275 KB

  1. /**
  2. * Minified by jsDelivr using Terser v5.15.1.
  3. * Original file: /npm/vue@3.2.45/dist/
  4. *
  5. * Do NOT use SRI with dynamically generated files! More information:
  6. */
  7. var Vue = (function (e) {
  8. 'use strict'
  9. function t(e, t) {
  10. const n = Object.create(null),
  11. o = e.split(',')
  12. for (let e = 0; e < o.length; e++) n[o[e]] = !0
  13. return t ? (e) => !!n[e.toLowerCase()] : (e) => !!n[e]
  14. }
  15. const n = {
  16. 1: 'TEXT',
  17. 2: 'CLASS',
  18. 4: 'STYLE',
  19. 8: 'PROPS',
  20. 16: 'FULL_PROPS',
  21. 32: 'HYDRATE_EVENTS',
  22. 64: 'STABLE_FRAGMENT',
  23. 128: 'KEYED_FRAGMENT',
  24. 256: 'UNKEYED_FRAGMENT',
  25. 512: 'NEED_PATCH',
  26. 1024: 'DYNAMIC_SLOTS',
  27. 2048: 'DEV_ROOT_FRAGMENT',
  28. [-1]: 'HOISTED',
  29. [-2]: 'BAIL'
  30. },
  31. o = {
  32. 1: 'STABLE',
  33. 2: 'DYNAMIC',
  34. 3: 'FORWARDED'
  35. },
  36. r = t(
  37. 'Infinity,undefined,NaN,isFinite,isNaN,parseFloat,parseInt,decodeURI,decodeURIComponent,encodeURI,encodeURIComponent,Math,Number,Date,Array,Object,Boolean,String,RegExp,Map,Set,JSON,Intl,BigInt'
  38. )
  39. function s(e) {
  40. if (O(e)) {
  41. const t = {}
  42. for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
  43. const o = e[n],
  44. r = P(o) ? a(o) : s(o)
  45. if (r) for (const e in r) t[e] = r[e]
  46. }
  47. return t
  48. }
  49. return P(e) || j(e) ? e : void 0
  50. }
  51. const i = /;(?![^(]*\))/g,
  52. c = /:([^]+)/,
  53. l = /\/\*.*?\*\//gs
  54. function a(e) {
  55. const t = {}
  56. return (
  57. e
  58. .replace(l, '')
  59. .split(i)
  60. .forEach((e) => {
  61. if (e) {
  62. const n = e.split(c)
  63. n.length > 1 && (t[n[0].trim()] = n[1].trim())
  64. }
  65. }),
  66. t
  67. )
  68. }
  69. function u(e) {
  70. let t = ''
  71. if (P(e)) t = e
  72. else if (O(e))
  73. for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
  74. const o = u(e[n])
  75. o && (t += o + ' ')
  76. }
  77. else if (j(e)) for (const n in e) e[n] && (t += n + ' ')
  78. return t.trim()
  79. }
  80. const p = t(
  81. 'html,body,base,head,link,meta,style,title,address,article,aside,footer,header,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,nav,section,div,dd,dl,dt,figcaption,figure,picture,hr,img,li,main,ol,p,pre,ul,a,b,abbr,bdi,bdo,br,cite,code,data,dfn,em,i,kbd,mark,q,rp,rt,ruby,s,samp,small,span,strong,sub,sup,time,u,var,wbr,area,audio,map,track,video,embed,object,param,source,canvas,script,noscript,del,ins,caption,col,colgroup,table,thead,tbody,td,th,tr,button,datalist,fieldset,form,input,label,legend,meter,optgroup,option,output,progress,select,textarea,details,dialog,menu,summary,template,blockquote,iframe,tfoot'
  82. ),
  83. d = t(
  84. 'svg,animate,animateMotion,animateTransform,circle,clipPath,color-profile,defs,desc,discard,ellipse,feBlend,feColorMatrix,feComponentTransfer,feComposite,feConvolveMatrix,feDiffuseLighting,feDisplacementMap,feDistanceLight,feDropShadow,feFlood,feFuncA,feFuncB,feFuncG,feFuncR,feGaussianBlur,feImage,feMerge,feMergeNode,feMorphology,feOffset,fePointLight,feSpecularLighting,feSpotLight,feTile,feTurbulence,filter,foreignObject,g,hatch,hatchpath,image,line,linearGradient,marker,mask,mesh,meshgradient,meshpatch,meshrow,metadata,mpath,path,pattern,polygon,polyline,radialGradient,rect,set,solidcolor,stop,switch,symbol,text,textPath,title,tspan,unknown,use,view'
  85. ),
  86. f = t('area,base,br,col,embed,hr,img,input,link,meta,param,source,track,wbr'),
  87. h = t('itemscope,allowfullscreen,formnovalidate,ismap,nomodule,novalidate,readonly')
  88. function m(e) {
  89. return !!e || '' === e
  90. }
  91. function g(e, t) {
  92. if (e === t) return !0
  93. let n = R(e),
  94. o = R(t)
  95. if (n || o) return !(!n || !o) && e.getTime() === t.getTime()
  96. if (((n = F(e)), (o = F(t)), n || o)) return e === t
  97. if (((n = O(e)), (o = O(t)), n || o))
  98. return (
  99. !(!n || !o) &&
  100. (function (e, t) {
  101. if (e.length !== t.length) return !1
  102. let n = !0
  103. for (let o = 0; n && o < e.length; o++) n = g(e[o], t[o])
  104. return n
  105. })(e, t)
  106. )
  107. if (((n = j(e)), (o = j(t)), n || o)) {
  108. if (!n || !o) return !1
  109. if (Object.keys(e).length !== Object.keys(t).length) return !1
  110. for (const n in e) {
  111. const o = e.hasOwnProperty(n),
  112. r = t.hasOwnProperty(n)
  113. if ((o && !r) || (!o && r) || !g(e[n], t[n])) return !1
  114. }
  115. }
  116. return String(e) === String(t)
  117. }
  118. function y(e, t) {
  119. return e.findIndex((e) => g(e, t))
  120. }
  121. const v = (e, t) =>
  122. t && t.__v_isRef
  123. ? v(e, t.value)
  124. : A(t)
  125. ? {
  126. [`Map(${t.size})`]: [...t.entries()].reduce((e, [t, n]) => ((e[`${t} =>`] = n), e), {})
  127. }
  128. : I(t)
  129. ? {
  130. [`Set(${t.size})`]: [...t.values()]
  131. }
  132. : !j(t) || O(t) || D(t)
  133. ? t
  134. : String(t),
  135. b = Object.freeze({}),
  136. _ = Object.freeze([]),
  137. w = () => {},
  138. x = () => !1,
  139. S = /^on[^a-z]/,
  140. C = (e) => S.test(e),
  141. k = (e) => e.startsWith('onUpdate:'),
  142. T = Object.assign,
  143. $ = (e, t) => {
  144. const n = e.indexOf(t)
  145. n > -1 && e.splice(n, 1)
  146. },
  147. E = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
  148. N = (e, t) =>, t),
  149. O = Array.isArray,
  150. A = (e) => '[object Map]' === B(e),
  151. I = (e) => '[object Set]' === B(e),
  152. R = (e) => '[object Date]' === B(e),
  153. M = (e) => 'function' == typeof e,
  154. P = (e) => 'string' == typeof e,
  155. F = (e) => 'symbol' == typeof e,
  156. j = (e) => null !== e && 'object' == typeof e,
  157. V = (e) => j(e) && M(e.then) && M(e.catch),
  158. L = Object.prototype.toString,
  159. B = (e) =>,
  160. U = (e) => B(e).slice(8, -1),
  161. D = (e) => '[object Object]' === B(e),
  162. H = (e) => P(e) && 'NaN' !== e && '-' !== e[0] && '' + parseInt(e, 10) === e,
  163. z = t(
  164. ',key,ref,ref_for,ref_key,onVnodeBeforeMount,onVnodeMounted,onVnodeBeforeUpdate,onVnodeUpdated,onVnodeBeforeUnmount,onVnodeUnmounted'
  165. ),
  166. W = t('bind,cloak,else-if,else,for,html,if,model,on,once,pre,show,slot,text,memo'),
  167. K = (e) => {
  168. const t = Object.create(null)
  169. return (n) => t[n] || (t[n] = e(n))
  170. },
  171. G = /-(\w)/g,
  172. J = K((e) => e.replace(G, (e, t) => (t ? t.toUpperCase() : ''))),
  173. q = /\B([A-Z])/g,
  174. Y = K((e) => e.replace(q, '-$1').toLowerCase()),
  175. Z = K((e) => e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1)),
  176. X = K((e) => (e ? `on${Z(e)}` : '')),
  177. Q = (e, t) => !, t),
  178. ee = (e, t) => {
  179. for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) e[n](t)
  180. },
  181. te = (e, t, n) => {
  182. Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
  183. configurable: !0,
  184. enumerable: !1,
  185. value: n
  186. })
  187. },
  188. ne = (e) => {
  189. const t = parseFloat(e)
  190. return isNaN(t) ? e : t
  191. }
  192. let oe
  193. const re = () =>
  194. oe ||
  195. (oe =
  196. 'undefined' != typeof globalThis
  197. ? globalThis
  198. : 'undefined' != typeof self
  199. ? self
  200. : 'undefined' != typeof window
  201. ? window
  202. : 'undefined' != typeof global
  203. ? global
  204. : {})
  205. function se(e, ...t) {
  206. console.warn(`[Vue warn] ${e}`, ...t)
  207. }
  208. let ie
  209. class ce {
  210. constructor(e = !1) {
  211. ;(this.detached = e),
  212. ( = !0),
  213. (this.effects = []),
  214. (this.cleanups = []),
  215. (this.parent = ie),
  216. !e && ie && (this.index = (ie.scopes || (ie.scopes = [])).push(this) - 1)
  217. }
  218. run(e) {
  219. if ( {
  220. const t = ie
  221. try {
  222. return (ie = this), e()
  223. } finally {
  224. ie = t
  225. }
  226. } else se('cannot run an inactive effect scope.')
  227. }
  228. on() {
  229. ie = this
  230. }
  231. off() {
  232. ie = this.parent
  233. }
  234. stop(e) {
  235. if ( {
  236. let t, n
  237. for (t = 0, n = this.effects.length; t < n; t++) this.effects[t].stop()
  238. for (t = 0, n = this.cleanups.length; t < n; t++) this.cleanups[t]()
  239. if (this.scopes) for (t = 0, n = this.scopes.length; t < n; t++) this.scopes[t].stop(!0)
  240. if (!this.detached && this.parent && !e) {
  241. const e = this.parent.scopes.pop()
  242. e && e !== this && ((this.parent.scopes[this.index] = e), (e.index = this.index))
  243. }
  244. ;(this.parent = void 0), ( = !1)
  245. }
  246. }
  247. }
  248. function le(e, t = ie) {
  249. t && && t.effects.push(e)
  250. }
  251. const ae = (e) => {
  252. const t = new Set(e)
  253. return (t.w = 0), (t.n = 0), t
  254. },
  255. ue = (e) => (e.w & he) > 0,
  256. pe = (e) => (e.n & he) > 0,
  257. de = new WeakMap()
  258. let fe = 0,
  259. he = 1
  260. let me
  261. const ge = Symbol('iterate'),
  262. ye = Symbol('Map key iterate')
  263. class ve {
  264. constructor(e, t = null, n) {
  265. ;(this.fn = e),
  266. (this.scheduler = t),
  267. ( = !0),
  268. (this.deps = []),
  269. (this.parent = void 0),
  270. le(this, n)
  271. }
  272. run() {
  273. if (! return this.fn()
  274. let e = me,
  275. t = _e
  276. for (; e; ) {
  277. if (e === this) return
  278. e = e.parent
  279. }
  280. try {
  281. return (
  282. (this.parent = me),
  283. (me = this),
  284. (_e = !0),
  285. (he = 1 << ++fe),
  286. fe <= 30
  287. ? (({ deps: e }) => {
  288. if (e.length) for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) e[t].w |= he
  289. })(this)
  290. : be(this),
  291. this.fn()
  292. )
  293. } finally {
  294. fe <= 30 &&
  295. ((e) => {
  296. const { deps: t } = e
  297. if (t.length) {
  298. let n = 0
  299. for (let o = 0; o < t.length; o++) {
  300. const r = t[o]
  301. ue(r) && !pe(r) ? r.delete(e) : (t[n++] = r), (r.w &= ~he), (r.n &= ~he)
  302. }
  303. t.length = n
  304. }
  305. })(this),
  306. (he = 1 << --fe),
  307. (me = this.parent),
  308. (_e = t),
  309. (this.parent = void 0),
  310. this.deferStop && this.stop()
  311. }
  312. }
  313. stop() {
  314. me === this
  315. ? (this.deferStop = !0)
  316. : && (be(this), this.onStop && this.onStop(), ( = !1))
  317. }
  318. }
  319. function be(e) {
  320. const { deps: t } = e
  321. if (t.length) {
  322. for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++) t[n].delete(e)
  323. t.length = 0
  324. }
  325. }
  326. let _e = !0
  327. const we = []
  328. function xe() {
  329. we.push(_e), (_e = !1)
  330. }
  331. function Se() {
  332. const e = we.pop()
  333. _e = void 0 === e || e
  334. }
  335. function Ce(e, t, n) {
  336. if (_e && me) {
  337. let o = de.get(e)
  338. o || de.set(e, (o = new Map()))
  339. let r = o.get(n)
  340. r || o.set(n, (r = ae()))
  341. ke(r, {
  342. effect: me,
  343. target: e,
  344. type: t,
  345. key: n
  346. })
  347. }
  348. }
  349. function ke(e, t) {
  350. let n = !1
  351. fe <= 30 ? pe(e) || ((e.n |= he), (n = !ue(e))) : (n = !e.has(me)),
  352. n &&
  353. (e.add(me),
  354. me.deps.push(e),
  355. me.onTrack &&
  356. me.onTrack(
  357. Object.assign(
  358. {
  359. effect: me
  360. },
  361. t
  362. )
  363. ))
  364. }
  365. function Te(e, t, n, o, r, s) {
  366. const i = de.get(e)
  367. if (!i) return
  368. let c = []
  369. if ('clear' === t) c = [...i.values()]
  370. else if ('length' === n && O(e)) {
  371. const e = ne(o)
  372. i.forEach((t, n) => {
  373. ;('length' === n || n >= e) && c.push(t)
  374. })
  375. } else
  376. switch ((void 0 !== n && c.push(i.get(n)), t)) {
  377. case 'add':
  378. O(e) ? H(n) && c.push(i.get('length')) : (c.push(i.get(ge)), A(e) && c.push(i.get(ye)))
  379. break
  380. case 'delete':
  381. O(e) || (c.push(i.get(ge)), A(e) && c.push(i.get(ye)))
  382. break
  383. case 'set':
  384. A(e) && c.push(i.get(ge))
  385. }
  386. const l = {
  387. target: e,
  388. type: t,
  389. key: n,
  390. newValue: o,
  391. oldValue: r,
  392. oldTarget: s
  393. }
  394. if (1 === c.length) c[0] && $e(c[0], l)
  395. else {
  396. const e = []
  397. for (const t of c) t && e.push(...t)
  398. $e(ae(e), l)
  399. }
  400. }
  401. function $e(e, t) {
  402. const n = O(e) ? e : [...e]
  403. for (const e of n) e.computed && Ee(e, t)
  404. for (const e of n) e.computed || Ee(e, t)
  405. }
  406. function Ee(e, t) {
  407. ;(e !== me || e.allowRecurse) &&
  408. (e.onTrigger &&
  409. e.onTrigger(
  410. T(
  411. {
  412. effect: e
  413. },
  414. t
  415. )
  416. ),
  417. e.scheduler ? e.scheduler() :
  418. }
  419. const Ne = t('__proto__,__v_isRef,__isVue'),
  420. Oe = new Set(
  421. Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Symbol)
  422. .filter((e) => 'arguments' !== e && 'caller' !== e)
  423. .map((e) => Symbol[e])
  424. .filter(F)
  425. ),
  426. Ae = je(),
  427. Ie = je(!1, !0),
  428. Re = je(!0),
  429. Me = je(!0, !0),
  430. Pe = Fe()
  431. function Fe() {
  432. const e = {}
  433. return (
  434. ['includes', 'indexOf', 'lastIndexOf'].forEach((t) => {
  435. e[t] = function (...e) {
  436. const n = kt(this)
  437. for (let e = 0, t = this.length; e < t; e++) Ce(n, 'get', e + '')
  438. const o = n[t](...e)
  439. return -1 === o || !1 === o ? n[t]( : o
  440. }
  441. }),
  442. ['push', 'pop', 'shift', 'unshift', 'splice'].forEach((t) => {
  443. e[t] = function (...e) {
  444. xe()
  445. const n = kt(this)[t].apply(this, e)
  446. return Se(), n
  447. }
  448. }),
  449. e
  450. )
  451. }
  452. function je(e = !1, t = !1) {
  453. return function (n, o, r) {
  454. if ('__v_isReactive' === o) return !e
  455. if ('__v_isReadonly' === o) return e
  456. if ('__v_isShallow' === o) return t
  457. if ('__v_raw' === o && r === (e ? (t ? mt : ht) : t ? ft : dt).get(n)) return n
  458. const s = O(n)
  459. if (!e && s && N(Pe, o)) return Reflect.get(Pe, o, r)
  460. const i = Reflect.get(n, o, r)
  461. return (F(o) ? Oe.has(o) : Ne(o))
  462. ? i
  463. : (e || Ce(n, 'get', o),
  464. t ? i : At(i) ? (s && H(o) ? i : i.value) : j(i) ? (e ? vt(i) : gt(i)) : i)
  465. }
  466. }
  467. function Ve(e = !1) {
  468. return function (t, n, o, r) {
  469. let s = t[n]
  470. if (xt(s) && At(s) && !At(o)) return !1
  471. if (!e && (St(o) || xt(o) || ((s = kt(s)), (o = kt(o))), !O(t) && At(s) && !At(o)))
  472. return (s.value = o), !0
  473. const i = O(t) && H(n) ? Number(n) < t.length : N(t, n),
  474. c = Reflect.set(t, n, o, r)
  475. return t === kt(r) && (i ? Q(o, s) && Te(t, 'set', n, o, s) : Te(t, 'add', n, o)), c
  476. }
  477. }
  478. const Le = {
  479. get: Ae,
  480. set: Ve(),
  481. deleteProperty: function (e, t) {
  482. const n = N(e, t),
  483. o = e[t],
  484. r = Reflect.deleteProperty(e, t)
  485. return r && n && Te(e, 'delete', t, void 0, o), r
  486. },
  487. has: function (e, t) {
  488. const n = Reflect.has(e, t)
  489. return (F(t) && Oe.has(t)) || Ce(e, 'has', t), n
  490. },
  491. ownKeys: function (e) {
  492. return Ce(e, 'iterate', O(e) ? 'length' : ge), Reflect.ownKeys(e)
  493. }
  494. },
  495. Be = {
  496. get: Re,
  497. set: (e, t) => (se(`Set operation on key "${String(t)}" failed: target is readonly.`, e), !0),
  498. deleteProperty: (e, t) => (
  499. se(`Delete operation on key "${String(t)}" failed: target is readonly.`, e), !0
  500. )
  501. },
  502. Ue = T({}, Le, {
  503. get: Ie,
  504. set: Ve(!0)
  505. }),
  506. De = T({}, Be, {
  507. get: Me
  508. }),
  509. He = (e) => e,
  510. ze = (e) => Reflect.getPrototypeOf(e)
  511. function We(e, t, n = !1, o = !1) {
  512. const r = kt((e = e.__v_raw)),
  513. s = kt(t)
  514. n || (t !== s && Ce(r, 'get', t), Ce(r, 'get', s))
  515. const { has: i } = ze(r),
  516. c = o ? He : n ? Et : $t
  517. return, t) ? c(e.get(t)) :, s) ? c(e.get(s)) : void (e !== r && e.get(t))
  518. }
  519. function Ke(e, t = !1) {
  520. const n = this.__v_raw,
  521. o = kt(n),
  522. r = kt(e)
  523. return (
  524. t || (e !== r && Ce(o, 'has', e), Ce(o, 'has', r)), e === r ? n.has(e) : n.has(e) || n.has(r)
  525. )
  526. }
  527. function Ge(e, t = !1) {
  528. return (e = e.__v_raw), !t && Ce(kt(e), 'iterate', ge), Reflect.get(e, 'size', e)
  529. }
  530. function Je(e) {
  531. e = kt(e)
  532. const t = kt(this)
  533. return ze(t), e) || (t.add(e), Te(t, 'add', e, e)), this
  534. }
  535. function qe(e, t) {
  536. t = kt(t)
  537. const n = kt(this),
  538. { has: o, get: r } = ze(n)
  539. let s =, e)
  540. s ? pt(n, o, e) : ((e = kt(e)), (s =, e)))
  541. const i =, e)
  542. return n.set(e, t), s ? Q(t, i) && Te(n, 'set', e, t, i) : Te(n, 'add', e, t), this
  543. }
  544. function Ye(e) {
  545. const t = kt(this),
  546. { has: n, get: o } = ze(t)
  547. let r =, e)
  548. r ? pt(t, n, e) : ((e = kt(e)), (r =, e)))
  549. const s = o ?, e) : void 0,
  550. i = t.delete(e)
  551. return r && Te(t, 'delete', e, void 0, s), i
  552. }
  553. function Ze() {
  554. const e = kt(this),
  555. t = 0 !== e.size,
  556. n = A(e) ? new Map(e) : new Set(e),
  557. o = e.clear()
  558. return t && Te(e, 'clear', void 0, void 0, n), o
  559. }
  560. function Xe(e, t) {
  561. return function (n, o) {
  562. const r = this,
  563. s = r.__v_raw,
  564. i = kt(s),
  565. c = t ? He : e ? Et : $t
  566. return !e && Ce(i, 'iterate', ge), s.forEach((e, t) =>, c(e), c(t), r))
  567. }
  568. }
  569. function Qe(e, t, n) {
  570. return function (...o) {
  571. const r = this.__v_raw,
  572. s = kt(r),
  573. i = A(s),
  574. c = 'entries' === e || (e === Symbol.iterator && i),
  575. l = 'keys' === e && i,
  576. a = r[e](...o),
  577. u = n ? He : t ? Et : $t
  578. return (
  579. !t && Ce(s, 'iterate', l ? ye : ge),
  580. {
  581. next() {
  582. const { value: e, done: t } =
  583. return t
  584. ? {
  585. value: e,
  586. done: t
  587. }
  588. : {
  589. value: c ? [u(e[0]), u(e[1])] : u(e),
  590. done: t
  591. }
  592. },
  593. [Symbol.iterator]() {
  594. return this
  595. }
  596. }
  597. )
  598. }
  599. }
  600. function et(e) {
  601. return function (...t) {
  602. {
  603. const n = t[0] ? `on key "${t[0]}" ` : ''
  604. console.warn(`${Z(e)} operation ${n}failed: target is readonly.`, kt(this))
  605. }
  606. return 'delete' !== e && this
  607. }
  608. }
  609. function tt() {
  610. const e = {
  611. get(e) {
  612. return We(this, e)
  613. },
  614. get size() {
  615. return Ge(this)
  616. },
  617. has: Ke,
  618. add: Je,
  619. set: qe,
  620. delete: Ye,
  621. clear: Ze,
  622. forEach: Xe(!1, !1)
  623. },
  624. t = {
  625. get(e) {
  626. return We(this, e, !1, !0)
  627. },
  628. get size() {
  629. return Ge(this)
  630. },
  631. has: Ke,
  632. add: Je,
  633. set: qe,
  634. delete: Ye,
  635. clear: Ze,
  636. forEach: Xe(!1, !0)
  637. },
  638. n = {
  639. get(e) {
  640. return We(this, e, !0)
  641. },
  642. get size() {
  643. return Ge(this, !0)
  644. },
  645. has(e) {
  646. return, e, !0)
  647. },
  648. add: et('add'),
  649. set: et('set'),
  650. delete: et('delete'),
  651. clear: et('clear'),
  652. forEach: Xe(!0, !1)
  653. },
  654. o = {
  655. get(e) {
  656. return We(this, e, !0, !0)
  657. },
  658. get size() {
  659. return Ge(this, !0)
  660. },
  661. has(e) {
  662. return, e, !0)
  663. },
  664. add: et('add'),
  665. set: et('set'),
  666. delete: et('delete'),
  667. clear: et('clear'),
  668. forEach: Xe(!0, !0)
  669. }
  670. return (
  671. ['keys', 'values', 'entries', Symbol.iterator].forEach((r) => {
  672. ;(e[r] = Qe(r, !1, !1)),
  673. (n[r] = Qe(r, !0, !1)),
  674. (t[r] = Qe(r, !1, !0)),
  675. (o[r] = Qe(r, !0, !0))
  676. }),
  677. [e, n, t, o]
  678. )
  679. }
  680. const [nt, ot, rt, st] = tt()
  681. function it(e, t) {
  682. const n = t ? (e ? st : rt) : e ? ot : nt
  683. return (t, o, r) =>
  684. '__v_isReactive' === o
  685. ? !e
  686. : '__v_isReadonly' === o
  687. ? e
  688. : '__v_raw' === o
  689. ? t
  690. : Reflect.get(N(n, o) && o in t ? n : t, o, r)
  691. }
  692. const ct = {
  693. get: it(!1, !1)
  694. },
  695. lt = {
  696. get: it(!1, !0)
  697. },
  698. at = {
  699. get: it(!0, !1)
  700. },
  701. ut = {
  702. get: it(!0, !0)
  703. }
  704. function pt(e, t, n) {
  705. const o = kt(n)
  706. if (o !== n &&, o)) {
  707. const t = U(e)
  708. console.warn(
  709. `Reactive ${t} contains both the raw and reactive versions of the same object${
  710. 'Map' === t ? ' as keys' : ''
  711. }, which can lead to inconsistencies. Avoid differentiating between the raw and reactive versions of an object and only use the reactive version if possible.`
  712. )
  713. }
  714. }
  715. const dt = new WeakMap(),
  716. ft = new WeakMap(),
  717. ht = new WeakMap(),
  718. mt = new WeakMap()
  719. function gt(e) {
  720. return xt(e) ? e : _t(e, !1, Le, ct, dt)
  721. }
  722. function yt(e) {
  723. return _t(e, !1, Ue, lt, ft)
  724. }
  725. function vt(e) {
  726. return _t(e, !0, Be, at, ht)
  727. }
  728. function bt(e) {
  729. return _t(e, !0, De, ut, mt)
  730. }
  731. function _t(e, t, n, o, r) {
  732. if (!j(e)) return console.warn(`value cannot be made reactive: ${String(e)}`), e
  733. if (e.__v_raw && (!t || !e.__v_isReactive)) return e
  734. const s = r.get(e)
  735. if (s) return s
  736. const i =
  737. (c = e).__v_skip || !Object.isExtensible(c)
  738. ? 0
  739. : (function (e) {
  740. switch (e) {
  741. case 'Object':
  742. case 'Array':
  743. return 1
  744. case 'Map':
  745. case 'Set':
  746. case 'WeakMap':
  747. case 'WeakSet':
  748. return 2
  749. default:
  750. return 0
  751. }
  752. })(U(c))
  753. var c
  754. if (0 === i) return e
  755. const l = new Proxy(e, 2 === i ? o : n)
  756. return r.set(e, l), l
  757. }
  758. function wt(e) {
  759. return xt(e) ? wt(e.__v_raw) : !(!e || !e.__v_isReactive)
  760. }
  761. function xt(e) {
  762. return !(!e || !e.__v_isReadonly)
  763. }
  764. function St(e) {
  765. return !(!e || !e.__v_isShallow)
  766. }
  767. function Ct(e) {
  768. return wt(e) || xt(e)
  769. }
  770. function kt(e) {
  771. const t = e && e.__v_raw
  772. return t ? kt(t) : e
  773. }
  774. function Tt(e) {
  775. return te(e, '__v_skip', !0), e
  776. }
  777. const $t = (e) => (j(e) ? gt(e) : e),
  778. Et = (e) => (j(e) ? vt(e) : e)
  779. function Nt(e) {
  780. _e &&
  781. me &&
  782. ke((e = kt(e)).dep || (e.dep = ae()), {
  783. target: e,
  784. type: 'get',
  785. key: 'value'
  786. })
  787. }
  788. function Ot(e, t) {
  789. ;(e = kt(e)).dep &&
  790. $e(e.dep, {
  791. target: e,
  792. type: 'set',
  793. key: 'value',
  794. newValue: t
  795. })
  796. }
  797. function At(e) {
  798. return !(!e || !0 !== e.__v_isRef)
  799. }
  800. function It(e) {
  801. return Rt(e, !1)
  802. }
  803. function Rt(e, t) {
  804. return At(e) ? e : new Mt(e, t)
  805. }
  806. class Mt {
  807. constructor(e, t) {
  808. ;(this.__v_isShallow = t),
  809. (this.dep = void 0),
  810. (this.__v_isRef = !0),
  811. (this._rawValue = t ? e : kt(e)),
  812. (this._value = t ? e : $t(e))
  813. }
  814. get value() {
  815. return Nt(this), this._value
  816. }
  817. set value(e) {
  818. const t = this.__v_isShallow || St(e) || xt(e)
  819. ;(e = t ? e : kt(e)),
  820. Q(e, this._rawValue) && ((this._rawValue = e), (this._value = t ? e : $t(e)), Ot(this, e))
  821. }
  822. }
  823. function Pt(e) {
  824. return At(e) ? e.value : e
  825. }
  826. const Ft = {
  827. get: (e, t, n) => Pt(Reflect.get(e, t, n)),
  828. set: (e, t, n, o) => {
  829. const r = e[t]
  830. return At(r) && !At(n) ? ((r.value = n), !0) : Reflect.set(e, t, n, o)
  831. }
  832. }
  833. function jt(e) {
  834. return wt(e) ? e : new Proxy(e, Ft)
  835. }
  836. class Vt {
  837. constructor(e) {
  838. ;(this.dep = void 0), (this.__v_isRef = !0)
  839. const { get: t, set: n } = e(
  840. () => Nt(this),
  841. () => Ot(this)
  842. )
  843. ;(this._get = t), (this._set = n)
  844. }
  845. get value() {
  846. return this._get()
  847. }
  848. set value(e) {
  849. this._set(e)
  850. }
  851. }
  852. class Lt {
  853. constructor(e, t, n) {
  854. ;(this._object = e), (this._key = t), (this._defaultValue = n), (this.__v_isRef = !0)
  855. }
  856. get value() {
  857. const e = this._object[this._key]
  858. return void 0 === e ? this._defaultValue : e
  859. }
  860. set value(e) {
  861. this._object[this._key] = e
  862. }
  863. }
  864. function Bt(e, t, n) {
  865. const o = e[t]
  866. return At(o) ? o : new Lt(e, t, n)
  867. }
  868. var Ut
  869. class Dt {
  870. constructor(e, t, n, o) {
  871. ;(this._setter = t),
  872. (this.dep = void 0),
  873. (this.__v_isRef = !0),
  874. (this[Ut] = !1),
  875. (this._dirty = !0),
  876. (this.effect = new ve(e, () => {
  877. this._dirty || ((this._dirty = !0), Ot(this))
  878. })),
  879. (this.effect.computed = this),
  880. ( = this._cacheable = !o),
  881. (this.__v_isReadonly = n)
  882. }
  883. get value() {
  884. const e = kt(this)
  885. return (
  886. Nt(e),
  887. (!e._dirty && e._cacheable) || ((e._dirty = !1), (e._value =,
  888. e._value
  889. )
  890. }
  891. set value(e) {
  892. this._setter(e)
  893. }
  894. }
  895. Ut = '__v_isReadonly'
  896. const Ht = []
  897. function zt(e) {
  898. Ht.push(e)
  899. }
  900. function Wt() {
  901. Ht.pop()
  902. }
  903. function Kt(e, ...t) {
  904. xe()
  905. const n = Ht.length ? Ht[Ht.length - 1].component : null,
  906. o = n && n.appContext.config.warnHandler,
  907. r = (function () {
  908. let e = Ht[Ht.length - 1]
  909. if (!e) return []
  910. const t = []
  911. for (; e; ) {
  912. const n = t[0]
  913. n && n.vnode === e
  914. ? n.recurseCount++
  915. : t.push({
  916. vnode: e,
  917. recurseCount: 0
  918. })
  919. const o = e.component && e.component.parent
  920. e = o && o.vnode
  921. }
  922. return t
  923. })()
  924. if (o)
  925. Yt(o, n, 11, [
  926. e + t.join(''),
  927. n && n.proxy,
  928.{ vnode: e }) => `at <${si(n, e.type)}>`).join('\n'),
  929. r
  930. ])
  931. else {
  932. const n = [`[Vue warn]: ${e}`, ...t]
  933. r.length &&
  934. n.push(
  935. '\n',
  936. ...(function (e) {
  937. const t = []
  938. return (
  939. e.forEach((e, n) => {
  940. t.push(
  941. ...(0 === n ? [] : ['\n']),
  942. ...(function ({ vnode: e, recurseCount: t }) {
  943. const n = t > 0 ? `... (${t} recursive calls)` : '',
  944. o = !!e.component && null == e.component.parent,
  945. r = ` at <${si(e.component, e.type, o)}`,
  946. s = '>' + n
  947. return e.props ? [r, ...Gt(e.props), s] : [r + s]
  948. })(e)
  949. )
  950. }),
  951. t
  952. )
  953. })(r)
  954. ),
  955. console.warn(...n)
  956. }
  957. Se()
  958. }
  959. function Gt(e) {
  960. const t = [],
  961. n = Object.keys(e)
  962. return (
  963. n.slice(0, 3).forEach((n) => {
  964. t.push(...Jt(n, e[n]))
  965. }),
  966. n.length > 3 && t.push(' ...'),
  967. t
  968. )
  969. }
  970. function Jt(e, t, n) {
  971. return P(t)
  972. ? ((t = JSON.stringify(t)), n ? t : [`${e}=${t}`])
  973. : 'number' == typeof t || 'boolean' == typeof t || null == t
  974. ? n
  975. ? t
  976. : [`${e}=${t}`]
  977. : At(t)
  978. ? ((t = Jt(e, kt(t.value), !0)), n ? t : [`${e}=Ref<`, t, '>'])
  979. : M(t)
  980. ? [`${e}=fn${ ? `<${}>` : ''}`]
  981. : ((t = kt(t)), n ? t : [`${e}=`, t])
  982. }
  983. const qt = {
  984. sp: 'serverPrefetch hook',
  985. bc: 'beforeCreate hook',
  986. c: 'created hook',
  987. bm: 'beforeMount hook',
  988. m: 'mounted hook',
  989. bu: 'beforeUpdate hook',
  990. u: 'updated',
  991. bum: 'beforeUnmount hook',
  992. um: 'unmounted hook',
  993. a: 'activated hook',
  994. da: 'deactivated hook',
  995. ec: 'errorCaptured hook',
  996. rtc: 'renderTracked hook',
  997. rtg: 'renderTriggered hook',
  998. 0: 'setup function',
  999. 1: 'render function',
  1000. 2: 'watcher getter',
  1001. 3: 'watcher callback',
  1002. 4: 'watcher cleanup function',
  1003. 5: 'native event handler',
  1004. 6: 'component event handler',
  1005. 7: 'vnode hook',
  1006. 8: 'directive hook',
  1007. 9: 'transition hook',
  1008. 10: 'app errorHandler',
  1009. 11: 'app warnHandler',
  1010. 12: 'ref function',
  1011. 13: 'async component loader',
  1012. 14: 'scheduler flush. This is likely a Vue internals bug. Please open an issue at'
  1013. }
  1014. function Yt(e, t, n, o) {
  1015. let r
  1016. try {
  1017. r = o ? e(...o) : e()
  1018. } catch (e) {
  1019. Xt(e, t, n)
  1020. }
  1021. return r
  1022. }
  1023. function Zt(e, t, n, o) {
  1024. if (M(e)) {
  1025. const r = Yt(e, t, n, o)
  1026. return (
  1027. r &&
  1028. V(r) &&
  1029. r.catch((e) => {
  1030. Xt(e, t, n)
  1031. }),
  1032. r
  1033. )
  1034. }
  1035. const r = []
  1036. for (let s = 0; s < e.length; s++) r.push(Zt(e[s], t, n, o))
  1037. return r
  1038. }
  1039. function Xt(e, t, n, o = !0) {
  1040. const r = t ? t.vnode : null
  1041. if (t) {
  1042. let o = t.parent
  1043. const r = t.proxy,
  1044. s = qt[n]
  1045. for (; o; ) {
  1046. const t =
  1047. if (t) for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++) if (!1 === t[n](e, r, s)) return
  1048. o = o.parent
  1049. }
  1050. const i = t.appContext.config.errorHandler
  1051. if (i) return void Yt(i, null, 10, [e, r, s])
  1052. }
  1053. !(function (e, t, n, o = !0) {
  1054. {
  1055. const r = qt[t]
  1056. if (
  1057. (n && zt(n), Kt('Unhandled error' + (r ? ` during execution of ${r}` : '')), n && Wt(), o)
  1058. )
  1059. throw e
  1060. console.error(e)
  1061. }
  1062. })(e, n, r, o)
  1063. }
  1064. let Qt = !1,
  1065. en = !1
  1066. const tn = []
  1067. let nn = 0
  1068. const on = []
  1069. let rn = null,
  1070. sn = 0
  1071. const cn = Promise.resolve()
  1072. let ln = null
  1073. function an(e) {
  1074. const t = ln || cn
  1075. return e ? t.then(this ? e.bind(this) : e) : t
  1076. }
  1077. function un(e) {
  1078. ;(tn.length && tn.includes(e, Qt && e.allowRecurse ? nn + 1 : nn)) ||
  1079. (null ==
  1080. ? tn.push(e)
  1081. : tn.splice(
  1082. (function (e) {
  1083. let t = nn + 1,
  1084. n = tn.length
  1085. for (; t < n; ) {
  1086. const o = (t + n) >>> 1
  1087. mn(tn[o]) < e ? (t = o + 1) : (n = o)
  1088. }
  1089. return t
  1090. })(,
  1091. 0,
  1092. e
  1093. ),
  1094. pn())
  1095. }
  1096. function pn() {
  1097. Qt || en || ((en = !0), (ln = cn.then(yn)))
  1098. }
  1099. function dn(e) {
  1100. O(e) ? on.push(...e) : (rn && rn.includes(e, e.allowRecurse ? sn + 1 : sn)) || on.push(e), pn()
  1101. }
  1102. function fn(e, t = Qt ? nn + 1 : 0) {
  1103. for (e = e || new Map(); t < tn.length; t++) {
  1104. const n = tn[t]
  1105. if (n && n.pre) {
  1106. if (vn(e, n)) continue
  1107. tn.splice(t, 1), t--, n()
  1108. }
  1109. }
  1110. }
  1111. function hn(e) {
  1112. if (on.length) {
  1113. const t = [ Set(on)]
  1114. if (((on.length = 0), rn)) return void rn.push(...t)
  1115. for (
  1116. rn = t, e = e || new Map(), rn.sort((e, t) => mn(e) - mn(t)), sn = 0;
  1117. sn < rn.length;
  1118. sn++
  1119. )
  1120. vn(e, rn[sn]) || rn[sn]()
  1121. ;(rn = null), (sn = 0)
  1122. }
  1123. }
  1124. const mn = (e) => (null == ? 1 / 0 :,
  1125. gn = (e, t) => {
  1126. const n = mn(e) - mn(t)
  1127. if (0 === n) {
  1128. if (e.pre && !t.pre) return -1
  1129. if (t.pre && !e.pre) return 1
  1130. }
  1131. return n
  1132. }
  1133. function yn(e) {
  1134. ;(en = !1), (Qt = !0), (e = e || new Map()), tn.sort(gn)
  1135. const t = (t) => vn(e, t)
  1136. try {
  1137. for (nn = 0; nn < tn.length; nn++) {
  1138. const e = tn[nn]
  1139. if (e && !1 !== {
  1140. if (t(e)) continue
  1141. Yt(e, null, 14)
  1142. }
  1143. }
  1144. } finally {
  1145. ;(nn = 0), (tn.length = 0), hn(e), (Qt = !1), (ln = null), (tn.length || on.length) && yn(e)
  1146. }
  1147. }
  1148. function vn(e, t) {
  1149. if (e.has(t)) {
  1150. const n = e.get(t)
  1151. if (n > 100) {
  1152. const e = t.ownerInstance,
  1153. n = e && ri(e.type)
  1154. return (
  1155. Kt(
  1156. `Maximum recursive updates exceeded${
  1157. n ? ` in component <${n}>` : ''
  1158. }. This means you have a reactive effect that is mutating its own dependencies and thus recursively triggering itself. Possible sources include component template, render function, updated hook or watcher source function.`
  1159. ),
  1160. !0
  1161. )
  1162. }
  1163. e.set(t, n + 1)
  1164. } else e.set(t, 1)
  1165. }
  1166. let bn = !1
  1167. const _n = new Set()
  1168. re().__VUE_HMR_RUNTIME__ = {
  1169. createRecord: kn(xn),
  1170. rerender: kn(function (e, t) {
  1171. const n = wn.get(e)
  1172. if (!n) return
  1173. ;(n.initialDef.render = t),
  1174. [...n.instances].forEach((e) => {
  1175. t && ((e.render = t), (Sn(e.type).render = t)),
  1176. (e.renderCache = []),
  1177. (bn = !0),
  1178. e.update(),
  1179. (bn = !1)
  1180. })
  1181. }),
  1182. reload: kn(function (e, t) {
  1183. const n = wn.get(e)
  1184. if (!n) return
  1185. ;(t = Sn(t)), Cn(n.initialDef, t)
  1186. const o = [...n.instances]
  1187. for (const e of o) {
  1188. const o = Sn(e.type)
  1189. _n.has(o) || (o !== n.initialDef && Cn(o, t), _n.add(o)),
  1190. e.appContext.optionsCache.delete(e.type),
  1191. e.ceReload
  1192. ? (_n.add(o), e.ceReload(t.styles), _n.delete(o))
  1193. : e.parent
  1194. ? un(e.parent.update)
  1195. : e.appContext.reload
  1196. ? e.appContext.reload()
  1197. : 'undefined' != typeof window
  1198. ? window.location.reload()
  1199. : console.warn(
  1200. '[HMR] Root or manually mounted instance modified. Full reload required.'
  1201. )
  1202. }
  1203. dn(() => {
  1204. for (const e of o) _n.delete(Sn(e.type))
  1205. })
  1206. })
  1207. }
  1208. const wn = new Map()
  1209. function xn(e, t) {
  1210. return (
  1211. !wn.has(e) &&
  1212. (wn.set(e, {
  1213. initialDef: Sn(t),
  1214. instances: new Set()
  1215. }),
  1216. !0)
  1217. )
  1218. }
  1219. function Sn(e) {
  1220. return ii(e) ? e.__vccOpts : e
  1221. }
  1222. function Cn(e, t) {
  1223. T(e, t)
  1224. for (const n in e) '__file' === n || n in t || delete e[n]
  1225. }
  1226. function kn(e) {
  1227. return (t, n) => {
  1228. try {
  1229. return e(t, n)
  1230. } catch (e) {
  1231. console.error(e),
  1232. console.warn(
  1233. '[HMR] Something went wrong during Vue component hot-reload. Full reload required.'
  1234. )
  1235. }
  1236. }
  1237. }
  1238. let Tn = [],
  1239. $n = !1
  1240. function En(t, ...n) {
  1241. e.devtools
  1242. ? e.devtools.emit(t, ...n)
  1243. : $n ||
  1244. Tn.push({
  1245. event: t,
  1246. args: n
  1247. })
  1248. }
  1249. function Nn(t, n) {
  1250. var o, r
  1251. if (((e.devtools = t), e.devtools))
  1252. (e.devtools.enabled = !0),
  1253. Tn.forEach(({ event: t, args: n }) => e.devtools.emit(t, ...n)),
  1254. (Tn = [])
  1255. else if (
  1256. 'undefined' != typeof window &&
  1257. window.HTMLElement &&
  1258. !(null === (r = null === (o = window.navigator) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.userAgent) ||
  1259. void 0 === r
  1260. ? void 0
  1261. : r.includes('jsdom'))
  1262. ) {
  1263. ;(n.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_HOOK_REPLAY__ = n.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_HOOK_REPLAY__ || []).push((e) => {
  1264. Nn(e, n)
  1265. }),
  1266. setTimeout(() => {
  1267. e.devtools || ((n.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_HOOK_REPLAY__ = null), ($n = !0), (Tn = []))
  1268. }, 3e3)
  1269. } else ($n = !0), (Tn = [])
  1270. }
  1271. const On = Rn('component:added'),
  1272. An = Rn('component:updated'),
  1273. In = Rn('component:removed')
  1274. function Rn(e) {
  1275. return (t) => {
  1276. En(e,, t.uid, t.parent ? t.parent.uid : void 0, t)
  1277. }
  1278. }
  1279. const Mn = Fn('perf:start'),
  1280. Pn = Fn('perf:end')
  1281. function Fn(e) {
  1282. return (t, n, o) => {
  1283. En(e,, t.uid, t, n, o)
  1284. }
  1285. }
  1286. function jn(e, t, ...n) {
  1287. if (e.isUnmounted) return
  1288. const o = e.vnode.props || b
  1289. {
  1290. const {
  1291. emitsOptions: o,
  1292. propsOptions: [r]
  1293. } = e
  1294. if (o)
  1295. if (t in o) {
  1296. const e = o[t]
  1297. if (M(e)) {
  1298. e(...n) || Kt(`Invalid event arguments: event validation failed for event "${t}".`)
  1299. }
  1300. } else
  1301. (r && X(t) in r) ||
  1302. Kt(
  1303. `Component emitted event "${t}" but it is neither declared in the emits option nor as an "${X(
  1304. t
  1305. )}" prop.`
  1306. )
  1307. }
  1308. let r = n
  1309. const s = t.startsWith('update:'),
  1310. i = s && t.slice(7)
  1311. if (i && i in o) {
  1312. const e = `${'modelValue' === i ? 'model' : i}Modifiers`,
  1313. { number: t, trim: s } = o[e] || b
  1314. s && (r = => (P(e) ? e.trim() : e))), t && (r =
  1315. }
  1316. !(function (e, t, n) {
  1317. En('component:emit',, e, t, n)
  1318. })(e, t, r)
  1319. {
  1320. const n = t.toLowerCase()
  1321. n !== t &&
  1322. o[X(n)] &&
  1323. Kt(
  1324. `Event "${n}" is emitted in component ${si(
  1325. e,
  1326. e.type
  1327. )} but the handler is registered for "${t}". Note that HTML attributes are case-insensitive and you cannot use v-on to listen to camelCase events when using in-DOM templates. You should probably use "${Y(
  1328. t
  1329. )}" instead of "${t}".`
  1330. )
  1331. }
  1332. let c,
  1333. l = o[(c = X(t))] || o[(c = X(J(t)))]
  1334. !l && s && (l = o[(c = X(Y(t)))]), l && Zt(l, e, 6, r)
  1335. const a = o[c + 'Once']
  1336. if (a) {
  1337. if (e.emitted) {
  1338. if (e.emitted[c]) return
  1339. } else e.emitted = {}
  1340. ;(e.emitted[c] = !0), Zt(a, e, 6, r)
  1341. }
  1342. }
  1343. function Vn(e, t, n = !1) {
  1344. const o = t.emitsCache,
  1345. r = o.get(e)
  1346. if (void 0 !== r) return r
  1347. const s = e.emits
  1348. let i = {},
  1349. c = !1
  1350. if (!M(e)) {
  1351. const o = (e) => {
  1352. const n = Vn(e, t, !0)
  1353. n && ((c = !0), T(i, n))
  1354. }
  1355. !n && t.mixins.length && t.mixins.forEach(o),
  1356. e.extends && o(e.extends),
  1357. e.mixins && e.mixins.forEach(o)
  1358. }
  1359. return s || c
  1360. ? (O(s) ? s.forEach((e) => (i[e] = null)) : T(i, s), j(e) && o.set(e, i), i)
  1361. : (j(e) && o.set(e, null), null)
  1362. }
  1363. function Ln(e, t) {
  1364. return (
  1365. !(!e || !C(t)) &&
  1366. ((t = t.slice(2).replace(/Once$/, '')),
  1367. N(e, t[0].toLowerCase() + t.slice(1)) || N(e, Y(t)) || N(e, t))
  1368. )
  1369. }
  1370. let Bn = null,
  1371. Un = null
  1372. function Dn(e) {
  1373. const t = Bn
  1374. return (Bn = e), (Un = (e && e.type.__scopeId) || null), t
  1375. }
  1376. function Hn(e, t = Bn, n) {
  1377. if (!t) return e
  1378. if (e._n) return e
  1379. const o = (...n) => {
  1380. o._d && _s(-1)
  1381. const r = Dn(t)
  1382. let s
  1383. try {
  1384. s = e(...n)
  1385. } finally {
  1386. Dn(r), o._d && _s(1)
  1387. }
  1388. return An(t), s
  1389. }
  1390. return (o._n = !0), (o._c = !0), (o._d = !0), o
  1391. }
  1392. let zn = !1
  1393. function Wn() {
  1394. zn = !0
  1395. }
  1396. function Kn(e) {
  1397. const {
  1398. type: t,
  1399. vnode: n,
  1400. proxy: o,
  1401. withProxy: r,
  1402. props: s,
  1403. propsOptions: [i],
  1404. slots: c,
  1405. attrs: l,
  1406. emit: a,
  1407. render: u,
  1408. renderCache: p,
  1409. data: d,
  1410. setupState: f,
  1411. ctx: h,
  1412. inheritAttrs: m
  1413. } = e
  1414. let g, y
  1415. const v = Dn(e)
  1416. zn = !1
  1417. try {
  1418. if (4 & n.shapeFlag) {
  1419. const e = r || o
  1420. ;(g = Ms(, e, p, s, f, d, h))), (y = l)
  1421. } else {
  1422. const e = t
  1423. l === s && Wn(),
  1424. (g = Ms(
  1425. e.length > 1
  1426. ? e(s, {
  1427. get attrs() {
  1428. return Wn(), l
  1429. },
  1430. slots: c,
  1431. emit: a
  1432. })
  1433. : e(s, null)
  1434. )),
  1435. (y = t.props ? l : qn(l))
  1436. }
  1437. } catch (t) {
  1438. ;(hs.length = 0), Xt(t, e, 1), (g = Ns(ds))
  1439. }
  1440. let b,
  1441. _ = g
  1442. if ((g.patchFlag > 0 && 2048 & g.patchFlag && ([_, b] = Gn(g)), y && !1 !== m)) {
  1443. const e = Object.keys(y),
  1444. { shapeFlag: t } = _
  1445. if (e.length)
  1446. if (7 & t) i && e.some(k) && (y = Yn(y, i)), (_ = As(_, y))
  1447. else if (!zn && _.type !== ds) {
  1448. const e = Object.keys(l),
  1449. t = [],
  1450. n = []
  1451. for (let o = 0, r = e.length; o < r; o++) {
  1452. const r = e[o]
  1453. C(r) ? k(r) || t.push(r[2].toLowerCase() + r.slice(3)) : n.push(r)
  1454. }
  1455. n.length &&
  1456. Kt(
  1457. `Extraneous non-props attributes (${n.join(
  1458. ', '
  1459. )}) were passed to component but could not be automatically inherited because component renders fragment or text root nodes.`
  1460. ),
  1461. t.length &&
  1462. Kt(
  1463. `Extraneous non-emits event listeners (${t.join(
  1464. ', '
  1465. )}) were passed to component but could not be automatically inherited because component renders fragment or text root nodes. If the listener is intended to be a component custom event listener only, declare it using the "emits" option.`
  1466. )
  1467. }
  1468. }
  1469. return (
  1470. n.dirs &&
  1471. (Zn(_) ||
  1472. Kt(
  1473. 'Runtime directive used on component with non-element root node. The directives will not function as intended.'
  1474. ),
  1475. (_ = As(_)),
  1476. (_.dirs = _.dirs ? _.dirs.concat(n.dirs) : n.dirs)),
  1477. n.transition &&
  1478. (Zn(_) ||
  1479. Kt(
  1480. 'Component inside <Transition> renders non-element root node that cannot be animated.'
  1481. ),
  1482. (_.transition = n.transition)),
  1483. b ? b(_) : (g = _),
  1484. Dn(v),
  1485. g
  1486. )
  1487. }
  1488. const Gn = (e) => {
  1489. const t = e.children,
  1490. n = e.dynamicChildren,
  1491. o = Jn(t)
  1492. if (!o) return [e, void 0]
  1493. const r = t.indexOf(o),
  1494. s = n ? n.indexOf(o) : -1
  1495. return [
  1496. Ms(o),
  1497. (o) => {
  1498. ;(t[r] = o), n && (s > -1 ? (n[s] = o) : o.patchFlag > 0 && (e.dynamicChildren = [...n, o]))
  1499. }
  1500. ]
  1501. }
  1502. function Jn(e) {
  1503. let t
  1504. for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
  1505. const o = e[n]
  1506. if (!Ss(o)) return
  1507. if (o.type !== ds || 'v-if' === o.children) {
  1508. if (t) return
  1509. t = o
  1510. }
  1511. }
  1512. return t
  1513. }
  1514. const qn = (e) => {
  1515. let t
  1516. for (const n in e) ('class' === n || 'style' === n || C(n)) && ((t || (t = {}))[n] = e[n])
  1517. return t
  1518. },
  1519. Yn = (e, t) => {
  1520. const n = {}
  1521. for (const o in e) (k(o) && o.slice(9) in t) || (n[o] = e[o])
  1522. return n
  1523. },
  1524. Zn = (e) => 7 & e.shapeFlag || e.type === ds
  1525. function Xn(e, t, n) {
  1526. const o = Object.keys(t)
  1527. if (o.length !== Object.keys(e).length) return !0
  1528. for (let r = 0; r < o.length; r++) {
  1529. const s = o[r]
  1530. if (t[s] !== e[s] && !Ln(n, s)) return !0
  1531. }
  1532. return !1
  1533. }
  1534. function Qn({ vnode: e, parent: t }, n) {
  1535. for (; t && t.subTree === e; ) ((e = t.vnode).el = n), (t = t.parent)
  1536. }
  1537. const eo = (e) => e.__isSuspense,
  1538. to = {
  1539. name: 'Suspense',
  1540. __isSuspense: !0,
  1541. process(e, t, n, o, r, s, i, c, l, a) {
  1542. null == e
  1543. ? (function (e, t, n, o, r, s, i, c, l) {
  1544. const {
  1545. p: a,
  1546. o: { createElement: u }
  1547. } = l,
  1548. p = u('div'),
  1549. d = (e.suspense = ro(e, r, o, t, p, n, s, i, c, l))
  1550. a(null, (d.pendingBranch = e.ssContent), p, null, o, d, s, i),
  1551. d.deps > 0
  1552. ? (no(e, 'onPending'),
  1553. no(e, 'onFallback'),
  1554. a(null, e.ssFallback, t, n, o, null, s, i),
  1555. co(d, e.ssFallback))
  1556. : d.resolve()
  1557. })(t, n, o, r, s, i, c, l, a)
  1558. : (function (e, t, n, o, r, s, i, c, { p: l, um: a, o: { createElement: u } }) {
  1559. const p = (t.suspense = e.suspense)
  1560. ;(p.vnode = t), (t.el = e.el)
  1561. const d = t.ssContent,
  1562. f = t.ssFallback,
  1563. { activeBranch: h, pendingBranch: m, isInFallback: g, isHydrating: y } = p
  1564. if (m)
  1565. (p.pendingBranch = d),
  1566. Cs(d, m)
  1567. ? (l(m, d, p.hiddenContainer, null, r, p, s, i, c),
  1568. p.deps <= 0 ? p.resolve() : g && (l(h, f, n, o, r, null, s, i, c), co(p, f)))
  1569. : (p.pendingId++,
  1570. y ? ((p.isHydrating = !1), (p.activeBranch = m)) : a(m, r, p),
  1571. (p.deps = 0),
  1572. (p.effects.length = 0),
  1573. (p.hiddenContainer = u('div')),
  1574. g
  1575. ? (l(null, d, p.hiddenContainer, null, r, p, s, i, c),
  1576. p.deps <= 0 ? p.resolve() : (l(h, f, n, o, r, null, s, i, c), co(p, f)))
  1577. : h && Cs(d, h)
  1578. ? (l(h, d, n, o, r, p, s, i, c), p.resolve(!0))
  1579. : (l(null, d, p.hiddenContainer, null, r, p, s, i, c),
  1580. p.deps <= 0 && p.resolve()))
  1581. else if (h && Cs(d, h)) l(h, d, n, o, r, p, s, i, c), co(p, d)
  1582. else if (
  1583. (no(t, 'onPending'),
  1584. (p.pendingBranch = d),
  1585. p.pendingId++,
  1586. l(null, d, p.hiddenContainer, null, r, p, s, i, c),
  1587. p.deps <= 0)
  1588. )
  1589. p.resolve()
  1590. else {
  1591. const { timeout: e, pendingId: t } = p
  1592. e > 0
  1593. ? setTimeout(() => {
  1594. p.pendingId === t && p.fallback(f)
  1595. }, e)
  1596. : 0 === e && p.fallback(f)
  1597. }
  1598. })(e, t, n, o, r, i, c, l, a)
  1599. },
  1600. hydrate: function (e, t, n, o, r, s, i, c, l) {
  1601. const a = (t.suspense = ro(
  1602. t,
  1603. o,
  1604. n,
  1605. e.parentNode,
  1606. document.createElement('div'),
  1607. null,
  1608. r,
  1609. s,
  1610. i,
  1611. c,
  1612. !0
  1613. )),
  1614. u = l(e, (a.pendingBranch = t.ssContent), n, a, s, i)
  1615. 0 === a.deps && a.resolve()
  1616. return u
  1617. },
  1618. create: ro,
  1619. normalize: function (e) {
  1620. const { shapeFlag: t, children: n } = e,
  1621. o = 32 & t
  1622. ;(e.ssContent = so(o ? n.default : n)), (e.ssFallback = o ? so(n.fallback) : Ns(ds))
  1623. }
  1624. }
  1625. function no(e, t) {
  1626. const n = e.props && e.props[t]
  1627. M(n) && n()
  1628. }
  1629. let oo = !1
  1630. function ro(e, t, n, o, r, s, i, c, l, a, u = !1) {
  1631. oo ||
  1632. ((oo = !0),
  1633. console[ ? 'info' : 'log'](
  1634. '<Suspense> is an experimental feature and its API will likely change.'
  1635. ))
  1636. const {
  1637. p: p,
  1638. m: d,
  1639. um: f,
  1640. n: h,
  1641. o: { parentNode: m, remove: g }
  1642. } = a,
  1643. y = ne(e.props && e.props.timeout),
  1644. v = {
  1645. vnode: e,
  1646. parent: t,
  1647. parentComponent: n,
  1648. isSVG: i,
  1649. container: o,
  1650. hiddenContainer: r,
  1651. anchor: s,
  1652. deps: 0,
  1653. pendingId: 0,
  1654. timeout: 'number' == typeof y ? y : -1,
  1655. activeBranch: null,
  1656. pendingBranch: null,
  1657. isInFallback: !0,
  1658. isHydrating: u,
  1659. isUnmounted: !1,
  1660. effects: [],
  1661. resolve(e = !1) {
  1662. if (!e && !v.pendingBranch)
  1663. throw new Error('suspense.resolve() is called without a pending branch.')
  1664. if (v.isUnmounted)
  1665. throw new Error(
  1666. 'suspense.resolve() is called on an already unmounted suspense boundary.'
  1667. )
  1668. const {
  1669. vnode: t,
  1670. activeBranch: n,
  1671. pendingBranch: o,
  1672. pendingId: r,
  1673. effects: s,
  1674. parentComponent: i,
  1675. container: c
  1676. } = v
  1677. if (v.isHydrating) v.isHydrating = !1
  1678. else if (!e) {
  1679. const e = n && o.transition && 'out-in' === o.transition.mode
  1680. e &&
  1681. (n.transition.afterLeave = () => {
  1682. r === v.pendingId && d(o, c, t, 0)
  1683. })
  1684. let { anchor: t } = v
  1685. n && ((t = h(n)), f(n, i, v, !0)), e || d(o, c, t, 0)
  1686. }
  1687. co(v, o), (v.pendingBranch = null), (v.isInFallback = !1)
  1688. let l = v.parent,
  1689. a = !1
  1690. for (; l; ) {
  1691. if (l.pendingBranch) {
  1692. l.effects.push(...s), (a = !0)
  1693. break
  1694. }
  1695. l = l.parent
  1696. }
  1697. a || dn(s), (v.effects = []), no(t, 'onResolve')
  1698. },
  1699. fallback(e) {
  1700. if (!v.pendingBranch) return
  1701. const { vnode: t, activeBranch: n, parentComponent: o, container: r, isSVG: s } = v
  1702. no(t, 'onFallback')
  1703. const i = h(n),
  1704. a = () => {
  1705. v.isInFallback && (p(null, e, r, i, o, null, s, c, l), co(v, e))
  1706. },
  1707. u = e.transition && 'out-in' === e.transition.mode
  1708. u && (n.transition.afterLeave = a), (v.isInFallback = !0), f(n, o, null, !0), u || a()
  1709. },
  1710. move(e, t, n) {
  1711. v.activeBranch && d(v.activeBranch, e, t, n), (v.container = e)
  1712. },
  1713. next: () => v.activeBranch && h(v.activeBranch),
  1714. registerDep(e, t) {
  1715. const n = !!v.pendingBranch
  1716. n && v.deps++
  1717. const o = e.vnode.el
  1718. e.asyncDep
  1719. .catch((t) => {
  1720. Xt(t, e, 0)
  1721. })
  1722. .then((r) => {
  1723. if (e.isUnmounted || v.isUnmounted || v.pendingId !== e.suspenseId) return
  1724. e.asyncResolved = !0
  1725. const { vnode: s } = e
  1726. zt(s), Zs(e, r, !1), o && (s.el = o)
  1727. const c = !o && e.subTree.el
  1728. t(e, s, m(o || e.subTree.el), o ? null : h(e.subTree), v, i, l),
  1729. c && g(c),
  1730. Qn(e, s.el),
  1731. Wt(),
  1732. n && 0 == --v.deps && v.resolve()
  1733. })
  1734. },
  1735. unmount(e, t) {
  1736. ;(v.isUnmounted = !0),
  1737. v.activeBranch && f(v.activeBranch, n, e, t),
  1738. v.pendingBranch && f(v.pendingBranch, n, e, t)
  1739. }
  1740. }
  1741. return v
  1742. }
  1743. function so(e) {
  1744. let t
  1745. if (M(e)) {
  1746. const n = bs && e._c
  1747. n && ((e._d = !1), gs()), (e = e()), n && ((e._d = !0), (t = ms), ys())
  1748. }
  1749. if (O(e)) {
  1750. const t = Jn(e)
  1751. t || Kt('<Suspense> slots expect a single root node.'), (e = t)
  1752. }
  1753. return (e = Ms(e)), t && !e.dynamicChildren && (e.dynamicChildren = t.filter((t) => t !== e)), e
  1754. }
  1755. function io(e, t) {
  1756. t && t.pendingBranch ? (O(e) ? t.effects.push(...e) : t.effects.push(e)) : dn(e)
  1757. }
  1758. function co(e, t) {
  1759. e.activeBranch = t
  1760. const { vnode: n, parentComponent: o } = e,
  1761. r = (n.el = t.el)
  1762. o && o.subTree === n && ((o.vnode.el = r), Qn(o, r))
  1763. }
  1764. function lo(e, t) {
  1765. if (Us) {
  1766. let n = Us.provides
  1767. const o = Us.parent && Us.parent.provides
  1768. o === n && (n = Us.provides = Object.create(o)), (n[e] = t)
  1769. } else Kt('provide() can only be used inside setup().')
  1770. }
  1771. function ao(e, t, n = !1) {
  1772. const o = Us || Bn
  1773. if (o) {
  1774. const r =
  1775. null == o.parent ? o.vnode.appContext && o.vnode.appContext.provides : o.parent.provides
  1776. if (r && e in r) return r[e]
  1777. if (arguments.length > 1) return n && M(t) ? : t
  1778. Kt(`injection "${String(e)}" not found.`)
  1779. } else Kt('inject() can only be used inside setup() or functional components.')
  1780. }
  1781. function uo(e, t) {
  1782. return ho(
  1783. e,
  1784. null,
  1785. Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), {
  1786. flush: 'post'
  1787. })
  1788. )
  1789. }
  1790. const po = {}
  1791. function fo(e, t, n) {
  1792. return (
  1793. M(t) ||
  1794. Kt(
  1795. '`watch(fn, options?)` signature has been moved to a separate API. Use `watchEffect(fn, options?)` instead. `watch` now only supports `watch(source, cb, options?) signature.'
  1796. ),
  1797. ho(e, t, n)
  1798. )
  1799. }
  1800. function ho(e, t, { immediate: n, deep: o, flush: r, onTrack: s, onTrigger: i } = b) {
  1801. t ||
  1802. (void 0 !== n &&
  1803. Kt(
  1804. 'watch() "immediate" option is only respected when using the watch(source, callback, options?) signature.'
  1805. ),
  1806. void 0 !== o &&
  1807. Kt(
  1808. 'watch() "deep" option is only respected when using the watch(source, callback, options?) signature.'
  1809. ))
  1810. const c = (e) => {
  1811. Kt(
  1812. 'Invalid watch source: ',
  1813. e,
  1814. 'A watch source can only be a getter/effect function, a ref, a reactive object, or an array of these types.'
  1815. )
  1816. },
  1817. l = Us
  1818. let a,
  1819. u,
  1820. p = !1,
  1821. d = !1
  1822. if (
  1823. (At(e)
  1824. ? ((a = () => e.value), (p = St(e)))
  1825. : wt(e)
  1826. ? ((a = () => e), (o = !0))
  1827. : O(e)
  1828. ? ((d = !0),
  1829. (p = e.some((e) => wt(e) || St(e))),
  1830. (a = () =>
  1831. => (At(e) ? e.value : wt(e) ? yo(e) : M(e) ? Yt(e, l, 2) : void c(e)))))
  1832. : M(e)
  1833. ? (a = t
  1834. ? () => Yt(e, l, 2)
  1835. : () => {
  1836. if (!l || !l.isUnmounted) return u && u(), Zt(e, l, 3, [f])
  1837. })
  1838. : ((a = w), c(e)),
  1839. t && o)
  1840. ) {
  1841. const e = a
  1842. a = () => yo(e())
  1843. }
  1844. let f = (e) => {
  1845. u = y.onStop = () => {
  1846. Yt(e, l, 4)
  1847. }
  1848. },
  1849. h = d ? new Array(e.length).fill(po) : po
  1850. const m = () => {
  1851. if (
  1852. if (t) {
  1853. const e =
  1854. ;(o || p || (d ? e.some((e, t) => Q(e, h[t])) : Q(e, h))) &&
  1855. (u && u(), Zt(t, l, 3, [e, h === po ? void 0 : d && h[0] === po ? [] : h, f]), (h = e))
  1856. } else
  1857. }
  1858. let g
  1859. ;(m.allowRecurse = !!t),
  1860. 'sync' === r
  1861. ? (g = m)
  1862. : 'post' === r
  1863. ? (g = () => Xr(m, l && l.suspense))
  1864. : ((m.pre = !0), l && ( = l.uid), (g = () => un(m)))
  1865. const y = new ve(a, g)
  1866. ;(y.onTrack = s),
  1867. (y.onTrigger = i),
  1868. t ? (n ? m() : (h = : 'post' === r ? Xr(, l && l.suspense) :
  1869. return () => {
  1870. y.stop(), l && l.scope && $(l.scope.effects, y)
  1871. }
  1872. }
  1873. function mo(e, t, n) {
  1874. const o = this.proxy,
  1875. r = P(e) ? (e.includes('.') ? go(o, e) : () => o[e]) : e.bind(o, o)
  1876. let s
  1877. M(t) ? (s = t) : ((s = t.handler), (n = t))
  1878. const i = Us
  1879. Hs(this)
  1880. const c = ho(r, s.bind(o), n)
  1881. return i ? Hs(i) : zs(), c
  1882. }
  1883. function go(e, t) {
  1884. const n = t.split('.')
  1885. return () => {
  1886. let t = e
  1887. for (let e = 0; e < n.length && t; e++) t = t[n[e]]
  1888. return t
  1889. }
  1890. }
  1891. function yo(e, t) {
  1892. if (!j(e) || e.__v_skip) return e
  1893. if ((t = t || new Set()).has(e)) return e
  1894. if ((t.add(e), At(e))) yo(e.value, t)
  1895. else if (O(e)) for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) yo(e[n], t)
  1896. else if (I(e) || A(e))
  1897. e.forEach((e) => {
  1898. yo(e, t)
  1899. })
  1900. else if (D(e)) for (const n in e) yo(e[n], t)
  1901. return e
  1902. }
  1903. function vo() {
  1904. const e = {
  1905. isMounted: !1,
  1906. isLeaving: !1,
  1907. isUnmounting: !1,
  1908. leavingVNodes: new Map()
  1909. }
  1910. return (
  1911. Do(() => {
  1912. e.isMounted = !0
  1913. }),
  1914. Wo(() => {
  1915. e.isUnmounting = !0
  1916. }),
  1917. e
  1918. )
  1919. }
  1920. const bo = [Function, Array],
  1921. _o = {
  1922. name: 'BaseTransition',
  1923. props: {
  1924. mode: String,
  1925. appear: Boolean,
  1926. persisted: Boolean,
  1927. onBeforeEnter: bo,
  1928. onEnter: bo,
  1929. onAfterEnter: bo,
  1930. onEnterCancelled: bo,
  1931. onBeforeLeave: bo,
  1932. onLeave: bo,
  1933. onAfterLeave: bo,
  1934. onLeaveCancelled: bo,
  1935. onBeforeAppear: bo,
  1936. onAppear: bo,
  1937. onAfterAppear: bo,
  1938. onAppearCancelled: bo
  1939. },
  1940. setup(e, { slots: t }) {
  1941. const n = Ds(),
  1942. o = vo()
  1943. let r
  1944. return () => {
  1945. const s = t.default && To(t.default(), !0)
  1946. if (!s || !s.length) return
  1947. let i = s[0]
  1948. if (s.length > 1) {
  1949. let e = !1
  1950. for (const t of s)
  1951. if (t.type !== ds) {
  1952. if (e) {
  1953. Kt(
  1954. '<transition> can only be used on a single element or component. Use <transition-group> for lists.'
  1955. )
  1956. break
  1957. }
  1958. ;(i = t), (e = !0)
  1959. }
  1960. }
  1961. const c = kt(e),
  1962. { mode: l } = c
  1963. if (
  1964. (l &&
  1965. 'in-out' !== l &&
  1966. 'out-in' !== l &&
  1967. 'default' !== l &&
  1968. Kt(`invalid <transition> mode: ${l}`),
  1969. o.isLeaving)
  1970. )
  1971. return So(i)
  1972. const a = Co(i)
  1973. if (!a) return So(i)
  1974. const u = xo(a, c, o, n)
  1975. ko(a, u)
  1976. const p = n.subTree,
  1977. d = p && Co(p)
  1978. let f = !1
  1979. const { getTransitionKey: h } = a.type
  1980. if (h) {
  1981. const e = h()
  1982. void 0 === r ? (r = e) : e !== r && ((r = e), (f = !0))
  1983. }
  1984. if (d && d.type !== ds && (!Cs(a, d) || f)) {
  1985. const e = xo(d, c, o, n)
  1986. if ((ko(d, e), 'out-in' === l))
  1987. return (
  1988. (o.isLeaving = !0),
  1989. (e.afterLeave = () => {
  1990. ;(o.isLeaving = !1), !1 !== && n.update()
  1991. }),
  1992. So(i)
  1993. )
  1994. 'in-out' === l &&
  1995. a.type !== ds &&
  1996. (e.delayLeave = (e, t, n) => {
  1997. ;(wo(o, d)[String(d.key)] = d),
  1998. (e._leaveCb = () => {
  1999. t(), (e._leaveCb = void 0), delete u.delayedLeave
  2000. }),
  2001. (u.delayedLeave = n)
  2002. })
  2003. }
  2004. return i
  2005. }
  2006. }
  2007. }
  2008. function wo(e, t) {
  2009. const { leavingVNodes: n } = e
  2010. let o = n.get(t.type)
  2011. return o || ((o = Object.create(null)), n.set(t.type, o)), o
  2012. }
  2013. function xo(e, t, n, o) {
  2014. const {
  2015. appear: r,
  2016. mode: s,
  2017. persisted: i = !1,
  2018. onBeforeEnter: c,
  2019. onEnter: l,
  2020. onAfterEnter: a,
  2021. onEnterCancelled: u,
  2022. onBeforeLeave: p,
  2023. onLeave: d,
  2024. onAfterLeave: f,
  2025. onLeaveCancelled: h,
  2026. onBeforeAppear: m,
  2027. onAppear: g,
  2028. onAfterAppear: y,
  2029. onAppearCancelled: v
  2030. } = t,
  2031. b = String(e.key),
  2032. _ = wo(n, e),
  2033. w = (e, t) => {
  2034. e && Zt(e, o, 9, t)
  2035. },
  2036. x = (e, t) => {
  2037. const n = t[1]
  2038. w(e, t), O(e) ? e.every((e) => e.length <= 1) && n() : e.length <= 1 && n()
  2039. },
  2040. S = {
  2041. mode: s,
  2042. persisted: i,
  2043. beforeEnter(t) {
  2044. let o = c
  2045. if (!n.isMounted) {
  2046. if (!r) return
  2047. o = m || c
  2048. }
  2049. t._leaveCb && t._leaveCb(!0)
  2050. const s = _[b]
  2051. s && Cs(e, s) && s.el._leaveCb && s.el._leaveCb(), w(o, [t])
  2052. },
  2053. enter(e) {
  2054. let t = l,
  2055. o = a,
  2056. s = u
  2057. if (!n.isMounted) {
  2058. if (!r) return
  2059. ;(t = g || l), (o = y || a), (s = v || u)
  2060. }
  2061. let i = !1
  2062. const c = (e._enterCb = (t) => {
  2063. i ||
  2064. ((i = !0),
  2065. w(t ? s : o, [e]),
  2066. S.delayedLeave && S.delayedLeave(),
  2067. (e._enterCb = void 0))
  2068. })
  2069. t ? x(t, [e, c]) : c()
  2070. },
  2071. leave(t, o) {
  2072. const r = String(e.key)
  2073. if ((t._enterCb && t._enterCb(!0), n.isUnmounting)) return o()
  2074. w(p, [t])
  2075. let s = !1
  2076. const i = (t._leaveCb = (n) => {
  2077. s ||
  2078. ((s = !0), o(), w(n ? h : f, [t]), (t._leaveCb = void 0), _[r] === e && delete _[r])
  2079. })
  2080. ;(_[r] = e), d ? x(d, [t, i]) : i()
  2081. },
  2082. clone: (e) => xo(e, t, n, o)
  2083. }
  2084. return S
  2085. }
  2086. function So(e) {
  2087. if (Oo(e)) return ((e = As(e)).children = null), e
  2088. }
  2089. function Co(e) {
  2090. return Oo(e) ? (e.children ? e.children[0] : void 0) : e
  2091. }
  2092. function ko(e, t) {
  2093. 6 & e.shapeFlag && e.component
  2094. ? ko(e.component.subTree, t)
  2095. : 128 & e.shapeFlag
  2096. ? ((e.ssContent.transition = t.clone(e.ssContent)),
  2097. (e.ssFallback.transition = t.clone(e.ssFallback)))
  2098. : (e.transition = t)
  2099. }
  2100. function To(e, t = !1, n) {
  2101. let o = [],
  2102. r = 0
  2103. for (let s = 0; s < e.length; s++) {
  2104. let i = e[s]
  2105. const c = null == n ? i.key : String(n) + String(null != i.key ? i.key : s)
  2106. i.type === us
  2107. ? (128 & i.patchFlag && r++, (o = o.concat(To(i.children, t, c))))
  2108. : (t || i.type !== ds) &&
  2109. o.push(
  2110. null != c
  2111. ? As(i, {
  2112. key: c
  2113. })
  2114. : i
  2115. )
  2116. }
  2117. if (r > 1) for (let e = 0; e < o.length; e++) o[e].patchFlag = -2
  2118. return o
  2119. }
  2120. function $o(e) {
  2121. return M(e)
  2122. ? {
  2123. setup: e,
  2124. name:
  2125. }
  2126. : e
  2127. }
  2128. const Eo = (e) => !!e.type.__asyncLoader
  2129. function No(e, t) {
  2130. const { ref: n, props: o, children: r, ce: s } = t.vnode,
  2131. i = Ns(e, o, r)
  2132. return (i.ref = n), (i.ce = s), delete t.vnode.ce, i
  2133. }
  2134. const Oo = (e) => e.type.__isKeepAlive,
  2135. Ao = {
  2136. name: 'KeepAlive',
  2137. __isKeepAlive: !0,
  2138. props: {
  2139. include: [String, RegExp, Array],
  2140. exclude: [String, RegExp, Array],
  2141. max: [String, Number]
  2142. },
  2143. setup(e, { slots: t }) {
  2144. const n = Ds(),
  2145. o = n.ctx,
  2146. r = new Map(),
  2147. s = new Set()
  2148. let i = null
  2149. n.__v_cache = r
  2150. const c = n.suspense,
  2151. {
  2152. renderer: {
  2153. p: l,
  2154. m: a,
  2155. um: u,
  2156. o: { createElement: p }
  2157. }
  2158. } = o,
  2159. d = p('div')
  2160. function f(e) {
  2161. jo(e), u(e, n, c, !0)
  2162. }
  2163. function h(e) {
  2164. r.forEach((t, n) => {
  2165. const o = ri(t.type)
  2166. !o || (e && e(o)) || m(n)
  2167. })
  2168. }
  2169. function m(e) {
  2170. const t = r.get(e)
  2171. i && t.type === i.type ? i && jo(i) : f(t), r.delete(e), s.delete(e)
  2172. }
  2173. ;(o.activate = (e, t, n, o, r) => {
  2174. const s = e.component
  2175. a(e, t, n, 0, c),
  2176. l(s.vnode, e, t, n, s, c, o, e.slotScopeIds, r),
  2177. Xr(() => {
  2178. ;(s.isDeactivated = !1), s.a && ee(s.a)
  2179. const t = e.props && e.props.onVnodeMounted
  2180. t && Vs(t, s.parent, e)
  2181. }, c),
  2182. On(s)
  2183. }),
  2184. (o.deactivate = (e) => {
  2185. const t = e.component
  2186. a(e, d, null, 1, c),
  2187. Xr(() => {
  2188. t.da && ee(t.da)
  2189. const n = e.props && e.props.onVnodeUnmounted
  2190. n && Vs(n, t.parent, e), (t.isDeactivated = !0)
  2191. }, c),
  2192. On(t)
  2193. }),
  2194. fo(
  2195. () => [e.include, e.exclude],
  2196. ([e, t]) => {
  2197. e && h((t) => Io(e, t)), t && h((e) => !Io(t, e))
  2198. },
  2199. {
  2200. flush: 'post',
  2201. deep: !0
  2202. }
  2203. )
  2204. let g = null
  2205. const y = () => {
  2206. null != g && r.set(g, Vo(n.subTree))
  2207. }
  2208. return (
  2209. Do(y),
  2210. zo(y),
  2211. Wo(() => {
  2212. r.forEach((e) => {
  2213. const { subTree: t, suspense: o } = n,
  2214. r = Vo(t)
  2215. if (e.type !== r.type) f(e)
  2216. else {
  2217. jo(r)
  2218. const e = r.component.da
  2219. e && Xr(e, o)
  2220. }
  2221. })
  2222. }),
  2223. () => {
  2224. if (((g = null), !t.default)) return null
  2225. const n = t.default(),
  2226. o = n[0]
  2227. if (n.length > 1)
  2228. return Kt('KeepAlive should contain exactly one component child.'), (i = null), n
  2229. if (!(Ss(o) && (4 & o.shapeFlag || 128 & o.shapeFlag))) return (i = null), o
  2230. let c = Vo(o)
  2231. const l = c.type,
  2232. a = ri(Eo(c) ? c.type.__asyncResolved || {} : l),
  2233. { include: u, exclude: p, max: d } = e
  2234. if ((u && (!a || !Io(u, a))) || (p && a && Io(p, a))) return (i = c), o
  2235. const f = null == c.key ? l : c.key,
  2236. h = r.get(f)
  2237. return (
  2238. c.el && ((c = As(c)), 128 & o.shapeFlag && (o.ssContent = c)),
  2239. (g = f),
  2240. h
  2241. ? ((c.el = h.el),
  2242. (c.component = h.component),
  2243. c.transition && ko(c, c.transition),
  2244. (c.shapeFlag |= 512),
  2245. s.delete(f),
  2246. s.add(f))
  2247. : (s.add(f), d && s.size > parseInt(d, 10) && m(s.values().next().value)),
  2248. (c.shapeFlag |= 256),
  2249. (i = c),
  2250. eo(o.type) ? o : c
  2251. )
  2252. }
  2253. )
  2254. }
  2255. }
  2256. function Io(e, t) {
  2257. return O(e) ? e.some((e) => Io(e, t)) : P(e) ? e.split(',').includes(t) : !!e.test && e.test(t)
  2258. }
  2259. function Ro(e, t) {
  2260. Po(e, 'a', t)
  2261. }
  2262. function Mo(e, t) {
  2263. Po(e, 'da', t)
  2264. }
  2265. function Po(e, t, n = Us) {
  2266. const o =
  2267. e.__wdc ||
  2268. (e.__wdc = () => {
  2269. let t = n
  2270. for (; t; ) {
  2271. if (t.isDeactivated) return
  2272. t = t.parent
  2273. }
  2274. return e()
  2275. })
  2276. if ((Lo(t, o, n), n)) {
  2277. let e = n.parent
  2278. for (; e && e.parent; ) Oo(e.parent.vnode) && Fo(o, t, n, e), (e = e.parent)
  2279. }
  2280. }
  2281. function Fo(e, t, n, o) {
  2282. const r = Lo(t, e, o, !0)
  2283. Ko(() => {
  2284. $(o[t], r)
  2285. }, n)
  2286. }
  2287. function jo(e) {
  2288. ;(e.shapeFlag &= -257), (e.shapeFlag &= -513)
  2289. }
  2290. function Vo(e) {
  2291. return 128 & e.shapeFlag ? e.ssContent : e
  2292. }
  2293. function Lo(e, t, n = Us, o = !1) {
  2294. if (n) {
  2295. const r = n[e] || (n[e] = []),
  2296. s =
  2297. t.__weh ||
  2298. (t.__weh = (...o) => {
  2299. if (n.isUnmounted) return
  2300. xe(), Hs(n)
  2301. const r = Zt(t, n, e, o)
  2302. return zs(), Se(), r
  2303. })
  2304. return o ? r.unshift(s) : r.push(s), s
  2305. }
  2306. Kt(
  2307. `${X(
  2308. qt[e].replace(/ hook$/, '')
  2309. )} is called when there is no active component instance to be associated with. Lifecycle injection APIs can only be used during execution of setup(). If you are using async setup(), make sure to register lifecycle hooks before the first await statement.`
  2310. )
  2311. }
  2312. const Bo =
  2313. (e) =>
  2314. (t, n = Us) =>
  2315. (!Ys || 'sp' === e) && Lo(e, (...e) => t(...e), n),
  2316. Uo = Bo('bm'),
  2317. Do = Bo('m'),
  2318. Ho = Bo('bu'),
  2319. zo = Bo('u'),
  2320. Wo = Bo('bum'),
  2321. Ko = Bo('um'),
  2322. Go = Bo('sp'),
  2323. Jo = Bo('rtg'),
  2324. qo = Bo('rtc')
  2325. function Yo(e, t = Us) {
  2326. Lo('ec', e, t)
  2327. }
  2328. function Zo(e) {
  2329. W(e) && Kt('Do not use built-in directive ids as custom directive id: ' + e)
  2330. }
  2331. function Xo(e, t, n, o) {
  2332. const r = e.dirs,
  2333. s = t && t.dirs
  2334. for (let i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
  2335. const c = r[i]
  2336. s && (c.oldValue = s[i].value)
  2337. let l = c.dir[o]
  2338. l && (xe(), Zt(l, n, 8, [e.el, c, e, t]), Se())
  2339. }
  2340. }
  2341. const Qo = 'components'
  2342. const er = Symbol()
  2343. function tr(e, t, n = !0, o = !1) {
  2344. const r = Bn || Us
  2345. if (r) {
  2346. const s = r.type
  2347. if (e === Qo) {
  2348. const e = ri(s, !1)
  2349. if (e && (e === t || e === J(t) || e === Z(J(t)))) return s
  2350. }
  2351. const i = nr(r[e] || s[e], t) || nr(r.appContext[e], t)
  2352. if (!i && o) return s
  2353. if (n && !i) {
  2354. const n =
  2355. e === Qo
  2356. ? '\nIf this is a native custom element, make sure to exclude it from component resolution via compilerOptions.isCustomElement.'
  2357. : ''
  2358. Kt(`Failed to resolve ${e.slice(0, -1)}: ${t}${n}`)
  2359. }
  2360. return i
  2361. }
  2362. Kt(`resolve${Z(e.slice(0, -1))} can only be used in render() or setup().`)
  2363. }
  2364. function nr(e, t) {
  2365. return e && (e[t] || e[J(t)] || e[Z(J(t))])
  2366. }
  2367. function or(e) {
  2368. return e.some((e) => !Ss(e) || (e.type !== ds && !(e.type === us && !or(e.children))))
  2369. ? e
  2370. : null
  2371. }
  2372. const rr = (e) => (e ? (Gs(e) ? ni(e) || e.proxy : rr(e.parent)) : null),
  2373. sr = T(Object.create(null), {
  2374. $: (e) => e,
  2375. $el: (e) => e.vnode.el,
  2376. $data: (e) =>,
  2377. $props: (e) => bt(e.props),
  2378. $attrs: (e) => bt(e.attrs),
  2379. $slots: (e) => bt(e.slots),
  2380. $refs: (e) => bt(e.refs),
  2381. $parent: (e) => rr(e.parent),
  2382. $root: (e) => rr(e.root),
  2383. $emit: (e) => e.emit,
  2384. $options: (e) => hr(e),
  2385. $forceUpdate: (e) => e.f || (e.f = () => un(e.update)),
  2386. $nextTick: (e) => e.n || (e.n = an.bind(e.proxy)),
  2387. $watch: (e) => mo.bind(e)
  2388. }),
  2389. ir = (e) => '_' === e || '$' === e,
  2390. cr = (e, t) => e !== b && !e.__isScriptSetup && N(e, t),
  2391. lr = {
  2392. get({ _: e }, t) {
  2393. const {
  2394. ctx: n,
  2395. setupState: o,
  2396. data: r,
  2397. props: s,
  2398. accessCache: i,
  2399. type: c,
  2400. appContext: l
  2401. } = e
  2402. if ('__isVue' === t) return !0
  2403. let a
  2404. if ('$' !== t[0]) {
  2405. const c = i[t]
  2406. if (void 0 !== c)
  2407. switch (c) {
  2408. case 1:
  2409. return o[t]
  2410. case 2:
  2411. return r[t]
  2412. case 4:
  2413. return n[t]
  2414. case 3:
  2415. return s[t]
  2416. }
  2417. else {
  2418. if (cr(o, t)) return (i[t] = 1), o[t]
  2419. if (r !== b && N(r, t)) return (i[t] = 2), r[t]
  2420. if ((a = e.propsOptions[0]) && N(a, t)) return (i[t] = 3), s[t]
  2421. if (n !== b && N(n, t)) return (i[t] = 4), n[t]
  2422. ur && (i[t] = 0)
  2423. }
  2424. }
  2425. const u = sr[t]
  2426. let p, d
  2427. return u
  2428. ? ('$attrs' === t && (Ce(e, 'get', t), Wn()), u(e))
  2429. : (p = c.__cssModules) && (p = p[t])
  2430. ? p
  2431. : n !== b && N(n, t)
  2432. ? ((i[t] = 4), n[t])
  2433. : ((d = l.config.globalProperties),
  2434. N(d, t)
  2435. ? d[t]
  2436. : void (
  2437. !Bn ||
  2438. (P(t) && 0 === t.indexOf('__v')) ||
  2439. (r !== b && ir(t[0]) && N(r, t)
  2440. ? Kt(
  2441. `Property ${JSON.stringify(
  2442. t
  2443. )} must be accessed via $data because it starts with a reserved character ("$" or "_") and is not proxied on the render context.`
  2444. )
  2445. : e === Bn &&
  2446. Kt(
  2447. `Property ${JSON.stringify(
  2448. t
  2449. )} was accessed during render but is not defined on instance.`
  2450. ))
  2451. ))
  2452. },
  2453. set({ _: e }, t, n) {
  2454. const { data: o, setupState: r, ctx: s } = e
  2455. return cr(r, t)
  2456. ? ((r[t] = n), !0)
  2457. : r.__isScriptSetup && N(r, t)
  2458. ? (Kt(`Cannot mutate <script setup> binding "${t}" from Options API.`), !1)
  2459. : o !== b && N(o, t)
  2460. ? ((o[t] = n), !0)
  2461. : N(e.props, t)
  2462. ? (Kt(`Attempting to mutate prop "${t}". Props are readonly.`), !1)
  2463. : '$' === t[0] && t.slice(1) in e
  2464. ? (Kt(
  2465. `Attempting to mutate public property "${t}". Properties starting with $ are reserved and readonly.`
  2466. ),
  2467. !1)
  2468. : (t in e.appContext.config.globalProperties
  2469. ? Object.defineProperty(s, t, {
  2470. enumerable: !0,
  2471. configurable: !0,
  2472. value: n
  2473. })
  2474. : (s[t] = n),
  2475. !0)
  2476. },
  2477. has(
  2478. { _: { data: e, setupState: t, accessCache: n, ctx: o, appContext: r, propsOptions: s } },
  2479. i
  2480. ) {
  2481. let c
  2482. return (
  2483. !!n[i] ||
  2484. (e !== b && N(e, i)) ||
  2485. cr(t, i) ||
  2486. ((c = s[0]) && N(c, i)) ||
  2487. N(o, i) ||
  2488. N(sr, i) ||
  2489. N(r.config.globalProperties, i)
  2490. )
  2491. },
  2492. defineProperty(e, t, n) {
  2493. return (
  2494. null != n.get ? (e._.accessCache[t] = 0) : N(n, 'value') && this.set(e, t, n.value, null),
  2495. Reflect.defineProperty(e, t, n)
  2496. )
  2497. },
  2498. ownKeys: (e) => (
  2499. Kt(
  2500. 'Avoid app logic that relies on enumerating keys on a component instance. The keys will be empty in production mode to avoid performance overhead.'
  2501. ),
  2502. Reflect.ownKeys(e)
  2503. )
  2504. },
  2505. ar = T({}, lr, {
  2506. get(e, t) {
  2507. if (t !== Symbol.unscopables) return lr.get(e, t, e)
  2508. },
  2509. has(e, t) {
  2510. const n = '_' !== t[0] && !r(t)
  2511. return (
  2512. !n &&
  2513. lr.has(e, t) &&
  2514. Kt(
  2515. `Property ${JSON.stringify(
  2516. t
  2517. )} should not start with _ which is a reserved prefix for Vue internals.`
  2518. ),
  2519. n
  2520. )
  2521. }
  2522. })
  2523. let ur = !0
  2524. function pr(e) {
  2525. const t = hr(e),
  2526. n = e.proxy,
  2527. o = e.ctx
  2528. ;(ur = !1), t.beforeCreate && dr(t.beforeCreate, e, 'bc')
  2529. const {
  2530. data: r,
  2531. computed: s,
  2532. methods: i,
  2533. watch: c,
  2534. provide: l,
  2535. inject: a,
  2536. created: u,
  2537. beforeMount: p,
  2538. mounted: d,
  2539. beforeUpdate: f,
  2540. updated: h,
  2541. activated: m,
  2542. deactivated: g,
  2543. beforeDestroy: y,
  2544. beforeUnmount: v,
  2545. destroyed: b,
  2546. unmounted: _,
  2547. render: x,
  2548. renderTracked: S,
  2549. renderTriggered: C,
  2550. errorCaptured: k,
  2551. serverPrefetch: T,
  2552. expose: $,
  2553. inheritAttrs: E,
  2554. components: N,
  2555. directives: A,
  2556. filters: I
  2557. } = t,
  2558. R = (function () {
  2559. const e = Object.create(null)
  2560. return (t, n) => {
  2561. e[n] ? Kt(`${t} property "${n}" is already defined in ${e[n]}.`) : (e[n] = t)
  2562. }
  2563. })()
  2564. {
  2565. const [t] = e.propsOptions
  2566. if (t) for (const e in t) R('Props', e)
  2567. }
  2568. if (
  2569. (a &&
  2570. (function (e, t, n = w, o = !1) {
  2571. O(e) && (e = vr(e))
  2572. for (const r in e) {
  2573. const s = e[r]
  2574. let i
  2575. ;(i = j(s)
  2576. ? 'default' in s
  2577. ? ao(s.from || r, s.default, !0)
  2578. : ao(s.from || r)
  2579. : ao(s)),
  2580. At(i)
  2581. ? o
  2582. ? Object.defineProperty(t, r, {
  2583. enumerable: !0,
  2584. configurable: !0,
  2585. get: () => i.value,
  2586. set: (e) => (i.value = e)
  2587. })
  2588. : (Kt(
  2589. `injected property "${r}" is a ref and will be auto-unwrapped and no longer needs \`.value\` in the next minor release. To opt-in to the new behavior now, set \`app.config.unwrapInjectedRef = true\` (this config is temporary and will not be needed in the future.)`
  2590. ),
  2591. (t[r] = i))
  2592. : (t[r] = i),
  2593. n('Inject', r)
  2594. }
  2595. })(a, o, R, e.appContext.config.unwrapInjectedRef),
  2596. i)
  2597. )
  2598. for (const e in i) {
  2599. const t = i[e]
  2600. M(t)
  2601. ? (Object.defineProperty(o, e, {
  2602. value: t.bind(n),
  2603. configurable: !0,
  2604. enumerable: !0,
  2605. writable: !0
  2606. }),
  2607. R('Methods', e))
  2608. : Kt(
  2609. `Method "${e}" has type "${typeof t}" in the component definition. Did you reference the function correctly?`
  2610. )
  2611. }
  2612. if (r) {
  2613. M(r) || Kt('The data option must be a function. Plain object usage is no longer supported.')
  2614. const t =, n)
  2615. if (
  2616. (V(t) &&
  2617. Kt(
  2618. 'data() returned a Promise - note data() cannot be async; If you intend to perform data fetching before component renders, use async setup() + <Suspense>.'
  2619. ),
  2620. j(t))
  2621. ) {
  2622. = gt(t)
  2623. for (const e in t)
  2624. R('Data', e),
  2625. ir(e[0]) ||
  2626. Object.defineProperty(o, e, {
  2627. configurable: !0,
  2628. enumerable: !0,
  2629. get: () => t[e],
  2630. set: w
  2631. })
  2632. } else Kt('data() should return an object.')
  2633. }
  2634. if (((ur = !0), s))
  2635. for (const e in s) {
  2636. const t = s[e],
  2637. r = M(t) ? t.bind(n, n) : M(t.get) ? t.get.bind(n, n) : w
  2638. r === w && Kt(`Computed property "${e}" has no getter.`)
  2639. const i =
  2640. !M(t) && M(t.set)
  2641. ? t.set.bind(n)
  2642. : () => {
  2643. Kt(`Write operation failed: computed property "${e}" is readonly.`)
  2644. },
  2645. c = ci({
  2646. get: r,
  2647. set: i
  2648. })
  2649. Object.defineProperty(o, e, {
  2650. enumerable: !0,
  2651. configurable: !0,
  2652. get: () => c.value,
  2653. set: (e) => (c.value = e)
  2654. }),
  2655. R('Computed', e)
  2656. }
  2657. if (c) for (const e in c) fr(c[e], o, n, e)
  2658. if (l) {
  2659. const e = M(l) ? : l
  2660. Reflect.ownKeys(e).forEach((t) => {
  2661. lo(t, e[t])
  2662. })
  2663. }
  2664. function P(e, t) {
  2665. O(t) ? t.forEach((t) => e(t.bind(n))) : t && e(t.bind(n))
  2666. }
  2667. if (
  2668. (u && dr(u, e, 'c'),
  2669. P(Uo, p),
  2670. P(Do, d),
  2671. P(Ho, f),
  2672. P(zo, h),
  2673. P(Ro, m),
  2674. P(Mo, g),
  2675. P(Yo, k),
  2676. P(qo, S),
  2677. P(Jo, C),
  2678. P(Wo, v),
  2679. P(Ko, _),
  2680. P(Go, T),
  2681. O($))
  2682. )
  2683. if ($.length) {
  2684. const t = || ( = {})
  2685. $.forEach((e) => {
  2686. Object.defineProperty(t, e, {
  2687. get: () => n[e],
  2688. set: (t) => (n[e] = t)
  2689. })
  2690. })
  2691. } else || ( = {})
  2692. x && e.render === w && (e.render = x),
  2693. null != E && (e.inheritAttrs = E),
  2694. N && (e.components = N),
  2695. A && (e.directives = A)
  2696. }
  2697. function dr(e, t, n) {
  2698. Zt(O(e) ? => e.bind(t.proxy)) : e.bind(t.proxy), t, n)
  2699. }
  2700. function fr(e, t, n, o) {
  2701. const r = o.includes('.') ? go(n, o) : () => n[o]
  2702. if (P(e)) {
  2703. const n = t[e]
  2704. M(n) ? fo(r, n) : Kt(`Invalid watch handler specified by key "${e}"`, n)
  2705. } else if (M(e)) fo(r, e.bind(n))
  2706. else if (j(e))
  2707. if (O(e)) e.forEach((e) => fr(e, t, n, o))
  2708. else {
  2709. const o = M(e.handler) ? e.handler.bind(n) : t[e.handler]
  2710. M(o) ? fo(r, o, e) : Kt(`Invalid watch handler specified by key "${e.handler}"`, o)
  2711. }
  2712. else Kt(`Invalid watch option: "${o}"`, e)
  2713. }
  2714. function hr(e) {
  2715. const t = e.type,
  2716. { mixins: n, extends: o } = t,
  2717. {
  2718. mixins: r,
  2719. optionsCache: s,
  2720. config: { optionMergeStrategies: i }
  2721. } = e.appContext,
  2722. c = s.get(t)
  2723. let l
  2724. return (
  2725. c
  2726. ? (l = c)
  2727. : r.length || n || o
  2728. ? ((l = {}), r.length && r.forEach((e) => mr(l, e, i, !0)), mr(l, t, i))
  2729. : (l = t),
  2730. j(t) && s.set(t, l),
  2731. l
  2732. )
  2733. }
  2734. function mr(e, t, n, o = !1) {
  2735. const { mixins: r, extends: s } = t
  2736. s && mr(e, s, n, !0), r && r.forEach((t) => mr(e, t, n, !0))
  2737. for (const r in t)
  2738. if (o && 'expose' === r)
  2739. Kt(
  2740. '"expose" option is ignored when declared in mixins or extends. It should only be declared in the base component itself.'
  2741. )
  2742. else {
  2743. const o = gr[r] || (n && n[r])
  2744. e[r] = o ? o(e[r], t[r]) : t[r]
  2745. }
  2746. return e
  2747. }
  2748. const gr = {
  2749. data: yr,
  2750. props: _r,
  2751. emits: _r,
  2752. methods: _r,
  2753. computed: _r,
  2754. beforeCreate: br,
  2755. created: br,
  2756. beforeMount: br,
  2757. mounted: br,
  2758. beforeUpdate: br,
  2759. updated: br,
  2760. beforeDestroy: br,
  2761. beforeUnmount: br,
  2762. destroyed: br,
  2763. unmounted: br,
  2764. activated: br,
  2765. deactivated: br,
  2766. errorCaptured: br,
  2767. serverPrefetch: br,
  2768. components: _r,
  2769. directives: _r,
  2770. watch: function (e, t) {
  2771. if (!e) return t
  2772. if (!t) return e
  2773. const n = T(Object.create(null), e)
  2774. for (const o in t) n[o] = br(e[o], t[o])
  2775. return n
  2776. },
  2777. provide: yr,
  2778. inject: function (e, t) {
  2779. return _r(vr(e), vr(t))
  2780. }
  2781. }
  2782. function yr(e, t) {
  2783. return t
  2784. ? e
  2785. ? function () {
  2786. return T(M(e) ?, this) : e, M(t) ?, this) : t)
  2787. }
  2788. : t
  2789. : e
  2790. }
  2791. function vr(e) {
  2792. if (O(e)) {
  2793. const t = {}
  2794. for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) t[e[n]] = e[n]
  2795. return t
  2796. }
  2797. return e
  2798. }
  2799. function br(e, t) {
  2800. return e ? [ Set([].concat(e, t))] : t
  2801. }
  2802. function _r(e, t) {
  2803. return e ? T(T(Object.create(null), e), t) : t
  2804. }
  2805. function wr(e, t, n, o) {
  2806. const [r, s] = e.propsOptions
  2807. let i,
  2808. c = !1
  2809. if (t)
  2810. for (let l in t) {
  2811. if (z(l)) continue
  2812. const a = t[l]
  2813. let u
  2814. r && N(r, (u = J(l)))
  2815. ? s && s.includes(u)
  2816. ? ((i || (i = {}))[u] = a)
  2817. : (n[u] = a)
  2818. : Ln(e.emitsOptions, l) || (l in o && a === o[l]) || ((o[l] = a), (c = !0))
  2819. }
  2820. if (s) {
  2821. const t = kt(n),
  2822. o = i || b
  2823. for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
  2824. const c = s[i]
  2825. n[c] = xr(r, t, c, o[c], e, !N(o, c))
  2826. }
  2827. }
  2828. return c
  2829. }
  2830. function xr(e, t, n, o, r, s) {
  2831. const i = e[n]
  2832. if (null != i) {
  2833. const e = N(i, 'default')
  2834. if (e && void 0 === o) {
  2835. const e = i.default
  2836. if (i.type !== Function && M(e)) {
  2837. const { propsDefaults: s } = r
  2838. n in s ? (o = s[n]) : (Hs(r), (o = s[n] =, t)), zs())
  2839. } else o = e
  2840. }
  2841. i[0] && (s && !e ? (o = !1) : !i[1] || ('' !== o && o !== Y(n)) || (o = !0))
  2842. }
  2843. return o
  2844. }
  2845. function Sr(e, t, n = !1) {
  2846. const o = t.propsCache,
  2847. r = o.get(e)
  2848. if (r) return r
  2849. const s = e.props,
  2850. i = {},
  2851. c = []
  2852. let l = !1
  2853. if (!M(e)) {
  2854. const o = (e) => {
  2855. l = !0
  2856. const [n, o] = Sr(e, t, !0)
  2857. T(i, n), o && c.push(...o)
  2858. }
  2859. !n && t.mixins.length && t.mixins.forEach(o),
  2860. e.extends && o(e.extends),
  2861. e.mixins && e.mixins.forEach(o)
  2862. }
  2863. if (!s && !l) return j(e) && o.set(e, _), _
  2864. if (O(s))
  2865. for (let e = 0; e < s.length; e++) {
  2866. P(s[e]) || Kt('props must be strings when using array syntax.', s[e])
  2867. const t = J(s[e])
  2868. Cr(t) && (i[t] = b)
  2869. }
  2870. else if (s) {
  2871. j(s) || Kt('invalid props options', s)
  2872. for (const e in s) {
  2873. const t = J(e)
  2874. if (Cr(t)) {
  2875. const n = s[e],
  2876. o = (i[t] =
  2877. O(n) || M(n)
  2878. ? {
  2879. type: n
  2880. }
  2881. : Object.assign({}, n))
  2882. if (o) {
  2883. const e = $r(Boolean, o.type),
  2884. n = $r(String, o.type)
  2885. ;(o[0] = e > -1), (o[1] = n < 0 || e < n), (e > -1 || N(o, 'default')) && c.push(t)
  2886. }
  2887. }
  2888. }
  2889. }
  2890. const a = [i, c]
  2891. return j(e) && o.set(e, a), a
  2892. }
  2893. function Cr(e) {
  2894. return '$' !== e[0] || (Kt(`Invalid prop name: "${e}" is a reserved property.`), !1)
  2895. }
  2896. function kr(e) {
  2897. const t = e && e.toString().match(/^\s*function (\w+)/)
  2898. return t ? t[1] : null === e ? 'null' : ''
  2899. }
  2900. function Tr(e, t) {
  2901. return kr(e) === kr(t)
  2902. }
  2903. function $r(e, t) {
  2904. return O(t) ? t.findIndex((t) => Tr(t, e)) : M(t) && Tr(t, e) ? 0 : -1
  2905. }
  2906. function Er(e, t, n) {
  2907. const o = kt(t),
  2908. r = n.propsOptions[0]
  2909. for (const t in r) {
  2910. let n = r[t]
  2911. null != n && Nr(t, o[t], n, !N(e, t) && !N(e, Y(t)))
  2912. }
  2913. }
  2914. function Nr(e, t, n, o) {
  2915. const { type: r, required: s, validator: i } = n
  2916. if (s && o) Kt('Missing required prop: "' + e + '"')
  2917. else if (null != t || n.required) {
  2918. if (null != r && !0 !== r) {
  2919. let n = !1
  2920. const o = O(r) ? r : [r],
  2921. s = []
  2922. for (let e = 0; e < o.length && !n; e++) {
  2923. const { valid: r, expectedType: i } = Ar(t, o[e])
  2924. s.push(i || ''), (n = r)
  2925. }
  2926. if (!n)
  2927. return void Kt(
  2928. (function (e, t, n) {
  2929. let o = `Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "${e}". Expected ${n
  2930. .map(Z)
  2931. .join(' | ')}`
  2932. const r = n[0],
  2933. s = U(t),
  2934. i = Ir(t, r),
  2935. c = Ir(t, s)
  2936. 1 === n.length &&
  2937. Rr(r) &&
  2938. !(function (...e) {
  2939. return e.some((e) => 'boolean' === e.toLowerCase())
  2940. })(r, s) &&
  2941. (o += ` with value ${i}`)
  2942. ;(o += `, got ${s} `), Rr(s) && (o += `with value ${c}.`)
  2943. return o
  2944. })(e, t, s)
  2945. )
  2946. }
  2947. i && !i(t) && Kt('Invalid prop: custom validator check failed for prop "' + e + '".')
  2948. }
  2949. }
  2950. const Or = t('String,Number,Boolean,Function,Symbol,BigInt')
  2951. function Ar(e, t) {
  2952. let n
  2953. const o = kr(t)
  2954. if (Or(o)) {
  2955. const r = typeof e
  2956. ;(n = r === o.toLowerCase()), n || 'object' !== r || (n = e instanceof t)
  2957. } else
  2958. n = 'Object' === o ? j(e) : 'Array' === o ? O(e) : 'null' === o ? null === e : e instanceof t
  2959. return {
  2960. valid: n,
  2961. expectedType: o
  2962. }
  2963. }
  2964. function Ir(e, t) {
  2965. return 'String' === t ? `"${e}"` : 'Number' === t ? `${Number(e)}` : `${e}`
  2966. }
  2967. function Rr(e) {
  2968. return ['string', 'number', 'boolean'].some((t) => e.toLowerCase() === t)
  2969. }
  2970. const Mr = (e) => '_' === e[0] || '$stable' === e,
  2971. Pr = (e) => (O(e) ? : [Ms(e)]),
  2972. Fr = (e, t, n) => {
  2973. if (t._n) return t
  2974. const o = Hn(
  2975. (...n) => (
  2976. Us &&
  2977. Kt(
  2978. `Slot "${e}" invoked outside of the render function: this will not track dependencies used in the slot. Invoke the slot function inside the render function instead.`
  2979. ),
  2980. Pr(t(...n))
  2981. ),
  2982. n
  2983. )
  2984. return (o._c = !1), o
  2985. },
  2986. jr = (e, t, n) => {
  2987. const o = e._ctx
  2988. for (const n in e) {
  2989. if (Mr(n)) continue
  2990. const r = e[n]
  2991. if (M(r)) t[n] = Fr(n, r, o)
  2992. else if (null != r) {
  2993. Kt(
  2994. `Non-function value encountered for slot "${n}". Prefer function slots for better performance.`
  2995. )
  2996. const e = Pr(r)
  2997. t[n] = () => e
  2998. }
  2999. }
  3000. },
  3001. Vr = (e, t) => {
  3002. Oo(e.vnode) ||
  3003. Kt(
  3004. 'Non-function value encountered for default slot. Prefer function slots for better performance.'
  3005. )
  3006. const n = Pr(t)
  3007. e.slots.default = () => n
  3008. }
  3009. function Lr() {
  3010. return {
  3011. app: null,
  3012. config: {
  3013. isNativeTag: x,
  3014. performance: !1,
  3015. globalProperties: {},
  3016. optionMergeStrategies: {},
  3017. errorHandler: void 0,
  3018. warnHandler: void 0,
  3019. compilerOptions: {}
  3020. },
  3021. mixins: [],
  3022. components: {},
  3023. directives: {},
  3024. provides: Object.create(null),
  3025. optionsCache: new WeakMap(),
  3026. propsCache: new WeakMap(),
  3027. emitsCache: new WeakMap()
  3028. }
  3029. }
  3030. let Br = 0
  3031. function Ur(e, t) {
  3032. return function (n, o = null) {
  3033. M(n) || (n = Object.assign({}, n)),
  3034. null == o || j(o) || (Kt('root props passed to app.mount() must be an object.'), (o = null))
  3035. const r = Lr(),
  3036. s = new Set()
  3037. let i = !1
  3038. const c = ( = {
  3039. _uid: Br++,
  3040. _component: n,
  3041. _props: o,
  3042. _container: null,
  3043. _context: r,
  3044. _instance: null,
  3045. version: hi,
  3046. get config() {
  3047. return r.config
  3048. },
  3049. set config(e) {
  3050. Kt('app.config cannot be replaced. Modify individual options instead.')
  3051. },
  3052. use: (e, ...t) => (
  3053. s.has(e)
  3054. ? Kt('Plugin has already been applied to target app.')
  3055. : e && M(e.install)
  3056. ? (s.add(e), e.install(c, ...t))
  3057. : M(e)
  3058. ? (s.add(e), e(c, ...t))
  3059. : Kt('A plugin must either be a function or an object with an "install" function.'),
  3060. c
  3061. ),
  3062. mixin: (e) => (
  3063. r.mixins.includes(e)
  3064. ? Kt('Mixin has already been applied to target app' + ( ? `: ${}` : ''))
  3065. : r.mixins.push(e),
  3066. c
  3067. ),
  3068. component: (e, t) => (
  3069. Ks(e, r.config),
  3070. t
  3071. ? (r.components[e] && Kt(`Component "${e}" has already been registered in target app.`),
  3072. (r.components[e] = t),
  3073. c)
  3074. : r.components[e]
  3075. ),
  3076. directive: (e, t) => (
  3077. Zo(e),
  3078. t
  3079. ? (r.directives[e] && Kt(`Directive "${e}" has already been registered in target app.`),
  3080. (r.directives[e] = t),
  3081. c)
  3082. : r.directives[e]
  3083. ),
  3084. mount(s, l, a) {
  3085. if (!i) {
  3086. s.__vue_app__ &&
  3087. Kt(
  3088. 'There is already an app instance mounted on the host container.\n If you want to mount another app on the same host container, you need to unmount the previous app by calling `app.unmount()` first.'
  3089. )
  3090. const u = Ns(n, o)
  3091. return (
  3092. (u.appContext = r),
  3093. (r.reload = () => {
  3094. e(As(u), s, a)
  3095. }),
  3096. l && t ? t(u, s) : e(u, s, a),
  3097. (i = !0),
  3098. (c._container = s),
  3099. (s.__vue_app__ = c),
  3100. (c._instance = u.component),
  3101. (function (e, t) {
  3102. En('app:init', e, t, {
  3103. Fragment: us,
  3104. Text: ps,
  3105. Comment: ds,
  3106. Static: fs
  3107. })
  3108. })(c, hi),
  3109. ni(u.component) || u.component.proxy
  3110. )
  3111. }
  3112. Kt(
  3113. 'App has already been mounted.\nIf you want to remount the same app, move your app creation logic into a factory function and create fresh app instances for each mount - e.g. `const createMyApp = () => createApp(App)`'
  3114. )
  3115. },
  3116. unmount() {
  3117. i
  3118. ? (e(null, c._container),
  3119. (c._instance = null),
  3120. (function (e) {
  3121. En('app:unmount', e)
  3122. })(c),
  3123. delete c._container.__vue_app__)
  3124. : Kt('Cannot unmount an app that is not mounted.')
  3125. },
  3126. provide: (e, t) => (
  3127. e in r.provides &&
  3128. Kt(
  3129. `App already provides property with key "${String(
  3130. e
  3131. )}". It will be overwritten with the new value.`
  3132. ),
  3133. (r.provides[e] = t),
  3134. c
  3135. )
  3136. })
  3137. return c
  3138. }
  3139. }
  3140. function Dr(e, t, n, o, r = !1) {
  3141. if (O(e)) return void e.forEach((e, s) => Dr(e, t && (O(t) ? t[s] : t), n, o, r))
  3142. if (Eo(o) && !r) return
  3143. const s = 4 & o.shapeFlag ? ni(o.component) || o.component.proxy : o.el,
  3144. i = r ? null : s,
  3145. { i: c, r: l } = e
  3146. if (!c)
  3147. return void Kt(
  3148. 'Missing ref owner context. ref cannot be used on hoisted vnodes. A vnode with ref must be created inside the render function.'
  3149. )
  3150. const a = t && t.r,
  3151. u = c.refs === b ? (c.refs = {}) : c.refs,
  3152. p = c.setupState
  3153. if (
  3154. (null != a &&
  3155. a !== l &&
  3156. (P(a) ? ((u[a] = null), N(p, a) && (p[a] = null)) : At(a) && (a.value = null)),
  3157. M(l))
  3158. )
  3159. Yt(l, c, 12, [i, u])
  3160. else {
  3161. const t = P(l),
  3162. o = At(l)
  3163. if (t || o) {
  3164. const c = () => {
  3165. if (e.f) {
  3166. const n = t ? (N(p, l) ? p[l] : u[l]) : l.value
  3167. r
  3168. ? O(n) && $(n, s)
  3169. : O(n)
  3170. ? n.includes(s) || n.push(s)
  3171. : t
  3172. ? ((u[l] = [s]), N(p, l) && (p[l] = u[l]))
  3173. : ((l.value = [s]), e.k && (u[e.k] = l.value))
  3174. } else
  3175. t
  3176. ? ((u[l] = i), N(p, l) && (p[l] = i))
  3177. : o
  3178. ? ((l.value = i), e.k && (u[e.k] = i))
  3179. : Kt('Invalid template ref type:', l, `(${typeof l})`)
  3180. }
  3181. i ? (( = -1), Xr(c, n)) : c()
  3182. } else Kt('Invalid template ref type:', l, `(${typeof l})`)
  3183. }
  3184. }
  3185. let Hr = !1
  3186. const zr = (e) => /svg/.test(e.namespaceURI) && 'foreignObject' !== e.tagName,
  3187. Wr = (e) => 8 === e.nodeType
  3188. function Kr(e) {
  3189. const {
  3190. mt: t,
  3191. p: n,
  3192. o: {
  3193. patchProp: o,
  3194. createText: r,
  3195. nextSibling: s,
  3196. parentNode: i,
  3197. remove: c,
  3198. insert: l,
  3199. createComment: a
  3200. }
  3201. } = e,
  3202. u = (n, o, c, a, g, y = !1) => {
  3203. const v = Wr(n) && '[' ===,
  3204. b = () => h(n, o, c, a, g, v),
  3205. { type: _, ref: w, shapeFlag: x, patchFlag: S } = o
  3206. let C = n.nodeType
  3207. ;(o.el = n), -2 === S && ((y = !1), (o.dynamicChildren = null))
  3208. let k = null
  3209. switch (_) {
  3210. case ps:
  3211. 3 !== C
  3212. ? '' === o.children
  3213. ? (l((o.el = r('')), i(n), n), (k = n))
  3214. : (k = b())
  3215. : ( !== o.children &&
  3216. ((Hr = !0),
  3217. Kt(
  3218. `Hydration text mismatch:\n- Client: ${JSON.stringify(
  3220. )}\n- Server: ${JSON.stringify(o.children)}`
  3221. ),
  3222. ( = o.children)),
  3223. (k = s(n)))
  3224. break
  3225. case ds:
  3226. k = 8 !== C || v ? b() : s(n)
  3227. break
  3228. case fs:
  3229. if ((v && (C = (n = s(n)).nodeType), 1 === C || 3 === C)) {
  3230. k = n
  3231. const e = !o.children.length
  3232. for (let t = 0; t < o.staticCount; t++)
  3233. e && (o.children += 1 === k.nodeType ? k.outerHTML :,
  3234. t === o.staticCount - 1 && (o.anchor = k),
  3235. (k = s(k))
  3236. return v ? s(k) : k
  3237. }
  3238. b()
  3239. break
  3240. case us:
  3241. k = v ? f(n, o, c, a, g, y) : b()
  3242. break
  3243. default:
  3244. if (1 & x)
  3245. k =
  3246. 1 !== C || o.type.toLowerCase() !== n.tagName.toLowerCase()
  3247. ? b()
  3248. : p(n, o, c, a, g, y)
  3249. else if (6 & x) {
  3250. o.slotScopeIds = g
  3251. const e = i(n)
  3252. if (
  3253. (t(o, e, null, c, a, zr(e), y),
  3254. (k = v ? m(n) : s(n)),
  3255. k && Wr(k) && 'teleport end' === && (k = s(k)),
  3256. Eo(o))
  3257. ) {
  3258. let t
  3259. v
  3260. ? ((t = Ns(us)), (t.anchor = k ? k.previousSibling : e.lastChild))
  3261. : (t = 3 === n.nodeType ? Rs('') : Ns('div')),
  3262. (t.el = n),
  3263. (o.component.subTree = t)
  3264. }
  3265. } else
  3266. 64 & x
  3267. ? (k = 8 !== C ? b() : o.type.hydrate(n, o, c, a, g, y, e, d))
  3268. : 128 & x
  3269. ? (k = o.type.hydrate(n, o, c, a, zr(i(n)), g, y, e, u))
  3270. : Kt('Invalid HostVNode type:', _, `(${typeof _})`)
  3271. }
  3272. return null != w && Dr(w, null, a, o), k
  3273. },
  3274. p = (e, t, n, r, s, i) => {
  3275. i = i || !!t.dynamicChildren
  3276. const { type: l, props: a, patchFlag: u, shapeFlag: p, dirs: f } = t,
  3277. h = ('input' === l && f) || 'option' === l
  3278. {
  3279. if ((f && Xo(t, null, n, 'created'), a))
  3280. if (h || !i || 48 & u)
  3281. for (const t in a)
  3282. ((h && t.endsWith('value')) || (C(t) && !z(t))) &&
  3283. o(e, t, null, a[t], !1, void 0, n)
  3284. else a.onClick && o(e, 'onClick', null, a.onClick, !1, void 0, n)
  3285. let l
  3286. if (
  3287. ((l = a && a.onVnodeBeforeMount) && Vs(l, n, t),
  3288. f && Xo(t, null, n, 'beforeMount'),
  3289. ((l = a && a.onVnodeMounted) || f) &&
  3290. io(() => {
  3291. l && Vs(l, n, t), f && Xo(t, null, n, 'mounted')
  3292. }, r),
  3293. 16 & p && (!a || (!a.innerHTML && !a.textContent)))
  3294. ) {
  3295. let o = d(e.firstChild, t, e, n, r, s, i),
  3296. l = !1
  3297. for (; o; ) {
  3298. ;(Hr = !0),
  3299. l ||
  3300. (Kt(
  3301. `Hydration children mismatch in <${t.type}>: server rendered element contains more child nodes than client vdom.`
  3302. ),
  3303. (l = !0))
  3304. const e = o
  3305. ;(o = o.nextSibling), c(e)
  3306. }
  3307. } else
  3308. 8 & p &&
  3309. e.textContent !== t.children &&
  3310. ((Hr = !0),
  3311. Kt(
  3312. `Hydration text content mismatch in <${t.type}>:\n- Client: ${e.textContent}\n- Server: ${t.children}`
  3313. ),
  3314. (e.textContent = t.children))
  3315. }
  3316. return e.nextSibling
  3317. },
  3318. d = (e, t, o, r, s, i, c) => {
  3319. c = c || !!t.dynamicChildren
  3320. const l = t.children,
  3321. a = l.length
  3322. let p = !1
  3323. for (let t = 0; t < a; t++) {
  3324. const a = c ? l[t] : (l[t] = Ms(l[t]))
  3325. if (e) e = u(e, a, r, s, i, c)
  3326. else {
  3327. if (a.type === ps && !a.children) continue
  3328. ;(Hr = !0),
  3329. p ||
  3330. (Kt(
  3331. `Hydration children mismatch in <${o.tagName.toLowerCase()}>: server rendered element contains fewer child nodes than client vdom.`
  3332. ),
  3333. (p = !0)),
  3334. n(null, a, o, null, r, s, zr(o), i)
  3335. }
  3336. }
  3337. return e
  3338. },
  3339. f = (e, t, n, o, r, c) => {
  3340. const { slotScopeIds: u } = t
  3341. u && (r = r ? r.concat(u) : u)
  3342. const p = i(e),
  3343. f = d(s(e), t, p, n, o, r, c)
  3344. return f && Wr(f) && ']' ===
  3345. ? s((t.anchor = f))
  3346. : ((Hr = !0), l((t.anchor = a(']')), p, f), f)
  3347. },
  3348. h = (e, t, o, r, l, a) => {
  3349. if (
  3350. ((Hr = !0),
  3351. Kt(
  3352. 'Hydration node mismatch:\n- Client vnode:',
  3353. t.type,
  3354. '\n- Server rendered DOM:',
  3355. e,
  3356. 3 === e.nodeType ? '(text)' : Wr(e) && '[' === ? '(start of fragment)' : ''
  3357. ),
  3358. (t.el = null),
  3359. a)
  3360. ) {
  3361. const t = m(e)
  3362. for (;;) {
  3363. const n = s(e)
  3364. if (!n || n === t) break
  3365. c(n)
  3366. }
  3367. }
  3368. const u = s(e),
  3369. p = i(e)
  3370. return c(e), n(null, t, p, u, o, r, zr(p), l), u
  3371. },
  3372. m = (e) => {
  3373. let t = 0
  3374. for (; e; )
  3375. if ((e = s(e)) && Wr(e) && ('[' === && t++, ']' === {
  3376. if (0 === t) return s(e)
  3377. t--
  3378. }
  3379. return e
  3380. }
  3381. return [
  3382. (e, t) => {
  3383. if (!t.hasChildNodes())
  3384. return (
  3385. Kt(
  3386. 'Attempting to hydrate existing markup but container is empty. Performing full mount instead.'
  3387. ),
  3388. n(null, e, t),
  3389. hn(),
  3390. void (t._vnode = e)
  3391. )
  3392. ;(Hr = !1),
  3393. u(t.firstChild, e, null, null, null),
  3394. hn(),
  3395. (t._vnode = e),
  3396. Hr && console.error('Hydration completed but contains mismatches.')
  3397. },
  3398. u
  3399. ]
  3400. }
  3401. let Gr, Jr
  3402. function qr(e, t) {
  3403. e.appContext.config.performance && Zr() && Jr.mark(`vue-${t}-${e.uid}`),
  3404. Mn(e, t, Zr() ? :
  3405. }
  3406. function Yr(e, t) {
  3407. if (e.appContext.config.performance && Zr()) {
  3408. const n = `vue-${t}-${e.uid}`,
  3409. o = n + ':end'
  3410. Jr.mark(o), Jr.measure(`<${si(e, e.type)}> ${t}`, n, o), Jr.clearMarks(n), Jr.clearMarks(o)
  3411. }
  3412. Pn(e, t, Zr() ? :
  3413. }
  3414. function Zr() {
  3415. return (
  3416. void 0 !== Gr ||
  3417. ('undefined' != typeof window && window.performance
  3418. ? ((Gr = !0), (Jr = window.performance))
  3419. : (Gr = !1)),
  3420. Gr
  3421. )
  3422. }
  3423. const Xr = io
  3424. function Qr(e) {
  3425. return ts(e)
  3426. }
  3427. function es(e) {
  3428. return ts(e, Kr)
  3429. }
  3430. function ts(t, n) {
  3431. const o = re()
  3432. ;(o.__VUE__ = !0), Nn(o.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__, o)
  3433. const {
  3434. insert: r,
  3435. remove: s,
  3436. patchProp: i,
  3437. createElement: c,
  3438. createText: l,
  3439. createComment: a,
  3440. setText: u,
  3441. setElementText: p,
  3442. parentNode: d,
  3443. nextSibling: f,
  3444. setScopeId: h = w,
  3445. insertStaticContent: m
  3446. } = t,
  3447. g = (
  3448. e,
  3449. t,
  3450. n,
  3451. o = null,
  3452. r = null,
  3453. s = null,
  3454. i = !1,
  3455. c = null,
  3456. l = !bn && !!t.dynamicChildren
  3457. ) => {
  3458. if (e === t) return
  3459. e && !Cs(e, t) && ((o = Q(e)), K(e, r, s, !0), (e = null)),
  3460. -2 === t.patchFlag && ((l = !1), (t.dynamicChildren = null))
  3461. const { type: a, ref: u, shapeFlag: p } = t
  3462. switch (a) {
  3463. case ps:
  3464. y(e, t, n, o)
  3465. break
  3466. case ds:
  3467. v(e, t, n, o)
  3468. break
  3469. case fs:
  3470. null == e ? x(t, n, o, i) : S(e, t, n, i)
  3471. break
  3472. case us:
  3473. M(e, t, n, o, r, s, i, c, l)
  3474. break
  3475. default:
  3476. 1 & p
  3477. ? k(e, t, n, o, r, s, i, c, l)
  3478. : 6 & p
  3479. ? P(e, t, n, o, r, s, i, c, l)
  3480. : 64 & p || 128 & p
  3481. ? a.process(e, t, n, o, r, s, i, c, l, oe)
  3482. : Kt('Invalid VNode type:', a, `(${typeof a})`)
  3483. }
  3484. null != u && r && Dr(u, e && e.ref, s, t || e, !t)
  3485. },
  3486. y = (e, t, n, o) => {
  3487. if (null == e) r((t.el = l(t.children)), n, o)
  3488. else {
  3489. const n = (t.el = e.el)
  3490. t.children !== e.children && u(n, t.children)
  3491. }
  3492. },
  3493. v = (e, t, n, o) => {
  3494. null == e ? r((t.el = a(t.children || '')), n, o) : (t.el = e.el)
  3495. },
  3496. x = (e, t, n, o) => {
  3497. ;[e.el, e.anchor] = m(e.children, t, n, o, e.el, e.anchor)
  3498. },
  3499. S = (e, t, n, o) => {
  3500. if (t.children !== e.children) {
  3501. const r = f(e.anchor)
  3502. C(e), ([t.el, t.anchor] = m(t.children, n, r, o))
  3503. } else (t.el = e.el), (t.anchor = e.anchor)
  3504. },
  3505. C = ({ el: e, anchor: t }) => {
  3506. let n
  3507. for (; e && e !== t; ) (n = f(e)), s(e), (e = n)
  3508. s(t)
  3509. },
  3510. k = (e, t, n, o, r, s, i, c, l) => {
  3511. ;(i = i || 'svg' === t.type), null == e ? $(t, n, o, r, s, i, c, l) : A(e, t, r, s, i, c, l)
  3512. },
  3513. $ = (e, t, n, o, s, l, a, u) => {
  3514. let d, f
  3515. const { type: h, props: m, shapeFlag: g, transition: y, dirs: v } = e
  3516. if (
  3517. ((d = e.el = c(e.type, l, m &&, m)),
  3518. 8 & g
  3519. ? p(d, e.children)
  3520. : 16 & g && O(e.children, d, null, o, s, l && 'foreignObject' !== h, a, u),
  3521. v && Xo(e, null, o, 'created'),
  3522. m)
  3523. ) {
  3524. for (const t in m) 'value' === t || z(t) || i(d, t, null, m[t], l, e.children, o, s, X)
  3525. 'value' in m && i(d, 'value', null, m.value), (f = m.onVnodeBeforeMount) && Vs(f, o, e)
  3526. }
  3527. E(d, e, e.scopeId, a, o),
  3528. Object.defineProperty(d, '__vnode', {
  3529. value: e,
  3530. enumerable: !1
  3531. }),
  3532. Object.defineProperty(d, '__vueParentComponent', {
  3533. value: o,
  3534. enumerable: !1
  3535. }),
  3536. v && Xo(e, null, o, 'beforeMount')
  3537. const b = (!s || (s && !s.pendingBranch)) && y && !y.persisted
  3538. b && y.beforeEnter(d),
  3539. r(d, t, n),
  3540. ((f = m && m.onVnodeMounted) || b || v) &&
  3541. Xr(() => {
  3542. f && Vs(f, o, e), b && y.enter(d), v && Xo(e, null, o, 'mounted')
  3543. }, s)
  3544. },
  3545. E = (e, t, n, o, r) => {
  3546. if ((n && h(e, n), o)) for (let t = 0; t < o.length; t++) h(e, o[t])
  3547. if (r) {
  3548. let n = r.subTree
  3549. if ((n.patchFlag > 0 && 2048 & n.patchFlag && (n = Jn(n.children) || n), t === n)) {
  3550. const t = r.vnode
  3551. E(e, t, t.scopeId, t.slotScopeIds, r.parent)
  3552. }
  3553. }
  3554. },
  3555. O = (e, t, n, o, r, s, i, c, l = 0) => {
  3556. for (let a = l; a < e.length; a++) {
  3557. const l = (e[a] = c ? Ps(e[a]) : Ms(e[a]))
  3558. g(null, l, t, n, o, r, s, i, c)
  3559. }
  3560. },
  3561. A = (e, t, n, o, r, s, c) => {
  3562. const l = (t.el = e.el)
  3563. let { patchFlag: a, dynamicChildren: u, dirs: d } = t
  3564. a |= 16 & e.patchFlag
  3565. const f = e.props || b,
  3566. h = t.props || b
  3567. let m
  3568. n && ns(n, !1),
  3569. (m = h.onVnodeBeforeUpdate) && Vs(m, n, t, e),
  3570. d && Xo(t, e, n, 'beforeUpdate'),
  3571. n && ns(n, !0),
  3572. bn && ((a = 0), (c = !1), (u = null))
  3573. const g = r && 'foreignObject' !== t.type
  3574. if (
  3575. (u
  3576. ? (I(e.dynamicChildren, u, l, n, o, g, s), n && n.type.__hmrId && os(e, t))
  3577. : c || U(e, t, l, null, n, o, g, s, !1),
  3578. a > 0)
  3579. ) {
  3580. if (16 & a) R(l, t, f, h, n, o, r)
  3581. else if (
  3582. (2 & a && f.class !== h.class && i(l, 'class', null, h.class, r),
  3583. 4 & a && i(l, 'style',,, r),
  3584. 8 & a)
  3585. ) {
  3586. const s = t.dynamicProps
  3587. for (let t = 0; t < s.length; t++) {
  3588. const c = s[t],
  3589. a = f[c],
  3590. u = h[c]
  3591. ;(u === a && 'value' !== c) || i(l, c, a, u, r, e.children, n, o, X)
  3592. }
  3593. }
  3594. 1 & a && e.children !== t.children && p(l, t.children)
  3595. } else c || null != u || R(l, t, f, h, n, o, r)
  3596. ;((m = h.onVnodeUpdated) || d) &&
  3597. Xr(() => {
  3598. m && Vs(m, n, t, e), d && Xo(t, e, n, 'updated')
  3599. }, o)
  3600. },
  3601. I = (e, t, n, o, r, s, i) => {
  3602. for (let c = 0; c < t.length; c++) {
  3603. const l = e[c],
  3604. a = t[c],
  3605. u = l.el && (l.type === us || !Cs(l, a) || 70 & l.shapeFlag) ? d(l.el) : n
  3606. g(l, a, u, null, o, r, s, i, !0)
  3607. }
  3608. },
  3609. R = (e, t, n, o, r, s, c) => {
  3610. if (n !== o) {
  3611. if (n !== b)
  3612. for (const l in n) z(l) || l in o || i(e, l, n[l], null, c, t.children, r, s, X)
  3613. for (const l in o) {
  3614. if (z(l)) continue
  3615. const a = o[l],
  3616. u = n[l]
  3617. a !== u && 'value' !== l && i(e, l, u, a, c, t.children, r, s, X)
  3618. }
  3619. 'value' in o && i(e, 'value', n.value, o.value)
  3620. }
  3621. },
  3622. M = (e, t, n, o, s, i, c, a, u) => {
  3623. const p = (t.el = e ? e.el : l('')),
  3624. d = (t.anchor = e ? e.anchor : l(''))
  3625. let { patchFlag: f, dynamicChildren: h, slotScopeIds: m } = t
  3626. ;(bn || 2048 & f) && ((f = 0), (u = !1), (h = null)),
  3627. m && (a = a ? a.concat(m) : m),
  3628. null == e
  3629. ? (r(p, n, o), r(d, n, o), O(t.children, n, d, s, i, c, a, u))
  3630. : f > 0 && 64 & f && h && e.dynamicChildren
  3631. ? (I(e.dynamicChildren, h, n, s, i, c, a),
  3632. s && s.type.__hmrId
  3633. ? os(e, t)
  3634. : (null != t.key || (s && t === s.subTree)) && os(e, t, !0))
  3635. : U(e, t, n, d, s, i, c, a, u)
  3636. },
  3637. P = (e, t, n, o, r, s, i, c, l) => {
  3638. ;(t.slotScopeIds = c),
  3639. null == e
  3640. ? 512 & t.shapeFlag
  3641. ? r.ctx.activate(t, n, o, i, l)
  3642. : F(t, n, o, r, s, i, l)
  3643. : j(e, t, l)
  3644. },
  3645. F = (e, t, n, o, r, s, i) => {
  3646. const c = (e.component = (function (e, t, n) {
  3647. const o = e.type,
  3648. r = (t ? t.appContext : e.appContext) || Ls,
  3649. s = {
  3650. uid: Bs++,
  3651. vnode: e,
  3652. type: o,
  3653. parent: t,
  3654. appContext: r,
  3655. root: null,
  3656. next: null,
  3657. subTree: null,
  3658. effect: null,
  3659. update: null,
  3660. scope: new ce(!0),
  3661. render: null,
  3662. proxy: null,
  3663. exposed: null,
  3664. exposeProxy: null,
  3665. withProxy: null,
  3666. provides: t ? t.provides : Object.create(r.provides),
  3667. accessCache: null,
  3668. renderCache: [],
  3669. components: null,
  3670. directives: null,
  3671. propsOptions: Sr(o, r),
  3672. emitsOptions: Vn(o, r),
  3673. emit: null,
  3674. emitted: null,
  3675. propsDefaults: b,
  3676. inheritAttrs: o.inheritAttrs,
  3677. ctx: b,
  3678. data: b,
  3679. props: b,
  3680. attrs: b,
  3681. slots: b,
  3682. refs: b,
  3683. setupState: b,
  3684. setupContext: null,
  3685. suspense: n,
  3686. suspenseId: n ? n.pendingId : 0,
  3687. asyncDep: null,
  3688. asyncResolved: !1,
  3689. isMounted: !1,
  3690. isUnmounted: !1,
  3691. isDeactivated: !1,
  3692. bc: null,
  3693. c: null,
  3694. bm: null,
  3695. m: null,
  3696. bu: null,
  3697. u: null,
  3698. um: null,
  3699. bum: null,
  3700. da: null,
  3701. a: null,
  3702. rtg: null,
  3703. rtc: null,
  3704. ec: null,
  3705. sp: null
  3706. }
  3707. ;(s.ctx = (function (e) {
  3708. const t = {}
  3709. return (
  3710. Object.defineProperty(t, '_', {
  3711. configurable: !0,
  3712. enumerable: !1,
  3713. get: () => e
  3714. }),
  3715. Object.keys(sr).forEach((n) => {
  3716. Object.defineProperty(t, n, {
  3717. configurable: !0,
  3718. enumerable: !1,
  3719. get: () => sr[n](e),
  3720. set: w
  3721. })
  3722. }),
  3723. t
  3724. )
  3725. })(s)),
  3726. (s.root = t ? t.root : s),
  3727. (s.emit = jn.bind(null, s)),
  3728. e.ce && e.ce(s)
  3729. return s
  3730. })(e, o, r))
  3731. if (
  3732. (c.type.__hmrId &&
  3733. (function (e) {
  3734. const t = e.type.__hmrId
  3735. let n = wn.get(t)
  3736. n || (xn(t, e.type), (n = wn.get(t))), n.instances.add(e)
  3737. })(c),
  3738. zt(e),
  3739. qr(c, 'mount'),
  3740. Oo(e) && (c.ctx.renderer = oe),
  3741. qr(c, 'init'),
  3742. (function (e, t = !1) {
  3743. Ys = t
  3744. const { props: n, children: o } = e.vnode,
  3745. r = Gs(e)
  3746. ;(function (e, t, n, o = !1) {
  3747. const r = {},
  3748. s = {}
  3749. te(s, ks, 1), (e.propsDefaults = Object.create(null)), wr(e, t, r, s)
  3750. for (const t in e.propsOptions[0]) t in r || (r[t] = void 0)
  3751. Er(t || {}, r, e),
  3752. n ? (e.props = o ? r : yt(r)) : e.type.props ? (e.props = r) : (e.props = s),
  3753. (e.attrs = s)
  3754. })(e, n, r, t),
  3755. ((e, t) => {
  3756. if (32 & e.vnode.shapeFlag) {
  3757. const n = t._
  3758. n ? ((e.slots = kt(t)), te(t, '_', n)) : jr(t, (e.slots = {}))
  3759. } else (e.slots = {}), t && Vr(e, t)
  3760. te(e.slots, ks, 1)
  3761. })(e, o)
  3762. const s = r
  3763. ? (function (e, t) {
  3764. var n
  3765. const o = e.type
  3766. && Ks(, e.appContext.config)
  3767. if (o.components) {
  3768. const t = Object.keys(o.components)
  3769. for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++) Ks(t[n], e.appContext.config)
  3770. }
  3771. if (o.directives) {
  3772. const e = Object.keys(o.directives)
  3773. for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) Zo(e[t])
  3774. }
  3775. o.compilerOptions &&
  3776. Qs() &&
  3777. Kt(
  3778. '"compilerOptions" is only supported when using a build of Vue that includes the runtime compiler. Since you are using a runtime-only build, the options should be passed via your build tool config instead.'
  3779. )
  3780. ;(e.accessCache = Object.create(null)),
  3781. (e.proxy = Tt(new Proxy(e.ctx, lr))),
  3782. (function (e) {
  3783. const {
  3784. ctx: t,
  3785. propsOptions: [n]
  3786. } = e
  3787. n &&
  3788. Object.keys(n).forEach((n) => {
  3789. Object.defineProperty(t, n, {
  3790. enumerable: !0,
  3791. configurable: !0,
  3792. get: () => e.props[n],
  3793. set: w
  3794. })
  3795. })
  3796. })(e)
  3797. const { setup: r } = o
  3798. if (r) {
  3799. const s = (e.setupContext = r.length > 1 ? ti(e) : null)
  3800. Hs(e), xe()
  3801. const i = Yt(r, e, 0, [bt(e.props), s])
  3802. if ((Se(), zs(), V(i))) {
  3803. if ((i.then(zs, zs), t))
  3804. return i
  3805. .then((n) => {
  3806. Zs(e, n, t)
  3807. })
  3808. .catch((t) => {
  3809. Xt(t, e, 0)
  3810. })
  3811. if (((e.asyncDep = i), !e.suspense)) {
  3812. Kt(
  3813. `Component <${
  3814. null !== (n = && void 0 !== n ? n : 'Anonymous'
  3815. }>: setup function returned a promise, but no <Suspense> boundary was found in the parent component tree. A component with async setup() must be nested in a <Suspense> in order to be rendered.`
  3816. )
  3817. }
  3818. } else Zs(e, i, t)
  3819. } else ei(e, t)
  3820. })(e, t)
  3821. : void 0
  3822. Ys = !1
  3823. })(c),
  3824. Yr(c, 'init'),
  3825. c.asyncDep)
  3826. ) {
  3827. if ((r && r.registerDep(c, L), !e.el)) {
  3828. const e = (c.subTree = Ns(ds))
  3829. v(null, e, t, n)
  3830. }
  3831. } else L(c, e, t, n, r, s, i), Wt(), Yr(c, 'mount')
  3832. },
  3833. j = (e, t, n) => {
  3834. const o = (t.component = e.component)
  3835. if (
  3836. (function (e, t, n) {
  3837. const { props: o, children: r, component: s } = e,
  3838. { props: i, children: c, patchFlag: l } = t,
  3839. a = s.emitsOptions
  3840. if ((r || c) && bn) return !0
  3841. if (t.dirs || t.transition) return !0
  3842. if (!(n && l >= 0))
  3843. return !((!r && !c) || (c && c.$stable)) || (o !== i && (o ? !i || Xn(o, i, a) : !!i))
  3844. if (1024 & l) return !0
  3845. if (16 & l) return o ? Xn(o, i, a) : !!i
  3846. if (8 & l) {
  3847. const e = t.dynamicProps
  3848. for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
  3849. const n = e[t]
  3850. if (i[n] !== o[n] && !Ln(a, n)) return !0
  3851. }
  3852. }
  3853. return !1
  3854. })(e, t, n)
  3855. ) {
  3856. if (o.asyncDep && !o.asyncResolved) return zt(t), B(o, t, n), void Wt()
  3857. ;( = t),
  3858. (function (e) {
  3859. const t = tn.indexOf(e)
  3860. t > nn && tn.splice(t, 1)
  3861. })(o.update),
  3862. o.update()
  3863. } else (t.el = e.el), (o.vnode = t)
  3864. },
  3865. L = (e, t, n, o, r, s, i) => {
  3866. const c = (e.effect = new ve(
  3867. () => {
  3868. if (e.isMounted) {
  3869. let t,
  3870. { next: n, bu: o, u: c, parent: l, vnode: a } = e,
  3871. u = n
  3872. zt(n || e.vnode),
  3873. ns(e, !1),
  3874. n ? ((n.el = a.el), B(e, n, i)) : (n = a),
  3875. o && ee(o),
  3876. (t = n.props && n.props.onVnodeBeforeUpdate) && Vs(t, l, n, a),
  3877. ns(e, !0),
  3878. qr(e, 'render')
  3879. const p = Kn(e)
  3880. Yr(e, 'render')
  3881. const f = e.subTree
  3882. ;(e.subTree = p),
  3883. qr(e, 'patch'),
  3884. g(f, p, d(f.el), Q(f), e, r, s),
  3885. Yr(e, 'patch'),
  3886. (n.el = p.el),
  3887. null === u && Qn(e, p.el),
  3888. c && Xr(c, r),
  3889. (t = n.props && n.props.onVnodeUpdated) && Xr(() => Vs(t, l, n, a), r),
  3890. An(e),
  3891. Wt()
  3892. } else {
  3893. let i
  3894. const { el: c, props: l } = t,
  3895. { bm: a, m: u, parent: p } = e,
  3896. d = Eo(t)
  3897. if (
  3898. (ns(e, !1),
  3899. a && ee(a),
  3900. !d && (i = l && l.onVnodeBeforeMount) && Vs(i, p, t),
  3901. ns(e, !0),
  3902. c && ie)
  3903. ) {
  3904. const n = () => {
  3905. qr(e, 'render'),
  3906. (e.subTree = Kn(e)),
  3907. Yr(e, 'render'),
  3908. qr(e, 'hydrate'),
  3909. ie(c, e.subTree, e, r, null),
  3910. Yr(e, 'hydrate')
  3911. }
  3912. d ? t.type.__asyncLoader().then(() => !e.isUnmounted && n()) : n()
  3913. } else {
  3914. qr(e, 'render')
  3915. const i = (e.subTree = Kn(e))
  3916. Yr(e, 'render'),
  3917. qr(e, 'patch'),
  3918. g(null, i, n, o, e, r, s),
  3919. Yr(e, 'patch'),
  3920. (t.el = i.el)
  3921. }
  3922. if ((u && Xr(u, r), !d && (i = l && l.onVnodeMounted))) {
  3923. const e = t
  3924. Xr(() => Vs(i, p, e), r)
  3925. }
  3926. ;(256 & t.shapeFlag || (p && Eo(p.vnode) && 256 & p.vnode.shapeFlag)) &&
  3927. e.a &&
  3928. Xr(e.a, r),
  3929. (e.isMounted = !0),
  3930. On(e),
  3931. (t = n = o = null)
  3932. }
  3933. },
  3934. () => un(l),
  3935. e.scope
  3936. )),
  3937. l = (e.update = () =>
  3938. ;( = e.uid),
  3939. ns(e, !0),
  3940. (c.onTrack = e.rtc ? (t) => ee(e.rtc, t) : void 0),
  3941. (c.onTrigger = e.rtg ? (t) => ee(e.rtg, t) : void 0),
  3942. (l.ownerInstance = e),
  3943. l()
  3944. },
  3945. B = (e, t, n) => {
  3946. t.component = e
  3947. const o = e.vnode.props
  3948. ;(e.vnode = t),
  3949. ( = null),
  3950. (function (e, t, n, o) {
  3951. const {
  3952. props: r,
  3953. attrs: s,
  3954. vnode: { patchFlag: i }
  3955. } = e,
  3956. c = kt(r),
  3957. [l] = e.propsOptions
  3958. let a = !1
  3959. if (
  3960. (function (e) {
  3961. for (; e; ) {
  3962. if (e.type.__hmrId) return !0
  3963. e = e.parent
  3964. }
  3965. })(e) ||
  3966. !(o || i > 0) ||
  3967. 16 & i
  3968. ) {
  3969. let o
  3970. wr(e, t, r, s) && (a = !0)
  3971. for (const s in c)
  3972. (t && (N(t, s) || ((o = Y(s)) !== s && N(t, o)))) ||
  3973. (l
  3974. ? !n ||
  3975. (void 0 === n[s] && void 0 === n[o]) ||
  3976. (r[s] = xr(l, c, s, void 0, e, !0))
  3977. : delete r[s])
  3978. if (s !== c) for (const e in s) (t && N(t, e)) || (delete s[e], (a = !0))
  3979. } else if (8 & i) {
  3980. const n = e.vnode.dynamicProps
  3981. for (let o = 0; o < n.length; o++) {
  3982. let i = n[o]
  3983. if (Ln(e.emitsOptions, i)) continue
  3984. const u = t[i]
  3985. if (l)
  3986. if (N(s, i)) u !== s[i] && ((s[i] = u), (a = !0))
  3987. else {
  3988. const t = J(i)
  3989. r[t] = xr(l, c, t, u, e, !1)
  3990. }
  3991. else u !== s[i] && ((s[i] = u), (a = !0))
  3992. }
  3993. }
  3994. a && Te(e, 'set', '$attrs'), Er(t || {}, r, e)
  3995. })(e, t.props, o, n),
  3996. ((e, t, n) => {
  3997. const { vnode: o, slots: r } = e
  3998. let s = !0,
  3999. i = b
  4000. if (32 & o.shapeFlag) {
  4001. const e = t._
  4002. e
  4003. ? bn
  4004. ? T(r, t)
  4005. : n && 1 === e
  4006. ? (s = !1)
  4007. : (T(r, t), n || 1 !== e || delete r._)
  4008. : ((s = !t.$stable), jr(t, r)),
  4009. (i = t)
  4010. } else
  4011. t &&
  4012. (Vr(e, t),
  4013. (i = {
  4014. default: 1
  4015. }))
  4016. if (s) for (const e in r) Mr(e) || e in i || delete r[e]
  4017. })(e, t.children, n),
  4018. xe(),
  4019. fn(),
  4020. Se()
  4021. },
  4022. U = (e, t, n, o, r, s, i, c, l = !1) => {
  4023. const a = e && e.children,
  4024. u = e ? e.shapeFlag : 0,
  4025. d = t.children,
  4026. { patchFlag: f, shapeFlag: h } = t
  4027. if (f > 0) {
  4028. if (128 & f) return void H(a, d, n, o, r, s, i, c, l)
  4029. if (256 & f) return void D(a, d, n, o, r, s, i, c, l)
  4030. }
  4031. 8 & h
  4032. ? (16 & u && X(a, r, s), d !== a && p(n, d))
  4033. : 16 & u
  4034. ? 16 & h
  4035. ? H(a, d, n, o, r, s, i, c, l)
  4036. : X(a, r, s, !0)
  4037. : (8 & u && p(n, ''), 16 & h && O(d, n, o, r, s, i, c, l))
  4038. },
  4039. D = (e, t, n, o, r, s, i, c, l) => {
  4040. t = t || _
  4041. const a = (e = e || _).length,
  4042. u = t.length,
  4043. p = Math.min(a, u)
  4044. let d
  4045. for (d = 0; d < p; d++) {
  4046. const o = (t[d] = l ? Ps(t[d]) : Ms(t[d]))
  4047. g(e[d], o, n, null, r, s, i, c, l)
  4048. }
  4049. a > u ? X(e, r, s, !0, !1, p) : O(t, n, o, r, s, i, c, l, p)
  4050. },
  4051. H = (e, t, n, o, r, s, i, c, l) => {
  4052. let a = 0
  4053. const u = t.length
  4054. let p = e.length - 1,
  4055. d = u - 1
  4056. for (; a <= p && a <= d; ) {
  4057. const o = e[a],
  4058. u = (t[a] = l ? Ps(t[a]) : Ms(t[a]))
  4059. if (!Cs(o, u)) break
  4060. g(o, u, n, null, r, s, i, c, l), a++
  4061. }
  4062. for (; a <= p && a <= d; ) {
  4063. const o = e[p],
  4064. a = (t[d] = l ? Ps(t[d]) : Ms(t[d]))
  4065. if (!Cs(o, a)) break
  4066. g(o, a, n, null, r, s, i, c, l), p--, d--
  4067. }
  4068. if (a > p) {
  4069. if (a <= d) {
  4070. const e = d + 1,
  4071. p = e < u ? t[e].el : o
  4072. for (; a <= d; ) g(null, (t[a] = l ? Ps(t[a]) : Ms(t[a])), n, p, r, s, i, c, l), a++
  4073. }
  4074. } else if (a > d) for (; a <= p; ) K(e[a], r, s, !0), a++
  4075. else {
  4076. const f = a,
  4077. h = a,
  4078. m = new Map()
  4079. for (a = h; a <= d; a++) {
  4080. const e = (t[a] = l ? Ps(t[a]) : Ms(t[a]))
  4081. null != e.key &&
  4082. (m.has(e.key) &&
  4083. Kt(
  4084. 'Duplicate keys found during update:',
  4085. JSON.stringify(e.key),
  4086. 'Make sure keys are unique.'
  4087. ),
  4088. m.set(e.key, a))
  4089. }
  4090. let y,
  4091. v = 0
  4092. const b = d - h + 1
  4093. let w = !1,
  4094. x = 0
  4095. const S = new Array(b)
  4096. for (a = 0; a < b; a++) S[a] = 0
  4097. for (a = f; a <= p; a++) {
  4098. const o = e[a]
  4099. if (v >= b) {
  4100. K(o, r, s, !0)
  4101. continue
  4102. }
  4103. let u
  4104. if (null != o.key) u = m.get(o.key)
  4105. else
  4106. for (y = h; y <= d; y++)
  4107. if (0 === S[y - h] && Cs(o, t[y])) {
  4108. u = y
  4109. break
  4110. }
  4111. void 0 === u
  4112. ? K(o, r, s, !0)
  4113. : ((S[u - h] = a + 1),
  4114. u >= x ? (x = u) : (w = !0),
  4115. g(o, t[u], n, null, r, s, i, c, l),
  4116. v++)
  4117. }
  4118. const C = w
  4119. ? (function (e) {
  4120. const t = e.slice(),
  4121. n = [0]
  4122. let o, r, s, i, c
  4123. const l = e.length
  4124. for (o = 0; o < l; o++) {
  4125. const l = e[o]
  4126. if (0 !== l) {
  4127. if (((r = n[n.length - 1]), e[r] < l)) {
  4128. ;(t[o] = r), n.push(o)
  4129. continue
  4130. }
  4131. for (s = 0, i = n.length - 1; s < i; )
  4132. (c = (s + i) >> 1), e[n[c]] < l ? (s = c + 1) : (i = c)
  4133. l < e[n[s]] && (s > 0 && (t[o] = n[s - 1]), (n[s] = o))
  4134. }
  4135. }
  4136. ;(s = n.length), (i = n[s - 1])
  4137. for (; s-- > 0; ) (n[s] = i), (i = t[i])
  4138. return n
  4139. })(S)
  4140. : _
  4141. for (y = C.length - 1, a = b - 1; a >= 0; a--) {
  4142. const e = h + a,
  4143. p = t[e],
  4144. d = e + 1 < u ? t[e + 1].el : o
  4145. 0 === S[a]
  4146. ? g(null, p, n, d, r, s, i, c, l)
  4147. : w && (y < 0 || a !== C[y] ? W(p, n, d, 2) : y--)
  4148. }
  4149. }
  4150. },
  4151. W = (e, t, n, o, s = null) => {
  4152. const { el: i, type: c, transition: l, children: a, shapeFlag: u } = e
  4153. if (6 & u) return void W(e.component.subTree, t, n, o)
  4154. if (128 & u) return void e.suspense.move(t, n, o)
  4155. if (64 & u) return void c.move(e, t, n, oe)
  4156. if (c === us) {
  4157. r(i, t, n)
  4158. for (let e = 0; e < a.length; e++) W(a[e], t, n, o)
  4159. return void r(e.anchor, t, n)
  4160. }
  4161. if (c === fs)
  4162. return void (({ el: e, anchor: t }, n, o) => {
  4163. let s
  4164. for (; e && e !== t; ) (s = f(e)), r(e, n, o), (e = s)
  4165. r(t, n, o)
  4166. })(e, t, n)
  4167. if (2 !== o && 1 & u && l)
  4168. if (0 === o) l.beforeEnter(i), r(i, t, n), Xr(() => l.enter(i), s)
  4169. else {
  4170. const { leave: e, delayLeave: o, afterLeave: s } = l,
  4171. c = () => r(i, t, n),
  4172. a = () => {
  4173. e(i, () => {
  4174. c(), s && s()
  4175. })
  4176. }
  4177. o ? o(i, c, a) : a()
  4178. }
  4179. else r(i, t, n)
  4180. },
  4181. K = (e, t, n, o = !1, r = !1) => {
  4182. const {
  4183. type: s,
  4184. props: i,
  4185. ref: c,
  4186. children: l,
  4187. dynamicChildren: a,
  4188. shapeFlag: u,
  4189. patchFlag: p,
  4190. dirs: d
  4191. } = e
  4192. if ((null != c && Dr(c, null, n, e, !0), 256 & u)) return void t.ctx.deactivate(e)
  4193. const f = 1 & u && d,
  4194. h = !Eo(e)
  4195. let m
  4196. if ((h && (m = i && i.onVnodeBeforeUnmount) && Vs(m, t, e), 6 & u)) Z(e.component, n, o)
  4197. else {
  4198. if (128 & u) return void e.suspense.unmount(n, o)
  4199. f && Xo(e, null, t, 'beforeUnmount'),
  4200. 64 & u
  4201. ? e.type.remove(e, t, n, r, oe, o)
  4202. : a && (s !== us || (p > 0 && 64 & p))
  4203. ? X(a, t, n, !1, !0)
  4204. : ((s === us && 384 & p) || (!r && 16 & u)) && X(l, t, n),
  4205. o && G(e)
  4206. }
  4207. ;((h && (m = i && i.onVnodeUnmounted)) || f) &&
  4208. Xr(() => {
  4209. m && Vs(m, t, e), f && Xo(e, null, t, 'unmounted')
  4210. }, n)
  4211. },
  4212. G = (e) => {
  4213. const { type: t, el: n, anchor: o, transition: r } = e
  4214. if (t === us)
  4215. return void (e.patchFlag > 0 && 2048 & e.patchFlag && r && !r.persisted
  4216. ? e.children.forEach((e) => {
  4217. e.type === ds ? s(e.el) : G(e)
  4218. })
  4219. : q(n, o))
  4220. if (t === fs) return void C(e)
  4221. const i = () => {
  4222. s(n), r && !r.persisted && r.afterLeave && r.afterLeave()
  4223. }
  4224. if (1 & e.shapeFlag && r && !r.persisted) {
  4225. const { leave: t, delayLeave: o } = r,
  4226. s = () => t(n, i)
  4227. o ? o(e.el, i, s) : s()
  4228. } else i()
  4229. },
  4230. q = (e, t) => {
  4231. let n
  4232. for (; e !== t; ) (n = f(e)), s(e), (e = n)
  4233. s(t)
  4234. },
  4235. Z = (t, n, o) => {
  4236. t.type.__hmrId &&
  4237. (function (e) {
  4238. wn.get(e.type.__hmrId).instances.delete(e)
  4239. })(t)
  4240. const { bum: r, scope: s, update: i, subTree: c, um: l } = t
  4241. var a
  4242. r && ee(r),
  4243. s.stop(),
  4244. i && (( = !1), K(c, t, n, o)),
  4245. l && Xr(l, n),
  4246. Xr(() => {
  4247. t.isUnmounted = !0
  4248. }, n),
  4249. n &&
  4250. n.pendingBranch &&
  4251. !n.isUnmounted &&
  4252. t.asyncDep &&
  4253. !t.asyncResolved &&
  4254. t.suspenseId === n.pendingId &&
  4255. (n.deps--, 0 === n.deps && n.resolve()),
  4256. (a = t),
  4257. e.devtools &&
  4258. 'function' == typeof e.devtools.cleanupBuffer &&
  4259. !e.devtools.cleanupBuffer(a) &&
  4260. In(a)
  4261. },
  4262. X = (e, t, n, o = !1, r = !1, s = 0) => {
  4263. for (let i = s; i < e.length; i++) K(e[i], t, n, o, r)
  4264. },
  4265. Q = (e) =>
  4266. 6 & e.shapeFlag
  4267. ? Q(e.component.subTree)
  4268. : 128 & e.shapeFlag
  4269. ?
  4270. : f(e.anchor || e.el),
  4271. ne = (e, t, n) => {
  4272. null == e
  4273. ? t._vnode && K(t._vnode, null, null, !0)
  4274. : g(t._vnode || null, e, t, null, null, null, n),
  4275. fn(),
  4276. hn(),
  4277. (t._vnode = e)
  4278. },
  4279. oe = {
  4280. p: g,
  4281. um: K,
  4282. m: W,
  4283. r: G,
  4284. mt: F,
  4285. mc: O,
  4286. pc: U,
  4287. pbc: I,
  4288. n: Q,
  4289. o: t
  4290. }
  4291. let se, ie
  4292. return (
  4293. n && ([se, ie] = n(oe)),
  4294. {
  4295. render: ne,
  4296. hydrate: se,
  4297. createApp: Ur(ne, se)
  4298. }
  4299. )
  4300. }
  4301. function ns({ effect: e, update: t }, n) {
  4302. e.allowRecurse = t.allowRecurse = n
  4303. }
  4304. function os(e, t, n = !1) {
  4305. const o = e.children,
  4306. r = t.children
  4307. if (O(o) && O(r))
  4308. for (let e = 0; e < o.length; e++) {
  4309. const t = o[e]
  4310. let s = r[e]
  4311. 1 & s.shapeFlag &&
  4312. !s.dynamicChildren &&
  4313. ((s.patchFlag <= 0 || 32 === s.patchFlag) && ((s = r[e] = Ps(r[e])), (s.el = t.el)),
  4314. n || os(t, s)),
  4315. s.type === ps && (s.el = t.el),
  4316. s.type !== ds || s.el || (s.el = t.el)
  4317. }
  4318. }
  4319. const rs = (e) => e && (e.disabled || '' === e.disabled),
  4320. ss = (e) => 'undefined' != typeof SVGElement && e instanceof SVGElement,
  4321. is = (e, t) => {
  4322. const n = e &&
  4323. if (P(n)) {
  4324. if (t) {
  4325. const e = t(n)
  4326. return (
  4327. e ||
  4328. Kt(
  4329. `Failed to locate Teleport target with selector "${n}". Note the target element must exist before the component is mounted - i.e. the target cannot be rendered by the component itself, and ideally should be outside of the entire Vue component tree.`
  4330. ),
  4331. e
  4332. )
  4333. }
  4334. return (
  4335. Kt(
  4336. 'Current renderer does not support string target for Teleports. (missing querySelector renderer option)'
  4337. ),
  4338. null
  4339. )
  4340. }
  4341. return n || rs(e) || Kt(`Invalid Teleport target: ${n}`), n
  4342. }
  4343. function cs(e, t, n, { o: { insert: o }, m: r }, s = 2) {
  4344. 0 === s && o(e.targetAnchor, t, n)
  4345. const { el: i, anchor: c, shapeFlag: l, children: a, props: u } = e,
  4346. p = 2 === s
  4347. if ((p && o(i, t, n), (!p || rs(u)) && 16 & l))
  4348. for (let e = 0; e < a.length; e++) r(a[e], t, n, 2)
  4349. p && o(c, t, n)
  4350. }
  4351. const ls = {
  4352. __isTeleport: !0,
  4353. process(e, t, n, o, r, s, i, c, l, a) {
  4354. const {
  4355. mc: u,
  4356. pc: p,
  4357. pbc: d,
  4358. o: { insert: f, querySelector: h, createText: m, createComment: g }
  4359. } = a,
  4360. y = rs(t.props)
  4361. let { shapeFlag: v, children: b, dynamicChildren: _ } = t
  4362. if ((bn && ((l = !1), (_ = null)), null == e)) {
  4363. const e = (t.el = g('teleport start')),
  4364. a = (t.anchor = g('teleport end'))
  4365. f(e, n, o), f(a, n, o)
  4366. const p = ( = is(t.props, h)),
  4367. d = (t.targetAnchor = m(''))
  4368. p
  4369. ? (f(d, p), (i = i || ss(p)))
  4370. : y || Kt('Invalid Teleport target on mount:', p, `(${typeof p})`)
  4371. const _ = (e, t) => {
  4372. 16 & v && u(b, e, t, r, s, i, c, l)
  4373. }
  4374. y ? _(n, a) : p && _(p, d)
  4375. } else {
  4376. t.el = e.el
  4377. const o = (t.anchor = e.anchor),
  4378. u = ( =,
  4379. f = (t.targetAnchor = e.targetAnchor),
  4380. m = rs(e.props),
  4381. g = m ? n : u,
  4382. v = m ? o : f
  4383. if (
  4384. ((i = i || ss(u)),
  4385. _
  4386. ? (d(e.dynamicChildren, _, g, r, s, i, c), os(e, t, !0))
  4387. : l || p(e, t, g, v, r, s, i, c, !1),
  4388. y)
  4389. )
  4390. m || cs(t, n, o, a, 1)
  4391. else if ((t.props && !== (e.props && {
  4392. const e = ( = is(t.props, h))
  4393. e ? cs(t, e, null, a, 0) : Kt('Invalid Teleport target on update:', u, `(${typeof u})`)
  4394. } else m && cs(t, u, f, a, 1)
  4395. }
  4396. as(t)
  4397. },
  4398. remove(e, t, n, o, { um: r, o: { remove: s } }, i) {
  4399. const { shapeFlag: c, children: l, anchor: a, targetAnchor: u, target: p, props: d } = e
  4400. if ((p && s(u), (i || !rs(d)) && (s(a), 16 & c)))
  4401. for (let e = 0; e < l.length; e++) {
  4402. const o = l[e]
  4403. r(o, t, n, !0, !!o.dynamicChildren)
  4404. }
  4405. },
  4406. move: cs,
  4407. hydrate: function (
  4408. e,
  4409. t,
  4410. n,
  4411. o,
  4412. r,
  4413. s,
  4414. { o: { nextSibling: i, parentNode: c, querySelector: l } },
  4415. a
  4416. ) {
  4417. const u = ( = is(t.props, l))
  4418. if (u) {
  4419. const l = u._lpa || u.firstChild
  4420. if (16 & t.shapeFlag)
  4421. if (rs(t.props)) (t.anchor = a(i(e), t, c(e), n, o, r, s)), (t.targetAnchor = l)
  4422. else {
  4423. t.anchor = i(e)
  4424. let c = l
  4425. for (; c; )
  4426. if (((c = i(c)), c && 8 === c.nodeType && 'teleport anchor' === {
  4427. ;(t.targetAnchor = c), (u._lpa = t.targetAnchor && i(t.targetAnchor))
  4428. break
  4429. }
  4430. a(l, t, u, n, o, r, s)
  4431. }
  4432. as(t)
  4433. }
  4434. return t.anchor && i(t.anchor)
  4435. }
  4436. }
  4437. function as(e) {
  4438. const t = e.ctx
  4439. if (t && t.ut) {
  4440. let n = e.children[0].el
  4441. for (; n !== e.targetAnchor; )
  4442. 1 === n.nodeType && n.setAttribute('data-v-owner', t.uid), (n = n.nextSibling)
  4443. t.ut()
  4444. }
  4445. }
  4446. const us = Symbol('Fragment'),
  4447. ps = Symbol('Text'),
  4448. ds = Symbol('Comment'),
  4449. fs = Symbol('Static'),
  4450. hs = []
  4451. let ms = null
  4452. function gs(e = !1) {
  4453. hs.push((ms = e ? null : []))
  4454. }
  4455. function ys() {
  4456. hs.pop(), (ms = hs[hs.length - 1] || null)
  4457. }
  4458. let vs,
  4459. bs = 1
  4460. function _s(e) {
  4461. bs += e
  4462. }
  4463. function ws(e) {
  4464. return (e.dynamicChildren = bs > 0 ? ms || _ : null), ys(), bs > 0 && ms && ms.push(e), e
  4465. }
  4466. function xs(e, t, n, o, r) {
  4467. return ws(Ns(e, t, n, o, r, !0))
  4468. }
  4469. function Ss(e) {
  4470. return !!e && !0 === e.__v_isVNode
  4471. }
  4472. function Cs(e, t) {
  4473. return 6 & t.shapeFlag && _n.has(t.type)
  4474. ? ((e.shapeFlag &= -257), (t.shapeFlag &= -513), !1)
  4475. : e.type === t.type && e.key === t.key
  4476. }
  4477. const ks = '__vInternal',
  4478. Ts = ({ key: e }) => (null != e ? e : null),
  4479. $s = ({ ref: e, ref_key: t, ref_for: n }) =>
  4480. null != e
  4481. ? P(e) || At(e) || M(e)
  4482. ? {
  4483. i: Bn,
  4484. r: e,
  4485. k: t,
  4486. f: !!n
  4487. }
  4488. : e
  4489. : null
  4490. function Es(e, t = null, n = null, o = 0, r = null, s = e === us ? 0 : 1, i = !1, c = !1) {
  4491. const l = {
  4492. __v_isVNode: !0,
  4493. __v_skip: !0,
  4494. type: e,
  4495. props: t,
  4496. key: t && Ts(t),
  4497. ref: t && $s(t),
  4498. scopeId: Un,
  4499. slotScopeIds: null,
  4500. children: n,
  4501. component: null,
  4502. suspense: null,
  4503. ssContent: null,
  4504. ssFallback: null,
  4505. dirs: null,
  4506. transition: null,
  4507. el: null,
  4508. anchor: null,
  4509. target: null,
  4510. targetAnchor: null,
  4511. staticCount: 0,
  4512. shapeFlag: s,
  4513. patchFlag: o,
  4514. dynamicProps: r,
  4515. dynamicChildren: null,
  4516. appContext: null,
  4517. ctx: Bn
  4518. }
  4519. return (
  4520. c ? (Fs(l, n), 128 & s && e.normalize(l)) : n && (l.shapeFlag |= P(n) ? 8 : 16),
  4521. l.key != l.key && Kt('VNode created with invalid key (NaN). VNode type:', l.type),
  4522. bs > 0 && !i && ms && (l.patchFlag > 0 || 6 & s) && 32 !== l.patchFlag && ms.push(l),
  4523. l
  4524. )
  4525. }
  4526. const Ns = (...e) =>
  4527. (function (e, t = null, n = null, o = 0, r = null, i = !1) {
  4528. ;(e && e !== er) || (e || Kt(`Invalid vnode type when creating vnode: ${e}.`), (e = ds))
  4529. if (Ss(e)) {
  4530. const o = As(e, t, !0)
  4531. return (
  4532. n && Fs(o, n),
  4533. bs > 0 && !i && ms && (6 & o.shapeFlag ? (ms[ms.indexOf(e)] = o) : ms.push(o)),
  4534. (o.patchFlag |= -2),
  4535. o
  4536. )
  4537. }
  4538. ii(e) && (e = e.__vccOpts)
  4539. if (t) {
  4540. t = Os(t)
  4541. let { class: e, style: n } = t
  4542. e && !P(e) && (t.class = u(e)), j(n) && (Ct(n) && !O(n) && (n = T({}, n)), ( = s(n)))
  4543. }
  4544. const c = P(e) ? 1 : eo(e) ? 128 : ((e) => e.__isTeleport)(e) ? 64 : j(e) ? 4 : M(e) ? 2 : 0
  4545. 4 & c &&
  4546. Ct(e) &&
  4547. Kt(
  4548. 'Vue received a Component which was made a reactive object. This can lead to unnecessary performance overhead, and should be avoided by marking the component with `markRaw` or using `shallowRef` instead of `ref`.',
  4549. '\nComponent that was made reactive: ',
  4550. (e = kt(e))
  4551. )
  4552. return Es(e, t, n, o, r, c, i, !0)
  4553. })(...(vs ? vs(e, Bn) : e))
  4554. function Os(e) {
  4555. return e ? (Ct(e) || ks in e ? T({}, e) : e) : null
  4556. }
  4557. function As(e, t, n = !1) {
  4558. const { props: o, ref: r, patchFlag: s, children: i } = e,
  4559. c = t ? js(o || {}, t) : o
  4560. return {
  4561. __v_isVNode: !0,
  4562. __v_skip: !0,
  4563. type: e.type,
  4564. props: c,
  4565. key: c && Ts(c),
  4566. ref: t && t.ref ? (n && r ? (O(r) ? r.concat($s(t)) : [r, $s(t)]) : $s(t)) : r,
  4567. scopeId: e.scopeId,
  4568. slotScopeIds: e.slotScopeIds,
  4569. children: -1 === s && O(i) ? : i,
  4570. target:,
  4571. targetAnchor: e.targetAnchor,
  4572. staticCount: e.staticCount,
  4573. shapeFlag: e.shapeFlag,
  4574. patchFlag: t && e.type !== us ? (-1 === s ? 16 : 16 | s) : s,
  4575. dynamicProps: e.dynamicProps,
  4576. dynamicChildren: e.dynamicChildren,
  4577. appContext: e.appContext,
  4578. dirs: e.dirs,
  4579. transition: e.transition,
  4580. component: e.component,
  4581. suspense: e.suspense,
  4582. ssContent: e.ssContent && As(e.ssContent),
  4583. ssFallback: e.ssFallback && As(e.ssFallback),
  4584. el: e.el,
  4585. anchor: e.anchor,
  4586. ctx: e.ctx
  4587. }
  4588. }
  4589. function Is(e) {
  4590. const t = As(e)
  4591. return O(e.children) && (t.children =, t
  4592. }
  4593. function Rs(e = ' ', t = 0) {
  4594. return Ns(ps, null, e, t)
  4595. }
  4596. function Ms(e) {
  4597. return null == e || 'boolean' == typeof e
  4598. ? Ns(ds)
  4599. : O(e)
  4600. ? Ns(us, null, e.slice())
  4601. : 'object' == typeof e
  4602. ? Ps(e)
  4603. : Ns(ps, null, String(e))
  4604. }
  4605. function Ps(e) {
  4606. return (null === e.el && -1 !== e.patchFlag) || e.memo ? e : As(e)
  4607. }
  4608. function Fs(e, t) {
  4609. let n = 0
  4610. const { shapeFlag: o } = e
  4611. if (null == t) t = null
  4612. else if (O(t)) n = 16
  4613. else if ('object' == typeof t) {
  4614. if (65 & o) {
  4615. const n = t.default
  4616. return void (n && (n._c && (n._d = !1), Fs(e, n()), n._c && (n._d = !0)))
  4617. }
  4618. {
  4619. n = 32
  4620. const o = t._
  4621. o || ks in t
  4622. ? 3 === o && Bn && (1 === Bn.slots._ ? (t._ = 1) : ((t._ = 2), (e.patchFlag |= 1024)))
  4623. : (t._ctx = Bn)
  4624. }
  4625. } else
  4626. M(t)
  4627. ? ((t = {
  4628. default: t,
  4629. _ctx: Bn
  4630. }),
  4631. (n = 32))
  4632. : ((t = String(t)), 64 & o ? ((n = 16), (t = [Rs(t)])) : (n = 8))
  4633. ;(e.children = t), (e.shapeFlag |= n)
  4634. }
  4635. function js(...e) {
  4636. const t = {}
  4637. for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
  4638. const o = e[n]
  4639. for (const e in o)
  4640. if ('class' === e) t.class !== o.class && (t.class = u([t.class, o.class]))
  4641. else if ('style' === e) = s([,])
  4642. else if (C(e)) {
  4643. const n = t[e],
  4644. r = o[e]
  4645. !r || n === r || (O(n) && n.includes(r)) || (t[e] = n ? [].concat(n, r) : r)
  4646. } else '' !== e && (t[e] = o[e])
  4647. }
  4648. return t
  4649. }
  4650. function Vs(e, t, n, o = null) {
  4651. Zt(e, t, 7, [n, o])
  4652. }
  4653. const Ls = Lr()
  4654. let Bs = 0
  4655. let Us = null
  4656. const Ds = () => Us || Bn,
  4657. Hs = (e) => {
  4658. ;(Us = e), e.scope.on()
  4659. },
  4660. zs = () => {
  4661. Us &&, (Us = null)
  4662. },
  4663. Ws = t('slot,component')
  4664. function Ks(e, t) {
  4665. const n = t.isNativeTag || x
  4666. ;(Ws(e) || n(e)) && Kt('Do not use built-in or reserved HTML elements as component id: ' + e)
  4667. }
  4668. function Gs(e) {
  4669. return 4 & e.vnode.shapeFlag
  4670. }
  4671. let Js,
  4672. qs,
  4673. Ys = !1
  4674. function Zs(e, t, n) {
  4675. M(t)
  4676. ? (e.render = t)
  4677. : j(t)
  4678. ? (Ss(t) &&
  4679. Kt('setup() should not return VNodes directly - return a render function instead.'),
  4680. (e.devtoolsRawSetupState = t),
  4681. (e.setupState = jt(t)),
  4682. (function (e) {
  4683. const { ctx: t, setupState: n } = e
  4684. Object.keys(kt(n)).forEach((e) => {
  4685. if (!n.__isScriptSetup) {
  4686. if (ir(e[0]))
  4687. return void Kt(
  4688. `setup() return property ${JSON.stringify(
  4689. e
  4690. )} should not start with "$" or "_" which are reserved prefixes for Vue internals.`
  4691. )
  4692. Object.defineProperty(t, e, {
  4693. enumerable: !0,
  4694. configurable: !0,
  4695. get: () => n[e],
  4696. set: w
  4697. })
  4698. }
  4699. })
  4700. })(e))
  4701. : void 0 !== t &&
  4702. Kt('setup() should return an object. Received: ' + (null === t ? 'null' : typeof t)),
  4703. ei(e, n)
  4704. }
  4705. function Xs(e) {
  4706. ;(Js = e),
  4707. (qs = (e) => {
  4708. e.render._rc && (e.withProxy = new Proxy(e.ctx, ar))
  4709. })
  4710. }
  4711. const Qs = () => !Js
  4712. function ei(e, t, n) {
  4713. const o = e.type
  4714. if (!e.render) {
  4715. if (!t && Js && !o.render) {
  4716. const t = o.template || hr(e).template
  4717. if (t) {
  4718. qr(e, 'compile')
  4719. const { isCustomElement: n, compilerOptions: r } = e.appContext.config,
  4720. { delimiters: s, compilerOptions: i } = o,
  4721. c = T(
  4722. T(
  4723. {
  4724. isCustomElement: n,
  4725. delimiters: s
  4726. },
  4727. r
  4728. ),
  4729. i
  4730. )
  4731. ;(o.render = Js(t, c)), Yr(e, 'compile')
  4732. }
  4733. }
  4734. ;(e.render = o.render || w), qs && qs(e)
  4735. }
  4736. Hs(e),
  4737. xe(),
  4738. pr(e),
  4739. Se(),
  4740. zs(),
  4741. o.render ||
  4742. e.render !== w ||
  4743. t ||
  4744. (!Js && o.template
  4745. ? Kt(
  4746. 'Component provided template option but runtime compilation is not supported in this build of Vue. Use "" instead.'
  4747. )
  4748. : Kt('Component is missing template or render function.'))
  4749. }
  4750. function ti(e) {
  4751. const t = (t) => {
  4752. && Kt('expose() should be called only once per setup().'), ( = t || {})
  4753. }
  4754. let n
  4755. return Object.freeze({
  4756. get attrs() {
  4757. return (
  4758. n ||
  4759. (n = (function (e) {
  4760. return new Proxy(e.attrs, {
  4761. get: (t, n) => (Wn(), Ce(e, 'get', '$attrs'), t[n]),
  4762. set: () => (Kt('setupContext.attrs is readonly.'), !1),
  4763. deleteProperty: () => (Kt('setupContext.attrs is readonly.'), !1)
  4764. })
  4765. })(e))
  4766. )
  4767. },
  4768. get slots() {
  4769. return bt(e.slots)
  4770. },
  4771. get emit() {
  4772. return (t, ...n) => e.emit(t, ...n)
  4773. },
  4774. expose: t
  4775. })
  4776. }
  4777. function ni(e) {
  4778. if (
  4779. return (
  4780. e.exposeProxy ||
  4781. (e.exposeProxy = new Proxy(jt(Tt(, {
  4782. get: (t, n) => (n in t ? t[n] : n in sr ? sr[n](e) : void 0),
  4783. has: (e, t) => t in e || t in sr
  4784. }))
  4785. )
  4786. }
  4787. const oi = /(?:^|[-_])(\w)/g
  4788. function ri(e, t = !0) {
  4789. return M(e) ? e.displayName || : || (t && e.__name)
  4790. }
  4791. function si(e, t, n = !1) {
  4792. let o = ri(t)
  4793. if (!o && t.__file) {
  4794. const e = t.__file.match(/([^/\\]+)\.\w+$/)
  4795. e && (o = e[1])
  4796. }
  4797. if (!o && e && e.parent) {
  4798. const n = (e) => {
  4799. for (const n in e) if (e[n] === t) return n
  4800. }
  4801. o = n(e.components || e.parent.type.components) || n(e.appContext.components)
  4802. }
  4803. return o ? o.replace(oi, (e) => e.toUpperCase()).replace(/[-_]/g, '') : n ? 'App' : 'Anonymous'
  4804. }
  4805. function ii(e) {
  4806. return M(e) && '__vccOpts' in e
  4807. }
  4808. const ci = (e, t) =>
  4809. (function (e, t, n = !1) {
  4810. let o, r
  4811. const s = M(e)
  4812. s
  4813. ? ((o = e),
  4814. (r = () => {
  4815. console.warn('Write operation failed: computed value is readonly')
  4816. }))
  4817. : ((o = e.get), (r = e.set))
  4818. const i = new Dt(o, r, s || !r, n)
  4819. return t && !n && ((i.effect.onTrack = t.onTrack), (i.effect.onTrigger = t.onTrigger)), i
  4820. })(e, t, Ys),
  4821. li = (e) =>
  4822. Kt(
  4823. `${e}() is a compiler-hint helper that is only usable inside <script setup> of a single file component. Its arguments should be compiled away and passing it at runtime has no effect.`
  4824. )
  4825. function ai() {
  4826. const e = Ds()
  4827. return (
  4828. e || Kt('useContext() called without active instance.'),
  4829. e.setupContext || (e.setupContext = ti(e))
  4830. )
  4831. }
  4832. function ui(e, t, n) {
  4833. const o = arguments.length
  4834. return 2 === o
  4835. ? j(t) && !O(t)
  4836. ? Ss(t)
  4837. ? Ns(e, null, [t])
  4838. : Ns(e, t)
  4839. : Ns(e, null, t)
  4840. : (o > 3 ? (n =, 2)) : 3 === o && Ss(n) && (n = [n]),
  4841. Ns(e, t, n))
  4842. }
  4843. const pi = Symbol('ssrContext')
  4844. function di() {
  4845. if ('undefined' == typeof window) return
  4846. const e = {
  4847. style: 'color:#3ba776'
  4848. },
  4849. t = {
  4850. style: 'color:#0b1bc9'
  4851. },
  4852. n = {
  4853. style: 'color:#b62e24'
  4854. },
  4855. o = {
  4856. style: 'color:#9d288c'
  4857. },
  4858. r = {
  4859. header: (t) =>
  4860. j(t)
  4861. ? t.__isVue
  4862. ? ['div', e, 'VueInstance']
  4863. : At(t)
  4864. ? ['div', {}, ['span', e, u(t)], '<', c(t.value), '>']
  4865. : wt(t)
  4866. ? [
  4867. 'div',
  4868. {},
  4869. ['span', e, St(t) ? 'ShallowReactive' : 'Reactive'],
  4870. '<',
  4871. c(t),
  4872. '>' + (xt(t) ? ' (readonly)' : '')
  4873. ]
  4874. : xt(t)
  4875. ? ['div', {}, ['span', e, St(t) ? 'ShallowReadonly' : 'Readonly'], '<', c(t), '>']
  4876. : null
  4877. : null,
  4878. hasBody: (e) => e && e.__isVue,
  4879. body(e) {
  4880. if (e && e.__isVue) return ['div', {}, ...s(e.$)]
  4881. }
  4882. }
  4883. function s(e) {
  4884. const t = []
  4885. e.type.props && e.props && t.push(i('props', kt(e.props))),
  4886. e.setupState !== b && t.push(i('setup', e.setupState)),
  4887. !== b && t.push(i('data', kt(
  4888. const n = l(e, 'computed')
  4889. n && t.push(i('computed', n))
  4890. const r = l(e, 'inject')
  4891. return (
  4892. r && t.push(i('injected', r)),
  4893. t.push([
  4894. 'div',
  4895. {},
  4896. [
  4897. 'span',
  4898. {
  4899. style: + ';opacity:0.66'
  4900. },
  4901. '$ (internal): '
  4902. ],
  4903. [
  4904. 'object',
  4905. {
  4906. object: e
  4907. }
  4908. ]
  4909. ]),
  4910. t
  4911. )
  4912. }
  4913. function i(e, t) {
  4914. return (
  4915. (t = T({}, t)),
  4916. Object.keys(t).length
  4917. ? [
  4918. 'div',
  4919. {
  4920. style: 'line-height:1.25em;margin-bottom:0.6em'
  4921. },
  4922. [
  4923. 'div',
  4924. {
  4925. style: 'color:#476582'
  4926. },
  4927. e
  4928. ],
  4929. [
  4930. 'div',
  4931. {
  4932. style: 'padding-left:1.25em'
  4933. },
  4934. ...Object.keys(t).map((e) => ['div', {}, ['span', o, e + ': '], c(t[e], !1)])
  4935. ]
  4936. ]
  4937. : ['span', {}]
  4938. )
  4939. }
  4940. function c(e, r = !0) {
  4941. return 'number' == typeof e
  4942. ? ['span', t, e]
  4943. : 'string' == typeof e
  4944. ? ['span', n, JSON.stringify(e)]
  4945. : 'boolean' == typeof e
  4946. ? ['span', o, e]
  4947. : j(e)
  4948. ? [
  4949. 'object',
  4950. {
  4951. object: r ? kt(e) : e
  4952. }
  4953. ]
  4954. : ['span', n, String(e)]
  4955. }
  4956. function l(e, t) {
  4957. const n = e.type
  4958. if (M(n)) return
  4959. const o = {}
  4960. for (const r in e.ctx) a(n, r, t) && (o[r] = e.ctx[r])
  4961. return o
  4962. }
  4963. function a(e, t, n) {
  4964. const o = e[n]
  4965. return (
  4966. !!((O(o) && o.includes(t)) || (j(o) && t in o)) ||
  4967. !(!e.extends || !a(e.extends, t, n)) ||
  4968. !(!e.mixins || !e.mixins.some((e) => a(e, t, n))) ||
  4969. void 0
  4970. )
  4971. }
  4972. function u(e) {
  4973. return St(e) ? 'ShallowRef' : e.effect ? 'ComputedRef' : 'Ref'
  4974. }
  4975. window.devtoolsFormatters
  4976. ? window.devtoolsFormatters.push(r)
  4977. : (window.devtoolsFormatters = [r])
  4978. }
  4979. function fi(e, t) {
  4980. const n = e.memo
  4981. if (n.length != t.length) return !1
  4982. for (let e = 0; e < n.length; e++) if (Q(n[e], t[e])) return !1
  4983. return bs > 0 && ms && ms.push(e), !0
  4984. }
  4985. const hi = '3.2.45',
  4986. mi = 'undefined' != typeof document ? document : null,
  4987. gi = mi && mi.createElement('template'),
  4988. yi = {
  4989. insert: (e, t, n) => {
  4990. t.insertBefore(e, n || null)
  4991. },
  4992. remove: (e) => {
  4993. const t = e.parentNode
  4994. t && t.removeChild(e)
  4995. },
  4996. createElement: (e, t, n, o) => {
  4997. const r = t
  4998. ? mi.createElementNS('', e)
  4999. : mi.createElement(
  5000. e,
  5001. n
  5002. ? {
  5003. is: n
  5004. }
  5005. : void 0
  5006. )
  5007. return (
  5008. 'select' === e && o && null != o.multiple && r.setAttribute('multiple', o.multiple), r
  5009. )
  5010. },
  5011. createText: (e) => mi.createTextNode(e),
  5012. createComment: (e) => mi.createComment(e),
  5013. setText: (e, t) => {
  5014. e.nodeValue = t
  5015. },
  5016. setElementText: (e, t) => {
  5017. e.textContent = t
  5018. },
  5019. parentNode: (e) => e.parentNode,
  5020. nextSibling: (e) => e.nextSibling,
  5021. querySelector: (e) => mi.querySelector(e),
  5022. setScopeId(e, t) {
  5023. e.setAttribute(t, '')
  5024. },
  5025. insertStaticContent(e, t, n, o, r, s) {
  5026. const i = n ? n.previousSibling : t.lastChild
  5027. if (r && (r === s || r.nextSibling))
  5028. for (; t.insertBefore(r.cloneNode(!0), n), r !== s && (r = r.nextSibling); );
  5029. else {
  5030. gi.innerHTML = o ? `<svg>${e}</svg>` : e
  5031. const r = gi.content
  5032. if (o) {
  5033. const e = r.firstChild
  5034. for (; e.firstChild; ) r.appendChild(e.firstChild)
  5035. r.removeChild(e)
  5036. }
  5037. t.insertBefore(r, n)
  5038. }
  5039. return [i ? i.nextSibling : t.firstChild, n ? n.previousSibling : t.lastChild]
  5040. }
  5041. }
  5042. const vi = /[^\\];\s*$/,
  5043. bi = /\s*!important$/
  5044. function _i(e, t, n) {
  5045. if (O(n)) n.forEach((n) => _i(e, t, n))
  5046. else if (
  5047. (null == n && (n = ''),
  5048. vi.test(n) && Kt(`Unexpected semicolon at the end of '${t}' style value: '${n}'`),
  5049. t.startsWith('--'))
  5050. )
  5051. e.setProperty(t, n)
  5052. else {
  5053. const o = (function (e, t) {
  5054. const n = xi[t]
  5055. if (n) return n
  5056. let o = J(t)
  5057. if ('filter' !== o && o in e) return (xi[t] = o)
  5058. o = Z(o)
  5059. for (let n = 0; n < wi.length; n++) {
  5060. const r = wi[n] + o
  5061. if (r in e) return (xi[t] = r)
  5062. }
  5063. return t
  5064. })(e, t)
  5065. bi.test(n) ? e.setProperty(Y(o), n.replace(bi, ''), 'important') : (e[o] = n)
  5066. }
  5067. }
  5068. const wi = ['Webkit', 'Moz', 'ms'],
  5069. xi = {}
  5070. const Si = ''
  5071. function Ci(e, t, n, o) {
  5072. e.addEventListener(t, n, o)
  5073. }
  5074. function ki(e, t, n, o, r = null) {
  5075. const s = e._vei || (e._vei = {}),
  5076. i = s[t]
  5077. if (o && i) i.value = o
  5078. else {
  5079. const [n, c] = (function (e) {
  5080. let t
  5081. if (Ti.test(e)) {
  5082. let n
  5083. for (t = {}; (n = e.match(Ti)); )
  5084. (e = e.slice(0, e.length - n[0].length)), (t[n[0].toLowerCase()] = !0)
  5085. }
  5086. return [':' === e[2] ? e.slice(3) : Y(e.slice(2)), t]
  5087. })(t)
  5088. if (o) {
  5089. const i = (s[t] = (function (e, t) {
  5090. const n = (e) => {
  5091. if (e._vts) {
  5092. if (e._vts <= n.attached) return
  5093. } else e._vts =
  5094. Zt(
  5095. (function (e, t) {
  5096. if (O(t)) {
  5097. const n = e.stopImmediatePropagation
  5098. return (
  5099. (e.stopImmediatePropagation = () => {
  5100., (e._stopped = !0)
  5101. }),
  5102. => (t) => !t._stopped && e && e(t))
  5103. )
  5104. }
  5105. return t
  5106. })(e, n.value),
  5107. t,
  5108. 5,
  5109. [e]
  5110. )
  5111. }
  5112. return (
  5113. (n.value = e),
  5114. (n.attached = (() => $i || (Ei.then(() => ($i = 0)), ($i =,
  5115. n
  5116. )
  5117. })(o, r))
  5118. Ci(e, n, i, c)
  5119. } else
  5120. i &&
  5121. (!(function (e, t, n, o) {
  5122. e.removeEventListener(t, n, o)
  5123. })(e, n, i, c),
  5124. (s[t] = void 0))
  5125. }
  5126. }
  5127. const Ti = /(?:Once|Passive|Capture)$/
  5128. let $i = 0
  5129. const Ei = Promise.resolve()
  5130. const Ni = /^on[a-z]/
  5131. function Oi(e, t) {
  5132. const n = $o(e)
  5133. class o extends Ii {
  5134. constructor(e) {
  5135. super(n, e, t)
  5136. }
  5137. }
  5138. return (o.def = n), o
  5139. }
  5140. const Ai = 'undefined' != typeof HTMLElement ? HTMLElement : class {}
  5141. class Ii extends Ai {
  5142. constructor(e, t = {}, n) {
  5143. super(),
  5144. (this._def = e),
  5145. (this._props = t),
  5146. (this._instance = null),
  5147. (this._connected = !1),
  5148. (this._resolved = !1),
  5149. (this._numberProps = null),
  5150. this.shadowRoot && n
  5151. ? n(this._createVNode(), this.shadowRoot)
  5152. : (this.shadowRoot &&
  5153. Kt(
  5154. 'Custom element has pre-rendered declarative shadow root but is not defined as hydratable. Use `defineSSRCustomElement`.'
  5155. ),
  5156. this.attachShadow({
  5157. mode: 'open'
  5158. }),
  5159. this._def.__asyncLoader || this._resolveProps(this._def))
  5160. }
  5161. connectedCallback() {
  5162. ;(this._connected = !0),
  5163. this._instance || (this._resolved ? this._update() : this._resolveDef())
  5164. }
  5165. disconnectedCallback() {
  5166. ;(this._connected = !1),
  5167. an(() => {
  5168. this._connected || (Ec(null, this.shadowRoot), (this._instance = null))
  5169. })
  5170. }
  5171. _resolveDef() {
  5172. this._resolved = !0
  5173. for (let e = 0; e < this.attributes.length; e++) this._setAttr(this.attributes[e].name)
  5174. new MutationObserver((e) => {
  5175. for (const t of e) this._setAttr(t.attributeName)
  5176. }).observe(this, {
  5177. attributes: !0
  5178. })
  5179. const e = (e, t = !1) => {
  5180. const { props: n, styles: o } = e
  5181. let r
  5182. if (n && !O(n))
  5183. for (const e in n) {
  5184. const t = n[e]
  5185. ;(t === Number || (t && t.type === Number)) &&
  5186. (e in this._props && (this._props[e] = ne(this._props[e])),
  5187. ((r || (r = Object.create(null)))[J(e)] = !0))
  5188. }
  5189. ;(this._numberProps = r), t && this._resolveProps(e), this._applyStyles(o), this._update()
  5190. },
  5191. t = this._def.__asyncLoader
  5192. t ? t().then((t) => e(t, !0)) : e(this._def)
  5193. }
  5194. _resolveProps(e) {
  5195. const { props: t } = e,
  5196. n = O(t) ? t : Object.keys(t || {})
  5197. for (const e of Object.keys(this))
  5198. '_' !== e[0] && n.includes(e) && this._setProp(e, this[e], !0, !1)
  5199. for (const e of
  5200. Object.defineProperty(this, e, {
  5201. get() {
  5202. return this._getProp(e)
  5203. },
  5204. set(t) {
  5205. this._setProp(e, t)
  5206. }
  5207. })
  5208. }
  5209. _setAttr(e) {
  5210. let t = this.getAttribute(e)
  5211. const n = J(e)
  5212. this._numberProps && this._numberProps[n] && (t = ne(t)), this._setProp(n, t, !1)
  5213. }
  5214. _getProp(e) {
  5215. return this._props[e]
  5216. }
  5217. _setProp(e, t, n = !0, o = !0) {
  5218. t !== this._props[e] &&
  5219. ((this._props[e] = t),
  5220. o && this._instance && this._update(),
  5221. n &&
  5222. (!0 === t
  5223. ? this.setAttribute(Y(e), '')
  5224. : 'string' == typeof t || 'number' == typeof t
  5225. ? this.setAttribute(Y(e), t + '')
  5226. : t || this.removeAttribute(Y(e))))
  5227. }
  5228. _update() {
  5229. Ec(this._createVNode(), this.shadowRoot)
  5230. }
  5231. _createVNode() {
  5232. const e = Ns(this._def, T({}, this._props))
  5233. return (
  5234. this._instance ||
  5235. (e.ce = (e) => {
  5236. ;(this._instance = e),
  5237. (e.isCE = !0),
  5238. (e.ceReload = (e) => {
  5239. this._styles &&
  5240. (this._styles.forEach((e) => this.shadowRoot.removeChild(e)),
  5241. (this._styles.length = 0)),
  5242. this._applyStyles(e),
  5243. (this._instance = null),
  5244. this._update()
  5245. })
  5246. const t = (e, t) => {
  5247. this.dispatchEvent(
  5248. new CustomEvent(e, {
  5249. detail: t
  5250. })
  5251. )
  5252. }
  5253. e.emit = (e, ...n) => {
  5254. t(e, n), Y(e) !== e && t(Y(e), n)
  5255. }
  5256. let n = this
  5257. for (; (n = n && (n.parentNode ||; )
  5258. if (n instanceof Ii) {
  5259. ;(e.parent = n._instance), (e.provides = n._instance.provides)
  5260. break
  5261. }
  5262. }),
  5263. e
  5264. )
  5265. }
  5266. _applyStyles(e) {
  5267. e &&
  5268. e.forEach((e) => {
  5269. const t = document.createElement('style')
  5270. ;(t.textContent = e),
  5271. this.shadowRoot.appendChild(t),
  5272. (this._styles || (this._styles = [])).push(t)
  5273. })
  5274. }
  5275. }
  5276. function Ri(e, t) {
  5277. if (128 & e.shapeFlag) {
  5278. const n = e.suspense
  5279. ;(e = n.activeBranch),
  5280. n.pendingBranch &&
  5281. !n.isHydrating &&
  5282. n.effects.push(() => {
  5283. Ri(n.activeBranch, t)
  5284. })
  5285. }
  5286. for (; e.component; ) e = e.component.subTree
  5287. if (1 & e.shapeFlag && e.el) Mi(e.el, t)
  5288. else if (e.type === us) e.children.forEach((e) => Ri(e, t))
  5289. else if (e.type === fs) {
  5290. let { el: n, anchor: o } = e
  5291. for (; n && (Mi(n, t), n !== o); ) n = n.nextSibling
  5292. }
  5293. }
  5294. function Mi(e, t) {
  5295. if (1 === e.nodeType) {
  5296. const n =
  5297. for (const e in t) n.setProperty(`--${e}`, t[e])
  5298. }
  5299. }
  5300. const Pi = 'transition',
  5301. Fi = 'animation',
  5302. ji = (e, { slots: t }) => ui(_o, Di(e), t)
  5303. ji.displayName = 'Transition'
  5304. const Vi = {
  5305. name: String,
  5306. type: String,
  5307. css: {
  5308. type: Boolean,
  5309. default: !0
  5310. },
  5311. duration: [String, Number, Object],
  5312. enterFromClass: String,
  5313. enterActiveClass: String,
  5314. enterToClass: String,
  5315. appearFromClass: String,
  5316. appearActiveClass: String,
  5317. appearToClass: String,
  5318. leaveFromClass: String,
  5319. leaveActiveClass: String,
  5320. leaveToClass: String
  5321. },
  5322. Li = (ji.props = T({}, _o.props, Vi)),
  5323. Bi = (e, t = []) => {
  5324. O(e) ? e.forEach((e) => e(...t)) : e && e(...t)
  5325. },
  5326. Ui = (e) => !!e && (O(e) ? e.some((e) => e.length > 1) : e.length > 1)
  5327. function Di(e) {
  5328. const t = {}
  5329. for (const n in e) n in Vi || (t[n] = e[n])
  5330. if (!1 === e.css) return t
  5331. const {
  5332. name: n = 'v',
  5333. type: o,
  5334. duration: r,
  5335. enterFromClass: s = `${n}-enter-from`,
  5336. enterActiveClass: i = `${n}-enter-active`,
  5337. enterToClass: c = `${n}-enter-to`,
  5338. appearFromClass: l = s,
  5339. appearActiveClass: a = i,
  5340. appearToClass: u = c,
  5341. leaveFromClass: p = `${n}-leave-from`,
  5342. leaveActiveClass: d = `${n}-leave-active`,
  5343. leaveToClass: f = `${n}-leave-to`
  5344. } = e,
  5345. h = (function (e) {
  5346. if (null == e) return null
  5347. if (j(e)) return [Hi(e.enter), Hi(e.leave)]
  5348. {
  5349. const t = Hi(e)
  5350. return [t, t]
  5351. }
  5352. })(r),
  5353. m = h && h[0],
  5354. g = h && h[1],
  5355. {
  5356. onBeforeEnter: y,
  5357. onEnter: v,
  5358. onEnterCancelled: b,
  5359. onLeave: _,
  5360. onLeaveCancelled: w,
  5361. onBeforeAppear: x = y,
  5362. onAppear: S = v,
  5363. onAppearCancelled: C = b
  5364. } = t,
  5365. k = (e, t, n) => {
  5366. Wi(e, t ? u : c), Wi(e, t ? a : i), n && n()
  5367. },
  5368. $ = (e, t) => {
  5369. ;(e._isLeaving = !1), Wi(e, p), Wi(e, f), Wi(e, d), t && t()
  5370. },
  5371. E = (e) => (t, n) => {
  5372. const r = e ? S : v,
  5373. i = () => k(t, e, n)
  5374. Bi(r, [t, i]),
  5375. Ki(() => {
  5376. Wi(t, e ? l : s), zi(t, e ? u : c), Ui(r) || Ji(t, o, m, i)
  5377. })
  5378. }
  5379. return T(t, {
  5380. onBeforeEnter(e) {
  5381. Bi(y, [e]), zi(e, s), zi(e, i)
  5382. },
  5383. onBeforeAppear(e) {
  5384. Bi(x, [e]), zi(e, l), zi(e, a)
  5385. },
  5386. onEnter: E(!1),
  5387. onAppear: E(!0),
  5388. onLeave(e, t) {
  5389. e._isLeaving = !0
  5390. const n = () => $(e, t)
  5391. zi(e, p),
  5392. Xi(),
  5393. zi(e, d),
  5394. Ki(() => {
  5395. e._isLeaving && (Wi(e, p), zi(e, f), Ui(_) || Ji(e, o, g, n))
  5396. }),
  5397. Bi(_, [e, n])
  5398. },
  5399. onEnterCancelled(e) {
  5400. k(e, !1), Bi(b, [e])
  5401. },
  5402. onAppearCancelled(e) {
  5403. k(e, !0), Bi(C, [e])
  5404. },
  5405. onLeaveCancelled(e) {
  5406. $(e), Bi(w, [e])
  5407. }
  5408. })
  5409. }
  5410. function Hi(e) {
  5411. const t = ne(e)
  5412. return (
  5413. (function (e) {
  5414. 'number' != typeof e
  5415. ? Kt(`<transition> explicit duration is not a valid number - got ${JSON.stringify(e)}.`)
  5416. : isNaN(e) &&
  5417. Kt(
  5418. '<transition> explicit duration is NaN - the duration expression might be incorrect.'
  5419. )
  5420. })(t),
  5421. t
  5422. )
  5423. }
  5424. function zi(e, t) {
  5425. t.split(/\s+/).forEach((t) => t && e.classList.add(t)), (e._vtc || (e._vtc = new Set())).add(t)
  5426. }
  5427. function Wi(e, t) {
  5428. t.split(/\s+/).forEach((t) => t && e.classList.remove(t))
  5429. const { _vtc: n } = e
  5430. n && (n.delete(t), n.size || (e._vtc = void 0))
  5431. }
  5432. function Ki(e) {
  5433. requestAnimationFrame(() => {
  5434. requestAnimationFrame(e)
  5435. })
  5436. }
  5437. let Gi = 0
  5438. function Ji(e, t, n, o) {
  5439. const r = (e._endId = ++Gi),
  5440. s = () => {
  5441. r === e._endId && o()
  5442. }
  5443. if (n) return setTimeout(s, n)
  5444. const { type: i, timeout: c, propCount: l } = qi(e, t)
  5445. if (!i) return o()
  5446. const a = i + 'end'
  5447. let u = 0
  5448. const p = () => {
  5449. e.removeEventListener(a, d), s()
  5450. },
  5451. d = (t) => {
  5452. === e && ++u >= l && p()
  5453. }
  5454. setTimeout(() => {
  5455. u < l && p()
  5456. }, c + 1),
  5457. e.addEventListener(a, d)
  5458. }
  5459. function qi(e, t) {
  5460. const n = window.getComputedStyle(e),
  5461. o = (e) => (n[e] || '').split(', '),
  5462. r = o('transitionDelay'),
  5463. s = o('transitionDuration'),
  5464. i = Yi(r, s),
  5465. c = o('animationDelay'),
  5466. l = o('animationDuration'),
  5467. a = Yi(c, l)
  5468. let u = null,
  5469. p = 0,
  5470. d = 0
  5471. t === Pi
  5472. ? i > 0 && ((u = Pi), (p = i), (d = s.length))
  5473. : t === Fi
  5474. ? a > 0 && ((u = Fi), (p = a), (d = l.length))
  5475. : ((p = Math.max(i, a)),
  5476. (u = p > 0 ? (i > a ? Pi : Fi) : null),
  5477. (d = u ? (u === Pi ? s.length : l.length) : 0))
  5478. return {
  5479. type: u,
  5480. timeout: p,
  5481. propCount: d,
  5482. hasTransform: u === Pi && /\b(transform|all)(,|$)/.test(o('transitionProperty').toString())
  5483. }
  5484. }
  5485. function Yi(e, t) {
  5486. for (; e.length < t.length; ) e = e.concat(e)
  5487. return Math.max(, n) => Zi(t) + Zi(e[n])))
  5488. }
  5489. function Zi(e) {
  5490. return 1e3 * Number(e.slice(0, -1).replace(',', '.'))
  5491. }
  5492. function Xi() {
  5493. return document.body.offsetHeight
  5494. }
  5495. const Qi = new WeakMap(),
  5496. ec = new WeakMap(),
  5497. tc = {
  5498. name: 'TransitionGroup',
  5499. props: T({}, Li, {
  5500. tag: String,
  5501. moveClass: String
  5502. }),
  5503. setup(e, { slots: t }) {
  5504. const n = Ds(),
  5505. o = vo()
  5506. let r, s
  5507. return (
  5508. zo(() => {
  5509. if (!r.length) return
  5510. const t = e.moveClass || `${ || 'v'}-move`
  5511. if (
  5512. !(function (e, t, n) {
  5513. const o = e.cloneNode()
  5514. e._vtc &&
  5515. e._vtc.forEach((e) => {
  5516. e.split(/\s+/).forEach((e) => e && o.classList.remove(e))
  5517. })
  5518. n.split(/\s+/).forEach((e) => e && o.classList.add(e)), ( = 'none')
  5519. const r = 1 === t.nodeType ? t : t.parentNode
  5520. r.appendChild(o)
  5521. const { hasTransform: s } = qi(o)
  5522. return r.removeChild(o), s
  5523. })(r[0].el, n.vnode.el, t)
  5524. )
  5525. return
  5526. r.forEach(nc), r.forEach(oc)
  5527. const o = r.filter(rc)
  5528. Xi(),
  5529. o.forEach((e) => {
  5530. const n = e.el,
  5531. o =
  5532. zi(n, t), (o.transform = o.webkitTransform = o.transitionDuration = '')
  5533. const r = (n._moveCb = (e) => {
  5534. ;(e && !== n) ||
  5535. (e && !/transform$/.test(e.propertyName)) ||
  5536. (n.removeEventListener('transitionend', r), (n._moveCb = null), Wi(n, t))
  5537. })
  5538. n.addEventListener('transitionend', r)
  5539. })
  5540. }),
  5541. () => {
  5542. const i = kt(e),
  5543. c = Di(i)
  5544. let l = i.tag || us
  5545. ;(r = s), (s = t.default ? To(t.default()) : [])
  5546. for (let e = 0; e < s.length; e++) {
  5547. const t = s[e]
  5548. null != t.key
  5549. ? ko(t, xo(t, c, o, n))
  5550. : Kt('<TransitionGroup> children must be keyed.')
  5551. }
  5552. if (r)
  5553. for (let e = 0; e < r.length; e++) {
  5554. const t = r[e]
  5555. ko(t, xo(t, c, o, n)), Qi.set(t, t.el.getBoundingClientRect())
  5556. }
  5557. return Ns(l, null, s)
  5558. }
  5559. )
  5560. }
  5561. }
  5562. function nc(e) {
  5563. const t = e.el
  5564. t._moveCb && t._moveCb(), t._enterCb && t._enterCb()
  5565. }
  5566. function oc(e) {
  5567. ec.set(e, e.el.getBoundingClientRect())
  5568. }
  5569. function rc(e) {
  5570. const t = Qi.get(e),
  5571. n = ec.get(e),
  5572. o = t.left - n.left,
  5573. r = -
  5574. if (o || r) {
  5575. const t =
  5576. return (
  5577. (t.transform = t.webkitTransform = `translate(${o}px,${r}px)`),
  5578. (t.transitionDuration = '0s'),
  5579. e
  5580. )
  5581. }
  5582. }
  5583. const sc = (e) => {
  5584. const t = e.props['onUpdate:modelValue'] || !1
  5585. return O(t) ? (e) => ee(t, e) : t
  5586. }
  5587. function ic(e) {
  5588. = !0
  5589. }
  5590. function cc(e) {
  5591. const t =
  5592. t.composing && ((t.composing = !1), t.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')))
  5593. }
  5594. const lc = {
  5595. created(e, { modifiers: { lazy: t, trim: n, number: o } }, r) {
  5596. e._assign = sc(r)
  5597. const s = o || (r.props && 'number' === r.props.type)
  5598. Ci(e, t ? 'change' : 'input', (t) => {
  5599. if ( return
  5600. let o = e.value
  5601. n && (o = o.trim()), s && (o = ne(o)), e._assign(o)
  5602. }),
  5603. n &&
  5604. Ci(e, 'change', () => {
  5605. e.value = e.value.trim()
  5606. }),
  5607. t || (Ci(e, 'compositionstart', ic), Ci(e, 'compositionend', cc), Ci(e, 'change', cc))
  5608. },
  5609. mounted(e, { value: t }) {
  5610. e.value = null == t ? '' : t
  5611. },
  5612. beforeUpdate(e, { value: t, modifiers: { lazy: n, trim: o, number: r } }, s) {
  5613. if (((e._assign = sc(s)), e.composing)) return
  5614. if (document.activeElement === e && 'range' !== e.type) {
  5615. if (n) return
  5616. if (o && e.value.trim() === t) return
  5617. if ((r || 'number' === e.type) && ne(e.value) === t) return
  5618. }
  5619. const i = null == t ? '' : t
  5620. e.value !== i && (e.value = i)
  5621. }
  5622. },
  5623. ac = {
  5624. deep: !0,
  5625. created(e, t, n) {
  5626. ;(e._assign = sc(n)),
  5627. Ci(e, 'change', () => {
  5628. const t = e._modelValue,
  5629. n = hc(e),
  5630. o = e.checked,
  5631. r = e._assign
  5632. if (O(t)) {
  5633. const e = y(t, n),
  5634. s = -1 !== e
  5635. if (o && !s) r(t.concat(n))
  5636. else if (!o && s) {
  5637. const n = [...t]
  5638. n.splice(e, 1), r(n)
  5639. }
  5640. } else if (I(t)) {
  5641. const e = new Set(t)
  5642. o ? e.add(n) : e.delete(n), r(e)
  5643. } else r(mc(e, o))
  5644. })
  5645. },
  5646. mounted: uc,
  5647. beforeUpdate(e, t, n) {
  5648. ;(e._assign = sc(n)), uc(e, t, n)
  5649. }
  5650. }
  5651. function uc(e, { value: t, oldValue: n }, o) {
  5652. ;(e._modelValue = t),
  5653. O(t)
  5654. ? (e.checked = y(t, o.props.value) > -1)
  5655. : I(t)
  5656. ? (e.checked = t.has(o.props.value))
  5657. : t !== n && (e.checked = g(t, mc(e, !0)))
  5658. }
  5659. const pc = {
  5660. created(e, { value: t }, n) {
  5661. ;(e.checked = g(t, n.props.value)),
  5662. (e._assign = sc(n)),
  5663. Ci(e, 'change', () => {
  5664. e._assign(hc(e))
  5665. })
  5666. },
  5667. beforeUpdate(e, { value: t, oldValue: n }, o) {
  5668. ;(e._assign = sc(o)), t !== n && (e.checked = g(t, o.props.value))
  5669. }
  5670. },
  5671. dc = {
  5672. deep: !0,
  5673. created(e, { value: t, modifiers: { number: n } }, o) {
  5674. const r = I(t)
  5675. Ci(e, 'change', () => {
  5676. const t = Array.prototype.filter
  5677. .call(e.options, (e) => e.selected)
  5678. .map((e) => (n ? ne(hc(e)) : hc(e)))
  5679. e._assign(e.multiple ? (r ? new Set(t) : t) : t[0])
  5680. }),
  5681. (e._assign = sc(o))
  5682. },
  5683. mounted(e, { value: t }) {
  5684. fc(e, t)
  5685. },
  5686. beforeUpdate(e, t, n) {
  5687. e._assign = sc(n)
  5688. },
  5689. updated(e, { value: t }) {
  5690. fc(e, t)
  5691. }
  5692. }
  5693. function fc(e, t) {
  5694. const n = e.multiple
  5695. if (!n || O(t) || I(t)) {
  5696. for (let o = 0, r = e.options.length; o < r; o++) {
  5697. const r = e.options[o],
  5698. s = hc(r)
  5699. if (n) O(t) ? (r.selected = y(t, s) > -1) : (r.selected = t.has(s))
  5700. else if (g(hc(r), t)) return void (e.selectedIndex !== o && (e.selectedIndex = o))
  5701. }
  5702. n || -1 === e.selectedIndex || (e.selectedIndex = -1)
  5703. } else
  5704. Kt(
  5705. `<select multiple v-model> expects an Array or Set value for its binding, but got ${Object.prototype.toString
  5706. .call(t)
  5707. .slice(8, -1)}.`
  5708. )
  5709. }
  5710. function hc(e) {
  5711. return '_value' in e ? e._value : e.value
  5712. }
  5713. function mc(e, t) {
  5714. const n = t ? '_trueValue' : '_falseValue'
  5715. return n in e ? e[n] : t
  5716. }
  5717. const gc = {
  5718. created(e, t, n) {
  5719. yc(e, t, n, null, 'created')
  5720. },
  5721. mounted(e, t, n) {
  5722. yc(e, t, n, null, 'mounted')
  5723. },
  5724. beforeUpdate(e, t, n, o) {
  5725. yc(e, t, n, o, 'beforeUpdate')
  5726. },
  5727. updated(e, t, n, o) {
  5728. yc(e, t, n, o, 'updated')
  5729. }
  5730. }
  5731. function yc(e, t, n, o, r) {
  5732. const s = (function (e, t) {
  5733. switch (e) {
  5734. case 'SELECT':
  5735. return dc
  5736. case 'TEXTAREA':
  5737. return lc
  5738. default:
  5739. switch (t) {
  5740. case 'checkbox':
  5741. return ac
  5742. case 'radio':
  5743. return pc
  5744. default:
  5745. return lc
  5746. }
  5747. }
  5748. })(e.tagName, n.props && n.props.type)[r]
  5749. s && s(e, t, n, o)
  5750. }
  5751. const vc = ['ctrl', 'shift', 'alt', 'meta'],
  5752. bc = {
  5753. stop: (e) => e.stopPropagation(),
  5754. prevent: (e) => e.preventDefault(),
  5755. self: (e) => !== e.currentTarget,
  5756. ctrl: (e) => !e.ctrlKey,
  5757. shift: (e) => !e.shiftKey,
  5758. alt: (e) => !e.altKey,
  5759. meta: (e) => !e.metaKey,
  5760. left: (e) => 'button' in e && 0 !== e.button,
  5761. middle: (e) => 'button' in e && 1 !== e.button,
  5762. right: (e) => 'button' in e && 2 !== e.button,
  5763. exact: (e, t) => vc.some((n) => e[`${n}Key`] && !t.includes(n))
  5764. },
  5765. _c = {
  5766. esc: 'escape',
  5767. space: ' ',
  5768. up: 'arrow-up',
  5769. left: 'arrow-left',
  5770. right: 'arrow-right',
  5771. down: 'arrow-down',
  5772. delete: 'backspace'
  5773. },
  5774. wc = {
  5775. beforeMount(e, { value: t }, { transition: n }) {
  5776. ;(e._vod = 'none' === ? '' :,
  5777. n && t ? n.beforeEnter(e) : xc(e, t)
  5778. },
  5779. mounted(e, { value: t }, { transition: n }) {
  5780. n && t && n.enter(e)
  5781. },
  5782. updated(e, { value: t, oldValue: n }, { transition: o }) {
  5783. !t != !n &&
  5784. (o
  5785. ? t
  5786. ? (o.beforeEnter(e), xc(e, !0), o.enter(e))
  5787. : o.leave(e, () => {
  5788. xc(e, !1)
  5789. })
  5790. : xc(e, t))
  5791. },
  5792. beforeUnmount(e, { value: t }) {
  5793. xc(e, t)
  5794. }
  5795. }
  5796. function xc(e, t) {
  5797. = t ? e._vod : 'none'
  5798. }
  5799. const Sc = T(
  5800. {
  5801. patchProp: (e, t, n, o, r = !1, s, i, c, l) => {
  5802. 'class' === t
  5803. ? (function (e, t, n) {
  5804. const o = e._vtc
  5805. o && (t = (t ? [t, ...o] : [...o]).join(' ')),
  5806. null == t
  5807. ? e.removeAttribute('class')
  5808. : n
  5809. ? e.setAttribute('class', t)
  5810. : (e.className = t)
  5811. })(e, o, r)
  5812. : 'style' === t
  5813. ? (function (e, t, n) {
  5814. const o =,
  5815. r = P(n)
  5816. if (n && !r) {
  5817. for (const e in n) _i(o, e, n[e])
  5818. if (t && !P(t)) for (const e in t) null == n[e] && _i(o, e, '')
  5819. } else {
  5820. const s = o.display
  5821. r ? t !== n && (o.cssText = n) : t && e.removeAttribute('style'),
  5822. '_vod' in e && (o.display = s)
  5823. }
  5824. })(e, n, o)
  5825. : C(t)
  5826. ? k(t) || ki(e, t, 0, o, i)
  5827. : (
  5828. '.' === t[0]
  5829. ? ((t = t.slice(1)), 1)
  5830. : '^' === t[0]
  5831. ? ((t = t.slice(1)), 0)
  5832. : (function (e, t, n, o) {
  5833. if (o)
  5834. return (
  5835. 'innerHTML' === t || 'textContent' === t || !!(t in e && Ni.test(t) && M(n))
  5836. )
  5837. if ('spellcheck' === t || 'draggable' === t || 'translate' === t) return !1
  5838. if ('form' === t) return !1
  5839. if ('list' === t && 'INPUT' === e.tagName) return !1
  5840. if ('type' === t && 'TEXTAREA' === e.tagName) return !1
  5841. if (Ni.test(t) && P(n)) return !1
  5842. return t in e
  5843. })(e, t, o, r)
  5844. )
  5845. ? (function (e, t, n, o, r, s, i) {
  5846. if ('innerHTML' === t || 'textContent' === t)
  5847. return o && i(o, r, s), void (e[t] = null == n ? '' : n)
  5848. if ('value' === t && 'PROGRESS' !== e.tagName && !e.tagName.includes('-')) {
  5849. e._value = n
  5850. const o = null == n ? '' : n
  5851. return (
  5852. (e.value === o && 'OPTION' !== e.tagName) || (e.value = o),
  5853. void (null == n && e.removeAttribute(t))
  5854. )
  5855. }
  5856. let c = !1
  5857. if ('' === n || null == n) {
  5858. const o = typeof e[t]
  5859. 'boolean' === o
  5860. ? (n = m(n))
  5861. : null == n && 'string' === o
  5862. ? ((n = ''), (c = !0))
  5863. : 'number' === o && ((n = 0), (c = !0))
  5864. }
  5865. try {
  5866. e[t] = n
  5867. } catch (o) {
  5868. c ||
  5869. Kt(
  5870. `Failed setting prop "${t}" on <${e.tagName.toLowerCase()}>: value ${n} is invalid.`,
  5871. o
  5872. )
  5873. }
  5874. c && e.removeAttribute(t)
  5875. })(e, t, o, s, i, c, l)
  5876. : ('true-value' === t ? (e._trueValue = o) : 'false-value' === t && (e._falseValue = o),
  5877. (function (e, t, n, o, r) {
  5878. if (o && t.startsWith('xlink:'))
  5879. null == n
  5880. ? e.removeAttributeNS(Si, t.slice(6, t.length))
  5881. : e.setAttributeNS(Si, t, n)
  5882. else {
  5883. const o = h(t)
  5884. null == n || (o && !m(n)) ? e.removeAttribute(t) : e.setAttribute(t, o ? '' : n)
  5885. }
  5886. })(e, t, o, r))
  5887. }
  5888. },
  5889. yi
  5890. )
  5891. let Cc,
  5892. kc = !1
  5893. function Tc() {
  5894. return Cc || (Cc = Qr(Sc))
  5895. }
  5896. function $c() {
  5897. return (Cc = kc ? Cc : es(Sc)), (kc = !0), Cc
  5898. }
  5899. const Ec = (...e) => {
  5900. Tc().render(...e)
  5901. },
  5902. Nc = (...e) => {
  5903. $c().hydrate(...e)
  5904. }
  5905. function Oc(e) {
  5906. Object.defineProperty(e.config, 'isNativeTag', {
  5907. value: (e) => p(e) || d(e),
  5908. writable: !1
  5909. })
  5910. }
  5911. function Ac(e) {
  5912. if (Qs()) {
  5913. const t = e.config.isCustomElement
  5914. Object.defineProperty(e.config, 'isCustomElement', {
  5915. get: () => t,
  5916. set() {
  5917. Kt(
  5918. 'The `isCustomElement` config option is deprecated. Use `compilerOptions.isCustomElement` instead.'
  5919. )
  5920. }
  5921. })
  5922. const n = e.config.compilerOptions,
  5923. o =
  5924. 'The `compilerOptions` config option is only respected when using a build of Vue.js that includes the runtime compiler (aka "full build"). Since you are using the runtime-only build, `compilerOptions` must be passed to `@vue/compiler-dom` in the build setup instead.\n- For vue-loader: pass it via vue-loader\'s `compilerOptions` loader option.\n- For vue-cli: see\n- For vite: pass it via @vitejs/plugin-vue options. See'
  5925. Object.defineProperty(e.config, 'compilerOptions', {
  5926. get: () => (Kt(o), n),
  5927. set() {
  5928. Kt(o)
  5929. }
  5930. })
  5931. }
  5932. }
  5933. function Ic(e) {
  5934. if (P(e)) {
  5935. const t = document.querySelector(e)
  5936. return t || Kt(`Failed to mount app: mount target selector "${e}" returned null.`), t
  5937. }
  5938. return (
  5939. window.ShadowRoot &&
  5940. e instanceof window.ShadowRoot &&
  5941. 'closed' === e.mode &&
  5942. Kt('mounting on a ShadowRoot with `{mode: "closed"}` may lead to unpredictable bugs'),
  5943. e
  5944. )
  5945. }
  5946. const Rc = w
  5947. function Mc(e) {
  5948. throw e
  5949. }
  5950. function Pc(e) {
  5951. console.warn(`[Vue warn] ${e.message}`)
  5952. }
  5953. function Fc(e, t, n, o) {
  5954. const r = (n || jc)[e] + (o || ''),
  5955. s = new SyntaxError(String(r))
  5956. return (s.code = e), (s.loc = t), s
  5957. }
  5958. const jc = {
  5959. 0: 'Illegal comment.',
  5960. 1: 'CDATA section is allowed only in XML context.',
  5961. 2: 'Duplicate attribute.',
  5962. 3: 'End tag cannot have attributes.',
  5963. 4: "Illegal '/' in tags.",
  5964. 5: 'Unexpected EOF in tag.',
  5965. 6: 'Unexpected EOF in CDATA section.',
  5966. 7: 'Unexpected EOF in comment.',
  5967. 8: 'Unexpected EOF in script.',
  5968. 9: 'Unexpected EOF in tag.',
  5969. 10: 'Incorrectly closed comment.',
  5970. 11: 'Incorrectly opened comment.',
  5971. 12: "Illegal tag name. Use '&lt;' to print '<'.",
  5972. 13: 'Attribute value was expected.',
  5973. 14: 'End tag name was expected.',
  5974. 15: 'Whitespace was expected.',
  5975. 16: "Unexpected '\x3c!--' in comment.",
  5976. 17: 'Attribute name cannot contain U+0022 ("), U+0027 (\'), and U+003C (<).',
  5977. 18: 'Unquoted attribute value cannot contain U+0022 ("), U+0027 (\'), U+003C (<), U+003D (=), and U+0060 (`).',
  5978. 19: "Attribute name cannot start with '='.",
  5979. 21: "'<?' is allowed only in XML context.",
  5980. 20: 'Unexpected null character.',
  5981. 22: "Illegal '/' in tags.",
  5982. 23: 'Invalid end tag.',
  5983. 24: 'Element is missing end tag.',
  5984. 25: 'Interpolation end sign was not found.',
  5985. 27: 'End bracket for dynamic directive argument was not found. Note that dynamic directive argument cannot contain spaces.',
  5986. 26: 'Legal directive name was expected.',
  5987. 28: 'v-if/v-else-if is missing expression.',
  5988. 29: 'v-if/else branches must use unique keys.',
  5989. 30: 'v-else/v-else-if has no adjacent v-if or v-else-if.',
  5990. 31: 'v-for is missing expression.',
  5991. 32: 'v-for has invalid expression.',
  5992. 33: '<template v-for> key should be placed on the <template> tag.',
  5993. 34: 'v-bind is missing expression.',
  5994. 35: 'v-on is missing expression.',
  5995. 36: 'Unexpected custom directive on <slot> outlet.',
  5996. 37: 'Mixed v-slot usage on both the component and nested <template>.When there are multiple named slots, all slots should use <template> syntax to avoid scope ambiguity.',
  5997. 38: 'Duplicate slot names found. ',
  5998. 39: 'Extraneous children found when component already has explicitly named default slot. These children will be ignored.',
  5999. 40: 'v-slot can only be used on components or <template> tags.',
  6000. 41: 'v-model is missing expression.',
  6001. 42: 'v-model value must be a valid JavaScript member expression.',
  6002. 43: 'v-model cannot be used on v-for or v-slot scope variables because they are not writable.',
  6003. 44: 'v-model cannot be used on a prop, because local prop bindings are not writable.\nUse a v-bind binding combined with a v-on listener that emits update:x event instead.',
  6004. 45: 'Error parsing JavaScript expression: ',
  6005. 46: '<KeepAlive> expects exactly one child component.',
  6006. 47: '"prefixIdentifiers" option is not supported in this build of compiler.',
  6007. 48: 'ES module mode is not supported in this build of compiler.',
  6008. 49: '"cacheHandlers" option is only supported when the "prefixIdentifiers" option is enabled.',
  6009. 50: '"scopeId" option is only supported in module mode.',
  6010. 51: ''
  6011. },
  6012. Vc = Symbol('Fragment'),
  6013. Lc = Symbol('Teleport'),
  6014. Bc = Symbol('Suspense'),
  6015. Uc = Symbol('KeepAlive'),
  6016. Dc = Symbol('BaseTransition'),
  6017. Hc = Symbol('openBlock'),
  6018. zc = Symbol('createBlock'),
  6019. Wc = Symbol('createElementBlock'),
  6020. Kc = Symbol('createVNode'),
  6021. Gc = Symbol('createElementVNode'),
  6022. Jc = Symbol('createCommentVNode'),
  6023. qc = Symbol('createTextVNode'),
  6024. Yc = Symbol('createStaticVNode'),
  6025. Zc = Symbol('resolveComponent'),
  6026. Xc = Symbol('resolveDynamicComponent'),
  6027. Qc = Symbol('resolveDirective'),
  6028. el = Symbol('resolveFilter'),
  6029. tl = Symbol('withDirectives'),
  6030. nl = Symbol('renderList'),
  6031. ol = Symbol('renderSlot'),
  6032. rl = Symbol('createSlots'),
  6033. sl = Symbol('toDisplayString'),
  6034. il = Symbol('mergeProps'),
  6035. cl = Symbol('normalizeClass'),
  6036. ll = Symbol('normalizeStyle'),
  6037. al = Symbol('normalizeProps'),
  6038. ul = Symbol('guardReactiveProps'),
  6039. pl = Symbol('toHandlers'),
  6040. dl = Symbol('camelize'),
  6041. fl = Symbol('capitalize'),
  6042. hl = Symbol('toHandlerKey'),
  6043. ml = Symbol('setBlockTracking'),
  6044. gl = Symbol('pushScopeId'),
  6045. yl = Symbol('popScopeId'),
  6046. vl = Symbol('withCtx'),
  6047. bl = Symbol('unref'),
  6048. _l = Symbol('isRef'),
  6049. wl = Symbol('withMemo'),
  6050. xl = Symbol('isMemoSame'),
  6051. Sl = {
  6052. [Vc]: 'Fragment',
  6053. [Lc]: 'Teleport',
  6054. [Bc]: 'Suspense',
  6055. [Uc]: 'KeepAlive',
  6056. [Dc]: 'BaseTransition',
  6057. [Hc]: 'openBlock',
  6058. [zc]: 'createBlock',
  6059. [Wc]: 'createElementBlock',
  6060. [Kc]: 'createVNode',
  6061. [Gc]: 'createElementVNode',
  6062. [Jc]: 'createCommentVNode',
  6063. [qc]: 'createTextVNode',
  6064. [Yc]: 'createStaticVNode',
  6065. [Zc]: 'resolveComponent',
  6066. [Xc]: 'resolveDynamicComponent',
  6067. [Qc]: 'resolveDirective',
  6068. [el]: 'resolveFilter',
  6069. [tl]: 'withDirectives',
  6070. [nl]: 'renderList',
  6071. [ol]: 'renderSlot',
  6072. [rl]: 'createSlots',
  6073. [sl]: 'toDisplayString',
  6074. [il]: 'mergeProps',
  6075. [cl]: 'normalizeClass',
  6076. [ll]: 'normalizeStyle',
  6077. [al]: 'normalizeProps',
  6078. [ul]: 'guardReactiveProps',
  6079. [pl]: 'toHandlers',
  6080. [dl]: 'camelize',
  6081. [fl]: 'capitalize',
  6082. [hl]: 'toHandlerKey',
  6083. [ml]: 'setBlockTracking',
  6084. [gl]: 'pushScopeId',
  6085. [yl]: 'popScopeId',
  6086. [vl]: 'withCtx',
  6087. [bl]: 'unref',
  6088. [_l]: 'isRef',
  6089. [wl]: 'withMemo',
  6090. [xl]: 'isMemoSame'
  6091. }
  6092. const Cl = {
  6093. source: '',
  6094. start: {
  6095. line: 1,
  6096. column: 1,
  6097. offset: 0
  6098. },
  6099. end: {
  6100. line: 1,
  6101. column: 1,
  6102. offset: 0
  6103. }
  6104. }
  6105. function kl(e, t, n, o, r, s, i, c = !1, l = !1, a = !1, u = Cl) {
  6106. return (
  6107. e &&
  6108. (c ? (e.helper(Hc), e.helper(ta(e.inSSR, a))) : e.helper(ea(e.inSSR, a)),
  6109. i && e.helper(tl)),
  6110. {
  6111. type: 13,
  6112. tag: t,
  6113. props: n,
  6114. children: o,
  6115. patchFlag: r,
  6116. dynamicProps: s,
  6117. directives: i,
  6118. isBlock: c,
  6119. disableTracking: l,
  6120. isComponent: a,
  6121. loc: u
  6122. }
  6123. )
  6124. }
  6125. function Tl(e, t = Cl) {
  6126. return {
  6127. type: 17,
  6128. loc: t,
  6129. elements: e
  6130. }
  6131. }
  6132. function $l(e, t = Cl) {
  6133. return {
  6134. type: 15,
  6135. loc: t,
  6136. properties: e
  6137. }
  6138. }
  6139. function El(e, t) {
  6140. return {
  6141. type: 16,
  6142. loc: Cl,
  6143. key: P(e) ? Nl(e, !0) : e,
  6144. value: t
  6145. }
  6146. }
  6147. function Nl(e, t = !1, n = Cl, o = 0) {
  6148. return {
  6149. type: 4,
  6150. loc: n,
  6151. content: e,
  6152. isStatic: t,
  6153. constType: t ? 3 : o
  6154. }
  6155. }
  6156. function Ol(e, t = Cl) {
  6157. return {
  6158. type: 8,
  6159. loc: t,
  6160. children: e
  6161. }
  6162. }
  6163. function Al(e, t = [], n = Cl) {
  6164. return {
  6165. type: 14,
  6166. loc: n,
  6167. callee: e,
  6168. arguments: t
  6169. }
  6170. }
  6171. function Il(e, t, n = !1, o = !1, r = Cl) {
  6172. return {
  6173. type: 18,
  6174. params: e,
  6175. returns: t,
  6176. newline: n,
  6177. isSlot: o,
  6178. loc: r
  6179. }
  6180. }
  6181. function Rl(e, t, n, o = !0) {
  6182. return {
  6183. type: 19,
  6184. test: e,
  6185. consequent: t,
  6186. alternate: n,
  6187. newline: o,
  6188. loc: Cl
  6189. }
  6190. }
  6191. const Ml = (e) => 4 === e.type && e.isStatic,
  6192. Pl = (e, t) => e === t || e === Y(t)
  6193. function Fl(e) {
  6194. return Pl(e, 'Teleport')
  6195. ? Lc
  6196. : Pl(e, 'Suspense')
  6197. ? Bc
  6198. : Pl(e, 'KeepAlive')
  6199. ? Uc
  6200. : Pl(e, 'BaseTransition')
  6201. ? Dc
  6202. : void 0
  6203. }
  6204. const jl = /^\d|[^\$\w]/,
  6205. Vl = (e) => !jl.test(e),
  6206. Ll = /[A-Za-z_$\xA0-\uFFFF]/,
  6207. Bl = /[\.\?\w$\xA0-\uFFFF]/,
  6208. Ul = /\s+[.[]\s*|\s*[.[]\s+/g,
  6209. Dl = (e) => {
  6210. e = e.trim().replace(Ul, (e) => e.trim())
  6211. let t = 0,
  6212. n = [],
  6213. o = 0,
  6214. r = 0,
  6215. s = null
  6216. for (let i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
  6217. const c = e.charAt(i)
  6218. switch (t) {
  6219. case 0:
  6220. if ('[' === c) n.push(t), (t = 1), o++
  6221. else if ('(' === c) n.push(t), (t = 2), r++
  6222. else if (!(0 === i ? Ll : Bl).test(c)) return !1
  6223. break
  6224. case 1:
  6225. "'" === c || '"' === c || '`' === c
  6226. ? (n.push(t), (t = 3), (s = c))
  6227. : '[' === c
  6228. ? o++
  6229. : ']' === c && (--o || (t = n.pop()))
  6230. break
  6231. case 2:
  6232. if ("'" === c || '"' === c || '`' === c) n.push(t), (t = 3), (s = c)
  6233. else if ('(' === c) r++
  6234. else if (')' === c) {
  6235. if (i === e.length - 1) return !1
  6236. --r || (t = n.pop())
  6237. }
  6238. break
  6239. case 3:
  6240. c === s && ((t = n.pop()), (s = null))
  6241. }
  6242. }
  6243. return !o && !r
  6244. }
  6245. function Hl(e, t, n) {
  6246. const o = {
  6247. source: e.source.slice(t, t + n),
  6248. start: zl(e.start, e.source, t),
  6249. end: e.end
  6250. }
  6251. return null != n && (o.end = zl(e.start, e.source, t + n)), o
  6252. }
  6253. function zl(e, t, n = t.length) {
  6254. return Wl(T({}, e), t, n)
  6255. }
  6256. function Wl(e, t, n = t.length) {
  6257. let o = 0,
  6258. r = -1
  6259. for (let e = 0; e < n; e++) 10 === t.charCodeAt(e) && (o++, (r = e))
  6260. return (e.offset += n), (e.line += o), (e.column = -1 === r ? e.column + n : n - r), e
  6261. }
  6262. function Kl(e, t) {
  6263. if (!e) throw new Error(t || 'unexpected compiler condition')
  6264. }
  6265. function Gl(e, t, n = !1) {
  6266. for (let o = 0; o < e.props.length; o++) {
  6267. const r = e.props[o]
  6268. if (7 === r.type && (n || r.exp) && (P(t) ? === t : t.test( return r
  6269. }
  6270. }
  6271. function Jl(e, t, n = !1, o = !1) {
  6272. for (let r = 0; r < e.props.length; r++) {
  6273. const s = e.props[r]
  6274. if (6 === s.type) {
  6275. if (n) continue
  6276. if ( === t && (s.value || o)) return s
  6277. } else if ('bind' === && (s.exp || o) && ql(s.arg, t)) return s
  6278. }
  6279. }
  6280. function ql(e, t) {
  6281. return !(!e || !Ml(e) || e.content !== t)
  6282. }
  6283. function Yl(e) {
  6284. return 5 === e.type || 2 === e.type
  6285. }
  6286. function Zl(e) {
  6287. return 7 === e.type && 'slot' ===
  6288. }
  6289. function Xl(e) {
  6290. return 1 === e.type && 3 === e.tagType
  6291. }
  6292. function Ql(e) {
  6293. return 1 === e.type && 2 === e.tagType
  6294. }
  6295. function ea(e, t) {
  6296. return e || t ? Kc : Gc
  6297. }
  6298. function ta(e, t) {
  6299. return e || t ? zc : Wc
  6300. }
  6301. const na = new Set([al, ul])
  6302. function oa(e, t = []) {
  6303. if (e && !P(e) && 14 === e.type) {
  6304. const n = e.callee
  6305. if (!P(n) && na.has(n)) return oa(e.arguments[0], t.concat(e))
  6306. }
  6307. return [e, t]
  6308. }
  6309. function ra(e, t, n) {
  6310. let o,
  6311. r,
  6312. s = 13 === e.type ? e.props : e.arguments[2],
  6313. i = []
  6314. if (s && !P(s) && 14 === s.type) {
  6315. const e = oa(s)
  6316. ;(s = e[0]), (i = e[1]), (r = i[i.length - 1])
  6317. }
  6318. if (null == s || P(s)) o = $l([t])
  6319. else if (14 === s.type) {
  6320. const e = s.arguments[0]
  6321. P(e) || 15 !== e.type
  6322. ? s.callee === pl
  6323. ? (o = Al(n.helper(il), [$l([t]), s]))
  6324. : s.arguments.unshift($l([t]))
  6325. : sa(t, e) ||,
  6326. !o && (o = s)
  6327. } else
  6328. 15 === s.type
  6329. ? (sa(t, s) ||, (o = s))
  6330. : ((o = Al(n.helper(il), [$l([t]), s])), r && r.callee === ul && (r = i[i.length - 2]))
  6331. 13 === e.type
  6332. ? r
  6333. ? (r.arguments[0] = o)
  6334. : (e.props = o)
  6335. : r
  6336. ? (r.arguments[0] = o)
  6337. : (e.arguments[2] = o)
  6338. }
  6339. function sa(e, t) {
  6340. let n = !1
  6341. if (4 === e.key.type) {
  6342. const o = e.key.content
  6343. n = => 4 === e.key.type && e.key.content === o)
  6344. }
  6345. return n
  6346. }
  6347. function ia(e, t) {
  6348. return `_${t}_${e.replace(/[^\w]/g, (t, n) => ('-' === t ? '_' : e.charCodeAt(n).toString()))}`
  6349. }
  6350. function ca(e, { helper: t, removeHelper: n, inSSR: o }) {
  6351. e.isBlock || ((e.isBlock = !0), n(ea(o, e.isComponent)), t(Hc), t(ta(o, e.isComponent)))
  6352. }
  6353. const la = /&(gt|lt|amp|apos|quot);/g,
  6354. aa = {
  6355. gt: '>',
  6356. lt: '<',
  6357. amp: '&',
  6358. apos: "'",
  6359. quot: '"'
  6360. },
  6361. ua = {
  6362. delimiters: ['{{', '}}'],
  6363. getNamespace: () => 0,
  6364. getTextMode: () => 0,
  6365. isVoidTag: x,
  6366. isPreTag: x,
  6367. isCustomElement: x,
  6368. decodeEntities: (e) => e.replace(la, (e, t) => aa[t]),
  6369. onError: Mc,
  6370. onWarn: Pc,
  6371. comments: !0
  6372. }
  6373. function pa(e, t = {}) {
  6374. const n = (function (e, t) {
  6375. const n = T({}, ua)
  6376. let o
  6377. for (o in t) n[o] = void 0 === t[o] ? ua[o] : t[o]
  6378. return {
  6379. options: n,
  6380. column: 1,
  6381. line: 1,
  6382. offset: 0,
  6383. originalSource: e,
  6384. source: e,
  6385. inPre: !1,
  6386. inVPre: !1,
  6387. onWarn: n.onWarn
  6388. }
  6389. })(e, t),
  6390. o = ka(n)
  6391. return (function (e, t = Cl) {
  6392. return {
  6393. type: 0,
  6394. children: e,
  6395. helpers: [],
  6396. components: [],
  6397. directives: [],
  6398. hoists: [],
  6399. imports: [],
  6400. cached: 0,
  6401. temps: 0,
  6402. codegenNode: void 0,
  6403. loc: t
  6404. }
  6405. })(da(n, 0, []), Ta(n, o))
  6406. }
  6407. function da(e, t, n) {
  6408. const o = $a(n),
  6409. r = o ? o.ns : 0,
  6410. s = []
  6411. for (; !Ra(e, t, n); ) {
  6412. const i = e.source
  6413. let c
  6414. if (0 === t || 1 === t)
  6415. if (!e.inVPre && Ea(i, e.options.delimiters[0])) c = xa(e, t)
  6416. else if (0 === t && '<' === i[0])
  6417. if (1 === i.length) Ia(e, 5, 1)
  6418. else if ('!' === i[1])
  6419. Ea(i, '\x3c!--')
  6420. ? (c = ma(e))
  6421. : Ea(i, '<!DOCTYPE')
  6422. ? (c = ga(e))
  6423. : Ea(i, '<![CDATA[')
  6424. ? 0 !== r
  6425. ? (c = ha(e, n))
  6426. : (Ia(e, 1), (c = ga(e)))
  6427. : (Ia(e, 11), (c = ga(e)))
  6428. else if ('/' === i[1])
  6429. if (2 === i.length) Ia(e, 5, 2)
  6430. else {
  6431. if ('>' === i[2]) {
  6432. Ia(e, 14, 2), Na(e, 3)
  6433. continue
  6434. }
  6435. if (/[a-z]/i.test(i[2])) {
  6436. Ia(e, 23), ba(e, 1, o)
  6437. continue
  6438. }
  6439. Ia(e, 12, 2), (c = ga(e))
  6440. }
  6441. else
  6442. /[a-z]/i.test(i[1])
  6443. ? (c = ya(e, n))
  6444. : '?' === i[1]
  6445. ? (Ia(e, 21, 1), (c = ga(e)))
  6446. : Ia(e, 12, 1)
  6447. if ((c || (c = Sa(e, t)), O(c))) for (let e = 0; e < c.length; e++) fa(s, c[e])
  6448. else fa(s, c)
  6449. }
  6450. let i = !1
  6451. if (2 !== t && 1 !== t) {
  6452. const t = 'preserve' !== e.options.whitespace
  6453. for (let n = 0; n < s.length; n++) {
  6454. const o = s[n]
  6455. if (2 === o.type)
  6456. if (e.inPre) o.content = o.content.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')
  6457. else if (/[^\t\r\n\f ]/.test(o.content))
  6458. t && (o.content = o.content.replace(/[\t\r\n\f ]+/g, ' '))
  6459. else {
  6460. const e = s[n - 1],
  6461. r = s[n + 1]
  6462. !e ||
  6463. !r ||
  6464. (t &&
  6465. ((3 === e.type && 3 === r.type) ||
  6466. (3 === e.type && 1 === r.type) ||
  6467. (1 === e.type && 3 === r.type) ||
  6468. (1 === e.type && 1 === r.type && /[\r\n]/.test(o.content))))
  6469. ? ((i = !0), (s[n] = null))
  6470. : (o.content = ' ')
  6471. }
  6472. else 3 !== o.type || e.options.comments || ((i = !0), (s[n] = null))
  6473. }
  6474. if (e.inPre && o && e.options.isPreTag(o.tag)) {
  6475. const e = s[0]
  6476. e && 2 === e.type && (e.content = e.content.replace(/^\r?\n/, ''))
  6477. }
  6478. }
  6479. return i ? s.filter(Boolean) : s
  6480. }
  6481. function fa(e, t) {
  6482. if (2 === t.type) {
  6483. const n = $a(e)
  6484. if (n && 2 === n.type && n.loc.end.offset === t.loc.start.offset)
  6485. return (
  6486. (n.content += t.content), (n.loc.end = t.loc.end), void (n.loc.source += t.loc.source)
  6487. )
  6488. }
  6489. e.push(t)
  6490. }
  6491. function ha(e, t) {
  6492. Na(e, 9)
  6493. const n = da(e, 3, t)
  6494. return 0 === e.source.length ? Ia(e, 6) : Na(e, 3), n
  6495. }
  6496. function ma(e) {
  6497. const t = ka(e)
  6498. let n
  6499. const o = /--(\!)?>/.exec(e.source)
  6500. if (o) {
  6501. o.index <= 3 && Ia(e, 0), o[1] && Ia(e, 10), (n = e.source.slice(4, o.index))
  6502. const t = e.source.slice(0, o.index)
  6503. let r = 1,
  6504. s = 0
  6505. for (; -1 !== (s = t.indexOf('\x3c!--', r)); )
  6506. Na(e, s - r + 1), s + 4 < t.length && Ia(e, 16), (r = s + 1)
  6507. Na(e, o.index + o[0].length - r + 1)
  6508. } else (n = e.source.slice(4)), Na(e, e.source.length), Ia(e, 7)
  6509. return {
  6510. type: 3,
  6511. content: n,
  6512. loc: Ta(e, t)
  6513. }
  6514. }
  6515. function ga(e) {
  6516. const t = ka(e),
  6517. n = '?' === e.source[1] ? 1 : 2
  6518. let o
  6519. const r = e.source.indexOf('>')
  6520. return (
  6521. -1 === r
  6522. ? ((o = e.source.slice(n)), Na(e, e.source.length))
  6523. : ((o = e.source.slice(n, r)), Na(e, r + 1)),
  6524. {
  6525. type: 3,
  6526. content: o,
  6527. loc: Ta(e, t)
  6528. }
  6529. )
  6530. }
  6531. function ya(e, t) {
  6532. const n = e.inPre,
  6533. o = e.inVPre,
  6534. r = $a(t),
  6535. s = ba(e, 0, r),
  6536. i = e.inPre && !n,
  6537. c = e.inVPre && !o
  6538. if (s.isSelfClosing || e.options.isVoidTag(s.tag))
  6539. return i && (e.inPre = !1), c && (e.inVPre = !1), s
  6540. t.push(s)
  6541. const l = e.options.getTextMode(s, r),
  6542. a = da(e, l, t)
  6543. if ((t.pop(), (s.children = a), Ma(e.source, s.tag))) ba(e, 1, r)
  6544. else if (
  6545. (Ia(e, 24, 0, s.loc.start), 0 === e.source.length && 'script' === s.tag.toLowerCase())
  6546. ) {
  6547. const t = a[0]
  6548. t && Ea(t.loc.source, '\x3c!--') && Ia(e, 8)
  6549. }
  6550. return (s.loc = Ta(e, s.loc.start)), i && (e.inPre = !1), c && (e.inVPre = !1), s
  6551. }
  6552. const va = t('if,else,else-if,for,slot')
  6553. function ba(e, t, n) {
  6554. const o = ka(e),
  6555. r = /^<\/?([a-z][^\t\r\n\f />]*)/i.exec(e.source),
  6556. s = r[1],
  6557. i = e.options.getNamespace(s, n)
  6558. Na(e, r[0].length), Oa(e)
  6559. const c = ka(e),
  6560. l = e.source
  6561. e.options.isPreTag(s) && (e.inPre = !0)
  6562. let a = _a(e, t)
  6563. 0 === t &&
  6564. !e.inVPre &&
  6565. a.some((e) => 7 === e.type && 'pre' === &&
  6566. ((e.inVPre = !0), T(e, c), (e.source = l), (a = _a(e, t).filter((e) => 'v-pre' !==
  6567. let u = !1
  6568. if (
  6569. (0 === e.source.length
  6570. ? Ia(e, 9)
  6571. : ((u = Ea(e.source, '/>')), 1 === t && u && Ia(e, 4), Na(e, u ? 2 : 1)),
  6572. 1 === t)
  6573. )
  6574. return
  6575. let p = 0
  6576. return (
  6577. e.inVPre ||
  6578. ('slot' === s
  6579. ? (p = 2)
  6580. : 'template' === s
  6581. ? a.some((e) => 7 === e.type && va( && (p = 3)
  6582. : (function (e, t, n) {
  6583. const o = n.options
  6584. if (o.isCustomElement(e)) return !1
  6585. if (
  6586. 'component' === e ||
  6587. /^[A-Z]/.test(e) ||
  6588. Fl(e) ||
  6589. (o.isBuiltInComponent && o.isBuiltInComponent(e)) ||
  6590. (o.isNativeTag && !o.isNativeTag(e))
  6591. )
  6592. return !0
  6593. for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
  6594. const n = t[e]
  6595. if (6 === n.type) {
  6596. if ('is' === && n.value && n.value.content.startsWith('vue:')) return !0
  6597. } else {
  6598. if ('is' === return !0
  6599. 'bind' === && ql(n.arg, 'is')
  6600. }
  6601. }
  6602. })(s, a, e) && (p = 1)),
  6603. {
  6604. type: 1,
  6605. ns: i,
  6606. tag: s,
  6607. tagType: p,
  6608. props: a,
  6609. isSelfClosing: u,
  6610. children: [],
  6611. loc: Ta(e, o),
  6612. codegenNode: void 0
  6613. }
  6614. )
  6615. }
  6616. function _a(e, t) {
  6617. const n = [],
  6618. o = new Set()
  6619. for (; e.source.length > 0 && !Ea(e.source, '>') && !Ea(e.source, '/>'); ) {
  6620. if (Ea(e.source, '/')) {
  6621. Ia(e, 22), Na(e, 1), Oa(e)
  6622. continue
  6623. }
  6624. 1 === t && Ia(e, 3)
  6625. const r = wa(e, o)
  6626. 6 === r.type &&
  6627. r.value &&
  6628. 'class' === &&
  6629. (r.value.content = r.value.content.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim()),
  6630. 0 === t && n.push(r),
  6631. /^[^\t\r\n\f />]/.test(e.source) && Ia(e, 15),
  6632. Oa(e)
  6633. }
  6634. return n
  6635. }
  6636. function wa(e, t) {
  6637. const n = ka(e),
  6638. o = /^[^\t\r\n\f />][^\t\r\n\f />=]*/.exec(e.source)[0]
  6639. t.has(o) && Ia(e, 2), t.add(o), '=' === o[0] && Ia(e, 19)
  6640. {
  6641. const t = /["'<]/g
  6642. let n
  6643. for (; (n = t.exec(o)); ) Ia(e, 17, n.index)
  6644. }
  6645. let r
  6646. Na(e, o.length),
  6647. /^[\t\r\n\f ]*=/.test(e.source) &&
  6648. (Oa(e),
  6649. Na(e, 1),
  6650. Oa(e),
  6651. (r = (function (e) {
  6652. const t = ka(e)
  6653. let n
  6654. const o = e.source[0],
  6655. r = '"' === o || "'" === o
  6656. if (r) {
  6657. Na(e, 1)
  6658. const t = e.source.indexOf(o)
  6659. ;-1 === t ? (n = Ca(e, e.source.length, 4)) : ((n = Ca(e, t, 4)), Na(e, 1))
  6660. } else {
  6661. const t = /^[^\t\r\n\f >]+/.exec(e.source)
  6662. if (!t) return
  6663. const o = /["'<=`]/g
  6664. let r
  6665. for (; (r = o.exec(t[0])); ) Ia(e, 18, r.index)
  6666. n = Ca(e, t[0].length, 4)
  6667. }
  6668. return {
  6669. content: n,
  6670. isQuoted: r,
  6671. loc: Ta(e, t)
  6672. }
  6673. })(e)),
  6674. r || Ia(e, 13))
  6675. const s = Ta(e, n)
  6676. if (!e.inVPre && /^(v-[A-Za-z0-9-]|:|\.|@|#)/.test(o)) {
  6677. const t = /(?:^v-([a-z0-9-]+))?(?:(?::|^\.|^@|^#)(\[[^\]]+\]|[^\.]+))?(.+)?$/i.exec(o)
  6678. let i,
  6679. c = Ea(o, '.'),
  6680. l = t[1] || (c || Ea(o, ':') ? 'bind' : Ea(o, '@') ? 'on' : 'slot')
  6681. if (t[2]) {
  6682. const r = 'slot' === l,
  6683. s = o.lastIndexOf(t[2]),
  6684. c = Ta(e, Aa(e, n, s), Aa(e, n, s + t[2].length + ((r && t[3]) || '').length))
  6685. let a = t[2],
  6686. u = !0
  6687. a.startsWith('[')
  6688. ? ((u = !1),
  6689. a.endsWith(']') ? (a = a.slice(1, a.length - 1)) : (Ia(e, 27), (a = a.slice(1))))
  6690. : r && (a += t[3] || ''),
  6691. (i = {
  6692. type: 4,
  6693. content: a,
  6694. isStatic: u,
  6695. constType: u ? 3 : 0,
  6696. loc: c
  6697. })
  6698. }
  6699. if (r && r.isQuoted) {
  6700. const e = r.loc
  6701. e.start.offset++,
  6702. e.start.column++,
  6703. (e.end = zl(e.start, r.content)),
  6704. (e.source = e.source.slice(1, -1))
  6705. }
  6706. const a = t[3] ? t[3].slice(1).split('.') : []
  6707. return (
  6708. c && a.push('prop'),
  6709. {
  6710. type: 7,
  6711. name: l,
  6712. exp: r && {
  6713. type: 4,
  6714. content: r.content,
  6715. isStatic: !1,
  6716. constType: 0,
  6717. loc: r.loc
  6718. },
  6719. arg: i,
  6720. modifiers: a,
  6721. loc: s
  6722. }
  6723. )
  6724. }
  6725. return (
  6726. !e.inVPre && Ea(o, 'v-') && Ia(e, 26),
  6727. {
  6728. type: 6,
  6729. name: o,
  6730. value: r && {
  6731. type: 2,
  6732. content: r.content,
  6733. loc: r.loc
  6734. },
  6735. loc: s
  6736. }
  6737. )
  6738. }
  6739. function xa(e, t) {
  6740. const [n, o] = e.options.delimiters,
  6741. r = e.source.indexOf(o, n.length)
  6742. if (-1 === r) return void Ia(e, 25)
  6743. const s = ka(e)
  6744. Na(e, n.length)
  6745. const i = ka(e),
  6746. c = ka(e),
  6747. l = r - n.length,
  6748. a = e.source.slice(0, l),
  6749. u = Ca(e, l, t),
  6750. p = u.trim(),
  6751. d = u.indexOf(p)
  6752. d > 0 && Wl(i, a, d)
  6753. return (
  6754. Wl(c, a, l - (u.length - p.length - d)),
  6755. Na(e, o.length),
  6756. {
  6757. type: 5,
  6758. content: {
  6759. type: 4,
  6760. isStatic: !1,
  6761. constType: 0,
  6762. content: p,
  6763. loc: Ta(e, i, c)
  6764. },
  6765. loc: Ta(e, s)
  6766. }
  6767. )
  6768. }
  6769. function Sa(e, t) {
  6770. const n = 3 === t ? [']]>'] : ['<', e.options.delimiters[0]]
  6771. let o = e.source.length
  6772. for (let t = 0; t < n.length; t++) {
  6773. const r = e.source.indexOf(n[t], 1)
  6774. ;-1 !== r && o > r && (o = r)
  6775. }
  6776. const r = ka(e)
  6777. return {
  6778. type: 2,
  6779. content: Ca(e, o, t),
  6780. loc: Ta(e, r)
  6781. }
  6782. }
  6783. function Ca(e, t, n) {
  6784. const o = e.source.slice(0, t)
  6785. return (
  6786. Na(e, t), 2 !== n && 3 !== n && o.includes('&') ? e.options.decodeEntities(o, 4 === n) : o
  6787. )
  6788. }
  6789. function ka(e) {
  6790. const { column: t, line: n, offset: o } = e
  6791. return {
  6792. column: t,
  6793. line: n,
  6794. offset: o
  6795. }
  6796. }
  6797. function Ta(e, t, n) {
  6798. return {
  6799. start: t,
  6800. end: (n = n || ka(e)),
  6801. source: e.originalSource.slice(t.offset, n.offset)
  6802. }
  6803. }
  6804. function $a(e) {
  6805. return e[e.length - 1]
  6806. }
  6807. function Ea(e, t) {
  6808. return e.startsWith(t)
  6809. }
  6810. function Na(e, t) {
  6811. const { source: n } = e
  6812. Wl(e, n, t), (e.source = n.slice(t))
  6813. }
  6814. function Oa(e) {
  6815. const t = /^[\t\r\n\f ]+/.exec(e.source)
  6816. t && Na(e, t[0].length)
  6817. }
  6818. function Aa(e, t, n) {
  6819. return zl(t, e.originalSource.slice(t.offset, n), n)
  6820. }
  6821. function Ia(e, t, n, o = ka(e)) {
  6822. n && ((o.offset += n), (o.column += n)),
  6823. e.options.onError(
  6824. Fc(t, {
  6825. start: o,
  6826. end: o,
  6827. source: ''
  6828. })
  6829. )
  6830. }
  6831. function Ra(e, t, n) {
  6832. const o = e.source
  6833. switch (t) {
  6834. case 0:
  6835. if (Ea(o, '</')) for (let e = n.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) if (Ma(o, n[e].tag)) return !0
  6836. break
  6837. case 1:
  6838. case 2: {
  6839. const e = $a(n)
  6840. if (e && Ma(o, e.tag)) return !0
  6841. break
  6842. }
  6843. case 3:
  6844. if (Ea(o, ']]>')) return !0
  6845. }
  6846. return !o
  6847. }
  6848. function Ma(e, t) {
  6849. return (
  6850. Ea(e, '</') &&
  6851. e.slice(2, 2 + t.length).toLowerCase() === t.toLowerCase() &&
  6852. /[\t\r\n\f />]/.test(e[2 + t.length] || '>')
  6853. )
  6854. }
  6855. function Pa(e, t) {
  6856. ja(e, t, Fa(e, e.children[0]))
  6857. }
  6858. function Fa(e, t) {
  6859. const { children: n } = e
  6860. return 1 === n.length && 1 === t.type && !Ql(t)
  6861. }
  6862. function ja(e, t, n = !1) {
  6863. const { children: o } = e,
  6864. r = o.length
  6865. let s = 0
  6866. for (let e = 0; e < o.length; e++) {
  6867. const r = o[e]
  6868. if (1 === r.type && 0 === r.tagType) {
  6869. const e = n ? 0 : Va(r, t)
  6870. if (e > 0) {
  6871. if (e >= 2) {
  6872. ;(r.codegenNode.patchFlag = '-1 /* HOISTED */'),
  6873. (r.codegenNode = t.hoist(r.codegenNode)),
  6874. s++
  6875. continue
  6876. }
  6877. } else {
  6878. const e = r.codegenNode
  6879. if (13 === e.type) {
  6880. const n = Ha(e)
  6881. if ((!n || 512 === n || 1 === n) && Ua(r, t) >= 2) {
  6882. const n = Da(r)
  6883. n && (e.props = t.hoist(n))
  6884. }
  6885. e.dynamicProps && (e.dynamicProps = t.hoist(e.dynamicProps))
  6886. }
  6887. }
  6888. }
  6889. if (1 === r.type) {
  6890. const e = 1 === r.tagType
  6891. e && t.scopes.vSlot++, ja(r, t), e && t.scopes.vSlot--
  6892. } else if (11 === r.type) ja(r, t, 1 === r.children.length)
  6893. else if (9 === r.type)
  6894. for (let e = 0; e < r.branches.length; e++)
  6895. ja(r.branches[e], t, 1 === r.branches[e].children.length)
  6896. }
  6897. s && t.transformHoist && t.transformHoist(o, t, e),
  6898. s &&
  6899. s === r &&
  6900. 1 === e.type &&
  6901. 0 === e.tagType &&
  6902. e.codegenNode &&
  6903. 13 === e.codegenNode.type &&
  6904. O(e.codegenNode.children) &&
  6905. (e.codegenNode.children = t.hoist(Tl(e.codegenNode.children)))
  6906. }
  6907. function Va(e, t) {
  6908. const { constantCache: n } = t
  6909. switch (e.type) {
  6910. case 1:
  6911. if (0 !== e.tagType) return 0
  6912. const o = n.get(e)
  6913. if (void 0 !== o) return o
  6914. const r = e.codegenNode
  6915. if (13 !== r.type) return 0
  6916. if (r.isBlock && 'svg' !== e.tag && 'foreignObject' !== e.tag) return 0
  6917. if (Ha(r)) return n.set(e, 0), 0
  6918. {
  6919. let o = 3
  6920. const s = Ua(e, t)
  6921. if (0 === s) return n.set(e, 0), 0
  6922. s < o && (o = s)
  6923. for (let r = 0; r < e.children.length; r++) {
  6924. const s = Va(e.children[r], t)
  6925. if (0 === s) return n.set(e, 0), 0
  6926. s < o && (o = s)
  6927. }
  6928. if (o > 1)
  6929. for (let r = 0; r < e.props.length; r++) {
  6930. const s = e.props[r]
  6931. if (7 === s.type && 'bind' === && s.exp) {
  6932. const r = Va(s.exp, t)
  6933. if (0 === r) return n.set(e, 0), 0
  6934. r < o && (o = r)
  6935. }
  6936. }
  6937. if (r.isBlock) {
  6938. for (let t = 0; t < e.props.length; t++) {
  6939. if (7 === e.props[t].type) return n.set(e, 0), 0
  6940. }
  6941. t.removeHelper(Hc),
  6942. t.removeHelper(ta(t.inSSR, r.isComponent)),
  6943. (r.isBlock = !1),
  6944. t.helper(ea(t.inSSR, r.isComponent))
  6945. }
  6946. return n.set(e, o), o
  6947. }
  6948. case 2:
  6949. case 3:
  6950. return 3
  6951. case 9:
  6952. case 11:
  6953. case 10:
  6954. default:
  6955. return 0
  6956. case 5:
  6957. case 12:
  6958. return Va(e.content, t)
  6959. case 4:
  6960. return e.constType
  6961. case 8:
  6962. let s = 3
  6963. for (let n = 0; n < e.children.length; n++) {
  6964. const o = e.children[n]
  6965. if (P(o) || F(o)) continue
  6966. const r = Va(o, t)
  6967. if (0 === r) return 0
  6968. r < s && (s = r)
  6969. }
  6970. return s
  6971. }
  6972. }
  6973. const La = new Set([cl, ll, al, ul])
  6974. function Ba(e, t) {
  6975. if (14 === e.type && !P(e.callee) && La.has(e.callee)) {
  6976. const n = e.arguments[0]
  6977. if (4 === n.type) return Va(n, t)
  6978. if (14 === n.type) return Ba(n, t)
  6979. }
  6980. return 0
  6981. }
  6982. function Ua(e, t) {
  6983. let n = 3
  6984. const o = Da(e)
  6985. if (o && 15 === o.type) {
  6986. const { properties: e } = o
  6987. for (let o = 0; o < e.length; o++) {
  6988. const { key: r, value: s } = e[o],
  6989. i = Va(r, t)
  6990. if (0 === i) return i
  6991. let c
  6992. if (
  6993. (i < n && (n = i), (c = 4 === s.type ? Va(s, t) : 14 === s.type ? Ba(s, t) : 0), 0 === c)
  6994. )
  6995. return c
  6996. c < n && (n = c)
  6997. }
  6998. }
  6999. return n
  7000. }
  7001. function Da(e) {
  7002. const t = e.codegenNode
  7003. if (13 === t.type) return t.props
  7004. }
  7005. function Ha(e) {
  7006. const t = e.patchFlag
  7007. return t ? parseInt(t, 10) : void 0
  7008. }
  7009. function za(
  7010. e,
  7011. {
  7012. filename: t = '',
  7013. prefixIdentifiers: n = !1,
  7014. hoistStatic: o = !1,
  7015. cacheHandlers: r = !1,
  7016. nodeTransforms: s = [],
  7017. directiveTransforms: i = {},
  7018. transformHoist: c = null,
  7019. isBuiltInComponent: l = w,
  7020. isCustomElement: a = w,
  7021. expressionPlugins: u = [],
  7022. scopeId: p = null,
  7023. slotted: d = !0,
  7024. ssr: f = !1,
  7025. inSSR: h = !1,
  7026. ssrCssVars: m = '',
  7027. bindingMetadata: g = b,
  7028. inline: y = !1,
  7029. isTS: v = !1,
  7030. onError: _ = Mc,
  7031. onWarn: x = Pc,
  7032. compatConfig: S
  7033. }
  7034. ) {
  7035. const C = t.replace(/\?.*$/, '').match(/([^/\\]+)\.\w+$/),
  7036. k = {
  7037. selfName: C && Z(J(C[1])),
  7038. prefixIdentifiers: n,
  7039. hoistStatic: o,
  7040. cacheHandlers: r,
  7041. nodeTransforms: s,
  7042. directiveTransforms: i,
  7043. transformHoist: c,
  7044. isBuiltInComponent: l,
  7045. isCustomElement: a,
  7046. expressionPlugins: u,
  7047. scopeId: p,
  7048. slotted: d,
  7049. ssr: f,
  7050. inSSR: h,
  7051. ssrCssVars: m,
  7052. bindingMetadata: g,
  7053. inline: y,
  7054. isTS: v,
  7055. onError: _,
  7056. onWarn: x,
  7057. compatConfig: S,
  7058. root: e,
  7059. helpers: new Map(),
  7060. components: new Set(),
  7061. directives: new Set(),
  7062. hoists: [],
  7063. imports: [],
  7064. constantCache: new Map(),
  7065. temps: 0,
  7066. cached: 0,
  7067. identifiers: Object.create(null),
  7068. scopes: {
  7069. vFor: 0,
  7070. vSlot: 0,
  7071. vPre: 0,
  7072. vOnce: 0
  7073. },
  7074. parent: null,
  7075. currentNode: e,
  7076. childIndex: 0,
  7077. inVOnce: !1,
  7078. helper(e) {
  7079. const t = k.helpers.get(e) || 0
  7080. return k.helpers.set(e, t + 1), e
  7081. },
  7082. removeHelper(e) {
  7083. const t = k.helpers.get(e)
  7084. if (t) {
  7085. const n = t - 1
  7086. n ? k.helpers.set(e, n) : k.helpers.delete(e)
  7087. }
  7088. },
  7089. helperString: (e) => `_${Sl[k.helper(e)]}`,
  7090. replaceNode(e) {
  7091. if (!k.currentNode) throw new Error('Node being replaced is already removed.')
  7092. if (!k.parent) throw new Error('Cannot replace root node.')
  7093. k.parent.children[k.childIndex] = k.currentNode = e
  7094. },
  7095. removeNode(e) {
  7096. if (!k.parent) throw new Error('Cannot remove root node.')
  7097. const t = k.parent.children,
  7098. n = e ? t.indexOf(e) : k.currentNode ? k.childIndex : -1
  7099. if (n < 0) throw new Error('node being removed is not a child of current parent')
  7100. e && e !== k.currentNode
  7101. ? k.childIndex > n && (k.childIndex--, k.onNodeRemoved())
  7102. : ((k.currentNode = null), k.onNodeRemoved()),
  7103. k.parent.children.splice(n, 1)
  7104. },
  7105. onNodeRemoved: () => {},
  7106. addIdentifiers(e) {},
  7107. removeIdentifiers(e) {},
  7108. hoist(e) {
  7109. P(e) && (e = Nl(e)), k.hoists.push(e)
  7110. const t = Nl(`_hoisted_${k.hoists.length}`, !1, e.loc, 2)
  7111. return (t.hoisted = e), t
  7112. },
  7113. cache: (e, t = !1) =>
  7114. (function (e, t, n = !1) {
  7115. return {
  7116. type: 20,
  7117. index: e,
  7118. value: t,
  7119. isVNode: n,
  7120. loc: Cl
  7121. }
  7122. })(k.cached++, e, t)
  7123. }
  7124. return k
  7125. }
  7126. function Wa(e, t) {
  7127. const o = za(e, t)
  7128. Ka(e, o),
  7129. t.hoistStatic && Pa(e, o),
  7130. t.ssr ||
  7131. (function (e, t) {
  7132. const { helper: o } = t,
  7133. { children: r } = e
  7134. if (1 === r.length) {
  7135. const n = r[0]
  7136. if (Fa(e, n) && n.codegenNode) {
  7137. const o = n.codegenNode
  7138. 13 === o.type && ca(o, t), (e.codegenNode = o)
  7139. } else e.codegenNode = n
  7140. } else if (r.length > 1) {
  7141. let s = 64,
  7142. i = n[64]
  7143. 1 === r.filter((e) => 3 !== e.type).length && ((s |= 2048), (i += `, ${n[2048]}`)),
  7144. (e.codegenNode = kl(
  7145. t,
  7146. o(Vc),
  7147. void 0,
  7148. e.children,
  7149. s + ` /* ${i} */`,
  7150. void 0,
  7151. void 0,
  7152. !0,
  7153. void 0,
  7154. !1
  7155. ))
  7156. }
  7157. })(e, o),
  7158. (e.helpers = [...o.helpers.keys()]),
  7159. (e.components = [...o.components]),
  7160. (e.directives = [...o.directives]),
  7161. (e.imports = o.imports),
  7162. (e.hoists = o.hoists),
  7163. (e.temps = o.temps),
  7164. (e.cached = o.cached)
  7165. }
  7166. function Ka(e, t) {
  7167. t.currentNode = e
  7168. const { nodeTransforms: n } = t,
  7169. o = []
  7170. for (let r = 0; r < n.length; r++) {
  7171. const s = n[r](e, t)
  7172. if ((s && (O(s) ? o.push(...s) : o.push(s)), !t.currentNode)) return
  7173. e = t.currentNode
  7174. }
  7175. switch (e.type) {
  7176. case 3:
  7177. t.ssr || t.helper(Jc)
  7178. break
  7179. case 5:
  7180. t.ssr || t.helper(sl)
  7181. break
  7182. case 9:
  7183. for (let n = 0; n < e.branches.length; n++) Ka(e.branches[n], t)
  7184. break
  7185. case 10:
  7186. case 11:
  7187. case 1:
  7188. case 0:
  7189. !(function (e, t) {
  7190. let n = 0
  7191. const o = () => {
  7192. n--
  7193. }
  7194. for (; n < e.children.length; n++) {
  7195. const r = e.children[n]
  7196. P(r) || ((t.parent = e), (t.childIndex = n), (t.onNodeRemoved = o), Ka(r, t))
  7197. }
  7198. })(e, t)
  7199. }
  7200. t.currentNode = e
  7201. let r = o.length
  7202. for (; r--; ) o[r]()
  7203. }
  7204. function Ga(e, t) {
  7205. const n = P(e) ? (t) => t === e : (t) => e.test(t)
  7206. return (e, o) => {
  7207. if (1 === e.type) {
  7208. const { props: r } = e
  7209. if (3 === e.tagType && r.some(Zl)) return
  7210. const s = []
  7211. for (let i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
  7212. const c = r[i]
  7213. if (7 === c.type && n( {
  7214. r.splice(i, 1), i--
  7215. const n = t(e, c, o)
  7216. n && s.push(n)
  7217. }
  7218. }
  7219. return s
  7220. }
  7221. }
  7222. }
  7223. const Ja = '/*#__PURE__*/',
  7224. qa = (e) => `${Sl[e]}: _${Sl[e]}`
  7225. function Ya(e, t = {}) {
  7226. const n = (function (
  7227. e,
  7228. {
  7229. mode: t = 'function',
  7230. prefixIdentifiers: n = 'module' === t,
  7231. sourceMap: o = !1,
  7232. filename: r = 'template.vue.html',
  7233. scopeId: s = null,
  7234. optimizeImports: i = !1,
  7235. runtimeGlobalName: c = 'Vue',
  7236. runtimeModuleName: l = 'vue',
  7237. ssrRuntimeModuleName: a = 'vue/server-renderer',
  7238. ssr: u = !1,
  7239. isTS: p = !1,
  7240. inSSR: d = !1
  7241. }
  7242. ) {
  7243. const f = {
  7244. mode: t,
  7245. prefixIdentifiers: n,
  7246. sourceMap: o,
  7247. filename: r,
  7248. scopeId: s,
  7249. optimizeImports: i,
  7250. runtimeGlobalName: c,
  7251. runtimeModuleName: l,
  7252. ssrRuntimeModuleName: a,
  7253. ssr: u,
  7254. isTS: p,
  7255. inSSR: d,
  7256. source: e.loc.source,
  7257. code: '',
  7258. column: 1,
  7259. line: 1,
  7260. offset: 0,
  7261. indentLevel: 0,
  7262. pure: !1,
  7263. map: void 0,
  7264. helper: (e) => `_${Sl[e]}`,
  7265. push(e, t) {
  7266. f.code += e
  7267. },
  7268. indent() {
  7269. h(++f.indentLevel)
  7270. },
  7271. deindent(e = !1) {
  7272. e ? --f.indentLevel : h(--f.indentLevel)
  7273. },
  7274. newline() {
  7275. h(f.indentLevel)
  7276. }
  7277. }
  7278. function h(e) {
  7279. f.push('\n' + ' '.repeat(e))
  7280. }
  7281. return f
  7282. })(e, t)
  7283. t.onContextCreated && t.onContextCreated(n)
  7284. const {
  7285. mode: o,
  7286. push: r,
  7287. prefixIdentifiers: s,
  7288. indent: i,
  7289. deindent: c,
  7290. newline: l,
  7291. scopeId: a,
  7292. ssr: u
  7293. } = n,
  7294. p = e.helpers.length > 0,
  7295. d = !s && 'module' !== o
  7296. !(function (e, t) {
  7297. const {
  7298. ssr: n,
  7299. prefixIdentifiers: o,
  7300. push: r,
  7301. newline: s,
  7302. runtimeModuleName: i,
  7303. runtimeGlobalName: c,
  7304. ssrRuntimeModuleName: l
  7305. } = t,
  7306. a = c
  7307. if (e.helpers.length > 0 && (r(`const _Vue = ${a}\n`), e.hoists.length)) {
  7308. r(
  7309. `const { ${[Kc, Gc, Jc, qc, Yc]
  7310. .filter((t) => e.helpers.includes(t))
  7311. .map(qa)
  7312. .join(', ')} } = _Vue\n`
  7313. )
  7314. }
  7315. ;(function (e, t) {
  7316. if (!e.length) return
  7317. t.pure = !0
  7318. const { push: n, newline: o, helper: r, scopeId: s, mode: i } = t
  7319. o()
  7320. for (let r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
  7321. const s = e[r]
  7322. s && (n(`const _hoisted_${r + 1} = `), eu(s, t), o())
  7323. }
  7324. t.pure = !1
  7325. })(e.hoists, t),
  7326. s(),
  7327. r('return ')
  7328. })(e, n)
  7329. if (
  7330. (r(
  7331. `function ${u ? 'ssrRender' : 'render'}(${(u
  7332. ? ['_ctx', '_push', '_parent', '_attrs']
  7333. : ['_ctx', '_cache']
  7334. ).join(', ')}) {`
  7335. ),
  7336. i(),
  7337. d &&
  7338. (r('with (_ctx) {'),
  7339. i(),
  7340. p && (r(`const { ${', ')} } = _Vue`), r('\n'), l())),
  7341. e.components.length &&
  7342. (Za(e.components, 'component', n), (e.directives.length || e.temps > 0) && l()),
  7343. e.directives.length && (Za(e.directives, 'directive', n), e.temps > 0 && l()),
  7344. e.temps > 0)
  7345. ) {
  7346. r('let ')
  7347. for (let t = 0; t < e.temps; t++) r(`${t > 0 ? ', ' : ''}_temp${t}`)
  7348. }
  7349. return (
  7350. (e.components.length || e.directives.length || e.temps) && (r('\n'), l()),
  7351. u || r('return '),
  7352. e.codegenNode ? eu(e.codegenNode, n) : r('null'),
  7353. d && (c(), r('}')),
  7354. c(),
  7355. r('}'),
  7356. {
  7357. ast: e,
  7358. code: n.code,
  7359. preamble: '',
  7360. map: ? : void 0
  7361. }
  7362. )
  7363. }
  7364. function Za(e, t, { helper: n, push: o, newline: r, isTS: s }) {
  7365. const i = n('component' === t ? Zc : Qc)
  7366. for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
  7367. let c = e[n]
  7368. const l = c.endsWith('__self')
  7369. l && (c = c.slice(0, -6)),
  7370. o(`const ${ia(c, t)} = ${i}(${JSON.stringify(c)}${l ? ', true' : ''})${s ? '!' : ''}`),
  7371. n < e.length - 1 && r()
  7372. }
  7373. }
  7374. function Xa(e, t) {
  7375. const n =
  7376. e.length > 3 ||
  7377. e.some(
  7378. (e) =>
  7379. O(e) ||
  7380. !(function (e) {
  7381. return P(e) || 4 === e.type || 2 === e.type || 5 === e.type || 8 === e.type
  7382. })(e)
  7383. )
  7384. t.push('['), n && t.indent(), Qa(e, t, n), n && t.deindent(), t.push(']')
  7385. }
  7386. function Qa(e, t, n = !1, o = !0) {
  7387. const { push: r, newline: s } = t
  7388. for (let i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
  7389. const c = e[i]
  7390. P(c) ? r(c) : O(c) ? Xa(c, t) : eu(c, t),
  7391. i < e.length - 1 && (n ? (o && r(','), s()) : o && r(', '))
  7392. }
  7393. }
  7394. function eu(e, t) {
  7395. if (P(e)) t.push(e)
  7396. else if (F(e)) t.push(t.helper(e))
  7397. else
  7398. switch (e.type) {
  7399. case 1:
  7400. case 9:
  7401. case 11:
  7402. Kl(
  7403. null != e.codegenNode,
  7404. 'Codegen node is missing for element/if/for node. Apply appropriate transforms first.'
  7405. ),
  7406. eu(e.codegenNode, t)
  7407. break
  7408. case 2:
  7409. !(function (e, t) {
  7410. t.push(JSON.stringify(e.content), e)
  7411. })(e, t)
  7412. break
  7413. case 4:
  7414. tu(e, t)
  7415. break
  7416. case 5:
  7417. !(function (e, t) {
  7418. const { push: n, helper: o, pure: r } = t
  7419. r && n(Ja)
  7420. n(`${o(sl)}(`), eu(e.content, t), n(')')
  7421. })(e, t)
  7422. break
  7423. case 12:
  7424. eu(e.codegenNode, t)
  7425. break
  7426. case 8:
  7427. nu(e, t)
  7428. break
  7429. case 3:
  7430. !(function (e, t) {
  7431. const { push: n, helper: o, pure: r } = t
  7432. r && n(Ja)
  7433. n(`${o(Jc)}(${JSON.stringify(e.content)})`, e)
  7434. })(e, t)
  7435. break
  7436. case 13:
  7437. !(function (e, t) {
  7438. const { push: n, helper: o, pure: r } = t,
  7439. {
  7440. tag: s,
  7441. props: i,
  7442. children: c,
  7443. patchFlag: l,
  7444. dynamicProps: a,
  7445. directives: u,
  7446. isBlock: p,
  7447. disableTracking: d,
  7448. isComponent: f
  7449. } = e
  7450. u && n(o(tl) + '(')
  7451. p && n(`(${o(Hc)}(${d ? 'true' : ''}), `)
  7452. r && n(Ja)
  7453. const h = p ? ta(t.inSSR, f) : ea(t.inSSR, f)
  7454. n(o(h) + '(', e),
  7455. Qa(
  7456. (function (e) {
  7457. let t = e.length
  7458. for (; t-- && null == e[t]; );
  7459. return e.slice(0, t + 1).map((e) => e || 'null')
  7460. })([s, i, c, l, a]),
  7461. t
  7462. ),
  7463. n(')'),
  7464. p && n(')')
  7465. u && (n(', '), eu(u, t), n(')'))
  7466. })(e, t)
  7467. break
  7468. case 14:
  7469. !(function (e, t) {
  7470. const { push: n, helper: o, pure: r } = t,
  7471. s = P(e.callee) ? e.callee : o(e.callee)
  7472. r && n(Ja)
  7473. n(s + '(', e), Qa(e.arguments, t), n(')')
  7474. })(e, t)
  7475. break
  7476. case 15:
  7477. !(function (e, t) {
  7478. const { push: n, indent: o, deindent: r, newline: s } = t,
  7479. { properties: i } = e
  7480. if (!i.length) return void n('{}', e)
  7481. const c = i.length > 1 || i.some((e) => 4 !== e.value.type)
  7482. n(c ? '{' : '{ '), c && o()
  7483. for (let e = 0; e < i.length; e++) {
  7484. const { key: o, value: r } = i[e]
  7485. ou(o, t), n(': '), eu(r, t), e < i.length - 1 && (n(','), s())
  7486. }
  7487. c && r(), n(c ? '}' : ' }')
  7488. })(e, t)
  7489. break
  7490. case 17:
  7491. !(function (e, t) {
  7492. Xa(e.elements, t)
  7493. })(e, t)
  7494. break
  7495. case 18:
  7496. !(function (e, t) {
  7497. const { push: n, indent: o, deindent: r } = t,
  7498. { params: s, returns: i, body: c, newline: l, isSlot: a } = e
  7499. a && n(`_${Sl[vl]}(`)
  7500. n('(', e), O(s) ? Qa(s, t) : s && eu(s, t)
  7501. n(') => '), (l || c) && (n('{'), o())
  7502. i ? (l && n('return '), O(i) ? Xa(i, t) : eu(i, t)) : c && eu(c, t)
  7503. ;(l || c) && (r(), n('}'))
  7504. a && n(')')
  7505. })(e, t)
  7506. break
  7507. case 19:
  7508. !(function (e, t) {
  7509. const { test: n, consequent: o, alternate: r, newline: s } = e,
  7510. { push: i, indent: c, deindent: l, newline: a } = t
  7511. if (4 === n.type) {
  7512. const e = !Vl(n.content)
  7513. e && i('('), tu(n, t), e && i(')')
  7514. } else i('('), eu(n, t), i(')')
  7515. s && c(),
  7516. t.indentLevel++,
  7517. s || i(' '),
  7518. i('? '),
  7519. eu(o, t),
  7520. t.indentLevel--,
  7521. s && a(),
  7522. s || i(' '),
  7523. i(': ')
  7524. const u = 19 === r.type
  7525. u || t.indentLevel++
  7526. eu(r, t), u || t.indentLevel--
  7527. s && l(!0)
  7528. })(e, t)
  7529. break
  7530. case 20:
  7531. !(function (e, t) {
  7532. const { push: n, helper: o, indent: r, deindent: s, newline: i } = t
  7533. n(`_cache[${e.index}] || (`), e.isVNode && (r(), n(`${o(ml)}(-1),`), i())
  7534. n(`_cache[${e.index}] = `),
  7535. eu(e.value, t),
  7536. e.isVNode && (n(','), i(), n(`${o(ml)}(1),`), i(), n(`_cache[${e.index}]`), s())
  7537. n(')')
  7538. })(e, t)
  7539. break
  7540. case 21:
  7541. Qa(e.body, t, !0, !1)
  7542. break
  7543. case 22:
  7544. case 23:
  7545. case 24:
  7546. case 25:
  7547. case 26:
  7548. case 10:
  7549. break
  7550. default:
  7551. Kl(!1, `unhandled codegen node type: ${e.type}`)
  7552. return e
  7553. }
  7554. }
  7555. function tu(e, t) {
  7556. const { content: n, isStatic: o } = e
  7557. t.push(o ? JSON.stringify(n) : n, e)
  7558. }
  7559. function nu(e, t) {
  7560. for (let n = 0; n < e.children.length; n++) {
  7561. const o = e.children[n]
  7562. P(o) ? t.push(o) : eu(o, t)
  7563. }
  7564. }
  7565. function ou(e, t) {
  7566. const { push: n } = t
  7567. if (8 === e.type) n('['), nu(e, t), n(']')
  7568. else if (e.isStatic) {
  7569. n(Vl(e.content) ? e.content : JSON.stringify(e.content), e)
  7570. } else n(`[${e.content}]`, e)
  7571. }
  7572. const ru = new RegExp(
  7573. '\\b' +
  7574. 'do,if,for,let,new,try,var,case,else,with,await,break,catch,class,const,super,throw,while,yield,delete,export,import,return,switch,default,extends,finally,continue,debugger,function,arguments,typeof,void'
  7575. .split(',')
  7576. .join('\\b|\\b') +
  7577. '\\b'
  7578. ),
  7579. su =
  7580. /'(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*'|"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"|`(?:[^`\\]|\\.)*\$\{|\}(?:[^`\\]|\\.)*`|`(?:[^`\\]|\\.)*`/g
  7581. function iu(e, t, n = !1, o = !1) {
  7582. const r = e.content
  7583. if (r.trim())
  7584. try {
  7585. new Function(o ? ` ${r} ` : 'return ' + (n ? `(${r}) => {}` : `(${r})`))
  7586. } catch (n) {
  7587. let o = n.message
  7588. const s = r.replace(su, '').match(ru)
  7589. s && (o = `avoid using JavaScript keyword as property name: "${s[0]}"`),
  7590. t.onError(Fc(45, e.loc, void 0, o))
  7591. }
  7592. }
  7593. const cu = (e, t) => {
  7594. if (5 === e.type) e.content = lu(e.content, t)
  7595. else if (1 === e.type)
  7596. for (let n = 0; n < e.props.length; n++) {
  7597. const o = e.props[n]
  7598. if (7 === o.type && 'for' !== {
  7599. const e = o.exp,
  7600. n = o.arg
  7601. !e || 4 !== e.type || ('on' === && n) || (o.exp = lu(e, t, 'slot' ===,
  7602. n && 4 === n.type && !n.isStatic && (o.arg = lu(n, t))
  7603. }
  7604. }
  7605. }
  7606. function lu(e, t, n = !1, o = !1, r = Object.create(t.identifiers)) {
  7607. return iu(e, t, n, o), e
  7608. }
  7609. const au = Ga(/^(if|else|else-if)$/, (e, t, n) =>
  7610. (function (e, t, n, o) {
  7611. if (!('else' === || (t.exp && t.exp.content.trim()))) {
  7612. const o = t.exp ? t.exp.loc : e.loc
  7613. n.onError(Fc(28, t.loc)), (t.exp = Nl('true', !1, o))
  7614. }
  7615. t.exp && iu(t.exp, n)
  7616. if ('if' === {
  7617. const r = uu(e, t),
  7618. s = {
  7619. type: 9,
  7620. loc: e.loc,
  7621. branches: [r]
  7622. }
  7623. if ((n.replaceNode(s), o)) return o(s, r, !0)
  7624. } else {
  7625. const r = n.parent.children,
  7626. s = []
  7627. let i = r.indexOf(e)
  7628. for (; i-- >= -1; ) {
  7629. const c = r[i]
  7630. if (c && 3 === c.type) n.removeNode(c), s.unshift(c)
  7631. else {
  7632. if (!c || 2 !== c.type || c.content.trim().length) {
  7633. if (c && 9 === c.type) {
  7634. 'else-if' === &&
  7635. void 0 === c.branches[c.branches.length - 1].condition &&
  7636. n.onError(Fc(30, e.loc)),
  7637. n.removeNode()
  7638. const r = uu(e, t)
  7639. !s.length ||
  7640. (n.parent && 1 === n.parent.type && Pl(n.parent.tag, 'transition')) ||
  7641. (r.children = [...s, ...r.children])
  7642. {
  7643. const e = r.userKey
  7644. e &&
  7645. c.branches.forEach(({ userKey: t }) => {
  7646. fu(t, e) && n.onError(Fc(29, r.userKey.loc))
  7647. })
  7648. }
  7649. c.branches.push(r)
  7650. const i = o && o(c, r, !1)
  7651. Ka(r, n), i && i(), (n.currentNode = null)
  7652. } else n.onError(Fc(30, e.loc))
  7653. break
  7654. }
  7655. n.removeNode(c)
  7656. }
  7657. }
  7658. }
  7659. })(e, t, n, (e, t, o) => {
  7660. const r = n.parent.children
  7661. let s = r.indexOf(e),
  7662. i = 0
  7663. for (; s-- >= 0; ) {
  7664. const e = r[s]
  7665. e && 9 === e.type && (i += e.branches.length)
  7666. }
  7667. return () => {
  7668. if (o) e.codegenNode = pu(t, i, n)
  7669. else {
  7670. const o = (function (e) {
  7671. for (;;)
  7672. if (19 === e.type) {
  7673. if (19 !== e.alternate.type) return e
  7674. e = e.alternate
  7675. } else 20 === e.type && (e = e.value)
  7676. })(e.codegenNode)
  7677. o.alternate = pu(t, i + e.branches.length - 1, n)
  7678. }
  7679. }
  7680. })
  7681. )
  7682. function uu(e, t) {
  7683. const n = 3 === e.tagType
  7684. return {
  7685. type: 10,
  7686. loc: e.loc,
  7687. condition: 'else' === ? void 0 : t.exp,
  7688. children: n && !Gl(e, 'for') ? e.children : [e],
  7689. userKey: Jl(e, 'key'),
  7690. isTemplateIf: n
  7691. }
  7692. }
  7693. function pu(e, t, n) {
  7694. return e.condition
  7695. ? Rl(e.condition, du(e, t, n), Al(n.helper(Jc), ['"v-if"', 'true']))
  7696. : du(e, t, n)
  7697. }
  7698. function du(e, t, o) {
  7699. const { helper: r } = o,
  7700. s = El('key', Nl(`${t}`, !1, Cl, 2)),
  7701. { children: i } = e,
  7702. c = i[0]
  7703. if (1 !== i.length || 1 !== c.type) {
  7704. if (1 === i.length && 11 === c.type) {
  7705. const e = c.codegenNode
  7706. return ra(e, s, o), e
  7707. }
  7708. {
  7709. let t = 64,
  7710. c = n[64]
  7711. return (
  7712. e.isTemplateIf ||
  7713. 1 !== i.filter((e) => 3 !== e.type).length ||
  7714. ((t |= 2048), (c += `, ${n[2048]}`)),
  7715. kl(o, r(Vc), $l([s]), i, t + ` /* ${c} */`, void 0, void 0, !0, !1, !1, e.loc)
  7716. )
  7717. }
  7718. }
  7719. {
  7720. const e = c.codegenNode,
  7721. t = 14 === (l = e).type && l.callee === wl ? l.arguments[1].returns : l
  7722. return 13 === t.type && ca(t, o), ra(t, s, o), e
  7723. }
  7724. var l
  7725. }
  7726. function fu(e, t) {
  7727. if (!e || e.type !== t.type) return !1
  7728. if (6 === e.type) {
  7729. if (e.value.content !== t.value.content) return !1
  7730. } else {
  7731. const n = e.exp,
  7732. o = t.exp
  7733. if (n.type !== o.type) return !1
  7734. if (4 !== n.type || n.isStatic !== o.isStatic || n.content !== o.content) return !1
  7735. }
  7736. return !0
  7737. }
  7738. const hu = Ga('for', (e, t, o) => {
  7739. const { helper: r, removeHelper: s } = o
  7740. return (function (e, t, n, o) {
  7741. if (!t.exp) return void n.onError(Fc(31, t.loc))
  7742. const r = vu(t.exp, n)
  7743. if (!r) return void n.onError(Fc(32, t.loc))
  7744. const { addIdentifiers: s, removeIdentifiers: i, scopes: c } = n,
  7745. { source: l, value: a, key: u, index: p } = r,
  7746. d = {
  7747. type: 11,
  7748. loc: t.loc,
  7749. source: l,
  7750. valueAlias: a,
  7751. keyAlias: u,
  7752. objectIndexAlias: p,
  7753. parseResult: r,
  7754. children: Xl(e) ? e.children : [e]
  7755. }
  7756. n.replaceNode(d), c.vFor++
  7757. const f = o && o(d)
  7758. return () => {
  7759. c.vFor--, f && f()
  7760. }
  7761. })(e, t, o, (t) => {
  7762. const i = Al(r(nl), [t.source]),
  7763. c = Xl(e),
  7764. l = Gl(e, 'memo'),
  7765. a = Jl(e, 'key'),
  7766. u = a && (6 === a.type ? Nl(a.value.content, !0) : a.exp),
  7767. p = a ? El('key', u) : null,
  7768. d = 4 === t.source.type && t.source.constType > 0,
  7769. f = d ? 64 : a ? 128 : 256
  7770. return (
  7771. (t.codegenNode = kl(
  7772. o,
  7773. r(Vc),
  7774. void 0,
  7775. i,
  7776. f + ` /* ${n[f]} */`,
  7777. void 0,
  7778. void 0,
  7779. !0,
  7780. !d,
  7781. !1,
  7782. e.loc
  7783. )),
  7784. () => {
  7785. let a
  7786. const { children: f } = t
  7787. c &&
  7788. e.children.some((e) => {
  7789. if (1 === e.type) {
  7790. const t = Jl(e, 'key')
  7791. if (t) return o.onError(Fc(33, t.loc)), !0
  7792. }
  7793. })
  7794. const h = 1 !== f.length || 1 !== f[0].type,
  7795. m = Ql(e) ? e : c && 1 === e.children.length && Ql(e.children[0]) ? e.children[0] : null
  7796. if (
  7797. (m
  7798. ? ((a = m.codegenNode), c && p && ra(a, p, o))
  7799. : h
  7800. ? (a = kl(
  7801. o,
  7802. r(Vc),
  7803. p ? $l([p]) : void 0,
  7804. e.children,
  7805. `64 /* ${n[64]} */`,
  7806. void 0,
  7807. void 0,
  7808. !0,
  7809. void 0,
  7810. !1
  7811. ))
  7812. : ((a = f[0].codegenNode),
  7813. c && p && ra(a, p, o),
  7814. a.isBlock !== !d &&
  7815. (a.isBlock
  7816. ? (s(Hc), s(ta(o.inSSR, a.isComponent)))
  7817. : s(ea(o.inSSR, a.isComponent))),
  7818. (a.isBlock = !d),
  7819. a.isBlock ? (r(Hc), r(ta(o.inSSR, a.isComponent))) : r(ea(o.inSSR, a.isComponent))),
  7820. l)
  7821. ) {
  7822. const e = Il(_u(t.parseResult, [Nl('_cached')]))
  7823. ;(e.body = {
  7824. type: 21,
  7825. body: [
  7826. Ol(['const _memo = (', l.exp, ')']),
  7827. Ol([
  7828. 'if (_cached',
  7829. ...(u ? [' && _cached.key === ', u] : []),
  7830. ` && ${o.helperString(xl)}(_cached, _memo)) return _cached`
  7831. ]),
  7832. Ol(['const _item = ', a]),
  7833. Nl('_item.memo = _memo'),
  7834. Nl('return _item')
  7835. ],
  7836. loc: Cl
  7837. }),
  7838. i.arguments.push(e, Nl('_cache'), Nl(String(o.cached++)))
  7839. } else i.arguments.push(Il(_u(t.parseResult), a, !0))
  7840. }
  7841. )
  7842. })
  7843. })
  7844. const mu = /([\s\S]*?)\s+(?:in|of)\s+([\s\S]*)/,
  7845. gu = /,([^,\}\]]*)(?:,([^,\}\]]*))?$/,
  7846. yu = /^\(|\)$/g
  7847. function vu(e, t) {
  7848. const n = e.loc,
  7849. o = e.content,
  7850. r = o.match(mu)
  7851. if (!r) return
  7852. const [, s, i] = r,
  7853. c = {
  7854. source: bu(n, i.trim(), o.indexOf(i, s.length)),
  7855. value: void 0,
  7856. key: void 0,
  7857. index: void 0
  7858. }
  7859. iu(c.source, t)
  7860. let l = s.trim().replace(yu, '').trim()
  7861. const a = s.indexOf(l),
  7862. u = l.match(gu)
  7863. if (u) {
  7864. l = l.replace(gu, '').trim()
  7865. const e = u[1].trim()
  7866. let r
  7867. if (
  7868. (e && ((r = o.indexOf(e, a + l.length)), (c.key = bu(n, e, r)), iu(c.key, t, !0)), u[2])
  7869. ) {
  7870. const s = u[2].trim()
  7871. s &&
  7872. ((c.index = bu(n, s, o.indexOf(s, c.key ? r + e.length : a + l.length))),
  7873. iu(c.index, t, !0))
  7874. }
  7875. }
  7876. return l && ((c.value = bu(n, l, a)), iu(c.value, t, !0)), c
  7877. }
  7878. function bu(e, t, n) {
  7879. return Nl(t, !1, Hl(e, n, t.length))
  7880. }
  7881. function _u({ value: e, key: t, index: n }, o = []) {
  7882. return (function (e) {
  7883. let t = e.length
  7884. for (; t-- && !e[t]; );
  7885. return e.slice(0, t + 1).map((e, t) => e || Nl('_'.repeat(t + 1), !1))
  7886. })([e, t, n, ...o])
  7887. }
  7888. const wu = Nl('undefined', !1),
  7889. xu = (e, t) => {
  7890. if (1 === e.type && (1 === e.tagType || 3 === e.tagType)) {
  7891. const n = Gl(e, 'slot')
  7892. if (n)
  7893. return (
  7894. n.exp,
  7895. t.scopes.vSlot++,
  7896. () => {
  7897. t.scopes.vSlot--
  7898. }
  7899. )
  7900. }
  7901. },
  7902. Su = (e, t, n) => Il(e, t, !1, !0, t.length ? t[0].loc : n)
  7903. function Cu(e, t, n = Su) {
  7904. t.helper(vl)
  7905. const { children: r, loc: s } = e,
  7906. i = [],
  7907. c = []
  7908. let l = t.scopes.vSlot > 0 || t.scopes.vFor > 0
  7909. const a = Gl(e, 'slot', !0)
  7910. if (a) {
  7911. const { arg: e, exp: t } = a
  7912. e && !Ml(e) && (l = !0), i.push(El(e || Nl('default', !0), n(t, r, s)))
  7913. }
  7914. let u = !1,
  7915. p = !1
  7916. const d = [],
  7917. f = new Set()
  7918. let h = 0
  7919. for (let e = 0; e < r.length; e++) {
  7920. const o = r[e]
  7921. let s
  7922. if (!Xl(o) || !(s = Gl(o, 'slot', !0))) {
  7923. 3 !== o.type && d.push(o)
  7924. continue
  7925. }
  7926. if (a) {
  7927. t.onError(Fc(37, s.loc))
  7928. break
  7929. }
  7930. u = !0
  7931. const { children: m, loc: g } = o,
  7932. { arg: y = Nl('default', !0), exp: v, loc: b } = s
  7933. let _
  7934. Ml(y) ? (_ = y ? y.content : 'default') : (l = !0)
  7935. const w = n(v, m, g)
  7936. let x, S, C
  7937. if ((x = Gl(o, 'if'))) (l = !0), c.push(Rl(x.exp, ku(y, w, h++), wu))
  7938. else if ((S = Gl(o, /^else(-if)?$/, !0))) {
  7939. let n,
  7940. o = e
  7941. for (; o-- && ((n = r[o]), 3 === n.type); );
  7942. if (n && Xl(n) && Gl(n, 'if')) {
  7943. r.splice(e, 1), e--
  7944. let t = c[c.length - 1]
  7945. for (; 19 === t.alternate.type; ) t = t.alternate
  7946. t.alternate = S.exp ? Rl(S.exp, ku(y, w, h++), wu) : ku(y, w, h++)
  7947. } else t.onError(Fc(30, S.loc))
  7948. } else if ((C = Gl(o, 'for'))) {
  7949. l = !0
  7950. const e = C.parseResult || vu(C.exp, t)
  7951. e ? c.push(Al(t.helper(nl), [e.source, Il(_u(e), ku(y, w), !0)])) : t.onError(Fc(32, C.loc))
  7952. } else {
  7953. if (_) {
  7954. if (f.has(_)) {
  7955. t.onError(Fc(38, b))
  7956. continue
  7957. }
  7958. f.add(_), 'default' === _ && (p = !0)
  7959. }
  7960. i.push(El(y, w))
  7961. }
  7962. }
  7963. if (!a) {
  7964. const e = (e, t) => El('default', n(e, t, s))
  7965. u
  7966. ? d.length &&
  7967. d.some((e) => $u(e)) &&
  7968. (p ? t.onError(Fc(39, d[0].loc)) : i.push(e(void 0, d)))
  7969. : i.push(e(void 0, r))
  7970. }
  7971. const m = l ? 2 : Tu(e.children) ? 3 : 1
  7972. let g = $l(i.concat(El('_', Nl(m + ` /* ${o[m]} */`, !1))), s)
  7973. return (
  7974. c.length && (g = Al(t.helper(rl), [g, Tl(c)])),
  7975. {
  7976. slots: g,
  7977. hasDynamicSlots: l
  7978. }
  7979. )
  7980. }
  7981. function ku(e, t, n) {
  7982. const o = [El('name', e), El('fn', t)]
  7983. return null != n && o.push(El('key', Nl(String(n), !0))), $l(o)
  7984. }
  7985. function Tu(e) {
  7986. for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
  7987. const n = e[t]
  7988. switch (n.type) {
  7989. case 1:
  7990. if (2 === n.tagType || Tu(n.children)) return !0
  7991. break
  7992. case 9:
  7993. if (Tu(n.branches)) return !0
  7994. break
  7995. case 10:
  7996. case 11:
  7997. if (Tu(n.children)) return !0
  7998. }
  7999. }
  8000. return !1
  8001. }
  8002. function $u(e) {
  8003. return (2 !== e.type && 12 !== e.type) || (2 === e.type ? !!e.content.trim() : $u(e.content))
  8004. }
  8005. const Eu = new WeakMap(),
  8006. Nu = (e, t) =>
  8007. function () {
  8008. if (1 !== (e = t.currentNode).type || (0 !== e.tagType && 1 !== e.tagType)) return
  8009. const { tag: o, props: r } = e,
  8010. s = 1 === e.tagType
  8011. let i = s
  8012. ? (function (e, t, n = !1) {
  8013. let { tag: o } = e
  8014. const r = Ru(o),
  8015. s = Jl(e, 'is')
  8016. if (s)
  8017. if (r) {
  8018. const e = 6 === s.type ? s.value && Nl(s.value.content, !0) : s.exp
  8019. if (e) return Al(t.helper(Xc), [e])
  8020. } else
  8021. 6 === s.type &&
  8022. s.value.content.startsWith('vue:') &&
  8023. (o = s.value.content.slice(4))
  8024. const i = !r && Gl(e, 'is')
  8025. if (i && i.exp) return Al(t.helper(Xc), [i.exp])
  8026. const c = Fl(o) || t.isBuiltInComponent(o)
  8027. if (c) return n || t.helper(c), c
  8028. return t.helper(Zc), t.components.add(o), ia(o, 'component')
  8029. })(e, t)
  8030. : `"${o}"`
  8031. const c = j(i) && i.callee === Xc
  8032. let l,
  8033. a,
  8034. u,
  8035. p,
  8036. d,
  8037. f,
  8038. h = 0,
  8039. m = c || i === Lc || i === Bc || (!s && ('svg' === o || 'foreignObject' === o))
  8040. if (r.length > 0) {
  8041. const n = Ou(e, t, void 0, s, c)
  8042. ;(l = n.props), (h = n.patchFlag), (d = n.dynamicPropNames)
  8043. const o = n.directives
  8044. ;(f =
  8045. o && o.length
  8046. ? Tl(
  8047. =>
  8048. (function (e, t) {
  8049. const n = [],
  8050. o = Eu.get(e)
  8051. o
  8052. ? n.push(t.helperString(o))
  8053. : (t.helper(Qc), t.directives.add(, n.push(ia(, 'directive')))
  8054. const { loc: r } = e
  8055. e.exp && n.push(e.exp)
  8056. e.arg && (e.exp || n.push('void 0'), n.push(e.arg))
  8057. if (Object.keys(e.modifiers).length) {
  8058. e.arg || (e.exp || n.push('void 0'), n.push('void 0'))
  8059. const t = Nl('true', !1, r)
  8060. n.push(
  8061. $l(
  8062. => El(e, t)),
  8063. r
  8064. )
  8065. )
  8066. }
  8067. return Tl(n, e.loc)
  8068. })(e, t)
  8069. )
  8070. )
  8071. : void 0),
  8072. n.shouldUseBlock && (m = !0)
  8073. }
  8074. if (e.children.length > 0) {
  8075. i === Uc &&
  8076. ((m = !0),
  8077. (h |= 1024),
  8078. e.children.length > 1 &&
  8079. t.onError(
  8080. Fc(46, {
  8081. start: e.children[0].loc.start,
  8082. end: e.children[e.children.length - 1].loc.end,
  8083. source: ''
  8084. })
  8085. ))
  8086. if (s && i !== Lc && i !== Uc) {
  8087. const { slots: n, hasDynamicSlots: o } = Cu(e, t)
  8088. ;(a = n), o && (h |= 1024)
  8089. } else if (1 === e.children.length && i !== Lc) {
  8090. const n = e.children[0],
  8091. o = n.type,
  8092. r = 5 === o || 8 === o
  8093. r && 0 === Va(n, t) && (h |= 1), (a = r || 2 === o ? n : e.children)
  8094. } else a = e.children
  8095. }
  8096. if (0 !== h) {
  8097. if (h < 0) u = h + ` /* ${n[h]} */`
  8098. else {
  8099. const e = Object.keys(n)
  8100. .map(Number)
  8101. .filter((e) => e > 0 && h & e)
  8102. .map((e) => n[e])
  8103. .join(', ')
  8104. u = h + ` /* ${e} */`
  8105. }
  8106. d &&
  8107. d.length &&
  8108. (p = (function (e) {
  8109. let t = '['
  8110. for (let n = 0, o = e.length; n < o; n++)
  8111. (t += JSON.stringify(e[n])), n < o - 1 && (t += ', ')
  8112. return t + ']'
  8113. })(d))
  8114. }
  8115. e.codegenNode = kl(t, i, l, a, u, p, f, !!m, !1, s, e.loc)
  8116. }
  8117. function Ou(e, t, n = e.props, o, r, s = !1) {
  8118. const { tag: i, loc: c, children: l } = e
  8119. let a = []
  8120. const u = [],
  8121. p = [],
  8122. d = l.length > 0
  8123. let f = !1,
  8124. h = 0,
  8125. m = !1,
  8126. g = !1,
  8127. y = !1,
  8128. v = !1,
  8129. b = !1,
  8130. _ = !1
  8131. const w = [],
  8132. x = (e) => {
  8133. a.length && (u.push($l(Au(a), c)), (a = [])), e && u.push(e)
  8134. },
  8135. S = ({ key: e, value: n }) => {
  8136. if (Ml(e)) {
  8137. const s = e.content,
  8138. i = C(s)
  8139. if (
  8140. (!i ||
  8141. (o && !r) ||
  8142. 'onclick' === s.toLowerCase() ||
  8143. 'onUpdate:modelValue' === s ||
  8144. z(s) ||
  8145. (v = !0),
  8146. i && z(s) && (_ = !0),
  8147. 20 === n.type || ((4 === n.type || 8 === n.type) && Va(n, t) > 0))
  8148. )
  8149. return
  8150. 'ref' === s
  8151. ? (m = !0)
  8152. : 'class' === s
  8153. ? (g = !0)
  8154. : 'style' === s
  8155. ? (y = !0)
  8156. : 'key' === s || w.includes(s) || w.push(s),
  8157. !o || ('class' !== s && 'style' !== s) || w.includes(s) || w.push(s)
  8158. } else b = !0
  8159. }
  8160. for (let r = 0; r < n.length; r++) {
  8161. const l = n[r]
  8162. if (6 === l.type) {
  8163. const { loc: e, name: n, value: o } = l
  8164. let r = !0
  8165. if (
  8166. ('ref' === n &&
  8167. ((m = !0), t.scopes.vFor > 0 && a.push(El(Nl('ref_for', !0), Nl('true')))),
  8168. 'is' === n && (Ru(i) || (o && o.content.startsWith('vue:'))))
  8169. )
  8170. continue
  8171. a.push(El(Nl(n, !0, Hl(e, 0, n.length)), Nl(o ? o.content : '', r, o ? o.loc : e)))
  8172. } else {
  8173. const { name: n, arg: r, exp: h, loc: m } = l,
  8174. g = 'bind' === n,
  8175. y = 'on' === n
  8176. if ('slot' === n) {
  8177. o || t.onError(Fc(40, m))
  8178. continue
  8179. }
  8180. if ('once' === n || 'memo' === n) continue
  8181. if ('is' === n || (g && ql(r, 'is') && Ru(i))) continue
  8182. if (y && s) continue
  8183. if (
  8184. (((g && ql(r, 'key')) || (y && d && ql(r, 'vue:before-update'))) && (f = !0),
  8185. g && ql(r, 'ref') && t.scopes.vFor > 0 && a.push(El(Nl('ref_for', !0), Nl('true'))),
  8186. !r && (g || y))
  8187. ) {
  8188. ;(b = !0),
  8189. h
  8190. ? g
  8191. ? (x(), u.push(h))
  8192. : x({
  8193. type: 14,
  8194. loc: m,
  8195. callee: t.helper(pl),
  8196. arguments: o ? [h] : [h, 'true']
  8197. })
  8198. : t.onError(Fc(g ? 34 : 35, m))
  8199. continue
  8200. }
  8201. const v = t.directiveTransforms[n]
  8202. if (v) {
  8203. const { props: n, needRuntime: o } = v(l, e, t)
  8204. !s && n.forEach(S),
  8205. y && r && !Ml(r) ? x($l(n, c)) : a.push(...n),
  8206. o && (p.push(l), F(o) && Eu.set(l, o))
  8207. } else W(n) || (p.push(l), d && (f = !0))
  8208. }
  8209. }
  8210. let k
  8211. if (
  8212. (u.length
  8213. ? (x(), (k = u.length > 1 ? Al(t.helper(il), u, c) : u[0]))
  8214. : a.length && (k = $l(Au(a), c)),
  8215. b
  8216. ? (h |= 16)
  8217. : (g && !o && (h |= 2), y && !o && (h |= 4), w.length && (h |= 8), v && (h |= 32)),
  8218. f || (0 !== h && 32 !== h) || !(m || _ || p.length > 0) || (h |= 512),
  8219. !t.inSSR && k)
  8220. )
  8221. switch (k.type) {
  8222. case 15:
  8223. let e = -1,
  8224. n = -1,
  8225. o = !1
  8226. for (let t = 0; t <; t++) {
  8227. const r =[t].key
  8228. Ml(r)
  8229. ? 'class' === r.content
  8230. ? (e = t)
  8231. : 'style' === r.content && (n = t)
  8232. : r.isHandlerKey || (o = !0)
  8233. }
  8234. const r =[e],
  8235. s =[n]
  8236. o
  8237. ? (k = Al(t.helper(al), [k]))
  8238. : (r && !Ml(r.value) && (r.value = Al(t.helper(cl), [r.value])),
  8239. s &&
  8240. (y ||
  8241. (4 === s.value.type && '[' === s.value.content.trim()[0]) ||
  8242. 17 === s.value.type) &&
  8243. (s.value = Al(t.helper(ll), [s.value])))
  8244. break
  8245. case 14:
  8246. break
  8247. default:
  8248. k = Al(t.helper(al), [Al(t.helper(ul), [k])])
  8249. }
  8250. return {
  8251. props: k,
  8252. directives: p,
  8253. patchFlag: h,
  8254. dynamicPropNames: w,
  8255. shouldUseBlock: f
  8256. }
  8257. }
  8258. function Au(e) {
  8259. const t = new Map(),
  8260. n = []
  8261. for (let o = 0; o < e.length; o++) {
  8262. const r = e[o]
  8263. if (8 === r.key.type || !r.key.isStatic) {
  8264. n.push(r)
  8265. continue
  8266. }
  8267. const s = r.key.content,
  8268. i = t.get(s)
  8269. i ? ('style' === s || 'class' === s || C(s)) && Iu(i, r) : (t.set(s, r), n.push(r))
  8270. }
  8271. return n
  8272. }
  8273. function Iu(e, t) {
  8274. 17 === e.value.type ? e.value.elements.push(t.value) : (e.value = Tl([e.value, t.value], e.loc))
  8275. }
  8276. function Ru(e) {
  8277. return 'component' === e || 'Component' === e
  8278. }
  8279. const Mu = (e, t) => {
  8280. if (Ql(e)) {
  8281. const { children: n, loc: o } = e,
  8282. { slotName: r, slotProps: s } = (function (e, t) {
  8283. let n,
  8284. o = '"default"'
  8285. const r = []
  8286. for (let t = 0; t < e.props.length; t++) {
  8287. const n = e.props[t]
  8288. 6 === n.type
  8289. ? n.value &&
  8290. ('name' ===
  8291. ? (o = JSON.stringify(n.value.content))
  8292. : (( = J(, r.push(n)))
  8293. : 'bind' === && ql(n.arg, 'name')
  8294. ? n.exp && (o = n.exp)
  8295. : ('bind' === && n.arg && Ml(n.arg) && (n.arg.content = J(n.arg.content)),
  8296. r.push(n))
  8297. }
  8298. if (r.length > 0) {
  8299. const { props: o, directives: s } = Ou(e, t, r, !1, !1)
  8300. ;(n = o), s.length && t.onError(Fc(36, s[0].loc))
  8301. }
  8302. return {
  8303. slotName: o,
  8304. slotProps: n
  8305. }
  8306. })(e, t),
  8307. i = [t.prefixIdentifiers ? '_ctx.$slots' : '$slots', r, '{}', 'undefined', 'true']
  8308. let c = 2
  8309. s && ((i[2] = s), (c = 3)),
  8310. n.length && ((i[3] = Il([], n, !1, !1, o)), (c = 4)),
  8311. t.scopeId && !t.slotted && (c = 5),
  8312. i.splice(c),
  8313. (e.codegenNode = Al(t.helper(ol), i, o))
  8314. }
  8315. }
  8316. const Pu =
  8317. /^\s*([\w$_]+|(async\s*)?\([^)]*?\))\s*(:[^=]+)?=>|^\s*(async\s+)?function(?:\s+[\w$]+)?\s*\(/,
  8318. Fu = (e, t, n, o) => {
  8319. const { loc: r, modifiers: s, arg: i } = e
  8320. let c
  8321. if ((e.exp || s.length || n.onError(Fc(35, r)), 4 === i.type))
  8322. if (i.isStatic) {
  8323. let e = i.content
  8324. e.startsWith('vue:') && (e = `vnode-${e.slice(4)}`)
  8325. c = Nl(
  8326. 0 !== t.tagType || e.startsWith('vnode') || !/[A-Z]/.test(e) ? X(J(e)) : `on:${e}`,
  8327. !0,
  8328. i.loc
  8329. )
  8330. } else c = Ol([`${n.helperString(hl)}(`, i, ')'])
  8331. else (c = i), c.children.unshift(`${n.helperString(hl)}(`), c.children.push(')')
  8332. let l = e.exp
  8333. l && !l.content.trim() && (l = void 0)
  8334. let a = n.cacheHandlers && !l && !n.inVOnce
  8335. if (l) {
  8336. const e = Dl(l.content),
  8337. t = !(e || Pu.test(l.content)),
  8338. o = l.content.includes(';')
  8339. iu(l, n, !1, o),
  8340. (t || (a && e)) &&
  8341. (l = Ol([`${t ? '$event' : '(...args)'} => ${o ? '{' : '('}`, l, o ? '}' : ')']))
  8342. }
  8343. let u = {
  8344. props: [El(c, l || Nl('() => {}', !1, r))]
  8345. }
  8346. return (
  8347. o && (u = o(u)),
  8348. a && (u.props[0].value = n.cache(u.props[0].value)),
  8349. u.props.forEach((e) => (e.key.isHandlerKey = !0)),
  8350. u
  8351. )
  8352. },
  8353. ju = (e, t, n) => {
  8354. const { exp: o, modifiers: r, loc: s } = e,
  8355. i = e.arg
  8356. return (
  8357. 4 !== i.type
  8358. ? (i.children.unshift('('), i.children.push(') || ""'))
  8359. : i.isStatic || (i.content = `${i.content} || ""`),
  8360. r.includes('camel') &&
  8361. (4 === i.type
  8362. ? i.isStatic
  8363. ? (i.content = J(i.content))
  8364. : (i.content = `${n.helperString(dl)}(${i.content})`)
  8365. : (i.children.unshift(`${n.helperString(dl)}(`), i.children.push(')'))),
  8366. n.inSSR || (r.includes('prop') && Vu(i, '.'), r.includes('attr') && Vu(i, '^')),
  8367. !o || (4 === o.type && !o.content.trim())
  8368. ? (n.onError(Fc(34, s)),
  8369. {
  8370. props: [El(i, Nl('', !0, s))]
  8371. })
  8372. : {
  8373. props: [El(i, o)]
  8374. }
  8375. )
  8376. },
  8377. Vu = (e, t) => {
  8378. 4 === e.type
  8379. ? e.isStatic
  8380. ? (e.content = t + e.content)
  8381. : (e.content = `\`${t}\${${e.content}}\``)
  8382. : (e.children.unshift(`'${t}' + (`), e.children.push(')'))
  8383. },
  8384. Lu = (e, t) => {
  8385. if (0 === e.type || 1 === e.type || 11 === e.type || 10 === e.type)
  8386. return () => {
  8387. const o = e.children
  8388. let r,
  8389. s = !1
  8390. for (let e = 0; e < o.length; e++) {
  8391. const t = o[e]
  8392. if (Yl(t)) {
  8393. s = !0
  8394. for (let n = e + 1; n < o.length; n++) {
  8395. const s = o[n]
  8396. if (!Yl(s)) {
  8397. r = void 0
  8398. break
  8399. }
  8400. r || (r = o[e] = Ol([t], t.loc)), r.children.push(' + ', s), o.splice(n, 1), n--
  8401. }
  8402. }
  8403. }
  8404. if (
  8405. s &&
  8406. (1 !== o.length ||
  8407. (0 !== e.type &&
  8408. (1 !== e.type ||
  8409. 0 !== e.tagType ||
  8410. e.props.find((e) => 7 === e.type && !t.directiveTransforms[]))))
  8411. )
  8412. for (let e = 0; e < o.length; e++) {
  8413. const r = o[e]
  8414. if (Yl(r) || 8 === r.type) {
  8415. const s = []
  8416. ;(2 === r.type && ' ' === r.content) || s.push(r),
  8417. t.ssr || 0 !== Va(r, t) || s.push(`1 /* ${n[1]} */`),
  8418. (o[e] = {
  8419. type: 12,
  8420. content: r,
  8421. loc: r.loc,
  8422. codegenNode: Al(t.helper(qc), s)
  8423. })
  8424. }
  8425. }
  8426. }
  8427. },
  8428. Bu = new WeakSet(),
  8429. Uu = (e, t) => {
  8430. if (1 === e.type && Gl(e, 'once', !0)) {
  8431. if (Bu.has(e) || t.inVOnce) return
  8432. return (
  8433. Bu.add(e),
  8434. (t.inVOnce = !0),
  8435. t.helper(ml),
  8436. () => {
  8437. t.inVOnce = !1
  8438. const e = t.currentNode
  8439. e.codegenNode && (e.codegenNode = t.cache(e.codegenNode, !0))
  8440. }
  8441. )
  8442. }
  8443. },
  8444. Du = (e, t, n) => {
  8445. const { exp: o, arg: r } = e
  8446. if (!o) return n.onError(Fc(41, e.loc)), Hu()
  8447. const s = o.loc.source,
  8448. i = 4 === o.type ? o.content : s,
  8449. c = n.bindingMetadata[s]
  8450. if ('props' === c || 'props-aliased' === c) return n.onError(Fc(44, o.loc)), Hu()
  8451. if (!i.trim() || !Dl(i)) return n.onError(Fc(42, o.loc)), Hu()
  8452. const l = r || Nl('modelValue', !0),
  8453. a = r
  8454. ? Ml(r)
  8455. ? `onUpdate:${r.content}`
  8456. : Ol(['"onUpdate:" + ', r])
  8457. : 'onUpdate:modelValue'
  8458. let u
  8459. u = Ol([`${n.isTS ? '($event: any)' : '$event'} => ((`, o, ') = $event)'])
  8460. const p = [El(l, e.exp), El(a, u)]
  8461. if (e.modifiers.length && 1 === t.tagType) {
  8462. const t = => (Vl(e) ? e : JSON.stringify(e)) + ': true').join(', '),
  8463. n = r ? (Ml(r) ? `${r.content}Modifiers` : Ol([r, ' + "Modifiers"'])) : 'modelModifiers'
  8464. p.push(El(n, Nl(`{ ${t} }`, !1, e.loc, 2)))
  8465. }
  8466. return Hu(p)
  8467. }
  8468. function Hu(e = []) {
  8469. return {
  8470. props: e
  8471. }
  8472. }
  8473. const zu = new WeakSet(),
  8474. Wu = (e, t) => {
  8475. if (1 === e.type) {
  8476. const n = Gl(e, 'memo')
  8477. if (!n || zu.has(e)) return
  8478. return (
  8479. zu.add(e),
  8480. () => {
  8481. const o = e.codegenNode || t.currentNode.codegenNode
  8482. o &&
  8483. 13 === o.type &&
  8484. (1 !== e.tagType && ca(o, t),
  8485. (e.codegenNode = Al(t.helper(wl), [
  8486. n.exp,
  8487. Il(void 0, o),
  8488. '_cache',
  8489. String(t.cached++)
  8490. ])))
  8491. }
  8492. )
  8493. }
  8494. }
  8495. function Ku(e, t = {}) {
  8496. const n = t.onError || Mc,
  8497. o = 'module' === t.mode
  8498. !0 === t.prefixIdentifiers ? n(Fc(47)) : o && n(Fc(48))
  8499. t.cacheHandlers && n(Fc(49)), t.scopeId && !o && n(Fc(50))
  8500. const r = P(e) ? pa(e, t) : e,
  8501. [s, i] = [
  8502. [Uu, au, Wu, hu, cu, Mu, Nu, xu, Lu],
  8503. {
  8504. on: Fu,
  8505. bind: ju,
  8506. model: Du
  8507. }
  8508. ]
  8509. return (
  8510. Wa(
  8511. r,
  8512. T({}, t, {
  8513. prefixIdentifiers: false,
  8514. nodeTransforms: [...s, ...(t.nodeTransforms || [])],
  8515. directiveTransforms: T({}, i, t.directiveTransforms || {})
  8516. })
  8517. ),
  8518. Ya(
  8519. r,
  8520. T({}, t, {
  8521. prefixIdentifiers: false
  8522. })
  8523. )
  8524. )
  8525. }
  8526. const Gu = Symbol('vModelRadio'),
  8527. Ju = Symbol('vModelCheckbox'),
  8528. qu = Symbol('vModelText'),
  8529. Yu = Symbol('vModelSelect'),
  8530. Zu = Symbol('vModelDynamic'),
  8531. Xu = Symbol('vOnModifiersGuard'),
  8532. Qu = Symbol('vOnKeysGuard'),
  8533. ep = Symbol('vShow'),
  8534. tp = Symbol('Transition'),
  8535. np = Symbol('TransitionGroup')
  8536. var op
  8537. let rp
  8538. ;(op = {
  8539. [Gu]: 'vModelRadio',
  8540. [Ju]: 'vModelCheckbox',
  8541. [qu]: 'vModelText',
  8542. [Yu]: 'vModelSelect',
  8543. [Zu]: 'vModelDynamic',
  8544. [Xu]: 'withModifiers',
  8545. [Qu]: 'withKeys',
  8546. [ep]: 'vShow',
  8547. [tp]: 'Transition',
  8548. [np]: 'TransitionGroup'
  8549. }),
  8550. Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(op).forEach((e) => {
  8551. Sl[e] = op[e]
  8552. })
  8553. const sp = t('style,iframe,script,noscript', !0),
  8554. ip = {
  8555. isVoidTag: f,
  8556. isNativeTag: (e) => p(e) || d(e),
  8557. isPreTag: (e) => 'pre' === e,
  8558. decodeEntities: function (e, t = !1) {
  8559. return (
  8560. rp || (rp = document.createElement('div')),
  8561. t
  8562. ? ((rp.innerHTML = `<div foo="${e.replace(/"/g, '&quot;')}">`),
  8563. rp.children[0].getAttribute('foo'))
  8564. : ((rp.innerHTML = e), rp.textContent)
  8565. )
  8566. },
  8567. isBuiltInComponent: (e) =>
  8568. Pl(e, 'Transition') ? tp : Pl(e, 'TransitionGroup') ? np : void 0,
  8569. getNamespace(e, t) {
  8570. let n = t ? t.ns : 0
  8571. if (t && 2 === n)
  8572. if ('annotation-xml' === t.tag) {
  8573. if ('svg' === e) return 1
  8574. t.props.some(
  8575. (e) =>
  8576. 6 === e.type &&
  8577. 'encoding' === &&
  8578. null != e.value &&
  8579. ('text/html' === e.value.content || 'application/xhtml+xml' === e.value.content)
  8580. ) && (n = 0)
  8581. } else /^m(?:[ions]|text)$/.test(t.tag) && 'mglyph' !== e && 'malignmark' !== e && (n = 0)
  8582. else
  8583. t &&
  8584. 1 === n &&
  8585. (('foreignObject' !== t.tag && 'desc' !== t.tag && 'title' !== t.tag) || (n = 0))
  8586. if (0 === n) {
  8587. if ('svg' === e) return 1
  8588. if ('math' === e) return 2
  8589. }
  8590. return n
  8591. },
  8592. getTextMode({ tag: e, ns: t }) {
  8593. if (0 === t) {
  8594. if ('textarea' === e || 'title' === e) return 1
  8595. if (sp(e)) return 2
  8596. }
  8597. return 0
  8598. }
  8599. },
  8600. cp = (e, t) => {
  8601. const n = a(e)
  8602. return Nl(JSON.stringify(n), !1, t, 3)
  8603. }
  8604. function lp(e, t) {
  8605. return Fc(e, t, ap)
  8606. }
  8607. const ap = {
  8608. 51: 'v-html is missing expression.',
  8609. 52: 'v-html will override element children.',
  8610. 53: 'v-text is missing expression.',
  8611. 54: 'v-text will override element children.',
  8612. 55: 'v-model can only be used on <input>, <textarea> and <select> elements.',
  8613. 56: 'v-model argument is not supported on plain elements.',
  8614. 57: 'v-model cannot be used on file inputs since they are read-only. Use a v-on:change listener instead.',
  8615. 58: "Unnecessary value binding used alongside v-model. It will interfere with v-model's behavior.",
  8616. 59: 'v-show is missing expression.',
  8617. 60: '<Transition> expects exactly one child element or component.',
  8618. 61: 'Tags with side effect (<script> and <style>) are ignored in client component templates.'
  8619. },
  8620. up = t('passive,once,capture'),
  8621. pp = t('stop,prevent,self,ctrl,shift,alt,meta,exact,middle'),
  8622. dp = t('left,right'),
  8623. fp = t('onkeyup,onkeydown,onkeypress', !0),
  8624. hp = (e, t) =>
  8625. Ml(e) && 'onclick' === e.content.toLowerCase()
  8626. ? Nl(t, !0)
  8627. : 4 !== e.type
  8628. ? Ol(['(', e, `) === "onClick" ? "${t}" : (`, e, ')'])
  8629. : e
  8630. function mp(e) {
  8631. const t = (e.children = e.children.filter(
  8632. (e) => 3 !== e.type && !(2 === e.type && !e.content.trim())
  8633. )),
  8634. n = t[0]
  8635. return 1 !== t.length || 11 === n.type || (9 === n.type && n.branches.some(mp))
  8636. }
  8637. const gp = (e, t) => {
  8638. 1 !== e.type ||
  8639. 0 !== e.tagType ||
  8640. ('script' !== e.tag && 'style' !== e.tag) ||
  8641. (t.onError(lp(61, e.loc)), t.removeNode())
  8642. },
  8643. yp = [
  8644. (e) => {
  8645. 1 === e.type &&
  8646. e.props.forEach((t, n) => {
  8647. 6 === t.type &&
  8648. 'style' === &&
  8649. t.value &&
  8650. (e.props[n] = {
  8651. type: 7,
  8652. name: 'bind',
  8653. arg: Nl('style', !0, t.loc),
  8654. exp: cp(t.value.content, t.loc),
  8655. modifiers: [],
  8656. loc: t.loc
  8657. })
  8658. })
  8659. },
  8660. (e, t) => {
  8661. if (1 === e.type && 1 === e.tagType) {
  8662. if (t.isBuiltInComponent(e.tag) === tp)
  8663. return () => {
  8664. if (!e.children.length) return
  8665. mp(e) &&
  8666. t.onError(
  8667. lp(60, {
  8668. start: e.children[0].loc.start,
  8669. end: e.children[e.children.length - 1].loc.end,
  8670. source: ''
  8671. })
  8672. )
  8673. const n = e.children[0]
  8674. if (1 === n.type)
  8675. for (const t of n.props)
  8676. 7 === t.type &&
  8677. 'show' === &&
  8678. e.props.push({
  8679. type: 6,
  8680. name: 'persisted',
  8681. value: void 0,
  8682. loc: e.loc
  8683. })
  8684. }
  8685. }
  8686. }
  8687. ],
  8688. vp = {
  8689. cloak: () => ({
  8690. props: []
  8691. }),
  8692. html: (e, t, n) => {
  8693. const { exp: o, loc: r } = e
  8694. return (
  8695. o || n.onError(lp(51, r)),
  8696. t.children.length && (n.onError(lp(52, r)), (t.children.length = 0)),
  8697. {
  8698. props: [El(Nl('innerHTML', !0, r), o || Nl('', !0))]
  8699. }
  8700. )
  8701. },
  8702. text: (e, t, n) => {
  8703. const { exp: o, loc: r } = e
  8704. return (
  8705. o || n.onError(lp(53, r)),
  8706. t.children.length && (n.onError(lp(54, r)), (t.children.length = 0)),
  8707. {
  8708. props: [
  8709. El(
  8710. Nl('textContent', !0),
  8711. o ? (Va(o, n) > 0 ? o : Al(n.helperString(sl), [o], r)) : Nl('', !0)
  8712. )
  8713. ]
  8714. }
  8715. )
  8716. },
  8717. model: (e, t, n) => {
  8718. const o = Du(e, t, n)
  8719. if (!o.props.length || 1 === t.tagType) return o
  8720. function r() {
  8721. const e = Jl(t, 'value')
  8722. e && n.onError(lp(58, e.loc))
  8723. }
  8724. e.arg && n.onError(lp(56, e.arg.loc))
  8725. const { tag: s } = t,
  8726. i = n.isCustomElement(s)
  8727. if ('input' === s || 'textarea' === s || 'select' === s || i) {
  8728. let c = qu,
  8729. l = !1
  8730. if ('input' === s || i) {
  8731. const o = Jl(t, 'type')
  8732. if (o) {
  8733. if (7 === o.type) c = Zu
  8734. else if (o.value)
  8735. switch (o.value.content) {
  8736. case 'radio':
  8737. c = Gu
  8738. break
  8739. case 'checkbox':
  8740. c = Ju
  8741. break
  8742. case 'file':
  8743. ;(l = !0), n.onError(lp(57, e.loc))
  8744. break
  8745. default:
  8746. r()
  8747. }
  8748. } else
  8749. !(function (e) {
  8750. return e.props.some(
  8751. (e) =>
  8752. !(
  8753. 7 !== e.type ||
  8754. 'bind' !== ||
  8755. (e.arg && 4 === e.arg.type && e.arg.isStatic)
  8756. )
  8757. )
  8758. })(t)
  8759. ? r()
  8760. : (c = Zu)
  8761. } else 'select' === s ? (c = Yu) : r()
  8762. l || (o.needRuntime = n.helper(c))
  8763. } else n.onError(lp(55, e.loc))
  8764. return (
  8765. (o.props = o.props.filter((e) => !(4 === e.key.type && 'modelValue' === e.key.content))),
  8766. o
  8767. )
  8768. },
  8769. on: (e, t, n) =>
  8770. Fu(e, t, n, (t) => {
  8771. const { modifiers: o } = e
  8772. if (!o.length) return t
  8773. let { key: r, value: s } = t.props[0]
  8774. const {
  8775. keyModifiers: i,
  8776. nonKeyModifiers: c,
  8777. eventOptionModifiers: l
  8778. } = ((e, t, n, o) => {
  8779. const r = [],
  8780. s = [],
  8781. i = []
  8782. for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
  8783. const o = t[n]
  8784. up(o)
  8785. ? i.push(o)
  8786. : dp(o)
  8787. ? Ml(e)
  8788. ? fp(e.content)
  8789. ? r.push(o)
  8790. : s.push(o)
  8791. : (r.push(o), s.push(o))
  8792. : pp(o)
  8793. ? s.push(o)
  8794. : r.push(o)
  8795. }
  8796. return {
  8797. keyModifiers: r,
  8798. nonKeyModifiers: s,
  8799. eventOptionModifiers: i
  8800. }
  8801. })(r, o, 0, e.loc)
  8802. if (
  8803. (c.includes('right') && (r = hp(r, 'onContextmenu')),
  8804. c.includes('middle') && (r = hp(r, 'onMouseup')),
  8805. c.length && (s = Al(n.helper(Xu), [s, JSON.stringify(c)])),
  8806. !i.length ||
  8807. (Ml(r) && !fp(r.content)) ||
  8808. (s = Al(n.helper(Qu), [s, JSON.stringify(i)])),
  8809. l.length)
  8810. ) {
  8811. const e ='')
  8812. r = Ml(r) ? Nl(`${r.content}${e}`, !0) : Ol(['(', r, `) + "${e}"`])
  8813. }
  8814. return {
  8815. props: [El(r, s)]
  8816. }
  8817. }),
  8818. show: (e, t, n) => {
  8819. const { exp: o, loc: r } = e
  8820. return (
  8821. o || n.onError(lp(59, r)),
  8822. {
  8823. props: [],
  8824. needRuntime: n.helper(ep)
  8825. }
  8826. )
  8827. }
  8828. }
  8830. 'You are running a development build of Vue.\nMake sure to use the production build (*.prod.js) when deploying for production.'
  8831. ),
  8832. di()
  8833. const bp = Object.create(null)
  8834. function _p(e, t) {
  8835. if (!P(e)) {
  8836. if (!e.nodeType) return Kt('invalid template option: ', e), w
  8837. e = e.innerHTML
  8838. }
  8839. const n = e,
  8840. o = bp[n]
  8841. if (o) return o
  8842. if ('#' === e[0]) {
  8843. const t = document.querySelector(e)
  8844. t || Kt(`Template element not found or is empty: ${e}`), (e = t ? t.innerHTML : '')
  8845. }
  8846. const r = T(
  8847. {
  8848. hoistStatic: !0,
  8849. onError: i,
  8850. onWarn: (e) => i(e, !0)
  8851. },
  8852. t
  8853. )
  8854. r.isCustomElement ||
  8855. 'undefined' == typeof customElements ||
  8856. (r.isCustomElement = (e) => !!customElements.get(e))
  8857. const { code: s } = (function (e, t = {}) {
  8858. return Ku(
  8859. e,
  8860. T({}, ip, t, {
  8861. nodeTransforms: [gp, ...yp, ...(t.nodeTransforms || [])],
  8862. directiveTransforms: T({}, vp, t.directiveTransforms || {}),
  8863. transformHoist: null
  8864. })
  8865. )
  8866. })(e, r)
  8867. function i(t, n = !1) {
  8868. const o = n ? t.message : `Template compilation error: ${t.message}`,
  8869. r =
  8870. t.loc &&
  8871. (function (e, t = 0, n = e.length) {
  8872. let o = e.split(/(\r?\n)/)
  8873. const r = o.filter((e, t) => t % 2 == 1)
  8874. o = o.filter((e, t) => t % 2 == 0)
  8875. let s = 0
  8876. const i = []
  8877. for (let e = 0; e < o.length; e++)
  8878. if (((s += o[e].length + ((r[e] && r[e].length) || 0)), s >= t)) {
  8879. for (let c = e - 2; c <= e + 2 || n > s; c++) {
  8880. if (c < 0 || c >= o.length) continue
  8881. const l = c + 1
  8882. i.push(`${l}${' '.repeat(Math.max(3 - String(l).length, 0))}| ${o[c]}`)
  8883. const a = o[c].length,
  8884. u = (r[c] && r[c].length) || 0
  8885. if (c === e) {
  8886. const e = t - (s - (a + u)),
  8887. o = Math.max(1, n > s ? a - e : n - t)
  8888. i.push(' | ' + ' '.repeat(e) + '^'.repeat(o))
  8889. } else if (c > e) {
  8890. if (n > s) {
  8891. const e = Math.max(Math.min(n - s, a), 1)
  8892. i.push(' | ' + '^'.repeat(e))
  8893. }
  8894. s += a + u
  8895. }
  8896. }
  8897. break
  8898. }
  8899. return i.join('\n')
  8900. })(e, t.loc.start.offset, t.loc.end.offset)
  8901. Kt(r ? `${o}\n${r}` : o)
  8902. }
  8903. const c = new Function(s)()
  8904. return (c._rc = !0), (bp[n] = c)
  8905. }
  8906. return (
  8907. Xs(_p),
  8908. (e.BaseTransition = _o),
  8909. (e.Comment = ds),
  8910. (e.EffectScope = ce),
  8911. (e.Fragment = us),
  8912. (e.KeepAlive = Ao),
  8913. (e.ReactiveEffect = ve),
  8914. (e.Static = fs),
  8915. (e.Suspense = to),
  8916. (e.Teleport = ls),
  8917. (e.Text = ps),
  8918. (e.Transition = ji),
  8919. (e.TransitionGroup = tc),
  8920. (e.VueElement = Ii),
  8921. (e.callWithAsyncErrorHandling = Zt),
  8922. (e.callWithErrorHandling = Yt),
  8923. (e.camelize = J),
  8924. (e.capitalize = Z),
  8925. (e.cloneVNode = As),
  8926. (e.compatUtils = null),
  8927. (e.compile = _p),
  8928. (e.computed = ci),
  8929. (e.createApp = (...e) => {
  8930. const t = Tc().createApp(...e)
  8931. Oc(t), Ac(t)
  8932. const { mount: n } = t
  8933. return (
  8934. (t.mount = (e) => {
  8935. const o = Ic(e)
  8936. if (!o) return
  8937. const r = t._component
  8938. M(r) || r.render || r.template || (r.template = o.innerHTML), (o.innerHTML = '')
  8939. const s = n(o, !1, o instanceof SVGElement)
  8940. return (
  8941. o instanceof Element &&
  8942. (o.removeAttribute('v-cloak'), o.setAttribute('data-v-app', '')),
  8943. s
  8944. )
  8945. }),
  8946. t
  8947. )
  8948. }),
  8949. (e.createBlock = xs),
  8950. (e.createCommentVNode = function (e = '', t = !1) {
  8951. return t ? (gs(), xs(ds, null, e)) : Ns(ds, null, e)
  8952. }),
  8953. (e.createElementBlock = function (e, t, n, o, r, s) {
  8954. return ws(Es(e, t, n, o, r, s, !0))
  8955. }),
  8956. (e.createElementVNode = Es),
  8957. (e.createHydrationRenderer = es),
  8958. (e.createPropsRestProxy = function (e, t) {
  8959. const n = {}
  8960. for (const o in e)
  8961. t.includes(o) ||
  8962. Object.defineProperty(n, o, {
  8963. enumerable: !0,
  8964. get: () => e[o]
  8965. })
  8966. return n
  8967. }),
  8968. (e.createRenderer = Qr),
  8969. (e.createSSRApp = (...e) => {
  8970. const t = $c().createApp(...e)
  8971. Oc(t), Ac(t)
  8972. const { mount: n } = t
  8973. return (
  8974. (t.mount = (e) => {
  8975. const t = Ic(e)
  8976. if (t) return n(t, !0, t instanceof SVGElement)
  8977. }),
  8978. t
  8979. )
  8980. }),
  8981. (e.createSlots = function (e, t) {
  8982. for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
  8983. const o = t[n]
  8984. if (O(o)) for (let t = 0; t < o.length; t++) e[o[t].name] = o[t].fn
  8985. else
  8986. o &&
  8987. (e[] = o.key
  8988. ? (...e) => {
  8989. const t = o.fn(...e)
  8990. return t && (t.key = o.key), t
  8991. }
  8992. : o.fn)
  8993. }
  8994. return e
  8995. }),
  8996. (e.createStaticVNode = function (e, t) {
  8997. const n = Ns(fs, null, e)
  8998. return (n.staticCount = t), n
  8999. }),
  9000. (e.createTextVNode = Rs),
  9001. (e.createVNode = Ns),
  9002. (e.customRef = function (e) {
  9003. return new Vt(e)
  9004. }),
  9005. (e.defineAsyncComponent = function (e) {
  9006. M(e) &&
  9007. (e = {
  9008. loader: e
  9009. })
  9010. const {
  9011. loader: t,
  9012. loadingComponent: n,
  9013. errorComponent: o,
  9014. delay: r = 200,
  9015. timeout: s,
  9016. suspensible: i = !0,
  9017. onError: c
  9018. } = e
  9019. let l,
  9020. a = null,
  9021. u = 0
  9022. const p = () => {
  9023. let e
  9024. return (
  9025. a ||
  9026. (e = a =
  9027. t()
  9028. .catch((e) => {
  9029. if (((e = e instanceof Error ? e : new Error(String(e))), c))
  9030. return new Promise((t, n) => {
  9031. c(
  9032. e,
  9033. () => t((u++, (a = null), p())),
  9034. () => n(e),
  9035. u + 1
  9036. )
  9037. })
  9038. throw e
  9039. })
  9040. .then((t) => {
  9041. if (e !== a && a) return a
  9042. if (
  9043. (t ||
  9044. Kt(
  9045. 'Async component loader resolved to undefined. If you are using retry(), make sure to return its return value.'
  9046. ),
  9047. t && (t.__esModule || 'Module' === t[Symbol.toStringTag]) && (t = t.default),
  9048. t && !j(t) && !M(t))
  9049. )
  9050. throw new Error(`Invalid async component load result: ${t}`)
  9051. return (l = t), t
  9052. }))
  9053. )
  9054. }
  9055. return $o({
  9056. name: 'AsyncComponentWrapper',
  9057. __asyncLoader: p,
  9058. get __asyncResolved() {
  9059. return l
  9060. },
  9061. setup() {
  9062. const e = Us
  9063. if (l) return () => No(l, e)
  9064. const t = (t) => {
  9065. ;(a = null), Xt(t, e, 13, !o)
  9066. }
  9067. if (i && e.suspense)
  9068. return p()
  9069. .then((t) => () => No(t, e))
  9070. .catch(
  9071. (e) => (
  9072. t(e),
  9073. () =>
  9074. o
  9075. ? Ns(o, {
  9076. error: e
  9077. })
  9078. : null
  9079. )
  9080. )
  9081. const c = It(!1),
  9082. u = It(),
  9083. d = It(!!r)
  9084. return (
  9085. r &&
  9086. setTimeout(() => {
  9087. d.value = !1
  9088. }, r),
  9089. null != s &&
  9090. setTimeout(() => {
  9091. if (!c.value && !u.value) {
  9092. const e = new Error(`Async component timed out after ${s}ms.`)
  9093. t(e), (u.value = e)
  9094. }
  9095. }, s),
  9096. p()
  9097. .then(() => {
  9098. ;(c.value = !0), e.parent && Oo(e.parent.vnode) && un(e.parent.update)
  9099. })
  9100. .catch((e) => {
  9101. t(e), (u.value = e)
  9102. }),
  9103. () =>
  9104. c.value && l
  9105. ? No(l, e)
  9106. : u.value && o
  9107. ? Ns(o, {
  9108. error: u.value
  9109. })
  9110. : n && !d.value
  9111. ? Ns(n)
  9112. : void 0
  9113. )
  9114. }
  9115. })
  9116. }),
  9117. (e.defineComponent = $o),
  9118. (e.defineCustomElement = Oi),
  9119. (e.defineEmits = function () {
  9120. return li('defineEmits'), null
  9121. }),
  9122. (e.defineExpose = function (e) {
  9123. li('defineExpose')
  9124. }),
  9125. (e.defineProps = function () {
  9126. return li('defineProps'), null
  9127. }),
  9128. (e.defineSSRCustomElement = (e) => Oi(e, Nc)),
  9129. (e.effect = function (e, t) {
  9130. e.effect && (e = e.effect.fn)
  9131. const n = new ve(e)
  9132. t && (T(n, t), t.scope && le(n, t.scope)), (t && t.lazy) ||
  9133. const o =
  9134. return (o.effect = n), o
  9135. }),
  9136. (e.effectScope = function (e) {
  9137. return new ce(e)
  9138. }),
  9139. (e.getCurrentInstance = Ds),
  9140. (e.getCurrentScope = function () {
  9141. return ie
  9142. }),
  9143. (e.getTransitionRawChildren = To),
  9144. (e.guardReactiveProps = Os),
  9145. (e.h = ui),
  9146. (e.handleError = Xt),
  9147. (e.hydrate = Nc),
  9148. (e.initCustomFormatter = di),
  9149. (e.initDirectivesForSSR = Rc),
  9150. (e.inject = ao),
  9151. (e.isMemoSame = fi),
  9152. (e.isProxy = Ct),
  9153. (e.isReactive = wt),
  9154. (e.isReadonly = xt),
  9155. (e.isRef = At),
  9156. (e.isRuntimeOnly = Qs),
  9157. (e.isShallow = St),
  9158. (e.isVNode = Ss),
  9159. (e.markRaw = Tt),
  9160. (e.mergeDefaults = function (e, t) {
  9161. const n = O(e) ? e.reduce((e, t) => ((e[t] = {}), e), {}) : e
  9162. for (const e in t) {
  9163. const o = n[e]
  9164. o
  9165. ? O(o) || M(o)
  9166. ? (n[e] = {
  9167. type: o,
  9168. default: t[e]
  9169. })
  9170. : (o.default = t[e])
  9171. : null === o
  9172. ? (n[e] = {
  9173. default: t[e]
  9174. })
  9175. : Kt(`props default key "${e}" has no corresponding declaration.`)
  9176. }
  9177. return n
  9178. }),
  9179. (e.mergeProps = js),
  9180. (e.nextTick = an),
  9181. (e.normalizeClass = u),
  9182. (e.normalizeProps = function (e) {
  9183. if (!e) return null
  9184. let { class: t, style: n } = e
  9185. return t && !P(t) && (e.class = u(t)), n && ( = s(n)), e
  9186. }),
  9187. (e.normalizeStyle = s),
  9188. (e.onActivated = Ro),
  9189. (e.onBeforeMount = Uo),
  9190. (e.onBeforeUnmount = Wo),
  9191. (e.onBeforeUpdate = Ho),
  9192. (e.onDeactivated = Mo),
  9193. (e.onErrorCaptured = Yo),
  9194. (e.onMounted = Do),
  9195. (e.onRenderTracked = qo),
  9196. (e.onRenderTriggered = Jo),
  9197. (e.onScopeDispose = function (e) {
  9198. ie
  9199. ? ie.cleanups.push(e)
  9200. : se(
  9201. 'onScopeDispose() is called when there is no active effect scope to be associated with.'
  9202. )
  9203. }),
  9204. (e.onServerPrefetch = Go),
  9205. (e.onUnmounted = Ko),
  9206. (e.onUpdated = zo),
  9207. (e.openBlock = gs),
  9208. (e.popScopeId = function () {
  9209. Un = null
  9210. }),
  9211. (e.provide = lo),
  9212. (e.proxyRefs = jt),
  9213. (e.pushScopeId = function (e) {
  9214. Un = e
  9215. }),
  9216. (e.queuePostFlushCb = dn),
  9217. (e.reactive = gt),
  9218. (e.readonly = vt),
  9219. (e.ref = It),
  9220. (e.registerRuntimeCompiler = Xs),
  9221. (e.render = Ec),
  9222. (e.renderList = function (e, t, n, o) {
  9223. let r
  9224. const s = n && n[o]
  9225. if (O(e) || P(e)) {
  9226. r = new Array(e.length)
  9227. for (let n = 0, o = e.length; n < o; n++) r[n] = t(e[n], n, void 0, s && s[n])
  9228. } else if ('number' == typeof e) {
  9229. Number.isInteger(e) || Kt(`The v-for range expect an integer value but got ${e}.`),
  9230. (r = new Array(e))
  9231. for (let n = 0; n < e; n++) r[n] = t(n + 1, n, void 0, s && s[n])
  9232. } else if (j(e))
  9233. if (e[Symbol.iterator]) r = Array.from(e, (e, n) => t(e, n, void 0, s && s[n]))
  9234. else {
  9235. const n = Object.keys(e)
  9236. r = new Array(n.length)
  9237. for (let o = 0, i = n.length; o < i; o++) {
  9238. const i = n[o]
  9239. r[o] = t(e[i], i, o, s && s[o])
  9240. }
  9241. }
  9242. else r = []
  9243. return n && (n[o] = r), r
  9244. }),
  9245. (e.renderSlot = function (e, t, n = {}, o, r) {
  9246. if (Bn.isCE || (Bn.parent && Eo(Bn.parent) && Bn.parent.isCE))
  9247. return 'default' !== t && ( = t), Ns('slot', n, o && o())
  9248. let s = e[t]
  9249. s &&
  9250. s.length > 1 &&
  9251. (Kt(
  9252. 'SSR-optimized slot function detected in a non-SSR-optimized render function. You need to mark this component with $dynamic-slots in the parent template.'
  9253. ),
  9254. (s = () => [])),
  9255. s && s._c && (s._d = !1),
  9256. gs()
  9257. const i = s && or(s(n)),
  9258. c = xs(
  9259. us,
  9260. {
  9261. key: n.key || (i && i.key) || `_${t}`
  9262. },
  9263. i || (o ? o() : []),
  9264. i && 1 === e._ ? 64 : -2
  9265. )
  9266. return !r && c.scopeId && (c.slotScopeIds = [c.scopeId + '-s']), s && s._c && (s._d = !0), c
  9267. }),
  9268. (e.resolveComponent = function (e, t) {
  9269. return tr(Qo, e, !0, t) || e
  9270. }),
  9271. (e.resolveDirective = function (e) {
  9272. return tr('directives', e)
  9273. }),
  9274. (e.resolveDynamicComponent = function (e) {
  9275. return P(e) ? tr(Qo, e, !1) || e : e || er
  9276. }),
  9277. (e.resolveFilter = null),
  9278. (e.resolveTransitionHooks = xo),
  9279. (e.setBlockTracking = _s),
  9280. (e.setDevtoolsHook = Nn),
  9281. (e.setTransitionHooks = ko),
  9282. (e.shallowReactive = yt),
  9283. (e.shallowReadonly = bt),
  9284. (e.shallowRef = function (e) {
  9285. return Rt(e, !0)
  9286. }),
  9287. (e.ssrContextKey = pi),
  9288. (e.ssrUtils = null),
  9289. (e.stop = function (e) {
  9290. e.effect.stop()
  9291. }),
  9292. (e.toDisplayString = (e) =>
  9293. P(e)
  9294. ? e
  9295. : null == e
  9296. ? ''
  9297. : O(e) || (j(e) && (e.toString === L || !M(e.toString)))
  9298. ? JSON.stringify(e, v, 2)
  9299. : String(e)),
  9300. (e.toHandlerKey = X),
  9301. (e.toHandlers = function (e, t) {
  9302. const n = {}
  9303. if (!j(e)) return Kt('v-on with no argument expects an object value.'), n
  9304. for (const o in e) n[t && /[A-Z]/.test(o) ? `on:${o}` : X(o)] = e[o]
  9305. return n
  9306. }),
  9307. (e.toRaw = kt),
  9308. (e.toRef = Bt),
  9309. (e.toRefs = function (e) {
  9310. Ct(e) || console.warn('toRefs() expects a reactive object but received a plain one.')
  9311. const t = O(e) ? new Array(e.length) : {}
  9312. for (const n in e) t[n] = Bt(e, n)
  9313. return t
  9314. }),
  9315. (e.transformVNodeArgs = function (e) {
  9316. vs = e
  9317. }),
  9318. (e.triggerRef = function (e) {
  9319. Ot(e, e.value)
  9320. }),
  9321. (e.unref = Pt),
  9322. (e.useAttrs = function () {
  9323. return ai().attrs
  9324. }),
  9325. (e.useCssModule = function (e = '$style') {
  9326. return Kt('useCssModule() is not supported in the global build.'), b
  9327. }),
  9328. (e.useCssVars = function (e) {
  9329. const t = Ds()
  9330. if (!t) return void Kt('useCssVars is called without current active component instance.')
  9331. const n = (t.ut = (n = e(t.proxy)) => {
  9332. Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`[data-v-owner="${t.uid}"]`)).forEach((e) =>
  9333. Mi(e, n)
  9334. )
  9335. }),
  9336. o = () => {
  9337. const o = e(t.proxy)
  9338. Ri(t.subTree, o), n(o)
  9339. }
  9340. uo(o),
  9341. Do(() => {
  9342. const e = new MutationObserver(o)
  9343. e.observe(t.subTree.el.parentNode, {
  9344. childList: !0
  9345. }),
  9346. Ko(() => e.disconnect())
  9347. })
  9348. }),
  9349. (e.useSSRContext = () => {
  9350. Kt('useSSRContext() is not supported in the global build.')
  9351. }),
  9352. (e.useSlots = function () {
  9353. return ai().slots
  9354. }),
  9355. (e.useTransitionState = vo),
  9356. (e.vModelCheckbox = ac),
  9357. (e.vModelDynamic = gc),
  9358. (e.vModelRadio = pc),
  9359. (e.vModelSelect = dc),
  9360. (e.vModelText = lc),
  9361. (e.vShow = wc),
  9362. (e.version = hi),
  9363. (e.warn = Kt),
  9364. ( = fo),
  9365. (e.watchEffect = function (e, t) {
  9366. return ho(e, null, t)
  9367. }),
  9368. (e.watchPostEffect = uo),
  9369. (e.watchSyncEffect = function (e, t) {
  9370. return ho(
  9371. e,
  9372. null,
  9373. Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), {
  9374. flush: 'sync'
  9375. })
  9376. )
  9377. }),
  9378. (e.withAsyncContext = function (e) {
  9379. const t = Ds()
  9380. t || Kt('withAsyncContext called without active current instance. This is likely a bug.')
  9381. let n = e()
  9382. return (
  9383. zs(),
  9384. V(n) &&
  9385. (n = n.catch((e) => {
  9386. throw (Hs(t), e)
  9387. })),
  9388. [n, () => Hs(t)]
  9389. )
  9390. }),
  9391. (e.withCtx = Hn),
  9392. (e.withDefaults = function (e, t) {
  9393. return li('withDefaults'), null
  9394. }),
  9395. (e.withDirectives = function (e, t) {
  9396. const n = Bn
  9397. if (null === n) return Kt('withDirectives can only be used inside render functions.'), e
  9398. const o = ni(n) || n.proxy,
  9399. r = e.dirs || (e.dirs = [])
  9400. for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
  9401. let [n, s, i, c = b] = t[e]
  9402. n &&
  9403. (M(n) &&
  9404. (n = {
  9405. mounted: n,
  9406. updated: n
  9407. }),
  9408. n.deep && yo(s),
  9409. r.push({
  9410. dir: n,
  9411. instance: o,
  9412. value: s,
  9413. oldValue: void 0,
  9414. arg: i,
  9415. modifiers: c
  9416. }))
  9417. }
  9418. return e
  9419. }),
  9420. (e.withKeys = (e, t) => (n) => {
  9421. if (!('key' in n)) return
  9422. const o = Y(n.key)
  9423. return t.some((e) => e === o || _c[e] === o) ? e(n) : void 0
  9424. }),
  9425. (e.withMemo = function (e, t, n, o) {
  9426. const r = n[o]
  9427. if (r && fi(r, e)) return r
  9428. const s = t()
  9429. return (s.memo = e.slice()), (n[o] = s)
  9430. }),
  9431. (e.withModifiers =
  9432. (e, t) =>
  9433. (n, ...o) => {
  9434. for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
  9435. const o = bc[t[e]]
  9436. if (o && o(n, t)) return
  9437. }
  9438. return e(n, ...o)
  9439. }),
  9440. (e.withScopeId = (e) => Hn),
  9441. Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', {
  9442. value: !0
  9443. }),
  9444. e
  9445. )
  9446. })({})
  9447. //# sourceMappingURL=/sm/