

lex 1 年之前
共有 100 個文件被更改,包括 4763 次插入34 次删除
  1. 2 1
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+ 2 - 1

@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module.exports = {
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+ 1 - 1

@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ define(['./workbox-5357ef54'], (function (workbox) { 'use strict';
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 610 - 32

+ 11 - 0

@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
     "prepare": "husky install"
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+    "@tencentcloud/chat": "^3.1.1",
+    "@tencentcloud/chat-uikit-vue": "^1.4.5",
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@@ -42,7 +44,13 @@
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@@ -51,6 +59,7 @@
     "vue-router": "^4.1.6",
     "vue3-lottie": "^2.7.0",
     "vuedraggable": "^4.1.0",
+    "vuex": "^4.1.0",
     "wavesurfer.js": "^7.0.0-beta.11"
   "devDependencies": {
@@ -81,6 +90,8 @@
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+    "sass-loader": "^10.1.1",
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     "vite": "^4.2.1",

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+module.exports = {
+  root: true,
+  env: {
+    node: true
+  },
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+    'plugin:vue/vue3-essential',
+    'eslint:recommended',
+    '@vue/typescript/recommended'
+  ],
+  parserOptions: {
+    ecmaVersion: 2020
+  },
+  rules: {
+    'no-console': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'warn' : 'off',
+    'no-debugger': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'warn' : 'off',
+    '@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires': 0,
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+    'vue/multi-word-component-names': 0,
+    'no-unsafe-optional-chaining': 'off'
+  }

+ 330 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+## 关于腾讯云即时通信 IM
+腾讯云即时通信(Instant Messaging,IM)基于 QQ 底层 IM 能力开发,仅需植入 SDK 即可轻松集成聊天、会话、群组、资料管理能力,帮助您实现文字、图片、短语音、短视频等富媒体消息收发,全面满足通信需要。
+## 关于 chat-uikit-vue
+chat-uikit-vue 是基于腾讯云 Web IM SDK 的一款 VUE UI 组件库,它提供了一些通用的 UI 组件,包含会话、聊天、音视频通话、关系链、资料、群组等功能。基于 UI 组件您可以像搭积木一样快速搭建起自己的业务逻辑。
+chat-uikit-vue 中的组件在实现 UI 功能的同时,会调用 IM SDK 相应的接口实现 IM 相关逻辑和数据的处理,因而开发者在使用 chat-uikit-vue 时只需关注自身业务或个性化扩展即可。
+chat-uikit-vue Web 端 和 H5 端界面效果如下图所示:
+<img width="1015" alt="page02" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57951148/192585298-c79960ed-a6a9-4927-89b9-31c1b3f68740.png">
+<img width="2072" alt="page00" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57951148/192585375-6260280f-4a67-4b64-a908-efcedee1c253.png">
+本文介绍如何快速集成腾讯云 Web IM SDK 的 VUE UI 组件库。对于其他平台,请参考文档:
+## 发送您的第一条消息
+### 开发环境要求
+- Vue 3
+- TypeScript
+- sass(sass-loader 版本 <= 10.1.1)
+- node(12.13.0 <= node 版本 <= 17.0.0, 推荐使用 Node.js 官方 LTS 版本 16.17.0)
+- npm(版本请与 node 版本匹配)
+### TUIKit 源码集成 - github方式集成
+#### 步骤 1:创建项目
+TUIKit 支持使用 webpack 或 vite 创建项目工程,配置 Vue3 + TypeScript + sass。
+以下是使用 vue-cli 搭建项目工程示例,vite 及 create-vue 搭建示例请参考官网教程 [集成 TUIKit 基础功能](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/269/68493)。
+使用 vue-cli 方式创建项目, 配置 Vue3 + TypeScript + sass。
+如果您尚未安装 vue-cli ,可以在 terminal 或 cmd 中采用如下方式进行安装:
+npm install -g @vue/cli@4.5.0 sass sass-loader@10.1.1
+通过 vue-cli 创建项目,并选择下图中所选配置项。
+vue create chat-example
+cd chat-example
+#### 步骤 2:下载 TUIKit 组件
+通过 `git clone` 方式下载 TUIKit 组件及其相关依赖, 为了方便您的后续使用,建议您通过以下命令将整个 `chat-uikit-vue` 复制到您项目的 src目录下,并重命名为TUIKit:
+# 项目根目录命令行执行
+git clone https://github.com/TencentCloud/chat-uikit-vue.git
+# 移动并重命名到src目录下
+# macOS
+mv chat-uikit-vue/TUIKit src/TUIKit
+# windows
+move chat-uikit-vue\TUIKit src\TUIKit
+# 安装TUIKit依赖
+npm i @tencentcloud/chat-uikit-vue --legacy-peer-deps
+<img width="300" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57951148/192585499-1a4edd85-43cc-4527-9f39-494b7d7e625a.png"/>
+#### 步骤 3:引入 TUIKit 组件
+在 main.ts 中,引入 TUIKit,并注册到 Vue 项目实例中:
+import { createApp } from 'vue';
+import App from './App.vue';
+import { TUIComponents, TUICore, genTestUserSig } from './TUIKit';
+// import TUICallKit
+import { TUICallKit } from '@tencentcloud/call-uikit-vue';
+const SDKAppID = 0; // Your SDKAppID
+const secretKey = ''; //Your secretKey
+const userID = ''; // User ID
+// init TUIKit
+const TUIKit = TUICore.init({
+  SDKAppID,
+// TUIKit add TUIComponents
+// TUIKit add TUICallKit
+// login TUIKit
+  userID: userID,
+  userSig: genTestUserSig({
+    SDKAppID,
+    secretKey,
+    userID,
+  }).userSig, // The password with which the user logs in to IM. It is the ciphertext generated by encrypting information such as userID.For the detailed generation method, see Generating UserSig
+#### 步骤 4: 获取 SDKAppID 、密钥与 userID
+设置 main.ts 文件示例代码中的相关参数 SDKAppID、secretKey 以及 userID ,其中 SDKAppID 和密钥等信息,可通过 [即时通信 IM 控制台](https://console.cloud.tencent.com/im) 获取,单击目标应用卡片,进入应用的基础配置页面。例如:  
+userID 信息,可通过 [即时通信 IM 控制台](https://console.cloud.tencent.com/im) 进行创建和获取,单击目标应用卡片,进入应用的账号管理页面,即可创建账号并获取 userID。例如:  
+![create user](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57951148/192585588-c5300d12-6bb5-45a4-831b-f7d733573840.png)
+#### 步骤 5:调用 TUIKit 组件
+在需要展示的页面,调用 TUIKit 的组件即可使用。
+例如:在 App.vue 页面中,使用 TUIConversation、TUIChat、TUISearch 快速搭建聊天界面。
+  <div class="home-TUIKit-main">
+    <div
+      :class="env?.isH5 ? 'conversation-h5' : 'conversation'"
+      v-show="!env?.isH5 || currentModel === 'conversation'"
+    >
+      <TUISearch class="search" />
+      <TUIConversation @current="handleCurrentConversation" />
+    </div>
+    <div class="chat" v-show="!env?.isH5 || currentModel === 'message'">
+      <TUIChat>
+        <h1>欢迎使用腾讯云即时通信IM</h1>
+      </TUIChat>
+    </div>
+    <!-- TUICallKit 组件:通话 UI 组件主体 -->
+    <TUICallKit
+      :class="!showCallMini ? 'callkit-drag-container' : 'callkit-drag-container-mini'"
+      :allowedMinimized="true"
+      :allowedFullScreen="false"
+      :beforeCalling="beforeCalling"
+      :afterCalling="afterCalling"
+      :onMinimized="onMinimized"
+      :onMessageSentByMe="onMessageSentByMe"
+    />
+  </div>
+<script lang="ts">
+import { defineComponent, reactive, toRefs } from "vue";
+import { TUIEnv } from "./TUIKit/TUIPlugin";
+import { handleErrorPrompts } from "./TUIKit/TUIComponents/container/utils";
+export default defineComponent({
+  name: "App",
+  setup() {
+    const data = reactive({
+      env: TUIEnv(),
+      currentModel: "conversation",
+      showCall: false,
+      showCallMini: false,
+    });
+    const TUIServer = (window as any)?.TUIKitTUICore?.TUIServer;
+    const handleCurrentConversation = (value: string) => {
+      data.currentModel = value ? "message" : "conversation";
+    };
+    // beforeCalling:在拨打电话前与收到通话邀请前执行
+    const beforeCalling = (type: string, error: any) => {
+      if (error) {
+        handleErrorPrompts(error, type);
+        return;
+      }
+      data.showCall = true;
+    };
+    // afterCalling:结束通话后执行
+    const afterCalling = () => {
+      data.showCall = false;
+      data.showCallMini = false;
+    };
+    // onMinimized:组件切换最小化状态时执行
+    const onMinimized = (
+      oldMinimizedStatus: boolean,
+      newMinimizedStatus: boolean
+    ) => {
+      data.showCall = !newMinimizedStatus;
+      data.showCallMini = newMinimizedStatus;
+    };
+    // onMessageSentByMe:在整个通话过程内发送消息时执行
+    const onMessageSentByMe = async (message: any) => {
+      TUIServer?.TUIChat?.handleMessageSentByMeToView(message);
+      return;
+    };
+    return {
+      ...toRefs(data),
+      handleCurrentConversation,
+      beforeCalling,
+      afterCalling,
+      onMinimized,
+      onMessageSentByMe,
+    };
+  },
+<style scoped>
+.home-TUIKit-main {
+  display: flex;
+  height: 100vh;
+  overflow: hidden;
+.search {
+  padding: 12px;
+.conversation {
+  min-width: 285px;
+  flex: 0 0 24%;
+  border-right: 1px solid #f4f5f9;
+.conversation-h5 {
+  flex: 1;
+  border-right: 1px solid #f4f5f9;
+.chat {
+  flex: 1;
+  height: 100%;
+  position: relative;
+.callkit-drag-container {
+  position: fixed;
+  left: calc(50% - 25rem);
+  top: calc(50% - 18rem);
+  width: 50rem;
+  height: 36rem;
+  border-radius: 16px;
+  box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16) 0px 3px 6px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23) 0px 3px 6px;
+.callkit-drag-container-mini {
+  position: fixed;
+  width: 168px;
+  height: 56px;
+  right: 10px;
+  top: 70px;
+#### 步骤 6:启动项目
+npm run serve
+#### 步骤 7:发送您的第一条消息
+![send your first message](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57951148/192585549-2cc65785-0d6d-4d48-a0ce-0abe0b927bf4.png)
+#### 步骤 8: 拨打您的第一通电话
+自 @tencentcloud/chat-uikit-vue v1.4.0 版本起自动接入音视频通话功能,无需手动集成。
+如果您是 v1.4.0 以下版本,可以通过接入 call-uikit-vue 体验通话功能。详情请参考 [音视频通话 ( Web & H5 )](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/269/79861) 
+ <img width="1015" alt="page05" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57951148/196082955-e046f0b1-bba2-491d-91b3-f30f2c6f4aae.png">
+### 常见问题
+#### 1. TUIKit 与 Demo 有何区别?
+<table style="text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; width:1000px">
+  <tr>
+    <th style="text-align:center;" width="500px">TUIKit 运行效果</th>
+    <th style="text-align:center;" width="500px">Demo 运行效果</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><img style="width:500px" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57951148/225872424-c530e7ef-593d-472a-a77d-420d18bafefa.png"/></td>
+    <td><img style="width:500px" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57951148/225871366-f24b0abe-2829-4886-83fe-eb129338380a.png"/></td>
+   </tr>
+TUIKit 是基于腾讯云 Web IM SDK 的一款 VUE UI 组件库,它提供了一些通用的 UI 组件,包含会话、聊天、音视频通话、关系链、资料、群组等功能。通过以上“TUIKit 源码集成”教程,您可以快速接入并体验 TUIKit 中的基础功能,并可以直接将 TUIKit 集成到您的现有项目中进行使用。
+Demo 是基于 TUIKit 搭建的一套完整的 即时通信含 UI 解决方案,他是一个基于 VUE3 + TS + TUIKit 的完整项目,其 views/Home.vue 文件中展示了丰富的 TUIKit 组合使用方案供您参考使用。
+#### 2. 什么是 UserSig?
+UserSig 是用户登录即时通信 IM 的密码,其本质是对 UserID 等信息加密后得到的密文。
+#### 3. 如何生成 UserSig?
+UserSig 签发方式是将 UserSig 的计算代码集成到您的服务端,并提供面向项目的接口,在需要 UserSig 时由您的项目向业务服务器发起请求获取动态 UserSig。更多详情请参见 [服务端生成 UserSig](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/269/32688#GeneratingdynamicUserSig)。
+> !
+> 本文示例代码采用的获取 UserSig 的方案是在客户端代码中配置 SECRETKEY,该方法中 SECRETKEY 很容易被反编译逆向破解,一旦您的密钥泄露,攻击者就可以盗用您的腾讯云流量,因此**该方法仅适合本地跑通功能调试**。 正确的 UserSig 签发方式请参见上文。
+#### 4. Component name "XXXX" should always be multi-word
+- IM TUIKit web 所使用的 ESLint 版本为 v6.7.2 ,对于模块名的驼峰式格式并不进行严格校验
+- 如果您出现此问题,您可以在 .eslintrc.js 文件中进行如下配置:
+module.exports = {
+  ...
+  rules: {
+    ...
+    'vue/multi-word-component-names': 'warn',
+  },
+### 相关文档
+- [快速跑通 Demo](https://github.com/TencentCloud/chat-uikit-vue/tree/main/Demo)
+- [@tencentcloud/chat-uikit-vue npm仓库](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@tencentcloud/chat-uikit-vue)
+- [SDK API手册](https://web.sdk.qcloud.com/im/doc/zh-cn/SDK.html)
+- [SDK 更新日志](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/269/38492)
+- [音视频通话](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/269/79861) 

+ 117 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+## 1.4.5 (2023-07-26)
+### 新增
+- 升级全新 V3 @tencentcloud/chat
+### 修复
+- 修复 "创建群聊" 消息 解析问题
+- 修复已知问题,提升稳定性
+## 1.4.4 (2023-06-16)
+### 修复
+- 修复 群评价消息 解析失败问题
+- 修复 @ 功能搜索选中 问题
+- 修复已知问题,提升稳定性
+## 1.4.3 (2023-05-10)
+### 修复
+- 修复 会话列表 消息在线状态 失效问题
+## 1.4.2 (2023-04-26)
+### 新增
+- 支持 创建群聊消息提示 解析显示
+## 1.4.1 (2023-03-31)
+### 新增
+- 支持 消息记录列表 显示消息时间
+### 修复
+- 修复 样式污染问题
+- 修复 H5 系统键盘覆盖输入框 问题
+- 修复 H5 大表情样式 问题
+## 1.4.0 (2023-03-24)
+### 新增
+- 支持 vite & webpack 接入,详见[集成 TUIKit](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/269/68493)
+- 支持 音视频通话(TUICallKit) 功能自动集成
+### 修复
+- 修复已知问题,提升稳定性
+## 1.3.6 (2023-03-21)
+### 新增
+- 优化“音视频通话”集成方式, 详见[使用音视频通话](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/269/79861)
+### 修复
+- 修复已知问题,提升稳定性
+## 1.3.5 (2023-03-16)
+### 新增
+- 支持消息输入区多类型消息混合输入
+- 支持消息输入区图片文件拖拽上传
+- 发布[ demo 源码](https://github.com/TencentCloud/chat-uikit-vue/)
+### 修复
+- 修复已知问题,提升稳定性
+## 1.3.4 (2023-03-03)
+### 修复
+- 修复安卓特定版本浏览器图片发送变形问题
+- 修复已知问题,提升稳定性
+## 1.3.3 (2023-02-17)
+### 新增
+- 新增消息通知插件 TUINotification,支持 Web 端离线消息通知功能。
+### 修复
+- 修复消息重发失败问题,提升稳定性
+## 1.3.2 (2023-02-10)
+### 新增
+- 新增图片预览功能:支持缩放、旋转、切换图片,并在 H5 环境下支持手势操作
+- 改进媒体类消息上屏逻辑,加入骨架屏占位功能
+### 修复
+- 修复已知问题,提升稳定性
+# 1.3.1 (2023-01-12)
+### 新增
+- 支持本地审核功能,使用本地审核功能请点击 [控制台](https://console.cloud.tencent.com/im/local-audit-setting) 开启,详情参见 [内容审核](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/269/79139)。
+- 支持群聊点击群成员列表头像跳转至用户信息界面
+- 支持接口开关直接控制 消息已读回执、对方正在输入、用户在线状态、消息表情评论 等功能
+### 修复
+- 修复已知问题,提升稳定性
+## 1.3.0 (2023-01-03)
+### 新增
+- 支持消息回复功能
+- 支持表情回应功能
+- 支持C2C会话单条消息已读 
+### 修复
+- 修复已知问题,提升稳定性
+## 1.2.5 (2022-12-05)
+### 修复
+- 修复已知问题,提升稳定性
+## 1.2.4 (2022-11-18)
+### 修复
+- 修复已知问题,提升稳定性
+## 1.2.3 (2022-11-16)
+### 新增
+- 支持 github 仓库形式接入源码
+### 修复
+- 修复已知问题,提升稳定性
+## 1.2.2 (2022-11-10)
+### 新增
+- 支持集成 [音视频通话](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/269/79861)
+### 修复
+- 修复已知问题,提升稳定性
+## 1.0.0 (2022-09-15)
+### 新增
+- [TUIKit界面库 - Web](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/269/79737)
+- [TUIKit界面库 - H5](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/269/79738)
+- [集成基础功能 - Web & H5](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/269/68493)
+- [设置界面风格 - Web](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/269/79113)
+- [设置界面风格 - H5](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/269/79836)
+- [添加自定义消息 - Web](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/269/79115)
+- [添加自定义消息 - H5](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/269/79837)

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+ 15 - 0

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+ 6 - 0

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+ 25 - 0

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+ 9 - 0

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+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import Dialog from './index.vue';
+export default Dialog;

+ 88 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+  <div class="dialog" :class="[isH5 ? 'dialog-h5' : '', center ? 'center' : '']" v-if="show" @click.self="toggleView">
+    <main class="dialog-main" :style="!background && {'background': 'none'}">
+      <header v-if="isHeaderShow">
+        <h1>{{title}}</h1>
+        <i class="icon icon-close" @click="toggleView"></i>
+      </header>
+      <div class="dialog-main-content">
+        <slot />
+      </div>
+      <footer v-if="isFooterShow">
+        <button class="btn btn-cancel" @click="toggleView">{{$t('component.取消')}}</button>
+        <button class="btn btn-default" @click="submit">{{$t('component.确定')}}</button>
+      </footer>
+    </main>
+  </div>
+<script lang="ts">
+import { defineComponent, reactive, watchEffect, toRefs } from 'vue';
+export default defineComponent({
+  props: {
+    show: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: () => false,
+    },
+    isHeaderShow: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: () => true,
+    },
+    isFooterShow: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: () => true,
+    },
+    background: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: () => true,
+    },
+    title: {
+      type: String,
+      default: () => '',
+    },
+    isH5: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: () => false,
+    },
+    center: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: () => false,
+    },
+  },
+  setup(props:any, ctx:any) {
+    const data = reactive({
+      show: false,
+      isHeaderShow: true,
+      isFooterShow: true,
+      background: true,
+      title: '',
+    });
+    watchEffect(() => {
+      data.show = props.show;
+      data.title = props.title;
+      data.isHeaderShow = props.isHeaderShow;
+      data.isFooterShow = props.isFooterShow;
+      data.background = props.background;
+    });
+    const toggleView = () => {
+      data.show = !data.show;
+      ctx.emit('update:show', data.show);
+    };
+    const submit = () => {
+      ctx.emit('submit');
+      toggleView();
+    };
+    return {
+      ...toRefs(data),
+      toggleView,
+      submit,
+    };
+  },
+<style lang="scss" scoped src="./style/dialog.scss"></style>

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+.dialog {
+  background: rgba(0 ,0, 0, .3);
+  header {
+    h1 {
+      font-family: PingFangSC-Medium;
+      font-weight: 500;
+      color: #333333;
+    }
+  }
+  &-main {
+    background: #FFFFFF;
+    header {
+      font-weight: 500;
+      color: #333333;
+    }
+    &-content {
+      font-weight: 400;
+      color: #333333;
+    }
+  }
+.btn {
+  font-weight: 400;
+  color: #FFFFFF;
+  letter-spacing: 0;
+  &-cancel {
+    border: 1px solid #dddddd;
+    color: #666666;
+  }
+  &-default {
+    background: #006EFF;
+    border: 1px solid #006EFF;
+  }

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+@import "./color.scss";
+@import "./web.scss";
+@import "./h5.scss";
+@import url('../../../styles/common.scss');
+@import url('../../../styles/icon.scss');

+ 46 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+.dialog-h5 {
+  height: 100%;
+  top: 0;
+  align-items: inherit;
+  .dialog {
+    &-main {
+      min-width: 0;
+      min-height: 0;
+      width: 100%;
+      padding: 0;
+      display: flex;
+      flex-direction: column;
+      overflow: hidden;
+      &-content {
+        flex: 1;
+        padding: 0;
+        min-width: 0;
+        min-height: 0;
+        overflow: hidden;
+      }
+      footer {
+        border-top: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
+        .btn {
+          flex: 1;
+          margin: 0;
+          background: none;
+          border-right: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
+          &-default {
+            color: #FF584C;
+            border: none;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+.center {
+  align-items: center;
+  padding: 20px;
+  box-sizing: border-box;

+ 60 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+.dialog {
+  position: fixed;
+  width: 100%;
+  height: 100%;
+  left: 0;
+  top: 0;
+  z-index: 6;
+  display: flex;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: center;
+  header {
+    h1 {
+      font-size: 16px;
+      line-height: 30px;
+    }
+  }
+  &-main {
+    min-width: 368px;
+    border-radius: 10px;
+    padding: 20px 30px;
+    header {
+      display: flex;
+      justify-content: space-between;
+      align-items: center;
+      font-size: 16px;
+      line-height: 30px;
+    }
+    &-content {
+      padding: 20px 0 40px;
+      font-size: 14px;
+    }
+    footer {
+      display: flex;
+      justify-content: flex-end;
+    }
+  }
+.btn {
+  padding: 8px 20px;
+  margin: 0 6px;
+  border-radius: 4px;
+  border: none;
+  font-size: 14px;
+  text-align: center;
+  line-height: 20px;
+  &:disabled {
+    opacity: 0.3;
+  }
+  &:last-child {
+    margin-right: 0;
+  }

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+import Drag from './index.vue';
+export default Drag;

+ 127 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+  <div class="drag-container" v-show="show">
+    <slot />
+  </div>
+<script lang="ts">
+import {
+  defineComponent,
+  reactive,
+  toRefs,
+  onMounted,
+  watch,
+  watchEffect,
+} from "vue";
+export default defineComponent({
+  props: {
+    show: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: () => false,
+    },
+    domClassName: {
+      type: String,
+      default: "",
+    },
+  },
+  setup(props: any, ctx: any) {
+    const data = reactive({
+      show: false,
+      domClassName: "",
+      startPosition: {
+        left: "",
+        top: "",
+        cssText: "",
+      },
+    });
+    watchEffect(() => {
+      data.show = props.show;
+      data.domClassName = props.domClassName;
+    });
+    onMounted(() => {
+      const dragDom = document.getElementsByClassName(
+        props.domClassName ? props.domClassName : "drag-container"
+      )[0] as HTMLElement;
+      if (!dragDom) return;
+      let isDrag = false;
+      watch(
+        () => data.show,
+        (newVal, oldVal) => {
+          data.show = newVal;
+          if (newVal === oldVal) return;
+          if (data.show === true) {
+            dragDom.style.left = data.startPosition?.left;
+            dragDom.style.top = data.startPosition?.top;
+            dragDom.style.cssText = data.startPosition?.cssText;
+          }
+        }
+      );
+      const mouseDown = (e: MouseEvent) => {
+        isDrag = true;
+        const X = e.clientX - dragDom.offsetLeft;
+        const Y = e.clientY - dragDom.offsetTop;
+        const move = (e: MouseEvent) => {
+          e.preventDefault();
+          if (isDrag) {
+            dragDom.style.left = `${e.clientX - X}px`;
+            dragDom.style.top = `${e.clientY - Y}px`;
+          }
+        };
+        document.addEventListener("mousemove", throttle(move, 20), false);
+        document.addEventListener("mouseup", () => {
+          isDrag = false;
+          document.removeEventListener("mousemove", move);
+        });
+      };
+      dragDom.addEventListener("mousedown", mouseDown);
+    });
+    function throttle(
+      fn: { (e: MouseEvent): void; apply?: any },
+      timer: number
+    ) {
+      let initTime = 0;
+      return function (...args: any) {
+        const nowTime = +new Date();
+        if (nowTime - initTime > timer) {
+          initTime = nowTime;
+          fn.apply(ctx, args);
+        }
+      };
+    }
+    const positionReset = () => {
+      const dragDom = document.getElementsByClassName(
+        props.domClassName ? props.domClassName : "drag-container"
+      )[0] as HTMLElement;
+      data.startPosition = {
+        left: "",
+        top: "",
+        cssText: "",
+      };
+      dragDom.style.left = data.startPosition?.left;
+      dragDom.style.top = data.startPosition?.top;
+      dragDom.style.cssText = data.startPosition?.cssText;
+    };
+    ctx.expose({
+      positionReset,
+    });
+    return {
+      ...toRefs(data),
+      throttle,
+    };
+  },
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+@import url("../../styles/common.scss");
+@import url("../../styles/icon.scss");
+.drag-container {
+  position: fixed;
+  z-index: 100;

+ 57 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+  <div class="mask" @click.self="toggleView" v-if="show">
+    <slot />
+  </div>
+<script lang="ts">
+import { defineComponent, reactive, watchEffect, toRefs } from 'vue';
+export default defineComponent({
+  props: {
+    show: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: () => false,
+    },
+  },
+  setup(props:any, ctx:any) {
+    const data = reactive({
+      show: false,
+    });
+    watchEffect(() => {
+      data.show = props.show;
+    });
+    const toggleView = () => {
+      data.show = !data.show;
+      ctx.emit('update:show', data.show);
+    };
+    return {
+      ...toRefs(data),
+      toggleView,
+    };
+  },
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+@import url('../../styles/common.scss');
+@import url('../../styles/icon.scss');
+.mask {
+  position: fixed;
+  width: 100vw;
+  height: 100vh;
+  left: 0;
+  top: 0;
+  z-index: 99;
+  background: rgba(#000000, 0.5);
+  display: flex;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: center;
+  main {
+    position: relative;
+  }

+ 75 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+import { createVNode, render, ComponentPublicInstance, VNode } from 'vue';
+import MessageConstructor from './index.vue';
+const instances:any = [];
+let seed = 1;
+const appendTo: HTMLElement | null = document.body;
+const message = function (options:any) {
+  const tempVm: any = instances.find((item:any) => `${item.vm.props?.message ?? ''}`
+      === `${(options as any).message ?? ''}`);
+  if (tempVm) {
+    tempVm.vm.component!.props.repeatNum += 1;
+    return {
+      close: () => ((
+          vm.component!.proxy as ComponentPublicInstance<{
+            visible: boolean
+          }>
+      ).visible = false),
+    };
+  }
+  let verticalOffset = options.offset || 20;
+  instances.forEach(({ vm }:any) => {
+    verticalOffset += (vm.el?.offsetHeight || 0) + 20;
+  });
+  verticalOffset += 20;
+  const id = `message_${seed += 1}`;
+  const userOnClose = options.onClose;
+  const props:any = {
+    zIndex: 20 + seed,
+    offset: verticalOffset,
+    id,
+    ...options,
+    onClose: () => {
+      close(id, userOnClose);
+    },
+  };
+  const vm = createVNode(
+    MessageConstructor,
+    props,
+  );
+  const container = document.createElement('div');
+  vm.props!.onDestroy = () => {
+    render(null, container);
+  };
+  render(vm, container);
+  instances.push({ vm });
+  appendTo.appendChild(container.firstElementChild!);
+  return {
+    close: () => ((
+        vm.component!.proxy as ComponentPublicInstance<{
+          visible: boolean
+        }>
+    ).visible = false),
+  };
+export function close(id: string, userOnClose?: (vm: VNode) => void): void {
+  const idx = instances.findIndex(({ vm }: any) => id === vm.component!.props.id);
+  if (idx === -1) return;
+  const { vm } = instances[idx];
+  if (!vm) return;
+  userOnClose?.(vm);
+  const removedHeight = vm.el!.offsetHeight;
+  instances.splice(idx, 1);
+  // adjust other instances vertical offset
+  const len = instances.length;
+  if (len < 1) return;
+  for (let i = idx; i < len; i++) {
+    const pos = Number.parseInt(instances[i].vm.el!.style.top, 10) - removedHeight - 16;
+    instances[i].vm.component!.props.offset = pos;
+  }
+export default message;

+ 165 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+  <transition name="fade" @before-leave="onClose" @after-leave="$emit('destroy')">
+    <div class="message" :class="[handleStyle(type), isH5 && 'message-h5']" :style="customStyle" v-show="visible">
+      <p v-if="!isH5">{{ message }}</p>
+      <span v-if="isH5">{{ message }}</span>
+    </div>
+  </transition>
+<script lang="ts">
+import { useTimeoutFn } from '@vueuse/core';
+import { computed, CSSProperties, defineComponent, onMounted, ref, watch } from 'vue';
+export default defineComponent({
+  name: 'TUIMessage',
+  props: {
+    message: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '',
+    },
+    duration: {
+      type: Number,
+      default: 3000,
+    },
+    repeatNum: {
+      type: Number,
+      default: 1,
+    },
+    id: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '',
+    },
+    onClose: {
+      type: Function,
+      required: false,
+    },
+    offset: {
+      type: Number,
+      default: 20,
+    },
+    zIndex: {
+      type: Number,
+      default: 0,
+    },
+    isH5: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: false,
+    },
+    type: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '',
+    },
+  },
+  setup(props) {
+    const visible = ref(false);
+    let stopTimer: (() => void) | undefined = undefined;
+    function startTimer() {
+      if (props.duration > 0) {
+        ({ stop: stopTimer } = useTimeoutFn(() => {
+          if (visible.value) close();
+        }, props.duration));
+      }
+    }
+    function clearTimer() {
+      stopTimer?.();
+    }
+    function close() {
+      visible.value = false;
+    }
+    watch(
+      () => props.repeatNum,
+      () => {
+        clearTimer();
+        startTimer();
+      }
+    );
+    const customStyle = computed<CSSProperties>(() => ({
+      top: `${props.offset}px`,
+      zIndex: props.zIndex,
+    }));
+    onMounted(() => {
+      startTimer();
+      visible.value = true;
+    });
+    const handleStyle = (type?: string) => {
+      if (type && (type === 'error' || type === 'success' || type === 'warning')) return type;
+      return 'normal';
+    };
+    return {
+      visible,
+      customStyle,
+      handleStyle,
+    };
+  },
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+@import url('../../styles/common.scss');
+@import url('../../styles/icon.scss');
+.message {
+  position: fixed;
+  left: 0;
+  right: 0;
+  margin: 0 auto;
+  max-width: 450px;
+  width: fit-content;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: center;
+  p {
+    box-shadow: 0 2px 12px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+    border-radius: 3px;
+    padding: 10px 15px;
+    width: fit-content;
+    word-break: break-all;
+  }
+.message-h5 {
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 300px !important;
+  margin: 0 auto;
+  width: fit-content;
+  max-width: 80%;
+  width: fit-content;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: center;
+  border-radius: 5px;
+  padding: 10px 15px;
+  span {
+    font-family: PingFangSC-Regular;
+    font-weight: 400;
+    font-size: 14px;
+    letter-spacing: 0;
+    text-align: center;
+    word-break: break-all;
+  }
+.success {
+  border: 1px solid #e4f2da;
+  background: #f2f9ec;
+  color: #7ebf50;
+.error {
+  border: 1px solid #fde2e2;
+  background: #fef0f0;
+  color: #f46c6e;
+.normal {
+  border: 1px solid #e9e9eb;
+  background: #f4f4f5;
+  color: #909398;
+.warning {
+  border: 1px solid #faf0e2;
+  background: #fdf8f1;
+  color: #e4b877;

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+  <div class="slider-box" :class="[open && 'slider-open']" @click="toggle">
+    <span class="slider-block"></span>
+  </div>
+<script lang="ts">
+import { defineComponent, reactive, watchEffect, toRefs } from 'vue';
+export default defineComponent({
+  props: {
+    open: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: () => false,
+    },
+  },
+  setup(props:any, ctx:any) {
+    const data = reactive({
+      open: false,
+    });
+    watchEffect(() => {
+      data.open = props.open;
+    });
+    const toggle = () => {
+      data.open = !data.open;
+      ctx.emit('change', data.open);
+    };
+    return {
+      ...toRefs(data),
+      toggle,
+    };
+  },
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+@import url('../../styles/common.scss');
+@import url('../../styles/icon.scss');
+.slider {
+  &-box {
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    width: 34px;
+    height: 20px;
+    border-radius: 10px;
+    background: #E1E1E3;
+  }
+  &-open {
+    background: #006EFF !important;
+    justify-content: flex-end;
+  }
+  &-block {
+    display: inline-block;
+    width: 16px;
+    height: 16px;
+    border-radius: 8px;
+    margin: 0 2px;
+    background: #FFFFFF;
+    border: 0 solid rgba(0,0,0,0.85);
+    box-shadow: 0 2px 4px 0 #D1D1D1;
+  }

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import Transfer from './index.vue';
+export default Transfer;

+ 206 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+  <div class="transfer" :class="[isH5 ? 'transfer-h5' : '']">
+    <header class="transfer-h5-header" v-if="isH5">
+      <i class="icon icon-back" @click="cancel"></i>
+      <span class="title">{{ title }}</span>
+    </header>
+    <main class="main">
+      <div class="left">
+        <header v-if="isSearch">
+          <input
+            type="text"
+            @keyup.enter="handleInput"
+            :placeholder="$t('component.请输入userID')"
+            enterkeyhint="search"
+          />
+        </header>
+        <main>
+          <ul class="list">
+            <li class="list-item" @click="selectedAll" v-if="optional.length > 1 && !isRadio">
+              <i
+                class="icon"
+                :class="[selectedList.length === optional.length ? 'icon-selected' : 'icon-unselected']"
+              ></i>
+              <span class="all">{{ $t('component.全选') }}</span>
+            </li>
+            <li class="list-item" v-for="(item, index) in list" :key="index" @click="selected(item)">
+              <i
+                class="icon"
+                :class="[
+                  item?.isDisabled && 'disabled',
+                  selectedList.indexOf(item) > -1 ? 'icon-selected' : 'icon-unselected',
+                ]"
+              ></i>
+              <template v-if="!isCustomItem">
+                <img
+                  class="avatar"
+                  :src="item?.avatar || 'https://web.sdk.qcloud.com/component/TUIKit/assets/avatar_21.png'"
+                  onerror="this.src='https://web.sdk.qcloud.com/component/TUIKit/assets/avatar_21.png'"
+                />
+                <span class="name">{{ item?.nick || item?.userID }}</span>
+                <span v-if="item?.isDisabled">({{ $t('component.已在群聊中') }})</span>
+              </template>
+              <template v-else>
+                <slot name="left" :data="item" />
+              </template>
+            </li>
+          </ul>
+        </main>
+      </div>
+      <div class="right">
+        <header v-if="!isH5">{{ title }}</header>
+        <ul class="list" v-show="resultShow">
+          <p v-if="selectedList.length > 0 && !isH5">
+            {{ $t('component.已选中') }}{{ selectedList.length }}{{ $t('component.人') }}
+          </p>
+          <li class="list-item space-between" v-for="(item, index) in selectedList" :key="index">
+            <aside>
+              <template v-if="!isCustomItem">
+                <img
+                  class="avatar"
+                  :src="item?.avatar || 'https://web.sdk.qcloud.com/component/TUIKit/assets/avatar_21.png'"
+                  onerror="this.src='https://web.sdk.qcloud.com/component/TUIKit/assets/avatar_21.png'"
+                />
+                <span v-if="!isH5">{{ item.nick || item.userID }}</span>
+              </template>
+              <template v-else>
+                <slot name="right" :data="item" />
+              </template>
+            </aside>
+            <i class="icon icon-cancel" @click="selected(item)" v-if="!isH5"></i>
+          </li>
+        </ul>
+        <footer>
+          <button class="btn btn-cancel" @click="cancel">{{ $t('component.取消') }}</button>
+          <button v-if="selectedList.length > 0" class="btn" @click="submit">{{ $t('component.完成') }}</button>
+          <button v-else class="btn btn-no" @click="submit">{{ $t('component.完成') }}</button>
+        </footer>
+      </div>
+    </main>
+  </div>
+<script lang="ts">
+import { defineComponent, reactive, watchEffect, toRefs, computed } from 'vue';
+export default defineComponent({
+  props: {
+    list: {
+      type: Array,
+      default: () => [],
+    },
+    selectedList: {
+      type: Array,
+      default: () => [],
+    },
+    isSearch: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: () => true,
+    },
+    isRadio: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: () => false,
+    },
+    isCustomItem: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: () => false,
+    },
+    title: {
+      type: String,
+      default: () => '',
+    },
+    type: {
+      type: String,
+      default: () => '',
+    },
+    isH5: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: () => false,
+    },
+    resultShow: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: () => true,
+    },
+  },
+  setup(props: any, ctx: any) {
+    const data = reactive({
+      type: '',
+      list: [],
+      selectedList: [],
+      isSearch: true,
+      isCustomItem: false,
+      title: '',
+    });
+    watchEffect(() => {
+      if (props.isCustomItem) {
+        for (let index = 0; index < props.list.length; index++) {
+          if (props.list[index].conversationID.indexOf('@TIM#SYSTEM') > -1) {
+            // eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-mutating-props
+            props.list.splice(index, 1);
+          }
+          data.list = props.list;
+        }
+      } else {
+        data.list = props.list;
+      }
+      data.selectedList = props.selectedList;
+      data.isSearch = props.isSearch;
+      data.isCustomItem = props.isCustomItem;
+      data.title = props.title;
+      data.type = props.type;
+    });
+    // 可选项
+    const optional = computed(() => data.list.filter((item: any) => !item.isDisabled));
+    const handleInput = (e: any) => {
+      ctx.emit('search', e.target.value);
+    };
+    const selected = (item: any) => {
+      if (item.isDisabled) {
+        return;
+      }
+      let list: any = data.selectedList;
+      const index: number = list.indexOf(item);
+      if (index > -1) {
+        return data.selectedList.splice(index, 1);
+      }
+      if (props.isRadio) {
+        list = [];
+      }
+      list.push(item);
+      data.selectedList = list;
+    };
+    const selectedAll = () => {
+      if (data.selectedList.length === optional.value.length) {
+        data.selectedList = [];
+      } else {
+        data.selectedList = [...optional.value];
+      }
+    };
+    const submit = () => {
+      ctx.emit('submit', data.selectedList);
+    };
+    const cancel = () => {
+      ctx.emit('cancel');
+    };
+    return {
+      ...toRefs(data),
+      optional,
+      handleInput,
+      selected,
+      selectedAll,
+      submit,
+      cancel,
+    };
+  },
+<style lang="scss" scoped src="./style/transfer.scss"></style>

+ 63 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+.main {
+  background: #FFFFFF;
+  border: 1px solid #E0E0E0;
+  box-shadow: 0 -4px 12px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.06);
+  .left {
+    border-right: 1px solid #E8E8E9;
+  }
+  header {
+    font-weight: 500;
+    color: #000000;
+    letter-spacing: 0;
+    input {
+      background: #FFFFFF;
+      border: 1px solid #DEE0E3;
+      font-weight: 500;
+      color: #8F959E;
+      letter-spacing: 0;
+    }
+  }
+  .list {
+    p {
+      font-weight: 500;
+      color: #8F959E;
+      letter-spacing: 0;
+    }
+    &-item {
+      .disabled {
+        background: #eeeeee;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+.avatar {
+  background: #F4F5F9;
+  color: #000000;
+.btn {
+  background: #3370FF;
+  border: 0 solid #2F80ED;
+  font-weight: 400;
+  color: #FFFFFF;
+  &-cancel {
+    background: #FFFFFF;
+    border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
+    color: #828282;
+  }
+.btn-no {
+  background: #e8e8e9;
+  border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
+  font-weight: 400;
+  color: #FFFFFF;
+.transfer-h5-header {
+  background: #FFFFFF;
+  .title {
+    font-family: PingFangSC-Medium;
+    font-weight: 500;
+    color: #000000;
+    letter-spacing: 0;
+  }

+ 71 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+.transfer-h5 {
+  width: 100%;
+  height: 100%;
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  &-header {
+    position: relative;
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+    font-size: 18px;
+    padding: 16px 18px;
+    .icon {
+      position: absolute;
+      left: 18px;
+      top: 18px;
+    }
+  }
+  .main {
+    flex: 1;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    width: auto;
+    height: auto;
+    border-radius: 0;
+    border: none;
+    box-shadow: none;
+    max-height: calc( 100% - 54px);
+    padding: 0;
+    .avatar {
+      border-radius: 0;
+    }
+    .left {
+      padding: 0;
+      flex: 1;
+      border: none;
+      display: flex;
+      flex-direction: column;
+      header {
+        position: sticky;
+        top: 0;
+        padding: 0 18px;
+        input {
+          border-radius: 5px;
+          font-size: 14px;
+        }
+      }
+      .list {
+        padding: 0 18px;
+      }
+    }
+    .right {
+      flex: 0;
+      padding: 0;
+      flex-direction: row;
+      align-items: center;
+      box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 0 #EEEEEE;
+      padding: 0 18px 8px;
+      .list {
+        flex-direction: row;
+        width: 0;
+      }
+      footer {
+        padding: 6px 0;
+        display: flex;
+        align-items: center;
+        .btn {
+          font-size: 14px;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+@import "./color.scss";
+@import "./web.scss";
+@import "./h5.scss";
+@import url('../../../styles/common.scss');
+@import url('../../../styles/icon.scss');

+ 135 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+.main {
+  box-sizing: border-box;
+  width: 620px;
+  height: 394px;
+  display: flex;
+  border-radius: 8px;
+  padding: 20px 0;
+  .right {
+    padding: 0 20px;
+    flex: 1;
+    ul {
+      padding-right: 20px;
+    }
+  }
+  .left {
+    flex: 1;
+    overflow-y: hidden;
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    header {
+      padding: 0 20px;
+    }
+    main {
+      flex: 1;
+      overflow-y: auto;
+      padding: 0 20px;
+    }
+  }
+  .right {
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    footer {
+      align-self: flex-end;
+      .btn-cancel {
+        margin-right: 12px;
+      }
+    }
+    .list {
+      overflow-y: auto;
+    }
+  }
+  header {
+    font-size: 14px;
+    line-height: 14px;
+    padding-bottom: 20px;
+    input {
+      box-sizing: border-box;
+      width: 100%;
+      border-radius: 30px;
+      font-size: 10px;
+      line-height: 14px;
+      padding: 9px 12px;
+    }
+  }
+  .list {
+    flex: 1;
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    p {
+      font-size: 10px;
+      line-height: 14px;
+    }
+    &-item {
+      padding: 6px 0;
+      display: flex;
+      align-items: center;
+      font-size: 14px;
+      aside {
+        display: flex;
+        align-items: center;
+      }
+      .avatar {
+        margin: 0 5px 0 8px;
+        border-radius: 50%;
+      }
+      .name {
+        overflow: hidden;
+        text-overflow: ellipsis;
+        white-space: nowrap;
+        flex: 1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+.avatar {
+  width: 36px;
+  height: 36px;
+  border-radius: 4px;
+  font-size: 12px;
+  display: flex;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: center;
+.btn {
+  padding: 4px 28px;
+  font-size: 12px;
+  line-height: 24px;
+  border-radius: 4px;
+.btn-no {
+  padding: 4px 28px;
+  font-size: 12px;
+  line-height: 24px;
+  border-radius: 4px;
+.space-between {
+  justify-content: space-between;
+.all {
+  padding-left: 8px;
+  font-size: 14px;

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function */
+   * class IComponentServer
+   *
+   * IComponentServer 组件 server 基类
+   */
+export default class IComponentServer {
+  /**
+     * 组件销毁
+     */
+  public destroyed() {}
+  /**
+     * 数据监听回调
+     *
+     * @param {any} oldValue 旧数据
+     * @param {any} newValue 新数据
+     */
+  protected updateStore(oldValue:any, newValue:any) {}

+ 37 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import MessageText from './message-text.vue';
+import MessageImage from './message-image.vue';
+import MessageVideo from './message-video.vue';
+import MessageAudio from './message-audio.vue';
+import MessageFile from './message-file.vue';
+import MessageFace from './message-face.vue';
+import MessageLocation from './message-location.vue';
+import MessageMerger from './message-merger.vue';
+import MessageCustom from './message-custom.vue';
+import MessageTip from './message-tip.vue';
+import MessageBubble from './message-bubble.vue';
+import MessageRevoked from './message-revoked.vue';
+import MessageSystem from './message-system.vue';
+import MessageTool from './message-tool.vue';
+import MessageEmojiReact from './message-emoji-react.vue';
+import MessageItem from './index.vue';
+import MessageTimestamp from './message-timestamp.vue'
+export {
+  MessageText,
+  MessageImage,
+  MessageVideo,
+  MessageAudio,
+  MessageFile,
+  MessageFace,
+  MessageLocation,
+  MessageMerger,
+  MessageCustom,
+  MessageTip,
+  MessageTimestamp,
+  MessageBubble,
+  MessageRevoked,
+  MessageSystem,
+  MessageTool,
+  MessageEmojiReact,
+  MessageItem

+ 178 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+  <div class="message-item">
+    <MessageTip v-if="isMessageTip(message)" :data="handleTipMessageShowContext(message)" />
+    <MessageBubble
+      v-else-if="!message.isRevoked"
+      :data="message"
+      :isH5="env.isH5"
+      :messagesList="messageList"
+      :needGroupReceipt="displayGroupMessageReadReceipt"
+      :needReplies="true"
+      :needEmojiReact="displayEmojiReactions"
+      @jumpID="jumpID"
+      @resendMessage="resendMessage"
+      @showReadReceiptDialog="showReadReceiptDialog"
+      @showRepliesDialog="showRepliesDialog"
+    >
+      <MessageText v-if="message.type === types.MSG_TEXT" :data="handleTextMessageShowContext(message)" />
+      <MessageImage
+        v-if="message.type === types.MSG_IMAGE"
+        :isH5="env.isH5"
+        :data="handleImageMessageShowContext(message)"
+        @uploading="uploading"
+        @previewImage="previewImage"
+      />
+      <MessageVideo
+        v-if="message.type === types.MSG_VIDEO"
+        :isH5="env.isH5"
+        :data="handleVideoMessageShowContext(message)"
+        @uploading="uploading"
+      />
+      <MessageAudio v-if="message.type === types.MSG_AUDIO" :data="handleAudioMessageShowContext(message)" />
+      <MessageFile v-if="message.type === types.MSG_FILE" :data="handleFileMessageShowContext(message)" />
+      <MessageFace v-if="message.type === types.MSG_FACE" :data="handleFaceMessageShowContext(message)" :isH5="env.isH5"/>
+      <MessageLocation v-if="message.type === types.MSG_LOCATION" :data="handleLocationMessageShowContext(message)" />
+      <MessageCustom v-if="message.type === types.MSG_CUSTOM" :data="handleCustomMessageShowContext(message)" />
+      <MessageMerger v-if="message.type === types.MSG_MERGER" :data="handleMergerMessageShowContext(message)" />
+      <template #dialog>
+        <MessageTool :message="message" :needEmojiReact="displayEmojiReactions" @handleMessage="handleMessage" />
+        <MessageEmojiReact v-if="!env?.isH5 && displayEmojiReactions" :message="message" type="dropdown" />
+      </template>
+    </MessageBubble>
+    <MessageRevoked v-else :isEdit="message.type === types.MSG_TEXT" :data="message" @edit="handleEdit(message)" />
+  </div>
+<script setup lang="ts">
+import { toRefs, defineProps, defineEmits } from 'vue';
+import MessageBubble from './message-bubble.vue';
+import MessageText from './message-text.vue';
+import MessageImage from './message-image.vue';
+import MessageVideo from './message-video.vue';
+import MessageAudio from './message-audio.vue';
+import MessageFile from './message-file.vue';
+import MessageFace from './message-face.vue';
+import MessageLocation from './message-location.vue';
+import MessageMerger from './message-merger.vue';
+import MessageCustom from './message-custom.vue';
+import MessageTip from './message-tip.vue';
+import MessageTool from './message-tool.vue';
+import MessageEmojiReact from './message-emoji-react.vue';
+import MessageRevoked from './message-revoked.vue';
+import {
+  handleTextMessageShowContext,
+  handleImageMessageShowContext,
+  handleVideoMessageShowContext,
+  handleAudioMessageShowContext,
+  handleFileMessageShowContext,
+  handleFaceMessageShowContext,
+  handleLocationMessageShowContext,
+  handleMergerMessageShowContext,
+  handleTipMessageShowContext,
+  handleCustomMessageShowContext,
+  isMessageTip,
+} from '../utils/utils';
+import { Message } from '@tencentcloud/chat';
+import constant from '../../constant';
+const props = defineProps({
+  message: {
+    type: Object,
+    default: () => ({}),
+  },
+  beforeMessage: {
+    type: Object,
+    default: () => ({}),
+  },
+  types: {
+    type: Object,
+    default: () => ({}),
+  },
+  env: {
+    type: Object,
+    default: () => ({}),
+  },
+  messageList: {
+    type: Array,
+    default: () => [],
+  },
+  // 开关控制位
+  displayGroupMessageReadReceipt: {
+    type: Boolean,
+    default: true,
+  },
+  displayEmojiReactions: {
+    type: Boolean,
+    default: true,
+  },
+const emits = defineEmits(['handleEditor', 'showDialog', 'uploading', 'jumpID','resendMessage']);
+const { message, types, env, messageList, displayGroupMessageReadReceipt, displayEmojiReactions } = toRefs(props);
+const handleEdit = (message: any) => {
+  emits('handleEditor', message, 'reedit');
+const handleMessage = (message: Message, type: string) => {
+  if (!message || !type) {
+    return;
+  }
+  switch (type) {
+    case constant.handleMessage.forward:
+      emits('showDialog', message, constant.handleMessage.forward);
+      break;
+    case constant.handleMessage.reference:
+      emits('handleEditor', message, constant.handleMessage.reference);
+      break;
+    case constant.handleMessage.reply:
+      emits('handleEditor', message, constant.handleMessage.reply);
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+const previewImage = (message: Message) => {
+  if (message) {
+    emits('showDialog', message, 'previewImage');
+  }
+const showReadReceiptDialog = (message: Message) => {
+  if (message) {
+    emits('showDialog', message, 'receipt');
+  }
+const showRepliesDialog = (message: Message) => {
+  if (message) {
+    emits('showDialog', message, 'replies');
+  }
+const jumpID = (messageID: string) => {
+  if (messageID) {
+    emits('jumpID', messageID);
+  }
+const uploading = () => {
+  emits('uploading');
+const resendMessage = (message: Message) => {
+  if (message) {
+    emits('resendMessage', message);
+  }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+@import url('../../../styles/common.scss');
+@import url('../../../styles/icon.scss');
+.message-item {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;

+ 88 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+  <div
+    class="message-audio"
+    :class="[data.message.flow === 'out' && 'reserve']"
+    @click.stop="play"
+    :style="`width: ${data?.second * 10 + 40}px`"
+  >
+    <i class="icon icon-voice" :class="[data.message.flow === 'out' && 'icon-reserve']"></i>
+    <label>{{ data.second }}s</label>
+    <audio ref="audio" :src="data.url"></audio>
+  </div>
+<script lang="ts">
+import { defineComponent, watch, reactive, toRefs, ref } from 'vue';
+export default defineComponent({
+  props: {
+    data: {
+      type: Object,
+      default: () => ({}),
+    },
+  },
+  setup(props: any, ctx: any) {
+    const data = reactive({
+      data: {},
+      show: false,
+    });
+    const audio = ref(null);
+    watch(
+      () => props.data,
+      () => {
+        data.data = props.data;
+      },
+      { deep: true, immediate: true }
+    );
+    const play = () => {
+      const audios = document.getElementsByTagName('audio');
+      for (const audio of audios) {
+        if (!audio.paused) {
+          audio.pause();
+          audio.load();
+        }
+      }
+      const audioPlayer: any = audio.value;
+      if (audioPlayer.paused) {
+        audioPlayer.play();
+        data.show = true;
+      } else {
+        audioPlayer.pause();
+        audioPlayer.load();
+        data.show = false;
+      }
+    };
+    return {
+      ...toRefs(data),
+      audio,
+      play,
+    };
+  },
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+@import url('../../../styles/common.scss');
+@import url('../../../styles/icon.scss');
+.message-audio {
+  display: flex;
+  align-items: center;
+  position: relative;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  max-width: 100%;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  .icon {
+    margin: 0 4px;
+  }
+  audio {
+    width: 0;
+    height: 0;
+  }
+.reserve {
+  flex-direction: row-reverse;

+ 635 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+  <div class="message-bubble" :class="[message.flow === 'in' ? '' : 'reverse']" ref="htmlRefHook">
+    <img
+      class="avatar"
+      :src="message?.avatar || 'https://web.sdk.qcloud.com/component/TUIKit/assets/avatar_21.png'"
+      onerror="this.src='https://web.sdk.qcloud.com/component/TUIKit/assets/avatar_21.png'"
+    />
+    <main class="message-area">
+      <label class="name" v-if="message.flow === 'in' && message.conversationType === 'GROUP'">
+        {{ message.nameCard || message.nick || message.from }}
+      </label>
+      <div :class="handleImageOrVideoBubbleStyle(message)" @click.prevent.right="toggleDialog">
+        <div
+          class="message-replie-area"
+          :class="[message?.flow === 'in' ? '' : 'message-replies-area-reverse']"
+          v-if="message?.cloudCustomData && referenceMessage && referenceMessage?.messageRootID"
+          @click="showRepliesDialog(message, false)"
+        >
+          <MessageReference
+            :message="message"
+            :referenceMessage="referenceMessage"
+            :referenceForShow="referenceForShow"
+            :url="url"
+            :face="face"
+            :allMessageID="allMessageID"
+            type="reply"
+          />
+        </div>
+        <slot />
+        <div v-if="dropdown" ref="dropdownRef" class="dropdown-inner">
+          <div class="dialog" :class="[message.flow === 'in' ? '' : 'dialog-right']" @click="dropdown = false">
+            <slot name="dialog" />
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <MessageEmojiReact :message="message" type="content" v-if="needEmojiReact && isEmojiReactionInMessage(message)" />
+      </div>
+    </main>
+    <label class="message-label fail" v-if="message.status === 'fail'" @click="resendMessage(message)">!</label>
+    <label
+      class="message-label"
+      :class="readReceiptStyle(message)"
+      v-if="showReadReceiptTag(message)"
+      @click="showReadReceiptDialog(message)"
+    >
+      <span>{{ readReceiptCont(message) }}</span>
+    </label>
+  </div>
+  <div
+    class="message-reference-area"
+    :class="[message.flow === 'in' ? '' : 'message-reference-area-reverse']"
+    v-if="message?.cloudCustomData && referenceMessage && !referenceMessage?.messageRootID"
+    @click="jumpToAim(referenceMessage)"
+  >
+    <MessageReference
+      :message="message"
+      :referenceMessage="referenceMessage"
+      :referenceForShow="referenceForShow"
+      :url="url"
+      :face="face"
+      :allMessageID="allMessageID"
+      type="reference"
+    />
+  </div>
+  <label
+    class="message-replies"
+    :class="[message.flow === 'in' ? '' : 'message-replies-reverse']"
+    v-if="replies?.length"
+    @click="showRepliesDialog(message, true)"
+  >
+    <i class="icon icon-msg-replies"></i>
+    <span>{{ replies?.length + $t('TUIChat.条回复') }}</span>
+  </label>
+<script lang="ts">
+import { decodeText } from '../utils/decodeText';
+import constant from '../../constant';
+import { defineComponent, watchEffect, reactive, toRefs, ref, nextTick, watch } from 'vue';
+import { onClickOutside, onLongPress, useElementBounding } from '@vueuse/core';
+import { deepCopy, JSONToObject } from '../utils/utils';
+import { handleErrorPrompts } from '../../utils';
+import TUIChat from '../index.vue';
+import MessageReference from './message-reference.vue';
+import { Message } from '../interface';
+import { TUIEnv } from '../../../../TUIPlugin';
+import MessageEmojiReact from './message-emoji-react.vue';
+import TIM from '../../../../TUICore/tim/index';
+const messageBubble = defineComponent({
+  props: {
+    data: {
+      type: Object,
+      default: () => ({}),
+    },
+    messagesList: {
+      type: Array,
+      default: () => [],
+    },
+    isH5: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: false,
+    },
+    needGroupReceipt: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: false,
+    },
+    needReplies: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: true,
+    },
+    flow: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '',
+    },
+    needEmojiReact: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: false,
+    },
+  },
+  emits: ['jumpID', 'resendMessage', 'showReadReceiptDialog', 'showRepliesDialog', 'dropDownOpen'],
+  components: {
+    MessageReference,
+    MessageEmojiReact,
+  },
+  setup(props: any, ctx: any) {
+    const { t } = (window as any).TUIKitTUICore.config.i18n.useI18n();
+    const { TUIServer } = TUIChat;
+    const data = reactive({
+      env: TUIEnv(),
+      message: {} as Message,
+      messagesList: [],
+      show: false,
+      type: {},
+      referenceMessage: {},
+      referenceForShow: {},
+      allMessageID: '',
+      needGroupReceipt: false,
+      needReplies: true,
+      replies: [],
+      face: [],
+      url: '',
+      needEmojiReact: false,
+    });
+    watchEffect(() => {
+      data.type = constant;
+      data.messagesList = props.messagesList;
+      data.needEmojiReact = props.needEmojiReact;
+      data.message = deepCopy(
+        data.messagesList?.find((item: any) => (item as any)?.ID === props.message?.ID) || props.data
+      );
+      data.needGroupReceipt = props.needGroupReceipt;
+      data.needReplies = props.needReplies;
+      if ((data.message as any).cloudCustomData) {
+        const messageIDList: any[] = [];
+        const cloudCustomData = JSONToObject((data.message as any).cloudCustomData);
+        data.replies = cloudCustomData?.messageReplies?.replies || [];
+        data.referenceMessage = cloudCustomData.messageReply ? cloudCustomData.messageReply : '';
+        for (let index = 0; index < (data.messagesList as any).length; index++) {
+          // To determine whether the referenced message is still in the message list, the corresponding field of the referenced message is displayed if it is in the message list. Otherwise, messageabstract/messagesender is displayed
+          messageIDList.push((data.messagesList as any)[index].ID);
+          (data as any).allMessageID = JSON.stringify(messageIDList);
+          if ((data.messagesList as any)[index].ID === (data.referenceMessage as any)?.messageID) {
+            data.referenceForShow = (data.messagesList as any)[index];
+            if ((data.referenceMessage as any).messageType === constant.typeText) {
+              (data as any).face = decodeText((data.referenceForShow as any).payload);
+            }
+            if ((data.referenceMessage as any).messageType === constant.typeFace) {
+              (data as any).url = `https://web.sdk.qcloud.com/im/assets/face-elem/${
+                (data.referenceForShow as any).payload.data
+              }@2x.png`;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        data.replies = [];
+      }
+    });
+    const htmlRefHook = ref<HTMLElement | null>(null);
+    const dropdown = ref(false);
+    const dropdownRef = ref(null);
+    const toggleDialog = (e: any) => {
+      dropdown.value = !dropdown.value;
+      if (dropdown.value) {
+        ctx.emit('dropDownOpen', dropdownRef);
+        nextTick(() => {
+          const dialogDom = (dropdownRef as any)?.value?.children[0];
+          const dialogElement = document.getElementsByClassName('dialog-item')[0] as HTMLElement;
+          const parentDom = (dropdownRef as any)?.value?.offsetParent;
+          const parentBound = useElementBounding(parentDom);
+          const messageListDom = document.getElementById('messageEle') as HTMLElement;
+          const messageListBound = useElementBounding(messageListDom);
+          const leftRange = messageListBound?.left?.value;
+          const rightRange =
+            messageListBound?.left?.value + (messageListDom as any).clientWidth - dialogDom.clientWidth + 76;
+          const topRange = messageListBound?.top?.value;
+          const bottomRange =
+            messageListBound?.top?.value + (messageListDom as any).clientHeight - dialogDom.clientHeight;
+          const { clientX, clientY } = e;
+          if (data?.env?.isH5) {
+            if (parentBound?.top?.value <= dialogElement?.clientHeight) {
+              dialogDom.style.bottom = `-${dialogElement?.clientHeight}px`;
+            } else {
+              if (data?.message?.flow === 'in') {
+                dialogDom.style.top = `-${dialogElement?.clientHeight - 20}px`;
+              } else {
+                dialogDom.style.top = `-${dialogElement?.clientHeight}px`;
+              }
+            }
+            const centerWidth = parentBound?.left?.value + parentBound?.width?.value / 2;
+            if (
+              centerWidth > dialogElement.clientWidth / 2 &&
+              centerWidth < messageListDom?.clientWidth - dialogElement.clientWidth / 2
+            ) {
+              dialogDom.style.left = 'calc(50% - 135px)';
+            } else if (centerWidth <= dialogElement.clientWidth / 2) {
+              dialogDom.style.left = '-20px';
+            } else {
+              dialogDom.style.left = `-${dialogElement.clientWidth / 2 + 10}px`;
+            }
+            return;
+          }
+          switch (true) {
+            case clientX > leftRange && clientX < rightRange:
+              dialogDom.style.left = `${Math.max(e.clientX - parentBound?.left?.value - 76, -40)}px`;
+              break;
+            case clientX <= leftRange:
+              dialogDom.style.left = '20px';
+              break;
+            case clientX >= rightRange:
+              dialogDom.style.right = `${Math.max(
+                parentBound?.left?.value + parentDom?.clientWidth - e.clientX - 256,
+                -10
+              )}px`;
+              break;
+          }
+          switch (true) {
+            case clientY > topRange && clientY < bottomRange:
+              dialogDom.style.top = `${e.clientY - parentBound?.top?.value}px`;
+              dialogDom.style.cssText = dialogDom.style.cssText.replace('align-items:end;', '');
+              break;
+            case clientY <= topRange:
+              dialogDom.style.top = '0px';
+              dialogDom.style.cssText = dialogDom.style.cssText.replace('align-items:end;', '');
+              break;
+            case clientY >= bottomRange:
+              dialogDom.style.bottom = `${parentBound?.top?.value + parentDom?.clientHeight - e.clientY}px`;
+              dialogDom.style.cssText += 'align-items:end;';
+              break;
+          }
+        });
+      }
+    };
+    const jumpToAim = (message: any) => {
+      if (
+        (data.referenceMessage as any)?.messageID &&
+        data.allMessageID.includes((data.referenceMessage as any)?.messageID)
+      ) {
+        ctx.emit('jumpID', (data.referenceMessage as any).messageID);
+      } else {
+        const message = t('TUIChat.无法定位到原消息');
+        handleErrorPrompts(message, props);
+      }
+    };
+    onClickOutside(dropdownRef, () => {
+      dropdown.value = false;
+    });
+    const toggleDialogH5 = (e: any) => {
+      if (data?.env?.isH5) toggleDialog(e);
+      return;
+    };
+    onLongPress(htmlRefHook, toggleDialogH5);
+    const resendMessage = (message: any) => {
+      ctx.emit('resendMessage', message);
+    };
+    const showReadReceiptTag = (message: any) => {
+      if (message.flow === 'out' && message.status === 'success' && message.needReadReceipt) {
+        return true;
+      }
+      return false;
+    };
+    const readReceiptStyle = (message: any) => {
+      if (
+        message?.readReceiptInfo?.isPeerRead ||
+        (message?.readReceiptInfo?.isPeerRead === undefined && message?.isPeerRead) ||
+        message?.readReceiptInfo?.unreadCount === 0
+      ) {
+        return '';
+      }
+      return 'unRead';
+    };
+    const readReceiptCont = (message: any) => {
+      switch (message.conversationType) {
+        case TUIServer.TUICore.TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C:
+          if (
+            message?.readReceiptInfo?.isPeerRead ||
+            (message?.readReceiptInfo?.isPeerRead === undefined && message?.isPeerRead)
+          ) {
+            return t('TUIChat.已读');
+          }
+          return t('TUIChat.未读');
+        case TUIServer.TUICore.TIM.TYPES.CONV_GROUP:
+          if (message.readReceiptInfo.unreadCount === 0) {
+            return t('TUIChat.全部已读');
+          }
+          if (
+            message.readReceiptInfo.readCount === 0 ||
+            (message.readReceiptInfo.unreadCount === undefined && message.readReceiptInfo.readCount === undefined)
+          ) {
+            return t('TUIChat.未读');
+          }
+          return `${message.readReceiptInfo.readCount + t('TUIChat.人已读')}`;
+        default:
+          return '';
+      }
+    };
+    const showReadReceiptDialog = (message: any) => {
+      ctx.emit('showReadReceiptDialog', message, 'receipt');
+    };
+    const showRepliesDialog = (message: any, isRoot: boolean) => {
+      if (isRoot) {
+        ctx.emit('showRepliesDialog', message, 'replies');
+        return;
+      }
+      if ((data.referenceMessage as any)?.messageRootID) {
+        const message = data.messagesList?.find(
+          (item: Message) => item.ID === (data.referenceMessage as any)?.messageRootID
+        );
+        if (message) {
+          ctx.emit('showRepliesDialog', message, 'replies');
+          return;
+        } else {
+          const message = t('TUIChat.无法定位到原消息');
+          handleErrorPrompts(message, props);
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    const handleImageOrVideoBubbleStyle = (message: Message) => {
+      const classNameList = ['content'];
+      if (!message) return classNameList;
+      classNameList.push(`content-${data.message.flow}`);
+      if (data.message.type === TIM.TYPES.MSG_IMAGE && !isEmojiReactionInMessage(message)) {
+        classNameList.push('content-image');
+      }
+      if (data.message.type === TIM.TYPES.MSG_VIDEO && !isEmojiReactionInMessage(message)) {
+        classNameList.push('content-video');
+      }
+      return classNameList;
+    };
+    const isEmojiReactionInMessage = (message: Message) => {
+      try {
+        if (!message?.cloudCustomData) return;
+        const reactList = JSONToObject(message?.cloudCustomData)?.messageReact?.reacts;
+        if (!reactList || Object.keys(reactList).length === 0) return false;
+        return true;
+      } catch (err) {
+        console.warn(err);
+        return false;
+      }
+    };
+    return {
+      ...toRefs(data),
+      toggleDialog,
+      htmlRefHook,
+      jumpToAim,
+      dropdown,
+      dropdownRef,
+      resendMessage,
+      showReadReceiptTag,
+      readReceiptStyle,
+      readReceiptCont,
+      showReadReceiptDialog,
+      showRepliesDialog,
+      handleImageOrVideoBubbleStyle,
+      isEmojiReactionInMessage,
+      TIM,
+    };
+  },
+export default messageBubble;
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+@import url('../../../styles/common.scss');
+@import url('../../../styles/icon.scss');
+.reverse {
+  flex-direction: row-reverse;
+  justify-content: flex-start;
+.avatar {
+  width: 36px;
+  height: 36px;
+  border-radius: 5px;
+.message-bubble {
+  width: 100%;
+  display: flex;
+  padding-bottom: 5px;
+.line-left {
+  border: 1px solid rgba(0, 110, 255, 0.5);
+.message-reference-area {
+  display: flex;
+  background: #f2f2f2;
+  border-radius: 0.5rem;
+  border-radius: 0.63rem;
+  align-self: start;
+  margin-left: 44px;
+  margin-right: 8px;
+  &-show {
+    width: 100%;
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: inherit;
+    justify-content: center;
+    padding: 6px;
+    p {
+      font-family: PingFangSC-Regular;
+      font-weight: 400;
+      font-size: 0.88rem;
+      color: #999999;
+      letter-spacing: 0;
+      word-break: keep-all;
+      padding-right: 5px;
+    }
+    span {
+      height: 1.25rem;
+      font-family: PingFangSC-Regular;
+      font-weight: 400;
+      font-size: 0.88rem;
+      color: #999999;
+      letter-spacing: 0;
+      display: inline-block;
+    }
+  }
+.message-replies {
+  display: flex;
+  align-self: start;
+  margin-left: 44px;
+  margin-right: 8px;
+  padding: 2px;
+  color: #999999;
+  font-size: 10px;
+  i {
+    margin: 4px;
+  }
+  span {
+    line-height: 20px;
+  }
+.message-replies-reverse {
+  align-self: end;
+  margin-right: 44px;
+  margin-left: 8px;
+.message-img {
+  max-width: min(calc(100vw - 180px), 300px);
+  max-height: min(calc(100vw - 180px), 300px);
+.message-video-cover {
+  display: inline-block;
+  position: relative;
+  &::before {
+    position: absolute;
+    z-index: 1;
+    content: '';
+    width: 0px;
+    height: 0px;
+    border: 15px solid transparent;
+    border-left: 20px solid #ffffff;
+    top: 0;
+    left: 0;
+    bottom: 0;
+    right: 0;
+    margin: auto;
+  }
+.message-videoimg {
+  max-width: min(calc(100vw - 160px), 300px);
+  max-height: min(calc(100vw - 160px), 300px);
+.face-box {
+  display: flex;
+  align-items: center;
+.text-img {
+  width: 20px;
+  height: 20px;
+.message-audio {
+  padding-left: 10px;
+  display: flex;
+  align-items: center;
+  position: relative;
+  .icon {
+    margin: 0 4px;
+  }
+  audio {
+    width: 0;
+    height: 0;
+  }
+.reserve {
+  flex-direction: row-reverse;
+.message-area {
+  max-width: calc(100% - 54px);
+  position: relative;
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  padding: 0 8px;
+  .name {
+    padding-bottom: 4px;
+    font-weight: 400;
+    font-size: 0.8rem;
+    color: #999999;
+    letter-spacing: 0;
+  }
+  .reference-content {
+    padding: 12px;
+    font-weight: 400;
+    font-size: 14px;
+    color: burlywood;
+    letter-spacing: 0;
+    word-wrap: break-word;
+    word-break: break-all;
+    animation: reference 800ms;
+  }
+  @-webkit-keyframes reference {
+    from {
+      opacity: 1;
+    }
+    50% {
+      background-color: #ff9c19;
+    }
+    to {
+      opacity: 1;
+    }
+  }
+  @keyframes reference {
+    from {
+      opacity: 1;
+    }
+    50% {
+      background-color: #ff9c19;
+    }
+    to {
+      opacity: 1;
+    }
+  }
+  .content {
+    padding: 12px;
+    font-weight: 400;
+    font-size: 14px;
+    color: #000000;
+    letter-spacing: 0;
+    word-wrap: break-word;
+    word-break: break-all;
+    width: fit-content;
+    &-in {
+      background: #fbfbfb;
+      border-radius: 0px 10px 10px 10px;
+    }
+    &-out {
+      background: #dceafd;
+      border-radius: 10px 0px 10px 10px;
+    }
+    &-image {
+      padding: 0px;
+      height: fit-content;
+      border-radius: 10px 0px 10px 10px;
+    }
+    &-video {
+      padding: 0px;
+      height: fit-content;
+      background: transparent;
+      border-radius: 10px;
+    }
+  }
+.message-label {
+  align-self: flex-end;
+  font-family: PingFangSC-Regular;
+  font-weight: 400;
+  font-size: 12px;
+  color: #b6b8ba;
+  word-break: keep-all;
+.fail {
+  width: 15px;
+  height: 15px;
+  border-radius: 15px;
+  background: red;
+  color: #ffffff;
+  display: flex;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: center;
+.unRead {
+  color: #679ce1;
+.dropdown-inner {
+  position: absolute;
+  width: 100%;
+  height: 100%;
+  left: 0;
+  top: 0;
+.dialog {
+  position: absolute;
+  z-index: 1;
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: row;
+  width: fit-content;
+  &-right {
+    right: 0;
+  }

+ 228 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+  <div class="custom">
+    <template v-if="isCustom === constant.typeService">
+      <div>
+        <h1>
+          <label>{{ extension.title }}</label>
+          <a
+            v-if="extension.hyperlinks_text"
+            :href="extension.hyperlinks_text.value"
+            target="view_window"
+          >
+            {{ extension.hyperlinks_text.key }}
+          </a>
+        </h1>
+        <ul v-if="extension.item && extension.item.length > 0">
+          <li v-for="(item, index) in extension.item" :key="index">
+            <a v-if="isUrl(item.value)" :href="item.value" target="view_window">
+              {{ item.key }}
+            </a>
+            <p v-else>{{ item.key }}</p>
+          </li>
+        </ul>
+        <article>{{ extension.description }}</article>
+      </div>
+    </template>
+    <template v-else-if="isCustom.businessID === constant.typeEvaluate">
+      <div class="evaluate">
+        <h1>{{ $t('message.custom.对本次服务评价') }}</h1>
+        <ul>
+          <li
+            class="evaluate-list-item"
+            v-for="(item, index) in ~~isCustom.score"
+            :key="index"
+          >
+            <i class="icon icon-star-light"></i>
+          </li>
+        </ul>
+        <article>{{ isCustom.comment }}</article>
+      </div>
+    </template>
+    <template v-else-if="isCustom.businessID === constant.typeOrder">
+      <div class="order" @click="openLink(isCustom.link)">
+        <img :src="isCustom.imageUrl" alt="" />
+        <main>
+          <h1>{{ isCustom.title }}</h1>
+          <p>{{ isCustom.description }}</p>
+          <span>{{ isCustom.price }}</span>
+        </main>
+      </div>
+    </template>
+    <template v-else-if="isCustom.businessID === constant.typeTextLink">
+      <div class="textLink">
+        <p>{{ isCustom.text }}</p>
+        <a :href="isCustom.link" target="view_window">
+          {{ $t('message.custom.查看详情>>') }}
+        </a>
+      </div>
+    </template>
+    <template v-else-if="isCustom.businessID === constant.TYPE_CALL_MESSAGE">
+      <div
+        class="call"
+        @click="handleCallAgain"
+        :class="`call-${data?.message?.conversationType}`"
+      >
+        <i class="icon" :class="handleCallMessageIcon()"></i>
+        <span>{{ data.custom }}</span>
+      </div>
+    </template>
+    <template v-else>
+      <span v-html="data.custom"></span>
+    </template>
+  </div>
+<script lang="ts">
+import { defineComponent, watchEffect, reactive, toRefs } from 'vue';
+import { isUrl, JSONToObject } from '../utils/utils';
+import constant from '../../constant';
+import { useStore } from 'vuex';
+export default defineComponent({
+  props: {
+    data: {
+      type: Object,
+      default: () => ({})
+    }
+  },
+  setup(props: any, ctx: any) {
+    const VuexStore =
+      ((window as any)?.TUIKitTUICore?.isOfficial && useStore && useStore()) ||
+      {};
+    const data = reactive({
+      data: {} as any,
+      extension: {},
+      isCustom: '',
+      constant: constant
+    });
+    watchEffect(() => {
+      data.data = props.data;
+      const {
+        message: { payload }
+      } = props.data;
+      data.isCustom = payload.data || ' ';
+      data.isCustom = JSONToObject(payload.data);
+      if (payload.data === constant.typeService) {
+        data.extension = JSONToObject(payload.extension);
+      }
+    });
+    const openLink = (url: any) => {
+      window.open(url);
+    };
+    const handleCallMessageIcon = () => {
+      const callType = JSON.parse(
+        JSON.parse(data?.data?.message?.payload?.data)?.data
+      )?.call_type;
+      let className = '';
+      switch (callType) {
+        case 1:
+          className = 'icon-call-voice';
+          break;
+        case 2:
+          className = 'icon-call-video';
+          break;
+        default:
+          break;
+      }
+      return className;
+    };
+    const handleCallAgain = async () => {
+      const callType = JSON.parse(
+        JSON.parse(props?.data?.message?.payload?.data)?.data
+      )?.call_type;
+      switch (data?.data?.message?.conversationType) {
+        case (window as any).TUIKitTUICore.TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C:
+          // eslint-disable-next-line no-case-declarations, no-unsafe-optional-chaining
+          const { flow, to, from } = data?.data?.message;
+          if (to === from) break;
+          try {
+            await (window as any)?.TUIKitTUICore?.TUIServer?.TUICallKit?.call({
+              userID: flow === 'out' ? to : from,
+              type: callType
+            });
+            (window as any)?.TUIKitTUICore?.isOfficial &&
+              VuexStore?.commit &&
+              VuexStore?.commit('handleTask', 6);
+          } catch (error) {
+            console.warn(error);
+          }
+          break;
+        case (window as any).TUIKitTUICore.TIM.TYPES.CONV_GROUP:
+          break;
+        default:
+          break;
+      }
+    };
+    return {
+      ...toRefs(data),
+      isUrl,
+      openLink,
+      handleCallMessageIcon,
+      handleCallAgain
+    };
+  }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+@import url('../../../styles/common.scss');
+@import url('../../../styles/icon.scss');
+a {
+  color: #679ce1;
+.custom {
+  font-size: 14px;
+  h1 {
+    font-size: 14px;
+    color: #000000;
+  }
+  h1,
+  a,
+  p {
+    font-size: 14px;
+  }
+  .evaluate {
+    ul {
+      display: flex;
+      padding-top: 10px;
+    }
+  }
+  .order {
+    display: flex;
+    main {
+      padding-left: 5px;
+      p {
+        font-family: PingFangSC-Regular;
+        width: 145px;
+        line-height: 17px;
+        font-size: 14px;
+        color: #999999;
+        letter-spacing: 0;
+        margin-bottom: 6px;
+        word-break: break-word;
+      }
+      span {
+        font-family: PingFangSC-Regular;
+        line-height: 25px;
+        color: #ff7201;
+      }
+    }
+    img {
+      width: 67px;
+      height: 67px;
+    }
+  }
+  .call {
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: row;
+    align-items: center;
+    &-C2C {
+      cursor: pointer;
+    }
+    &-GROUP {
+      cursor: default;
+    }
+  }

+ 285 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+  <div class="dialog-emoji" :class="env?.isH5?'dialog-emoji-h5':''" v-if="type === 'dropdown'">
+    <div class="face-list collapse">
+      <ul class="face-list-collapse">
+        <li
+          class="face-list-item"
+          v-for="(childrenItem, childrenIndex) in emojiCollapseList"
+          :key="childrenIndex"
+          @click.stop="select(childrenItem)"
+        >
+          <img :src="emojiUrl + emojiMap[childrenItem]" />
+        </li>
+      </ul>
+      <div class="face-list-button" @click.stop="isCollapse = !isCollapse">
+        <i class="icon" :class="[isCollapse ? 'icon-expand' : 'icon-collapse']"></i>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <ul class="face-list face-list-expand" v-show="!isCollapse">
+      <li
+        class="face-list-item"
+        v-for="(childrenItem, childrenIndex) in emojiExpandList"
+        :key="childrenIndex"
+        @click.stop="select(childrenItem)"
+      >
+        <img :src="emojiUrl + emojiMap[childrenItem]" />
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+  </div>
+  <div v-if="type === 'content'" class="emoji-content">
+    <ul class="emoji-react" ref="container">
+      <li
+        class="emoji-react-item"
+        v-for="(val, key) in handleEmojiReact(message)"
+        :key="key"
+        v-show="val && val?.length"
+        @click.stop="select(key)"
+      >
+        <img :src="emojiUrl + emojiMap[key]" />
+        <div class="emoji-react-item-content">
+          <span>{{ handleEmojiReactItem(val) }}</span>
+        </div>
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+  </div>
+<script lang="ts">
+import { defineComponent, watch, reactive, toRefs, computed, ref, onMounted, nextTick } from 'vue';
+import TIM from '../../../../TUICore/tim';
+import { emojiUrl, emojiMap, emojiName } from '../utils/emojiMap';
+import { JSONToObject } from '../utils/utils';
+import TUIChat from '../index.vue';
+import { Message } from '@tencentcloud/chat';
+export default defineComponent({
+  props: {
+    message: {
+      type: Object,
+      default: () => ({}),
+    },
+    emojiList: {
+      type: Array,
+      default: () => [],
+    },
+    type: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '',
+    },
+  },
+  emits: ['handleCollapse'],
+  setup(props: any, ctx: any) {
+    const { TUIServer } = TUIChat;
+    const data = reactive({
+      message: {} as Message,
+      emojiUrl,
+      emojiMap,
+      emojiName,
+      isCollapse: true,
+      types: TIM.TYPES,
+      env: TUIServer.TUICore.TUIEnv,
+      type: props.type,
+      emojiReacts: {},
+      allMemberList: [],
+    });
+    const container = ref({} as HTMLElement);
+    const emojiCollapseList = computed(() => {
+      return data.emojiName.slice(0, 6);
+    });
+    const emojiExpandList = computed(() => {
+      return data.emojiName.slice(6);
+    });
+    const select = (item: any) => {
+      TUIServer.emojiReact(data.message, item);
+    };
+    const handleEmojiReact = (message: any) => {
+      try {
+        if (!message?.cloudCustomData) return;
+        const reactList = JSONToObject(message?.cloudCustomData)?.messageReact?.reacts;
+        if (!reactList) return;
+        data.emojiReacts = reactList;
+        return reactList;
+      } catch (err) {
+        console.warn(err);
+      }
+    };
+    const handleEmojiReactItem = (userIDList: any) => {
+      let res = '';
+      userIDList?.forEach((item: any, index: any) => {
+        const memberInfo = data.allMemberList?.find((member: any) => member.userID === item);
+        res = res + (memberInfo ? (memberInfo as any)?.nick : item) + ', ';
+      });
+      if (res.length) res = res.substring(0, res.lastIndexOf(','));
+      return res;
+    };
+    const handleAllMemberList = (message: any) => {
+      const TUIChatStore = TUIServer?.currentStore;
+      switch (message?.conversationType) {
+        case TIM.TYPES.CONV_C2C:
+          data.allMemberList = [
+            {
+              userID: TUIChatStore?.conversation?.userProfile?.userID,
+              nick: TUIChatStore?.conversation?.userProfile?.nick,
+            },
+            {
+              userID: TUIChatStore?.selfInfo?.userID,
+              nick: TUIChatStore?.selfInfo?.nick,
+            },
+          ] as any;
+          break;
+        case TIM.TYPES.CONV_GROUP:
+          data.allMemberList = TUIChatStore?.allMemberList?.memberList;
+          break;
+        default:
+          break;
+      }
+    };
+    watch(
+      () => props.message,
+      (newVal: any, oldVal: any) => {
+        data.message = props.message;
+        if (newVal?.conversationID !== oldVal?.conversationID) {
+          handleAllMemberList(newVal);
+        }
+      },
+      { deep: true, immediate: true }
+    );
+    watch(
+      ()=>data.isCollapse,
+      (newVal, oldVal) => {
+        if (newVal === oldVal) return;
+        if (!data?.env?.isH5) return;
+        ctx.emit('handleCollapse', newVal);
+      }
+    )
+    return {
+      ...toRefs(data),
+      emojiCollapseList,
+      emojiExpandList,
+      select,
+      handleEmojiReact,
+      handleEmojiReactItem,
+      container,
+    };
+  },
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+@import url('../../../styles/common.scss');
+@import url('../../../styles/icon.scss');
+.dialog-emoji {
+  margin-left: 2px;
+  background: #ffffff;
+  border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
+  box-shadow: 0 4px 12px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06);
+  width: 242px;
+  min-height: 28px;
+  height: fit-content;
+  padding: 2px 6px;
+  word-break: keep-all;
+  top: 30px;
+  border-radius: 8px;
+  &-h5{
+    margin: 0 5px;
+    border: none;
+    border-bottom: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
+    box-shadow: none;
+    border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0;
+  }
+  .collapse {
+    padding: 2px 0px;
+  }
+  .face-list {
+    display: flex;
+    overflow: hidden;
+    flex-wrap: nowrap;
+    flex-direction: row;
+    &-collapse {
+      display: flex;
+      overflow: hidden;
+      flex-wrap: nowrap;
+      justify-content: space-between;
+      align-items: center;
+      flex: 1;
+    }
+    &-expand {
+      border-top: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
+      display: flex;
+      overflow-x: hidden;
+      flex-wrap: wrap;
+      max-height: 90px;
+      overflow-y: auto;
+    }
+    &-button {
+      padding: 5px 7px;
+      height: 20px;
+      line-height: 20px;
+      text-align: center;
+      align-items: center;
+      i {
+        text-align: center;
+      }
+    }
+    li {
+      margin: 4px;
+      display: flex;
+      flex-direction: row;
+      align-items: center;
+      flex-direction: row;
+      img {
+        width: 22px;
+        height: 22px;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+.emoji-content {
+  .emoji-react {
+    margin-top: 3px;
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: row;
+    flex-wrap: wrap;
+    align-items: center;
+    &-item {
+      width: fit-content;
+      height: 20px;
+      background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
+      border-radius: 12px;
+      padding: 2px 6px;
+      margin: 2px;
+      overflow: hidden;
+      text-overflow: ellipsis;
+      max-width: 200px;
+      display: flex;
+      img {
+        width: 16px;
+        height: 16px;
+        padding: 2px;
+      }
+      &-content {
+        overflow: hidden;
+        text-overflow: ellipsis;
+        font-size: 10px;
+        color: #999999;
+        align-self: center;
+        span {
+          margin: 2px;
+          font-size: 10px;
+          color: #999999;
+          overflow: hidden;
+          text-overflow: ellipsis;
+          white-space: nowrap;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }

+ 65 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+  <div class="message-image" ref="skeleton">
+    <img class="message-img" :src="data.url" :style="
+        isH5
+          ? {
+              maxWidth: data.width ? data.width + 'px' : 'calc(100vw - 180px)',
+              maxHeight: data.height ? data.height + 'px' : 'calc(100vw - 180px)',
+            }
+          : {}
+      "/>
+  </div>
+<script lang="ts">
+import { defineComponent, watchEffect, reactive, toRefs, nextTick, ref } from 'vue';
+import { handleSkeletonSize } from '../utils/utils';
+export default defineComponent({
+  props: {
+    data: {
+      type: Object,
+      default: () => ({}),
+    },
+    isH5: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: false,
+    },
+  },
+  setup(props: any, ctx: any) {
+    const data = reactive({
+      data: {},
+    });
+    const skeleton: any = ref();
+    watchEffect(() => {
+      data.data = props.data;
+      if (!data.data) return;
+      nextTick(() => {
+        const containerWidth = document.getElementById('messageEle')?.clientWidth || 0;
+        const max = props.isH5 ? Math.min(containerWidth - 172, 300) : 300;
+        const size = handleSkeletonSize(240, 240, max, max);
+        skeleton?.value?.style && (skeleton.value.style.width = `${size.width}px`);
+        skeleton?.value?.style && (skeleton.value.style.height = `${size.height}px`);
+      });
+    });
+    return {
+      ...toRefs(data),
+      skeleton,
+    };
+  },
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+@import url('../../../styles/common.scss');
+@import url('../../../styles/icon.scss');
+.text-img {
+  width: 20px;
+  height: 20px;
+.message-img {
+  max-width: min(calc(100vw - 180px), 300px);
+  max-height: min(calc(100vw - 180px), 300px);

+ 108 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+  <div class="message-file">
+    <div class="box" @click="download" :title="$t('TUIChat.单击下载')">
+      <i class="icon icon-files"></i>
+      <div class="message-file-content">
+        <label>{{ data.name }}</label>
+        <span>{{ data.size }}</span>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <progress v-if="data.progress" :value="data.progress" max="1"></progress>
+  </div>
+<script lang="ts">
+import { defineComponent, watchEffect, reactive, toRefs } from 'vue';
+export default defineComponent({
+  props: {
+    data: {
+      type: Object,
+      default: () => ({}),
+    },
+  },
+  setup(props: any, ctx: any) {
+    const data = reactive({
+      data: {},
+    });
+    watchEffect(() => {
+      data.data = props.data;
+    });
+    const download = () => {
+      const file: any = data.data;
+      const option: any = {
+        mode: 'cors',
+        headers: new Headers({
+          'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+        }),
+      };
+      // 浏览器支持fetch则用blob下载,避免浏览器点击a标签,跳转到新页面预览的行为
+      // If the browser supports fetch, use blob to download, so as to avoid the browser clicking the a tag and jumping to the preview of the new page
+      if ((window as any).fetch) {
+        fetch(file.url, option)
+          .then((res) => res.blob())
+          .then((blob) => {
+            const a = document.createElement('a');
+            const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
+            a.href = url;
+            a.download = file.name;
+            a.click();
+          });
+      } else {
+        const a = document.createElement('a');
+        a.href = file.url;
+        a.target = '_blank';
+        a.download = file.name;
+        a.click();
+      }
+    };
+    return {
+      ...toRefs(data),
+      download,
+    };
+  },
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+@import url('../../../styles/common.scss');
+@import url('../../../styles/icon.scss');
+.message-file {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  .box {
+    flex: 1;
+    display: flex;
+    cursor: pointer;
+    .message-file-content {
+      flex: 1;
+      display: flex;
+      flex-direction: column;
+    }
+  }
+  progress {
+    width: 100%;
+    color: #006eff;
+    appearance: none;
+    border-radius: 0.25rem;
+    background: rgba(#ffffff, 1);
+    width: 100%;
+    height: 0.5rem;
+    &::-webkit-progress-value {
+      background-color: #006eff;
+      border-radius: 0.25rem;
+    }
+    &::-webkit-progress-bar {
+      border-radius: 0.25rem;
+      background: rgba(#ffffff, 1);
+    }
+    &::-moz-progress-bar {
+      color: #006eff;
+      background: #006eff;
+      border-radius: 0.25rem;
+    }
+  }

+ 258 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+  <div class="message-image" @click.self="toggleShow" ref="skeleton">
+    <img
+      class="message-img"
+      :src="data.url"
+      :width="data.width"
+      :height="data.height"
+      :style="
+        isH5
+          ? {
+              maxWidth: data.width ? data.width + 'px' : 'calc(100vw - 180px)',
+              maxHeight: data.height
+                ? data.height + 'px'
+                : 'calc(100vw - 180px)'
+            }
+          : {}
+      "
+    />
+    <div class="progress" v-if="data.progress">
+      <progress :value="data.progress" max="1"></progress>
+    </div>
+    <div class="dialog" v-if="show" @click.self="toggleShow">
+      <header v-if="!isH5">
+        <i class="icon icon-close" @click.stop="toggleShow"></i>
+      </header>
+      <div
+        class="dialog-box"
+        :class="[isH5 ? 'dialog-box-h5' : '']"
+        @click.self="toggleShow"
+      >
+        <img
+          :class="[isWidth ? 'isWidth' : 'isHeight']"
+          :src="data.message.payload.imageInfoArray[0].url"
+          @click.self="toggleShow"
+        />
+        <div v-if="isH5" class="dialog-box-h5-footer">
+          <p @click="toggleShow">
+            <img src="../../../assets/icon/close-image.png" />
+          </p>
+          <p @click.stop="downloadImage(data.message)">
+            <img src="../../../assets/icon/downaload-image.png" />
+          </p>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+<script lang="ts">
+import {
+  defineComponent,
+  watchEffect,
+  reactive,
+  toRefs,
+  computed,
+  ref,
+  nextTick
+} from 'vue';
+import { handleSkeletonSize } from '../utils/utils';
+export default defineComponent({
+  props: {
+    data: {
+      type: Object,
+      default: () => ({})
+    },
+    isH5: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: false
+    }
+  },
+  emits: ['uploading', 'previewImage'],
+  setup(props: any, ctx: any) {
+    const data = reactive({
+      data: {
+        progress: 0
+      },
+      show: false
+    });
+    const skeleton: any = ref();
+    const isWidth = computed(() => {
+      // eslint-disable-next-line no-unsafe-optional-chaining
+      const { width = 0, height = 0 } = (data.data as any)?.message?.payload
+        ?.imageInfoArray[0];
+      return width >= height;
+    });
+    watchEffect(() => {
+      data.data = props.data;
+      if (!data.data) return;
+      nextTick(() => {
+        if (!data.data.progress) {
+          const { width = 0, height = 0 } = data.data as any;
+          if (width === 0 || height === 0) return;
+          const containerWidth =
+            document.getElementById('app')?.clientWidth || 0;
+          const max = props.isH5 ? Math.min(containerWidth - 180, 300) : 300;
+          const size = handleSkeletonSize(width, height, max, max);
+          skeleton?.value?.style &&
+            (skeleton.value.style.width = `${size.width}px`);
+          skeleton?.value?.style &&
+            (skeleton.value.style.height = `${size.height}px`);
+        } else {
+          ctx.emit('uploading');
+        }
+      });
+    });
+    const toggleShow = () => {
+      if (!data.data.progress) {
+        ctx.emit('previewImage', (data.data as any).message);
+      }
+    };
+    const downloadImage = (message: any) => {
+      const targetImage = document.createElement('a');
+      const downloadImageName = message.payload.imageInfoArray[0].instanceID;
+      targetImage.setAttribute('download', downloadImageName);
+      const image = new Image();
+      image.src = message.payload.imageInfoArray[0].url;
+      image.setAttribute('crossOrigin', 'Anonymous');
+      image.onload = () => {
+        targetImage.href = getImageDataURL(image);
+        targetImage.click();
+      };
+    };
+    const getImageDataURL = (image: any) => {
+      const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+      canvas.width = image.width;
+      canvas.height = image.height;
+      const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
+      ctx?.drawImage(image, 0, 0, image.width, image.height);
+      const extension = image.src
+        .substring(image.src.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)
+        .toLowerCase();
+      return canvas.toDataURL(`image/${extension}`, 1);
+    };
+    return {
+      ...toRefs(data),
+      toggleShow,
+      skeleton,
+      isWidth,
+      downloadImage
+    };
+  }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+@import url('../../../styles/common.scss');
+@import url('../../../styles/icon.scss');
+.message-image {
+  position: relative;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  opacity: 1;
+  .message-img {
+    max-width: min(calc(100vw - 180px), 300px);
+    max-height: min(calc(100vw - 180px), 300px);
+    width: inherit;
+    height: inherit;
+  }
+  .progress {
+    position: absolute;
+    box-sizing: border-box;
+    width: 100%;
+    height: 100%;
+    padding: 0 20px;
+    left: 0;
+    top: 0;
+    background: rgba(#000000, 0.5);
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    progress {
+      color: #006eff;
+      appearance: none;
+      border-radius: 0.25rem;
+      background: rgba(#ffffff, 1);
+      width: 100%;
+      height: 0.5rem;
+      &::-webkit-progress-value {
+        background-color: #006eff;
+        border-radius: 0.25rem;
+      }
+      &::-webkit-progress-bar {
+        border-radius: 0.25rem;
+        background: rgba(#ffffff, 1);
+      }
+      &::-moz-progress-bar {
+        color: #006eff;
+        background: #006eff;
+        border-radius: 0.25rem;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+.dialog {
+  position: fixed;
+  z-index: 12;
+  width: 100vw;
+  height: 100vh;
+  background: rgba(#000000, 0.3);
+  top: 0;
+  left: 0;
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  align-items: center;
+  header {
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: flex-end;
+    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.49);
+    width: 100%;
+    box-sizing: border-box;
+    padding: 10px 10px;
+  }
+  &-box {
+    display: flex;
+    flex: 1;
+    max-height: 100%;
+    padding: 6rem;
+    box-sizing: border-box;
+    justify-content: center;
+    align-items: center;
+  }
+.dialog-box-h5 {
+  width: 100%;
+  height: 100%;
+  background: #000000;
+  padding: 30px 0;
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  &-footer {
+    position: fixed;
+    bottom: 10px;
+    display: flex;
+    width: 90vw;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    p {
+      width: 3.88rem;
+      height: 3.88rem;
+    }
+    img {
+      width: 100%;
+    }
+    i {
+      padding: 20px;
+    }
+  }
+.isWidth {
+  width: 100%;
+.isHeight {
+  height: 100%;

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+  <a class="message-location" :href="data.href" target="_blank" title="点击查看详情">
+    <span class="el-icon-location-outline">{{data.description}}</span>
+    <img :src="data.url" />
+  </a>
+<script lang="ts">
+import { defineComponent, watchEffect, reactive, toRefs } from 'vue';
+export default defineComponent({
+  props: {
+    data: {
+      type: Object,
+      default: () => ({}),
+    },
+  },
+  setup(props:any, ctx:any) {
+    const data = reactive({
+      data: {},
+    });
+    watchEffect(() => {
+      data.data = props.data;
+    });
+    return {
+      ...toRefs(data),
+    };
+  },
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+@import url('../../../styles/common.scss');
+@import url('../../../styles/icon.scss');
+.message-location {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff