123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263 |
- import { OpenSheetMusicDisplay, CanvasVexFlowBackend } from "../../src";
- import { TestUtils } from "./TestUtils";
- //import fs from "fs";
- // experimental code, shouldn't be included in Karma test suite
- describe("GeneratePNGImages", () => {
- // Test all the following xml files:
- const sampleFilenames: string[] = [
- "Beethoven_AnDieFerneGeliebte.xml",
- // "CharlesGounod_Meditation.xml",
- // "Debussy_Mandoline.xml",
- // "Dichterliebe01.xml",
- // "JohannSebastianBach_Air.xml",
- // "JohannSebastianBach_PraeludiumInCDur_BWV846_1.xml",
- // "JosephHaydn_ConcertanteCello.xml",
- // "Mozart_AnChloe.xml",
- // "Mozart_DasVeilchen.xml",
- "MuzioClementi_SonatinaOpus36No1_Part1.xml",
- // "MuzioClementi_SonatinaOpus36No1_Part2.xml",
- // "MuzioClementi_SonatinaOpus36No3_Part1.xml",
- // "MuzioClementi_SonatinaOpus36No3_Part2.xml",
- // "Saltarello.xml",
- // "ScottJoplin_EliteSyncopations.xml",
- // "ScottJoplin_The_Entertainer.xml",
- // "TelemannWV40.102_Sonate-Nr.1.1-Dolce.xml",
- // "TelemannWV40.102_Sonate-Nr.1.2-Allegro-F-Dur.xml",
- ];
- for (const score of sampleFilenames) {
- generatePNG(score);
- }
- // TODO This is just example code for now.
- // generate PNG. TODO fs doesn't work with Karma. This is the big problem that needs to be worked around with ts/Karma.
- function generatePNG(sampleFilename: string): void {
- it(sampleFilename, (done: Mocha.Done) => {
- // Load the xml file content
- const score: Document = TestUtils.getScore(sampleFilename);
- const div: HTMLElement = document.createElement("div");
- const openSheetMusicDisplay: OpenSheetMusicDisplay =
- new OpenSheetMusicDisplay(div, { autoResize: false, backend: "canvas"});
- openSheetMusicDisplay.load(score);
- const testDir: string = "../data/images";
- //fs.mkdirSync(testDir, { recursive: true });
- const fileName: string = `${testDir}/${sampleFilename}.png`;
- console.log("fileName: " + fileName);
- console.log("before buffer");
- const canvasBackend: CanvasVexFlowBackend = openSheetMusicDisplay.Drawer.Backends[0] as CanvasVexFlowBackend;
- const imageData: string = (canvasBackend.getCanvas() as HTMLCanvasElement).toDataURL().split(";base64,").pop();
- const imageBuffer: Buffer = Buffer.from(imageData, "base64");
- console.log("imageBuffer.length: " + imageBuffer.length);
- //console.log("after buffer");
- //let arraybuffer = Uint8Array.from(imageBuffer, 'base64').buffer;
- //fs.writeFileSync(fileName, imageBuffer, { encoding: "base64" });
- done();
- }).timeout(30000);
- }
- });