@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+import { defineComponent, onMounted, reactive } from 'vue';
+import WaveSurfer from 'wavesurfer.js';
+import styles from './index.module.less';
+import MSticky from '@/components/m-sticky';
+import MHeader from '@/components/m-header';
+import { Button, Cell, Image, List, Popup, Slider, showToast } from 'vant';
+import iconDownload from './images/icon-download.png';
+import iconShare from './images/icon-share.png';
+import iconDelete from './images/icon-delete.png';
+import iconMember from './images/icon-member.png';
+import iconZan from './images/icon-zan.png';
+import iconZanActive from './images/icon-zan-active.png';
+import iconPlay from './images/icon-play.png';
+import iconPause from './images/icon-pause.png';
+import { postMessage } from '@/helpers/native-message';
+import { browser, getGradeCh, getSecondRPM } from '@/helpers/utils';
+import { useRoute, useRouter } from 'vue-router';
+import {
+ api_userMusicDetail,
+ api_userMusicRemove,
+ api_userMusicStarPage
+} from './api';
+import MEmpty from '@/components/m-empty';
+import dayjs from 'dayjs';
+import { nextTick } from 'process';
+import MVideo from '@/components/m-video';
+import ShareModel from './share-model';
+export default defineComponent({
+ name: 'creation-detail',
+ setup() {
+ const route = useRoute();
+ const router = useRouter();
+ const audioId = 'a' + +Date.now() + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
+ const state = reactive({
+ id: route.query.id,
+ deleteStatus: false,
+ shareStatus: false,
+ playType: '' as 'Audio' | 'Video' | '', // 播放类型
+ musicDetail: {} as any,
+ timer: null as any,
+ paused: true,
+ currentTime: 0,
+ duration: 0.1,
+ loop: false,
+ dragStatus: false, // 是否开始拖动
+ isClick: false,
+ list: [] as any,
+ listState: {
+ dataShow: true, // 判断是否有数据
+ loading: false,
+ finished: false
+ },
+ params: {
+ page: 1,
+ rows: 20
+ }
+ });
+ const audioDom = new Audio();
+ audioDom.controls = true;
+ audioDom.style.width = '100%';
+ audioDom.className = styles.audio;
+ /** 改变播放时间 */
+ const handleChangeTime = (val: number) => {
+ state.currentTime = val;
+ clearTimeout(state.timer);
+ state.timer = setTimeout(() => {
+ // audioRef.value.currentTime = val;
+ audioDom.currentTime = val;
+ state.timer = null;
+ }, 60);
+ };
+ // 切换音频播放
+ const onToggleAudio = (e: any) => {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ if (audioDom.paused) {
+ audioDom.play();
+ } else {
+ audioDom.pause();
+ }
+ state.paused = audioDom.paused;
+ };
+ // 获取列表
+ const getStarList = async () => {
+ try {
+ if (state.isClick) return;
+ state.isClick = true;
+ const res = await api_userMusicStarPage({
+ userMusicId: state.id,
+ ...state.params
+ });
+ state.listState.loading = false;
+ const result = res.data || {};
+ // 处理重复请求数据
+ if (state.list.length > 0 && result.current === 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ state.list = state.list.concat(result.rows || []);
+ state.listState.finished = result.current >= result.pages;
+ state.params.page = result.current + 1;
+ state.listState.dataShow = state.list.length > 0;
+ state.isClick = false;
+ } catch {
+ state.listState.dataShow = false;
+ state.listState.finished = true;
+ state.isClick = false;
+ }
+ };
+ const initAudio = () => {
+ const wavesurfer = WaveSurfer.create({
+ container: document.querySelector(`#${audioId}`) as HTMLElement,
+ waveColor: '#fff',
+ progressColor: '#2FA1FD',
+ url: state.musicDetail.videoUrl,
+ cursorWidth: 0,
+ height: 35,
+ width: 'auto',
+ normalize: true,
+ // Set a bar width
+ barWidth: 2,
+ // Optionally, specify the spacing between bars
+ barGap: 2,
+ // And the bar radius
+ barRadius: 4,
+ barHeight: 0.6,
+ autoScroll: true,
+ /** If autoScroll is enabled, keep the cursor in the center of the waveform during playback */
+ autoCenter: true,
+ hideScrollbar: false,
+ media: audioDom
+ });
+ wavesurfer.once('interaction', () => {
+ // wavesurfer.play();
+ });
+ wavesurfer.once('ready', () => {
+ state.paused = audioDom.paused;
+ state.duration = audioDom.duration;
+ });
+ wavesurfer.on('finish', () => {
+ state.paused = true;
+ });
+ // 播放时监听
+ audioDom.addEventListener('timeupdate', () => {
+ state.currentTime = audioDom.currentTime;
+ });
+ };
+ // 删除作品
+ const onDelete = async () => {
+ try {
+ await api_userMusicRemove({ id: state.id });
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ showToast('删除成功');
+ }, 100);
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ if (browser().isApp) {
+ postMessage({
+ api: 'goBack'
+ });
+ } else {
+ router.back();
+ }
+ }, 1200);
+ } catch {
+ //
+ }
+ };
+ // 下载
+ const onDownload = () => {
+ //
+ };
+ onMounted(async () => {
+ try {
+ const { data } = await api_userMusicDetail(state.id);
+ state.musicDetail = data;
+ getStarList();
+ // 判断是视频还是音频
+ if (data.videoFilePath) {
+ state.playType = 'Video';
+ } else {
+ state.playType = 'Audio';
+ // 初始化
+ nextTick(() => {
+ initAudio();
+ });
+ }
+ } catch {
+ //
+ }
+ });
+ return () => (
+ <div class={styles.creation}>
+ <MSticky position="top">
+ <MHeader
+ border={false}
+ isBack={route.query.platformType != 'ANALYSIS'}
+ />
+ </MSticky>
+ <div class={styles.playSection}>
+ {state.playType === 'Video' && (
+ <MVideo
+ src={state.musicDetail.videoUrl}
+ poster={state.musicDetail.img}
+ />
+ )}
+ {state.playType === 'Audio' && (
+ <div class={styles.audioSection}>
+ <div class={styles.audioContainer}>
+ <div
+ id={audioId}
+ onClick={(e: MouseEvent) => {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ }}></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class={styles.audioBox}>
+ <div class={styles.audioPan}>
+ <Image class={styles.audioImg} src={state.musicDetail.img} />
+ </div>
+ <i class={styles.audioPoint}></i>
+ <i class={styles.audioZhen}></i>
+ </div>
+ <div
+ class={[styles.controls]}
+ onClick={(e: Event) => {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ }}
+ onTouchmove={(e: TouchEvent) => {
+ // emit('close');
+ }}>
+ <div class={styles.actions}>
+ <div class={styles.actionBtn} onClick={onToggleAudio}>
+ <img src={state.paused ? iconPlay : iconPause} />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class={[styles.slider]}>
+ <Slider
+ step={0.01}
+ class={styles.timeProgress}
+ v-model={state.currentTime}
+ max={state.duration}
+ onUpdate:modelValue={val => {
+ handleChangeTime(val);
+ }}
+ onDragStart={() => {
+ state.dragStatus = true;
+ console.log('onDragStart');
+ }}
+ onDragEnd={() => {
+ state.dragStatus = false;
+ console.log('onDragEnd');
+ }}
+ />
+ </div>
+ <div class={styles.time}>
+ <div>{getSecondRPM(state.currentTime)}</div>
+ <span>/</span>
+ <div>{getSecondRPM(state.duration)}</div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ )}
+ </div>
+ <Cell class={styles.userSection} center>
+ {{
+ icon: () => (
+ <Image class={styles.userLogo} src={state.musicDetail.avatar} />
+ ),
+ title: () => (
+ <div class={styles.userInfo}>
+ <p class={styles.name}>
+ {state.musicDetail.username}
+ {state.musicDetail.vipFlag && (
+ <img src={iconMember} class={styles.iconMember} />
+ )}
+ </p>
+ <p class={styles.sub}>
+ {state.musicDetail.subjectName}{' '}
+ {getGradeCh(state.musicDetail.currentGradeNum)}
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ ),
+ value: () => (
+ <div class={styles.zan}>
+ <img src={iconZanActive} class={styles.iconZan} />
+ {state.musicDetail.likeNum}
+ </div>
+ )
+ }}
+ </Cell>
+ <div class={styles.musicSection}>
+ <div class={styles.musicName}>
+ <span class={styles.musicTag}>曲目名称</span>
+ {state.musicDetail.musicSheetName}
+ </div>
+ {state.musicDetail.desc && (
+ <div class={styles.musicDesc}>{state.musicDetail.desc}</div>
+ )}
+ </div>
+ <div class={styles.likeSection}>
+ <div class={styles.likeTitle}>点赞记录</div>
+ {state.listState.dataShow ? (
+ <List
+ finished={state.listState.finished}
+ finishedText=" "
+ class={[styles.container, styles.containerInformation]}
+ onLoad={getStarList}
+ immediateCheck={false}>
+ {state.list.map((item: any) => (
+ <Cell class={styles.likeItem}>
+ {{
+ icon: () => (
+ <Image src={item.userAvatar} class={styles.userLogo} />
+ ),
+ title: () => (
+ <div class={styles.userInfo}>
+ <p class={styles.name}>{item.userName}</p>
+ <p class={styles.sub}>
+ {item.subjectName} {getGradeCh(item.currentGradeNum)}
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ ),
+ value: () => (
+ <div class={styles.time}>
+ {dayjs(item.createTime).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm')}
+ </div>
+ )
+ }}
+ </Cell>
+ ))}
+ </List>
+ ) : (
+ <MEmpty description="暂无数据" />
+ )}
+ </div>
+ <MSticky position="bottom">
+ <div class={styles.bottomSection}>
+ <div class={styles.bottomShare}>
+ <p onClick={onDownload}>
+ <img src={iconDownload} />
+ <span>下载</span>
+ </p>
+ <p onClick={() => (state.shareStatus = true)}>
+ <img src={iconShare} />
+ <span>分享</span>
+ </p>
+ <p onClick={() => (state.deleteStatus = true)}>
+ <img src={iconDelete} />
+ <span>删除</span>
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <Button
+ round
+ class={styles.btnEdit}
+ type="primary"
+ onClick={() => {
+ router.push({
+ path: '/creation-edit',
+ query: {
+ id: state.id
+ }
+ });
+ }}>
+ 编辑
+ </Button>
+ </div>
+ </MSticky>
+ <Popup
+ v-model:show={state.deleteStatus}
+ round
+ class={styles.popupContainer}>
+ <p class={styles.popupContent}>确定是否删除</p>
+ <div class={styles.popupBtnGroup}>
+ <Button round onClick={() => (state.deleteStatus = false)}>
+ 取消
+ </Button>
+ <Button round type="primary" onClick={onDelete}>
+ 确定
+ </Button>
+ </div>
+ </Popup>
+ <Popup
+ position="bottom"
+ v-model:show={state.shareStatus}
+ safeAreaInsetBottom
+ style={{ background: 'transparent' }}>
+ <ShareModel
+ musicDetail={state.musicDetail}
+ onClose={() => (state.shareStatus = false)}
+ />
+ </Popup>
+ </div>
+ );
+ }