@@ -661,10 +661,11 @@ export abstract class MusicSheetCalculator {
// Y-position calculated according to aforementioned mapping
- let position: number = firstPosition + (this.rules.VerticalBetweenLyricsDistance + this.rules.LyricsHeight) * sortedLyricVerseNumberIndex;
- if (this.leadSheet) {
- position = 3.4 + (this.rules.VerticalBetweenLyricsDistance + this.rules.LyricsHeight) * (sortedLyricVerseNumberIndex);
- }
+ const position: number = firstPosition + (this.rules.VerticalBetweenLyricsDistance + this.rules.LyricsHeight) * sortedLyricVerseNumberIndex;
+ // TODO not sure what this leadsheet lyrics positioning was supposed to be, but it seems to ALWAYS put the lyrics inside the stafflines now.
+ // if (this.leadSheet) {
+ // position = 3.4 + (this.rules.VerticalBetweenLyricsDistance + this.rules.LyricsHeight) * (sortedLyricVerseNumberIndex);
+ // }
const previousRelativeX: number = lyricsEntryLabel.PositionAndShape.RelativePosition.x;
lyricsEntryLabel.PositionAndShape.RelativePosition = new PointF2D(previousRelativeX, position);
lyricsEntryLabel.Label.fontStyle = lyricEntry.LyricsEntry.FontStyle;
@@ -1431,28 +1432,63 @@ export abstract class MusicSheetCalculator {
const placement: PlacementEnum = graphicalContinuousDynamic.ContinuousDynamic.Placement;
// if ContinuousDynamicExpression is given from wedge
- let secondGraphicalContinuousDynamic: GraphicalContinuousDynamicExpression = undefined;
+ let endGraphicalContinuousDynamic: GraphicalContinuousDynamicExpression = undefined;
// last length check
if (sameStaffLine && endPosInStaffLine.x - startPosInStaffline.x < this.rules.WedgeMinLength && !isSoftAccent) {
endPosInStaffLine.x = startPosInStaffline.x + this.rules.WedgeMinLength;
- // Upper staff wedge always starts at the given position and the lower staff wedge always starts at the begin of measure
+ // First staff wedge always starts at the given position and the last and inbetween wedges always start at the begin of measure
+ // TODO: rename upper / lower to first / last, now that we can have inbetween wedges, though this creates a huge diff, and this should be clear now.
const upperStartX: number = startPosInStaffline.x;
let lowerStartX: number = endStaffLine.Measures[0].beginInstructionsWidth - this.rules.WedgeHorizontalMargin - 2;
//TODO fix this when a range of measures to draw is given that doesn't include all the dynamic's measures (e.g. for crescendo)
let upperEndX: number = 0;
let lowerEndX: number = 0;
+ /** Wedges between first and last staffline, in case we span more than 2 stafflines. */
+ const inbetweenWedges: GraphicalContinuousDynamicExpression[] = [];
if (!sameStaffLine) {
+ // add wedge in all stafflines between (including) start and end measure
upperEndX = staffLine.PositionAndShape.Size.width;
lowerEndX = endPosInStaffLine.x;
- // must create a new Wedge
- secondGraphicalContinuousDynamic = new GraphicalContinuousDynamicExpression(
+ // get all stafflines between start measure and end measure, and add wedges for them.
+ // This would be less lines of code if there was already a list of stafflines for the sheet.
+ const stafflinesCovered: StaffLine[] = [staffLine, endStaffLine]; // start and end staffline already get a wedge
+ const startMeasure: GraphicalMeasure = graphicalContinuousDynamic.StartMeasure;
+ let nextMeasure: GraphicalMeasure = startMeasure;
+ let iterations: number = 0; // safety measure against infinite loop
+ let sourceMeasureIndex: number = startMeasure.parentSourceMeasure.measureListIndex;
+ while (nextMeasure !== endMeasure && iterations < 1000) {
+ const nextSourceMeasure: SourceMeasure = this.graphicalMusicSheet.ParentMusicSheet.SourceMeasures[sourceMeasureIndex];
+ const potentialNextMeasure: GraphicalMeasure = this.graphicalMusicSheet.getGraphicalMeasureFromSourceMeasureAndIndex(
+ nextSourceMeasure, staffIndex
+ );
+ if (potentialNextMeasure) {
+ nextMeasure = potentialNextMeasure;
+ const nextStaffline: StaffLine = nextMeasure.ParentStaffLine;
+ if (!stafflinesCovered.includes(nextStaffline)) {
+ stafflinesCovered.push(nextStaffline);
+ const newWedge: GraphicalContinuousDynamicExpression =
+ new GraphicalContinuousDynamicExpression(
+ graphicalContinuousDynamic.ContinuousDynamic,
+ nextStaffline,
+ nextStaffline.Measures[0].parentSourceMeasure
+ );
+ newWedge.IsSplittedPart = true;
+ inbetweenWedges.push(newWedge);
+ }
+ }
+ sourceMeasureIndex++;
+ iterations++;
+ }
+ // last wedge at endMeasure
+ endGraphicalContinuousDynamic = new GraphicalContinuousDynamicExpression(
graphicalContinuousDynamic.ContinuousDynamic, endStaffLine, endMeasure.parentSourceMeasure);
- secondGraphicalContinuousDynamic.IsSplittedPart = true;
+ endGraphicalContinuousDynamic.IsSplittedPart = true;
graphicalContinuousDynamic.IsSplittedPart = true;
} else {
upperEndX = endPosInStaffLine.x;
@@ -1471,7 +1507,7 @@ export abstract class MusicSheetCalculator {
// the Height of the Expression's placement
let idealY: number = 0;
- let secondIdealY: number = 0;
+ let endIdealY: number = 0;
if (placement === PlacementEnum.Below) {
// can be a single Staff Instrument or an Instrument with 2 Staves
@@ -1501,7 +1537,7 @@ export abstract class MusicSheetCalculator {
if (!sameStaffLine) {
// Set the value for the splitted y position to the ideal position before we check and modify it with
// the skybottom calculator detection
- secondIdealY = idealY;
+ endIdealY = idealY;
// must check BottomLine for possible collisions within the Length of the Expression
// find the corresponding max value for the given Length
@@ -1552,12 +1588,12 @@ export abstract class MusicSheetCalculator {
if (!sameStaffLine) {
maxBottomLineValueForExpressionLength = endStaffLine.SkyBottomLineCalculator.getBottomLineMaxInRange(lowerStartX, lowerEndX);
- if (maxBottomLineValueForExpressionLength > secondIdealY) {
- secondIdealY = maxBottomLineValueForExpressionLength;
+ if (maxBottomLineValueForExpressionLength > endIdealY) {
+ endIdealY = maxBottomLineValueForExpressionLength;
- secondIdealY += this.rules.WedgeOpeningLength / 2;
- secondIdealY += this.rules.WedgeVerticalMargin;
+ endIdealY += this.rules.WedgeOpeningLength / 2;
+ endIdealY += this.rules.WedgeVerticalMargin;
if (!withinCrossedBeam) {
@@ -1589,7 +1625,7 @@ export abstract class MusicSheetCalculator {
// must consider the upperWedge starting/ending tip for the comparison with the SkyLine
idealY += this.rules.WedgeOpeningLength / 2;
if (!sameStaffLine) {
- secondIdealY = idealY;
+ endIdealY = idealY;
// must check SkyLine for possible collisions within the Length of the Expression
@@ -1634,11 +1670,11 @@ export abstract class MusicSheetCalculator {
if (!sameStaffLine) {
minSkyLineValueForExpressionLength = endStaffLine.SkyBottomLineCalculator.getSkyLineMinInRange(lowerStartX, lowerEndX);
- if (minSkyLineValueForExpressionLength < secondIdealY) {
- secondIdealY = minSkyLineValueForExpressionLength;
+ if (minSkyLineValueForExpressionLength < endIdealY) {
+ endIdealY = minSkyLineValueForExpressionLength;
- secondIdealY -= this.rules.WedgeOpeningLength / 2;
+ endIdealY -= this.rules.WedgeOpeningLength / 2;
if (!withinCrossedBeam) {
@@ -1646,45 +1682,65 @@ export abstract class MusicSheetCalculator {
idealY -= this.rules.WedgeVerticalMargin;
if (!sameStaffLine) {
- secondIdealY -= this.rules.WedgeVerticalMargin;
+ endIdealY -= this.rules.WedgeVerticalMargin;
// now we have the correct placement Height for the Expression
// the idealY is calculated relative to the currentStaffLine
- // Crescendo (point to the left, opening to the right)
- if (graphicalContinuousDynamic.ContinuousDynamic.DynamicType === ContDynamicEnum.crescendo) {
- if (isSoftAccent) {
- graphicalContinuousDynamic.createFirstHalfCrescendoLines(upperStartX, upperEndX, idealY);
- graphicalContinuousDynamic.createSecondHalfDiminuendoLines(lowerStartX, lowerEndX, idealY);
- graphicalContinuousDynamic.calcPsi();
- // secondGraphicalContinuousDynamic.createSecondHalfDiminuendoLines(lowerStartX, lowerEndX, idealY);
- // secondGraphicalContinuousDynamic.calcPsi();
- } else if (sameStaffLine && !isSoftAccent) {
- graphicalContinuousDynamic.createCrescendoLines(upperStartX, upperEndX, idealY);
- graphicalContinuousDynamic.calcPsi();
- } else {
- // two different Wedges
- graphicalContinuousDynamic.createFirstHalfCrescendoLines(upperStartX, upperEndX, idealY);
- graphicalContinuousDynamic.calcPsi();
+ if (isSoftAccent) {
+ // either createFirstHalfCrescendoLines or createFirstHalfDiminuendoLines, same principle / parameters.
+ graphicalContinuousDynamic.createFirstHalfCrescendoLines(upperStartX, upperEndX, idealY);
+ graphicalContinuousDynamic.createSecondHalfDiminuendoLines(lowerStartX, lowerEndX, idealY);
+ graphicalContinuousDynamic.calcPsi();
+ } else if (sameStaffLine && !isSoftAccent) {
+ graphicalContinuousDynamic.createLines(upperStartX, upperEndX, idealY);
+ graphicalContinuousDynamic.calcPsi();
+ } else {
+ // two+ different Wedges
+ // first wedge
+ graphicalContinuousDynamic.createFirstHalfLines(upperStartX, upperEndX, idealY);
+ graphicalContinuousDynamic.calcPsi();
+ // inbetween wedges
+ for (let i: number = 0; i < inbetweenWedges.length; i++) {
+ const inbetweenWedge: GraphicalContinuousDynamicExpression = inbetweenWedges[i];
+ const inbetweenStaffline: StaffLine = inbetweenWedge.ParentStaffLine;
+ let betweenIdealY: number = endIdealY;
+ if (placement === PlacementEnum.Below) {
+ const maxBottomLineValueForExpressionLength: number =
+ endStaffLine.SkyBottomLineCalculator.getBottomLineMaxInRange(lowerStartX, upperEndX);
+ if (maxBottomLineValueForExpressionLength > betweenIdealY) {
+ betweenIdealY = maxBottomLineValueForExpressionLength;
+ }
+ betweenIdealY += this.rules.WedgeOpeningLength / 2;
+ betweenIdealY += this.rules.WedgeVerticalMargin;
+ } else if (placement === PlacementEnum.Above) {
+ const minSkyLineValueForExpressionLength: number =
+ inbetweenStaffline.SkyBottomLineCalculator.getSkyLineMinInRange(lowerStartX, lowerEndX);
+ if (minSkyLineValueForExpressionLength < endIdealY) {
+ betweenIdealY = minSkyLineValueForExpressionLength;
+ }
+ betweenIdealY -= this.rules.WedgeOpeningLength / 2;
+ }
- secondGraphicalContinuousDynamic.createSecondHalfCrescendoLines(lowerStartX, lowerEndX, secondIdealY);
- secondGraphicalContinuousDynamic.calcPsi();
+ if (graphicalContinuousDynamic.ContinuousDynamic.DynamicType === ContDynamicEnum.crescendo) {
+ inbetweenWedge.createSecondHalfCrescendoLines(0, inbetweenStaffline.PositionAndShape.Size.width, betweenIdealY);
+ // for crescendo, we want the same look as on the last staffline: not starting with an intersection / starting wedge
+ } else {
+ inbetweenWedge.createFirstHalfDiminuendoLines(0, inbetweenStaffline.PositionAndShape.Size.width, betweenIdealY);
+ // for diminuendo, we want the same look as on the first staffline: not ending in an intersection / looking finished
+ }
+ inbetweenWedge.calcPsi();
- } else if (graphicalContinuousDynamic.ContinuousDynamic.DynamicType === ContDynamicEnum.diminuendo) {
- if (sameStaffLine) {
- graphicalContinuousDynamic.createDiminuendoLines(upperStartX, upperEndX, idealY);
- graphicalContinuousDynamic.calcPsi();
- } else {
- graphicalContinuousDynamic.createFirstHalfDiminuendoLines(upperStartX, upperEndX, idealY);
- graphicalContinuousDynamic.calcPsi();
- secondGraphicalContinuousDynamic.createSecondHalfDiminuendoLines(lowerStartX, lowerEndX, secondIdealY);
- secondGraphicalContinuousDynamic.calcPsi();
- }
- } //End Diminuendo
+ // last wedge
+ endGraphicalContinuousDynamic.createSecondHalfLines(lowerStartX, lowerEndX, endIdealY);
+ endGraphicalContinuousDynamic.calcPsi();
+ }
this.dynamicExpressionMap.set(endAbsoluteTimestamp.RealValue, graphicalContinuousDynamic.PositionAndShape);