/*! ***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2024 Tencent, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************** */ /** * Common interfaces and types */ interface IAPIError { errMsg: string } interface IAPIParam<T = any> { config?: ICloudConfig success?: (res: T) => void fail?: (err: IAPIError) => void complete?: (val: T | IAPIError) => void } interface IAPISuccessParam { errMsg: string } type IAPICompleteParam = IAPISuccessParam | IAPIError type IAPIFunction<T, P extends IAPIParam<T>> = (param?: P) => Promise<T> interface IInitCloudConfig { env?: | string | { database?: string functions?: string storage?: string } traceUser?: boolean } interface ICloudConfig { env?: string traceUser?: boolean } interface IICloudAPI { init: (config?: IInitCloudConfig) => void [api: string]: AnyFunction | IAPIFunction<any, any> } interface ICloudService { name: string getAPIs: () => { [name: string]: IAPIFunction<any, any> } } interface ICloudServices { [serviceName: string]: ICloudService } interface ICloudMetaData { session_id: string } declare class InternalSymbol {} interface AnyObject { [x: string]: any } type AnyArray = any[] type AnyFunction = (...args: any[]) => any /** * extend wx with cloud */ interface WxCloud { init: (config?: ICloudConfig) => void callFunction(param: OQ<ICloud.CallFunctionParam>): void callFunction( param: RQ<ICloud.CallFunctionParam> ): Promise<ICloud.CallFunctionResult> uploadFile(param: OQ<ICloud.UploadFileParam>): WechatMiniprogram.UploadTask uploadFile( param: RQ<ICloud.UploadFileParam> ): Promise<ICloud.UploadFileResult> downloadFile( param: OQ<ICloud.DownloadFileParam> ): WechatMiniprogram.DownloadTask downloadFile( param: RQ<ICloud.DownloadFileParam> ): Promise<ICloud.DownloadFileResult> getTempFileURL(param: OQ<ICloud.GetTempFileURLParam>): void getTempFileURL( param: RQ<ICloud.GetTempFileURLParam> ): Promise<ICloud.GetTempFileURLResult> deleteFile(param: OQ<ICloud.DeleteFileParam>): void deleteFile( param: RQ<ICloud.DeleteFileParam> ): Promise<ICloud.DeleteFileResult> database: (config?: ICloudConfig) => DB.Database CloudID: ICloud.ICloudIDConstructor CDN: ICloud.ICDNConstructor callContainer(param: OQ<ICloud.CallContainerParam>): void callContainer( param: RQ<ICloud.CallContainerParam> ): Promise<ICloud.CallContainerResult> connectContainer(param: OQ<ICloud.ConnectContainerParam>): void connectContainer( param: RQ<ICloud.ConnectContainerParam> ): Promise<ICloud.ConnectContainerResult> services: ICloud.CloudServices } declare namespace ICloud { interface ICloudAPIParam<T = any> extends IAPIParam<T> { config?: ICloudConfig } // === API: callFunction === type CallFunctionData = AnyObject interface CallFunctionResult extends IAPISuccessParam { result: AnyObject | string | undefined } interface CallFunctionParam extends ICloudAPIParam<CallFunctionResult> { name: string data?: CallFunctionData slow?: boolean } // === end === // === API: container === type CallContainerData = AnyObject interface CallContainerResult extends IAPISuccessParam { data: any statusCode: number header: Record<string, any> callID: string } interface CallContainerParam extends ICloudAPIParam<CallContainerResult> { path: string service?: string method?: string header?: Record<string, any> data?: any // string, object, ArrayBuffer dataType?: string responseType?: string timeout?: number verbose?: boolean followRedirect?: boolean } interface ConnectContainerResult extends IAPISuccessParam { socketTask: WechatMiniprogram.SocketTask } interface ConnectSocketOptions extends IAPIParam<void> { header?: Record<string, string> protocols?: string[] tcpNoDelay?: boolean perMessageDeflate?: boolean timeout?: number } type ConnectContainerParam = Omit< ConnectSocketOptions, 'success' | 'fail' | 'complete' > & ICloudAPIParam<ConnectContainerResult> & { service: string path?: string } // === end === // === API: services === type AsyncSession<T> = T | PromiseLike<T> interface GatewayCallOptions { path: string data: any shouldSerialize?: boolean apiVersion?: number } interface GatewayInstance { call: ( param: CallContainerParam & GatewayCallOptions ) => Promise<CallContainerResult> refresh: (session: AsyncSession<string>) => Promise<void> } interface GatewayConstructOptions { id: string appid?: string domain?: string keepalive?: boolean prefetch?: boolean prefetchOptions?: { concurrent?: number enableQuic?: boolean enableHttp2?: boolean } } interface CloudServices { Gateway: (opts: GatewayConstructOptions) => GatewayInstance } // === end === // === API: uploadFile === interface UploadFileResult extends IAPISuccessParam { fileID: string statusCode: number } interface UploadFileParam extends ICloudAPIParam<UploadFileResult> { cloudPath: string filePath: string header?: AnyObject } // === end === // === API: downloadFile === interface DownloadFileResult extends IAPISuccessParam { tempFilePath: string statusCode: number } interface DownloadFileParam extends ICloudAPIParam<DownloadFileResult> { fileID: string cloudPath?: string } // === end === // === API: getTempFileURL === interface GetTempFileURLResult extends IAPISuccessParam { fileList: GetTempFileURLResultItem[] } interface GetTempFileURLResultItem { fileID: string tempFileURL: string maxAge: number status: number errMsg: string } interface GetTempFileURLParam extends ICloudAPIParam<GetTempFileURLResult> { fileList: string[] } // === end === // === API: deleteFile === interface DeleteFileResult extends IAPISuccessParam { fileList: DeleteFileResultItem[] } interface DeleteFileResultItem { fileID: string status: number errMsg: string } interface DeleteFileParam extends ICloudAPIParam<DeleteFileResult> { fileList: string[] } // === end === // === API: CloudID === abstract class CloudID { constructor(cloudID: string) } interface ICloudIDConstructor { new (cloudId: string): CloudID (cloudId: string): CloudID } // === end === // === API: CDN === abstract class CDN { target: string | ArrayBuffer | ICDNFilePathSpec constructor(target: string | ArrayBuffer | ICDNFilePathSpec) } interface ICDNFilePathSpec { type: 'filePath' filePath: string } interface ICDNConstructor { new (options: string | ArrayBuffer | ICDNFilePathSpec): CDN (options: string | ArrayBuffer | ICDNFilePathSpec): CDN } // === end === } // === Database === declare namespace DB { /** * The class of all exposed cloud database instances */ class Database { readonly config: ICloudConfig readonly command: DatabaseCommand readonly Geo: IGeo readonly serverDate: () => ServerDate readonly RegExp: IRegExpConstructor private constructor() collection(collectionName: string): CollectionReference } class CollectionReference extends Query { readonly collectionName: string private constructor(name: string, database: Database) doc(docId: string | number): DocumentReference add(options: OQ<IAddDocumentOptions>): void add(options: RQ<IAddDocumentOptions>): Promise<IAddResult> } class DocumentReference { private constructor(docId: string | number, database: Database) field(object: Record<string, any>): this get(options: OQ<IGetDocumentOptions>): void get(options?: RQ<IGetDocumentOptions>): Promise<IQuerySingleResult> set(options: OQ<ISetSingleDocumentOptions>): void set(options?: RQ<ISetSingleDocumentOptions>): Promise<ISetResult> update(options: OQ<IUpdateSingleDocumentOptions>): void update( options?: RQ<IUpdateSingleDocumentOptions> ): Promise<IUpdateResult> remove(options: OQ<IRemoveSingleDocumentOptions>): void remove( options?: RQ<IRemoveSingleDocumentOptions> ): Promise<IRemoveResult> watch(options: IWatchOptions): RealtimeListener } class RealtimeListener { // "And Now His Watch Is Ended" close: () => Promise<void> } class Query { where(condition: IQueryCondition): Query orderBy(fieldPath: string, order: string): Query limit(max: number): Query skip(offset: number): Query field(object: Record<string, any>): Query get(options: OQ<IGetDocumentOptions>): void get(options?: RQ<IGetDocumentOptions>): Promise<IQueryResult> count(options: OQ<ICountDocumentOptions>): void count(options?: RQ<ICountDocumentOptions>): Promise<ICountResult> watch(options: IWatchOptions): RealtimeListener } interface DatabaseCommand { eq(val: any): DatabaseQueryCommand neq(val: any): DatabaseQueryCommand gt(val: any): DatabaseQueryCommand gte(val: any): DatabaseQueryCommand lt(val: any): DatabaseQueryCommand lte(val: any): DatabaseQueryCommand in(val: any[]): DatabaseQueryCommand nin(val: any[]): DatabaseQueryCommand geoNear(options: IGeoNearCommandOptions): DatabaseQueryCommand geoWithin(options: IGeoWithinCommandOptions): DatabaseQueryCommand geoIntersects( options: IGeoIntersectsCommandOptions ): DatabaseQueryCommand and( ...expressions: Array<DatabaseLogicCommand | IQueryCondition> ): DatabaseLogicCommand or( ...expressions: Array<DatabaseLogicCommand | IQueryCondition> ): DatabaseLogicCommand nor( ...expressions: Array<DatabaseLogicCommand | IQueryCondition> ): DatabaseLogicCommand not(expression: DatabaseLogicCommand): DatabaseLogicCommand exists(val: boolean): DatabaseQueryCommand mod(divisor: number, remainder: number): DatabaseQueryCommand all(val: any[]): DatabaseQueryCommand elemMatch(val: any): DatabaseQueryCommand size(val: number): DatabaseQueryCommand set(val: any): DatabaseUpdateCommand remove(): DatabaseUpdateCommand inc(val: number): DatabaseUpdateCommand mul(val: number): DatabaseUpdateCommand min(val: number): DatabaseUpdateCommand max(val: number): DatabaseUpdateCommand rename(val: string): DatabaseUpdateCommand bit(val: number): DatabaseUpdateCommand push(...values: any[]): DatabaseUpdateCommand pop(): DatabaseUpdateCommand shift(): DatabaseUpdateCommand unshift(...values: any[]): DatabaseUpdateCommand addToSet(val: any): DatabaseUpdateCommand pull(val: any): DatabaseUpdateCommand pullAll(val: any): DatabaseUpdateCommand project: { slice(val: number | [number, number]): DatabaseProjectionCommand } aggregate: { __safe_props__?: Set<string> abs(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand add(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand addToSet(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand allElementsTrue(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand and(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand anyElementTrue(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand arrayElemAt(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand arrayToObject(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand avg(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand ceil(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand cmp(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand concat(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand concatArrays(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand cond(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand convert(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand dateFromParts(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand dateToParts(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand dateFromString(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand dateToString(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand dayOfMonth(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand dayOfWeek(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand dayOfYear(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand divide(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand eq(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand exp(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand filter(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand first(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand floor(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand gt(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand gte(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand hour(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand ifNull(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand in(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand indexOfArray(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand indexOfBytes(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand indexOfCP(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand isArray(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand isoDayOfWeek(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand isoWeek(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand isoWeekYear(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand last(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand let(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand literal(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand ln(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand log(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand log10(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand lt(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand lte(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand ltrim(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand map(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand max(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand mergeObjects(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand meta(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand min(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand millisecond(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand minute(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand mod(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand month(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand multiply(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand neq(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand not(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand objectToArray(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand or(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand pow(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand push(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand range(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand reduce(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand reverseArray(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand rtrim(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand second(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand setDifference(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand setEquals(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand setIntersection(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand setIsSubset(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand setUnion(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand size(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand slice(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand split(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand sqrt(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand stdDevPop(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand stdDevSamp(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand strcasecmp(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand strLenBytes(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand strLenCP(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand substr(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand substrBytes(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand substrCP(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand subtract(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand sum(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand switch(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand toBool(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand toDate(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand toDecimal(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand toDouble(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand toInt(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand toLong(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand toObjectId(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand toString(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand toLower(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand toUpper(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand trim(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand trunc(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand type(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand week(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand year(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand zip(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand } } class DatabaseAggregateCommand {} enum LOGIC_COMMANDS_LITERAL { AND = 'and', OR = 'or', NOT = 'not', NOR = 'nor' } class DatabaseLogicCommand { and(...expressions: DatabaseLogicCommand[]): DatabaseLogicCommand or(...expressions: DatabaseLogicCommand[]): DatabaseLogicCommand nor(...expressions: DatabaseLogicCommand[]): DatabaseLogicCommand not(expression: DatabaseLogicCommand): DatabaseLogicCommand } enum QUERY_COMMANDS_LITERAL { // comparison EQ = 'eq', NEQ = 'neq', GT = 'gt', GTE = 'gte', LT = 'lt', LTE = 'lte', IN = 'in', NIN = 'nin', // geo GEO_NEAR = 'geoNear', GEO_WITHIN = 'geoWithin', GEO_INTERSECTS = 'geoIntersects', // element EXISTS = 'exists', // evaluation MOD = 'mod', // array ALL = 'all', ELEM_MATCH = 'elemMatch', SIZE = 'size' } class DatabaseQueryCommand extends DatabaseLogicCommand { eq(val: any): DatabaseLogicCommand neq(val: any): DatabaseLogicCommand gt(val: any): DatabaseLogicCommand gte(val: any): DatabaseLogicCommand lt(val: any): DatabaseLogicCommand lte(val: any): DatabaseLogicCommand in(val: any[]): DatabaseLogicCommand nin(val: any[]): DatabaseLogicCommand exists(val: boolean): DatabaseLogicCommand mod(divisor: number, remainder: number): DatabaseLogicCommand all(val: any[]): DatabaseLogicCommand elemMatch(val: any): DatabaseLogicCommand size(val: number): DatabaseLogicCommand geoNear(options: IGeoNearCommandOptions): DatabaseLogicCommand geoWithin(options: IGeoWithinCommandOptions): DatabaseLogicCommand geoIntersects( options: IGeoIntersectsCommandOptions ): DatabaseLogicCommand } enum PROJECTION_COMMANDS_LITERAL { SLICE = 'slice' } class DatabaseProjectionCommand {} enum UPDATE_COMMANDS_LITERAL { // field SET = 'set', REMOVE = 'remove', INC = 'inc', MUL = 'mul', MIN = 'min', MAX = 'max', RENAME = 'rename', // bitwise BIT = 'bit', // array PUSH = 'push', POP = 'pop', SHIFT = 'shift', UNSHIFT = 'unshift', ADD_TO_SET = 'addToSet', PULL = 'pull', PULL_ALL = 'pullAll' } class DatabaseUpdateCommand {} class Batch {} /** * A contract that all API provider must adhere to */ class APIBaseContract< PromiseReturn, CallbackReturn, Param extends IAPIParam, Context = any > { getContext(param: Param): Context /** * In case of callback-style invocation, this function will be called */ getCallbackReturn(param: Param, context: Context): CallbackReturn getFinalParam<T extends Param>(param: Param, context: Context): T run<T extends Param>(param: T): Promise<PromiseReturn> } interface IGeoPointConstructor { new (longitude: number, latitide: number): GeoPoint new (geojson: IGeoJSONPoint): GeoPoint (longitude: number, latitide: number): GeoPoint (geojson: IGeoJSONPoint): GeoPoint } interface IGeoMultiPointConstructor { new (points: GeoPoint[] | IGeoJSONMultiPoint): GeoMultiPoint (points: GeoPoint[] | IGeoJSONMultiPoint): GeoMultiPoint } interface IGeoLineStringConstructor { new (points: GeoPoint[] | IGeoJSONLineString): GeoLineString (points: GeoPoint[] | IGeoJSONLineString): GeoLineString } interface IGeoMultiLineStringConstructor { new ( lineStrings: GeoLineString[] | IGeoJSONMultiLineString ): GeoMultiLineString ( lineStrings: GeoLineString[] | IGeoJSONMultiLineString ): GeoMultiLineString } interface IGeoPolygonConstructor { new (lineStrings: GeoLineString[] | IGeoJSONPolygon): GeoPolygon (lineStrings: GeoLineString[] | IGeoJSONPolygon): GeoPolygon } interface IGeoMultiPolygonConstructor { new (polygons: GeoPolygon[] | IGeoJSONMultiPolygon): GeoMultiPolygon (polygons: GeoPolygon[] | IGeoJSONMultiPolygon): GeoMultiPolygon } interface IGeo { Point: IGeoPointConstructor MultiPoint: IGeoMultiPointConstructor LineString: IGeoLineStringConstructor MultiLineString: IGeoMultiLineStringConstructor Polygon: IGeoPolygonConstructor MultiPolygon: IGeoMultiPolygonConstructor } interface IGeoJSONPoint { type: 'Point' coordinates: [number, number] } interface IGeoJSONMultiPoint { type: 'MultiPoint' coordinates: Array<[number, number]> } interface IGeoJSONLineString { type: 'LineString' coordinates: Array<[number, number]> } interface IGeoJSONMultiLineString { type: 'MultiLineString' coordinates: Array<Array<[number, number]>> } interface IGeoJSONPolygon { type: 'Polygon' coordinates: Array<Array<[number, number]>> } interface IGeoJSONMultiPolygon { type: 'MultiPolygon' coordinates: Array<Array<Array<[number, number]>>> } type IGeoJSONObject = | IGeoJSONPoint | IGeoJSONMultiPoint | IGeoJSONLineString | IGeoJSONMultiLineString | IGeoJSONPolygon | IGeoJSONMultiPolygon abstract class GeoPoint { longitude: number latitude: number constructor(longitude: number, latitude: number) toJSON(): Record<string, any> toString(): string } abstract class GeoMultiPoint { points: GeoPoint[] constructor(points: GeoPoint[]) toJSON(): IGeoJSONMultiPoint toString(): string } abstract class GeoLineString { points: GeoPoint[] constructor(points: GeoPoint[]) toJSON(): IGeoJSONLineString toString(): string } abstract class GeoMultiLineString { lines: GeoLineString[] constructor(lines: GeoLineString[]) toJSON(): IGeoJSONMultiLineString toString(): string } abstract class GeoPolygon { lines: GeoLineString[] constructor(lines: GeoLineString[]) toJSON(): IGeoJSONPolygon toString(): string } abstract class GeoMultiPolygon { polygons: GeoPolygon[] constructor(polygons: GeoPolygon[]) toJSON(): IGeoJSONMultiPolygon toString(): string } type GeoInstance = | GeoPoint | GeoMultiPoint | GeoLineString | GeoMultiLineString | GeoPolygon | GeoMultiPolygon interface IGeoNearCommandOptions { geometry: GeoPoint maxDistance?: number minDistance?: number } interface IGeoWithinCommandOptions { geometry: GeoPolygon | GeoMultiPolygon } interface IGeoIntersectsCommandOptions { geometry: | GeoPoint | GeoMultiPoint | GeoLineString | GeoMultiLineString | GeoPolygon | GeoMultiPolygon } interface IServerDateOptions { offset: number } abstract class ServerDate { readonly options: IServerDateOptions constructor(options?: IServerDateOptions) } interface IRegExpOptions { regexp: string options?: string } interface IRegExpConstructor { new (options: IRegExpOptions): RegExp (options: IRegExpOptions): RegExp } abstract class RegExp { readonly regexp: string readonly options: string constructor(options: IRegExpOptions) } type DocumentId = string | number interface IDocumentData { _id?: DocumentId [key: string]: any } type IDBAPIParam = IAPIParam interface IAddDocumentOptions extends IDBAPIParam { data: IDocumentData } type IGetDocumentOptions = IDBAPIParam type ICountDocumentOptions = IDBAPIParam interface IUpdateDocumentOptions extends IDBAPIParam { data: IUpdateCondition } interface IUpdateSingleDocumentOptions extends IDBAPIParam { data: IUpdateCondition } interface ISetDocumentOptions extends IDBAPIParam { data: IUpdateCondition } interface ISetSingleDocumentOptions extends IDBAPIParam { data: IUpdateCondition } interface IRemoveDocumentOptions extends IDBAPIParam { query: IQueryCondition } type IRemoveSingleDocumentOptions = IDBAPIParam interface IWatchOptions { // server realtime data init & change event onChange: (snapshot: ISnapshot) => void // error while connecting / listening onError: (error: any) => void } interface ISnapshot { id: number docChanges: ISingleDBEvent[] docs: Record<string, any> type?: SnapshotType } type SnapshotType = 'init' interface ISingleDBEvent { id: number dataType: DataType queueType: QueueType docId: string doc: Record<string, any> updatedFields?: Record<string, any> removedFields?: string[] } type DataType = 'init' | 'update' | 'replace' | 'add' | 'remove' | 'limit' type QueueType = 'init' | 'enqueue' | 'dequeue' | 'update' interface IQueryCondition { [key: string]: any } type IStringQueryCondition = string interface IQueryResult extends IAPISuccessParam { data: IDocumentData[] } interface IQuerySingleResult extends IAPISuccessParam { data: IDocumentData } interface IUpdateCondition { [key: string]: any } type IStringUpdateCondition = string interface IAddResult extends IAPISuccessParam { _id: DocumentId } interface IUpdateResult extends IAPISuccessParam { stats: { updated: number // created: number, } } interface ISetResult extends IAPISuccessParam { _id: DocumentId stats: { updated: number created: number } } interface IRemoveResult extends IAPISuccessParam { stats: { removed: number } } interface ICountResult extends IAPISuccessParam { total: number } } type Optional<T> = { [K in keyof T]+?: T[K] } type OQ< T extends Optional< Record<'complete' | 'success' | 'fail', (...args: any[]) => any> > > = | (RQ<T> & Required<Pick<T, 'success'>>) | (RQ<T> & Required<Pick<T, 'fail'>>) | (RQ<T> & Required<Pick<T, 'complete'>>) | (RQ<T> & Required<Pick<T, 'success' | 'fail'>>) | (RQ<T> & Required<Pick<T, 'success' | 'complete'>>) | (RQ<T> & Required<Pick<T, 'fail' | 'complete'>>) | (RQ<T> & Required<Pick<T, 'fail' | 'complete' | 'success'>>) type RQ< T extends Optional< Record<'complete' | 'success' | 'fail', (...args: any[]) => any> > > = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, 'complete' | 'success' | 'fail'>>