RACSequence *)scanWithStart:(nullable id)startingValue reduce:(id _Nullable (^)(id _Nullable running, ValueType _Nullable next))reduceBlock;
- /// Combines values in the receiver from left to right using the given block
- /// which also takes zero-based index of the values.
- ///
- /// startingValue - The value to be combined with the first element of the
- /// receiver. This value may be `nil`.
- /// reduceBlock - The block that describes how to combine values of the
- /// receiver. This block takes zero-based index value as the last
- /// parameter. If the receiver is empty, this block will never
- /// be invoked. Cannot be nil.
- ///
- /// Returns a new sequence that consists of each application of `reduceBlock`.
- /// If the receiver is empty, an empty sequence is returned.
- - (RACSequence *)scanWithStart:(nullable id)startingValue reduceWithIndex:(id _Nullable (^)(id _Nullable running, ValueType _Nullable next, NSUInteger index))reduceBlock;
- /// Combines each previous and current value into one object.
- ///
- /// This method is similar to -scanWithStart:reduce:, but only ever operates on
- /// the previous and current values (instead of the whole sequence), and does
- /// not pass the return value of `reduceBlock` into the next invocation of it.
- ///
- /// start - The value passed into `reduceBlock` as `previous` for the
- /// first value.
- /// reduceBlock - The block that combines the previous value and the current
- /// value to create the reduced value. Cannot be nil.
- ///
- /// Examples
- ///
- /// RACSequence *numbers = [@[ @1, @2, @3, @4 ].rac_sequence;
- ///
- /// // Contains 1, 3, 5, 7
- /// RACSequence *sums = [numbers combinePreviousWithStart:@0 reduce:^(NSNumber *previous, NSNumber *next) {
- /// return @(previous.integerValue + next.integerValue);
- /// }];
- ///
- /// Returns a new sequence consisting of the return values from each application of
- /// `reduceBlock`.
- - (RACSequence *)combinePreviousWithStart:(nullable ValueType)start reduce:(id _Nullable (^)(ValueType _Nullable previous, ValueType _Nullable current))reduceBlock;
- /// Takes values until the given block returns `YES`.
- ///
- /// Returns a RACSequence of the initial values in the receiver that fail
- /// `predicate`. If `predicate` never returns `YES`, a sequence equivalent to
- /// the receiver is returned.
- - (RACSequence<ValueType> *)takeUntilBlock:(BOOL (^)(ValueType _Nullable x))predicate;
- /// Takes values until the given block returns `NO`.
- ///
- /// Returns a sequence of the initial values in the receiver that pass
- /// `predicate`. If `predicate` never returns `NO`, a sequence equivalent to the
- /// receiver is returned.
- - (RACSequence<ValueType> *)takeWhileBlock:(BOOL (^)(ValueType _Nullable x))predicate;
- /// Skips values until the given block returns `YES`.
- ///
- /// Returns a sequence containing the values of the receiver that follow any
- /// initial values failing `predicate`. If `predicate` never returns `YES`,
- /// an empty sequence is returned.
- - (RACSequence<ValueType> *)skipUntilBlock:(BOOL (^)(ValueType _Nullable x))predicate;
- /// Skips values until the given block returns `NO`.
- ///
- /// Returns a sequence containing the values of the receiver that follow any
- /// initial values passing `predicate`. If `predicate` never returns `NO`, an
- /// empty sequence is returned.
- - (RACSequence<ValueType> *)skipWhileBlock:(BOOL (^)(ValueType _Nullable x))predicate;
- /// Returns a sequence of values for which -isEqual: returns NO when compared to
- /// the previous value.
- - (RACSequence<ValueType> *)distinctUntilChanged;
- @end