@@ -1357,7 +1357,10 @@ export class PlaybackManager implements IPlaybackParametersListener {
* The result may be inaccurate if you haven't set the bpm to the first measure's bpm before playback (or the other way round).
* In that case, getSheetDurationInMsEvenBpm() can be more accurate (previous version of this method)
- public getSheetDurationInMs(): number {
+ public getSheetDurationInMs(withRepeats: boolean = true): number {
+ if (withRepeats) {
+ return this.getSheetDurationInMsWithRepeats();
+ }
let totalDuration: number = 0;
// code similar to PlaybackSettings.getDurationInMilliseconds()
const beatRealValue: number = 1.0 / 4.0;
@@ -1368,6 +1371,32 @@ export class PlaybackManager implements IPlaybackParametersListener {
return totalDuration;
+ public getSheetDurationInMsWithRepeats(): number {
+ // code similar to getSheetDurationInMs, but for repeats we need to use an iterator.
+ let totalDuration: number = 0;
+ const beatRealValue: number = 0.25;
+ const iterator: MusicPartManagerIterator = new MusicPartManagerIterator(this.musicPartManager.MusicSheet);
+ const maxSteps: number = 10e6; // safety maximum loop count to prevent infinite loops
+ let loopSteps: number = 0;
+ while (!iterator.EndReached) {
+ const measure: SourceMeasure = iterator.CurrentMeasure;
+ const beatLengthInMs: number = 60000.0 / measure.TempoInBPM;
+ totalDuration += measure.Duration.RealValue * beatLengthInMs / beatRealValue;
+ while (!iterator.EndReached) {
+ iterator.moveToNext();
+ if (iterator.CurrentMeasure !== measure || iterator.backJumpOccurred) {
+ break; // hit a new measure or jump back (perhaps to same measure), add duration again
+ }
+ loopSteps++;
+ if (loopSteps >= maxSteps) {
+ log.error("getSheetDuration: hit maximum loop limit");
+ return totalDuration;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return totalDuration;
+ }
/** Returns the sheet duration of the piece in ms given the tempo set via setBpm() doesn't change. */
public getSheetDurationInMsEvenBpm(): number {
return this.timingSource.getDurationInMs(this.musicPartManager.MusicSheet.SheetEndTimestamp);