123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576 |
- import { formatTime } from "../../../utils/date";
- import { decodeText } from "./decodeText";
- import TIM from "../../../../TUICore/tim";
- import constant from "../../constant";
- import { Message } from "../interface";
- // Handling avatars
- export function handleAvatar(item: any) {
- let avatar = "";
- switch (item.type) {
- avatar = isUrl(item?.userProfile?.avatar) ? item?.userProfile?.avatar : "https://oss.dayaedu.com/news-info/07/1690787574969.png";
- break;
- avatar = isUrl(item?.groupProfile?.avatar) ? item?.groupProfile?.avatar : "https://oss.dayaedu.com/news-info/07/1690775328089.png";
- break;
- avatar = isUrl(item?.groupProfile?.avatar) ? item?.groupProfile?.avatar : "https://web.sdk.qcloud.com/component/TUIKit/assets/group_avatar.png";
- break;
- }
- return avatar;
- }
- // Handling names
- export function handleName(item: any) {
- const { t } = (window as any).TUIKitTUICore.config.i18n.useI18n();
- let name = "";
- switch (item.type) {
- name = item?.userProfile.nick || item?.userProfile?.userID || "";
- break;
- name = item.groupProfile.name || item?.groupProfile?.groupID || "";
- break;
- name = t("系统通知");
- break;
- }
- return name;
- }
- // Handle whether there is someone@
- export function handleAt(item: any) {
- const { t } = (window as any).TUIKitTUICore.config.i18n.useI18n();
- const List: any = [`[${t("TUIConversation.有人@我")}]`, `[${t("TUIConversation.@所有人")}]`, `[${t("TUIConversation.@所有人")}][${t("TUIConversation.有人@我")}]`];
- let showAtType = "";
- for (let index = 0; index < item.groupAtInfoList.length; index++) {
- if (item.groupAtInfoList[index].atTypeArray[0] && item.unreadCount > 0) {
- showAtType = List[item.groupAtInfoList[index].atTypeArray[0] - 1];
- }
- }
- return showAtType;
- }
- export function handleReferenceForShow(message: any) {
- const data = {
- referenceMessageForShow: "",
- referenceMessageType: 0,
- };
- if (!message || !message?.ID || !message?.type) return data;
- switch (message.type) {
- data.referenceMessageForShow = message?.payload?.text;
- data.referenceMessageType = 1;
- break;
- data.referenceMessageForShow = "[自定义消息]";
- data.referenceMessageType = 2;
- break;
- data.referenceMessageForShow = "[图片]";
- data.referenceMessageType = 3;
- break;
- data.referenceMessageForShow = "[语音]";
- data.referenceMessageType = 4;
- break;
- data.referenceMessageForShow = "[视频]";
- data.referenceMessageType = 5;
- break;
- data.referenceMessageForShow = "[文件]";
- data.referenceMessageType = 6;
- break;
- data.referenceMessageForShow = "[表情]";
- data.referenceMessageType = 8;
- break;
- }
- return data;
- }
- // Internal display of processing message box
- export function handleShowLastMessage(item: any) {
- const { t } = (window as any).TUIKitTUICore.config.i18n.useI18n();
- const { lastMessage } = item;
- const conversation = item;
- let showNick = "";
- let lastMessagePayload = "";
- // Judge the number of unread messages and display them only when the message is enabled without interruption.
- const showUnreadCount = conversation.unreadCount > 0 && conversation.messageRemindType === TIM.TYPES.MSG_REMIND_ACPT_NOT_NOTE ? `[${conversation.unreadCount > 99 ? "99+" : conversation.unreadCount}${t("TUIConversation.条")}] ` : "";
- // Determine the lastmessage sender of the group. Namecard / Nick / userid is displayed by priority
- if (conversation.type === TIM.TYPES.CONV_GROUP) {
- if (lastMessage?.fromAccount === conversation?.groupProfile.selfInfo.userID) {
- showNick = t("TUIConversation.我");
- } else {
- showNick = lastMessage?.nameCard || lastMessage?.nick || lastMessage?.fromAccount;
- }
- }
- // Display content of lastmessage message body
- if (lastMessage?.type === TIM.TYPES.MSG_TEXT) {
- lastMessagePayload = lastMessage?.payload.text;
- } else if (lastMessage?.type === TIM.TYPES.MSG_CUSTOM) {
- const data = JSONToObject(lastMessage?.payload?.data);
- if (data?.businessID === 1) {
- lastMessagePayload = extractCallingInfoFromMessage(lastMessage);
- return lastMessagePayload;
- } else if(data?.businessID === "TC_GROUP_NOTICE") {
- return '[群公告]'
- }
- lastMessagePayload = lastMessage?.messageForShow;
- } else {
- lastMessagePayload = lastMessage?.messageForShow;
- }
- if (lastMessage?.isRevoked) {
- lastMessagePayload = t("TUIChat.撤回了一条消息");
- }
- if (conversation.type === TIM.TYPES.CONV_GROUP && lastMessage?.type === TIM.TYPES.MSG_GRP_TIP) {
- return lastMessagePayload;
- }
- // Specific display content of message box
- return `${showUnreadCount}${showNick ? `${showNick}:` : ""}${lastMessagePayload}`;
- }
- // Handling system tip message display
- export function handleTipMessageShowContext(message: any) {
- const { t } = (window as any).TUIKitTUICore.config.i18n.useI18n();
- const options: any = {
- message,
- text: "",
- };
- let userName = message?.nick || message?.payload?.userIDList?.join(",");
- if (message?.payload?.memberList?.length > 0) {
- userName = "";
- message?.payload?.memberList?.map((user: any) => {
- userName += `${user?.nick || user?.userID},`;
- });
- userName = userName?.slice(0, -1);
- }
- if (message?.type === TIM?.TYPES?.MSG_GRP_TIP) {
- switch (message.payload.operationType) {
- options.text = `${userName} ${t("message.tip.加入群组")}`;
- break;
- options.text = `${t("message.tip.群成员")}:${userName} ${t("message.tip.退出群组")}`;
- break;
- // ${t("message.tip.被")}${message.payload.operatorID}
- options.text = `${t("message.tip.群成员")}:${userName} ${t("message.tip.踢出群组")}`;
- break;
- options.text = `${t("message.tip.群成员")}:${userName} ${t("message.tip.成为管理员")}`;
- break;
- options.text = `${t("message.tip.群成员")}:${userName} ${t("message.tip.被撤销管理员")}`;
- break;
- // options.text = `${userName} 修改群组资料`;
- options.text = handleTipGrpUpdated(message);
- break;
- for (const member of message.payload.memberList) {
- if (member.muteTime > 0) {
- options.text = `${t("message.tip.群成员")}:${member.userID}${t("message.tip.被禁言")}`;
- } else {
- options.text = `${t("message.tip.群成员")}:${member.userID}${t("message.tip.被取消禁言")}`;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- options.text = `[${t("message.tip.群提示消息")}]`;
- break;
- }
- } else if (JSONToObject(message?.payload?.data)?.businessID === "group_create") {
- const data = JSONToObject(message?.payload?.data);
- options.text = `"${data?.opUser}" ` + t(data?.content);
- } else {
- options.text = extractCallingInfoFromMessage(message);
- }
- return options;
- }
- function handleTipGrpUpdated(message: any) {
- const { t } = (window as any).TUIKitTUICore.config.i18n.useI18n();
- const { payload } = message;
- const { newGroupProfile } = payload;
- const { operatorID } = payload;
- let text = "";
- if ("muteAllMembers" in newGroupProfile) {
- if (newGroupProfile["muteAllMembers"]) {
- text = `${t("message.tip.管理员")} ${operatorID} ${t("message.tip.开启学生禁言")}`;
- } else {
- text = `${t("message.tip.管理员")} ${operatorID} ${t("message.tip.取消学生禁言")}`;
- }
- } else if ("ownerID" in newGroupProfile) {
- text = `${newGroupProfile["ownerID"]} ${t("message.tip.成为新的群主")}`;
- } else if ("groupName" in newGroupProfile) {
- text = `${operatorID} ${t("message.tip.修改群名为")} ${newGroupProfile["groupName"]}`;
- } else if ("notification" in newGroupProfile) {
- text = `${operatorID} ${t("message.tip.发布新公告")}`;
- }
- return text;
- }
- // Parsing and handling text message display
- export function handleTextMessageShowContext(item: any) {
- const options: any = {
- text: decodeText(item.payload),
- };
- return options;
- }
- // Parsing and handling face message display
- export function handleFaceMessageShowContext(item: any) {
- const face: any = {
- message: item,
- name: "",
- url: "",
- };
- face.name = item.payload.data;
- if (item.payload.data.indexOf("@2x") < 0) {
- face.name = `${face.name}@2x`;
- }
- face.url = `https://web.sdk.qcloud.com/im/assets/face-elem/${face.name}.png`;
- return face;
- }
- // Parsing and handling location message display
- export function handleLocationMessageShowContext(item: any) {
- const location: any = {
- lon: "",
- lat: "",
- href: "",
- url: "",
- description: "",
- message: item,
- };
- location.lon = item.payload.longitude.toFixed(6);
- location.lat = item.payload.latitude.toFixed(6);
- location.href = "https://map.qq.com/?type=marker&isopeninfowin=1&markertype=1&" + `pointx=${location.lon}&pointy=${location.lat}&name=${item.payload.description}`;
- location.url = "https://apis.map.qq.com/ws/staticmap/v2/?" + `center=${location.lat},${location.lon}&zoom=10&size=300*150&maptype=roadmap&` + `markers=size:large|color:0xFFCCFF|label:k|${location.lat},${location.lon}&` + "key=UBNBZ-PTP3P-TE7DB-LHRTI-Y4YLE-VWBBD";
- location.description = item.payload.description;
- return location;
- }
- // Parsing and handling image message display
- export function handleImageMessageShowContext(item: any) {
- return {
- progress: item?.status === "unSend" && item.progress,
- url: item.payload.imageInfoArray[1].url,
- width: item.payload.imageInfoArray[0].width,
- height: item.payload.imageInfoArray[0].height,
- message: item,
- };
- }
- // Parsing and handling video message display
- export function handleVideoMessageShowContext(item: any) {
- return {
- progress: item?.status === "unSend" && item?.progress,
- url: item?.payload?.videoUrl,
- snapshotUrl: item?.payload?.snapshotUrl,
- snapshotWidth: item?.payload?.snapshotWidth,
- snapshotHeight: item?.payload?.snapshotHeight,
- message: item,
- };
- }
- // Parsing and handling audio message display
- export function handleAudioMessageShowContext(item: any) {
- return {
- progress: item?.status === "unSend" && item.progress,
- url: item.payload.url,
- message: item,
- second: item.payload.second,
- };
- }
- // Parsing and handling file message display
- export function handleFileMessageShowContext(item: any) {
- let size = "";
- if (item.payload.fileSize >= 1024 * 1024) {
- size = `${(item.payload.fileSize / (1024 * 1024)).toFixed(2)} Mb`;
- } else if (item.payload.fileSize >= 1024) {
- size = `${(item.payload.fileSize / 1024).toFixed(2)} Kb`;
- } else {
- size = `${item.payload.fileSize.toFixed(2)}B`;
- }
- return {
- progress: item?.status === "unSend" && item.progress,
- url: item.payload.fileUrl,
- message: item,
- name: item.payload.fileName,
- size,
- };
- }
- // Parsing and handling merger message display
- export function handleMergerMessageShowContext(item: any) {
- return { message: item, ...item.payload };
- }
- // Parse audio and video call messages
- export function extractCallingInfoFromMessage(message: any) {
- const { t } = (window as any).TUIKitTUICore.config.i18n.useI18n();
- let callingMessage: any = {};
- let objectData: any = {};
- try {
- callingMessage = JSONToObject(message?.payload?.data);
- } catch (error) {
- callingMessage = {};
- }
- if (callingMessage.businessID !== 1) {
- return "";
- }
- try {
- objectData = JSONToObject(callingMessage.data);
- } catch (error) {
- objectData = {};
- }
- let inviteeList = "";
- callingMessage?.inviteeList?.forEach((userID: string, index: number) => {
- if (index < callingMessage?.inviteeList?.length - 1) {
- inviteeList += `"${userID}"、`;
- } else {
- inviteeList += `"${userID}" `;
- }
- });
- const inviter = `"${callingMessage?.inviter}" `;
- switch (callingMessage.actionType) {
- case 1: {
- if (objectData.call_end >= 0 && !callingMessage.groupID) {
- return `${t("message.custom.通话时长")}:${formatTime(objectData.call_end)}`;
- }
- if (callingMessage.groupID && callingMessage.timeout > 0) {
- return `${inviter}${t("message.custom.发起通话")}`;
- }
- if (callingMessage.groupID) {
- return `${t("message.custom.结束群聊")}`;
- }
- if (objectData.data && objectData.data.cmd === "switchToAudio") {
- return `${t("message.custom.切换语音通话")}`;
- }
- if (objectData.data && objectData.data.cmd === "switchToVideo") {
- return `${t("message.custom.切换视频通话")}`;
- }
- return `${t("message.custom.发起通话")}`;
- }
- case 2:
- return `${callingMessage.groupID ? inviter : ""}${t("message.custom.取消通话")}`;
- case 3:
- if (objectData.data && objectData.data.cmd === "switchToAudio") {
- return `${t("message.custom.切换语音通话")}`;
- }
- if (objectData.data && objectData.data.cmd === "switchToVideo") {
- return `${t("message.custom.切换视频通话")}`;
- }
- return `${callingMessage.groupID ? inviteeList : ""}${t("message.custom.已接听")}`;
- case 4:
- return `${callingMessage.groupID ? inviteeList : ""}${t("message.custom.拒绝通话")}`;
- case 5:
- if (objectData.data && objectData.data.cmd === "switchToAudio") {
- return `${t("message.custom.切换语音通话")}`;
- }
- if (objectData.data && objectData.data.cmd === "switchToVideo") {
- return `${t("message.custom.切换视频通话")}`;
- }
- return `${callingMessage.groupID ? inviteeList : ""}${t("message.custom.无应答")}`;
- default:
- return "";
- }
- }
- // Parsing and handling custom message display
- export function handleCustomMessageShowContext(item: any) {
- const { t } = (window as any).TUIKitTUICore.config.i18n.useI18n();
- const payloadObj = JSONToObject(item?.payload?.data);
- if (payloadObj?.businessID === constant.typeEvaluate) {
- if (!(payloadObj?.score > 0)) {
- payloadObj.score = 1;
- item.payload.data = JSON.stringify(payloadObj);
- }
- }
- return {
- message: item,
- custom: extractCallingInfoFromMessage(item) || `[${t("message.custom.自定义消息")}]`,
- };
- }
- // Parsing and handling system message display
- export function translateGroupSystemNotice(message: any) {
- const { t } = (window as any).TUIKitTUICore.config.i18n.useI18n();
- const groupName = message.payload.groupProfile.name || message.payload.groupProfile.groupID;
- switch (message.payload.operationType) {
- case 1:
- return `${message.payload.operatorID} ${t("message.tip.申请加入群组")}:${groupName}`;
- case 2:
- return `${t("message.tip.成功加入群组")}:${groupName}`;
- case 3:
- return `${t("message.tip.申请加入群组")}:${groupName} ${t("message.tip.被拒绝")}`;
- case 4:
- return `${t("message.tip.你被管理员")}${message.payload.operatorID} ${t("message.tip.踢出群组")}:${groupName}`;
- case 5:
- return `${t("message.tip.群")}:${groupName} ${t("message.tip.被")} ${message.payload.operatorID} ${t("message.tip.解散")}`;
- case 6:
- return `${message.payload.operatorID} ${t("message.tip.创建群")}:${groupName}`;
- case 7:
- return `${message.payload.operatorID} ${t("message.tip.邀请你加群")}:${groupName}`;
- case 8:
- return `${t("message.tip.你退出群组")}:${groupName}`;
- case 9:
- return `${t("message.tip.你被")}${message.payload.operatorID} ${t("message.tip.设置为群")}:${groupName} ${t("message.tip.的管理员")}`;
- case 10:
- return `${t("message.tip.你被")}${message.payload.operatorID} ${t("message.tip.撤销群")}:${groupName} ${t("message.tip.的管理员身份")}`;
- case 12:
- return `${message.payload.operatorID} ${t("message.tip.邀请你加群")}:${groupName}`;
- case 13:
- return `${message.payload.operatorID} ${t("message.tip.同意加群")}:${groupName}`;
- case 14:
- return `${message.payload.operatorID} ${t("message.tip.拒接加群")}:${groupName}`;
- case 255:
- return `${t("message.tip.自定义群系统通知")}: ${message.payload.userDefinedField}`;
- }
- }
- // Image loading complete
- export function getImgLoad(container: any, className: string, callback: any) {
- const images = container?.querySelectorAll(`.${className}`) || [];
- const promiseList = Array.prototype.slice.call(images).map((node: any) => {
- return new Promise((resolve: any, reject: any) => {
- node.onload = () => {
- resolve(node);
- };
- node.onloadeddata = () => {
- resolve(node);
- };
- node.onprogress = () => {
- resolve(node);
- };
- if (node.complete) {
- resolve(node);
- }
- });
- });
- return Promise.all(promiseList)
- .then(() => {
- callback && callback();
- })
- .catch((e) => {
- console.error("网络异常", e);
- });
- }
- // Determine whether it is url
- export function isUrl(url: string) {
- return /^(https?:\/\/(([a-zA-Z0-9]+-?)+[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]+)(:\d+)?(\/.*)?(\?.*)?(#.*)?$/.test(url);
- }
- // Handling custom message options
- export function handleOptions(businessID: string, version: number, other: any) {
- return {
- businessID,
- version,
- ...other,
- };
- }
- // Determine if it is a JSON string
- export function isJSON(str: string) {
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
- if (typeof str === "string") {
- try {
- const data = JSON.parse(str);
- if (data) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- } catch (error) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- // Determine if it is a JSON string
- export function JSONToObject(str: string) {
- if (!str || !isJSON(str)) {
- return str;
- }
- return JSON.parse(str);
- }
- // Determine if it is a typing message
- export function isTypingMessage(item: any) {
- if (!item) return false;
- try {
- const { businessID }: any = JSONToObject(item?.payload?.data);
- if (businessID === constant.typeUserTyping) return true;
- } catch {
- return false;
- }
- return false;
- }
- export function deepCopy(data: any, hash = new WeakMap()) {
- if (typeof data !== "object" || data === null) {
- throw new TypeError("传入参数不是对象");
- }
- if (hash.has(data)) {
- return hash.get(data);
- }
- const newData: any = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(data));
- const dataKeys = Object.keys(data);
- dataKeys.forEach((value) => {
- const currentDataValue = data[value];
- if (typeof currentDataValue !== "object" || currentDataValue === null) {
- newData[value] = currentDataValue;
- } else if (Array.isArray(currentDataValue)) {
- newData[value] = [...currentDataValue];
- } else if (currentDataValue instanceof Set) {
- newData[value] = new Set([...currentDataValue]);
- } else if (currentDataValue instanceof Map) {
- newData[value] = new Map([...currentDataValue]);
- } else {
- hash.set(data, data);
- newData[value] = deepCopy(currentDataValue, hash);
- }
- });
- return newData;
- }
- export const throttle = (fn: any): (() => void) => {
- let isRunning = false;
- return (...args) => {
- if (isRunning) return;
- setTimeout(() => {
- fn.apply(this, args);
- isRunning = false;
- }, 100);
- };
- };
- export const isMessageTip = (message: Message) => {
- if (
- message?.type === TIM?.TYPES?.MSG_GRP_TIP ||
- (message?.type === TIM?.TYPES?.MSG_CUSTOM && message?.conversationType === TIM?.TYPES?.CONV_GROUP && JSONToObject(message?.payload?.data)?.businessID === constant?.TYPE_CALL_MESSAGE) ||
- (message?.type === TIM?.TYPES?.MSG_CUSTOM && message?.conversationType === TIM?.TYPES?.CONV_GROUP && JSONToObject(message?.payload?.data)?.businessID === "group_create")
- ) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- };
- export const handleSkeletonSize = (width: number, height: number, maxWidth: number, maxHeight: number): { width: number; height: number } => {
- const widthToHeight = width / height;
- const maxWidthToHeight = maxWidth / maxHeight;
- if (width <= maxWidth && height <= maxHeight) {
- return { width, height };
- } else if ((width <= maxWidth && height > maxHeight) || (width > maxWidth && height > maxHeight && widthToHeight <= maxWidthToHeight)) {
- return { width: width * (maxHeight / height), height: maxHeight };
- } else {
- return { width: maxWidth, height: height * (maxWidth / width) };
- }
- };