
merge osmd-public: fix multiple grace slashes

sschmid 3 年之前

+ 1 - 0

@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ export class GraphicalVoiceEntry extends GraphicalObject {
     /** Contains octave shifts affecting this voice entry, caused by octave brackets. */
     public octaveShiftValue: OctaveEnum;
     protected rules: EngravingRules;
+    public GraceSlash: boolean;
     /** Sort this entry's notes by pitch.
      * Notes need to be sorted for Vexflow StaveNote creation.

+ 3 - 0

@@ -340,6 +340,9 @@ export abstract class MusicSheetDrawer {
         if (instruments.length > 0) {
+            // TODO instead of this check we could save what instruments are in the group bracket,
+            //   and only draw it if all these instruments are visible.
+            //   Currently the instruments/stafflines aren't saved in the bracket however.
             if (instrumentsVisible > 1) {
                 for (const bracket of musicSystem.GroupBrackets) {
                     this.drawGroupBracket(bracket, musicSystem);

+ 1 - 1

@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ export class VexFlowConverter {
             clef: vfClefType,
             duration: duration,
             keys: keys,
-            slash: gve.parentVoiceEntry.GraceNoteSlash,
+            slash: gve.GraceSlash,
         const firstNote: Note = gve.notes[0].sourceNote;

+ 4 - 0

@@ -1183,6 +1183,10 @@ export class VexFlowMeasure extends GraphicalMeasure {
                         //if (gveGrace.notes[0].sourceNote.PrintObject) {
                         // grace notes should generally be rendered independently of main note instead of skipped if main note is invisible
                         // could be an option to make grace notes transparent if main note is transparent. set grace notes' PrintObject to false then.
+                        gveGrace.GraceSlash = gveGrace.parentVoiceEntry.GraceNoteSlash;
+                        if (i > 0) {
+                            gveGrace.GraceSlash = false; // without this, Vexflow draws multiple grace slashes, which looks wrong.
+                        }
                         const vfStaveNote: StaveNote = VexFlowConverter.StaveNote(gveGrace);
                         gveGrace.vfStaveNote = vfStaveNote;

+ 143 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC "-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 3.1 Partwise//EN" "http://www.musicxml.org/dtds/partwise.dtd">
+<score-partwise version="3.1">
+  <work>
+    <work-title>b</work-title>
+    </work>
+  <identification>
+    <encoding>
+      <software>MuseScore 3.6.2</software>
+      <encoding-date>2021-12-08</encoding-date>
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+  <part-list>
+    <part-group type="start" number="1">
+      <group-symbol>brace</group-symbol>
+      </part-group>
+    <score-part id="P1">
+      <part-name>Piano</part-name>
+      <part-abbreviation>Pno.</part-abbreviation>
+      <score-instrument id="P1-I1">
+        <instrument-name>Piano</instrument-name>
+        </score-instrument>
+      <midi-device id="P1-I1" port="1"></midi-device>
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+        <volume>78.7402</volume>
+        <pan>0</pan>
+        </midi-instrument>
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+  <part id="P1">
+    <measure number="1" width="455.36">
+      <print>
+        <system-layout>
+          <system-margins>
+            <left-margin>50.00</left-margin>
+            <right-margin>523.21</right-margin>
+            </system-margins>
+          <top-system-distance>170.00</top-system-distance>
+          </system-layout>
+        </print>
+      <attributes>
+        <divisions>1</divisions>
+        <key>
+          <fifths>-3</fifths>
+          </key>
+        <time>
+          <beats>4</beats>
+          <beat-type>4</beat-type>
+          </time>
+        <clef>
+          <sign>G</sign>
+          <line>2</line>
+          </clef>
+        </attributes>
+      <note default-x="118.84" default-y="0.00">
+        <grace slash="yes"/>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>F</step>
+          <octave>5</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <beam number="1">begin</beam>
+        </note>
+      <note default-x="129.34" default-y="5.00">
+        <grace slash="yes"/>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>G</step>
+          <octave>5</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <beam number="1">end</beam>
+        </note>
+      <note default-x="140.44" default-y="10.00">
+        <pitch>
+          <step>A</step>
+          <alter>-1</alter>
+          <octave>5</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>half</type>
+        <stem>down</stem>
+        </note>
+      <note default-x="292.57" default-y="-15.00">
+        <pitch>
+          <step>C</step>
+          <octave>5</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>half</type>
+        <stem>down</stem>
+        <notations>
+          <articulations>
+            <staccato/>
+            </articulations>
+          </notations>
+        </note>
+      <barline location="right">
+        <bar-style>light-heavy</bar-style>
+        </barline>
+      </measure>
+    </part>
+  </score-partwise>