@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
-import { OpenSheetMusicDisplay, SourceMeasure } from '../../accompany/osmd-extended/src'
+import { OpenSheetMusicDisplay, SourceMeasure } from "/osmd-extended/src";
export const noteDuration = {
- '1/2': 2,
- w: 1,
- h: 0.5,
- q: 0.25,
- '8': 0.125,
- '16': 0.0625,
- '32': 0.03125,
- '64': 0.015625,
- '128': 0.0078125,
+ "1/2": 2,
+ w: 1,
+ h: 0.5,
+ q: 0.25,
+ "8": 0.125,
+ "16": 0.0625,
+ "32": 0.03125,
+ "64": 0.015625,
+ "128": 0.0078125,
export type GradualChange = {
- resetXmlNoteIndex: number
- startXmlNoteIndex: number
- endXmlNoteIndex: number
- startWord: string
- startMeasureListIndex: number
- endMeasureListIndex: number
- resetMeasureListIndex: number
+ resetXmlNoteIndex: number;
+ startXmlNoteIndex: number;
+ endXmlNoteIndex: number;
+ startWord: string;
+ startMeasureListIndex: number;
+ endMeasureListIndex: number;
+ resetMeasureListIndex: number;
export const speedInfo: { [key in string]: number } = {
- 'rall.': 1.333333333,
- 'poco rit.': 1.333333333,
- 'rit.': 1.333333333,
- 'molto rit.': 1.333333333,
- 'molto rall': 1.333333333,
- 'molto': 1.333333333,
- lentando: 1.333333333,
- allargando: 1.333333333,
- morendo: 1.333333333,
- 'accel.': 0.8,
- calando: 2,
- 'poco accel.': 0.8,
- 'gradually slowing': 1.333333333,
- 'slowing': 1.333333333,
- 'slow': 1.333333333,
- 'slowly': 1.333333333,
- faster: 1.333333333,
+ "rall.": 1.333333333,
+ "poco rit.": 1.333333333,
+ "rit.": 1.333333333,
+ "molto rit.": 1.333333333,
+ "molto rall": 1.333333333,
+ molto: 1.333333333,
+ lentando: 1.333333333,
+ allargando: 1.333333333,
+ morendo: 1.333333333,
+ "accel.": 0.8,
+ calando: 2,
+ "poco accel.": 0.8,
+ "gradually slowing": 1.333333333,
+ slowing: 1.333333333,
+ slow: 1.333333333,
+ slowly: 1.333333333,
+ faster: 1.333333333,
* 计算渐变速度
-export const calcGradual = () => {}
+export const calcGradual = () => {};
* 2022年9月14日版本 计算渐变速度,此方法不兼容之前的选择范围。
-export const calcGradual2 = () => {}
+export const calcGradual2 = () => {};
* 获取指定元素下一个Note元素
@@ -58,44 +58,44 @@ export const calcGradual2 = () => {}
* @param selectors 选择器
const getNextNote = (ele: Element, selectors: string) => {
- let index = 0
- const parentEle = ele.closest(selectors)
- let pointer = parentEle
- const measure = parentEle?.closest('measure')
- let siblingNote: Element | null | undefined = null
- // 查找到相邻的第一个note元素
- while (!siblingNote && index < (measure?.childNodes.length || 50)) {
- index++
- if (pointer?.nextElementSibling?.tagName === 'note') {
- siblingNote = pointer?.nextElementSibling
- }
- pointer = pointer?.nextElementSibling!
- }
- return siblingNote
+ let index = 0;
+ const parentEle = ele.closest(selectors);
+ let pointer = parentEle;
+ const measure = parentEle?.closest("measure");
+ let siblingNote: Element | null | undefined = null;
+ // 查找到相邻的第一个note元素
+ while (!siblingNote && index < (measure?.childNodes.length || 50)) {
+ index++;
+ if (pointer?.nextElementSibling?.tagName === "note") {
+ siblingNote = pointer?.nextElementSibling;
+ }
+ pointer = pointer?.nextElementSibling!;
+ }
+ return siblingNote;
export type GradualElement = {
- ele: Element
- index: number
- noteInMeasureIndex: number
- textContent: string
- measureIndex: number
- type: 'words' | 'metronome'
- allDuration: number
- leftDuration: number
+ ele: Element;
+ index: number;
+ noteInMeasureIndex: number;
+ textContent: string;
+ measureIndex: number;
+ type: "words" | "metronome";
+ allDuration: number;
+ leftDuration: number;
-export type GradualNote = GradualItem[]
+export type GradualNote = GradualItem[];
export type GradualItem = {
- start: number
- measureIndex: number
- noteInMeasureIndex: number
- allDuration: number
- leftDuration: number
- type: string
- closedMeasureIndex: number
+ start: number;
+ measureIndex: number;
+ noteInMeasureIndex: number;
+ allDuration: number;
+ leftDuration: number;
+ type: string;
+ closedMeasureIndex: number;
// export type GradualItem = {
// start: number
@@ -113,173 +113,155 @@ export type GradualItem = {
* @param xml 始终按照第一分谱进行减慢速度的计算
export const getGradualLengthByXml = (xml: string) => {
- // const firstPartXml = onlyVisible(xml, 0)
- const xmlParse = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xml, 'text/xml')
- const measures = Array.from(xmlParse.querySelectorAll('measure'))
- const notes = Array.from(xmlParse.querySelectorAll('note'))
- const words = Array.from(xmlParse.querySelectorAll('words'))
- const metronomes = Array.from(xmlParse.querySelectorAll('metronome'))
+ // const firstPartXml = onlyVisible(xml, 0)
+ const xmlParse = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xml, "text/xml");
+ const measures = Array.from(xmlParse.querySelectorAll("measure"));
+ const notes = Array.from(xmlParse.querySelectorAll("note"));
+ const words = Array.from(xmlParse.querySelectorAll("words"));
+ const metronomes = Array.from(xmlParse.querySelectorAll("metronome"));
- const eles: GradualElement[] = []
+ const eles: GradualElement[] = [];
- for (const ele of [...words, ...metronomes]) {
- const note = getNextNote(ele, 'direction')
- // console.log(ele, note)
- if (note) {
- const measure = note?.closest('measure')!
- const measureNotes = Array.from(measure.querySelectorAll('note'))
+ for (const ele of [...words, ...metronomes]) {
+ const note = getNextNote(ele, "direction");
+ // console.log(ele, note)
+ if (note) {
+ const measure = note?.closest("measure")!;
+ const measureNotes = Array.from(measure.querySelectorAll("note"));
- const noteInMeasureIndex = Array.from(measure.childNodes)
- .filter((item) => item.nodeName === 'note')
- .findIndex((item) => item === note)
+ const noteInMeasureIndex = Array.from(measure.childNodes)
+ .filter((item) => item.nodeName === "note")
+ .findIndex((item) => item === note);
- let allDuration = 0
- let leftDuration = 0
- for (let i = 0; i < measureNotes.length; i++) {
- const n = measureNotes[i]
- const duration = +(n.querySelector('duration')?.textContent || '0')
- allDuration += duration
- if (i < noteInMeasureIndex) {
- leftDuration = allDuration
- }
- }
- eles.push({
- ele,
- index: notes.indexOf(note!),
- noteInMeasureIndex,
- textContent: ele.textContent!,
- measureIndex: measures.indexOf(measure!),
- type: ele.tagName as GradualElement['type'],
- allDuration,
- leftDuration,
- })
- }
- }
+ let allDuration = 0;
+ let leftDuration = 0;
+ for (let i = 0; i < measureNotes.length; i++) {
+ const n = measureNotes[i];
+ const duration = +(n.querySelector("duration")?.textContent || "0");
+ allDuration += duration;
+ if (i < noteInMeasureIndex) {
+ leftDuration = allDuration;
+ }
+ }
+ eles.push({
+ ele,
+ index: notes.indexOf(note!),
+ noteInMeasureIndex,
+ textContent: ele.textContent!,
+ measureIndex: measures.indexOf(measure!),
+ type: ele.tagName as GradualElement["type"],
+ allDuration,
+ leftDuration,
+ });
+ }
+ }
- // 结尾处手动插入一个音符节点
- eles.push({
- ele: notes[notes.length - 1],
- index: notes.length,
- noteInMeasureIndex: 0,
- textContent: '',
- type: 'metronome',
- allDuration: 1,
- leftDuration: 1,
- measureIndex: measures.length,
- })
+ // 结尾处手动插入一个音符节点
+ eles.push({
+ ele: notes[notes.length - 1],
+ index: notes.length,
+ noteInMeasureIndex: 0,
+ textContent: "",
+ type: "metronome",
+ allDuration: 1,
+ leftDuration: 1,
+ measureIndex: measures.length,
+ });
- const gradualNotes: GradualNote[] = []
- eles.sort((a, b) => a.index - b.index)
- const keys = Object.keys(speedInfo).map(w => w.toLocaleLowerCase())
- for (const ele of eles) {
- // 是否是同时也是关闭标签
- let isLastNoteAndNotClosed = false
- let closed = 0
- const textContent = ele.textContent?.toLocaleLowerCase().trim()
- if (ele === eles[eles.length - 1]) {
- if (gradualNotes[gradualNotes.length - 1]?.length === 1) {
- isLastNoteAndNotClosed = true
- }
- }
- const isKeyWork = keys.find(k => {
- const ks = k.split(' ')
- return textContent && ks.includes(textContent)
- })
- if (
- ele.type === "metronome" ||
- (ele.type === "words" && (textContent.startsWith("a tempo") || isKeyWork) || isLastNoteAndNotClosed)
- ) {
- const indexOf = gradualNotes.findIndex((item) => item.length === 1)
- if (indexOf > -1 && ele.index > gradualNotes[indexOf]?.[0].start) {
- closed = -1
- gradualNotes[indexOf][1] = {
- start: ele.index,
- measureIndex: ele.measureIndex,
- closedMeasureIndex: ele.measureIndex,
- noteInMeasureIndex: ele.noteInMeasureIndex,
- allDuration: ele.allDuration,
- leftDuration: ele.leftDuration,
- type: textContent,
- }
- }
- }
- if (ele.type === 'words' && isKeyWork) {
- gradualNotes.push([
- {
- start: ele.index,
- measureIndex: ele.measureIndex,
- closedMeasureIndex: ele.measureIndex + closed,
- noteInMeasureIndex: ele.noteInMeasureIndex,
- allDuration: ele.allDuration,
- leftDuration: ele.leftDuration,
- type: textContent,
- },
- ])
- }
- }
- return gradualNotes
+ const gradualNotes: GradualNote[] = [];
+ eles.sort((a, b) => a.index - b.index);
+ const keys = Object.keys(speedInfo).map((w) => w.toLocaleLowerCase());
+ for (const ele of eles) {
+ // 是否是同时也是关闭标签
+ let isLastNoteAndNotClosed = false;
+ let closed = 0;
+ const textContent = ele.textContent?.toLocaleLowerCase().trim();
+ if (ele === eles[eles.length - 1]) {
+ if (gradualNotes[gradualNotes.length - 1]?.length === 1) {
+ isLastNoteAndNotClosed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ const isKeyWork = keys.find((k) => {
+ const ks = k.split(" ");
+ return textContent && ks.includes(textContent);
+ });
+ if (ele.type === "metronome" || (ele.type === "words" && (textContent.startsWith("a tempo") || isKeyWork)) || isLastNoteAndNotClosed) {
+ const indexOf = gradualNotes.findIndex((item) => item.length === 1);
+ if (indexOf > -1 && ele.index > gradualNotes[indexOf]?.[0].start) {
+ closed = -1;
+ gradualNotes[indexOf][1] = {
+ start: ele.index,
+ measureIndex: ele.measureIndex,
+ closedMeasureIndex: ele.measureIndex,
+ noteInMeasureIndex: ele.noteInMeasureIndex,
+ allDuration: ele.allDuration,
+ leftDuration: ele.leftDuration,
+ type: textContent,
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ if (ele.type === "words" && isKeyWork) {
+ gradualNotes.push([
+ {
+ start: ele.index,
+ measureIndex: ele.measureIndex,
+ closedMeasureIndex: ele.measureIndex + closed,
+ noteInMeasureIndex: ele.noteInMeasureIndex,
+ allDuration: ele.allDuration,
+ leftDuration: ele.leftDuration,
+ type: textContent,
+ },
+ ]);
+ }
+ }
+ return gradualNotes;
-export const getGradualLength = (
- gradualChange: GradualChange,
- speed: number,
- osdm: OpenSheetMusicDisplay
-) => {
- const {
- startMeasureListIndex,
- endMeasureListIndex,
- endXmlNoteIndex,
- startWord,
- } = gradualChange
- const measures: SourceMeasure[] = []
- for (
- let index = startMeasureListIndex;
- index <= endMeasureListIndex;
- index++
- ) {
- const measure = osdm.Sheet.SourceMeasures[index]
- measures.push(measure)
- }
- const allNoteDurations: number[] = []
- for (const measure of measures) {
- if (allNoteDurations.length >= endXmlNoteIndex) {
- break
- }
- // @ts-ignore
- measure.VerticalMeasureList[0]?.vfVoices['1']?.tickables?.forEach((item) =>
- allNoteDurations.push(
- noteDuration[item.duration as keyof typeof noteDuration]
- )
- )
- }
- const minDuration = Math.min(...allNoteDurations)
- const parts = allNoteDurations.map((item) => item / minDuration)
- const allParts = parts.reduce((total, val) => val + total, 0)
- // const startMeasure = osdm.Sheet.SourceMeasures[startMeasureListIndex]
- // const endMeasure = osdm.Sheet.SourceMeasures[endMeasureListIndex]
- let surplusSpeed = speed / speedInfo[startWord?.toLocaleLowerCase()] || 1
- const diffSpeed = speed - surplusSpeed
- let useSpeed = 0
- const speeds: number[] = parts.map((item) => {
- const s = ((diffSpeed - useSpeed) * item) / allParts
- return s
- })
- // 120 111.9 104.4 96.9
- // 8.1 7.5 7.2 6.9
- // 0.6 0.3 0.3
- const lingerSpeed: number[] = []
- for (let index = 0; index < speeds.length; index++) {
- const s = speeds[index]
- let beforeSpeed = 0
- let afterSpeed = 0
- for (let j = 0; j < index; j++) {
- beforeSpeed += speeds[j]
- }
- afterSpeed += beforeSpeed
- afterSpeed += s
+export const getGradualLength = (gradualChange: GradualChange, speed: number, osdm: OpenSheetMusicDisplay) => {
+ const { startMeasureListIndex, endMeasureListIndex, endXmlNoteIndex, startWord } = gradualChange;
+ const measures: SourceMeasure[] = [];
+ for (let index = startMeasureListIndex; index <= endMeasureListIndex; index++) {
+ const measure = osdm.Sheet.SourceMeasures[index];
+ measures.push(measure);
+ }
+ const allNoteDurations: number[] = [];
+ for (const measure of measures) {
+ if (allNoteDurations.length >= endXmlNoteIndex) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // @ts-ignore
+ measure.VerticalMeasureList[0]?.vfVoices["1"]?.tickables?.forEach((item) =>
+ allNoteDurations.push(noteDuration[item.duration as keyof typeof noteDuration])
+ );
+ }
+ const minDuration = Math.min(...allNoteDurations);
+ const parts = allNoteDurations.map((item) => item / minDuration);
+ const allParts = parts.reduce((total, val) => val + total, 0);
+ // const startMeasure = osdm.Sheet.SourceMeasures[startMeasureListIndex]
+ // const endMeasure = osdm.Sheet.SourceMeasures[endMeasureListIndex]
+ let surplusSpeed = speed / speedInfo[startWord?.toLocaleLowerCase()] || 1;
+ const diffSpeed = speed - surplusSpeed;
+ let useSpeed = 0;
+ const speeds: number[] = parts.map((item) => {
+ const s = ((diffSpeed - useSpeed) * item) / allParts;
+ return s;
+ });
+ // 120 111.9 104.4 96.9
+ // 8.1 7.5 7.2 6.9
+ // 0.6 0.3 0.3
+ const lingerSpeed: number[] = [];
+ for (let index = 0; index < speeds.length; index++) {
+ const s = speeds[index];
+ let beforeSpeed = 0;
+ let afterSpeed = 0;
+ for (let j = 0; j < index; j++) {
+ beforeSpeed += speeds[j];
+ }
+ afterSpeed += beforeSpeed;
+ afterSpeed += s;
- lingerSpeed.push((afterSpeed + beforeSpeed) / 2)
- }
- // console.log(lingerSpeed, speeds[0], speeds, parts, allParts)
- return lingerSpeed
+ lingerSpeed.push((afterSpeed + beforeSpeed) / 2);
+ }
+ // console.log(lingerSpeed, speeds[0], speeds, parts, allParts)
+ return lingerSpeed;