@@ -1,17 +1,11 @@
-import { computed, ref } from "vue"
+import { ref } from "vue"
import { storeToRefs } from "pinia"
-import { trim } from "lodash"
import { saveAs } from "file-saver"
-import pptxgen from "pptxgenjs"
-import tinycolor from "tinycolor2"
import { toPng, toJpeg } from "html-to-image"
import { useSlidesStore } from "@/store"
-import type { PPTElementOutline, PPTElementShadow, PPTElementLink, Slide } from "@/types/slides"
-import { getElementRange, getLineElementPath, getTableSubThemeColor } from "@/utils/element"
-import { type AST, toAST } from "@/utils/htmlParser"
-import { type SvgPoints, toPoints } from "@/utils/svgPathParser"
-import { svg2Base64 } from "@/utils/svg2Base64"
import message from "@/utils/message"
+import { addCourseWareTask } from "@/worker/useCoursewaresWorker"
+import { downloadFile } from "@/libs/tools"
interface ExportImageConfig {
quality: number
@@ -23,13 +17,6 @@ export default () => {
const slidesStore = useSlidesStore()
const { slides, theme, viewportRatio, title, viewportSize } = storeToRefs(slidesStore)
- const ratioPx2Inch = computed(() => {
- return 96 * (viewportSize.value / 960)
- })
- const ratioPx2Pt = computed(() => {
- return (96 / 72) * (viewportSize.value / 960)
- })
const exporting = ref(false)
// 导出图片
@@ -63,755 +50,47 @@ export default () => {
// 导出JSON文件
const exportJSON = () => {
const json = {
- title: title.value,
width: viewportSize.value,
height: viewportSize.value * viewportRatio.value,
slides: slides.value,
theme: theme.value
- const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(json)], { type: "" })
+ const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(json)])
saveAs(blob, `${title.value}.json`)
- // 格式化颜色值为 透明度 + HexString,供pptxgenjs使用
- const formatColor = (_color: string) => {
- const c = tinycolor(_color)
- const alpha = c.getAlpha()
- const color = alpha === 0 ? "#ffffff" : c.setAlpha(1).toHexString()
- return {
- alpha,
- color
- }
- }
- type FormatColor = ReturnType<typeof formatColor>
- // 将HTML字符串格式化为pptxgenjs所需的格式
- // 核心思路:将HTML字符串按样式分片平铺,每个片段需要继承祖先元素的样式信息,遇到块级元素需要换行
- const formatHTML = (html: string) => {
- const ast = toAST(html)
- let bulletFlag = false
- let indent = 0
- const slices: pptxgen.TextProps[] = []
- const parse = (obj: AST[], baseStyleObj: { [key: string]: string } = {}) => {
- for (const item of obj) {
- const isBlockTag = "tagName" in item && ["div", "li", "p"].includes(item.tagName)
- if (isBlockTag && slices.length) {
- const lastSlice = slices[slices.length - 1]
- if (!lastSlice.options) lastSlice.options = {}
- lastSlice.options.breakLine = true
- }
- const styleObj = { ...baseStyleObj }
- const styleAttr = "attributes" in item ? item.attributes.find(attr => attr.key === "style") : null
- if (styleAttr && styleAttr.value) {
- const styleArr = styleAttr.value.split(";")
- for (const styleItem of styleArr) {
- const [_key, _value] = styleItem.split(": ")
- const [key, value] = [trim(_key), trim(_value)]
- if (key && value) styleObj[key] = value
- }
- }
- if ("tagName" in item) {
- if (item.tagName === "em") {
- styleObj["font-style"] = "italic"
- }
- if (item.tagName === "strong") {
- styleObj["font-weight"] = "bold"
- }
- if (item.tagName === "sup") {
- styleObj["vertical-align"] = "super"
- }
- if (item.tagName === "sub") {
- styleObj["vertical-align"] = "sub"
- }
- if (item.tagName === "a") {
- const attr = item.attributes.find(attr => attr.key === "href")
- styleObj["href"] = attr?.value || ""
- }
- if (item.tagName === "ul") {
- styleObj["list-type"] = "ul"
- }
- if (item.tagName === "ol") {
- styleObj["list-type"] = "ol"
- }
- if (item.tagName === "li") {
- bulletFlag = true
- }
- if (item.tagName === "p") {
- if ("attributes" in item) {
- const dataIndentAttr = item.attributes.find(attr => attr.key === "data-indent")
- if (dataIndentAttr && dataIndentAttr.value) indent = +dataIndentAttr.value
- }
- }
- }
- if ("tagName" in item && item.tagName === "br") {
- slices.push({ text: "", options: { breakLine: true } })
- } else if ("content" in item) {
- const text = item.content
- .replace(/ /g, " ")
- .replace(/>/g, ">")
- .replace(/</g, "<")
- .replace(/&/g, "&")
- .replace(/\n/g, "")
- const options: pptxgen.TextPropsOptions = {}
- if (styleObj["font-size"]) {
- options.fontSize = parseInt(styleObj["font-size"]) / ratioPx2Pt.value
- }
- if (styleObj["color"]) {
- options.color = formatColor(styleObj["color"]).color
- }
- if (styleObj["background-color"]) {
- options.highlight = formatColor(styleObj["background-color"]).color
- }
- if (styleObj["text-decoration-line"]) {
- if (styleObj["text-decoration-line"].indexOf("underline") !== -1) {
- options.underline = {
- color: options.color || "#000000",
- style: "sng"
- }
- }
- if (styleObj["text-decoration-line"].indexOf("line-through") !== -1) {
- options.strike = "sngStrike"
- }
- }
- if (styleObj["text-decoration"]) {
- if (styleObj["text-decoration"].indexOf("underline") !== -1) {
- options.underline = {
- color: options.color || "#000000",
- style: "sng"
- }
- }
- if (styleObj["text-decoration"].indexOf("line-through") !== -1) {
- options.strike = "sngStrike"
- }
- }
- if (styleObj["vertical-align"]) {
- if (styleObj["vertical-align"] === "super") options.superscript = true
- if (styleObj["vertical-align"] === "sub") options.subscript = true
- }
- if (styleObj["text-align"]) options.align = styleObj["text-align"] as pptxgen.HAlign
- if (styleObj["font-weight"]) options.bold = styleObj["font-weight"] === "bold"
- if (styleObj["font-style"]) options.italic = styleObj["font-style"] === "italic"
- if (styleObj["font-family"]) options.fontFace = styleObj["font-family"]
- if (styleObj["href"]) options.hyperlink = { url: styleObj["href"] }
- if (bulletFlag && styleObj["list-type"] === "ol") {
- options.bullet = { type: "number", indent: (options.fontSize || 20) * 1.25 }
- options.paraSpaceBefore = 0.1
- bulletFlag = false
- }
- if (bulletFlag && styleObj["list-type"] === "ul") {
- options.bullet = { indent: (options.fontSize || 20) * 1.25 }
- options.paraSpaceBefore = 0.1
- bulletFlag = false
- }
- if (indent) {
- options.indentLevel = indent
- indent = 0
- }
- slices.push({ text, options })
- } else if ("children" in item) parse(item.children, styleObj)
- }
- }
- parse(ast)
- return slices
- }
- type Points = Array<
- | { x: number; y: number; moveTo?: boolean }
- | { x: number; y: number; curve: { type: "arc"; hR: number; wR: number; stAng: number; swAng: number } }
- | { x: number; y: number; curve: { type: "quadratic"; x1: number; y1: number } }
- | { x: number; y: number; curve: { type: "cubic"; x1: number; y1: number; x2: number; y2: number } }
- | { close: true }
- >
- // 将SVG路径信息格式化为pptxgenjs所需要的格式
- const formatPoints = (points: SvgPoints, scale = { x: 1, y: 1 }): Points => {
- return points.map(point => {
- if (point.close !== undefined) {
- return { close: true }
- } else if (point.type === "M") {
- return {
- x: (point.x / ratioPx2Inch.value) * scale.x,
- y: (point.y / ratioPx2Inch.value) * scale.y,
- moveTo: true
- }
- } else if (point.curve) {
- if (point.curve.type === "cubic") {
- return {
- x: (point.x / ratioPx2Inch.value) * scale.x,
- y: (point.y / ratioPx2Inch.value) * scale.y,
- curve: {
- type: "cubic",
- x1: ((point.curve.x1 as number) / ratioPx2Inch.value) * scale.x,
- y1: ((point.curve.y1 as number) / ratioPx2Inch.value) * scale.y,
- x2: ((point.curve.x2 as number) / ratioPx2Inch.value) * scale.x,
- y2: ((point.curve.y2 as number) / ratioPx2Inch.value) * scale.y
- }
- }
- } else if (point.curve.type === "quadratic") {
- return {
- x: (point.x / ratioPx2Inch.value) * scale.x,
- y: (point.y / ratioPx2Inch.value) * scale.y,
- curve: {
- type: "quadratic",
- x1: ((point.curve.x1 as number) / ratioPx2Inch.value) * scale.x,
- y1: ((point.curve.y1 as number) / ratioPx2Inch.value) * scale.y
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return {
- x: (point.x / ratioPx2Inch.value) * scale.x,
- y: (point.y / ratioPx2Inch.value) * scale.y
- }
- })
- }
- // 获取阴影配置
- const getShadowOption = (shadow: PPTElementShadow): pptxgen.ShadowProps => {
- const c = formatColor(shadow.color)
- const { h, v } = shadow
- let offset = 4
- let angle = 45
- if (h === 0 && v === 0) {
- offset = 4
- angle = 45
- } else if (h === 0) {
- if (v > 0) {
- offset = v
- angle = 90
- } else {
- offset = -v
- angle = 270
- }
- } else if (v === 0) {
- if (h > 0) {
- offset = h
- angle = 1
- } else {
- offset = -h
- angle = 180
- }
- } else if (h > 0 && v > 0) {
- offset = Math.max(h, v)
- angle = 45
- } else if (h > 0 && v < 0) {
- offset = Math.max(h, -v)
- angle = 315
- } else if (h < 0 && v > 0) {
- offset = Math.max(-h, v)
- angle = 135
- } else if (h < 0 && v < 0) {
- offset = Math.max(-h, -v)
- angle = 225
- }
- return {
- type: "outer",
- color: c.color.replace("#", ""),
- opacity: c.alpha,
- blur: shadow.blur / ratioPx2Pt.value,
- offset,
- angle
- }
- }
- const dashTypeMap = {
- solid: "solid",
- dashed: "dash",
- dotted: "sysDot"
- }
- // 获取边框配置
- const getOutlineOption = (outline: PPTElementOutline): pptxgen.ShapeLineProps => {
- const c = formatColor(outline?.color || "#000000")
- return {
- color: c.color,
- transparency: (1 - c.alpha) * 100,
- width: (outline.width || 1) / ratioPx2Pt.value,
- dashType: outline.style ? (dashTypeMap[outline.style] as "solid" | "dash" | "sysDot") : "solid"
- }
- }
- // 获取超链接配置
- const getLinkOption = (link: PPTElementLink): pptxgen.HyperlinkProps | null => {
- const { type, target } = link
- if (type === "web") return { url: target }
- if (type === "slide") {
- const index = slides.value.findIndex(slide => slide.id === target)
- if (index !== -1) return { slide: index + 1 }
- }
- return null
- }
- // 判断是否为Base64图片地址
- const isBase64Image = (url: string) => {
- const regex = /^data:image\/[^;]+;base64,/
- return url.match(regex) !== null
- }
// 导出PPTX文件
- const exportPPTX = (_slides: Slide[], masterOverwrite: boolean, ignoreMedia: boolean) => {
- exporting.value = true
- const pptx = new pptxgen()
- if (viewportRatio.value === 0.625) pptx.layout = "LAYOUT_16x10"
- else if (viewportRatio.value === 0.75) pptx.layout = "LAYOUT_4x3"
- else if (viewportRatio.value === 0.70710678) {
- pptx.defineLayout({ name: "A3", width: 10, height: 7.0710678 })
- pptx.layout = "A3"
- } else if (viewportRatio.value === 1.41421356) {
- pptx.defineLayout({ name: "A3_V", width: 10, height: 14.1421356 })
- pptx.layout = "A3_V"
- } else pptx.layout = "LAYOUT_16x9"
- if (masterOverwrite) {
- const { color: bgColor, alpha: bgAlpha } = formatColor(theme.value.backgroundColor)
- pptx.defineSlideMaster({
- title: "PPTIST_MASTER",
- background: { color: bgColor, transparency: (1 - bgAlpha) * 100 }
- })
+ const exportPPTX = () => {
+ const json = {
+ width: viewportSize.value,
+ height: viewportSize.value * viewportRatio.value,
+ slides: slides.value,
+ theme: theme.value
- for (const slide of _slides) {
- const pptxSlide = pptx.addSlide()
- if (slide.background) {
- const background = slide.background
- if (background.type === "image" && background.image) {
- if (isBase64Image(background.image.src)) pptxSlide.background = { data: background.image.src }
- else pptxSlide.background = { path: background.image.src }
- } else if (background.type === "solid" && background.color) {
- const c = formatColor(background.color)
- pptxSlide.background = { color: c.color, transparency: (1 - c.alpha) * 100 }
- } else if (background.type === "gradient" && background.gradient) {
- const colors = background.gradient.colors
- const color1 = colors[0].color
- const color2 = colors[colors.length - 1].color
- const color = tinycolor.mix(color1, color2).toHexString()
- const c = formatColor(color)
- pptxSlide.background = { color: c.color, transparency: (1 - c.alpha) * 100 }
+ const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(json)])
+ const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
+ addCourseWareTask(
+ {
+ type: "downloadCourseware",
+ extra: {
+ id: "",
+ type: "pptx",
+ outputName: `${title.value}.pptx`,
+ name: title.value,
+ jsonUrl: url
- }
- if (slide.remark) pptxSlide.addNotes(slide.remark)
- if (!slide.elements) continue
- for (const el of slide.elements) {
- if (el.type === "text") {
- const textProps = formatHTML(el.content)
- const options: pptxgen.TextPropsOptions = {
- x: el.left / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- y: el.top / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- w: el.width / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- h: el.height / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- fontSize: 20 / ratioPx2Pt.value,
- fontFace: "微软雅黑",
- color: "#000000",
- valign: "top",
- margin: 10 / ratioPx2Pt.value,
- paraSpaceBefore: 5 / ratioPx2Pt.value,
- lineSpacingMultiple: 1.5 / 1.25,
- autoFit: true
- }
- if (el.rotate) options.rotate = el.rotate
- if (el.wordSpace) options.charSpacing = el.wordSpace / ratioPx2Pt.value
- if (el.lineHeight) options.lineSpacingMultiple = el.lineHeight / 1.25
- if (el.fill) {
- const c = formatColor(el.fill)
- const opacity = el.opacity === undefined ? 1 : el.opacity
- options.fill = { color: c.color, transparency: (1 - c.alpha * opacity) * 100 }
- }
- if (el.defaultColor) options.color = formatColor(el.defaultColor).color
- if (el.defaultFontName) options.fontFace = el.defaultFontName
- if (el.shadow) options.shadow = getShadowOption(el.shadow)
- if (el.outline?.width) options.line = getOutlineOption(el.outline)
- if (el.opacity !== undefined) options.transparency = (1 - el.opacity) * 100
- if (el.paragraphSpace !== undefined) options.paraSpaceBefore = el.paragraphSpace / ratioPx2Pt.value
- if (el.vertical) options.vert = "eaVert"
- pptxSlide.addText(textProps, options)
- } else if (el.type === "image") {
- const options: pptxgen.ImageProps = {
- x: el.left / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- y: el.top / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- w: el.width / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- h: el.height / ratioPx2Inch.value
- }
- if (isBase64Image(el.src)) options.data = el.src
- else options.path = el.src
- if (el.flipH) options.flipH = el.flipH
- if (el.flipV) options.flipV = el.flipV
- if (el.rotate) options.rotate = el.rotate
- if (el.link) {
- const linkOption = getLinkOption(el.link)
- if (linkOption) options.hyperlink = linkOption
- }
- if (el.filters?.opacity) options.transparency = 100 - parseInt(el.filters?.opacity)
- if (el.clip) {
- if (el.clip.shape === "ellipse") options.rounding = true
- const [start, end] = el.clip.range
- const [startX, startY] = start
- const [endX, endY] = end
- const originW = el.width / ((endX - startX) / ratioPx2Inch.value)
- const originH = el.height / ((endY - startY) / ratioPx2Inch.value)
- options.w = originW / ratioPx2Inch.value
- options.h = originH / ratioPx2Inch.value
- options.sizing = {
- type: "crop",
- x: ((startX / ratioPx2Inch.value) * originW) / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- y: ((startY / ratioPx2Inch.value) * originH) / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- w: (((endX - startX) / ratioPx2Inch.value) * originW) / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- h: (((endY - startY) / ratioPx2Inch.value) * originH) / ratioPx2Inch.value
- }
- }
- pptxSlide.addImage(options)
- } else if (el.type === "shape") {
- if (el.special) {
- const svgRef = document.querySelector(`.thumbnail-list .base-element-${el.id} svg`) as HTMLElement
- if (svgRef.clientWidth < 1 || svgRef.clientHeight < 1) continue // 临时处理(导入PPTX文件带来的异常数据)
- const base64SVG = svg2Base64(svgRef)
- const options: pptxgen.ImageProps = {
- data: base64SVG,
- x: el.left / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- y: el.top / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- w: el.width / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- h: el.height / ratioPx2Inch.value
- }
- if (el.rotate) options.rotate = el.rotate
- if (el.link) {
- const linkOption = getLinkOption(el.link)
- if (linkOption) options.hyperlink = linkOption
- }
- pptxSlide.addImage(options)
- } else {
- const scale = {
- x: el.width / el.viewBox[0],
- y: el.height / el.viewBox[1]
- }
- const points = formatPoints(toPoints(el.path), scale)
- let fillColor = formatColor(el.fill)
- if (el.gradient) {
- const colors = el.gradient.colors
- const color1 = colors[0].color
- const color2 = colors[colors.length - 1].color
- const color = tinycolor.mix(color1, color2).toHexString()
- fillColor = formatColor(color)
- }
- const opacity = el.opacity === undefined ? 1 : el.opacity
- const options: pptxgen.ShapeProps = {
- x: el.left / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- y: el.top / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- w: el.width / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- h: el.height / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- fill: { color: fillColor.color, transparency: (1 - fillColor.alpha * opacity) * 100 },
- points
- }
- if (el.flipH) options.flipH = el.flipH
- if (el.flipV) options.flipV = el.flipV
- if (el.shadow) options.shadow = getShadowOption(el.shadow)
- if (el.outline?.width) options.line = getOutlineOption(el.outline)
- if (el.rotate) options.rotate = el.rotate
- if (el.link) {
- const linkOption = getLinkOption(el.link)
- if (linkOption) options.hyperlink = linkOption
- }
- pptxSlide.addShape("custGeom" as pptxgen.ShapeType, options)
- }
- if (el.text) {
- const textProps = formatHTML(el.text.content)
- const options: pptxgen.TextPropsOptions = {
- x: el.left / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- y: el.top / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- w: el.width / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- h: el.height / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- fontSize: 20 / ratioPx2Pt.value,
- fontFace: "微软雅黑",
- color: "#000000",
- paraSpaceBefore: 5 / ratioPx2Pt.value,
- valign: el.text.align
- }
- if (el.rotate) options.rotate = el.rotate
- if (el.text.defaultColor) options.color = formatColor(el.text.defaultColor).color
- if (el.text.defaultFontName) options.fontFace = el.text.defaultFontName
- pptxSlide.addText(textProps, options)
- }
- } else if (el.type === "line") {
- const path = getLineElementPath(el)
- const points = formatPoints(toPoints(path))
- const { minX, maxX, minY, maxY } = getElementRange(el)
- const c = formatColor(el.color)
- const options: pptxgen.ShapeProps = {
- x: el.left / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- y: el.top / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- w: (maxX - minX) / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- h: (maxY - minY) / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- line: {
- color: c.color,
- transparency: (1 - c.alpha) * 100,
- width: el.width / ratioPx2Pt.value,
- dashType: dashTypeMap[el.style] as "solid" | "dash" | "sysDot",
- beginArrowType: el.points[0] ? "arrow" : "none",
- endArrowType: el.points[1] ? "arrow" : "none"
- },
- points
- }
- if (el.shadow) options.shadow = getShadowOption(el.shadow)
- pptxSlide.addShape("custGeom" as pptxgen.ShapeType, options)
- } else if (el.type === "chart") {
- const chartData = []
- for (let i = 0; i < el.data.series.length; i++) {
- const item = el.data.series[i]
- chartData.push({
- name: `系列${i + 1}`,
- labels: el.data.labels,
- values: item
- })
- }
- let chartColors: string[] = []
- if (el.themeColors.length === 10) chartColors = el.themeColors.map(color => formatColor(color).color)
- else if (el.themeColors.length === 1)
- chartColors = tinycolor(el.themeColors[0])
- .analogous(10)
- .map(color => formatColor(color.toHexString()).color)
- else {
- const len = el.themeColors.length
- const supplement = tinycolor(el.themeColors[len - 1])
- .analogous(10 + 1 - len)
- .map(color => color.toHexString())
- chartColors = [...el.themeColors.slice(0, len - 1), ...supplement].map(color => formatColor(color).color)
- }
- const options: pptxgen.IChartOpts = {
- x: el.left / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- y: el.top / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- w: el.width / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- h: el.height / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- chartColors: el.chartType === "pie" || el.chartType === "ring" ? chartColors : chartColors.slice(0, el.data.series.length)
- }
- const textColor = formatColor(el.textColor || "#000000").color
- options.catAxisLabelColor = textColor
- options.valAxisLabelColor = textColor
- const fontSize = 14 / ratioPx2Pt.value
- options.catAxisLabelFontSize = fontSize
- options.valAxisLabelFontSize = fontSize
- if (el.fill || el.outline) {
- const plotArea: pptxgen.IChartPropsFillLine = {}
- if (el.fill) {
- plotArea.fill = { color: formatColor(el.fill).color }
- }
- if (el.outline) {
- plotArea.border = {
- pt: el.outline.width! / ratioPx2Pt.value,
- color: formatColor(el.outline.color!).color
- }
- }
- options.plotArea = plotArea
- }
- if ((el.data.series.length > 1 && el.chartType !== "scatter") || el.chartType === "pie" || el.chartType === "ring") {
- options.showLegend = true
- options.legendPos = "b"
- options.legendColor = textColor
- options.legendFontSize = fontSize
- }
- let type = pptx.ChartType.bar
- if (el.chartType === "bar") {
- type = pptx.ChartType.bar
- options.barDir = "col"
- if (el.options?.stack) options.barGrouping = "stacked"
- } else if (el.chartType === "column") {
- type = pptx.ChartType.bar
- options.barDir = "bar"
- if (el.options?.stack) options.barGrouping = "stacked"
- } else if (el.chartType === "line") {
- type = pptx.ChartType.line
- if (el.options?.lineSmooth) options.lineSmooth = true
- } else if (el.chartType === "area") {
- type = pptx.ChartType.area
- } else if (el.chartType === "radar") {
- type = pptx.ChartType.radar
- } else if (el.chartType === "scatter") {
- type = pptx.ChartType.scatter
- options.lineSize = 0
- } else if (el.chartType === "pie") {
- type = pptx.ChartType.pie
- } else if (el.chartType === "ring") {
- type = pptx.ChartType.doughnut
- options.holeSize = 60
- }
- pptxSlide.addChart(type, chartData, options)
- } else if (el.type === "table") {
- const hiddenCells = []
- for (let i = 0; i < el.data.length; i++) {
- const rowData = el.data[i]
- for (let j = 0; j < rowData.length; j++) {
- const cell = rowData[j]
- if (cell.colspan > 1 || cell.rowspan > 1) {
- for (let row = i; row < i + cell.rowspan; row++) {
- for (let col = row === i ? j + 1 : j; col < j + cell.colspan; col++) hiddenCells.push(`${row}_${col}`)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- const tableData = []
- const theme = el.theme
- let themeColor: FormatColor | null = null
- let subThemeColors: FormatColor[] = []
- if (theme) {
- themeColor = formatColor(theme.color)
- subThemeColors = getTableSubThemeColor(theme.color).map(item => formatColor(item))
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < el.data.length; i++) {
- const row = el.data[i]
- const _row = []
- for (let j = 0; j < row.length; j++) {
- const cell = row[j]
- const cellOptions: pptxgen.TableCellProps = {
- colspan: cell.colspan,
- rowspan: cell.rowspan,
- bold: cell.style?.bold || false,
- italic: cell.style?.em || false,
- underline: { style: cell.style?.underline ? "sng" : "none" },
- align: cell.style?.align || "left",
- valign: "middle",
- fontFace: cell.style?.fontname || "微软雅黑",
- fontSize: (cell.style?.fontsize ? parseInt(cell.style?.fontsize) : 14) / ratioPx2Pt.value
- }
- if (theme && themeColor) {
- let c: FormatColor
- if (i % 2 === 0) c = subThemeColors[1]
- else c = subThemeColors[0]
- if (theme.rowHeader && i === 0) c = themeColor
- else if (theme.rowFooter && i === el.data.length - 1) c = themeColor
- else if (theme.colHeader && j === 0) c = themeColor
- else if (theme.colFooter && j === row.length - 1) c = themeColor
- cellOptions.fill = { color: c.color, transparency: (1 - c.alpha) * 100 }
- }
- if (cell.style?.backcolor) {
- const c = formatColor(cell.style.backcolor)
- cellOptions.fill = { color: c.color, transparency: (1 - c.alpha) * 100 }
- }
- if (cell.style?.color) cellOptions.color = formatColor(cell.style.color).color
- if (!hiddenCells.includes(`${i}_${j}`)) {
- _row.push({
- text: cell.text,
- options: cellOptions
- })
- }
- }
- if (_row.length) tableData.push(_row)
- }
- const options: pptxgen.TableProps = {
- x: el.left / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- y: el.top / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- w: el.width / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- h: el.height / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- colW: el.colWidths.map(item => (el.width * item) / ratioPx2Inch.value)
- }
- if (el.theme) options.fill = { color: "#ffffff" }
- if (el.outline.width && el.outline.color) {
- options.border = {
- type: el.outline.style === "solid" ? "solid" : "dash",
- pt: el.outline.width / ratioPx2Pt.value,
- color: formatColor(el.outline.color).color
- }
- }
- pptxSlide.addTable(tableData, options)
- } else if (el.type === "latex") {
- const svgRef = document.querySelector(`.thumbnail-list .base-element-${el.id} svg`) as HTMLElement
- const base64SVG = svg2Base64(svgRef)
- const options: pptxgen.ImageProps = {
- data: base64SVG,
- x: el.left / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- y: el.top / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- w: el.width / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- h: el.height / ratioPx2Inch.value
- }
- if (el.link) {
- const linkOption = getLinkOption(el.link)
- if (linkOption) options.hyperlink = linkOption
- }
- pptxSlide.addImage(options)
- } else if (!ignoreMedia && (el.type === "video" || el.type === "audio")) {
- const options: pptxgen.MediaProps = {
- x: el.left / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- y: el.top / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- w: el.width / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- h: el.height / ratioPx2Inch.value,
- path: el.src,
- type: el.type
- }
- if (el.type === "video" && el.poster) options.cover = el.poster
- const extMatch = el.src.match(/\.([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?:[\?#]|$)/)
- if (extMatch && extMatch[1]) options.extn = extMatch[1]
- else if (el.ext) options.extn = el.ext
- const videoExts = ["avi", "mp4", "m4v", "mov", "wmv"]
- const audioExts = ["mp3", "m4a", "mp4", "wav", "wma"]
- if (options.extn && [...videoExts, ...audioExts].includes(options.extn)) {
- pptxSlide.addMedia(options)
+ },
+ e => {
+ console.log(e, "导出")
+ if (e.progress === 100) {
+ if (e.status === "done") {
+ const { extra = {} } = e
+ const { name, buffer } = extra
+ downloadFile(new Blob([buffer]), name)
- }
- setTimeout(() => {
- pptx
- .writeFile({ fileName: `${title.value}.pptx` })
- .then(() => (exporting.value = false))
- .catch(() => {
- exporting.value = false
- message.error("导出失败")
- })
- }, 200)
+ )
return {