import {ArticulationEnum, VoiceEntry} from "../../VoiceData/VoiceEntry"; import {IXmlAttribute, IXmlElement} from "../../../Common/FileIO/Xml"; import log from "loglevel"; import {TechnicalInstruction, TechnicalInstructionType} from "../../VoiceData/Instructions/TechnicalInstruction"; import {OrnamentContainer, OrnamentEnum} from "../../VoiceData/OrnamentContainer"; import {PlacementEnum} from "../../VoiceData/Expressions/AbstractExpression"; import {AccidentalEnum} from "../../../Common/DataObjects/Pitch"; import { Articulation } from "../../VoiceData/Articulation"; import { Note } from "../../VoiceData/Note"; import { EngravingRules } from "../../Graphical/EngravingRules"; export class ArticulationReader { private rules: EngravingRules; constructor(rules: EngravingRules) { this.rules = rules; } private getAccEnumFromString(input: string): AccidentalEnum { switch (input) { case "sharp": return AccidentalEnum.SHARP; case "flat": return AccidentalEnum.FLAT; case "natural": return AccidentalEnum.NATURAL; case "double-sharp": case "sharp-sharp": return AccidentalEnum.DOUBLESHARP; case "double-flat": case "flat-flat": return AccidentalEnum.DOUBLEFLAT; case "triple-sharp": return AccidentalEnum.TRIPLESHARP; case "triple-flat": return AccidentalEnum.TRIPLEFLAT; case "quarter-sharp": return AccidentalEnum.QUARTERTONESHARP; case "quarter-flat": return AccidentalEnum.QUARTERTONEFLAT; case "three-quarters-sharp": return AccidentalEnum.THREEQUARTERSSHARP; case "three-quarters-flat": return AccidentalEnum.THREEQUARTERSFLAT; case "slash-quarter-sharp": return AccidentalEnum.SLASHQUARTERSHARP; case "slash-sharp": return AccidentalEnum.SLASHSHARP; case "double-slash-flat": return AccidentalEnum.DOUBLESLASHFLAT; case "sori": return AccidentalEnum.SORI; case "koron": return AccidentalEnum.KORON; default: return AccidentalEnum.NONE; } } /** * This method adds an Articulation Expression to the currentVoiceEntry. * @param node * @param currentVoiceEntry */ public addArticulationExpression(node: IXmlElement, currentVoiceEntry: VoiceEntry): void { if (node !== undefined && node.elements().length > 0) { const childNodes: IXmlElement[] = node.elements(); for (let idx: number = 0, len: number = childNodes.length; idx < len; ++idx) { const childNode: IXmlElement = childNodes[idx]; let name: string =; try { // some Articulations appear in Xml separated with a "-" (eg strong-accent), we remove it for enum parsing name = name.replace("-", ""); const articulationEnum: ArticulationEnum = ArticulationEnum[name]; if (VoiceEntry.isSupportedArticulation(articulationEnum)) { let placement: PlacementEnum = PlacementEnum.NotYetDefined; const placementValue: string = childNode.attribute("placement")?.value; if (placementValue === "above") { placement = PlacementEnum.Above; } else if (placementValue === "below") { placement = PlacementEnum.Below; } const newArticulation: Articulation = new Articulation(articulationEnum, placement); // staccato should be first // necessary? if (name === "staccato") { if (currentVoiceEntry.Articulations.length > 0 && currentVoiceEntry.Articulations[0].articulationEnum !== ArticulationEnum.staccato) { currentVoiceEntry.Articulations.splice(0, 0, newArticulation); // TODO can't this overwrite another articulation? } } if (name === "strongaccent") { // see name.replace("-", "") above const marcatoType: string = childNode?.attribute("type")?.value; if (marcatoType === "up") { newArticulation.articulationEnum = ArticulationEnum.marcatoup; } else if (marcatoType === "down") { newArticulation.articulationEnum = ArticulationEnum.marcatodown; } } // don't add the same articulation twice if (!currentVoiceEntry.hasArticulation(newArticulation)) { currentVoiceEntry.Articulations.push(newArticulation); switch (newArticulation.articulationEnum) { case ArticulationEnum.staccato: case ArticulationEnum.staccatissimo: currentVoiceEntry.DurationModifier = newArticulation; break; case ArticulationEnum.accent: case ArticulationEnum.strongaccent: currentVoiceEntry.VolumeModifier = newArticulation; break; default: break; } } } } catch (ex) { const errorMsg: string = "Invalid note articulation."; log.debug("addArticulationExpression", errorMsg, ex); return; } } } } /** * This method add a Fermata to the currentVoiceEntry. * @param xmlNode * @param currentVoiceEntry */ public addFermata(xmlNode: IXmlElement, currentVoiceEntry: VoiceEntry): void { // fermata appears as separate tag in XML let articulationEnum: ArticulationEnum = ArticulationEnum.fermata; if (xmlNode.attributes().length > 0 && xmlNode.attribute("type")) { if (xmlNode.attribute("type").value === "inverted") { articulationEnum = ArticulationEnum.invertedfermata; } } let placement: PlacementEnum = PlacementEnum.Above; if (xmlNode.attribute("placement")?.value === "below") { placement = PlacementEnum.Below; } // add to VoiceEntry currentVoiceEntry.Articulations.push(new Articulation(articulationEnum, placement)); } /** * This method add a technical Articulation to the currentVoiceEntry. * @param technicalNode * @param currentVoiceEntry */ public addTechnicalArticulations(technicalNode: IXmlElement, currentVoiceEntry: VoiceEntry, currentNote: Note): void { interface XMLElementToArticulationEnum { [xmlElement: string]: ArticulationEnum; } const xmlElementToArticulationEnum: XMLElementToArticulationEnum = { "bend": ArticulationEnum.bend, "down-bow": ArticulationEnum.downbow, "open-string": ArticulationEnum.naturalharmonic, "snap-pizzicato": ArticulationEnum.snappizzicato, "stopped": ArticulationEnum.lefthandpizzicato, "up-bow": ArticulationEnum.upbow, // fingering is special case }; for (const xmlArticulation in xmlElementToArticulationEnum) { if (!xmlElementToArticulationEnum.hasOwnProperty(xmlArticulation)) { continue; } const articulationEnum: ArticulationEnum = xmlElementToArticulationEnum[xmlArticulation]; const node: IXmlElement = technicalNode.element(xmlArticulation); if (node) { let placement: PlacementEnum; // set undefined by default, to not restrict placement if (node.attribute("placement")?.value === "above") { placement = PlacementEnum.Above; } if (node.attribute("placement")?.value === "below") { placement = PlacementEnum.Below; } const newArticulation: Articulation = new Articulation(articulationEnum, placement); if (!currentVoiceEntry.hasArticulation(newArticulation)) { currentVoiceEntry.Articulations.push(newArticulation); } } } const nodeFingering: IXmlElement = technicalNode.element("fingering"); if (nodeFingering) { const currentTechnicalInstruction: TechnicalInstruction = this.createTechnicalInstruction(nodeFingering, currentNote); currentTechnicalInstruction.type = TechnicalInstructionType.Fingering; currentNote.Fingering = currentTechnicalInstruction; currentVoiceEntry.TechnicalInstructions.push(currentTechnicalInstruction); } const nodeString: IXmlElement = technicalNode.element("string"); if (nodeString) { const currentTechnicalInstruction: TechnicalInstruction = this.createTechnicalInstruction(nodeString, currentNote); currentTechnicalInstruction.type = TechnicalInstructionType.String; currentNote.StringInstruction = currentTechnicalInstruction; currentVoiceEntry.TechnicalInstructions.push(currentTechnicalInstruction); } } private createTechnicalInstruction(stringOrFingeringNode: IXmlElement, note: Note): TechnicalInstruction { const technicalInstruction: TechnicalInstruction = new TechnicalInstruction(); technicalInstruction.sourceNote = note; technicalInstruction.value = stringOrFingeringNode.value; const placement: Attr = stringOrFingeringNode.attribute("placement"); if (this.rules.FingeringPositionFromXML) { technicalInstruction.placement = this.getPlacement(placement); } return technicalInstruction; } private getPlacement(placementAttr: Attr, defaultPlacement: PlacementEnum = PlacementEnum.NotYetDefined): PlacementEnum { if (defaultPlacement !== PlacementEnum.NotYetDefined) { // usually from EngravingRules return defaultPlacement; } if (placementAttr) { switch (placementAttr.value) { case "above": return PlacementEnum.Above; case "below": return PlacementEnum.Below; case "left": // not valid in MusicXML 3.1 return PlacementEnum.Left; case "right": // not valid in MusicXML 3.1 return PlacementEnum.Right; default: return PlacementEnum.NotYetDefined; } } else { return PlacementEnum.NotYetDefined; } } /** * This method adds an Ornament to the currentVoiceEntry. * @param ornamentsNode * @param currentVoiceEntry */ public addOrnament(ornamentsNode: IXmlElement, currentVoiceEntry: VoiceEntry): void { if (ornamentsNode) { let ornament: OrnamentContainer = undefined; interface XMLElementToOrnamentEnum { [xmlElement: string]: OrnamentEnum; } const elementToOrnamentEnum: XMLElementToOrnamentEnum = { "delayed-inverted-turn": OrnamentEnum.DelayedInvertedTurn, "delayed-turn": OrnamentEnum.DelayedTurn, "inverted-mordent": OrnamentEnum.InvertedMordent, "inverted-turn": OrnamentEnum.InvertedTurn, "mordent": OrnamentEnum.Mordent, "trill-mark": OrnamentEnum.Trill, "turn": OrnamentEnum.Turn, // further ornaments are not yet supported by MusicXML (3.1). }; for (const ornamentElement in elementToOrnamentEnum) { if (!elementToOrnamentEnum.hasOwnProperty(ornamentElement)) { continue; } const node: IXmlElement = ornamentsNode.element(ornamentElement); if (node) { ornament = new OrnamentContainer(elementToOrnamentEnum[ornamentElement]); const placementAttr: Attr = node.attribute("placement"); if (placementAttr) { const placementString: string = placementAttr.value; if (placementString === "below") { ornament.placement = PlacementEnum.Below; } } } } if (ornament) { const accidentalsList: IXmlElement[] = ornamentsNode.elements("accidental-mark"); if (accidentalsList) { let placement: PlacementEnum = PlacementEnum.Below; let accidental: AccidentalEnum = AccidentalEnum.NONE; const accidentalsListArr: IXmlElement[] = accidentalsList; for (let idx: number = 0, len: number = accidentalsListArr.length; idx < len; ++idx) { const accidentalNode: IXmlElement = accidentalsListArr[idx]; let text: string = accidentalNode.value; accidental = this.getAccEnumFromString(text); const placementAttr: IXmlAttribute = accidentalNode.attribute("placement"); if (accidentalNode.hasAttributes && placementAttr) { text = placementAttr.value; if (text === "above") { placement = PlacementEnum.Above; } else if (text === "below") { placement = PlacementEnum.Below; } } if (placement === PlacementEnum.Above) { ornament.AccidentalAbove = accidental; } else if (placement === PlacementEnum.Below) { ornament.AccidentalBelow = accidental; } } } // add this to currentVoiceEntry currentVoiceEntry.OrnamentContainer = ornament; } } } // /addOrnament }