123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237 |
- /**
- * Created with JetBrains PhpStorm.
- * User: xuheng
- * Date: 12-12-19
- * Time: 下午4:55
- * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
- */
- (function () {
- var title = $G("J_title"),
- titleCol = $G("J_titleCol"),
- caption = $G("J_caption"),
- sorttable = $G("J_sorttable"),
- autoSizeContent = $G("J_autoSizeContent"),
- autoSizePage = $G("J_autoSizePage"),
- tone = $G("J_tone"),
- me,
- preview = $G("J_preview");
- var editTable = function () {
- me = this;
- me.init();
- };
- editTable.prototype = {
- init:function () {
- var colorPiker = new UE.ui.ColorPicker({
- editor:editor
- }),
- colorPop = new UE.ui.Popup({
- editor:editor,
- content:colorPiker
- });
- title.checked = editor.queryCommandState("inserttitle") == -1;
- titleCol.checked = editor.queryCommandState("inserttitlecol") == -1;
- caption.checked = editor.queryCommandState("insertcaption") == -1;
- sorttable.checked = editor.queryCommandState("enablesort") == 1;
- var enablesortState = editor.queryCommandState("enablesort"),
- disablesortState = editor.queryCommandState("disablesort");
- sorttable.checked = !!(enablesortState < 0 && disablesortState >=0);
- sorttable.disabled = !!(enablesortState < 0 && disablesortState < 0);
- sorttable.title = enablesortState < 0 && disablesortState < 0 ? lang.errorMsg:'';
- me.createTable(title.checked, titleCol.checked, caption.checked);
- me.setAutoSize();
- me.setColor(me.getColor());
- domUtils.on(title, "click", me.titleHanler);
- domUtils.on(titleCol, "click", me.titleColHanler);
- domUtils.on(caption, "click", me.captionHanler);
- domUtils.on(sorttable, "click", me.sorttableHanler);
- domUtils.on(autoSizeContent, "click", me.autoSizeContentHanler);
- domUtils.on(autoSizePage, "click", me.autoSizePageHanler);
- domUtils.on(tone, "click", function () {
- colorPop.showAnchor(tone);
- });
- domUtils.on(document, 'mousedown', function () {
- colorPop.hide();
- });
- colorPiker.addListener("pickcolor", function () {
- me.setColor(arguments[1]);
- colorPop.hide();
- });
- colorPiker.addListener("picknocolor", function () {
- me.setColor("");
- colorPop.hide();
- });
- },
- createTable:function (hasTitle, hasTitleCol, hasCaption) {
- var arr = [],
- sortSpan = '<span>^</span>';
- arr.push("<table id='J_example'>");
- if (hasCaption) {
- arr.push("<caption>" + lang.captionName + "</caption>")
- }
- if (hasTitle) {
- arr.push("<tr>");
- if(hasTitleCol) { arr.push("<th>" + lang.titleName + "</th>"); }
- for (var j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
- arr.push("<th>" + lang.titleName + "</th>");
- }
- arr.push("</tr>");
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- arr.push("<tr>");
- if(hasTitleCol) { arr.push("<th>" + lang.titleName + "</th>") }
- for (var k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
- arr.push("<td>" + lang.cellsName + "</td>")
- }
- arr.push("</tr>");
- }
- arr.push("</table>");
- preview.innerHTML = arr.join("");
- this.updateSortSpan();
- },
- titleHanler:function () {
- var example = $G("J_example"),
- frg=document.createDocumentFragment(),
- color = domUtils.getComputedStyle(domUtils.getElementsByTagName(example, "td")[0], "border-color"),
- colCount = example.rows[0].children.length;
- if (title.checked) {
- example.insertRow(0);
- for (var i = 0, node; i < colCount; i++) {
- node = document.createElement("th");
- node.innerHTML = lang.titleName;
- frg.appendChild(node);
- }
- example.rows[0].appendChild(frg);
- } else {
- domUtils.remove(example.rows[0]);
- }
- me.setColor(color);
- me.updateSortSpan();
- },
- titleColHanler:function () {
- var example = $G("J_example"),
- color = domUtils.getComputedStyle(domUtils.getElementsByTagName(example, "td")[0], "border-color"),
- colArr = example.rows,
- colCount = colArr.length;
- if (titleCol.checked) {
- for (var i = 0, node; i < colCount; i++) {
- node = document.createElement("th");
- node.innerHTML = lang.titleName;
- colArr[i].insertBefore(node, colArr[i].children[0]);
- }
- } else {
- for (var i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
- domUtils.remove(colArr[i].children[0]);
- }
- }
- me.setColor(color);
- me.updateSortSpan();
- },
- captionHanler:function () {
- var example = $G("J_example");
- if (caption.checked) {
- var row = document.createElement('caption');
- row.innerHTML = lang.captionName;
- example.insertBefore(row, example.firstChild);
- } else {
- domUtils.remove(domUtils.getElementsByTagName(example, 'caption')[0]);
- }
- },
- sorttableHanler:function(){
- me.updateSortSpan();
- },
- autoSizeContentHanler:function () {
- var example = $G("J_example");
- example.removeAttribute("width");
- },
- autoSizePageHanler:function () {
- var example = $G("J_example");
- var tds = example.getElementsByTagName(example, "td");
- utils.each(tds, function (td) {
- td.removeAttribute("width");
- });
- example.setAttribute('width', '100%');
- },
- updateSortSpan: function(){
- var example = $G("J_example"),
- row = example.rows[0];
- var spans = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(example,"span");
- utils.each(spans,function(span){
- span.parentNode.removeChild(span);
- });
- if (sorttable.checked) {
- utils.each(row.cells, function(cell, i){
- var span = document.createElement("span");
- span.innerHTML = "^";
- cell.appendChild(span);
- });
- }
- },
- getColor:function () {
- var start = editor.selection.getStart(), color,
- cell = domUtils.findParentByTagName(start, ["td", "th", "caption"], true);
- color = cell && domUtils.getComputedStyle(cell, "border-color");
- if (!color) color = "#DDDDDD";
- return color;
- },
- setColor:function (color) {
- var example = $G("J_example"),
- arr = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(example, "td").concat(
- domUtils.getElementsByTagName(example, "th"),
- domUtils.getElementsByTagName(example, "caption")
- );
- tone.value = color;
- utils.each(arr, function (node) {
- node.style.borderColor = color;
- });
- },
- setAutoSize:function () {
- var me = this;
- autoSizePage.checked = true;
- me.autoSizePageHanler();
- }
- };
- new editTable;
- dialog.onok = function () {
- editor.__hasEnterExecCommand = true;
- var checks = {
- title:"inserttitle deletetitle",
- titleCol:"inserttitlecol deletetitlecol",
- caption:"insertcaption deletecaption",
- sorttable:"enablesort disablesort"
- };
- editor.fireEvent('saveScene');
- for(var i in checks){
- var cmds = checks[i].split(" "),
- input = $G("J_" + i);
- if(input["checked"]){
- editor.queryCommandState(cmds[0])!=-1 &&editor.execCommand(cmds[0]);
- }else{
- editor.queryCommandState(cmds[1])!=-1 &&editor.execCommand(cmds[1]);
- }
- }
- editor.execCommand("edittable", tone.value);
- autoSizeContent.checked ?editor.execCommand('adaptbytext') : "";
- autoSizePage.checked ? editor.execCommand("adaptbywindow") : "";
- editor.fireEvent('saveScene');
- editor.__hasEnterExecCommand = false;
- };
- })();