@@ -1,317 +1,367 @@
-// [VexFlow](http://vexflow.com) - Copyright (c) Mohit Muthanna 2010.
-// ## Description
-// This file implements different types of pedal markings. These notation
-// elements indicate to the performer when to depress and release the a pedal.
-// In order to create "Sostenuto", and "una corda" markings, you must set
-// custom text for the release/depress pedal markings.
-import { Vex } from './vex';
-import { Element } from './element';
-import { Glyph } from './glyph';
-// To enable logging for this class. Set `Vex.Flow.PedalMarking.DEBUG` to `true`.
-function L(...args) { if (PedalMarking.DEBUG) Vex.L('Vex.Flow.PedalMarking', args); }
-// Draws a pedal glyph with the provided `name` on a rendering `context`
-// at the coordinates `x` and `y. Takes into account the glyph data
-// coordinate shifts.
-function drawPedalGlyph(name, context, x, y, point) {
- const glyph_data = PedalMarking.GLYPHS[name];
- const glyph = new Glyph(glyph_data.code, point);
- glyph.render(context, x + glyph_data.x_shift, y + glyph_data.y_shift);
-export class PedalMarking extends Element {
- // Glyph data
- static get GLYPHS() {
- return {
- 'pedal_depress': {
- code: 'v36',
- x_shift: -10,
- y_shift: 0,
- },
- 'pedal_release': {
- code: 'v5d',
- x_shift: -2,
- y_shift: 3,
- },
- };
- }
- static get Styles() {
- return {
- TEXT: 1,
- MIXED: 3,
- };
- }
- static get StylesString() {
- return {
- text: PedalMarking.Styles.TEXT,
- bracket: PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET,
- mixed: PedalMarking.Styles.MIXED,
- mixed_open_end: PedalMarking.Styles.MIXED_OPEN_END,
- bracket_open_begin: PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_BEGIN,
- bracket_open_end: PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_END,
- bracket_open_both: PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_BOTH
- };
- }
- // Create a sustain pedal marking. Returns the defaults PedalMarking.
- // Which uses the traditional "Ped" and "*"" markings.
- static createSustain(notes) {
- const pedal = new PedalMarking(notes);
- return pedal;
- }
- // Create a sostenuto pedal marking
- static createSostenuto(notes) {
- const pedal = new PedalMarking(notes);
- pedal.setStyle(PedalMarking.Styles.MIXED);
- pedal.setCustomText('Sost. Ped.');
- return pedal;
- }
- // Create an una corda pedal marking
- static createUnaCorda(notes) {
- const pedal = new PedalMarking(notes);
- pedal.setStyle(PedalMarking.Styles.TEXT);
- pedal.setCustomText('una corda', 'tre corda');
- return pedal;
- }
- // ## Prototype Methods
- constructor(notes) {
- super();
- this.setAttribute('type', 'PedalMarking');
- this.notes = notes;
- this.style = PedalMarking.TEXT;
- this.line = 0;
- // Custom text for the release/depress markings
- this.custom_depress_text = '';
- this.custom_release_text = '';
- this.font = {
- family: 'Times New Roman',
- size: 12,
- weight: 'italic bold',
- };
- this.render_options = {
- bracket_height: 10,
- text_margin_right: 6,
- bracket_line_width: 1,
- glyph_point_size: 40,
- color: 'black',
- };
- }
- setEndStave(stave) {
- this.endStave = stave;
- }
- // Set custom text for the `depress`/`release` pedal markings. No text is
- // set if the parameter is falsy.
- setCustomText(depress, release) {
- this.custom_depress_text = depress || '';
- this.custom_release_text = release || '';
- return this;
- }
- // Set the pedal marking style
- setStyle(style) {
- if (style < 1 && style > 3) {
- throw new Vex.RERR('InvalidParameter', 'The style must be one found in PedalMarking.Styles');
- }
- this.style = style;
- return this;
- }
- // Set the staff line to render the markings on
- setLine(line) { this.line = line; return this; }
- // Draw the bracket based pedal markings
- drawBracketed() {
- const ctx = this.context;
- let is_pedal_depressed = false;
- let prev_x;
- let prev_y;
- const pedal = this;
- // Iterate through each note
- this.notes.forEach((note, index, notes) => {
- // Each note triggers the opposite pedal action
- is_pedal_depressed = !is_pedal_depressed;
- // Get the initial coordinates for the note
- let x = 0;
- if (note) {
- x = note.getNoteHeadBeginX();
- }
- if (!note) {
- x = this.endStave.end_x;
- } else if (!is_pedal_depressed) {
- switch(pedal.style) {
- case PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_END:
- case PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_BOTH:
- case PedalMarking.Styles.MIXED_OPEN_END:
- x = note.getNoteHeadEndX();
- break;
- default:
- x -= pedal.render_options.text_margin_right;
- break;
- }
- } else {
- switch(pedal.style) {
- case PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_BEGIN:
- case PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_BOTH:
- x -= pedal.render_options.text_margin_right;
- break;
- }
- }
- let stave = this.endStave; // if !note
- if (note) {
- stave = note.getStave();
- }
- let y = stave.getYForBottomText(pedal.line + 3);
- if (prev_y) { // compiler complains if we shorten this
- if (prev_y > y) { // don't slope pedal marking upwards (nonstandard)
- y = prev_y;
- }
- }
- // Throw if current note is positioned before the previous note
- if (x < prev_x) {
- // TODO this unnecessarily throws for missing endNote fix
- // throw new Vex.RERR(
- // 'InvalidConfiguration', 'The notes provided must be in order of ascending x positions'
- // );
- }
- // Determine if the previous or next note are the same
- // as the current note. We need to keep track of this for
- // when adjustments are made for the release+depress action
- const next_is_same = notes[index + 1] === note;
- const prev_is_same = notes[index - 1] === note;
- let x_shift = 0;
- if (is_pedal_depressed) {
- // Adjustment for release+depress
- x_shift = prev_is_same ? 5 : 0;
- if ((pedal.style === PedalMarking.Styles.MIXED || pedal.style === PedalMarking.Styles.MIXED_OPEN_END) && !prev_is_same) {
- // For MIXED style, start with text instead of bracket
- if (pedal.custom_depress_text) {
- // If we have custom text, use instead of the default "Ped" glyph
- const text_width = ctx.measureText(pedal.custom_depress_text).width;
- ctx.fillText(pedal.custom_depress_text, x - (text_width / 2), y);
- x_shift = (text_width / 2) + pedal.render_options.text_margin_right;
- } else {
- // Render the Ped glyph in position
- drawPedalGlyph('pedal_depress', ctx, x, y, pedal.render_options.glyph_point_size);
- x_shift = 20 + pedal.render_options.text_margin_right;
- }
- } else {
- // Draw start bracket
- ctx.beginPath();
- if (pedal.style === PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_BEGIN || pedal.style === PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_BOTH) {
- ctx.moveTo(x + x_shift, y);
- } else {
- ctx.moveTo(x, y - pedal.render_options.bracket_height);
- ctx.lineTo(x + x_shift, y);
- }
- ctx.stroke();
- ctx.closePath();
- }
- } else {
- // Adjustment for release+depress
- x_shift = next_is_same ? -5 : 0;
- // Draw end bracket
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.moveTo(prev_x, prev_y);
- ctx.lineTo(x + x_shift, y);
- if (pedal.style !== PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_END && pedal.style !== PedalMarking.Styles.MIXED_OPEN_END &&
- pedal.style !== PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_BOTH) {
- ctx.lineTo(x, y - pedal.render_options.bracket_height);
- }
- ctx.stroke();
- ctx.closePath();
- }
- // Store previous coordinates
- prev_x = x + x_shift;
- prev_y = y;
- });
- }
- // Draw the text based pedal markings. This defaults to the traditional
- // "Ped" and "*"" symbols if no custom text has been provided.
- drawText() {
- const ctx = this.context;
- let is_pedal_depressed = false;
- const pedal = this;
- // The glyph point size
- const point = pedal.render_options.glyph_point_size;
- // Iterate through each note, placing glyphs or custom text accordingly
- this.notes.forEach(note => {
- is_pedal_depressed = !is_pedal_depressed;
- const stave = note.getStave();
- const x = note.getAbsoluteX();
- const y = stave.getYForBottomText(pedal.line + 3);
- let text_width = 0;
- if (is_pedal_depressed) {
- if (pedal.custom_depress_text) {
- text_width = ctx.measureText(pedal.custom_depress_text).width;
- ctx.fillText(pedal.custom_depress_text, x - (text_width / 2), y);
- } else {
- drawPedalGlyph('pedal_depress', ctx, x, y, point);
- }
- } else {
- if (pedal.custom_release_text) {
- text_width = ctx.measureText(pedal.custom_release_text).width;
- ctx.fillText(pedal.custom_release_text, x - (text_width / 2), y);
- } else {
- drawPedalGlyph('pedal_release', ctx, x, y, point);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- // Render the pedal marking in position on the rendering context
- draw() {
- const ctx = this.checkContext();
- this.setRendered();
- ctx.save();
- ctx.setStrokeStyle(this.render_options.color);
- ctx.setFillStyle(this.render_options.color);
- ctx.setFont(this.font.family, this.font.size, this.font.weight);
- L('Rendering Pedal Marking');
- if (this.style === PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET || this.style === PedalMarking.Styles.MIXED || this.style === PedalMarking.Styles.MIXED_OPEN_END ||
- this.style === PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_BEGIN || this.style === PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_END || this.style === PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_BOTH) {
- ctx.setLineWidth(this.render_options.bracket_line_width);
- this.drawBracketed();
- } else if (this.style === PedalMarking.Styles.TEXT) {
- this.drawText();
- }
- ctx.restore();
- }
+// [VexFlow](http://vexflow.com) - Copyright (c) Mohit Muthanna 2010.
+// ## Description
+// This file implements different types of pedal markings. These notation
+// elements indicate to the performer when to depress and release the a pedal.
+// In order to create "Sostenuto", and "una corda" markings, you must set
+// custom text for the release/depress pedal markings.
+import { Vex } from './vex';
+import { Element } from './element';
+import { Glyph } from './glyph';
+import { StaveModifier } from './stavemodifier';
+// To enable logging for this class. Set `Vex.Flow.PedalMarking.DEBUG` to `true`.
+function L(...args) { if (PedalMarking.DEBUG) Vex.L('Vex.Flow.PedalMarking', args); }
+// Draws a pedal glyph with the provided `name` on a rendering `context`
+// at the coordinates `x` and `y. Takes into account the glyph data
+// coordinate shifts.
+function drawPedalGlyph(name, context, x, y, point) {
+ const glyph_data = PedalMarking.GLYPHS[name];
+ const glyph = new Glyph(glyph_data.code, point);
+ glyph.render(context, x + glyph_data.x_shift, y + glyph_data.y_shift);
+export class PedalMarking extends Element {
+ // Glyph data
+ static get GLYPHS() {
+ return {
+ 'pedal_depress': {
+ code: 'v36',
+ x_shift: -10,
+ y_shift: 0,
+ },
+ 'pedal_release': {
+ code: 'v5d',
+ x_shift: -2,
+ y_shift: 3,
+ },
+ };
+ }
+ static get Styles() {
+ return {
+ TEXT: 1,
+ MIXED: 3,
+ };
+ }
+ static get StylesString() {
+ return {
+ text: PedalMarking.Styles.TEXT,
+ bracket: PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET,
+ mixed: PedalMarking.Styles.MIXED,
+ mixed_open_end: PedalMarking.Styles.MIXED_OPEN_END,
+ bracket_open_begin: PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_BEGIN,
+ bracket_open_end: PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_END,
+ bracket_open_both: PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_BOTH
+ };
+ }
+ // Create a sustain pedal marking. Returns the defaults PedalMarking.
+ // Which uses the traditional "Ped" and "*"" markings.
+ static createSustain(notes) {
+ const pedal = new PedalMarking(notes);
+ return pedal;
+ }
+ // Create a sostenuto pedal marking
+ static createSostenuto(notes) {
+ const pedal = new PedalMarking(notes);
+ pedal.setStyle(PedalMarking.Styles.MIXED);
+ pedal.setCustomText('Sost. Ped.');
+ return pedal;
+ }
+ // Create an una corda pedal marking
+ static createUnaCorda(notes) {
+ const pedal = new PedalMarking(notes);
+ pedal.setStyle(PedalMarking.Styles.TEXT);
+ pedal.setCustomText('una corda', 'tre corda');
+ return pedal;
+ }
+ // ## Prototype Methods
+ constructor(notes) {
+ super();
+ this.setAttribute('type', 'PedalMarking');
+ this.EndsStave = false;
+ this.ChangeBegin = false;
+ this.ChangeEnd = false;
+ this.notes = notes;
+ this.style = PedalMarking.TEXT;
+ this.line = 0;
+ // Custom text for the release/depress markings
+ this.custom_depress_text = '';
+ this.custom_release_text = '';
+ this.font = {
+ family: 'Times New Roman',
+ size: 12,
+ weight: 'italic bold',
+ };
+ this.render_options = {
+ bracket_height: 10,
+ text_margin_right: 6,
+ bracket_line_width: 1,
+ glyph_point_size: 40,
+ color: 'black',
+ };
+ }
+ setEndStave(stave) {
+ this.endStave = stave;
+ this.endStaveAddedWidth = 0;
+ this.startMargin = 0;
+ this.endMargin = 0;
+ if(Array.isArray(this.endStave.modifiers)){
+ for(let i = 0; i < this.endStave.modifiers.length; i++){
+ let nextMod = this.endStave.modifiers[i];
+ if(nextMod && nextMod.position === StaveModifier.Position.END && nextMod.width){
+ this.endStaveAddedWidth += nextMod.width;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Set custom text for the `depress`/`release` pedal markings. No text is
+ // set if the parameter is falsy.
+ setCustomText(depress, release) {
+ this.custom_depress_text = depress || '';
+ this.custom_release_text = release || '';
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Set the pedal marking style
+ setStyle(style) {
+ if (style < 1 && style > 3) {
+ throw new Vex.RERR('InvalidParameter', 'The style must be one found in PedalMarking.Styles');
+ }
+ this.style = style;
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Set the staff line to render the markings on
+ setLine(line) { this.line = line; return this; }
+ // Draw the bracket based pedal markings
+ drawBracketed() {
+ const ctx = this.context;
+ let is_pedal_depressed = false;
+ let prev_x;
+ let prev_y;
+ const pedal = this;
+ // Iterate through each note
+ this.notes.forEach((note, index, notes) => {
+ // Each note triggers the opposite pedal action
+ is_pedal_depressed = !is_pedal_depressed;
+ // Get the initial coordinates for the note
+ let x = 0;
+ if (note) {
+ //default to note head begin
+ x = note.getNoteHeadBeginX();
+ } else {
+ x = this.endStave.end_x + this.endStaveAddedWidth;
+ }
+ //If this pedal doesn't end a stave...
+ if(!this.EndsStave){
+ if(note){
+ //pedal across a single note or just the end note
+ if(!is_pedal_depressed){
+ switch(pedal.style) {
+ case PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_END:
+ case PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_BOTH:
+ case PedalMarking.Styles.MIXED_OPEN_END:
+ x = note.getNoteHeadEndX();
+ break;
+ default:
+ if(this.ChangeEnd){
+ //Start in the middle of the note
+ x = note.getAbsoluteX();
+ } else {
+ x = note.getNoteHeadBeginX() - pedal.render_options.text_margin_right;
+ this.startMargin = -pedal.render_options.text_margin_right;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if(this.ChangeBegin){
+ x = note.getAbsoluteX();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ //Ends stave and we are at the end...
+ if(!is_pedal_depressed){
+ //IF we are the end, set the end to the stave end
+ if(note){
+ if(this.ChangeEnd){
+ //Start in the middle of the note
+ x = note.getAbsoluteX();
+ } else {
+ x = note.getStave().end_x + this.endStaveAddedWidth - pedal.render_options.text_margin_right;
+ }
+ } else {
+ x = this.endStave.end_x + this.endStaveAddedWidth - pedal.render_options.text_margin_right;
+ }
+ this.endMargin = -pedal.render_options.text_margin_right;
+ } else if (this.ChangeBegin){
+ x = note.getAbsoluteX();
+ }
+ }
+ let stave = this.endStave; // if !note
+ if (note) {
+ stave = note.getStave();
+ }
+ let y = stave.getYForBottomText(pedal.line + 3);
+ if (prev_y) { // compiler complains if we shorten this
+ if (prev_y > y) { // don't slope pedal marking upwards (nonstandard)
+ y = prev_y;
+ }
+ }
+ // Throw if current note is positioned before the previous note
+ if (x < prev_x) {
+ // TODO this unnecessarily throws for missing endNote fix
+ // throw new Vex.RERR(
+ // 'InvalidConfiguration', 'The notes provided must be in order of ascending x positions'
+ // );
+ }
+ // Determine if the previous or next note are the same
+ // as the current note. We need to keep track of this for
+ // when adjustments are made for the release+depress action
+ const next_is_same = notes[index + 1] === note;
+ const prev_is_same = notes[index - 1] === note;
+ let x_shift = 0;
+ if (is_pedal_depressed) {
+ // Adjustment for release+depress
+ x_shift = prev_is_same ? 5 : 0;
+ if ((pedal.style === PedalMarking.Styles.MIXED || pedal.style === PedalMarking.Styles.MIXED_OPEN_END) && !prev_is_same) {
+ // For MIXED style, start with text instead of bracket
+ if (pedal.custom_depress_text) {
+ // If we have custom text, use instead of the default "Ped" glyph
+ const text_width = ctx.measureText(pedal.custom_depress_text).width;
+ ctx.fillText(pedal.custom_depress_text, x - (text_width / 2), y);
+ x_shift = (text_width / 2) + pedal.render_options.text_margin_right;
+ } else {
+ // Render the Ped glyph in position
+ drawPedalGlyph('pedal_depress', ctx, x, y, pedal.render_options.glyph_point_size);
+ x_shift = 20 + pedal.render_options.text_margin_right;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Draw start bracket
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ if (pedal.style === PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_BEGIN || pedal.style === PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_BOTH) {
+ ctx.moveTo(x + x_shift, y);
+ } else {
+ if(this.ChangeBegin){
+ x += 5;
+ }
+ ctx.moveTo(x, y - pedal.render_options.bracket_height);
+ if(this.ChangeBegin){
+ x += 5;
+ }
+ ctx.lineTo(x + x_shift, y);
+ }
+ ctx.stroke();
+ ctx.closePath();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Adjustment for release+depress
+ x_shift = next_is_same && !this.EndsStave ? -5 : 0;
+ // Draw end bracket
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.moveTo(prev_x, prev_y);
+ ctx.lineTo(x + x_shift, y);
+ if (pedal.style !== PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_END && pedal.style !== PedalMarking.Styles.MIXED_OPEN_END &&
+ pedal.style !== PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_BOTH) {
+ if(this.ChangeEnd){
+ x += 5;
+ }
+ ctx.lineTo(x, y - pedal.render_options.bracket_height);
+ }
+ ctx.stroke();
+ ctx.closePath();
+ }
+ // Store previous coordinates
+ prev_x = x + x_shift;
+ prev_y = y;
+ });
+ }
+ // Draw the text based pedal markings. This defaults to the traditional
+ // "Ped" and "*"" symbols if no custom text has been provided.
+ drawText() {
+ const ctx = this.context;
+ let is_pedal_depressed = false;
+ const pedal = this;
+ // The glyph point size
+ const point = pedal.render_options.glyph_point_size;
+ // Iterate through each note, placing glyphs or custom text accordingly
+ this.notes.forEach(note => {
+ is_pedal_depressed = !is_pedal_depressed;
+ const stave = note.getStave();
+ const x = note.getAbsoluteX();
+ const y = stave.getYForBottomText(pedal.line + 3);
+ let text_width = 0;
+ if (is_pedal_depressed) {
+ if (pedal.custom_depress_text) {
+ text_width = ctx.measureText(pedal.custom_depress_text).width;
+ ctx.fillText(pedal.custom_depress_text, x - (text_width / 2), y);
+ } else {
+ drawPedalGlyph('pedal_depress', ctx, x, y, point);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (pedal.custom_release_text) {
+ text_width = ctx.measureText(pedal.custom_release_text).width;
+ ctx.fillText(pedal.custom_release_text, x - (text_width / 2), y);
+ } else {
+ drawPedalGlyph('pedal_release', ctx, x, y, point);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Render the pedal marking in position on the rendering context
+ draw() {
+ const ctx = this.checkContext();
+ this.setRendered();
+ ctx.save();
+ ctx.setStrokeStyle(this.render_options.color);
+ ctx.setFillStyle(this.render_options.color);
+ ctx.setFont(this.font.family, this.font.size, this.font.weight);
+ L('Rendering Pedal Marking');
+ if (this.style === PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET || this.style === PedalMarking.Styles.MIXED || this.style === PedalMarking.Styles.MIXED_OPEN_END ||
+ this.style === PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_BEGIN || this.style === PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_END || this.style === PedalMarking.Styles.BRACKET_OPEN_BOTH) {
+ ctx.setLineWidth(this.render_options.bracket_line_width);
+ this.drawBracketed();
+ } else if (this.style === PedalMarking.Styles.TEXT) {
+ this.drawText();
+ }
+ ctx.restore();
+ }