@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-/** 播放多个音频 */
-export default class MultipleAudio {
- audios: any = {}
- audioList: string[] = []
- length: number = 0
- status: 'init' | 'play' | 'pause' = 'init'
- speed: number = 90
- muted: boolean = false
- audio: null | HTMLAudioElement = null
- // group = new Pizzicato.Group([])
- currentTime: number = 0
- duration: number = 0
- timer: any = null
- accelerateRefreshPlayer = () => {
- if (this.timer) {
- return
- }
- const prevTime = this.currentTime
- let now = new Date().getTime()
- this.timer = setInterval(() => {
- this.currentTime = (new Date().getTime() - now) / 1000 + prevTime
- // console.log(this.currentTime)
- this.event.emit('timeupdate', this)
- }, 10)
- }
- clearAccelerateRefreshPlayer = () => {
- clearInterval(this.timer)
- this.timer = null
- }
- constructor(list: string[]) {
- this.setSongs(list)
- // this.event.on('timeupdate', () => {
- // console.log(this.currentTime)
- // })
- }
- async setSongs(list: string[]) {
- this.audioList = list.filter(item => !!item)
- this.audio = null
- this.audios = {}
- const filterReqs = list.filter(item => !!item).map(async url => ({
- // bolb: await request.get(url, {responseType: 'blob'}),
- url
- }))
- const res = await Promise.all(filterReqs)
- for (const item of res) {
- const audio = new Audio(item.url)
- // audio.controls = true
- // document.body.append(audio)
- audio.load()
- this.audios[item.url] = audio
- if (!this.audio) {
- this.audio = audio
- }
- }
- // console.log(filterReqs.length, this.audio)
- this.length = filterReqs.length
- if (this.audio) {
- this.audio.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', evt => {
- // this.duration = this.audio?.duration || 0
- // this.event.emit('loadedmetadata', evt, this.audio?.duration)
- this.setDuration()
- })
- this.audio.addEventListener('timeupdate', evt => {
- this.currentTime = this.audio?.currentTime || 0
- this.event.emit('timeupdate', evt)
- let used = false
- if (this.currentTime === this.duration && !used) {
- used = true
- // this.event.emit('ended')
- // this.audio?.dispatchEvent(endedEvent)
- // for (const key in this.audios) {
- // if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.audios, key)) {
- // const audio = this.audios[key]
- // const endedEvent = new Event('ended')
- // audio.dispatchEvent(endedEvent)
- // }
- // }
- // console.log('ended')
- }
- })
- // this.audio.addEventListener('ended', () => {
- // this.setCurrentTime(0)
- // // this.play()
- // })
- }
- if (list.length) {
- this.status = this.getStatus()
- }
- this.event.on('allWaiting', () => {
- if (this.hasWaitng()) {
- this.event.emit('waiting')
- }
- })
- this.event.on('allPlaying', () => {
- if (!this.hasWaitng()) {
- this.event.emit('playing')
- }
- })
- this.syncEvent()
- }
- setDuration(aus?: any) {
- const audios: HTMLAudioElement[] = Object.values(aus || this.audios || {})
- if (audios.length) {
- const times: number[] = []
- for (const item of audios) {
- const duration = (item as HTMLAudioElement).duration
- if (duration > 0) {
- times.push(duration)
- }
- }
- const num = Math.floor(Math.max(...times) - Math.min(...times))
- if (num >= 1){
- console.log('该教程原音与伴奏时长超过' + num + '秒,请修改后使用')
- // Dialog.alert({
- // message: '该教程原音与伴奏时长超过' + num + '秒,请修改后使用',
- // })
- }
- this.duration = Math.min(...times)
- if (this.duration > 0) {
- this.event?.emit('loadedmetadata', null, this.duration)
- }
- }
- }
- destroyed() {
- this.pause()
- this.event.removeAllListeners()
- this.audio = null
- // Object.values(this.audios).map(item => item.remove())
- this.audios = {}
- }
- hasWaitng() {
- let status = false
- for (const audio of Object.values(this.audios)) {
- if ((audio as any).dataset.status === 'waiting') {
- status = true
- break
- }
- }
- return status
- }
- syncEvent() {
- let isEnded = false
- const play = (evt: Event) => {
- isEnded = false
- // console.log('实际延迟', new Date().getTime() - starttime)
- // console.log('开始触发play事件', new Date().getTime())
- this.event.emit('play', evt)
- // console.log(this.audioList[0])
- if (compareURL((evt.target as HTMLAudioElement)?.src, this.audioList[0])) {
- playStartTime = new Date().getTime()
- }
- // this.play()
- }
- const pause = async (evt: Event) => {
- await this.pause()
- this.event.emit('pause', evt)
- if (compareURL((evt.target as HTMLAudioElement)?.src, this.audioList[0])) {
- const playTime = new Date().getTime() - playStartTime
- playStartTime = new Date().getTime()
- this.event.emit('updatePlayTime', playTime / 1000)
- }
- }
- const waiting = (evt: any) => {
- if (this.status === 'play') {
- evt.target.dataset.status = 'waiting'
- }
- this.event.emit('allWaiting')
- }
- const playing = (evt: any) => {
- evt.target.dataset.status = ''
- this.event.emit('allPlaying')
- }
- const ended = async (evt: Event) => {
- if (!isEnded) {
- isEnded = true
- await this.pause()
- }
- for (const key in this.audios) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.audios, key)) {
- this.event.emit('ended', {
- target: this.audios[key]
- })
- // const audio = this.audios[key]
- // const endedEvent = new Event('ended')
- // audio.dispatchEvent(endedEvent)
- }
- }
- // this.event.emit('ended', evt)
- }
- // for (const audio of Object.values(this.audios)) {
- // audio.removeEventListener('play', play)
- // audio.removeEventListener('pause', pause)
- // audio.removeEventListener('waiting', waiting)
- // audio.removeEventListener('playing', playing)
- // audio.removeEventListener('ended', ended)
- // }
- for (const audio of Object.values(this.audios)) {
- (audio as HTMLAudioElement).addEventListener('loadedmetadata', () => this.setDuration(this.audios))
- ;(audio as HTMLAudioElement).addEventListener('play', play)
- ;(audio as HTMLAudioElement).addEventListener('pause', pause)
- ;(audio as HTMLAudioElement).addEventListener('waiting', waiting)
- ;(audio as HTMLAudioElement).addEventListener('playing', playing)
- ;(audio as HTMLAudioElement).addEventListener('ended', ended)
- }
- // this.audio?.addEventListener('play', play)
- // this.audio?.addEventListener('pause', pause)
- // this.audio?.addEventListener('waiting', waiting)
- // this.audio?.addEventListener('playing', playing)
- // this.audio?.addEventListener('ended', ended)
- }
- getStatus() {
- return !this.audio ? 'init' : this.audio?.paused ? 'pause' : 'play'
- }
- play(delay?: number) {
- let plused = false
- if (this.getStatus() !== 'play') {
- return new Promise((resolve) => {
- setTimeout(() => {
- starttime = new Date().getTime()
- Object.values(this.audios).map(async (item: any, inedx: number) => {
- // console.log('play duration', item.duration)
- await item.play()
- if (!plused) {
- plused = true
- // console.log('starttime', starttime)
- // console.log('延迟时间', new Date().getTime() - starttime)
- // runtime.evaluatingFixTime += new Date().getTime() - starttime
- }
- })
- resolve(this.audios)
- // Promise.all(Object.values(this.audios).map(async (item: any) => await item.play()))
- // .then(res => {
- // this.status = this.getStatus()
- // resolve(res)
- // return res
- // })
- }, (delay || 100))
- })
- }
- this.status = this.getStatus()
- return Promise.resolve()
- }
- pause() {
- this.status = this.getStatus()
- return Promise.all(Object.values(this.audios).map(async (item: any) => await item.pause()))
- .then(res => {
- this.status = this.getStatus()
- return res
- })
- }
- setVolume = (none: boolean, cb: () => void) => {
- let timer = setInterval(() => {
- Object.values(this.audios).map((item: any) => {
- if (none) {
- item.volume -= 0.01
- if (item.volume <= 0.01) {
- item.volume = 0
- clearInterval(timer)
- cb && cb()
- }
- } else {
- item.volume += 0.01
- if (item.volume >= 1) {
- item.volume = 1
- clearInterval(timer)
- cb && cb()
- }
- }
- console.log(item.volume)
- })
- }, 16.7)
- }
- setMute(muted: boolean, url?: string) {
- if (url) {
- if (this.audios[url]) {
- // this.setVolume(muted, () => this.audios[url].muted = muted)
- this.audios[url].muted = muted
- // this.audios[url].volume = (muted ? 0 : 1)
- }
- } else {
- this.muted = muted
- // this.setVolume(muted, () => {
- Object.values(this.audios).map((item: any) => item.muted = muted)
- // })
- }
- }
- setSpeed(speed: number, url?: string) {
- if (url) {
- if (this.audios[url]) {
- this.audios[url].playbackRate = speed
- // this.audios[url].speed = speed
- }
- } else {
- this.speed = speed
- // this.group.speed = speed
- Object.values(this.audios).map((item: any) => {
- item.playbackRate = speed
- // console.log(item.getSourceNode().playbackRate.value = speed)
- return item
- })
- }
- }
- setCurrentTime(time: number) {
- this.currentTime = time
- // if (this.status === 'play') {
- // this.pause()
- // this.play()
- // }
- Object.values(this.audios).map((item: any) => item.currentTime = time)
- }
- toggleMute(url?: string) {
- if (url) {
- if (this.audios[url]) {
- this.audios[url].muted = !this.audios[url].muted
- }
- } else {
- Object.values(this.audios).map((item: any) => item.muted = !this.muted)
- this.muted = !this.muted
- }
- }
- togglePlay(delay?: number) {
- if (this.getStatus() === 'pause') {
- this.play(delay)
- } else if (this.getStatus() === 'play') {
- this.setMute(true)
- this.pause()
- }
- }
-export interface IAudios {
- [key: string]: HTMLAudioElement
-export interface IMultipleAudio {
- audios: IAudios
- audio: null | HTMLAudioElement
- status: string
- muted: boolean
- speed: number
- length: number
- event: EventEmitterType
- play(): void
- pause(): void
- setMute(muted: boolean, url?: string): void
- setSpeed(speed: number, url?: string): void
- togglePlay(): void
- toggleMute(): void
- setCurrentTime(time: number): void
- destroyed: () => void