@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+import { SkyBottomLineCalculator } from "./SkyBottomLineCalculator";
+import parse from "d-path-parser";
+import { unitInPixels } from "./VexFlow/VexFlowMusicSheetDrawer";
+import { VexFlowMeasure } from "./VexFlow/VexFlowMeasure";
+import { SvgVexFlowBackend } from "./VexFlow/SvgVexFlowBackend";
+export class SkyBottomLineCalculatorSVG extends SkyBottomLineCalculator {
+ private recursiveUpdate(node: SVGGraphicsElement, staveLineData: {top: number, bottom: number},
+ measureBoundingBox: DOMRect, arrayStruct: number[][]): void {
+ const nodeBoundingBox: DOMRect = node.getBBox();
+ const nodeTop: number = nodeBoundingBox.y / unitInPixels;
+ const nodeBottom: number = nodeBoundingBox.height / unitInPixels + nodeTop;
+ const [measureSkylineArray, measureBottomLineArray]: number[][] = arrayStruct;
+ if (nodeTop < staveLineData.top || nodeBottom > staveLineData.bottom) {
+ //This node's top is above the staveline top, or the bottom is below the staveline bottom.
+ //If we are a group element, one or several of our child elements is the culprit.
+ //Otherwise, we have the node itself
+ switch (node.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
+ case "g":
+ for (const child of node.children) {
+ this.recursiveUpdate(child as SVGGraphicsElement, staveLineData, measureBoundingBox, arrayStruct);
+ }
+ break;
+ //VF seems to only use path, but just in case
+ case "circle":
+ case "rect":
+ case "line":
+ case "path":
+ let nodeLeft: number = Math.floor((nodeBoundingBox.x - measureBoundingBox.x) / unitInPixels * this.mRules.SamplingUnit);
+ const nodeRight: number = nodeLeft + (Math.ceil(nodeBoundingBox.width / unitInPixels * this.mRules.SamplingUnit));
+ if (node.parentElement.classList.contains("vf-beams") && node.hasAttribute("d")) {
+ const dCommands: Array<{code: string, end: {x: number, y: number}, relative: boolean}> = parse(node.getAttribute("d"));
+ //VF Beams consist of 5 commands, M, L, L, L, Z
+ if (dCommands.length === 5) {
+ const M: {code: string, end: {x: number, y: number}, relative: boolean} = dCommands[0];
+ const endL: {code: string, end: {x: number, y: number}, relative: boolean} = dCommands[3];
+ const slope: number = (endL.end.y - M.end.y)/(endL.end.x - M.end.x);
+ let currentY: number = M.end.y / unitInPixels;
+ for (nodeLeft; nodeLeft <= nodeRight; nodeLeft++) {
+ if (currentY < measureSkylineArray[nodeLeft]) {
+ measureSkylineArray[nodeLeft] = currentY;
+ }
+ if (currentY > measureBottomLineArray[nodeLeft]) {
+ measureBottomLineArray[nodeLeft] = currentY;
+ }
+ currentY += slope / this.mRules.SamplingUnit;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (nodeLeft; nodeLeft <= nodeRight; nodeLeft++) {
+ if (nodeTop < measureSkylineArray[nodeLeft]) {
+ measureSkylineArray[nodeLeft] = nodeTop;
+ }
+ if (nodeBottom > measureBottomLineArray[nodeLeft]) {
+ measureBottomLineArray[nodeLeft] = nodeBottom;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*TODO: This polyfill might go away. Not using it now with the 'performance mode' setting.
+ Retaining for a little while just in case.
+ protected getBBox(element: SVGGraphicsElement): DOMRect {
+ if (this.hasBBox) {
+ return element.getBBox();
+ } else if ((element as any).cachedBBox) {
+ return (element as any).cachedBBox;
+ }
+ let x: number = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, y: number = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
+ width: number = 0, height: number = 0;
+ switch (element.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
+ case "g":
+ case "a":
+ for (const child of element.children) {
+ const childRect: DOMRect = this.getBBox(child as SVGGraphicsElement);
+ if (childRect.x !== Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY && childRect.y !== Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY){
+ x = Math.min(x, childRect.x);
+ y = Math.min(y, childRect.y);
+ const childRight: number = childRect.x + childRect.width;
+ const childBottom: number = childRect.y + childRect.height;
+ width = Math.max(width, childRight - x);
+ height = Math.max(height, childBottom - y);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // Maybe TODO. For now VF seems to just use path and rect
+ //case "text":
+ //case "polyline":
+ //case "polygon":
+ //case "ellipse":
+ //case "circle":
+ //case "line":
+ //break;
+ case "rect":
+ x = parseFloat(element.getAttribute("x"));
+ y = parseFloat(element.getAttribute("y"));
+ width = parseFloat(element.getAttribute("width"));
+ height = parseFloat(element.getAttribute("height"));
+ break;
+ case "path":
+ //For now just track end points... Calc bezier curves may be necessary
+ const dCommands: Array<{code: string, end: {x: number, y: number}, relative: boolean}> = parse(element.getAttribute("d"));
+ for (const dCommand of dCommands) {
+ if (!dCommand.end) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ x = Math.min(x, dCommand.end.x);
+ y = Math.min(y, dCommand.end.y);
+ width = Math.max(width, dCommand.end.x - x);
+ height = Math.max(height, dCommand.end.y - y);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ //Due to our JSDOM tests, we can't instantiate DOMRECT directly.
+ //So we have to do it like this. Typing is enforced via the return type though.
+ (element as any).cachedBBox = {x, y, width, height};
+ return (element as any).cachedBBox;
+ } */
+ public calculateLinesForMeasure(measure: VexFlowMeasure, measureNode: SVGGElement): number[][] {
+ const measureBoundingBox: DOMRect = measureNode.getBBox();
+ const svgArrayLength: number = Math.max(Math.round(measure.PositionAndShape.Size.width * this.mRules.SamplingUnit), 1);
+ const measureHeight: number = measureBoundingBox.height / unitInPixels;
+ const staveLineNode: SVGGElement = measureNode.getElementsByClassName("vf-stave")[0] as SVGGElement;
+ const staveLineBoundingBox: DOMRect = staveLineNode.getBBox();
+ let staveLineHeight: number = staveLineBoundingBox?.height / unitInPixels;
+ let staveLineTop: number = staveLineBoundingBox?.y / unitInPixels;
+ const vfStave: Vex.Flow.Stave = measure.getVFStave();
+ let numLines: number = (vfStave.options?.num_lines ? vfStave.options.num_lines : 5) - 1;
+ let topLine: number = -1;
+ let lineIndex: number = 0;
+ const bottomLineQueue: number[] = [numLines];
+ for (const config of (vfStave.options as any)?.line_config) {
+ if (!config.visible) {
+ numLines--;
+ } else {
+ if (topLine === -1) {
+ topLine = lineIndex;
+ }
+ bottomLineQueue.push(lineIndex);
+ }
+ lineIndex++;
+ }
+ const bottomLine: number = bottomLineQueue.pop();
+ if (topLine === -1) {
+ topLine = 0;
+ }
+ numLines = bottomLine - topLine;
+ const lineSpacing: number = vfStave.options?.spacing_between_lines_px;
+ const vfLinesHeight: number = numLines * lineSpacing / unitInPixels;
+ if ((staveLineHeight - vfLinesHeight) > 0.2) {
+ staveLineHeight = vfLinesHeight;
+ staveLineTop = topLine * lineSpacing / unitInPixels;
+ }
+ const staveLineBottom: number = staveLineTop + staveLineHeight;
+ const measureSkylineArray: number[] = new Array(svgArrayLength).fill(staveLineTop);
+ const measureBottomlineArray: number[] = new Array(svgArrayLength).fill(staveLineBottom);
+ const arrayStruct: number[][] = [measureSkylineArray, measureBottomlineArray];
+ if (measureHeight > staveLineHeight) {
+ for(const child of measureNode.children){
+ this.recursiveUpdate(child as SVGGraphicsElement, {top: staveLineTop, bottom: staveLineBottom},
+ measureBoundingBox, [measureSkylineArray, measureBottomlineArray]);
+ }
+ }
+ return arrayStruct;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method calculates the Sky- and BottomLines for a StaffLine using SVG
+ */
+ public calculateLines(): void {
+ this.mSkyLine = [];
+ this.mBottomLine = [];
+ const invisibleSVG: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement("div");
+ document.body.append(invisibleSVG);
+ const svgBackend: SvgVexFlowBackend = new SvgVexFlowBackend(this.mRules);
+ svgBackend.initialize(invisibleSVG, 1, "0");
+ const context: Vex.Flow.SVGContext = svgBackend.getContext();
+ // search through all Measures
+ const stafflineNode: SVGGElement = context.openGroup() as SVGGElement;
+ stafflineNode.classList.add("staffline");
+ for (const measure of this.StaffLineParent.Measures as VexFlowMeasure[]) {
+ // must calculate first AbsolutePositions
+ measure.PositionAndShape.calculateAbsolutePositionsRecursive(0, 0);
+ measure.setAbsoluteCoordinates(
+ measure.PositionAndShape.AbsolutePosition.x * unitInPixels,
+ measure.PositionAndShape.AbsolutePosition.y * unitInPixels
+ );
+ const measureElement: SVGGElement = measure.draw(context) as SVGGElement;
+ const [measureSkylineArray, measureBottomLineArray]: number[][] = this.calculateLinesForMeasure(measure, measureElement);
+ this.mSkyLine.push(...measureSkylineArray);
+ this.mBottomLine.push(...measureBottomLineArray);
+ }
+ context.closeGroup();
+ //Since ties can span multiple measures, process them after the whole staffline has been processed
+ for (const tieGroup of stafflineNode.getElementsByClassName("vf-ties")) {
+ for (const tie of tieGroup.childNodes) {
+ if (tie.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "path") {
+ //TODO: calculate bezier curve? Probably not necessary since ties by their nature will not slope widely
+ const nodeBoundingBox: DOMRect = (tie as SVGPathElement).getBBox();
+ let nodeLeft: number = Math.floor(nodeBoundingBox.x / unitInPixels * this.mRules.SamplingUnit);
+ const nodeRight: number = nodeLeft + (Math.ceil(nodeBoundingBox.width / unitInPixels * this.mRules.SamplingUnit));
+ const nodeTop: number = nodeBoundingBox.y / unitInPixels;
+ const nodeBottom: number = nodeBoundingBox.height / unitInPixels + nodeTop;
+ for (nodeLeft; nodeLeft <= nodeRight; nodeLeft++) {
+ if (nodeTop < this.mSkyLine[nodeLeft]) {
+ this.mSkyLine[nodeLeft] = nodeTop;
+ }
+ if (nodeBottom > this.mBottomLine[nodeLeft]) {
+ this.mBottomLine[nodeLeft] = nodeBottom;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ svgBackend.clear();
+ invisibleSVG.remove();
+ }