@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+// [VexFlow](http://vexflow.com) - Copyright (c) Mohit Muthanna 2010.
+// ## Description
+// This file implements the formatting and layout algorithms that are used
+// to position notes in a voice. The algorithm can align multiple voices both
+// within a stave, and across multiple staves.
+// To do this, the formatter breaks up voices into a grid of rational-valued
+// `ticks`, to which each note is assigned. Then, minimum widths are assigned
+// to each tick based on the widths of the notes and modifiers in that tick. This
+// establishes the smallest amount of space required for each tick.
+// Finally, the formatter distributes the left over space proportionally to
+// all the ticks, setting the `x` values of the notes in each tick.
+// See `tests/formatter_tests.js` for usage examples. The helper functions included
+// here (`FormatAndDraw`, `FormatAndDrawTab`) also serve as useful usage examples.
+import { Vex } from './vex';
+import { Beam } from './beam';
+import { Flow } from './tables';
+import { Fraction } from './fraction';
+import { Voice } from './voice';
+import { StaveConnector } from './staveconnector';
+import { StaveNote } from './stavenote';
+import { Note } from './note';
+import { ModifierContext } from './modifiercontext';
+import { TickContext } from './tickcontext';
+// To enable logging for this class. Set `Vex.Flow.Formatter.DEBUG` to `true`.
+function L(...args) { if (Formatter.DEBUG) Vex.L('Vex.Flow.Formatter', args); }
+// Helper function to locate the next non-rest note(s).
+function lookAhead(notes, restLine, i, compare) {
+ // If no valid next note group, nextRestLine is same as current.
+ let nextRestLine = restLine;
+ // Get the rest line for next valid non-rest note group.
+ for (i += 1; i < notes.length; i += 1) {
+ const note = notes[i];
+ if (!note.isRest() && !note.shouldIgnoreTicks()) {
+ nextRestLine = note.getLineForRest();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Locate the mid point between two lines.
+ if (compare && restLine !== nextRestLine) {
+ const top = Math.max(restLine, nextRestLine);
+ const bot = Math.min(restLine, nextRestLine);
+ nextRestLine = Vex.MidLine(top, bot);
+ }
+ return nextRestLine;
+// Take an array of `voices` and place aligned tickables in the same context. Returns
+// a mapping from `tick` to `ContextType`, a list of `tick`s, and the resolution
+// multiplier.
+// Params:
+// * `voices`: Array of `Voice` instances.
+// * `ContextType`: A context class (e.g., `ModifierContext`, `TickContext`)
+// * `addToContext`: Function to add tickable to context.
+function createContexts(voices, ContextType, addToContext) {
+ if (!voices || !voices.length) {
+ throw new Vex.RERR('BadArgument', 'No voices to format');
+ }
+ // Find out highest common multiple of resolution multipliers.
+ // The purpose of this is to find out a common denominator
+ // for all fractional tick values in all tickables of all voices,
+ // so that the values can be expanded and the numerator used
+ // as an integer tick value.
+ const totalTicks = voices[0].getTotalTicks();
+ const resolutionMultiplier = voices.reduce((resolutionMultiplier, voice) => {
+ // VexFlowPatch: this error is unnecessary, and prevents the fix to the layouting in #1187.
+ // if (!voice.getTotalTicks().equals(totalTicks)) {
+ // throw new Vex.RERR(
+ // 'TickMismatch', 'Voices should have same total note duration in ticks.'
+ // );
+ // }
+ if (voice.getMode() === Voice.Mode.STRICT && !voice.isComplete()) {
+ throw new Vex.RERR(
+ 'IncompleteVoice', 'Voice does not have enough notes.'
+ );
+ }
+ return Math.max(
+ resolutionMultiplier,
+ Fraction.LCM(resolutionMultiplier, voice.getResolutionMultiplier())
+ );
+ }, 1);
+ // Initialize tick maps.
+ const tickToContextMap = {};
+ const tickList = [];
+ const contexts = [];
+ // For each voice, extract notes and create a context for every
+ // new tick that hasn't been seen before.
+ voices.forEach(voice => {
+ // Use resolution multiplier as denominator to expand ticks
+ // to suitable integer values, so that no additional expansion
+ // of fractional tick values is needed.
+ const ticksUsed = new Fraction(0, resolutionMultiplier);
+ voice.getTickables().forEach(tickable => {
+ const integerTicks = ticksUsed.numerator;
+ // If we have no tick context for this tick, create one.
+ if (!tickToContextMap[integerTicks]) {
+ const newContext = new ContextType();
+ contexts.push(newContext);
+ tickToContextMap[integerTicks] = newContext;
+ }
+ // Add this tickable to the TickContext.
+ addToContext(tickable, tickToContextMap[integerTicks]);
+ // Maintain a sorted list of tick contexts.
+ tickList.push(integerTicks);
+ ticksUsed.add(tickable.getTicks());
+ });
+ });
+ return {
+ map: tickToContextMap,
+ array: contexts,
+ list: Vex.SortAndUnique(tickList, (a, b) => a - b, (a, b) => a === b),
+ resolutionMultiplier,
+ };
+export class Formatter {
+ // Helper function to layout "notes" one after the other without
+ // regard for proportions. Useful for tests and debugging.
+ static SimpleFormat(notes, x = 0, { paddingBetween = 10 } = {}) {
+ notes.reduce((x, note) => {
+ note.addToModifierContext(new ModifierContext());
+ const tick = new TickContext().addTickable(note).preFormat();
+ const extra = tick.getExtraPx();
+ tick.setX(x + extra.left);
+ return x + tick.getWidth() + extra.right + paddingBetween;
+ }, x);
+ }
+ // Helper function to plot formatter debug info.
+ static plotDebugging(ctx, formatter, xPos, y1, y2) {
+ const x = xPos + Note.STAVEPADDING;
+ const contextGaps = formatter.contextGaps;
+ function stroke(x1, x2, color) {
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.setStrokeStyle(color);
+ ctx.setFillStyle(color);
+ ctx.setLineWidth(1);
+ ctx.fillRect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+ }
+ ctx.save();
+ ctx.setFont('Arial', 8, '');
+ contextGaps.gaps.forEach(gap => {
+ stroke(x + gap.x1, x + gap.x2, '#aaa');
+ // Vex.drawDot(ctx, xPos + gap.x1, yPos, 'blue');
+ ctx.fillText(Math.round(gap.x2 - gap.x1), x + gap.x1, y2 + 12);
+ });
+ ctx.fillText(Math.round(contextGaps.total) + 'px', x - 20, y2 + 12);
+ ctx.setFillStyle('red');
+ ctx.fillText('Loss: ' +
+ formatter.lossHistory.map(loss => Math.round(loss)), x - 20, y2 + 22);
+ ctx.restore();
+ }
+ // Helper function to format and draw a single voice. Returns a bounding
+ // box for the notation.
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // * `ctx` - The rendering context
+ // * `stave` - The stave to which to draw (`Stave` or `TabStave`)
+ // * `notes` - Array of `Note` instances (`StaveNote`, `TextNote`, `TabNote`, etc.)
+ // * `params` - One of below:
+ // * Setting `autobeam` only `(context, stave, notes, true)` or
+ // `(ctx, stave, notes, {autobeam: true})`
+ // * Setting `align_rests` a struct is needed `(context, stave, notes, {align_rests: true})`
+ // * Setting both a struct is needed `(context, stave, notes, {
+ // autobeam: true, align_rests: true})`
+ //
+ // `autobeam` automatically generates beams for the notes.
+ // `align_rests` aligns rests with nearby notes.
+ static FormatAndDraw(ctx, stave, notes, params) {
+ const options = {
+ auto_beam: false,
+ align_rests: false,
+ };
+ if (typeof params === 'object') {
+ Vex.Merge(options, params);
+ } else if (typeof params === 'boolean') {
+ options.auto_beam = params;
+ }
+ // Start by creating a voice and adding all the notes to it.
+ const voice = new Voice(Flow.TIME4_4)
+ .setMode(Voice.Mode.SOFT)
+ .addTickables(notes);
+ // Then create beams, if requested.
+ const beams = options.auto_beam ? Beam.applyAndGetBeams(voice) : [];
+ // Instantiate a `Formatter` and format the notes.
+ new Formatter()
+ .joinVoices([voice], { align_rests: options.align_rests })
+ .formatToStave([voice], stave, { align_rests: options.align_rests, stave });
+ // Render the voice and beams to the stave.
+ voice.setStave(stave).draw(ctx, stave);
+ beams.forEach(beam => beam.setContext(ctx).draw());
+ // Return the bounding box of the voice.
+ return voice.getBoundingBox();
+ }
+ // Helper function to format and draw aligned tab and stave notes in two
+ // separate staves.
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // * `ctx` - The rendering context
+ // * `tabstave` - A `TabStave` instance on which to render `TabNote`s.
+ // * `stave` - A `Stave` instance on which to render `Note`s.
+ // * `notes` - Array of `Note` instances for the stave (`StaveNote`, `BarNote`, etc.)
+ // * `tabnotes` - Array of `Note` instances for the tab stave (`TabNote`, `BarNote`, etc.)
+ // * `autobeam` - Automatically generate beams.
+ // * `params` - A configuration object:
+ // * `autobeam` automatically generates beams for the notes.
+ // * `align_rests` aligns rests with nearby notes.
+ static FormatAndDrawTab(ctx, tabstave, stave, tabnotes, notes, autobeam, params) {
+ const opts = {
+ auto_beam: autobeam,
+ align_rests: false,
+ };
+ if (typeof params === 'object') {
+ Vex.Merge(opts, params);
+ } else if (typeof params === 'boolean') {
+ opts.auto_beam = params;
+ }
+ // Create a `4/4` voice for `notes`.
+ const notevoice = new Voice(Flow.TIME4_4)
+ .setMode(Voice.Mode.SOFT)
+ .addTickables(notes);
+ // Create a `4/4` voice for `tabnotes`.
+ const tabvoice = new Voice(Flow.TIME4_4)
+ .setMode(Voice.Mode.SOFT)
+ .addTickables(tabnotes);
+ // Then create beams, if requested.
+ const beams = opts.auto_beam ? Beam.applyAndGetBeams(notevoice) : [];
+ // Instantiate a `Formatter` and align tab and stave notes.
+ new Formatter()
+ .joinVoices([notevoice], { align_rests: opts.align_rests })
+ .joinVoices([tabvoice])
+ .formatToStave([notevoice, tabvoice], stave, { align_rests: opts.align_rests });
+ // Render voices and beams to staves.
+ notevoice.draw(ctx, stave);
+ tabvoice.draw(ctx, tabstave);
+ beams.forEach(beam => beam.setContext(ctx).draw());
+ // Draw a connector between tab and note staves.
+ new StaveConnector(stave, tabstave).setContext(ctx).draw();
+ }
+ // Auto position rests based on previous/next note positions.
+ //
+ // Params:
+ // * `notes`: An array of notes.
+ // * `alignAllNotes`: If set to false, only aligns non-beamed notes.
+ // * `alignTuplets`: If set to false, ignores tuplets.
+ static AlignRestsToNotes(notes, alignAllNotes, alignTuplets) {
+ notes.forEach((note, index) => {
+ if (note instanceof StaveNote && note.isRest()) {
+ if (note.tuplet && !alignTuplets) return;
+ // If activated rests not on default can be rendered as specified.
+ const position = note.getGlyph().position.toUpperCase();
+ if (position !== 'R/4' && position !== 'B/4') return;
+ if (alignAllNotes || note.beam != null) {
+ // Align rests with previous/next notes.
+ const props = note.getKeyProps()[0];
+ if (index === 0) {
+ props.line = lookAhead(notes, props.line, index, false);
+ note.setKeyLine(0, props.line);
+ } else if (index > 0 && index < notes.length) {
+ // If previous note is a rest, use its line number.
+ let restLine;
+ if (notes[index - 1].isRest()) {
+ restLine = notes[index - 1].getKeyProps()[0].line;
+ props.line = restLine;
+ } else {
+ restLine = notes[index - 1].getLineForRest();
+ // Get the rest line for next valid non-rest note group.
+ props.line = lookAhead(notes, restLine, index, true);
+ }
+ note.setKeyLine(0, props.line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return this;
+ }
+ constructor() {
+ // Minimum width required to render all the notes in the voices.
+ this.minTotalWidth = 0;
+ // This is set to `true` after `minTotalWidth` is calculated.
+ this.hasMinTotalWidth = false;
+ // Total number of ticks in the voice.
+ this.totalTicks = new Fraction(0, 1);
+ // Arrays of tick and modifier contexts.
+ this.tickContexts = null;
+ this.modiferContexts = null;
+ // Gaps between contexts, for free movement of notes post
+ // formatting.
+ this.contextGaps = {
+ total: 0,
+ gaps: [],
+ };
+ this.voices = [];
+ }
+ // Find all the rests in each of the `voices` and align them
+ // to neighboring notes. If `alignAllNotes` is `false`, then only
+ // align non-beamed notes.
+ alignRests(voices, alignAllNotes) {
+ if (!voices || !voices.length) {
+ throw new Vex.RERR('BadArgument', 'No voices to format rests');
+ }
+ voices.forEach(voice =>
+ Formatter.AlignRestsToNotes(voice.getTickables(), alignAllNotes));
+ }
+ // Calculate the minimum width required to align and format `voices`.
+ preCalculateMinTotalWidth(voices) {
+ // Cache results.
+ if (this.hasMinTotalWidth) return this.minTotalWidth;
+ // Create tick contexts if not already created.
+ if (!this.tickContexts) {
+ if (!voices) {
+ throw new Vex.RERR(
+ 'BadArgument', "'voices' required to run preCalculateMinTotalWidth"
+ );
+ }
+ this.createTickContexts(voices);
+ }
+ const { list: contextList, map: contextMap } = this.tickContexts;
+ // Go through each tick context and calculate total width.
+ this.minTotalWidth = contextList
+ .map(tick => {
+ const context = contextMap[tick];
+ context.preFormat();
+ return context.getWidth();
+ })
+ .reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
+ this.hasMinTotalWidth = true;
+ return this.minTotalWidth;
+ }
+ // Get minimum width required to render all voices. Either `format` or
+ // `preCalculateMinTotalWidth` must be called before this method.
+ getMinTotalWidth() {
+ if (!this.hasMinTotalWidth) {
+ throw new Vex.RERR(
+ 'NoMinTotalWidth',
+ "Call 'preCalculateMinTotalWidth' or 'preFormat' before calling 'getMinTotalWidth'"
+ );
+ }
+ return this.minTotalWidth;
+ }
+ // Create `ModifierContext`s for each tick in `voices`.
+ createModifierContexts(voices) {
+ const contexts = createContexts(
+ voices,
+ ModifierContext,
+ (tickable, context) => tickable.addToModifierContext(context)
+ );
+ this.modiferContexts = contexts;
+ return contexts;
+ }
+ // Create `TickContext`s for each tick in `voices`. Also calculate the
+ // total number of ticks in voices.
+ createTickContexts(voices) {
+ const contexts = createContexts(
+ voices,
+ TickContext,
+ (tickable, context) => context.addTickable(tickable)
+ );
+ contexts.array.forEach(context => {
+ context.tContexts = contexts.array;
+ });
+ this.totalTicks = voices[0].getTicksUsed().clone();
+ this.tickContexts = contexts;
+ return contexts;
+ }
+ // This is the core formatter logic. Format voices and justify them
+ // to `justifyWidth` pixels. `renderingContext` is required to justify elements
+ // that can't retreive widths without a canvas. This method sets the `x` positions
+ // of all the tickables/notes in the formatter.
+ preFormat(justifyWidth = 0, renderingContext, voices, stave) {
+ // Initialize context maps.
+ const contexts = this.tickContexts;
+ const { list: contextList, map: contextMap, resolutionMultiplier } = contexts;
+ // If voices and a stave were provided, set the Stave for each voice
+ // and preFormat to apply Y values to the notes;
+ if (voices && stave) {
+ voices.forEach(voice => voice.setStave(stave).preFormat());
+ }
+ // Now distribute the ticks to each tick context, and assign them their
+ // own X positions.
+ let x = 0;
+ let shift = 0;
+ const centerX = justifyWidth / 2;
+ this.minTotalWidth = 0;
+ // Pass 1: Give each note maximum width requested by context.
+ contextList.forEach((tick) => {
+ const context = contextMap[tick];
+ if (renderingContext) context.setContext(renderingContext);
+ // Make sure that all tickables in this context have calculated their
+ // space requirements.
+ context.preFormat();
+ const width = context.getWidth();
+ this.minTotalWidth += width;
+ const metrics = context.getMetrics();
+ x = x + shift + metrics.extraLeftPx;
+ context.setX(x);
+ // Calculate shift for the next tick.
+ shift = width - metrics.extraLeftPx;
+ });
+ this.minTotalWidth = x + shift;
+ this.hasMinTotalWidth = true;
+ // No justification needed. End formatting.
+ if (justifyWidth <= 0) return;
+ // Pass 2: Take leftover width, and distribute it to proportionately to
+ // all notes.
+ const remainingX = justifyWidth - this.minTotalWidth;
+ const leftoverPxPerTick = remainingX / (this.totalTicks.value() * resolutionMultiplier);
+ let spaceAccum = 0;
+ contextList.forEach((tick, index) => {
+ const prevTick = contextList[index - 1] || 0;
+ const context = contextMap[tick];
+ const tickSpace = (tick - prevTick) * leftoverPxPerTick;
+ spaceAccum += tickSpace;
+ context.setX(context.getX() + spaceAccum);
+ // Move center aligned tickables to middle
+ context
+ .getCenterAlignedTickables()
+ .forEach(tickable => { // eslint-disable-line
+ tickable.center_x_shift = centerX - context.getX();
+ });
+ });
+ // Just one context. Done formatting.
+ if (contextList.length === 1) return;
+ this.justifyWidth = justifyWidth;
+ this.lossHistory = [];
+ this.evaluate();
+ }
+ // Calculate the total cost of this formatting decision.
+ evaluate() {
+ const justifyWidth = this.justifyWidth;
+ // Calculate available slack per tick context. This works out how much freedom
+ // to move a context has in either direction, without affecting other notes.
+ this.contextGaps = { total: 0, gaps: [] };
+ this.tickContexts.list.forEach((tick, index) => {
+ if (index === 0) return;
+ const prevTick = this.tickContexts.list[index - 1];
+ const prevContext = this.tickContexts.map[prevTick];
+ const context = this.tickContexts.map[tick];
+ const prevMetrics = prevContext.getMetrics();
+ const insideRightEdge = prevContext.getX() + prevMetrics.width;
+ const insideLeftEdge = context.getX();
+ const gap = insideLeftEdge - insideRightEdge;
+ this.contextGaps.total += gap;
+ this.contextGaps.gaps.push({ x1: insideRightEdge, x2: insideLeftEdge });
+ // Tell the tick contexts how much they can reposition themselves.
+ context.getFormatterMetrics().freedom.left = gap;
+ prevContext.getFormatterMetrics().freedom.right = gap;
+ });
+ // Calculate mean distance in each voice for each duration type, then calculate
+ // how far each note is from the mean.
+ const durationStats = this.durationStats = {};
+ function updateStats(duration, space) {
+ const stats = durationStats[duration];
+ if (stats === undefined) {
+ durationStats[duration] = { mean: space, count: 1 };
+ } else {
+ stats.count += 1;
+ stats.mean = (stats.mean + space) / 2;
+ }
+ }
+ this.voices.forEach(voice => {
+ voice.getTickables().forEach((note, i, notes) => {
+ const duration = note.getTicks().clone().simplify().toString();
+ const metrics = note.getMetrics();
+ const formatterMetrics = note.getFormatterMetrics();
+ const leftNoteEdge = note.getX() + metrics.noteWidth +
+ metrics.modRightPx + metrics.extraRightPx;
+ let space = 0;
+ if (i < (notes.length - 1)) {
+ const rightNote = notes[i + 1];
+ const rightMetrics = rightNote.getMetrics();
+ const rightNoteEdge = rightNote.getX() -
+ rightMetrics.modLeftPx - rightMetrics.extraLeftPx;
+ space = rightNoteEdge - leftNoteEdge;
+ formatterMetrics.space.used = rightNote.getX() - note.getX();
+ rightNote.getFormatterMetrics().freedom.left = space;
+ } else {
+ space = justifyWidth - leftNoteEdge;
+ formatterMetrics.space.used = justifyWidth - note.getX();
+ }
+ formatterMetrics.freedom.right = space;
+ updateStats(duration, formatterMetrics.space.used);
+ });
+ });
+ // Calculate how much each note deviates from the mean. Loss function is square
+ // root of the sum of squared deviations.
+ let totalDeviation = 0;
+ this.voices.forEach(voice => {
+ voice.getTickables().forEach((note) => {
+ const duration = note.getTicks().clone().simplify().toString();
+ const metrics = note.getFormatterMetrics();
+ metrics.iterations += 1;
+ metrics.space.deviation = metrics.space.used - durationStats[duration].mean;
+ metrics.duration = duration;
+ metrics.space.mean = durationStats[duration].mean;
+ totalDeviation += Math.pow(durationStats[duration].mean, 2);
+ });
+ });
+ this.totalCost = Math.sqrt(totalDeviation);
+ this.lossHistory.push(this.totalCost);
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Run a single iteration of rejustification. At a high level, this method calculates
+ // the overall "loss" (or cost) of this layout, and repositions tickcontexts in an
+ // attempt to reduce the cost. You can call this method multiple times until it finds
+ // and oscillates around a global minimum.
+ tune() {
+ const sum = (means) => means.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
+ // Move `current` tickcontext by `shift` pixels, and adjust the freedom
+ // on adjacent tickcontexts.
+ function move(current, prev, next, shift) {
+ current.setX(current.getX() + shift);
+ current.getFormatterMetrics().freedom.left += shift;
+ current.getFormatterMetrics().freedom.right -= shift;
+ if (prev) prev.getFormatterMetrics().freedom.right += shift;
+ if (next) next.getFormatterMetrics().freedom.left -= shift;
+ }
+ let shift = 0;
+ this.tickContexts.list.forEach((tick, index, list) => {
+ const context = this.tickContexts.map[tick];
+ const prevContext = (index > 0) ? this.tickContexts.map[list[index - 1]] : null;
+ const nextContext = (index < list.length - 1) ? this.tickContexts.map[list[index + 1]] : null;
+ move(context, prevContext, nextContext, shift);
+ const cost = -sum(
+ context.getTickables().map(t => t.getFormatterMetrics().space.deviation));
+ if (cost > 0) {
+ shift = -Math.min(context.getFormatterMetrics().freedom.right, Math.abs(cost));
+ } else if (cost < 0) {
+ if (nextContext) {
+ shift = Math.min(nextContext.getFormatterMetrics().freedom.right, Math.abs(cost));
+ } else {
+ shift = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ const minShift = Math.min(5, Math.abs(shift));
+ shift = shift > 0 ? minShift : -minShift;
+ });
+ return this.evaluate();
+ }
+ // This is the top-level call for all formatting logic completed
+ // after `x` *and* `y` values have been computed for the notes
+ // in the voices.
+ postFormat() {
+ const postFormatContexts = (contexts) =>
+ contexts.list.forEach(tick => contexts.map[tick].postFormat());
+ postFormatContexts(this.modiferContexts);
+ postFormatContexts(this.tickContexts);
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Take all `voices` and create `ModifierContext`s out of them. This tells
+ // the formatters that the voices belong on a single stave.
+ joinVoices(voices) {
+ this.createModifierContexts(voices);
+ this.hasMinTotalWidth = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Align rests in voices, justify the contexts, and position the notes
+ // so voices are aligned and ready to render onto the stave. This method
+ // mutates the `x` positions of all tickables in `voices`.
+ //
+ // Voices are full justified to fit in `justifyWidth` pixels.
+ //
+ // Set `options.context` to the rendering context. Set `options.align_rests`
+ // to true to enable rest alignment.
+ format(voices, justifyWidth, options) {
+ const opts = {
+ align_rests: false,
+ context: null,
+ stave: null,
+ };
+ Vex.Merge(opts, options);
+ this.voices = voices;
+ this.alignRests(voices, opts.align_rests);
+ this.createTickContexts(voices);
+ this.preFormat(justifyWidth, opts.context, voices, opts.stave);
+ // Only postFormat if a stave was supplied for y value formatting
+ if (opts.stave) this.postFormat();
+ return this;
+ }
+ // This method is just like `format` except that the `justifyWidth` is inferred
+ // from the `stave`.
+ formatToStave(voices, stave, options) {
+ const justifyWidth = stave.getNoteEndX() - stave.getNoteStartX() - 10;
+ L('Formatting voices to width: ', justifyWidth);
+ const opts = { context: stave.getContext() };
+ Vex.Merge(opts, options);
+ return this.format(voices, justifyWidth, opts);
+ }