yuanliang пре 1 година
89 измењених фајлова са 1302 додато и 555 уклоњено
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  60. 0 0
  61. BIN
  62. BIN
  63. 0 0
  64. 1 1
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  68. 1 1
  69. 0 0
  70. BIN
  71. 0 0
  72. BIN
  73. BIN
  74. 2 2
  75. BIN
  76. 15 7
  77. 65 46
  78. 8 5
  79. 1 1
  80. 241 161
  81. 127 17
  82. 110 62
  83. 128 19
  84. 97 52
  85. 126 14
  86. 108 59
  87. 129 18
  88. 108 65
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+ 1 - 1
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
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+ 1 - 1
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
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+ 1 - 1
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+import{c_ as je,G as ze,c$ as De,d0 as $e,d1 as We,cE as He,cj as U,cG as ne,cF as Ge,d as Qe,r as v,cI as Je,cK as Xe,cM as Ze,aQ as _,cL as V,F as c,O as qe,d2 as Ye,cw as et,d3 as tt,cJ as oe,cP as nt,cN as j,cO as at,bi as u,cQ as lt,cR as ot,cS as rt,cT as it,a2 as dt,H as st,cx as ct,d4 as ut,cy as ht,cz as ft,cA as gt,d5 as mt,cC as vt,d6 as yt,cZ as p,cW as bt,cX as pt,cs as St,N as wt}from"./index.85fc7e44.js";const xt=t=>{const{popoverColor:h,boxShadow2:i,borderRadius:s,heightMedium:d,dividerColor:y,textColor2:C}=t;return{menuPadding:"4px",menuColor:h,menuBoxShadow:i,menuBorderRadius:s,menuHeight:`calc(${d} * 7.6)`,actionDividerColor:y,actionTextColor:C,actionPadding:"8px 12px"}},kt=je({name:"TreeSelect",common:ze,peers:{Tree:De,Empty:$e,InternalSelection:We},self:xt}),Tt=kt;function ae(t,h){const{rawNode:i}=t;return Object.assign(Object.assign({},i),{label:i[h],value:t.key})}function le(t,h,i,s){const{rawNode:d}=t;return Object.assign(Object.assign({},d),{value:t.key,label:h.map(y=>y.rawNode[s]).join(i)})}const Kt=He([U("tree-select",`
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+ 1 - 1
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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+ 1 - 1
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

+ 1 - 1
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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+ 1 - 1
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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+ 1 - 1
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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+ 1 - 1
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

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+ 0 - 0

+ 1 - 1
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

+ 1 - 1
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

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Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

+ 1 - 1
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+ 0 - 0

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+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

+ 1 - 1
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{d as m,e as p,r as t,h as s,B as v,Y as h,w as x,U as g,dk as k,o as b,g as u,t as w}from"./index.af6afcba.js";const B={class:"frame"},R=["src"],y=m({__name:"index",setup(S){var f,i;const o=p(),a=t(!1),c=t(null),r=t("");(f=s(o.meta))!=null&&f.frameSrc&&(r.value=(i=s(o.meta))==null?void 0:i.frameSrc);function _(){a.value=!1}function l(){g(()=>{const e=s(c);if(!e)return;const n=e;n.attachEvent?n.attachEvent("onload",()=>{_()}):e.onload=()=>{_()}})}return v(()=>{a.value=!0,l()}),(e,n)=>{const d=k;return b(),h(d,{show:a.value},{default:x(()=>[u("div",B,[u("iframe",{src:r.value,class:"frame-iframe",ref_key:"frameRef",ref:c},null,8,R)])]),_:1},8,["show"])}}});const E=w(y,[["__scopeId","data-v-86b4e8ba"]]);export{E as default};
+import{d as m,e as p,r as t,h as s,B as v,Y as h,w as x,U as g,dk as k,o as b,g as u,t as w}from"./index.85fc7e44.js";const B={class:"frame"},R=["src"],y=m({__name:"index",setup(S){var f,i;const o=p(),a=t(!1),c=t(null),r=t("");(f=s(o.meta))!=null&&f.frameSrc&&(r.value=(i=s(o.meta))==null?void 0:i.frameSrc);function _(){a.value=!1}function l(){g(()=>{const e=s(c);if(!e)return;const n=e;n.attachEvent?n.attachEvent("onload",()=>{_()}):e.onload=()=>{_()}})}return v(()=>{a.value=!0,l()}),(e,n)=>{const d=k;return b(),h(d,{show:a.value},{default:x(()=>[u("div",B,[u("iframe",{src:r.value,class:"frame-iframe",ref_key:"frameRef",ref:c},null,8,R)])]),_:1},8,["show"])}}});const E=w(y,[["__scopeId","data-v-86b4e8ba"]]);export{E as default};

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

+ 1 - 1
dist/assets/index.c817597e.js → dist/assets/index.d617e35c.js

@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{d as s,e as n,c as u,x as c,i as p,N as i}from"./index.af6afcba.js";const l=s({name:"Redirect",setup(){const t=n(),o=u();return c(()=>{const{params:r,query:a}=t,{path:e}=r;o.replace({path:"/"+(Array.isArray(e)?e.join("/"):e),query:a})}),()=>p(i,null,null)}});export{l as default};
+import{d as s,e as n,c as u,x as c,i as p,N as i}from"./index.85fc7e44.js";const l=s({name:"Redirect",setup(){const t=n(),o=u();return c(()=>{const{params:r,query:a}=t,{path:e}=r;o.replace({path:"/"+(Array.isArray(e)?e.join("/"):e),query:a})}),()=>p(i,null,null)}});export{l as default};

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

+ 1 - 1
dist/assets/index.e961e181.js → dist/assets/index.eb4697eb.js

@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{d as o,L as s,F as i,i as d,ds as f}from"./index.af6afcba.js";import{u as l}from"./tabsView.6200f5cb.js";const g=o({name:"TheLink",props:{to:{type:Object,default:{}},target:{type:String,default:"_self"},authLink:{type:String,default:""}},setup(t,{slots:e}){const a=s();l().closeCurrentTab({path:t.to.path});const u=i(()=>{const n=a.getAuths.some(r=>r===t.authLink);return!!(t.authLink&&!n)});return()=>u.value?e.default&&e.default():d(f,{to:t.to,target:t.target},{default:()=>[e.default&&e.default()]})}});export{g as T};
+import{d as o,L as s,F as i,i as d,ds as f}from"./index.85fc7e44.js";import{u as l}from"./tabsView.a6b0054d.js";const g=o({name:"TheLink",props:{to:{type:Object,default:{}},target:{type:String,default:"_self"},authLink:{type:String,default:""}},setup(t,{slots:e}){const a=s();l().closeCurrentTab({path:t.to.path});const u=i(()=>{const n=a.getAuths.some(r=>r===t.authLink);return!!(t.authLink&&!n)});return()=>u.value?e.default&&e.default():d(f,{to:t.to,target:t.target},{default:()=>[e.default&&e.default()]})}});export{g as T};

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

+ 1 - 1
dist/assets/index.c8f9577a.js → dist/assets/index.ec1c4bd8.js

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-var Tt=Object.defineProperty,xt=Object.defineProperties;var bt=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors;var yt=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;var At=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,Rt=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;var mt=(o,t,e)=>t in o?Tt(o,t,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:e}):o[t]=e,Ct=(o,t)=>{for(var e in t||(t={}))At.call(t,e)&&mt(o,e,t[e]);if(yt)for(var e of yt(t))Rt.call(t,e)&&mt(o,e,t[e]);return o},St=(o,t)=>xt(o,bt(t));var nt=(o,t,e)=>new Promise((n,l)=>{var r=w=>{try{S(e.next(w))}catch(x){l(x)}},u=w=>{try{S(e.throw(w))}catch(x){l(x)}},S=w=>w.done?n(w.value):Promise.resolve(w.value).then(r,u);S((e=e.apply(o,t)).next())});import{d as defineComponent,a as reactive,r as ref,i as createVNode,ac as NGrid,ad as NGi,a9 as NSpace,p as __unplugin_components_3,k as createTextVNode,U as nextTick,cc as commonjsGlobal,cb as getDefaultExportFromCjs,ab as service,u as useMessage,M as watch,cd as NUpload,aa as NModal}from"./index.af6afcba.js";/*!
+var Tt=Object.defineProperty,xt=Object.defineProperties;var bt=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors;var yt=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;var At=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,Rt=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;var mt=(o,t,e)=>t in o?Tt(o,t,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:e}):o[t]=e,Ct=(o,t)=>{for(var e in t||(t={}))At.call(t,e)&&mt(o,e,t[e]);if(yt)for(var e of yt(t))Rt.call(t,e)&&mt(o,e,t[e]);return o},St=(o,t)=>xt(o,bt(t));var nt=(o,t,e)=>new Promise((n,l)=>{var r=w=>{try{S(e.next(w))}catch(x){l(x)}},u=w=>{try{S(e.throw(w))}catch(x){l(x)}},S=w=>w.done?n(w.value):Promise.resolve(w.value).then(r,u);S((e=e.apply(o,t)).next())});import{d as defineComponent,a as reactive,r as ref,i as createVNode,ac as NGrid,ad as NGi,a9 as NSpace,p as __unplugin_components_3,k as createTextVNode,U as nextTick,cc as commonjsGlobal,cb as getDefaultExportFromCjs,ab as service,u as useMessage,M as watch,cd as NUpload,aa as NModal}from"./index.85fc7e44.js";/*!
  * Cropper.js v1.5.13
  * https://fengyuanchen.github.io/cropperjs

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0



Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

+ 1 - 1
dist/assets/parentLayout.b2a17790.js → dist/assets/parentLayout.325bfdd0.js

@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{t as o,Y as t,W as r,o as n}from"./index.af6afcba.js";const c={};function s(a,_){const e=r("router-view");return n(),t(e)}const f=o(c,[["render",s]]);export{f as default};
+import{t as o,Y as t,W as r,o as n}from"./index.85fc7e44.js";const c={};function s(a,_){const e=r("router-view");return n(),t(e)}const f=o(c,[["render",s]]);export{f as default};

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

+ 1 - 1
dist/assets/searchArray.5d6434a6.js → dist/assets/searchArray.c8aafeb3.js

@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{p as o,e as r,s as u,b as n,d as c,c as p,f as y,m as i,g as m,h as l,i as S,o as T,j as d,k as h,l as A,a as g,n as f,q as w,r as E,t as b,u as k,v,w as x,x as q,y as z,z as C,A as F}from"./constant.f92a1016.js";function a(s){let t=[];for(let e in s)t.push({label:s[e],value:e});return t}const K=a(o),N=a(r);a(u);a(n);a(c);a(p);a(y);a(i);a(m);a(l);a(S);const V=a(T);a(d);const j=a(h),B=a(A),D=a(g);a(f);a(w);a(E);a(b);a(k);a(v);a(x);a(q);a(z);a(C);a(F);export{j as a,B as b,D as c,N as e,V as o,K as p};
+import{p as o,e as r,s as u,b as n,d as c,c as p,f as y,m as i,g as m,h as l,i as S,o as T,j as d,k as h,l as A,a as g,n as f,q as w,r as E,t as b,u as k,v,w as x,x as q,y as z,z as C,A as F}from"./constant.ded25e36.js";function a(s){let t=[];for(let e in s)t.push({label:s[e],value:e});return t}const K=a(o),N=a(r);a(u);a(n);a(c);a(p);a(y);a(i);a(m);a(l);a(S);const V=a(T);a(d);const j=a(h),B=a(A),D=a(g);a(f);a(w);a(E);a(b);a(k);a(v);a(x);a(q);a(z);a(C);a(F);export{j as a,B as b,D as c,N as e,V as o,K as p};

+ 1 - 1
dist/assets/tabsView.6200f5cb.js → dist/assets/tabsView.a6b0054d.js

@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{v as n}from"./index.af6afcba.js";import{S as r}from"./searchs.b637f0d6.js";const b=["Redirect","login"],f=new r("");function o(t){return t.filter(a=>{var s,i;return(i=(s=a==null?void 0:a.meta)==null?void 0:s.affix)!=null?i:!1})}const p=n({id:"app-tabs-view",state:()=>({tabsList:[]}),getters:{},actions:{initTabs(t){this.tabsList=t},addTabs(t){return b.includes(t.name)?!1:(this.tabsList.some(s=>s.path==t.path)||this.tabsList.push(t),!0)},closeLeftTabs(t){const a=this.tabsList.findIndex(s=>s.path==t.path);this.tabsList=this.tabsList.filter((s,i)=>{var e,h;return i>=a||((h=(e=s==null?void 0:s.meta)==null?void 0:e.affix)!=null?h:!1)})},closeRightTabs(t){const a=this.tabsList.findIndex(s=>s.path==t.path);this.tabsList=this.tabsList.filter((s,i)=>{var e,h;return i<=a||((h=(e=s==null?void 0:s.meta)==null?void 0:e.affix)!=null?h:!1)})},closeOtherTabs(t){this.tabsList=this.tabsList.filter(a=>{var s,i;return a.path==t.path||((i=(s=a==null?void 0:a.meta)==null?void 0:s.affix)!=null?i:!1)}),f.removeByOtherRouter(t.path)},closeCurrentTab(t){if(t){f.removeByRouter(t.path);const a=this.tabsList.findIndex(s=>s.path==t.path);a!=-1&&this.tabsList.splice(a,1)}},closeAllTabs(){f.removeAll(),this.tabsList=o(this.tabsList)}}});export{p as u};
+import{v as n}from"./index.85fc7e44.js";import{S as r}from"./searchs.b637f0d6.js";const b=["Redirect","login"],f=new r("");function o(t){return t.filter(a=>{var s,i;return(i=(s=a==null?void 0:a.meta)==null?void 0:s.affix)!=null?i:!1})}const p=n({id:"app-tabs-view",state:()=>({tabsList:[]}),getters:{},actions:{initTabs(t){this.tabsList=t},addTabs(t){return b.includes(t.name)?!1:(this.tabsList.some(s=>s.path==t.path)||this.tabsList.push(t),!0)},closeLeftTabs(t){const a=this.tabsList.findIndex(s=>s.path==t.path);this.tabsList=this.tabsList.filter((s,i)=>{var e,h;return i>=a||((h=(e=s==null?void 0:s.meta)==null?void 0:e.affix)!=null?h:!1)})},closeRightTabs(t){const a=this.tabsList.findIndex(s=>s.path==t.path);this.tabsList=this.tabsList.filter((s,i)=>{var e,h;return i<=a||((h=(e=s==null?void 0:s.meta)==null?void 0:e.affix)!=null?h:!1)})},closeOtherTabs(t){this.tabsList=this.tabsList.filter(a=>{var s,i;return a.path==t.path||((i=(s=a==null?void 0:a.meta)==null?void 0:s.affix)!=null?i:!1)}),f.removeByOtherRouter(t.path)},closeCurrentTab(t){if(t){f.removeByRouter(t.path);const a=this.tabsList.findIndex(s=>s.path==t.path);a!=-1&&this.tabsList.splice(a,1)}},closeAllTabs(){f.removeAll(),this.tabsList=o(this.tabsList)}}});export{p as u};

+ 1 - 1
dist/assets/use-async.11c21ce9.js → dist/assets/use-async.b28e842d.js

@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{e as n,B as r}from"./index.af6afcba.js";import{S as o}from"./searchs.b637f0d6.js";const g=e=>{const s=n(),t=new o(s.path).get(s.path);r(()=>{e(t)})},i=(e,s="current",a)=>{const t=new o(a.path);t.update({[s]:e},void 0,"form");const c=t.get(a.path);console.log(c,"setTabsCaches")};export{g,i as s};
+import{e as n,B as r}from"./index.85fc7e44.js";import{S as o}from"./searchs.b637f0d6.js";const g=e=>{const s=n(),t=new o(s.path).get(s.path);r(()=>{e(t)})},i=(e,s="current",a)=>{const t=new o(a.path);t.update({[s]:e},void 0,"form");const c=t.get(a.path);console.log(c,"setTabsCaches")};export{g,i as s};

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 0



+ 2 - 2

@@ -233,8 +233,8 @@ export const heardLevelType = {
 // 曲目类型
 export const musicSheetType = {
-  SINGLE: '独奏',
-  CONCERT: '合奏'
+  SINGLE: '',
+  CONCERT: ''
 } as any
 // 作者属性


+ 15 - 7

@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
             <n-form-item class="default-color">
               <div class="flex justify-between">
                 <div class="flex-initial">
-                  <n-checkbox v-model:checked="autoLogin">记住密码</n-checkbox>
+                  <n-checkbox v-model:checked="formInline.isCaptcha">记住密码</n-checkbox>
                 <!-- <div class="flex-initial order-last">
                 <a href="javascript:">忘记密码</a>
@@ -125,7 +125,14 @@ let formInline = reactive({
 const formInlineHistory = storage.get('userInfo')
 if (formInlineHistory) {
-  formInline = reactive({ ...JSON.parse(formInlineHistory) })
+  const tempForm = JSON.parse(formInlineHistory)
+  if (tempForm.isCaptcha) {
+    formInline.username = tempForm.username
+    formInline.password = tempForm.password
+  } else {
+    formInline.username = tempForm.username
+  }
+  // formInline = reactive({ ...JSON.parse(formInlineHistory) })
 const rules = {
   username: { required: true, message: '请输入用户名', trigger: 'blur' },
@@ -160,11 +167,12 @@ const handleSubmit = (e: any) => {
         if (some.code == ResultEnum.SUCCESS) {
           //  判断是否勾选自动登录
-          if (autoLogin) {
-            storage.set('userInfo', JSON.stringify(formInline))
-          } else {
-            storage.remove('userInfo')
-          }
+          // if (autoLogin.value) {
+          //   storage.set('userInfo', JSON.stringify(formInline))
+          // } else {
+          //   storage.remove('userInfo')
+          // }
+          storage.set('userInfo', JSON.stringify(formInline))
           // route.query?.redirect ||

+ 65 - 46

@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import {getOwnerName} from '@views/music-library/musicUtil'
 import styles from './music-list.module.less'
 import MusicCreateImg from '../modal/music-create-img'
 import TheTooltip from "@components/TheTooltip";
+import { HelpCircleOutline } from '@vicons/ionicons5'
 export default defineComponent({
   name: 'music-list',
@@ -58,7 +59,8 @@ export default defineComponent({
         sourceType: null, //来源类型/作者属性(PLATFORM: 平台; ORG: 机构; PERSON: 个人
         composer: null, //作曲人/音乐人
         userId: null, //所属人
-        useAppId: null, //适用项目ID
+        applicationId: null, //所属人项目ID
+        useAppId: [] as any, //适用项目ID
         status: null, //曲目状态(0:停用,1:启用)
         appAuditFlag: null, //是否审核版本
         categoriesId: null, //是否审核版本
@@ -112,14 +114,15 @@ export default defineComponent({
           title: '曲目信息',
-          minWidth: '150px',
+          minWidth: '200px',
           key: 'composer',
           render(row: any) {
             return (
                 <NDescriptions labelPlacement="left" column={1}>
                   <NDescriptionsItem label="音乐人">{row.composer}</NDescriptionsItem>
-                  <NDescriptionsItem label="类型">{getMapValueByKey(row.musicSheetType, new Map(Object.entries(musicSheetType)))}</NDescriptionsItem>
+                  <NDescriptionsItem label="多声轨渲染">{getMapValueByKey(row.musicSheetType, new Map(Object.entries(musicSheetType)))}</NDescriptionsItem>
                   <NDescriptionsItem label="分类"><TheTooltip content={row.musicCategoryName}/></NDescriptionsItem>
+                  <NDescriptionsItem label="可用声部"><TheTooltip content={row.subjectNames}/></NDescriptionsItem>
@@ -139,7 +142,6 @@ export default defineComponent({
           title: '适用项目',
-          width: '300px',
           key: 'projectName',
           render(row: any) {
             return (
@@ -148,6 +150,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
+                  v-auth="musicSheetApplicationExtend/save1752901206883221506"
                   onClick={() => {
                     state.showUseProject = true
                     state.showUseProjectId = row.id
@@ -184,15 +187,6 @@ export default defineComponent({
-          title: '可用声部',
-          minWidth: '100px',
-          maxWidth: '300px',
-          key: 'subjectNames',
-          render(row: any) {
-            return <TheTooltip content={row.subjectNames}/>
-          }
-        },
-        {
           title: '审核版本',
           minWidth: '100px',
           key: 'appAuditFlag',
@@ -346,7 +340,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
     const updateUserIdData = async (sourceType: any) => {
-      if (!state.searchForm.useAppId) {
+      if (!state.searchForm.applicationId) {
       state.userIdData = []
@@ -356,7 +350,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
           page: 1,
           rows: 9999,
           sourceType: sourceType,
-          applicationId: state.searchForm.useAppId
+          applicationId: state.searchForm.applicationId
         const temp = data.rows || []
         temp.forEach((next: any) => {
@@ -389,7 +383,10 @@ export default defineComponent({
         state.loading = true
         const sourceType = state.searchForm.sourceType;
         const userId = state.searchForm.userId
-        let search={...state.searchForm} as any
+        let search = {
+          ...state.searchForm,
+          useAppId: state.searchForm.useAppId ? state.searchForm.useAppId.join(',') : state.searchForm.useAppId
+        } as any
         if (sourceType) {
           if (sourceType == 'ORG') {
             search.organizationRoleId = userId
@@ -508,9 +505,9 @@ export default defineComponent({
-          <NFormItem label="曲目类型" path="musicSheetType">
+          <NFormItem label="多声轨渲染" path="musicSheetType">
-              placeholder="请选择曲目类型"
+              placeholder="请选择多声轨渲染"
@@ -552,7 +549,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
                 state.searchForm.userId = null
                 if (value && value !== 'PLATFORM') {
                   await updateUserIdData(value)
-                  state.userIdDisable = !state.searchForm.useAppId
+                  state.userIdDisable = !state.searchForm.applicationId
                 } else {
                   state.userIdDisable = true
@@ -560,36 +557,58 @@ export default defineComponent({
-          <NFormItem label="适用项目" path="app">
+          <NFormItem label="项目" path="applicationId">
-              placeholder="请选择适用项目"
-              v-model:value={state.searchForm.useAppId}
-              options={state.useProjectData}
-              clearable
-              onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
-                state.searchForm.useAppId = value
-                if (value) {
-                  await updateUserIdData(state.searchForm.sourceType)
-                  state.userIdDisable = !(
-                    state.searchForm.sourceType && state.searchForm.sourceType !== 'PLATFORM'
-                  )
-                } else {
-                  state.searchForm.userId = null
-                  state.userIdDisable = true
-                  state.userIdData = []
-                }
-              }}
+                placeholder="请选择项目"
+                v-model:value={state.searchForm.applicationId}
+                options={state.useProjectData}
+                clearable
+                onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
+                  state.searchForm.applicationId = value
+                  if (value) {
+                    await updateUserIdData(state.searchForm.sourceType)
+                    state.userIdDisable = !(
+                        state.searchForm.sourceType && state.searchForm.sourceType !== 'PLATFORM'
+                    )
+                  } else {
+                    state.searchForm.userId = null
+                    state.userIdDisable = true
+                    state.userIdData = []
+                  }
+                }}
-          <NFormItem label="所属人" path="author">
+          <NFormItem label="所属人" path="userId">
+            {{ label: () => <div>所属人<NTooltip style={"padding-left: 10px"}>
+                {{
+                  default: () => '请选择作者属性和项目再选择所属人',
+                  trigger: () => (
+                      <span style="overflow: hidden;display: inline-block;max-width: 200px;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;">
+                  <NIcon size="20">
+                      <HelpCircleOutline/>
+                  </NIcon>
+                </span>
+                  )
+                }}
+              </NTooltip></div>, default: () =><NSelect
+                  filterable
+                  placeholder="请选择所属人"
+                  disabled={state.userIdDisable || (!state.searchForm.applicationId && !state.searchForm.sourceType)}
+                  v-model:value={state.searchForm.userId}
+                  options={state.userIdData}
+                  clearable
+              ></NSelect>}}
+          </NFormItem>
+          <NFormItem label="适用项目" path="useAppId">
-              filterable
-              placeholder="请选择所属人"
-              disabled={state.userIdDisable}
-              v-model:value={state.searchForm.userId}
-              options={state.userIdData}
-              clearable
-            ></NSelect>
+                placeholder="请选择适用项目"
+                v-model:value={state.searchForm.useAppId}
+                options={state.useProjectData}
+                multiple
+                maxTagCount={1}
+            />
           <NFormItem label="状态" path="status">
@@ -680,7 +699,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
             rowKey={(row: any) => row.id}
-            scrollX={'1800'}
+            scrollX={'1200'}

+ 8 - 5

@@ -62,13 +62,16 @@ export default defineComponent({
     const columns = (): DataTableColumn[] => {
       return [
-        {
-          title: '编号',
-          key: 'id'
-        },
+        // {
+        //   title: '编号',
+        //   key: 'id'
+        // },
           title: '分类名称',
-          key: 'name'
+          key: 'id',
+          render(row: any) {
+            return row.name + '(' + row.id + ')'
+          }
           title: '曲目数量',

+ 1 - 1

@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
               onUpdate:value={(val: any) => setTabs(val)}
-              <NTabPane name="MusicList" tab="曲列表" v-auth="musicSheet/page1751238894313013249">
+              <NTabPane name="MusicList" tab="曲列表" v-auth="musicSheet/page1751238894313013249">
                 <MusicList searchId={state.searchId} musicCategoryId={state.musicCategoryId} />

+ 241 - 161

@@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
-import type { SelectOption } from 'naive-ui'
+import type {SelectOption} from 'naive-ui'
 import {
-  NForm, NFormItem,
+  NForm,
+  NFormItem,
-  NInput, NInputGroup, NInputGroupLabel,
+  NInput,
+  NInputGroup,
+  NInputGroupLabel,
@@ -20,20 +23,21 @@ import {
 } from 'naive-ui'
-import { defineComponent, onMounted, PropType, reactive, ref } from 'vue'
-import { musicSheetCategoriesQueryTree, musicSheetDetail, musicSheetSave } from '../../api'
+import {defineComponent, nextTick, onMounted, PropType, reactive, ref} from 'vue'
+import {musicSheetCategoriesQueryTree, musicSheetDetail, musicSheetSave} from '../../api'
 import UploadFile from '@/components/upload-file'
 import styles from './index.module.less'
 import deepClone from '@/utils/deep.clone'
 import axios from 'axios'
-import { appKey, clientType, musicSheetSourceType, musicSheetType } from '@/utils/constant'
-import { getMapValueByKey, getSelectDataFromObj } from '@/utils/objectUtil'
-import { musicalInstrumentPage } from '@views/system-manage/subject-manage/api'
-import { subjectPage } from '@views/system-manage/api'
+import {appKey, clientType, musicSheetSourceType, musicSheetType} from '@/utils/constant'
+import {getMapValueByKey, getSelectDataFromObj} from '@/utils/objectUtil'
+import {musicalInstrumentPage} from '@views/system-manage/subject-manage/api'
+import {subjectPage} from '@views/system-manage/api'
 import MusicSheetOwnerDialog from '@views/music-library/music-sheet/modal/musicSheetOwnerDialog'
-import { sysApplicationPage } from '@views/menu-manage/api'
-import { filterPointCategory } from '@views/teaching-manage/unit-test'
+import {sysApplicationPage} from '@views/menu-manage/api'
+import {filterPointCategory} from '@views/teaching-manage/unit-test'
 import MusicCreateImg from './music-create-img'
+import {onUpdated} from "vue-demi";
  * 获取指定元素下一个Note元素
@@ -437,6 +441,15 @@ export default defineComponent({
+    const containOther = (track:any)=>{
+      for (let i = 0; i < state.partListNames.length; i++) {
+        if(state.partListNames[i].value == track){
+          return true
+        }
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
     const parseInstrumentAndSubject = (xml: any) => {
       if (!xml) return
       const xmlParse = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xml, 'text/xml')
@@ -505,15 +518,23 @@ export default defineComponent({
       //   (n: any) => n.value?.toLocaleUpperCase?.() != 'COMMON'
       // )
       const partListNames = deepClone(state.partListNames) || []
+      const multiTracksSelection = forms.multiTracksSelection;
       partListNames.forEach((item: any) => {
-        const index = forms.musicSheetSoundList.findIndex(
-          (ground: any) => item.value == ground.track
-        )
-        if (index > -1 && track == item.value) {
-          item.disabled = false
-        } else {
+        if (multiTracksSelection.includes(item.value)) {
           item.disabled = true
+        } else {
+          item.disabled = false
+        // const index = forms.musicSheetSoundList.findIndex(
+        //   (ground: any) => item.value == ground.track
+        // )
+        // if (index > -1 && track == item.value) {
+        //   item.disabled = false
+        // } else {
+        //   item.disabled = true
+        // }
       return partListNames || []
@@ -549,6 +570,13 @@ export default defineComponent({
         positiveText: '确定',
         negativeText: '取消',
         onPositiveClick: async () => {
+          const sound = forms.musicSheetSoundList[index];
+          const track = sound.track
+          const selectIndex = forms.multiTracksSelection.indexOf(track)
+          if (selectIndex > -1) {
+            forms.multiTracksSelection.splice(selectIndex, 1)
+          }
           forms.musicSheetSoundList.splice(index, 1)
@@ -690,7 +718,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
-          forms.musicalInstrumentIdList = data.musicalInstrumentIds.split(',') || []
+          forms.musicalInstrumentIdList = data.musicalInstrumentIds ? data.musicalInstrumentIds.split(',') : []
           forms.musicCategoryId = data.musicCategoryId
           data.musicSheetAccompanimentList?.forEach((next: any) => {
@@ -717,11 +745,12 @@ export default defineComponent({
               state.partListNames = getPartListNames(res?.data as any) as any
               // 初始化音轨和原音
-              forms.multiTracksSelection = data.multiTracksSelection?.split(',') || []
+              forms.multiTracksSelection = data.multiTracksSelection ? data.multiTracksSelection.split(',') : []
-              const existSoundList = data.musicSheetSoundList || []
+              const existSoundList = data.musicSheetSoundList ? data.musicSheetSoundList : []
+              const tracks = [] as any
               state.partListNames.forEach((item: any) => {
-                let audioFileUrl
+                let audioFileUrl = null
                 existSoundList.forEach((next: any) => {
                   if (next.track == item.value) {
                     audioFileUrl = next.audioFileUrl
@@ -731,6 +760,17 @@ export default defineComponent({
                   audioFileUrl: audioFileUrl, // 原音
                   track: item.value // 轨道
+                tracks.push(item.value)
+              })
+              // 处理没有声轨,但有原音
+              existSoundList.filter((next: any) => {
+                return !tracks.includes(next.track)
+              }).forEach((next: any) => {
+                forms.musicSheetSoundList.push({
+                  audioFileUrl: next.audioFileUrl, // 原音
+                  track: next.track ? next.track : null // 轨道
+                })
@@ -755,7 +795,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
-            label-width="130"
+            label-width="150"
             <NAlert showIcon={false} style={{ marginBottom: '12px' }}>
@@ -844,24 +884,6 @@ export default defineComponent({
             <NGrid cols={2}>
-                label="曲目类型"
-                path="musicSheetType"
-                rule={[
-                  {
-                    required: true,
-                    message: '请选择曲目类型',
-                    trigger: 'change'
-                  }
-                ]}
-              >
-                <NSelect
-                  placeholder="请选择曲目类型"
-                  v-model:value={forms.musicSheetType}
-                  options={getSelectDataFromObj(musicSheetType)}
-                />
-              </NFormItemGi>
-              <NFormItemGi
@@ -887,76 +909,58 @@ export default defineComponent({
-            </NGrid>
-            <NGrid cols={2}>
               {forms.sourceType === 'PERSON' && (
-                <NFormItemGi
-                  label="所属人"
-                  path="musicSheetExtend.userId"
-                  rule={[
-                    {
-                      required: true,
-                      message: '请选择曲目所属人',
-                      trigger: ['input', 'change']
-                    }
-                  ]}
-                >
-                  <NButton
-                    disabled={state.previewMode || !forms.sourceType}
-                    type="primary"
-                    size="small"
-                    text
-                    //v-auth="orchestraSubsidyStandard/update1597887579789053953"
-                    onClick={() => {
-                      state.showMusicSheetOwnerDialog = true
-                    }}
+                  <NFormItemGi
+                      label="所属人"
+                      path="musicSheetExtend.userId"
+                      rule={[
+                        {
+                          required: true,
+                          message: '请选择曲目所属人',
+                          trigger: ['input', 'change']
+                        }
+                      ]}
-                    {state.ownerName ? state.ownerName : '请选择所属人'}
-                  </NButton>
-                </NFormItemGi>
+                    <NButton
+                        disabled={state.previewMode || !forms.sourceType}
+                        type="primary"
+                        size="small"
+                        text
+                        //v-auth="orchestraSubsidyStandard/update1597887579789053953"
+                        onClick={() => {
+                          state.showMusicSheetOwnerDialog = true
+                        }}
+                    >
+                      {state.ownerName ? state.ownerName : '请选择所属人'}
+                    </NButton>
+                  </NFormItemGi>
               {forms.sourceType === 'ORG' && (
-                <NFormItemGi
-                  label="所属人"
-                  path="musicSheetExtend.organizationRoleId"
-                  rule={[
-                    {
-                      required: true,
-                      message: '请选择曲目所属机构',
-                      trigger: ['input', 'change']
-                    }
-                  ]}
-                >
-                  <NButton
-                    disabled={state.previewMode || !forms.sourceType}
-                    type="primary"
-                    size="small"
-                    text
-                    //v-auth="orchestraSubsidyStandard/update1597887579789053953"
-                    onClick={() => {
-                      state.showMusicSheetOwnerDialog = true
-                    }}
+                  <NFormItemGi
+                      label="所属人"
+                      path="musicSheetExtend.organizationRoleId"
+                      rule={[
+                        {
+                          required: true,
+                          message: '请选择曲目所属机构',
+                          trigger: ['input', 'change']
+                        }
+                      ]}
-                    {state.ownerName ? state.ownerName : '请选择所属机构'}
-                  </NButton>
-                </NFormItemGi>
+                    <NButton
+                        disabled={state.previewMode || !forms.sourceType}
+                        type="primary"
+                        size="small"
+                        text
+                        //v-auth="orchestraSubsidyStandard/update1597887579789053953"
+                        onClick={() => {
+                          state.showMusicSheetOwnerDialog = true
+                        }}
+                    >
+                      {state.ownerName ? state.ownerName : '请选择所属机构'}
+                    </NButton>
+                  </NFormItemGi>
-              <NFormItemGi
-                label="速度"
-                path="playSpeed"
-                rule={[
-                  {
-                    required: false,
-                    message: '请输入速度'
-                  }
-                ]}
-              >
-                <NInputNumber
-                  placeholder="请输入速度"
-                  v-model:value={forms.playSpeed}
-                  style="width:100%"
-                />
-              </NFormItemGi>
             <NGrid cols={2}>
@@ -1041,6 +1045,24 @@ export default defineComponent({
+            <NGrid cols={2}>
+              <NFormItemGi
+                  label="速度"
+                  path="playSpeed"
+                  rule={[
+                    {
+                      required: false,
+                      message: '请输入速度'
+                    }
+                  ]}
+              >
+                <NInputNumber
+                    placeholder="请输入速度"
+                    v-model:value={forms.playSpeed}
+                    style="width:100%"
+                />
+              </NFormItemGi>
+            </NGrid>
             <NAlert showIcon={false} style={{ marginBottom: '12px' }}>
@@ -1241,6 +1263,29 @@ export default defineComponent({
+            <NGrid cols={2}>
+              <NFormItemGi
+                  label="多声轨渲染"
+                  path="musicSheetType"
+                  rule={[
+                    {
+                      required: true,
+                      message: '请选择多声轨渲染',
+                      trigger: 'change'
+                    }
+                  ]}
+              >
+                {/*<NSelect*/}
+                {/*    placeholder="请选择曲目类型"*/}
+                {/*    v-model:value={forms.musicSheetType}*/}
+                {/*    options={getSelectDataFromObj(musicSheetType)}*/}
+                {/*/>*/}
+                <NRadioGroup v-model:value={forms.musicSheetType}>
+                  <NRadio value={'SINGLE'}>是</NRadio>
+                  <NRadio value={'CONCERT'}>否</NRadio>
+                </NRadioGroup>
+              </NFormItemGi>
+            </NGrid>
             {forms.musicSheetType && (
               <NGrid cols={1}>
@@ -1281,7 +1326,12 @@ export default defineComponent({
-                        <NCheckboxGroup v-model:value={forms.multiTracksSelection}>
+                        <NCheckboxGroup v-model:value={forms.multiTracksSelection}
+                        onUpdateValue={()=>{
+                          console.log("multiTracksSelection",forms.multiTracksSelection)
+                          console.log("musicSheetSoundList",forms.musicSheetSoundList)
+                        }}
+                        >
                           <NGrid yGap={2} cols={4}>
                             {state.partListNames.map((item: any) => (
@@ -1388,62 +1438,92 @@ export default defineComponent({
             {/* 只有播放类型为mp3时才会有原音 */}
             {forms.playMode === 'MP3' && forms.musicSheetSoundList.length > 0 && (
-                {forms.musicSheetSoundList.map((item: any, index: number) => (
-                  <>
-                    {item.track?.toLocaleUpperCase?.() != 'COMMON' &&
-                      forms.multiTracksSelection.indexOf(item.track) > -1 && (
-                        <NGrid
-                          class={styles.audioSection}
-                          // v-show={forms.multiTracksSelection.indexOf(item.track) > -1}
-                        >
-                          <NFormItemGi
-                            span={12}
-                            label="原音"
-                            path={`musicSheetSoundList[${index}].audioFileUrl`}
-                            rule={[
-                              {
-                                // required: forms.multiTracksSelection.indexOf(forms.musicSheetSoundList[index].audioFileUrl) > -1,
-                                required: true,
-                                message: `请上传${
-                                  item.track ? item.track + '的' : '第' + (index + 1) + '个'
-                                }原音`
-                              }
-                            ]}
-                          >
-                            <UploadFile
-                              desc={'原音文件'}
-                              disabled={state.previewMode}
-                              size={100}
-                              v-model:fileList={item.audioFileUrl}
-                              tips="仅支持上传.mp3格式文件"
-                              listType="image"
-                              accept=".mp3"
-                              bucketName="cloud-coach"
-                            />
-                          </NFormItemGi>
-                          {state.partListNames.length > 1 && (
-                            <NFormItemGi
-                              span={12}
-                              label="所属轨道"
-                              path={`musicSheetSoundList[${index}].track`}
-                              rule={[
-                                {
-                                  required: true,
-                                  message: '请选择所属轨道'
-                                }
-                              ]}
-                            >
-                              <NSelect
-                                placeholder="请选择所属轨道"
-                                v-model:value={item.track}
-                                options={initPartsListStatus(item.track)}
-                              />
-                            </NFormItemGi>
-                          )}
-                        </NGrid>
-                      )}
-                  </>
-                ))}
+                {forms.musicSheetSoundList.map((item: any, index: number) => {
+                  return (
+                      <>
+                        {(!containOther(item.track) || (item.track?.toLocaleUpperCase?.() != 'COMMON' && forms.multiTracksSelection.includes(item.track)))
+                            && (
+                                <NGrid
+                                    class={styles.audioSection}
+                                    // v-show={forms.multiTracksSelection.indexOf(item.track) > -1}
+                                >
+                                  <NFormItemGi
+                                      span={12}
+                                      label="原音"
+                                      path={`musicSheetSoundList[${index}].audioFileUrl`}
+                                      rule={[
+                                        {
+                                          // required: forms.multiTracksSelection.indexOf(forms.musicSheetSoundList[index].audioFileUrl) > -1,
+                                          required: true,
+                                          message: `请上传${
+                                              item.track ? item.track + '的' : '第' + (index + 1) + '个'
+                                          }原音`
+                                        }
+                                      ]}
+                                  >
+                                    <UploadFile
+                                        desc={'原音文件'}
+                                        disabled={state.previewMode}
+                                        size={100}
+                                        v-model:fileList={item.audioFileUrl}
+                                        tips="仅支持上传.mp3格式文件"
+                                        listType="image"
+                                        accept=".mp3"
+                                        bucketName="cloud-coach"
+                                    />
+                                  </NFormItemGi>
+                                  {state.partListNames.length > 0 && (
+                                      <NFormItemGi
+                                          span={12}
+                                          label="所属轨道"
+                                          path={`musicSheetSoundList[${index}].track`}
+                                          rule={[
+                                            {
+                                              required: true,
+                                              message: '请选择所属轨道'
+                                            }
+                                          ]}
+                                      >
+                                        <NSelect
+                                            placeholder="请选择所属轨道"
+                                            value={item.track}
+                                            options={initPartsListStatus(item.track)}
+                                            onUpdateValue={(value: any) => {
+                                              const track = item.track
+                                              // 声轨交换
+                                              forms.musicSheetSoundList.forEach((next:any)=>{
+                                                if (next.track == value) {
+                                                  next.track = track
+                                                }
+                                              })
+                                              if (track) {
+                                                const index = forms.multiTracksSelection.indexOf(item.track)
+                                                forms.multiTracksSelection.splice(index, 1)
+                                              }
+                                              if (value && !forms.multiTracksSelection.includes(value)) {
+                                                forms.multiTracksSelection.push(value)
+                                              }
+                                              item.track = value
+                                            }}
+                                        />
+                                      </NFormItemGi>
+                                  )}
+                                  <NGi class={styles.btnRemove}>
+                                    <NButton
+                                        type="primary"
+                                        text
+                                        disabled={forms.musicSheetSoundList.length === 1}
+                                        onClick={() => removeSys(index)}
+                                    >
+                                      删除
+                                    </NButton>
+                                  </NGi>
+                                </NGrid>
+                            )}
+                      </>
+                  );
+                })}

+ 127 - 17

@@ -20,11 +20,12 @@ import {
 } from 'naive-ui'
 import Pagination from '@components/pagination'
 import { getMapValueByKey, getSelectDataFromObj } from '@/utils/objectUtil'
-import { musicSheetPaymentType, musicSheetSourceType, musicSheetType } from '@/utils/constant'
-import {musicSheetApplicationExtendCategoryList, musicSheetApplicationExtendSaveBatch, musicSheetPage} from '@views/music-library/api'
+import {appKey, musicSheetPaymentType, musicSheetSourceType, musicSheetType} from '@/utils/constant'
+import {musicSheetApplicationExtendCategoryList, musicSheetApplicationExtendSaveBatch, musicSheetApplicationOwnerList, musicSheetPage} from '@views/music-library/api'
 import deepClone from '@/utils/deep.clone'
 import { getOwnerName } from '@views/music-library/musicUtil'
 import TheTooltip from '@/components/TheTooltip'
+import {sysApplicationPage} from "@views/menu-manage/api";
 export default defineComponent({
   name: 'gym-addMusic',
@@ -62,7 +63,10 @@ export default defineComponent({
         keyword: null,
         musicSheetType: null,
         subjectId: null,
-        sourceType: null
+        sourceType: null,
+        composer : null,
+        userId : null,
+        applicationId : null,
       subjectList: [] as any,
       showAdd: false,
@@ -72,10 +76,23 @@ export default defineComponent({
       musicSheetCategories: [] as any,
       startSortNum: null as any, // 排序起始值
       projectMusicCategoryId: null as any, // 曲目分类ID
-      globalPaymentType: null as any //收费方式
+      globalPaymentType: null as any, //收费方式
+      userIdDisable: true,
+      userIdData: [] as any,
+      useProjectData: [] as any, // 适用项目行数据
     onMounted(async () => {
+      state.searchForm.keyword = null
+      state.searchForm.musicSheetType = null
+      state.searchForm.subjectId = null
+      state.searchForm.sourceType = null
+      state.searchForm.composer = null
+      state.searchForm.userId = null
+      state.searchForm.applicationId = null
       state.loading = true
       state.subjectList = props.subjectList
       // state.musicSheetCategories = props.musicSheetCategories
@@ -90,16 +107,62 @@ export default defineComponent({
       } catch {
+      await initUseAppList()
       await getList()
+    const initUseAppList = async () => {
+      try {
+        const appKeys = Object.keys(appKey)
+        const { data } = await sysApplicationPage({ page: 1, rows: 999 })
+        const tempList = data.rows || []
+        state.useProjectData = []
+        const filter = tempList.filter((next: any) => {
+          return appKeys.includes(next.appKey)
+        })
+        filter.forEach((item: any) => {
+          state.useProjectData.push({
+            ...item,
+            label: item.appName,
+            value: item.id
+          })
+        })
+      } catch {}
+    }
+    const updateUserIdData = async (sourceType: any) => {
+      if (!state.searchForm.applicationId) {
+        return
+      }
+      state.userIdData = []
+      state.searchForm.userId = null
+      if (sourceType && sourceType !== 'PLATFORM') {
+        const { data } = await musicSheetApplicationOwnerList({
+          page: 1,
+          rows: 9999,
+          sourceType: sourceType,
+          applicationId: state.searchForm.applicationId
+        })
+        const temp = data.rows || []
+        temp.forEach((next: any) => {
+          state.userIdData.push({
+            ...next,
+            label: sourceType === 'PERSON' ? next.userName : next.organizationRole,
+            value: sourceType === 'PERSON' ? next.userId : next.organizationRoleId
+          })
+        })
+      }
+    }
     const getList = async () => {
       try {
         state.loading = true
+        const sourceType = state.searchForm.sourceType
         const { data } = await musicSheetPage({
+          userId: (sourceType && sourceType === 'PERSON') ? state.searchForm.userId : null,
+          organizationRoleId: (sourceType && sourceType === 'ORG') ? state.searchForm.userId : null,
           addAppId: props.appId
         state.pagination.pageTotal = Number(data.total)
@@ -134,7 +197,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
-        if (!item.sortNo || !item.projectMusicCategoryId) {
+        if (item.sortNo === null || item.sortNo === undefined || item.sortNo === '') {
@@ -185,7 +248,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
         key: 'composer'
-        title: '曲目类型',
+        title: '多声轨渲染',
         key: 'musicSheetType',
         render: (row: any) => {
           return (
@@ -557,32 +620,79 @@ export default defineComponent({
-                <NFormItem label="曲目类型" path="musicSheetType">
+                <NFormItem label="多声轨渲染" path="musicSheetType">
-                    placeholder="请选择曲目类型"
+                    placeholder="请选择多声轨渲染"
-                <NFormItem label="声部" path="musicSubject">
+                <NFormItem label="可用声部" path="musicSubject">
-                    placeholder="请选择声部"
+                    placeholder="请选择可用声部"
+                <NFormItem label="音乐人" path="composer">
+                  <NInput
+                      placeholder="请选择音乐人"
+                      v-model:value={state.searchForm.composer}
+                      clearable
+                  />
+                </NFormItem>
                 <NFormItem label="曲目来源" path="sourceType">
-                    placeholder="请选择曲目来源"
-                    v-model:value={state.searchForm.sourceType}
-                    options={getSelectDataFromObj(musicSheetSourceType)}
-                    // onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
-                    // }}
-                    clearable
+                      placeholder="请选择曲目来源"
+                      v-model:value={state.searchForm.sourceType}
+                      options={getSelectDataFromObj(musicSheetSourceType)}
+                      onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
+                        state.userIdData = []
+                        state.searchForm.userId = null
+                        if (value && value !== 'PLATFORM') {
+                          await updateUserIdData(value)
+                          state.userIdDisable = false
+                        } else {
+                          state.userIdDisable = true
+                        }
+                      }}
+                      clearable
+                <NFormItem label="项目" path="applicationId">
+                  <NSelect
+                      placeholder="请选择项目"
+                      v-model:value={state.searchForm.applicationId}
+                      options={state.useProjectData}
+                      clearable
+                      onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
+                        state.searchForm.applicationId = value
+                        if (value) {
+                          await updateUserIdData(state.searchForm.sourceType)
+                          state.userIdDisable = !(
+                              state.searchForm.sourceType && state.searchForm.sourceType !== 'PLATFORM'
+                          )
+                        } else {
+                          state.searchForm.userId = null
+                          state.userIdDisable = true
+                          state.userIdData = []
+                        }
+                      }}
+                  />
+                </NFormItem>
+                <NFormItem label="所属人" path="author">
+                  <NSelect
+                      filterable
+                      placeholder="请选择所属人"
+                      disabled={state.userIdDisable || (!state.searchForm.applicationId && !state.searchForm.sourceType)}
+                      v-model:value={state.searchForm.userId}
+                      options={state.userIdData}
+                      clearable
+                  ></NSelect>
+                </NFormItem>
                     <NButton type="primary" onClick={onSearch}>

+ 110 - 62

@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ import {
-  NFormItem,
+  NFormItem, NIcon,
-  NTag,
+  NTag, NTooltip,
 } from 'naive-ui'
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import TheTooltip from '@components/TheTooltip'
 import AddMusic from '@views/music-library/project-music-sheet/module/gym/addMusic'
 import { getMapValueByKey, getSelectDataFromObj } from '@/utils/objectUtil'
 import {
+  appKey,
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ import { filterTimes } from '@/utils/dateUtil'
 import deepClone from '@/utils/deep.clone'
 import { getOwnerName } from '@views/music-library/musicUtil'
 import MusicPreView from "@views/music-library/music-sheet/modal/musicPreView";
+import {HelpCircleOutline} from "@vicons/ionicons5";
 export default defineComponent({
   name: 'project-music-sheet-mec',
@@ -79,7 +81,8 @@ export default defineComponent({
         topFlag: null, //是否置顶(0:否;1:是)
         availableType: null, //可用途径 ORG 机构 PLATFORM 平台
         appAuditFlag: null, //是否审核版本
-        detailFlag: null //是否查询详情
+        detailFlag: null, //是否查询详情
+        applicationId: null, //所属人项目ID
       subjectList: [],
       dataList: [] as any[],
@@ -92,6 +95,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
       applicationId: null, //应用ID
       musicPreview: false,
       musicScore: null as any,
+      useProjectData: [] as any, // 适用项目行数据
     onMounted(async () => {
@@ -134,10 +138,29 @@ export default defineComponent({
       } catch {}
       // 加载表格数据
+      initUseAppList()
+    const initUseAppList = async () => {
+      try {
+        const appKeys = Object.keys(appKey)
+        const { data } = await sysApplicationPage({ page: 1, rows: 999 })
+        const tempList = data.rows || []
+        state.useProjectData = []
+        const filter = tempList.filter((next: any) => {
+          return appKeys.includes(next.appKey)
+        })
+        filter.forEach((item: any) => {
+          state.useProjectData.push({
+            ...item,
+            label: item.appName,
+            value: item.id
+          })
+        })
+      } catch {}
+    }
     const saveForm = ref()
     const onSearch = () => {
@@ -161,17 +184,11 @@ export default defineComponent({
       try {
         state.loading = true
         const sourceType = state.searchForm.sourceType
-        let userId = state.searchForm.userId
-        let organizationRoleId = null
-        if (sourceType && sourceType === 'ORG') {
-          organizationRoleId = deepClone(userId)
-          userId = null
-        }
         const { data } = await musicSheetPageByApplication({
-          userId: userId,
-          organizationRoleId: organizationRoleId,
+          userId: (sourceType && sourceType === 'PERSON') ? state.searchForm.userId : null,
+          organizationRoleId: (sourceType && sourceType === 'ORG') ? state.searchForm.userId : null,
           ...filterTimes(state.searchForm.times, ['startTime', 'endTime']),
           applicationId: state.applicationId
@@ -225,6 +242,30 @@ export default defineComponent({
+    const updateUserIdData = async (sourceType: any) => {
+      if (!state.searchForm.applicationId) {
+        return
+      }
+      state.userIdData = []
+      state.searchForm.userId = null
+      if (sourceType && sourceType !== 'PLATFORM') {
+        const { data } = await musicSheetApplicationOwnerList({
+          page: 1,
+          rows: 9999,
+          sourceType: sourceType,
+          applicationId: state.searchForm.applicationId
+        })
+        const temp = data.rows || []
+        temp.forEach((next: any) => {
+          state.userIdData.push({
+            ...next,
+            label: sourceType === 'PERSON' ? next.userName : next.organizationRole,
+            value: sourceType === 'PERSON' ? next.userId : next.organizationRoleId
+          })
+        })
+      }
+    }
     const columns = (): any => {
       return [
@@ -245,7 +286,21 @@ export default defineComponent({
-          title: '曲目来源',
+          title: '封面图',
+          key: 'musicCover',
+          render(row: any): JSX.Element {
+            return <NImage width={60} height={60} src={row.musicCover} />
+          }
+        },
+        // {
+        //   title: '可用声部',
+        //   key: 'subjectNames',
+        //   render: (row: any) => {
+        //     return <TheTooltip content={row.subjectNames}/>
+        //   }
+        // },
+        {
+          title: '曲目信息',
           key: 'musicSheetCategoriesName',
           render: (row: any) => (
@@ -253,32 +308,18 @@ export default defineComponent({
                 <NDescriptionsItem label="曲目来源">
                   {getMapValueByKey(row.sourceType, new Map(Object.entries(musicSheetSourceType)))}
+                <NDescriptionsItem label="多声轨渲染">{getMapValueByKey(row.musicSheetType, new Map(Object.entries(musicSheetType)))}</NDescriptionsItem>
                 <NDescriptionsItem label="所属人">
                   <TheTooltip content={getOwnerName(row.musicSheetExtend, row.sourceType)}/>
+                <NDescriptionsItem label="可用声部">
+                  <TheTooltip content={row.subjectNames}/>
+                </NDescriptionsItem>
-          title: '封面图',
-          key: 'musicCover',
-          render(row: any): JSX.Element {
-            return <NImage width={60} height={60} src={row.musicCover} />
-          }
-        },
-        {
-          title: '曲目类型',
-          key: 'musicSheetType',
-          render: (row: any) => {
-            return (
-              <div>
-                {getMapValueByKey(row.musicSheetType, new Map(Object.entries(musicSheetType)))}
-              </div>
-            )
-          }
-        },
-        {
           title: '伴奏类型',
           key: 'audioType',
           render: (row: any) => {
@@ -290,23 +331,9 @@ export default defineComponent({
-          title: '可用声部',
-          key: 'subjectNames',
-          render: (row: any) => {
-            return <TheTooltip content={row.subjectNames}/>
-          }
-        },
-        {
           title: '曲目分类',
           key: 'musicSheetCategoryName'
-        // {
-        //   title: '可用途径',
-        //   key: 'availableType',
-        //   render: (row: any) => {
-        //     return <div>{getMapValueByKey(row.availableType, new Map(Object.entries(musicSheetAvailableType)))}</div>
-        //   }
-        // },
           title: '收费方式',
           key: 'paymentType',
@@ -412,21 +439,8 @@ export default defineComponent({
                   state.userIdData = []
                   state.searchForm.userId = null
                   if (value && value !== 'PLATFORM') {
-                    const { data } = await musicSheetApplicationOwnerList({
-                      page: 1,
-                      rows: 9999,
-                      sourceType: value,
-                      applicationId: state.appId
-                    })
-                    const temp = data.rows || []
-                    temp.forEach((next: any) => {
-                      state.userIdData.push({
-                        ...next,
-                        label: value === 'PERSON' ? next.userName : next.organizationRole,
-                        value: value === 'PERSON' ? next.userId : next.organizationRoleId
-                      })
-                    })
-                    state.userIdDisable = false
+                    await updateUserIdData(value)
+                    state.userIdDisable = !state.searchForm.applicationId
                   } else {
                     state.userIdDisable = true
@@ -434,14 +448,48 @@ export default defineComponent({
+            <NFormItem label="项目" path="applicationId">
+              <NSelect
+                  placeholder="请选择项目"
+                  v-model:value={state.searchForm.applicationId}
+                  options={state.useProjectData}
+                  clearable
+                  onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
+                    state.searchForm.applicationId = value
+                    if (value) {
+                      await updateUserIdData(state.searchForm.sourceType)
+                      state.userIdDisable = !(
+                          state.searchForm.sourceType && state.searchForm.sourceType !== 'PLATFORM'
+                      )
+                    } else {
+                      state.searchForm.userId = null
+                      state.userIdDisable = true
+                      state.userIdData = []
+                    }
+                  }}
+              />
+            </NFormItem>
             <NFormItem label="所属人" path="userId">
+                filterable
+              <NTooltip style={"padding-left: 10px"}>
+                {{
+                  default: () => '请选择作者属性和项目再选择所属人',
+                  trigger: () => (
+                      <span style="overflow: hidden;display: inline-block;max-width: 200px;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;">
+                  <NIcon size="20">
+                      <HelpCircleOutline/>
+                  </NIcon>
+                </span>
+                  )
+                }}
+              </NTooltip>
             <NFormItem label="曲目类型" path="subjectType">
@@ -576,7 +624,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
               rowKey={(row: any) => row.applicationExtendId}
-              scrollX={'2100'}
+              scrollX={'1400'}
@@ -594,7 +642,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
-            style={{ width: '1200px' }}
+            style={{ width: '1300px' }}
               onClose={() => (state.showAddDialog = false)}

+ 128 - 19

@@ -20,11 +20,12 @@ import {
 } from 'naive-ui'
 import Pagination from '@components/pagination'
 import { getMapValueByKey, getSelectDataFromObj } from '@/utils/objectUtil'
-import { musicSheetSourceType, musicSheetType } from '@/utils/constant'
-import {musicSheetApplicationExtendCategoryList, musicSheetApplicationExtendSaveBatch, musicSheetPage} from '@views/music-library/api'
+import {appKey, musicSheetSourceType, musicSheetType} from '@/utils/constant'
+import {musicSheetApplicationExtendCategoryList, musicSheetApplicationExtendSaveBatch, musicSheetApplicationOwnerList, musicSheetPage} from '@views/music-library/api'
 import deepClone from '@/utils/deep.clone'
 import { getOwnerName } from '@views/music-library/musicUtil'
 import TheTooltip from "@components/TheTooltip";
+import {sysApplicationPage} from "@views/menu-manage/api";
 export default defineComponent({
   name: 'gyt-addMusic',
@@ -62,7 +63,10 @@ export default defineComponent({
         keyword: null,
         musicSheetType: null,
         subjectId: null,
-        sourceType: null
+        sourceType: null,
+        composer : null,
+        userId : null,
+        applicationId : null,
       subjectList: [] as any,
       showAdd: false,
@@ -71,10 +75,20 @@ export default defineComponent({
       selectRowData: [] as any, // 选择的数据列表
       musicSheetCategories: [] as any,
       startSortNum: null as any, // 排序起始值
-      projectMusicCategoryId: null as any // 曲目分类ID
+      projectMusicCategoryId: null as any, // 曲目分类ID
+      useProjectData: [] as any, // 适用项目行数据
+      userIdDisable: true,
+      userIdData: [] as any,
     onMounted(async () => {
+      state.searchForm.keyword = null
+      state.searchForm.musicSheetType = null
+      state.searchForm.subjectId = null
+      state.searchForm.sourceType = null
+      state.searchForm.composer = null
+      state.searchForm.userId = null
+      state.searchForm.applicationId = null
       state.loading = true
       state.subjectList = props.subjectList
       // state.musicSheetCategories = props.musicSheetCategories
@@ -88,15 +102,40 @@ export default defineComponent({
       } catch {
+      await initUseAppList()
       await getList()
+    const initUseAppList = async () => {
+      try {
+        const appKeys = Object.keys(appKey)
+        const { data } = await sysApplicationPage({ page: 1, rows: 999 })
+        const tempList = data.rows || []
+        state.useProjectData = []
+        const filter = tempList.filter((next: any) => {
+          return appKeys.includes(next.appKey)
+        })
+        filter.forEach((item: any) => {
+          state.useProjectData.push({
+            ...item,
+            label: item.appName,
+            value: item.id
+          })
+        })
+      } catch {}
+    }
     const getList = async () => {
       try {
         state.loading = true
+        const search = {
+          ...state.searchForm,
+          userId: (state.searchForm.sourceType && state.searchForm.sourceType == 'PERSON') ? state.searchForm.userId : null,
+          organizationRoleId: (state.searchForm.sourceType && state.searchForm.sourceType == 'ORG') ? state.searchForm.userId : null,
+        }
         const { data } = await musicSheetPage({
-          ...state.searchForm,
+          ...search,
           addAppId: props.appId
         state.pagination.pageTotal = Number(data.total)
@@ -119,6 +158,30 @@ export default defineComponent({
+    const updateUserIdData = async (sourceType: any) => {
+      if (!state.searchForm.applicationId) {
+        return
+      }
+      state.userIdData = []
+      state.searchForm.userId = null
+      if (sourceType && sourceType !== 'PLATFORM') {
+        const { data } = await musicSheetApplicationOwnerList({
+          page: 1,
+          rows: 9999,
+          sourceType: sourceType,
+          applicationId: state.searchForm.applicationId
+        })
+        const temp = data.rows || []
+        temp.forEach((next: any) => {
+          state.userIdData.push({
+            ...next,
+            label: sourceType === 'PERSON' ? next.userName : next.organizationRole,
+            value: sourceType === 'PERSON' ? next.userId : next.organizationRoleId
+          })
+        })
+      }
+    }
     const onSave = async () => {
       if (state.selectRowData.length == 0) {
@@ -131,7 +194,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
-        if (!item.sortNo || !item.projectMusicCategoryId) {
+        if (item.sortNo === null || item.sortNo === undefined || item.sortNo === '') {
@@ -167,7 +230,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
-        title: '声部',
+        title: '可用声部',
         key: 'subjectNames',
         render: (row: any) => {
           return <TheTooltip content={row.subjectNames}/>
@@ -182,7 +245,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
         key: 'composer'
-        title: '曲目类型',
+        title: '多声轨渲染',
         key: 'musicSheetType',
         render: (row: any) => {
           return (
@@ -193,7 +256,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
-        title: '作者属性',
+        title: '曲目来源',
         key: 'sourceType',
         render(row: any) {
           return getMapValueByKey(row.sourceType, new Map(Object.entries(musicSheetSourceType)))
@@ -467,32 +530,78 @@ export default defineComponent({
-                <NFormItem label="曲目类型" path="musicSheetType">
+                <NFormItem label="多声轨渲染" path="musicSheetType">
-                    placeholder="请选择曲目类型"
+                    placeholder="请选择多声轨渲染"
-                <NFormItem label="声部" path="musicSubject">
+                <NFormItem label="可用声部" path="musicSubject">
-                    placeholder="请选择声部"
+                    placeholder="请选择可用声部"
+                <NFormItem label="音乐人" path="composer">
+                  <NInput
+                      placeholder="请选择音乐人"
+                      v-model:value={state.searchForm.composer}
+                      clearable
+                  />
+                </NFormItem>
                 <NFormItem label="曲目来源" path="sourceType">
-                    placeholder="请选择曲目来源"
-                    v-model:value={state.searchForm.sourceType}
-                    options={getSelectDataFromObj(musicSheetSourceType)}
-                    // onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
-                    // }}
-                    clearable
+                      placeholder="请选择曲目来源"
+                      v-model:value={state.searchForm.sourceType}
+                      options={getSelectDataFromObj(musicSheetSourceType)}
+                      onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
+                        state.userIdData = []
+                        state.searchForm.userId = null
+                        if (value && value !== 'PLATFORM') {
+                          await updateUserIdData(value)
+                          state.userIdDisable = false
+                        } else {
+                          state.userIdDisable = true
+                        }
+                      }}
+                      clearable
+                <NFormItem label="项目" path="applicationId">
+                  <NSelect
+                      placeholder="请选择项目"
+                      v-model:value={state.searchForm.applicationId}
+                      options={state.useProjectData}
+                      clearable
+                      onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
+                        state.searchForm.applicationId = value
+                        if (value) {
+                          await updateUserIdData(state.searchForm.sourceType)
+                          state.userIdDisable = !(
+                              state.searchForm.sourceType && state.searchForm.sourceType !== 'PLATFORM'
+                          )
+                        } else {
+                          state.searchForm.userId = null
+                          state.userIdDisable = true
+                          state.userIdData = []
+                        }
+                      }}
+                  />
+                </NFormItem>
+                <NFormItem label="所属人" path="author">
+                  <NSelect
+                      filterable
+                      placeholder="请选择所属人"
+                      disabled={state.userIdDisable || (!state.searchForm.applicationId && !state.searchForm.sourceType)}
+                      v-model:value={state.searchForm.userId}
+                      options={state.userIdData}
+                      clearable
+                  ></NSelect>
+                </NFormItem>
                     <NButton type="primary" onClick={onSearch}>

+ 97 - 52

@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import TheTooltip from '@components/TheTooltip'
 import AddMusic from '@views/music-library/project-music-sheet/module/gyt/addMusic'
 import { getMapValueByKey, getSelectDataFromObj } from '@/utils/objectUtil'
 import {
+  appKey,
@@ -78,7 +79,8 @@ export default defineComponent({
         topFlag: null, //是否置顶(0:否;1:是)
         availableType: null, //可用途径 ORG 机构 PLATFORM 平台
         appAuditFlag: null, //是否审核版本
-        detailFlag: null //是否查询详情
+        detailFlag: null, //是否查询详情
+        applicationId: null, //所属人项目ID
       subjectList: [],
       dataList: [] as any[],
@@ -91,6 +93,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
       applicationId: null, //应用ID
       musicPreview: false,
       musicScore: null as any,
+      useProjectData: [] as any, // 适用项目行数据
     onMounted(async () => {
@@ -132,6 +135,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
       // 加载表格数据
+      initUseAppList()
@@ -149,6 +153,51 @@ export default defineComponent({
+    const initUseAppList = async () => {
+      try {
+        const appKeys = Object.keys(appKey)
+        const { data } = await sysApplicationPage({ page: 1, rows: 999 })
+        const tempList = data.rows || []
+        state.useProjectData = []
+        const filter = tempList.filter((next: any) => {
+          return appKeys.includes(next.appKey)
+        })
+        filter.forEach((item: any) => {
+          state.useProjectData.push({
+            ...item,
+            label: item.appName,
+            value: item.id
+          })
+        })
+      } catch {}
+    }
+    const updateUserIdData = async (sourceType: any) => {
+      if (!state.searchForm.applicationId) {
+        return
+      }
+      state.userIdData = []
+      state.searchForm.userId = null
+      if (sourceType && sourceType !== 'PLATFORM') {
+        const { data } = await musicSheetApplicationOwnerList({
+          page: 1,
+          rows: 9999,
+          sourceType: sourceType,
+          applicationId: state.searchForm.applicationId
+        })
+        const temp = data.rows || []
+        temp.forEach((next: any) => {
+          state.userIdData.push({
+            ...next,
+            label: sourceType === 'PERSON' ? next.userName : next.organizationRole,
+            value: sourceType === 'PERSON' ? next.userId : next.organizationRoleId
+          })
+        })
+      }
+    }
     const checkedRowKeysRef = ref<DataTableRowKey[]>([])
     const handleCheck = (rowKeys: DataTableRowKey[]) => {
       checkedRowKeysRef.value = rowKeys
@@ -158,17 +207,11 @@ export default defineComponent({
       try {
         state.loading = true
         const sourceType = state.searchForm.sourceType
-        let userId = state.searchForm.userId
-        let organizationRoleId = null
-        if (sourceType && sourceType === 'ORG') {
-          organizationRoleId = deepClone(userId)
-          userId = null
-        }
         const { data } = await musicSheetPageByApplication({
-          userId: userId,
-          organizationRoleId: organizationRoleId,
+          userId: (sourceType && sourceType === 'PERSON') ? state.searchForm.userId : null,
+          organizationRoleId: (sourceType && sourceType === 'ORG') ? state.searchForm.userId : null,
           ...filterTimes(state.searchForm.times, ['startTime', 'endTime']),
           applicationId: state.applicationId
@@ -242,7 +285,21 @@ export default defineComponent({
-          title: '曲目来源',
+          title: '封面图',
+          key: 'musicCover',
+          render(row: any): JSX.Element {
+            return <NImage width={60} height={60} src={row.musicCover} />
+          }
+        },
+        // {
+        //   title: '可用声部',
+        //   key: 'subjectNames',
+        //   render: (row: any) => {
+        //     return <TheTooltip content={row.subjectNames}/>
+        //   }
+        // },
+        {
+          title: '曲目信息',
           key: 'musicSheetCategoriesName',
           render: (row: any) => (
@@ -250,32 +307,18 @@ export default defineComponent({
                 <NDescriptionsItem label="曲目来源">
                   {getMapValueByKey(row.sourceType, new Map(Object.entries(musicSheetSourceType)))}
+                <NDescriptionsItem label="多声轨渲染">{getMapValueByKey(row.musicSheetType, new Map(Object.entries(musicSheetType)))}</NDescriptionsItem>
                 <NDescriptionsItem label="所属人">
                   <TheTooltip content={getOwnerName(row.musicSheetExtend, row.sourceType)}/>
+                <NDescriptionsItem label="可用声部">
+                  <TheTooltip content={row.subjectNames}/>
+                </NDescriptionsItem>
-          title: '封面图',
-          key: 'musicCover',
-          render(row: any): JSX.Element {
-            return <NImage width={60} height={60} src={row.musicCover} />
-          }
-        },
-        {
-          title: '曲目类型',
-          key: 'musicSheetType',
-          render: (row: any) => {
-            return (
-              <div>
-                {getMapValueByKey(row.musicSheetType, new Map(Object.entries(musicSheetType)))}
-              </div>
-            )
-          }
-        },
-        {
           title: '伴奏类型',
           key: 'audioType',
           render: (row: any) => {
@@ -287,13 +330,6 @@ export default defineComponent({
-          title: '可用声部',
-          key: 'subjectNames',
-          render: (row: any) => {
-            return <TheTooltip content={row.subjectNames}/>
-          }
-        },
-        {
           title: '曲目分类',
           key: 'musicSheetCategoryName'
@@ -409,21 +445,8 @@ export default defineComponent({
                   state.userIdData = []
                   state.searchForm.userId = null
                   if (value && value !== 'PLATFORM') {
-                    const { data } = await musicSheetApplicationOwnerList({
-                      page: 1,
-                      rows: 9999,
-                      sourceType: value,
-                      applicationId: state.appId
-                    })
-                    const temp = data.rows || []
-                    temp.forEach((next: any) => {
-                      state.userIdData.push({
-                        ...next,
-                        label: value === 'PERSON' ? next.userName : next.organizationRole,
-                        value: value === 'PERSON' ? next.userId : next.organizationRoleId
-                      })
-                    })
-                    state.userIdDisable = false
+                    await updateUserIdData(value)
+                    state.userIdDisable = !state.searchForm.applicationId
                   } else {
                     state.userIdDisable = true
@@ -431,8 +454,30 @@ export default defineComponent({
+            <NFormItem label="项目" path="applicationId">
+              <NSelect
+                  placeholder="请选择项目"
+                  v-model:value={state.searchForm.applicationId}
+                  options={state.useProjectData}
+                  clearable
+                  onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
+                    state.searchForm.applicationId = value
+                    if (value) {
+                      await updateUserIdData(state.searchForm.sourceType)
+                      state.userIdDisable = !(
+                          state.searchForm.sourceType && state.searchForm.sourceType !== 'PLATFORM'
+                      )
+                    } else {
+                      state.searchForm.userId = null
+                      state.userIdDisable = true
+                      state.userIdData = []
+                    }
+                  }}
+              />
+            </NFormItem>
             <NFormItem label="所属人" path="userId">
+                filterable
@@ -573,7 +618,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
               rowKey={(row: any) => row.applicationExtendId}
-              scrollX={'2100'}
+              scrollX={'1200'}
@@ -591,7 +636,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
-            style={{ width: '1200px' }}
+            style={{ width: '1300px' }}
               onClose={() => (state.showAddDialog = false)}

+ 126 - 14

@@ -20,15 +20,17 @@ import {
 import Pagination from '@components/pagination'
 import { getMapValueByKey, getSelectDataFromObj } from '@/utils/objectUtil'
 import {
+  appKey,
 } from '@/utils/constant'
-import {musicSheetApplicationExtendSaveBatch, musicSheetApplicationExtendTagList, musicSheetPage} from '@views/music-library/api'
+import {musicSheetApplicationExtendSaveBatch, musicSheetApplicationExtendTagList, musicSheetApplicationOwnerList, musicSheetPage} from '@views/music-library/api'
 import deepClone from '@/utils/deep.clone'
 import { getOwnerName } from '@views/music-library/musicUtil'
 import TheTooltip from "@components/TheTooltip";
+import {sysApplicationPage} from "@views/menu-manage/api";
 export default defineComponent({
   name: 'klx-addMusic',
@@ -66,7 +68,10 @@ export default defineComponent({
         keyword: null,
         musicSheetType: null,
         subjectId: null,
-        sourceType: null
+        sourceType: null,
+        composer : null,
+        userId : null,
+        applicationId : null,
       subjectList: [] as any,
       showAdd: false,
@@ -75,6 +80,10 @@ export default defineComponent({
       selectRowData: [] as any, // 选择的数据列表
       musicSheetCategories: [] as any,
       musicSheetTagList: [] as any,
+      useProjectData: [] as any, // 适用项目行数据
+      userIdDisable: true,
+      userIdData: [] as any,
       globalMusicTagIds: [] as any, //曲目标签
       globalPaymentType: null as any, //收费方式
@@ -86,6 +95,14 @@ export default defineComponent({
     onMounted(async () => {
+      state.searchForm.keyword = null
+      state.searchForm.musicSheetType = null
+      state.searchForm.subjectId = null
+      state.searchForm.sourceType = null
+      state.searchForm.composer = null
+      state.searchForm.userId = null
+      state.searchForm.applicationId = null
       state.loading = true
       state.subjectList = props.subjectList
       // state.musicSheetTagList = props.musicSheetTagList
@@ -104,15 +121,40 @@ export default defineComponent({
       } catch (err) {
+      await initUseAppList()
       await getList()
+    const initUseAppList = async () => {
+      try {
+        const appKeys = Object.keys(appKey)
+        const { data } = await sysApplicationPage({ page: 1, rows: 999 })
+        const tempList = data.rows || []
+        state.useProjectData = []
+        const filter = tempList.filter((next: any) => {
+          return appKeys.includes(next.appKey)
+        })
+        filter.forEach((item: any) => {
+          state.useProjectData.push({
+            ...item,
+            label: item.appName,
+            value: item.id
+          })
+        })
+      } catch {}
+    }
     const getList = async () => {
       try {
         state.loading = true
+        const search = {
+          ...state.searchForm,
+          userId: (state.searchForm.sourceType && state.searchForm.sourceType == 'PERSON') ? state.searchForm.userId : null,
+          organizationRoleId: (state.searchForm.sourceType && state.searchForm.sourceType == 'ORG') ? state.searchForm.userId : null,
+        }
         const { data } = await musicSheetPage({
-          ...state.searchForm,
+          ...search,
           addAppId: props.appId
         state.pagination.pageTotal = Number(data.total)
@@ -135,6 +177,30 @@ export default defineComponent({
+    const updateUserIdData = async (sourceType: any) => {
+      if (!state.searchForm.applicationId) {
+        return
+      }
+      state.userIdData = []
+      state.searchForm.userId = null
+      if (sourceType && sourceType !== 'PLATFORM') {
+        const { data } = await musicSheetApplicationOwnerList({
+          page: 1,
+          rows: 9999,
+          sourceType: sourceType,
+          applicationId: state.searchForm.applicationId
+        })
+        const temp = data.rows || []
+        temp.forEach((next: any) => {
+          state.userIdData.push({
+            ...next,
+            label: sourceType === 'PERSON' ? next.userName : next.organizationRole,
+            value: sourceType === 'PERSON' ? next.userId : next.organizationRoleId
+          })
+        })
+      }
+    }
     const onSave = async () => {
       if (state.selectRowData.length == 0) {
@@ -209,7 +275,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
-        title: '声部',
+        title: '可用声部',
         key: 'subjectNames',
         render: (row: any) => {
           return <TheTooltip content={row.subjectNames}/>
@@ -224,7 +290,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
         key: 'composer'
-        title: '曲目类型',
+        title: '多声轨渲染',
         key: 'musicSheetType',
         render: (row: any) => {
           return (
@@ -235,7 +301,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
-        title: '作者属性',
+        title: '曲目来源',
         key: 'sourceType',
         render(row: any) {
           return getMapValueByKey(row.sourceType, new Map(Object.entries(musicSheetSourceType)))
@@ -914,7 +980,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
-                // saveKey="cooleshow-edu-addMusic"
+                saveKey="klx-addMusic"
                 onSetModel={(val: any) => (state.searchForm = val)}
                 <NFormItem label="关键词" path="keyword">
@@ -924,32 +990,78 @@ export default defineComponent({
-                <NFormItem label="曲目类型" path="musicSheetType">
+                <NFormItem label="多声轨渲染" path="musicSheetType">
-                    placeholder="请选择曲目类型"
+                    placeholder="请选择多声轨渲染"
-                <NFormItem label="声部" path="musicSubject">
+                <NFormItem label="可用声部" path="musicSubject">
-                    placeholder="请选择声部"
+                    placeholder="请选择可用声部"
+                <NFormItem label="音乐人" path="composer">
+                  <NInput
+                      placeholder="请选择音乐人"
+                      v-model:value={state.searchForm.composer}
+                      clearable
+                  />
+                </NFormItem>
                 <NFormItem label="曲目来源" path="sourceType">
-                    // onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
-                    // }}
+                    onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
+                      state.userIdData = []
+                      state.searchForm.userId = null
+                      if (value && value !== 'PLATFORM') {
+                        await updateUserIdData(value)
+                        state.userIdDisable = false
+                      } else {
+                        state.userIdDisable = true
+                      }
+                    }}
+                <NFormItem label="项目" path="applicationId">
+                  <NSelect
+                      placeholder="请选择项目"
+                      v-model:value={state.searchForm.applicationId}
+                      options={state.useProjectData}
+                      clearable
+                      onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
+                        state.searchForm.applicationId = value
+                        if (value) {
+                          await updateUserIdData(state.searchForm.sourceType)
+                          state.userIdDisable = !(
+                              state.searchForm.sourceType && state.searchForm.sourceType !== 'PLATFORM'
+                          )
+                        } else {
+                          state.searchForm.userId = null
+                          state.userIdDisable = true
+                          state.userIdData = []
+                        }
+                      }}
+                  />
+                </NFormItem>
+                <NFormItem label="所属人" path="author">
+                  <NSelect
+                      filterable
+                      placeholder="请选择所属人"
+                      disabled={state.userIdDisable || (!state.searchForm.applicationId && !state.searchForm.sourceType)}
+                      v-model:value={state.searchForm.userId}
+                      options={state.userIdData}
+                      clearable
+                  ></NSelect>
+                </NFormItem>
                     <NButton type="primary" onClick={onSearch}>
@@ -978,7 +1090,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
-                // saveKey="cooleshow-edu-addMusic"
+                saveKey="klx-addMusic"

+ 108 - 59

@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import TheTooltip from '@components/TheTooltip'
 import AddMusic from '@views/music-library/project-music-sheet/module/klx/addMusic'
 import { getMapValueByKey, getSelectDataFromObj } from '@/utils/objectUtil'
 import {
+  appKey,
@@ -78,7 +79,8 @@ export default defineComponent({
         availableType: null, //可用途径 ORG 机构 PLATFORM 平台
         appAuditFlag: null, //是否审核版本
         detailFlag: null, //是否查询详情
-        musicTagIds: [] as any //曲目标签
+        musicTagIds: [] as any,//曲目标签
+        applicationId: null, //所属人项目ID
       subjectList: [],
       dataList: [] as any[],
@@ -91,6 +93,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
       applicationId: null, //应用ID
       musicPreview: false,
       musicScore: null as any,
+      useProjectData: [] as any, // 适用项目行数据
     onMounted(async () => {
@@ -137,7 +140,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
       } catch (err) {}
       // 加载表格数据
+      initUseAppList()
@@ -155,6 +158,25 @@ export default defineComponent({
+    const initUseAppList = async () => {
+      try {
+        const appKeys = Object.keys(appKey)
+        const { data } = await sysApplicationPage({ page: 1, rows: 999 })
+        const tempList = data.rows || []
+        state.useProjectData = []
+        const filter = tempList.filter((next: any) => {
+          return appKeys.includes(next.appKey)
+        })
+        filter.forEach((item: any) => {
+          state.useProjectData.push({
+            ...item,
+            label: item.appName,
+            value: item.id
+          })
+        })
+      } catch {}
+    }
     const checkedRowKeysRef = ref<DataTableRowKey[]>([])
     const handleCheck = (rowKeys: DataTableRowKey[]) => {
       checkedRowKeysRef.value = rowKeys
@@ -173,8 +195,8 @@ export default defineComponent({
         const { data } = await musicSheetPageByApplication({
-          userId: userId,
-          organizationRoleId: organizationRoleId,
+          userId: (sourceType && sourceType === 'PERSON') ? state.searchForm.userId : null,
+          organizationRoleId: (sourceType && sourceType === 'ORG') ? state.searchForm.userId : null,
           musicTagIds: state.searchForm.musicTagIds?.join(','),
           ...filterTimes(state.searchForm.times, ['startTime', 'endTime']),
           applicationId: state.applicationId
@@ -243,6 +265,31 @@ export default defineComponent({
       return paymentTypeName.join(',')
+    const updateUserIdData = async (sourceType: any) => {
+      if (!state.searchForm.applicationId) {
+        return
+      }
+      state.userIdData = []
+      state.searchForm.userId = null
+      if (sourceType && sourceType !== 'PLATFORM') {
+        const { data } = await musicSheetApplicationOwnerList({
+          page: 1,
+          rows: 9999,
+          sourceType: sourceType,
+          applicationId: state.searchForm.applicationId
+        })
+        const temp = data.rows || []
+        temp.forEach((next: any) => {
+          state.userIdData.push({
+            ...next,
+            label: sourceType === 'PERSON' ? next.userName : next.organizationRole,
+            value: sourceType === 'PERSON' ? next.userId : next.organizationRoleId
+          })
+        })
+      }
+    }
     const columns = (): any => {
       return [
@@ -263,7 +310,14 @@ export default defineComponent({
-          title: '曲目来源',
+          title: '封面图',
+          key: 'musicCover',
+          render(row: any): JSX.Element {
+            return <NImage width={60} height={60} src={row.musicCover} />
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          title: '曲目信息',
           key: 'musicSheetCategoriesName',
           render: (row: any) => (
@@ -271,32 +325,18 @@ export default defineComponent({
                 <NDescriptionsItem label="曲目来源">
                   {getMapValueByKey(row.sourceType, new Map(Object.entries(musicSheetSourceType)))}
+                <NDescriptionsItem label="多声轨渲染">{getMapValueByKey(row.musicSheetType, new Map(Object.entries(musicSheetType)))}</NDescriptionsItem>
                 <NDescriptionsItem label="所属人">
                   <TheTooltip content={getOwnerName(row.musicSheetExtend, row.sourceType)}/>
+                <NDescriptionsItem label="可用声部">
+                  <TheTooltip content={row.subjectNames}/>
+                </NDescriptionsItem>
-          title: '封面图',
-          key: 'musicCover',
-          render(row: any): JSX.Element {
-            return <NImage width={60} height={60} src={row.musicCover} />
-          }
-        },
-        {
-          title: '曲目类型',
-          key: 'musicSheetType',
-          render: (row: any) => {
-            return (
-              <div>
-                {getMapValueByKey(row.musicSheetType, new Map(Object.entries(musicSheetType)))}
-              </div>
-            )
-          }
-        },
-        {
           title: '伴奏类型',
           key: 'audioType',
           render: (row: any) => {
@@ -307,13 +347,13 @@ export default defineComponent({
-        {
-          title: '可用声部',
-          key: 'subjectNames',
-          render: (row: any) => {
-            return <TheTooltip content={row.subjectNames}/>
-          }
-        },
+        // {
+        //   title: '可用声部',
+        //   key: 'subjectNames',
+        //   render: (row: any) => {
+        //     return <TheTooltip content={row.subjectNames}/>
+        //   }
+        // },
           title: '曲目标签',
           key: 'musicTagNames'
@@ -444,37 +484,46 @@ export default defineComponent({
             <NFormItem label="曲目来源" path="sourceType">
-                placeholder="请选择曲目来源"
-                v-model:value={state.searchForm.sourceType}
-                options={getSelectDataFromObj(musicSheetSourceType)}
-                onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
-                  state.userIdData = []
-                  state.searchForm.userId = null
-                  if (value && value !== 'PLATFORM') {
-                    const { data } = await musicSheetApplicationOwnerList({
-                      page: 1,
-                      rows: 9999,
-                      sourceType: value,
-                      applicationId: state.appId
-                    })
-                    const temp = data.rows || []
-                    temp.forEach((next: any) => {
-                      state.userIdData.push({
-                        ...next,
-                        label: value === 'PERSON' ? next.userName : next.organizationRole,
-                        value: value === 'PERSON' ? next.userId : next.organizationRoleId
-                      })
-                    })
-                    state.userIdDisable = false
-                  } else {
-                    state.userIdDisable = true
-                  }
-                }}
-                clearable
+                  placeholder="请选择曲目来源"
+                  v-model:value={state.searchForm.sourceType}
+                  options={getSelectDataFromObj(musicSheetSourceType)}
+                  onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
+                    state.userIdData = []
+                    state.searchForm.userId = null
+                    if (value && value !== 'PLATFORM') {
+                      await updateUserIdData(value)
+                      state.userIdDisable = !state.searchForm.applicationId
+                    } else {
+                      state.userIdDisable = true
+                    }
+                  }}
+                  clearable
+              />
+            </NFormItem>
+            <NFormItem label="项目" path="applicationId">
+              <NSelect
+                  placeholder="请选择项目"
+                  v-model:value={state.searchForm.applicationId}
+                  options={state.useProjectData}
+                  clearable
+                  onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
+                    state.searchForm.applicationId = value
+                    if (value) {
+                      await updateUserIdData(state.searchForm.sourceType)
+                      state.userIdDisable = !(
+                          state.searchForm.sourceType && state.searchForm.sourceType !== 'PLATFORM'
+                      )
+                    } else {
+                      state.searchForm.userId = null
+                      state.userIdDisable = true
+                      state.userIdData = []
+                    }
+                  }}
             <NFormItem label="所属人" path="userId">
+                filterable
@@ -614,7 +663,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
               rowKey={(row: any) => row.applicationExtendId}
-              scrollX={'2100'}
+              scrollX={'2000'}
@@ -632,7 +681,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
-            style={{ width: '1200px' }}
+            style={{ width: '1300px' }}
               onClose={() => (state.showAddDialog = false)}

+ 129 - 18

@@ -20,11 +20,12 @@ import {
 } from 'naive-ui'
 import Pagination from '@components/pagination'
 import { getMapValueByKey, getSelectDataFromObj } from '@/utils/objectUtil'
-import { musicSheetSourceType, musicSheetType } from '@/utils/constant'
-import {musicSheetApplicationExtendCategoryList, musicSheetApplicationExtendSaveBatch, musicSheetPage} from '@views/music-library/api'
+import {appKey, musicSheetSourceType, musicSheetType} from '@/utils/constant'
+import {musicSheetApplicationExtendCategoryList, musicSheetApplicationExtendSaveBatch, musicSheetApplicationOwnerList, musicSheetPage} from '@views/music-library/api'
 import deepClone from '@/utils/deep.clone'
 import { getOwnerName } from '@views/music-library/musicUtil'
 import TheTooltip from '@/components/TheTooltip'
+import {sysApplicationPage} from "@views/menu-manage/api";
 export default defineComponent({
   name: 'kt-addMusic',
@@ -63,7 +64,10 @@ export default defineComponent({
         keyword: null,
         musicSheetType: null,
         subjectId: null,
-        sourceType: null
+        sourceType: null,
+        composer : null,
+        userId : null,
+        applicationId : null,
       subjectList: [] as any,
       showAdd: false,
@@ -72,10 +76,21 @@ export default defineComponent({
       selectRowData: [] as any, // 选择的数据列表
       musicSheetCategories: [] as any,
       startSortNum: null as any, // 排序起始值
-      projectMusicCategoryId: null as any // 曲目分类ID
+      projectMusicCategoryId: null as any, // 曲目分类ID
+      useProjectData: [] as any, // 适用项目行数据
+      userIdDisable: true,
+      userIdData: [] as any,
     onMounted(async () => {
+      state.searchForm.keyword = null
+      state.searchForm.musicSheetType = null
+      state.searchForm.subjectId = null
+      state.searchForm.sourceType = null
+      state.searchForm.composer = null
+      state.searchForm.userId = null
+      state.searchForm.applicationId = null
       state.loading = true
       state.subjectList = props.subjectList
       // state.musicSheetCategories = props.musicSheetCategories
@@ -89,15 +104,41 @@ export default defineComponent({
       } catch {
+      await initUseAppList()
       await getList()
+    const initUseAppList = async () => {
+      try {
+        const appKeys = Object.keys(appKey)
+        const { data } = await sysApplicationPage({ page: 1, rows: 999 })
+        const tempList = data.rows || []
+        state.useProjectData = []
+        const filter = tempList.filter((next: any) => {
+          return appKeys.includes(next.appKey)
+        })
+        filter.forEach((item: any) => {
+          state.useProjectData.push({
+            ...item,
+            label: item.appName,
+            value: item.id
+          })
+        })
+      } catch {}
+    }
     const getList = async () => {
       try {
         state.loading = true
+        const search = {
+          ...state.searchForm,
+          userId: (state.searchForm.sourceType && state.searchForm.sourceType == 'PERSON') ? state.searchForm.userId : null,
+          organizationRoleId: (state.searchForm.sourceType && state.searchForm.sourceType == 'ORG') ? state.searchForm.userId : null,
+        }
         const { data } = await musicSheetPage({
-          ...state.searchForm,
+          ...search,
           addAppId: props.appId
         state.pagination.pageTotal = Number(data.total)
@@ -171,7 +212,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
-        title: '声部',
+        title: '可用声部',
         key: 'subjectNames',
         render: (row: any) => {
           return <TheTooltip content={row.subjectNames}/>
@@ -186,7 +227,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
         key: 'composer'
-        title: '曲目类型',
+        title: '多声轨渲染',
         key: 'musicSheetType',
         render: (row: any) => {
           return (
@@ -197,7 +238,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
-        title: '作者属性',
+        title: '曲目来源',
         key: 'sourceType',
         render(row: any) {
           return getMapValueByKey(row.sourceType, new Map(Object.entries(musicSheetSourceType)))
@@ -441,6 +482,30 @@ export default defineComponent({
+    const updateUserIdData = async (sourceType: any) => {
+      if (!state.searchForm.applicationId) {
+        return
+      }
+      state.userIdData = []
+      state.searchForm.userId = null
+      if (sourceType && sourceType !== 'PLATFORM') {
+        const { data } = await musicSheetApplicationOwnerList({
+          page: 1,
+          rows: 9999,
+          sourceType: sourceType,
+          applicationId: state.searchForm.applicationId
+        })
+        const temp = data.rows || []
+        temp.forEach((next: any) => {
+          state.userIdData.push({
+            ...next,
+            label: sourceType === 'PERSON' ? next.userName : next.organizationRole,
+            value: sourceType === 'PERSON' ? next.userId : next.organizationRoleId
+          })
+        })
+      }
+    }
     return () => {
       return (
         <div class="system-menu-container">
@@ -472,32 +537,78 @@ export default defineComponent({
-                <NFormItem label="曲目类型" path="musicSheetType">
+                <NFormItem label="多声轨渲染" path="musicSheetType">
-                    placeholder="请选择曲目类型"
+                    placeholder="请选择多声轨渲染"
-                <NFormItem label="声部" path="musicSubject">
+                <NFormItem label="可用声部" path="musicSubject">
-                    placeholder="请选择声部"
+                    placeholder="请选择可用声部"
+                <NFormItem label="音乐人" path="composer">
+                  <NInput
+                      placeholder="请选择音乐人"
+                      v-model:value={state.searchForm.composer}
+                      clearable
+                  />
+                </NFormItem>
                 <NFormItem label="曲目来源" path="sourceType">
-                    placeholder="请选择曲目来源"
-                    v-model:value={state.searchForm.sourceType}
-                    options={getSelectDataFromObj(musicSheetSourceType)}
-                    // onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
-                    // }}
-                    clearable
+                      placeholder="请选择曲目来源"
+                      v-model:value={state.searchForm.sourceType}
+                      options={getSelectDataFromObj(musicSheetSourceType)}
+                      onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
+                        state.userIdData = []
+                        state.searchForm.userId = null
+                        if (value && value !== 'PLATFORM') {
+                          await updateUserIdData(value)
+                          state.userIdDisable = false
+                        } else {
+                          state.userIdDisable = true
+                        }
+                      }}
+                      clearable
+                <NFormItem label="项目" path="applicationId">
+                  <NSelect
+                      placeholder="请选择项目"
+                      v-model:value={state.searchForm.applicationId}
+                      options={state.useProjectData}
+                      clearable
+                      onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
+                        state.searchForm.applicationId = value
+                        if (value) {
+                          await updateUserIdData(state.searchForm.sourceType)
+                          state.userIdDisable = !(
+                              state.searchForm.sourceType && state.searchForm.sourceType !== 'PLATFORM'
+                          )
+                        } else {
+                          state.searchForm.userId = null
+                          state.userIdDisable = true
+                          state.userIdData = []
+                        }
+                      }}
+                  />
+                </NFormItem>
+                <NFormItem label="所属人" path="author">
+                  <NSelect
+                      filterable
+                      placeholder="请选择所属人"
+                      disabled={state.userIdDisable || (!state.searchForm.applicationId && !state.searchForm.sourceType)}
+                      v-model:value={state.searchForm.userId}
+                      options={state.userIdData}
+                      clearable
+                  ></NSelect>
+                </NFormItem>
                     <NButton type="primary" onClick={onSearch}>

+ 108 - 65

@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import {
 } from '@views/music-library/api'
 import { getMapValueByKey, getSelectDataFromObj } from '@/utils/objectUtil'
-import { musicSheetAudioType, musicSheetSourceType, musicSheetType } from '@/utils/constant'
+import {appKey, musicSheetAudioType, musicSheetSourceType, musicSheetType} from '@/utils/constant'
 import { sysApplicationPage } from '@views/menu-manage/api'
 import { musicSheetApplicationExtendSubjectList } from '@views/system-manage/api'
 import { filterTimes } from '@/utils/dateUtil'
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ export default defineComponent({
         topFlag: null, //是否置顶(0:否;1:是)
         availableType: null, //可用途径 ORG 机构 PLATFORM 平台
         appAuditFlag: null, //是否审核版本
-        detailFlag: null //是否查询详情
+        detailFlag: null, //是否查询详情
+        applicationId: null, //所属人项目ID
       subjectList: [],
       dataList: [] as any[],
@@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
       applicationId: null, //应用ID
       musicPreview: false,
       musicScore: null as any,
+      useProjectData: [] as any, // 适用项目行数据
     onMounted(async () => {
@@ -127,9 +129,30 @@ export default defineComponent({
       } catch {}
       // 加载表格数据
+      initUseAppList()
+    const initUseAppList = async () => {
+      try {
+        const appKeys = Object.keys(appKey)
+        const { data } = await sysApplicationPage({ page: 1, rows: 999 })
+        const tempList = data.rows || []
+        state.useProjectData = []
+        const filter = tempList.filter((next: any) => {
+          return appKeys.includes(next.appKey)
+        })
+        filter.forEach((item: any) => {
+          state.useProjectData.push({
+            ...item,
+            label: item.appName,
+            value: item.id
+          })
+        })
+      } catch {}
+    }
     const saveForm = ref()
     const onSearch = () => {
@@ -153,17 +176,11 @@ export default defineComponent({
       state.loading = true
       try {
         const sourceType = state.searchForm.sourceType
-        let userId = state.searchForm.userId
-        let organizationRoleId = null
-        if (sourceType && sourceType === 'ORG') {
-          organizationRoleId = deepClone(userId)
-          userId = null
-        }
         const { data } = await musicSheetPageByApplication({
-          userId: userId,
-          organizationRoleId: organizationRoleId,
+          userId: (sourceType && sourceType === 'PERSON') ? state.searchForm.userId : null,
+          organizationRoleId: (sourceType && sourceType === 'ORG') ? state.searchForm.userId : null,
           ...filterTimes(state.searchForm.times, ['startTime', 'endTime']),
           applicationId: state.applicationId
@@ -217,6 +234,31 @@ export default defineComponent({
+    const updateUserIdData = async (sourceType: any) => {
+      if (!state.searchForm.applicationId) {
+        return
+      }
+      state.userIdData = []
+      state.searchForm.userId = null
+      if (sourceType && sourceType !== 'PLATFORM') {
+        const { data } = await musicSheetApplicationOwnerList({
+          page: 1,
+          rows: 9999,
+          sourceType: sourceType,
+          applicationId: state.searchForm.applicationId
+        })
+        const temp = data.rows || []
+        temp.forEach((next: any) => {
+          state.userIdData.push({
+            ...next,
+            label: sourceType === 'PERSON' ? next.userName : next.organizationRole,
+            value: sourceType === 'PERSON' ? next.userId : next.organizationRoleId
+          })
+        })
+      }
+    }
     const columns = (): any => {
       return [
@@ -237,7 +279,14 @@ export default defineComponent({
-          title: '曲目来源',
+          title: '封面图',
+          key: 'musicCover',
+          render(row: any): JSX.Element {
+            return <NImage width={60} height={60} src={row.musicCover} />
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          title: '曲目信息',
           key: 'musicSheetCategoriesName',
           render: (row: any) => (
@@ -245,32 +294,18 @@ export default defineComponent({
                 <NDescriptionsItem label="曲目来源">
                   {getMapValueByKey(row.sourceType, new Map(Object.entries(musicSheetSourceType)))}
+                <NDescriptionsItem label="多声轨渲染">{getMapValueByKey(row.musicSheetType, new Map(Object.entries(musicSheetType)))}</NDescriptionsItem>
                 <NDescriptionsItem label="所属人">
                   <TheTooltip content={getOwnerName(row.musicSheetExtend, row.sourceType)} />
+                <NDescriptionsItem label="可用声部">
+                  <TheTooltip content={row.subjectNames}/>
+                </NDescriptionsItem>
-          title: '封面图',
-          key: 'musicCover',
-          render(row: any): JSX.Element {
-            return <NImage width={60} height={60} src={row.musicCover} />
-          }
-        },
-        {
-          title: '曲目类型',
-          key: 'musicSheetType',
-          render: (row: any) => {
-            return (
-              <div>
-                {getMapValueByKey(row.musicSheetType, new Map(Object.entries(musicSheetType)))}
-              </div>
-            )
-          }
-        },
-        {
           title: '伴奏类型',
           key: 'audioType',
           render: (row: any) => {
@@ -281,13 +316,13 @@ export default defineComponent({
-        {
-          title: '可用声部',
-          key: 'subjectNames',
-          render: (row: any) => {
-            return <TheTooltip content={row.subjectNames}/>
-          }
-        },
+        // {
+        //   title: '可用声部',
+        //   key: 'subjectNames',
+        //   render: (row: any) => {
+        //     return <TheTooltip content={row.subjectNames}/>
+        //   }
+        // },
           title: '乐谱教材',
           key: 'musicSheetCategoryName'
@@ -393,33 +428,41 @@ export default defineComponent({
             <NFormItem label="曲目来源" path="sourceType">
-                placeholder="请选择曲目来源"
-                v-model:value={state.searchForm.sourceType}
-                options={getSelectDataFromObj(musicSheetSourceType)}
-                onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
-                  state.userIdData = []
-                  state.searchForm.userId = null
-                  if (value && value !== 'PLATFORM') {
-                    const { data } = await musicSheetApplicationOwnerList({
-                      page: 1,
-                      rows: 9999,
-                      sourceType: value,
-                      applicationId: state.appId
-                    })
-                    const temp = data.rows || []
-                    temp.forEach((next: any) => {
-                      state.userIdData.push({
-                        ...next,
-                        label: value === 'PERSON' ? next.userName : next.organizationRole,
-                        value: value === 'PERSON' ? next.userId : next.organizationRoleId
-                      })
-                    })
-                    state.userIdDisable = false
-                  } else {
-                    state.userIdDisable = true
-                  }
-                }}
-                clearable
+                  placeholder="请选择曲目来源"
+                  v-model:value={state.searchForm.sourceType}
+                  options={getSelectDataFromObj(musicSheetSourceType)}
+                  onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
+                    state.userIdData = []
+                    state.searchForm.userId = null
+                    if (value && value !== 'PLATFORM') {
+                      await updateUserIdData(value)
+                      state.userIdDisable = !state.searchForm.applicationId
+                    } else {
+                      state.userIdDisable = true
+                    }
+                  }}
+                  clearable
+              />
+            </NFormItem>
+            <NFormItem label="项目" path="applicationId">
+              <NSelect
+                  placeholder="请选择项目"
+                  v-model:value={state.searchForm.applicationId}
+                  options={state.useProjectData}
+                  clearable
+                  onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
+                    state.searchForm.applicationId = value
+                    if (value) {
+                      await updateUserIdData(state.searchForm.sourceType)
+                      state.userIdDisable = !(
+                          state.searchForm.sourceType && state.searchForm.sourceType !== 'PLATFORM'
+                      )
+                    } else {
+                      state.searchForm.userId = null
+                      state.userIdDisable = true
+                      state.userIdData = []
+                    }
+                  }}
             <NFormItem label="所属人" path="userId">
@@ -557,7 +600,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
               rowKey={(row: any) => row.applicationExtendId}
-              scrollX={'2100'}
+              scrollX={'1400'}
@@ -575,7 +618,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
-            style={{ width: '1200px' }}
+            style={{ width: '1300px' }}
               onClose={() => (state.showAddDialog = false)}

+ 11 - 2

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
   setup(props, { slots, attrs, emit }) {
     const forms = reactive({
       name: null,
-      defaultScore: null,
+      defaultScore: null as any,
       code: null,
       hz: null,
       transferFlag: true
@@ -39,11 +39,15 @@ export default defineComponent({
           btnLoading.value = true
           if (props.type === 'add') {
-            await musicalInstrumentSave({ ...forms })
+            await musicalInstrumentSave({
+              ...forms,
+              defaultScore: forms.transferFlag ? forms.defaultScore : 'STAVE'
+            })
           } else if (props.type === 'edit') {
             await musicalInstrumentUpdate({
+              defaultScore: forms.transferFlag ? forms.defaultScore : 'STAVE',
               id: props.data.id
@@ -114,6 +118,11 @@ export default defineComponent({
                 ] as any
+              onUpdateValue={async (value: any) => {
+                if(!value){ //如果不支持,修改默认谱面
+                  forms.defaultScore = 'STAVE'
+                }
+              }}

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