@@ -1,889 +1,894 @@
-import {
- Transition,
- defineComponent,
- onMounted,
- ref,
- reactive,
- onUnmounted,
- watch,
- computed
-} from 'vue';
-import LayoutSilder from './layoutSilder';
-import LayoutTop from './layoutTop';
-import styles from './index.module.less';
-import { NButton, NImage, NModal, NPopover, NSpace, useDialog } from 'naive-ui';
-import Moveable from 'moveable';
-import toolStartClass from './images/toolStartClass.png';
-import timerMeterClose from './images/close.png';
-import toolbox from './images/toolbox.png';
-import setTimeIcon from './images/setTimeIcon.png';
-import beatIcon from './images/beatIcon.png';
-import toneIcon from './images/toneIcon.png';
-import iconWhiteBorad from './images/icon-whiteborad.png';
-import iconPen from './images/icon-pen.png';
-import iconNote from './images/icon-note.png';
-import beatImage from './images/beatImage.png';
-import toneImage from './images/toneImage.png';
-import setTimeImage from './images/setTimeImage.png';
-import dragingBoxIcon from './images/dragingBoxIcon.png';
-import TimerMeter from '../timerMeter';
-import Metronome from '../Metronome';
-import { useRoute, useRouter } from 'vue-router';
-import { vaildUrl } from '/src/utils/urlUtils';
-import ChioseModal from '/src/views/home/modals/chioseModal';
-import {
- eventGlobal,
- iframeDislableKeyboard,
- px2vw,
- px2vwH
-} from '@/utils/index';
-import PlaceholderTone from './modals/placeholderTone';
-import { state } from '/src/state';
-import PreviewWindow from '/src/views/preview-window';
-import { fscreen } from '@/utils/index';
-import AttendClass from '/src/views/prepare-lessons/model/attend-class';
-import Pen from '/src/views/attend-class/component/tools/pen';
-import study from '/src/views/home/components/study';
-import TheAuth from '../TheAuth';
-import useDrag from '@/hooks/useDrag';
-import { getGuidanceShow } from '@/hooks/useDrag/useDragGuidance';
-import { useUserStore } from '@/store/modules/users';
-export default defineComponent({
- name: 'layoutView',
- setup() {
- const router = useRouter();
- const previewModal = ref(false);
- const previewItem = ref({});
- const directionType = ref('left');
- const showClass = ref(false);
- const showAuthMask = ref(false);
- const showModalBeat = ref(false);
- const showModalTone = ref(false);
- const showModalTime = ref(false);
- const showBoxConent = ref(false);
- const dialog = useDialog();
- const boxBoundaryInfo = reactive({
- isBoundary: false,
- isBoundaryType: '' as any,
- mainWidth: '' as any,
- mainHeight: '' as any,
- subWidth: '' as any,
- subHeight: '' as any
- });
- const classBoundaryInfo = reactive({
- isBoundary: true,
- isBoundaryType: 'right' as any,
- mainWidth: '' as any,
- mainHeight: '' as any,
- subWidth: '' as any,
- subHeight: '' as any
- });
- const route = useRoute();
- const isDragIng = ref(false);
- const NPopoverRef = ref();
- const initMoveable = async () => {
- if (document.querySelector('.wrap')) {
- const moveable = new Moveable(document.querySelector('.wrap') as any, {
- target: document.querySelector('#moveNPopover') as any,
- // If the container is null, the position is fixed. (default: parentElement(document.body))
- container: document.querySelector('.wrap') as any,
- // snappable: true,
- // bounds: {"left":100,"top":100,"right":100,"bottom":100},
- draggable: true,
- resizable: false,
- scalable: false,
- rotatable: false,
- warpable: false,
- pinchable: false, // ["resizable", "scalable", "rotatable"]
- origin: false,
- keepRatio: false,
- // Resize, Scale Events at edges.
- edge: false,
- throttleDrag: 0,
- throttleResize: 0,
- throttleScale: 0,
- throttleRotate: 0
- });
- moveable
- // .on('dragStart', ({ target, clientX, clientY }) => {
- // console.log('dragStart');
- // })
- .on(
- 'drag',
- ({
- target,
- // transform,
- left,
- top,
- right,
- bottom
- // beforeDelta,
- // beforeDist,
- // delta,
- // dist,
- // clientX,
- // clientY
- }) => {
- isDragIng.value = true;
- if (NPopoverRef.value) {
- NPopoverRef.value.setShow(false);
- }
- const subdEl = document.getElementById(
- `moveNPopover`
- ) as HTMLDivElement;
- // console.log(subdEl, "subdEl", "drag");
- const subdElStyle = getComputedStyle(subdEl, null);
- const RectInfo = {
- left: Number(subdElStyle.left.replace('px', '')),
- top: Number(subdElStyle.top.replace('px', '')),
- width: Number(subdElStyle.width.replace('px', '')),
- height: Number(subdElStyle.height.replace('px', ''))
- };
- // target.style.transition = ''
- const mainWidth =
- parseInt(
- window.getComputedStyle(
- document.querySelector('.wrap') as Element
- ).width
- ) - RectInfo.width;
- const mainHeight =
- parseInt(
- window.getComputedStyle(
- document.querySelector('.wrap') as Element
- ).height
- ) - RectInfo.height;
- subdEl.style.transition = '';
- boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = false;
- boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = '';
- boxBoundaryInfo.mainHeight = mainHeight;
- boxBoundaryInfo.mainWidth = mainWidth;
- boxBoundaryInfo.subWidth = RectInfo.width;
- boxBoundaryInfo.subHeight = RectInfo.height;
- if (left < 0) {
- left = 2;
- boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = true;
- boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = 'left';
- }
- if (top < 0) {
- top = 2;
- boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = true;
- boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = 'top';
- }
- if (right < 0) {
- right = 2;
- }
- if (bottom < 0) {
- bottom = 2;
- }
- if (left > mainWidth - 2) {
- left = mainWidth - 2;
- // top = 2;
- boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = true;
- boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = 'right';
- }
- if (top > mainHeight - 2) {
- top = mainHeight - 2;
- boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = true;
- boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = 'bottom';
- }
- target!.style.left = `${left}px`;
- target!.style.top = `${top}px`;
- }
- )
- .on(
- 'dragEnd',
- async ({
- target,
- // isDrag,
- clientX
- // clientY
- }) => {
- if (document.body.clientWidth / 2 - clientX > 0) {
- // 往左出
- directionType.value = 'right';
- } else {
- // 往又出
- directionType.value = 'left';
- }
- isDragIng.value = false;
- // 在这里进行动画
- if (boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundary) {
- // 这里说明贴边了
- target.style.transition = '.3s';
- actionEnd(target, boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType);
- }
- }
- );
- }
- };
- const initMoveableClass = async () => {
- if (document.querySelector('.wrap')) {
- const moveable = new Moveable(document.querySelector('.wrap') as any, {
- target: document.querySelector('#moveNPopover2') as any,
- // If the container is null, the position is fixed. (default: parentElement(document.body))
- container: document.querySelector('.wrap') as any,
- // snappable: true,
- // bounds: {"left":100,"top":100,"right":100,"bottom":100},
- draggable: true,
- resizable: false,
- scalable: false,
- rotatable: false,
- warpable: false,
- pinchable: false, // ["resizable", "scalable", "rotatable"]
- origin: false,
- keepRatio: false,
- // Resize, Scale Events at edges.
- edge: false,
- throttleDrag: 0,
- throttleResize: 0,
- throttleScale: 0,
- throttleRotate: 0
- });
- moveable
- .on(
- 'drag',
- ({
- target,
- // transform,
- left,
- top,
- right,
- bottom
- }) => {
- isDragIng.value = true;
- const subdEl = document.getElementById(
- `moveNPopover2`
- ) as HTMLDivElement;
- // console.log(subdEl, "subdEl", "drag");
- const subdElStyle = getComputedStyle(subdEl, null);
- const RectInfo = {
- left: Number(subdElStyle.left.replace('px', '')),
- top: Number(subdElStyle.top.replace('px', '')),
- width: Number(subdElStyle.width.replace('px', '')),
- height: Number(subdElStyle.height.replace('px', ''))
- };
- const mainWidth =
- parseInt(
- window.getComputedStyle(
- document.querySelector('.wrap') as Element
- ).width
- ) - RectInfo.width;
- const mainHeight =
- parseInt(
- window.getComputedStyle(
- document.querySelector('.wrap') as Element
- ).height
- ) - RectInfo.height;
- subdEl.style.transition = '';
- classBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = false;
- classBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = '';
- classBoundaryInfo.mainHeight = mainHeight;
- classBoundaryInfo.mainWidth = mainWidth;
- classBoundaryInfo.subWidth = RectInfo.width;
- classBoundaryInfo.subHeight = RectInfo.height;
- if (left < 0) {
- left = 2;
- classBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = true;
- classBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = 'left';
- }
- if (top < 0) {
- top = 2;
- classBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = true;
- classBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = 'top';
- }
- if (right < 0) {
- right = 2;
- }
- if (bottom < 0) {
- bottom = 2;
- }
- if (left > mainWidth - 2) {
- left = mainWidth - 2;
- // top = 2;
- classBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = true;
- classBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = 'right';
- }
- if (top > mainHeight - 2) {
- top = mainHeight - 2;
- classBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = true;
- classBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = 'bottom';
- }
- target!.style.left = `${left}px`;
- target!.style.top = `${top}px`;
- }
- )
- .on(
- 'dragEnd',
- async ({
- target,
- // isDrag,
- clientX
- // clientY
- }) => {
- if (document.body.clientWidth / 2 - clientX > 0) {
- // 往左出
- directionType.value = 'right';
- } else {
- // 往又出
- directionType.value = 'left';
- }
- if (classBoundaryInfo.isBoundary) {
- // 这里说明贴边了
- target.style.transition = '.3s';
- actionEnd(target, classBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType);
- }
- isDragIng.value = false;
- }
- )
- .on('click', () => {
- showClass.value = true;
- });
- }
- };
- watch(
- () => route.path,
- (val: any) => {
- const elDoc = document.getElementById('WrapcoreViewWrap') as any;
- if (elDoc) {
- elDoc.scrollTo(0, 0);
- window.scrollTo(0, 0);
- }
- }
- );
- // 帮助指引状态
- const helpNoteList = reactive({
- baseListTab: ''
- });
- const helpNoteStatus = computed(() => {
- const routePath = route.path;
- const hidePath = [
- '/classDetail',
- '/classStudentDetail',
- '/notation',
- '/xiaoku-ai',
- '/studentDetail',
- '/classStudentRecode',
- '/afterWorkDetail'
- ];
- // 单独判断个人信息页面[学校设置]有引导
- if (route.path === '/setting') {
- return helpNoteList.baseListTab === 'school' ? true : false;
- } else {
- return hidePath.includes(routePath) ? false : true;
- }
- });
- const startClassStatus = computed(() => {
- const routePath = route.path;
- console.log(routePath, 'routePath', routePath);
- const hidePath = ['/prepare-lessons'];
- return hidePath.includes(routePath) ? false : true;
- });
- onMounted(() => {
- initMoveable();
- // // initMoveableClass();
- const subdEl = document.getElementById(`moveNPopover`) as HTMLDivElement;
- // // const classEl = document.getElementById(
- // // `moveNPopover2`
- // // ) as HTMLDivElement;
- // // initBoxRectInfo(classEl, classBoundaryInfo);
- initBoundaryWrap(subdEl, boxBoundaryInfo);
- initBoxRectInfo(subdEl, boxBoundaryInfo);
- // // initBoundaryWrap(classEl, classBoundaryInfo);
- window.addEventListener('resize', resetSize);
- eventGlobal.on('base-setting-emit', (val: string) => {
- helpNoteList.baseListTab = val;
- });
- // 判断是否显示证书提示
- eventGlobal.on('auth-not-installed', () => {
- showAuthMask.value = true;
- });
- });
- const resetSize = () => {
- const subdEl = document.getElementById(`moveNPopover`) as HTMLDivElement;
- subdEl.style.display = 'none';
- // const boxBoundaryInfo = reactive({
- // isBoundary: true,
- // isBoundaryType: 'right' as any,
- // mainWidth: '' as any,
- // mainHeight: '' as any,
- // subWidth: '' as any,
- // subHeight: '' as any
- // });
- // boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = true;
- // boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType= 'right'
- if (NPopoverRef.value) {
- NPopoverRef.value.setShow(false);
- }
- setTimeout(() => {
- subdEl.style.transition = '';
- initBoxRectInfo(subdEl, boxBoundaryInfo);
- initBoundaryWrap(subdEl, boxBoundaryInfo);
- console.log('resize');
- subdEl.style.display = 'block';
- }, 100);
- };
- onUnmounted(() => {
- window.removeEventListener('resize', resetSize);
- });
- const initBoundaryWrap = (target: any, wrapInfo: any) => {
- target.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
- if (wrapInfo.isBoundary) {
- // 如果在边框 就得还原 元素位置 还原完毕后 去除transition
- if (wrapInfo.isBoundaryType == 'left') {
- target.style.left = '2px';
- } else if (wrapInfo.isBoundaryType == 'right') {
- target.style.left = `${wrapInfo.mainWidth - 2}px`;
- } else if (wrapInfo.isBoundaryType == 'top') {
- target.style.top = `${2}px`;
- } else if (wrapInfo.isBoundaryType == 'bottom') {
- target.style.top = `${wrapInfo.mainHeight - 2}px`;
- }
- }
- rate(target, 0);
- });
- target.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
- if (wrapInfo.isBoundary) {
- // 如果在边框 就得还原 元素位置 还原完毕后 去除transition
- if (wrapInfo.isBoundaryType == 'left') {
- actionEnd(target, 'left');
- } else if (wrapInfo.isBoundaryType == 'right') {
- actionEnd(target, 'right');
- } else if (wrapInfo.isBoundaryType == 'top') {
- actionEnd(target, 'top');
- } else if (wrapInfo.isBoundaryType == 'bottom') {
- actionEnd(target, 'bottom');
- }
- }
- // rate(target, 0)
- });
- // target.addEventListener('contextmenu', (event: any) => {
- // event.preventDefault();
- // dialog.warning({
- // title: '提示',
- // content: '是否收入托盘',
- // positiveText: '确定',
- // negativeText: '取消',
- // onPositiveClick: () => {
- // console.log('确定');
- // },
- // onNegativeClick: () => {
- // console.log('取消');
- // }
- // });
- // });
- // actionEnd(target, 'right');
- };
- const startShowModal = (
- val:
- | 'setTimeIcon'
- | 'beatIcon'
- | 'toneIcon'
- | 'iconWhiteBorad'
- | 'iconPen'
- | 'iconNote'
- ) => {
- if (val == 'setTimeIcon') {
- showModalTime.value = true;
- }
- if (val == 'beatIcon') {
- showModalBeat.value = true;
- }
- if (val == 'toneIcon') {
- showModalTone.value = true;
- }
- if (val == 'iconNote') {
- if (NPopoverRef.value) {
- NPopoverRef.value.setShow(false);
- }
- console.log(route.name, 'guideInfo');
- eventGlobal.emit('teacher-guideInfo', route.name);
- }
- if (val == 'iconWhiteBorad') {
- studyData.whiteboardShow = true;
- studyData.type = 'whiteboard';
- studyData.homeStatus = false;
- if (NPopoverRef.value) {
- NPopoverRef.value.setShow(false);
- }
- }
- if (val == 'iconPen') {
- studyData.penShow = true;
- studyData.type = 'pen';
- studyData.homeStatus = false;
- if (NPopoverRef.value) {
- NPopoverRef.value.setShow(false);
- }
- }
- };
- // const moveTargetBoundary = (target: any, type: any) => {
- // console.log('moveTargetBoundary', target, type);
- // };
- // 这里是旋转
- const rate = (target: any, rate: any) => {
- target.style.transform = ' rotate(' + rate + ')';
- };
- // 这里是选装的方式
- const actionEnd = (target: any, type: any) => {
- switch (type) {
- case 'left':
- rate(target, '90deg');
- target!.style.left = `${2 - boxBoundaryInfo.subWidth / 2}px`;
- target!.style.top = `${top}px`;
- break;
- case 'right':
- rate(target, '-90deg');
- target!.style.left = `${
- boxBoundaryInfo.mainWidth - 2 + boxBoundaryInfo.subWidth / 2
- }px`;
- target!.style.top = `${top}px`;
- break;
- case 'top':
- target!.style.top = `${2 - boxBoundaryInfo.subHeight / 2}px`;
- rate(target, '-180deg');
- break;
- case 'bottom':
- target!.style.top = `${
- boxBoundaryInfo.mainHeight - 2 + boxBoundaryInfo.subHeight / 2
- }px`;
- break;
- default:
- rate(target, '-0');
- break;
- }
- };
- const initBoxRectInfo = (target: any, wrapInfo: any) => {
- // const subdEl = document.getElementById(`moveNPopover`) as HTMLDivElement;
- // console.log(subdEl, "subdEl", "drag");
- const subdElStyle = getComputedStyle(target, null);
- const RectInfo = {
- left: Number(subdElStyle.left.replace('px', '')),
- top: Number(subdElStyle.top.replace('px', '')),
- width: Number(subdElStyle.width.replace('px', '')),
- height: Number(subdElStyle.height.replace('px', ''))
- };
- // target.style.transition = ''
- const mainWidth =
- parseInt(
- window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('.wrap') as Element)
- .width
- ) - RectInfo.width;
- const mainHeight =
- parseInt(
- window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('.wrap') as Element)
- .height
- ) - RectInfo.height;
- // boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = false;
- // boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = '';
- wrapInfo.mainHeight = mainHeight;
- wrapInfo.mainWidth = mainWidth;
- wrapInfo.subWidth = RectInfo.width;
- wrapInfo.subHeight = RectInfo.height;
- target.style.transition = '.3s .3s';
- };
- /** 教学数据 */
- const studyData = reactive({
- homeStatus: true, // 是否显示首页
- type: '',
- penShow: false,
- whiteboardShow: false
- });
- /* 弹窗加拖动 */
- // 引导页
- getGuidanceShow();
- //计时器
- const users = useUserStore();
- const timerMeterConBoxClass = 'timerMeterConBoxClass_drag';
- const timerMeterConDragData = useDrag(
- [
- `${timerMeterConBoxClass} .timeBomCon .bom_drag`,
- `${timerMeterConBoxClass} .topDragDom`
- ],
- timerMeterConBoxClass,
- showModalTime,
- users.info.id
- );
- // 节拍器
- const metronomeConBoxClass = 'metronomeConBoxClass_drag';
- const metronomeConBoxDragData = useDrag(
- [
- `${metronomeConBoxClass} .topDragDom`,
- `${metronomeConBoxClass} .bom_drag`
- ],
- metronomeConBoxClass,
- showModalBeat,
- users.info.id
- );
- return () => (
- <div class={[styles.wrap, 'wrap']}>
- <div>
- <LayoutSilder></LayoutSilder>
- </div>
- <div class={styles.Wrapcore}>
- <LayoutTop></LayoutTop>
- <div class={styles.WrapcoreView} id="WrapcoreViewWrap">
- {/* <div class={styles.WrapcoreViewInfo}> */}
- <router-view>
- {(obj: any) => (
- <Transition name="fade-slide" mode="out-in">
- <obj.Component />
- </Transition>
- )}
- </router-view>
- {/* </div> */}
- </div>
- </div>
- {/* <img
- src={toolStartClass}
- id="moveNPopover2"
- style={{
- display: ['/', '/home', '/classList', '/prepare-lessons'].includes(
- route.path
- )
- ? 'none'
- : 'block'
- }}
- class={[
- styles.toolClassImg,
- 'moveNPopover2',
- isDragIng.value ? styles.isDragIng : ''
- ]}
- alt=""
- /> */}
- <NPopover
- raw
- trigger="click"
- ref={NPopoverRef}
- show-arrow={false}
- placement={directionType.value as 'left' | 'right'}
- v-slots={{
- trigger: () => (
- // 首页不显示工具箱 ['/', '/home'].includes(route.path) ||
- <img
- // src={isDragIng.value ? dragingBoxIcon : toolbox}
- src={toolbox}
- id="moveNPopover"
- style={{
- display: !studyData.homeStatus ? 'none' : 'block'
- }}
- //兼容触摸屏
- onTouchstart={() => {
- NPopoverRef?.value.setShow(true);
- }}
- class={[
- styles.toolboxImg,
- 'moveNPopover',
- isDragIng.value ? styles.isDragIng : ''
- ]}
- alt=""
- />
- )
- }}>
- <div class={styles.booxToolWrap}>
- <div>
- <div
- class={styles.booxToolItem}
- onClick={() => startShowModal('beatIcon')}>
- <img src={beatIcon} alt="" />
- 节拍器
- </div>
- {/* <div
- class={styles.booxToolItem}
- onClick={() => startShowModal('toneIcon')}>
- <img src={toneIcon} alt="" />
- 调音器
- </div> */}
- <div
- class={styles.booxToolItem}
- onClick={() => startShowModal('setTimeIcon')}>
- <img src={setTimeIcon} alt="" />
- 计时器
- </div>
- {/* <div
- class={[
- styles.booxToolItem,
- !startClassStatus.value && styles.booxToolDisabled
- ]}
- onClick={() => {
- if (!startClassStatus.value) return;
- showClass.value = true;
- }}>
- <img
- src={toolStartClass}
- class={[styles.toolClassImg]}
- alt=""
- />
- 开始上课
- </div> */}
- </div>
- <div>
- {/* <div
- class={[
- styles.booxToolItem,
- !helpNoteStatus.value && styles.booxToolDisabled
- ]}
- onClick={() => {
- if (!helpNoteStatus.value) return;
- // 默认滚动到页面顶部,在显示指引
- document.querySelector('#WrapcoreViewWrap')?.scrollTo(0, 0);
- startShowModal('iconNote');
- }}>
- <img src={iconNote} alt="" />
- 功能引导
- </div> */}
- <div
- class={styles.booxToolItem}
- onClick={() => startShowModal('iconPen')}>
- <img src={iconWhiteBorad} alt="" />
- 批注
- </div>
- <div
- class={styles.booxToolItem}
- onClick={() => startShowModal('iconWhiteBorad')}>
- <img src={iconPen} alt="" />
- 白板
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </NPopover>
- {/* 批注 */}
- {studyData.penShow && (
- <Pen
- show={studyData.type === 'pen'}
- type={studyData.type as any}
- close={() => {
- studyData.type = 'init';
- studyData.homeStatus = true;
- }}
- />
- )}
- {studyData.whiteboardShow && (
- <Pen
- show={studyData.type === 'whiteboard'}
- type={studyData.type as any}
- close={() => {
- studyData.type = 'init';
- studyData.homeStatus = true;
- }}
- />
- )}
- {/* <NModal
- class={['modalTitle background']}
- style={{ width: '687px' }}
- title={'节拍器'}
- preset="card"
- v-model:show={showModalBeat.value}>
- <div class={styles.modeWrap}>
- <iframe
- src={`${vaildUrl()}/metronome/?id=${new Date().getTime()}`}
- scrolling="no"
- frameborder="0"
- width="100%"
- onLoad={(val: any) => {
- iframeDislableKeyboard(val.target);
- }}
- height={'650px'}></iframe>
- </div>
- </NModal> */}
- <Metronome
- v-model={showModalBeat.value}
- dragClass={metronomeConBoxClass}
- dragStyle={metronomeConBoxDragData.styleDrag.value}></Metronome>
- <NModal v-model:show={showModalTone.value} class={['background']}>
- {/* <div
- onClick={() => {
- showModalTone.value = false;
- }}>
- <NImage
- src={toneImage}
- previewDisabled
- class={styles.beatImage}></NImage>
- </div> */}
- <div>
- <PlaceholderTone
- onClose={() => {
- showModalTone.value = false;
- }}></PlaceholderTone>
- </div>
- </NModal>
- <NModal
- v-model:show={showModalTime.value}
- class={timerMeterConBoxClass}
- style={timerMeterConDragData.styleDrag.value}>
- <div>
- <img
- class={styles.timerMeterClose}
- src={timerMeterClose}
- onClick={() => {
- showModalTime.value = false;
- }}
- />
- <div class="topDragDom"></div>
- <TimerMeter></TimerMeter>
- </div>
- </NModal>
- <NModal
- v-model:show={showClass.value}
- class={['modalTitle background', styles.showClass]}
- preset="card"
- title={'开始上课'}>
- <AttendClass
- onClose={() => (showClass.value = false)}
- type="change"
- onConfirm={(item: any) => {
- showClass.value = false;
- router.push({
- path: '/prepare-lessons',
- query: {
- ...item
- }
- });
- }}
- />
- </NModal>
- {/* 弹窗查看 */}
- <PreviewWindow
- v-model:show={previewModal.value}
- type="attend"
- params={previewItem.value}
- />
- <NModal
- v-model:show={showAuthMask.value}
- closeOnEsc={false}
- maskClosable={false}>
- <TheAuth onClose={() => (showAuthMask.value = false)} />
- </NModal>
- </div>
- );
- }
+import {
+ Transition,
+ defineComponent,
+ onMounted,
+ ref,
+ reactive,
+ onUnmounted,
+ watch,
+ computed
+} from 'vue';
+import LayoutSilder from './layoutSilder';
+import LayoutTop from './layoutTop';
+import styles from './index.module.less';
+import { NButton, NImage, NModal, NPopover, NSpace, useDialog } from 'naive-ui';
+import Moveable from 'moveable';
+import toolStartClass from './images/toolStartClass.png';
+import timerMeterClose from './images/close.png';
+import toolbox from './images/toolbox.png';
+import setTimeIcon from './images/setTimeIcon.png';
+import beatIcon from './images/beatIcon.png';
+import toneIcon from './images/toneIcon.png';
+import iconWhiteBorad from './images/icon-whiteborad.png';
+import iconPen from './images/icon-pen.png';
+import iconNote from './images/icon-note.png';
+import beatImage from './images/beatImage.png';
+import toneImage from './images/toneImage.png';
+import setTimeImage from './images/setTimeImage.png';
+import dragingBoxIcon from './images/dragingBoxIcon.png';
+import TimerMeter from '../timerMeter';
+import Metronome from '../Metronome';
+import { useRoute, useRouter } from 'vue-router';
+import { vaildUrl } from '/src/utils/urlUtils';
+import ChioseModal from '/src/views/home/modals/chioseModal';
+import {
+ eventGlobal,
+ iframeDislableKeyboard,
+ px2vw,
+ px2vwH
+} from '@/utils/index';
+import PlaceholderTone from './modals/placeholderTone';
+import { modalClickMask, state } from '/src/state';
+import PreviewWindow from '/src/views/preview-window';
+import { fscreen } from '@/utils/index';
+import AttendClass from '/src/views/prepare-lessons/model/attend-class';
+import Pen from '/src/views/attend-class/component/tools/pen';
+import study from '/src/views/home/components/study';
+import TheAuth from '../TheAuth';
+import useDrag from '@/hooks/useDrag';
+import { getGuidanceShow } from '@/hooks/useDrag/useDragGuidance';
+import { useUserStore } from '@/store/modules/users';
+export default defineComponent({
+ name: 'layoutView',
+ setup() {
+ const router = useRouter();
+ const previewModal = ref(false);
+ const previewItem = ref({});
+ const directionType = ref('left');
+ const showClass = ref(false);
+ const showAuthMask = ref(false);
+ const showModalBeat = ref(false);
+ const showModalTone = ref(false);
+ const showModalTime = ref(false);
+ const showBoxConent = ref(false);
+ const dialog = useDialog();
+ const boxBoundaryInfo = reactive({
+ isBoundary: false,
+ isBoundaryType: '' as any,
+ mainWidth: '' as any,
+ mainHeight: '' as any,
+ subWidth: '' as any,
+ subHeight: '' as any
+ });
+ const classBoundaryInfo = reactive({
+ isBoundary: true,
+ isBoundaryType: 'right' as any,
+ mainWidth: '' as any,
+ mainHeight: '' as any,
+ subWidth: '' as any,
+ subHeight: '' as any
+ });
+ const route = useRoute();
+ const isDragIng = ref(false);
+ const NPopoverRef = ref();
+ const initMoveable = async () => {
+ if (document.querySelector('.wrap')) {
+ const moveable = new Moveable(document.querySelector('.wrap') as any, {
+ target: document.querySelector('#moveNPopover') as any,
+ // If the container is null, the position is fixed. (default: parentElement(document.body))
+ container: document.querySelector('.wrap') as any,
+ // snappable: true,
+ // bounds: {"left":100,"top":100,"right":100,"bottom":100},
+ draggable: true,
+ resizable: false,
+ scalable: false,
+ rotatable: false,
+ warpable: false,
+ pinchable: false, // ["resizable", "scalable", "rotatable"]
+ origin: false,
+ keepRatio: false,
+ // Resize, Scale Events at edges.
+ edge: false,
+ throttleDrag: 0,
+ throttleResize: 0,
+ throttleScale: 0,
+ throttleRotate: 0
+ });
+ moveable
+ // .on('dragStart', ({ target, clientX, clientY }) => {
+ // console.log('dragStart');
+ // })
+ .on(
+ 'drag',
+ ({
+ target,
+ // transform,
+ left,
+ top,
+ right,
+ bottom
+ // beforeDelta,
+ // beforeDist,
+ // delta,
+ // dist,
+ // clientX,
+ // clientY
+ }) => {
+ isDragIng.value = true;
+ if (NPopoverRef.value) {
+ NPopoverRef.value.setShow(false);
+ }
+ const subdEl = document.getElementById(
+ `moveNPopover`
+ ) as HTMLDivElement;
+ // console.log(subdEl, "subdEl", "drag");
+ const subdElStyle = getComputedStyle(subdEl, null);
+ const RectInfo = {
+ left: Number(subdElStyle.left.replace('px', '')),
+ top: Number(subdElStyle.top.replace('px', '')),
+ width: Number(subdElStyle.width.replace('px', '')),
+ height: Number(subdElStyle.height.replace('px', ''))
+ };
+ // target.style.transition = ''
+ const mainWidth =
+ parseInt(
+ window.getComputedStyle(
+ document.querySelector('.wrap') as Element
+ ).width
+ ) - RectInfo.width;
+ const mainHeight =
+ parseInt(
+ window.getComputedStyle(
+ document.querySelector('.wrap') as Element
+ ).height
+ ) - RectInfo.height;
+ subdEl.style.transition = '';
+ boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = false;
+ boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = '';
+ boxBoundaryInfo.mainHeight = mainHeight;
+ boxBoundaryInfo.mainWidth = mainWidth;
+ boxBoundaryInfo.subWidth = RectInfo.width;
+ boxBoundaryInfo.subHeight = RectInfo.height;
+ if (left < 0) {
+ left = 2;
+ boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = true;
+ boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = 'left';
+ }
+ if (top < 0) {
+ top = 2;
+ boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = true;
+ boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = 'top';
+ }
+ if (right < 0) {
+ right = 2;
+ }
+ if (bottom < 0) {
+ bottom = 2;
+ }
+ if (left > mainWidth - 2) {
+ left = mainWidth - 2;
+ // top = 2;
+ boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = true;
+ boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = 'right';
+ }
+ if (top > mainHeight - 2) {
+ top = mainHeight - 2;
+ boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = true;
+ boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = 'bottom';
+ }
+ target!.style.left = `${left}px`;
+ target!.style.top = `${top}px`;
+ }
+ )
+ .on(
+ 'dragEnd',
+ async ({
+ target,
+ // isDrag,
+ clientX
+ // clientY
+ }) => {
+ if (document.body.clientWidth / 2 - clientX > 0) {
+ // 往左出
+ directionType.value = 'right';
+ } else {
+ // 往又出
+ directionType.value = 'left';
+ }
+ isDragIng.value = false;
+ // 在这里进行动画
+ if (boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundary) {
+ // 这里说明贴边了
+ target.style.transition = '.3s';
+ actionEnd(target, boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ };
+ const initMoveableClass = async () => {
+ if (document.querySelector('.wrap')) {
+ const moveable = new Moveable(document.querySelector('.wrap') as any, {
+ target: document.querySelector('#moveNPopover2') as any,
+ // If the container is null, the position is fixed. (default: parentElement(document.body))
+ container: document.querySelector('.wrap') as any,
+ // snappable: true,
+ // bounds: {"left":100,"top":100,"right":100,"bottom":100},
+ draggable: true,
+ resizable: false,
+ scalable: false,
+ rotatable: false,
+ warpable: false,
+ pinchable: false, // ["resizable", "scalable", "rotatable"]
+ origin: false,
+ keepRatio: false,
+ // Resize, Scale Events at edges.
+ edge: false,
+ throttleDrag: 0,
+ throttleResize: 0,
+ throttleScale: 0,
+ throttleRotate: 0
+ });
+ moveable
+ .on(
+ 'drag',
+ ({
+ target,
+ // transform,
+ left,
+ top,
+ right,
+ bottom
+ }) => {
+ isDragIng.value = true;
+ const subdEl = document.getElementById(
+ `moveNPopover2`
+ ) as HTMLDivElement;
+ // console.log(subdEl, "subdEl", "drag");
+ const subdElStyle = getComputedStyle(subdEl, null);
+ const RectInfo = {
+ left: Number(subdElStyle.left.replace('px', '')),
+ top: Number(subdElStyle.top.replace('px', '')),
+ width: Number(subdElStyle.width.replace('px', '')),
+ height: Number(subdElStyle.height.replace('px', ''))
+ };
+ const mainWidth =
+ parseInt(
+ window.getComputedStyle(
+ document.querySelector('.wrap') as Element
+ ).width
+ ) - RectInfo.width;
+ const mainHeight =
+ parseInt(
+ window.getComputedStyle(
+ document.querySelector('.wrap') as Element
+ ).height
+ ) - RectInfo.height;
+ subdEl.style.transition = '';
+ classBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = false;
+ classBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = '';
+ classBoundaryInfo.mainHeight = mainHeight;
+ classBoundaryInfo.mainWidth = mainWidth;
+ classBoundaryInfo.subWidth = RectInfo.width;
+ classBoundaryInfo.subHeight = RectInfo.height;
+ if (left < 0) {
+ left = 2;
+ classBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = true;
+ classBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = 'left';
+ }
+ if (top < 0) {
+ top = 2;
+ classBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = true;
+ classBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = 'top';
+ }
+ if (right < 0) {
+ right = 2;
+ }
+ if (bottom < 0) {
+ bottom = 2;
+ }
+ if (left > mainWidth - 2) {
+ left = mainWidth - 2;
+ // top = 2;
+ classBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = true;
+ classBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = 'right';
+ }
+ if (top > mainHeight - 2) {
+ top = mainHeight - 2;
+ classBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = true;
+ classBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = 'bottom';
+ }
+ target!.style.left = `${left}px`;
+ target!.style.top = `${top}px`;
+ }
+ )
+ .on(
+ 'dragEnd',
+ async ({
+ target,
+ // isDrag,
+ clientX
+ // clientY
+ }) => {
+ if (document.body.clientWidth / 2 - clientX > 0) {
+ // 往左出
+ directionType.value = 'right';
+ } else {
+ // 往又出
+ directionType.value = 'left';
+ }
+ if (classBoundaryInfo.isBoundary) {
+ // 这里说明贴边了
+ target.style.transition = '.3s';
+ actionEnd(target, classBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType);
+ }
+ isDragIng.value = false;
+ }
+ )
+ .on('click', () => {
+ showClass.value = true;
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ watch(
+ () => route.path,
+ (val: any) => {
+ const elDoc = document.getElementById('WrapcoreViewWrap') as any;
+ if (elDoc) {
+ elDoc.scrollTo(0, 0);
+ window.scrollTo(0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ // 帮助指引状态
+ const helpNoteList = reactive({
+ baseListTab: ''
+ });
+ const helpNoteStatus = computed(() => {
+ const routePath = route.path;
+ const hidePath = [
+ '/classDetail',
+ '/classStudentDetail',
+ '/notation',
+ '/xiaoku-ai',
+ '/studentDetail',
+ '/classStudentRecode',
+ '/afterWorkDetail'
+ ];
+ // 单独判断个人信息页面[学校设置]有引导
+ if (route.path === '/setting') {
+ return helpNoteList.baseListTab === 'school' ? true : false;
+ } else {
+ return hidePath.includes(routePath) ? false : true;
+ }
+ });
+ const startClassStatus = computed(() => {
+ const routePath = route.path;
+ console.log(routePath, 'routePath', routePath);
+ const hidePath = ['/prepare-lessons'];
+ return hidePath.includes(routePath) ? false : true;
+ });
+ onMounted(() => {
+ initMoveable();
+ // // initMoveableClass();
+ const subdEl = document.getElementById(`moveNPopover`) as HTMLDivElement;
+ // // const classEl = document.getElementById(
+ // // `moveNPopover2`
+ // // ) as HTMLDivElement;
+ // // initBoxRectInfo(classEl, classBoundaryInfo);
+ initBoundaryWrap(subdEl, boxBoundaryInfo);
+ initBoxRectInfo(subdEl, boxBoundaryInfo);
+ // // initBoundaryWrap(classEl, classBoundaryInfo);
+ window.addEventListener('resize', resetSize);
+ eventGlobal.on('base-setting-emit', (val: string) => {
+ helpNoteList.baseListTab = val;
+ });
+ // 判断是否显示证书提示
+ eventGlobal.on('auth-not-installed', () => {
+ showAuthMask.value = true;
+ });
+ });
+ const resetSize = () => {
+ const subdEl = document.getElementById(`moveNPopover`) as HTMLDivElement;
+ subdEl.style.display = 'none';
+ // const boxBoundaryInfo = reactive({
+ // isBoundary: true,
+ // isBoundaryType: 'right' as any,
+ // mainWidth: '' as any,
+ // mainHeight: '' as any,
+ // subWidth: '' as any,
+ // subHeight: '' as any
+ // });
+ // boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = true;
+ // boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType= 'right'
+ if (NPopoverRef.value) {
+ NPopoverRef.value.setShow(false);
+ }
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ subdEl.style.transition = '';
+ initBoxRectInfo(subdEl, boxBoundaryInfo);
+ initBoundaryWrap(subdEl, boxBoundaryInfo);
+ console.log('resize');
+ subdEl.style.display = 'block';
+ }, 100);
+ };
+ onUnmounted(() => {
+ window.removeEventListener('resize', resetSize);
+ });
+ const initBoundaryWrap = (target: any, wrapInfo: any) => {
+ target.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
+ if (wrapInfo.isBoundary) {
+ // 如果在边框 就得还原 元素位置 还原完毕后 去除transition
+ if (wrapInfo.isBoundaryType == 'left') {
+ target.style.left = '2px';
+ } else if (wrapInfo.isBoundaryType == 'right') {
+ target.style.left = `${wrapInfo.mainWidth - 2}px`;
+ } else if (wrapInfo.isBoundaryType == 'top') {
+ target.style.top = `${2}px`;
+ } else if (wrapInfo.isBoundaryType == 'bottom') {
+ target.style.top = `${wrapInfo.mainHeight - 2}px`;
+ }
+ }
+ rate(target, 0);
+ });
+ target.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
+ if (wrapInfo.isBoundary) {
+ // 如果在边框 就得还原 元素位置 还原完毕后 去除transition
+ if (wrapInfo.isBoundaryType == 'left') {
+ actionEnd(target, 'left');
+ } else if (wrapInfo.isBoundaryType == 'right') {
+ actionEnd(target, 'right');
+ } else if (wrapInfo.isBoundaryType == 'top') {
+ actionEnd(target, 'top');
+ } else if (wrapInfo.isBoundaryType == 'bottom') {
+ actionEnd(target, 'bottom');
+ }
+ }
+ // rate(target, 0)
+ });
+ // target.addEventListener('contextmenu', (event: any) => {
+ // event.preventDefault();
+ // dialog.warning({
+ // title: '提示',
+ // content: '是否收入托盘',
+ // positiveText: '确定',
+ // negativeText: '取消',
+ // onPositiveClick: () => {
+ // console.log('确定');
+ // },
+ // onNegativeClick: () => {
+ // console.log('取消');
+ // }
+ // });
+ // });
+ // actionEnd(target, 'right');
+ };
+ const startShowModal = (
+ val:
+ | 'setTimeIcon'
+ | 'beatIcon'
+ | 'toneIcon'
+ | 'iconWhiteBorad'
+ | 'iconPen'
+ | 'iconNote'
+ ) => {
+ if (val == 'setTimeIcon') {
+ showModalTime.value = true;
+ }
+ if (val == 'beatIcon') {
+ showModalBeat.value = true;
+ }
+ if (val == 'toneIcon') {
+ showModalTone.value = true;
+ }
+ if (val == 'iconNote') {
+ if (NPopoverRef.value) {
+ NPopoverRef.value.setShow(false);
+ }
+ console.log(route.name, 'guideInfo');
+ eventGlobal.emit('teacher-guideInfo', route.name);
+ }
+ if (val == 'iconWhiteBorad') {
+ studyData.whiteboardShow = true;
+ studyData.type = 'whiteboard';
+ studyData.homeStatus = false;
+ if (NPopoverRef.value) {
+ NPopoverRef.value.setShow(false);
+ }
+ }
+ if (val == 'iconPen') {
+ studyData.penShow = true;
+ studyData.type = 'pen';
+ studyData.homeStatus = false;
+ if (NPopoverRef.value) {
+ NPopoverRef.value.setShow(false);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // const moveTargetBoundary = (target: any, type: any) => {
+ // console.log('moveTargetBoundary', target, type);
+ // };
+ // 这里是旋转
+ const rate = (target: any, rate: any) => {
+ target.style.transform = ' rotate(' + rate + ')';
+ };
+ // 这里是选装的方式
+ const actionEnd = (target: any, type: any) => {
+ switch (type) {
+ case 'left':
+ rate(target, '90deg');
+ target!.style.left = `${2 - boxBoundaryInfo.subWidth / 2}px`;
+ target!.style.top = `${top}px`;
+ break;
+ case 'right':
+ rate(target, '-90deg');
+ target!.style.left = `${
+ boxBoundaryInfo.mainWidth - 2 + boxBoundaryInfo.subWidth / 2
+ }px`;
+ target!.style.top = `${top}px`;
+ break;
+ case 'top':
+ target!.style.top = `${2 - boxBoundaryInfo.subHeight / 2}px`;
+ rate(target, '-180deg');
+ break;
+ case 'bottom':
+ target!.style.top = `${
+ boxBoundaryInfo.mainHeight - 2 + boxBoundaryInfo.subHeight / 2
+ }px`;
+ break;
+ default:
+ rate(target, '-0');
+ break;
+ }
+ };
+ const initBoxRectInfo = (target: any, wrapInfo: any) => {
+ // const subdEl = document.getElementById(`moveNPopover`) as HTMLDivElement;
+ // console.log(subdEl, "subdEl", "drag");
+ const subdElStyle = getComputedStyle(target, null);
+ const RectInfo = {
+ left: Number(subdElStyle.left.replace('px', '')),
+ top: Number(subdElStyle.top.replace('px', '')),
+ width: Number(subdElStyle.width.replace('px', '')),
+ height: Number(subdElStyle.height.replace('px', ''))
+ };
+ // target.style.transition = ''
+ const mainWidth =
+ parseInt(
+ window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('.wrap') as Element)
+ .width
+ ) - RectInfo.width;
+ const mainHeight =
+ parseInt(
+ window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('.wrap') as Element)
+ .height
+ ) - RectInfo.height;
+ // boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundary = false;
+ // boxBoundaryInfo.isBoundaryType = '';
+ wrapInfo.mainHeight = mainHeight;
+ wrapInfo.mainWidth = mainWidth;
+ wrapInfo.subWidth = RectInfo.width;
+ wrapInfo.subHeight = RectInfo.height;
+ target.style.transition = '.3s .3s';
+ };
+ /** 教学数据 */
+ const studyData = reactive({
+ homeStatus: true, // 是否显示首页
+ type: '',
+ penShow: false,
+ whiteboardShow: false
+ });
+ /* 弹窗加拖动 */
+ // 引导页
+ getGuidanceShow();
+ //计时器
+ const users = useUserStore();
+ const timerMeterConBoxClass = 'timerMeterConBoxClass_drag';
+ const timerMeterConDragData = useDrag(
+ [
+ `${timerMeterConBoxClass} .timeBomCon .bom_drag`,
+ `${timerMeterConBoxClass} .topDragDom`
+ ],
+ timerMeterConBoxClass,
+ showModalTime,
+ users.info.id
+ );
+ // 节拍器
+ const metronomeConBoxClass = 'metronomeConBoxClass_drag';
+ const metronomeConBoxDragData = useDrag(
+ [
+ `${metronomeConBoxClass} .topDragDom`,
+ `${metronomeConBoxClass} .bom_drag`
+ ],
+ metronomeConBoxClass,
+ showModalBeat,
+ users.info.id
+ );
+ return () => (
+ <div class={[styles.wrap, 'wrap']}>
+ <div>
+ <LayoutSilder></LayoutSilder>
+ </div>
+ <div class={styles.Wrapcore}>
+ <LayoutTop></LayoutTop>
+ <div class={styles.WrapcoreView} id="WrapcoreViewWrap">
+ {/* <div class={styles.WrapcoreViewInfo}> */}
+ <router-view>
+ {(obj: any) => (
+ <Transition name="fade-slide" mode="out-in">
+ <obj.Component />
+ </Transition>
+ )}
+ </router-view>
+ {/* </div> */}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ {/* <img
+ src={toolStartClass}
+ id="moveNPopover2"
+ style={{
+ display: ['/', '/home', '/classList', '/prepare-lessons'].includes(
+ route.path
+ )
+ ? 'none'
+ : 'block'
+ }}
+ class={[
+ styles.toolClassImg,
+ 'moveNPopover2',
+ isDragIng.value ? styles.isDragIng : ''
+ ]}
+ alt=""
+ /> */}
+ <NPopover
+ raw
+ trigger="click"
+ ref={NPopoverRef}
+ show-arrow={false}
+ placement={directionType.value as 'left' | 'right'}
+ v-slots={{
+ trigger: () => (
+ // 首页不显示工具箱 ['/', '/home'].includes(route.path) ||
+ <img
+ // src={isDragIng.value ? dragingBoxIcon : toolbox}
+ src={toolbox}
+ id="moveNPopover"
+ style={{
+ display: !studyData.homeStatus ? 'none' : 'block'
+ }}
+ //兼容触摸屏
+ onTouchstart={() => {
+ NPopoverRef?.value.setShow(true);
+ }}
+ class={[
+ styles.toolboxImg,
+ 'moveNPopover',
+ isDragIng.value ? styles.isDragIng : ''
+ ]}
+ alt=""
+ />
+ )
+ }}>
+ <div class={styles.booxToolWrap}>
+ <div>
+ <div
+ class={styles.booxToolItem}
+ onClick={() => startShowModal('beatIcon')}>
+ <img src={beatIcon} alt="" />
+ 节拍器
+ </div>
+ {/* <div
+ class={styles.booxToolItem}
+ onClick={() => startShowModal('toneIcon')}>
+ <img src={toneIcon} alt="" />
+ 调音器
+ </div> */}
+ <div
+ class={styles.booxToolItem}
+ onClick={() => startShowModal('setTimeIcon')}>
+ <img src={setTimeIcon} alt="" />
+ 计时器
+ </div>
+ {/* <div
+ class={[
+ styles.booxToolItem,
+ !startClassStatus.value && styles.booxToolDisabled
+ ]}
+ onClick={() => {
+ if (!startClassStatus.value) return;
+ showClass.value = true;
+ }}>
+ <img
+ src={toolStartClass}
+ class={[styles.toolClassImg]}
+ alt=""
+ />
+ 开始上课
+ </div> */}
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ {/* <div
+ class={[
+ styles.booxToolItem,
+ !helpNoteStatus.value && styles.booxToolDisabled
+ ]}
+ onClick={() => {
+ if (!helpNoteStatus.value) return;
+ // 默认滚动到页面顶部,在显示指引
+ document.querySelector('#WrapcoreViewWrap')?.scrollTo(0, 0);
+ startShowModal('iconNote');
+ }}>
+ <img src={iconNote} alt="" />
+ 功能引导
+ </div> */}
+ <div
+ class={styles.booxToolItem}
+ onClick={() => startShowModal('iconPen')}>
+ <img src={iconWhiteBorad} alt="" />
+ 批注
+ </div>
+ <div
+ class={styles.booxToolItem}
+ onClick={() => startShowModal('iconWhiteBorad')}>
+ <img src={iconPen} alt="" />
+ 白板
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </NPopover>
+ {/* 批注 */}
+ {studyData.penShow && (
+ <Pen
+ show={studyData.type === 'pen'}
+ type={studyData.type as any}
+ close={() => {
+ studyData.type = 'init';
+ studyData.homeStatus = true;
+ }}
+ />
+ )}
+ {studyData.whiteboardShow && (
+ <Pen
+ show={studyData.type === 'whiteboard'}
+ type={studyData.type as any}
+ close={() => {
+ studyData.type = 'init';
+ studyData.homeStatus = true;
+ }}
+ />
+ )}
+ {/* <NModal
+ class={['modalTitle background']}
+ style={{ width: '687px' }}
+ title={'节拍器'}
+ preset="card"
+ v-model:show={showModalBeat.value}>
+ <div class={styles.modeWrap}>
+ <iframe
+ src={`${vaildUrl()}/metronome/?id=${new Date().getTime()}`}
+ scrolling="no"
+ frameborder="0"
+ width="100%"
+ onLoad={(val: any) => {
+ iframeDislableKeyboard(val.target);
+ }}
+ height={'650px'}></iframe>
+ </div>
+ </NModal> */}
+ <Metronome
+ v-model={showModalBeat.value}
+ dragClass={metronomeConBoxClass}
+ dragStyle={metronomeConBoxDragData.styleDrag.value}></Metronome>
+ <NModal
+ maskClosable={modalClickMask}
+ v-model:show={showModalTone.value}
+ class={['background']}>
+ {/* <div
+ onClick={() => {
+ showModalTone.value = false;
+ }}>
+ <NImage
+ src={toneImage}
+ previewDisabled
+ class={styles.beatImage}></NImage>
+ </div> */}
+ <div>
+ <PlaceholderTone
+ onClose={() => {
+ showModalTone.value = false;
+ }}></PlaceholderTone>
+ </div>
+ </NModal>
+ <NModal
+ maskClosable={modalClickMask}
+ v-model:show={showModalTime.value}
+ class={timerMeterConBoxClass}
+ style={timerMeterConDragData.styleDrag.value}>
+ <div>
+ <img
+ class={styles.timerMeterClose}
+ src={timerMeterClose}
+ onClick={() => {
+ showModalTime.value = false;
+ }}
+ />
+ <div class="topDragDom"></div>
+ <TimerMeter></TimerMeter>
+ </div>
+ </NModal>
+ <NModal
+ maskClosable={modalClickMask}
+ v-model:show={showClass.value}
+ class={['modalTitle background', styles.showClass]}
+ preset="card"
+ title={'开始上课'}>
+ <AttendClass
+ onClose={() => (showClass.value = false)}
+ type="change"
+ onConfirm={(item: any) => {
+ showClass.value = false;
+ router.push({
+ path: '/prepare-lessons',
+ query: {
+ ...item
+ }
+ });
+ }}
+ />
+ </NModal>
+ {/* 弹窗查看 */}
+ <PreviewWindow
+ v-model:show={previewModal.value}
+ type="attend"
+ params={previewItem.value}
+ />
+ <NModal
+ v-model:show={showAuthMask.value}
+ closeOnEsc={false}
+ maskClosable={false}>
+ <TheAuth onClose={() => (showAuthMask.value = false)} />
+ </NModal>
+ </div>
+ );
+ }