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merge branch osmd-public/develop into osmd-extended/master (key change accidental fix) (#104)

see the following commit that fixes this for JustifiedMusicSystemBuilder as well
sschmidTU 1 rok temu

+ 2 - 0

@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ export abstract class GraphicalMeasure extends GraphicalObject {
     public parentSourceMeasure: SourceMeasure;
     public staffEntries: GraphicalStaffEntry[];
+    /** The clef of the first note of the measure (the clef the measure starts with). */
+    public InitiallyActiveClef: ClefInstruction;
      * The x-width of possibly existing: repetition start line, clef, key, rhythm.

+ 5 - 0

@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ export class MusicSystemBuilder {
                 continue; // previous measure was probably multi-rest, skip this one
             for (let idx: number = 0, len: number = graphicalMeasures.length; idx < len; ++idx) {
+                // graphicalMeasures[idx].InitiallyActiveClef = this.activeClefs[idx]; // too early to know clef
             const sourceMeasure: SourceMeasure = graphicalMeasures[0].parentSourceMeasure;
@@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ export class MusicSystemBuilder {
                 const graphicalMeasure: GraphicalMeasure = this.graphicalMusicSheet
                     .getGraphicalMeasureFromSourceMeasureAndIndex(firstSourceMeasure, staffIndex);
                 this.activeClefs[i] = <ClefInstruction>firstSourceMeasure.FirstInstructionsStaffEntries[staffIndex].Instructions[0];
+                graphicalMeasure.InitiallyActiveClef = this.activeClefs[i]; // TODO ClefInstruction.copy? doesn't exist
                 const firstKeyInstruction: KeyInstruction = <KeyInstruction>firstSourceMeasure.FirstInstructionsStaffEntries[staffIndex].Instructions[1];
                 if (firstKeyInstruction) {
                     let keyInstruction: KeyInstruction = KeyInstruction.copy(firstKeyInstruction);
@@ -501,6 +503,7 @@ export class MusicSystemBuilder {
+        measure.InitiallyActiveClef = currentClef ?? this.activeClefs[visibleStaffIdx];
         if (isSystemStartMeasure) {
             if (!currentClef) {
                 currentClef = this.activeClefs[visibleStaffIdx];
@@ -598,6 +601,8 @@ export class MusicSystemBuilder {
+            // graphicalMeasures[visStaffIdx].InitiallyActiveClef = this.activeClefs[visStaffIdx];
+            //   already done at MusicSystemBuilder.AddInstructionsAtMeasureBegin
             const entries: SourceStaffEntry[] = measure.getEntriesPerStaff(staffIndex);
             for (let idx: number = 0, len2: number = entries.length; idx < len2; ++idx) {
                 const staffEntry: SourceStaffEntry = entries[idx];

+ 4 - 0

@@ -113,6 +113,10 @@ export class VexFlowMeasure extends GraphicalMeasure {
             space_above_staff_ln: 0,
             space_below_staff_ln: 0
+        if (this.InitiallyActiveClef) {
+            (this.stave as any).clef = VexFlowConverter.Clef(this.InitiallyActiveClef).type;
+            // Vexflow sets stave.clef to treble by default. It needs this info e.g. for key signature accidentals on new key sig
+        }
         (this.stave as any).MeasureNumber = this.MeasureNumber; // for debug info. vexflow automatically uses stave.measure for rendering measure numbers
         // also see VexFlowMusicSheetDrawer.drawSheet() for some other vexflow default value settings (like default font scale)

+ 113 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
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+          <sign>F</sign>
+          <line>4</line>
+          </clef>
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+      <note>
+        <rest measure="yes"/>
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+          <octave>3</octave>
+          </pitch>
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+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>whole</type>
+        </note>
+      <barline location="right">
+        <bar-style>light-heavy</bar-style>
+        </barline>
+      </measure>
+    </part>
+  </score-partwise>

+ 147 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
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+        <bar-style>light-heavy</bar-style>
+        </barline>
+      </measure>
+    </part>
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+ 350 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
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+          </key>
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+          <octave>5</octave>
+          </pitch>
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+        <type>whole</type>
+        </note>
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+        <key>
+          <fifths>-1</fifths>
+          </key>
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+          </pitch>
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+        <type>whole</type>
+        </note>
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+          </key>
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+          </pitch>
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+        <type>whole</type>
+        </note>
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+        <bar-style>light-heavy</bar-style>
+        </barline>
+      </measure>
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+          <step>C</step>
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+          <fifths>1</fifths>
+          </key>
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+          <step>F</step>
+          <alter>1</alter>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
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+        <type>whole</type>
+        </note>
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+        <key>
+          <fifths>-1</fifths>
+          </key>
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+          <step>B</step>
+          <alter>-1</alter>
+          <octave>3</octave>
+          </pitch>
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+        <type>whole</type>
+        </note>
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+        <key>
+          <fifths>0</fifths>
+          </key>
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+      <note default-x="29.34" default-y="-160.00">
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+          <step>B</step>
+          <octave>3</octave>
+          </pitch>
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+        <type>whole</type>
+        </note>
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+        <bar-style>light-heavy</bar-style>
+        </barline>
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+          <sign>F</sign>
+          <line>4</line>
+          </clef>
+        </attributes>
+      <note default-x="82.02" default-y="-295.00">
+        <pitch>
+          <step>C</step>
+          <octave>3</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>4</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>whole</type>
+        </note>
+      </measure>
+    <measure number="2" width="232.34">
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+        <key>
+          <fifths>1</fifths>
+          </key>
+        </attributes>
+      <note default-x="32.26" default-y="-280.00">
+        <pitch>
+          <step>F</step>
+          <alter>1</alter>
+          <octave>3</octave>
+          </pitch>
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+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>whole</type>
+        </note>
+      </measure>
+    <measure number="3" width="230.70">
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+        <key>
+          <fifths>-1</fifths>
+          </key>
+        </attributes>
+      <note default-x="30.62" default-y="-300.00">
+        <pitch>
+          <step>B</step>
+          <alter>-1</alter>
+          <octave>2</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>4</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>whole</type>
+        </note>
+      </measure>
+    <measure number="4" width="238.62">
+      <attributes>
+        <key>
+          <fifths>0</fifths>
+          </key>
+        </attributes>
+      <note default-x="29.34" default-y="-300.00">
+        <pitch>
+          <step>B</step>
+          <octave>2</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>4</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>whole</type>
+        </note>
+      <barline location="right">
+        <bar-style>light-heavy</bar-style>
+        </barline>
+      </measure>
+    </part>
+  </score-partwise>