@@ -0,0 +1,1292 @@
+function AbcPlay(i_conf) {
+ var conf = i_conf, init = {}, audio = ToAudio(), audio5, midi5, current, abcplay = {
+ clear: audio.clear, add: audio.add, set_sfu: function (v) {
+ if (v == undefined)
+ return conf.sfu
+ conf.sfu = v
+ }, set_speed: function (v) {
+ if (v == undefined)
+ return conf.speed
+ conf.new_speed = v
+ }, set_vol: function (v) {
+ if (v == undefined)
+ return conf.gain; conf.gain = v
+ if (current && current.set_vol)
+ current.set_vol(v)
+ }, play: play, stop: vf
+ }
+ function vf() { }
+ function play(istart, i_iend, a_e) {
+ init.istart = istart; init.i_iend = i_iend; init.a_e = a_e
+ if (midi5)
+ midi5.get_outputs(play2)
+ else
+ play2()
+ }
+ function play2(out) {
+ var o
+ if (!out)
+ out = []
+ o = audio5.get_outputs()
+ if (o)
+ Array.prototype.push.apply(out, o)
+ if (out.length == 0) {
+ if (conf.onend)
+ conf.onend()
+ return
+ }
+ if (out.length == 1) { o = 0 } else {
+ o = -1
+ var pr = "Use"
+ for (var i = 0; i < out.length; i++)
+ pr += "\n " + i + ": " + out[i]
+ var res = window.prompt(pr, '0')
+ if (res) {
+ o = Number(res)
+ if (isNaN(o) || o < 0 || o >= out.length)
+ o = -1
+ }
+ if (!res || o < 0) {
+ if (conf.onend)
+ conf.onend()
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ current = out[o] == 'sf2' ? audio5 : midi5; abcplay.play = current.play; abcplay.stop = current.stop
+ if (current.set_output)
+ current.set_output(out[o]); abcplay.play(init.istart, init.i_iend, init.a_e)
+ }
+ conf.gain = 0.7; conf.speed = 1; (function () {
+ var v
+ try {
+ if (!localStorage)
+ return
+ } catch (e) { return }
+ if (!conf.sfu) {
+ v = localStorage.getItem("sfu")
+ if (v)
+ conf.sfu = v
+ }
+ v = localStorage.getItem("volume")
+ if (v)
+ conf.gain = Number(v)
+ })()
+ if (typeof Midi5 == "function")
+ midi5 = Midi5(conf)
+ if (typeof Audio5 == "function")
+ audio5 = Audio5(conf); return abcplay
+if (typeof module == 'object' && typeof exports == 'object')
+ exports.AbcPlay = AbcPlay
+if (!abc2svg)
+ var abc2svg = {}
+function ToAudio() {
+ return {
+ add: function (first, voice_tb, cfmt) {
+ var toaud = this, C = abc2svg.C, p_time = 0, abc_time = 0, play_fac = C.BLEN / 4 * 120 / 60, i, n, dt, d, v, s = first, rst = s, rst_fac, rsk = [], b_tim, b_typ
+ function get_beat() {
+ var s = first.p_v.meter
+ if (!s.a_meter[0])
+ return C.BLEN / 4
+ if (!s.a_meter[0].bot)
+ return (s.a_meter[1] && s.a_meter[1].top == '|') ? C.BLEN / 2 : C.BLEN / 4
+ if (s.a_meter[0].bot == "8" && s.a_meter[0].top % 3 == 0)
+ return C.BLEN / 8 * 3
+ return C.BLEN / s.a_meter[0].bot | 0
+ }
+ function def_beats() {
+ var i, s2, s3, tim, last_d, beat = get_beat(), d = first.p_v.meter.wmeasure, nb = d / beat | 0, v = voice_tb.length, p_v = { id: "_beats", v: v, sym: { type: C.BLOCK, v: v, subtype: "midiprog", chn: 9, instr: 16384, ts_prev: first } }, s = { type: C.NOTE, v: v, p_v: p_v, dur: beat, nhd: 0, notes: [{ midi: 37 }] }
+ for (s2 = first; s2; s2 = s2.ts_next) {
+ if (s2.bar_type && s2.time) {
+ nb = (2 * d - s2.time) / beat | 0
+ last_d = beat - s2.time
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ s2 = p_v.sym
+ for (s3 = first; s3 && !s3.time; s3 = s3.ts_next) {
+ if (s3.type == C.TEMPO) {
+ s3 = Object.create(s3)
+ s3.v = v
+ s3.p_v = p_v
+ s3.prev = s3.ts_prev = s2
+ s2.next = s2.ts_next = s3
+ s2 = s3
+ play_fac = set_tempo(s2)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ voice_tb[v] = p_v
+ p_v.sym.p_v = p_v
+ tim = abc_time = -d
+ first.time = s2.time = tim
+ if (s3)
+ p_v.sym.time = tim
+ for (i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
+ s3 = Object.create(s)
+ s3.time = tim
+ s3.prev = s2
+ s2.next = s3
+ s3.ts_prev = s2
+ s2.ts_next = s3
+ s2 = s3
+ if (last_d && i == nb - 1) { s3.dur = s3.dur_orig = s3.notes[0].dur = last_d }
+ tim += beat
+ }
+ s2.ts_next = first.ts_next
+ s2.ts_next.ts_prev = s2
+ first.ts_next = p_v.sym
+ }
+ function build_parts(first) {
+ var i, j, c, n, v, s = first, p = s.parts, st = [], r = ""
+ for (i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
+ c = p[i]
+ switch (c) {
+ case '.': continue
+ case '(': st.push(r.length)
+ continue
+ case ')': j = st.pop()
+ if (j == undefined)
+ j = r.length
+ continue
+ }
+ if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
+ j = r.length
+ r += c
+ continue
+ }
+ n = Number(c)
+ if (isNaN(n))
+ break
+ v = r.slice(j)
+ if (r.length + v.length * n > 128)
+ continue
+ while (--n > 0)
+ r += v
+ }
+ s.parts = r
+ s.p_s = []
+ while (1) {
+ if (!s.ts_next) {
+ s.part1 = first
+ break
+ }
+ s = s.ts_next
+ if (s.part) {
+ s.part1 = first
+ v = s.part.text[0]
+ for (i = 0; i < first.parts.length; i++) {
+ if (first.parts[i] == v)
+ first.p_s[i] = s
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function gen_grace(s) {
+ var g, i, n, t, d, s2, next = s.next
+ if (s.sappo) { d = C.BLEN / 16 } else if ((!next || next.type != C.NOTE) && s.prev && s.prev.type == C.NOTE) { d = s.prev.dur / 2 } else {
+ d = next.dur / 12
+ if (!(d & (d - 1)))
+ d = next.dur / 2
+ else
+ d = next.dur / 3
+ if (s.p_v.key.k_bagpipe)
+ d /= 2
+ next.time += d
+ next.dur -= d
+ }
+ n = 0
+ for (g = s.extra; g; g = g.next)
+ n++
+ d /= n * play_fac
+ t = p_time
+ for (g = s.extra; g; g = g.next) {
+ g.ptim = t
+ g.pdur = d
+ t += d
+ }
+ }
+ function set_tempo(s) {
+ var i, d = 0, n = s.tempo_notes.length
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ d += s.tempo_notes[i]
+ return d * s.tempo / 60
+ }
+ function set_variant(s) {
+ var d, n = s.text.match(/[1-8]-[2-9]|[1-9,.]|[^\s]+$/g)
+ while (1) {
+ d = n.shift()
+ if (!d)
+ break
+ if (d[1] == '-')
+ for (i = d[0]; i <= d[2]; i++)
+ rsk[i] = s
+ else if (d >= '1' && d <= '9')
+ rsk[Number(d)] = s
+ else if (d != ',')
+ rsk.push(s)
+ }
+ }
+ if (cfmt.chord)
+ abc2svg.chord(first, voice_tb, cfmt)
+ if (cfmt.playbeats)
+ def_beats()
+ if (s.parts)
+ build_parts(s)
+ rst_fac = play_fac
+ while (s) {
+ if (s.noplay) {
+ s = s.ts_next
+ continue
+ }
+ dt = s.time - abc_time
+ if (dt != 0) {
+ p_time += dt / play_fac
+ abc_time = s.time
+ }
+ s.ptim = p_time
+ if (s.part) {
+ rst = s
+ rst_fac = play_fac
+ }
+ switch (s.type) {
+ case C.BAR: if (s.time != b_tim) {
+ b_tim = s.time
+ b_typ = 0
+ }
+ if (s.text && rsk.length > 1 && s.text[0] != '1') {
+ if (b_typ & 1)
+ break
+ b_typ |= 1
+ set_variant(s)
+ play_fac = rst_fac
+ rst = rsk[0]
+ }
+ if (s.bar_type[0] == ':') {
+ if (b_typ & 2)
+ break
+ b_typ |= 2
+ s.rep_p = rst
+ if (rst == rsk[0])
+ s.rep_v = rsk
+ }
+ if (s.text) {
+ if (s.text[0] == '1') {
+ if (b_typ & 1)
+ break
+ b_typ |= 1
+ s.rep_s = rsk = [rst]
+ if (rst.bar_type && rst.bar_type.slice(-1) != ':')
+ rst.bar_type += ':'
+ set_variant(s)
+ rst_fac = play_fac
+ }
+ } else if (s.bar_type.slice(-1) == ':') {
+ if (b_typ & 4)
+ break
+ b_typ |= 4
+ rst = s
+ rst_fac = play_fac
+ } else if (s.rbstop == 2) {
+ if (b_typ & 8)
+ break
+ b_typ |= 8
+ rst = s
+ rst_fac = play_fac
+ }
+ break
+ case C.GRACE: if (s.time == 0 && abc_time == 0) {
+ dt = 0
+ if (s.sappo)
+ dt = C.BLEN / 16
+ else if (!s.next || s.next.type != C.NOTE)
+ dt = d / 2
+ abc_time -= dt
+ }
+ gen_grace(s)
+ break
+ case C.REST: case C.NOTE: d = s.dur
+ if (s.next && s.next.type == C.GRACE) {
+ dt = 0
+ if (s.next.sappo)
+ dt = C.BLEN / 16
+ else if (!s.next.next || s.next.next.type != C.NOTE)
+ dt = d / 2
+ s.next.time -= dt
+ d -= dt
+ }
+ d /= play_fac
+ s.pdur = d
+ v = s.v
+ break
+ case C.TEMPO: if (s.tempo)
+ play_fac = set_tempo(s)
+ break
+ }
+ s = s.ts_next
+ }
+ }
+ }
+abc2svg.play_next = function (po) {
+ function do_tie(not_s, d) {
+ var i, s = not_s.s, C = abc2svg.C, v = s.v, end_time = s.time + s.dur, repv = po.repv
+ while (1) {
+ s = s.ts_next
+ if (!s || s.time > end_time)
+ break
+ if (s.type == C.BAR) {
+ if (s.rep_p) {
+ if (!po.repn) {
+ s = s.rep_p
+ end_time = s.time
+ }
+ }
+ if (s.rep_s) {
+ if (!s.rep_s[repv])
+ break
+ s = s.rep_s[repv++]
+ end_time = s.time
+ }
+ while (s.ts_next && !s.ts_next.dur)
+ s = s.ts_next
+ continue
+ }
+ if (s.time < end_time || !s.ti2)
+ continue
+ i = s.notes.length
+ while (--i >= 0) {
+ note = s.notes[i]
+ if (note.tie_s == not_s) {
+ d += s.pdur / po.conf.speed
+ return note.tie_e ? do_tie(note, d) : d
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return d
+ }
+ function set_ctrl(po, s2, t) {
+ var i, p_v = s2.p_v, s = { subtype: "midictl", p_v: p_v, v: s2.v }
+ for (i in p_v.midictl) {
+ s.ctrl = Number(i)
+ s.val = p_v.midictl[i]
+ po.midi_ctrl(po, s, t)
+ }
+ for (s = p_v.sym; s != s2; s = s.next) {
+ if (s.subtype == "midictl")
+ po.midi_ctrl(po, s, t)
+ else if (s.subtype == 'midiprog')
+ po.midi_prog(po, s)
+ }
+ i = po.v_c[s2.v]
+ if (i == undefined)
+ po.v_c[s2.v] = i = s2.v < 9 ? s2.v : s2.v + 1
+ if (po.c_i[i] == undefined)
+ po.c_i[i] = 0
+ po.p_v[s2.v] = true
+ }
+ function play_cont(po) {
+ var d, i, st, m, note, g, s2, t, maxt, now, C = abc2svg.C, s = po.s_cur
+ function var_end(s) {
+ var i, s2, s3, a = s.rep_v || s.rep_s
+ ti = 0
+ for (i = 1; i < a.length; i++) {
+ s2 = a[i]
+ if (s2.time > ti) {
+ ti = s2.time
+ s3 = s2
+ }
+ }
+ for (s = s3; s != po.s_end; s = s.ts_next) {
+ if (s.time == ti)
+ continue
+ if (s.rbstop == 2)
+ break
+ }
+ po.repv = 1
+ return s
+ }
+ if (po.stop) {
+ if (po.onend)
+ po.onend(po.repv)
+ return
+ }
+ while (s.noplay) {
+ s = s.ts_next
+ if (!s || s == po.s_end) {
+ if (po.onend)
+ po.onend(po.repv)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ t = po.stim + s.ptim / po.conf.speed
+ now = po.get_time(po)
+ if (po.conf.new_speed) {
+ po.stim = now - (now - po.stim) * po.conf.speed / po.conf.new_speed
+ po.conf.speed = po.conf.new_speed
+ po.conf.new_speed = 0
+ t = po.stim + s.ptim / po.conf.speed
+ }
+ maxt = t + po.tgen
+ po.timouts = []
+ while (1) {
+ if (!po.p_v[s.v])
+ set_ctrl(po, s, t)
+ switch (s.type) {
+ case C.BAR: s2 = null
+ if (s.rep_p) {
+ po.repv++
+ if (!po.repn && (!s.rep_v || po.repv <= s.rep_v.length)) {
+ s2 = s.rep_p
+ po.repn = true
+ } else {
+ if (s.rep_v)
+ s2 = var_end(s)
+ po.repn = false
+ }
+ }
+ if (s.rep_s) {
+ s2 = s.rep_s[po.repv]
+ if (s2) {
+ po.repn = false
+ if (s2 == s)
+ s2 = null
+ } else {
+ s2 = var_end(s)
+ if (s2 == po.s_end)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if (s.bar_type.slice(-1) == ':' && s.bar_type[0] != ':')
+ po.repv = 1
+ if (s2) {
+ po.stim += (s.ptim - s2.ptim) / po.conf.speed
+ s = s2
+ while (s && !s.dur)
+ s = s.ts_next
+ if (!s)
+ break
+ t = po.stim + s.ptim / po.conf.speed
+ break
+ }
+ if (!s.part1) {
+ while (s.ts_next && !s.ts_next.seqst) {
+ s = s.ts_next
+ if (s.part1)
+ break
+ }
+ if (!s.part1)
+ break
+ }
+ default: if (s.part1 && po.i_p != undefined) {
+ s2 = s.part1.p_s[++po.i_p]
+ if (s2) {
+ po.stim += (s.ptim - s2.ptim) / po.conf.speed
+ s = s2
+ t = po.stim + s.ptim / po.conf.speed
+ } else { s = po.s_end }
+ po.repv = 1
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ if (s && s != po.s_end) {
+ switch (s.type) {
+ case C.BAR: break
+ case C.BLOCK: if (s.subtype == "midictl")
+ po.midi_ctrl(po, s, t)
+ else if (s.subtype == 'midiprog')
+ po.midi_prog(po, s)
+ break
+ case C.GRACE: for (g = s.extra; g; g = g.next) {
+ d = g.pdur / po.conf.speed
+ for (m = 0; m <= g.nhd; m++) {
+ note = g.notes[m]
+ if (!note.noplay)
+ po.note_run(po, g, note.midi, t + g.ptim - s.ptim, d)
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ case C.NOTE: case C.REST: d = s.pdur / po.conf.speed
+ if (s.type == C.NOTE) {
+ for (m = 0; m <= s.nhd; m++) {
+ note = s.notes[m]
+ if (note.tie_s || note.noplay)
+ continue
+ po.note_run(po, s, note.midi, t, note.tie_e ? do_tie(note, d) : d)
+ }
+ }
+ if (po.onnote && s.istart) {
+ i = s.istart
+ st = (t - now) * 1000
+ po.timouts.push(setTimeout(po.onnote, st, i, true))
+ if (d > 2)
+ d -= .1
+ setTimeout(po.onnote, st + d * 1000, i, false)
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ while (1) {
+ if (!s || s == po.s_end || !s.ts_next) {
+ if (po.onend)
+ setTimeout(po.onend, (t - now + d) * 1000, po.repv)
+ po.s_cur = s
+ return
+ }
+ s = s.ts_next
+ if (!s.noplay)
+ break
+ }
+ t = po.stim + s.ptim / po.conf.speed
+ if (t > maxt)
+ break
+ }
+ po.s_cur = s
+ po.timouts.push(setTimeout(play_cont, (t - now) * 1000
+ - 300, po))
+ }
+ function get_part(po) {
+ var s, i, s_p
+ for (s = po.s_cur; s; s = s.ts_prev) {
+ if (s.parts) {
+ po.i_p = -1
+ return
+ }
+ s_p = s.part1
+ if (!s_p || !s_p.p_s)
+ continue
+ for (i = 0; i < s_p.p_s.length; i++) {
+ if (s_p.p_s[i] == s) {
+ po.i_p = i
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ get_part(po)
+ po.stim = po.get_time(po) + .3
+ - po.s_cur.ptim * po.conf.speed
+ po.p_v = []
+ if (!po.repv)
+ po.repv = 1
+ play_cont(po)
+if (typeof module == 'object' && typeof exports == 'object')
+ exports.ToAudio = ToAudio
+var abcsf2 = []
+function Audio5(i_conf) {
+ var po, conf = i_conf, empty = function () { }, errmsg, ac, gain, model, parser, presets, instr = [], params = [], rates = [], w_instr = 0
+ var b64d = []
+ function init_b64d() {
+ var b64l = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/', l = b64l.length
+ for (var i = 0; i < l; i++)
+ b64d[b64l[i]] = i
+ b64d['='] = 0
+ }
+ function b64dcod(s) {
+ var i, t, dl, a, l = s.length, j = 0
+ dl = l * 3 / 4
+ if (s[l - 1] == '=') {
+ if (s[l - 2] == '=')
+ dl--
+ dl--
+ l -= 4
+ }
+ a = new Uint8Array(dl)
+ for (i = 0; i < l; i += 4) {
+ t = (b64d[s[i]] << 18) +
+ (b64d[s[i + 1]] << 12) +
+ (b64d[s[i + 2]] << 6) +
+ b64d[s[i + 3]]
+ a[j++] = (t >> 16) & 0xff
+ a[j++] = (t >> 8) & 0xff
+ a[j++] = t & 0xff
+ }
+ if (l != s.length) {
+ t = (b64d[s[i]] << 18) +
+ (b64d[s[i + 1]] << 12) +
+ (b64d[s[i + 2]] << 6) +
+ b64d[s[i + 3]]
+ a[j++] = (t >> 16) & 0xff
+ if (j < dl)
+ a[j++] = (t >> 8) & 0xff
+ }
+ return a
+ }
+ function sample_cp(b, s) {
+ var i, n, a = b.getChannelData(0)
+ for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
+ a[i] = s[i] / 196608
+ }
+ function sf2_create(instr, sf2par, sf2pre) {
+ function get_instr(i) {
+ var instrument = sf2par.instrument, zone = sf2par.instrumentZone, j = instrument[i].instrumentBagIndex, jl = instrument[i + 1] ? instrument[i + 1].instrumentBagIndex : zone.length, info = []
+ while (j < jl) {
+ instrumentGenerator = sf2par.createInstrumentGenerator_(zone, j)
+ info.push({ generator: instrumentGenerator.generator, })
+ j++
+ }
+ return { info: info }
+ }
+ var i, j, k, sid, gen, parm, gparm, sample, infos, sampleRate, scale, b = instr >> 7, p = instr % 128, pr = sf2pre
+ rates[instr] = []
+ for (i = 0; i < pr.length; i++) {
+ gen = pr[i].header
+ if (gen.preset == p && gen.bank == b)
+ break
+ }
+ pr = pr[i]
+ if (!pr) {
+ errmsg('unknown instrument ' + b + ':' + p)
+ return
+ }
+ pr = pr.info
+ for (k = 0; k < pr.length; k++) {
+ if (!pr[k].generator.instrument)
+ continue
+ gparm = null
+ infos = get_instr(pr[k].generator.instrument.amount).info
+ for (i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) {
+ gen = infos[i].generator
+ if (!gparm) { parm = gparm = { attack: .001, hold: .001, decay: .001, sustain: 0 } } else {
+ parm = Object.create(gparm)
+ if (!gen.sampleID)
+ gparm = parm
+ }
+ if (gen.attackVolEnv)
+ parm.attack = Math.pow(2, gen.attackVolEnv.amount / 1200)
+ if (gen.holdVolEnv)
+ parm.hold = Math.pow(2, gen.holdVolEnv.amount / 1200)
+ if (gen.decayVolEnv)
+ parm.decay = Math.pow(2, gen.decayVolEnv.amount / 1200) / 3
+ if (gen.sustainVolEnv)
+ parm.sustain = gen.sustainVolEnv.amount / 1000
+ if (gen.sampleModes && gen.sampleModes.amount & 1)
+ parm.sm = 1
+ if (!gen.sampleID)
+ continue
+ sid = gen.sampleID.amount
+ sampleRate = sf2par.sampleHeader[sid].sampleRate
+ sample = sf2par.sample[sid]
+ parm.buffer = ac.createBuffer(1, sample.length, sampleRate)
+ parm.hold += parm.attack
+ parm.decay += parm.hold
+ if (parm.sustain >= .4)
+ parm.sustain = 0.01
+ else
+ parm.sustain = 1 - parm.sustain / .4
+ sample_cp(parm.buffer, sample)
+ if (parm.sm) {
+ parm.loopStart = sf2par.sampleHeader[sid].startLoop / sampleRate
+ parm.loopEnd = sf2par.sampleHeader[sid].endLoop / sampleRate
+ }
+ scale = (gen.scaleTuning ? gen.scaleTuning.amount : 100) / 100, tune = (gen.coarseTune ? gen.coarseTune.amount : 0) +
+ (gen.fineTune ? gen.fineTune.amount : 0) / 100 +
+ sf2par.sampleHeader[sid].pitchCorrection / 100 -
+ (gen.overridingRootKey ? gen.overridingRootKey.amount : sf2par.sampleHeader[sid].originalPitch)
+ for (j = gen.keyRange.lo; j <= gen.keyRange.hi; j++) {
+ rates[instr][j] = Math.pow(Math.pow(2, 1 / 12), (j + tune) * scale)
+ params[instr][j] = parm
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function load_instr(instr) {
+ w_instr++
+ abc2svg.loadjs(conf.sfu + '/' + instr + '.js', function () {
+ var sf2par = new sf2.Parser(b64dcod(abcsf2[instr]))
+ sf2par.parse()
+ var sf2pre = sf2par.getPresets()
+ sf2_create(instr, sf2par, sf2pre)
+ if (--w_instr == 0)
+ play_start()
+ }, function () {
+ errmsg('could not find the instrument ' +
+ ((instr / 128) | 0).toString() + '-' +
+ (instr % 128).toString())
+ if (--w_instr == 0)
+ play_start()
+ })
+ }
+ function def_instr(s, f, sf2par, sf2pre) {
+ var i, bk = [], nv = -1, vb = 0
+ s = s.p_v.sym
+ while (s.ts_prev)
+ s = s.ts_prev
+ for (; s; s = s.ts_next) {
+ if (s.v > nv) {
+ nv = s.v
+ bk[nv] = 0
+ if (s.p_v.midictl) {
+ if (s.p_v.midictl[0])
+ bk[s.v] = (bk[s.v] & ~0x1fc000)
+ + (s.p_v.midictl[0] << 14)
+ if (s.p_v.midictl[32])
+ bk[s.v] = (bk[s.v] & ~0x3f80)
+ + (s.p_v.midictl[32] << 7)
+ }
+ }
+ switch (s.subtype) {
+ case "midiprog": break
+ case "midictl": if (s.ctrl != 0 && s.ctrl != 32)
+ continue
+ if (bk[s.v] == undefined)
+ bk[s.v] = 0
+ if (s.ctrl == 0)
+ bk[s.v] = (bk[s.v] & ~0x1fc000)
+ + (s.val << 14)
+ else
+ bk[s.v] = (bk[s.v] & ~0x3f80)
+ + (s.val << 7)
+ default: continue
+ }
+ vb |= 1 << s.v
+ i = s.instr
+ if (i == undefined) {
+ if (s.chn != 9)
+ continue
+ i = bk[s.v] ? 0 : 128 * 128
+ }
+ if (bk[s.v])
+ i += bk[s.v]
+ if (!params[i]) {
+ params[i] = []
+ f(i, sf2par, sf2pre)
+ }
+ }
+ nv = (2 << nv) - 1
+ if (nv != vb && !params[0]) {
+ params[0] = []
+ f(0, sf2par, sf2pre)
+ }
+ }
+ function load_res(s) {
+ if (abc2svg.sf2 || conf.sfu.slice(-4) == ".sf2" || conf.sfu.slice(-3) == ".js") {
+ if (abc2svg.sf2) {
+ if (!parser) {
+ parser = new sf2.Parser(b64dcod(abc2svg.sf2))
+ parser.parse()
+ presets = parser.getPresets()
+ }
+ } else if (!parser) {
+ w_instr++
+ if (conf.sfu.slice(-3) == ".js") {
+ abc2svg.loadjs(conf.sfu, function () {
+ load_res(s)
+ if (--w_instr == 0)
+ play_start()
+ }, function () {
+ errmsg('could not load the sound file '
+ + conf.sfu)
+ if (--w_instr == 0)
+ play_start()
+ })
+ return
+ }
+ var r = new XMLHttpRequest()
+ r.open('GET', conf.sfu, true)
+ r.responseType = "arraybuffer"
+ r.onload = function () {
+ if (r.status === 200) {
+ parser = new sf2.Parser(new Uint8Array(r.response))
+ parser.parse()
+ presets = parser.getPresets()
+ load_res(s)
+ if (--w_instr == 0)
+ play_start()
+ } else {
+ errmsg('could not load the sound file '
+ + conf.sfu)
+ if (--w_instr == 0)
+ play_start()
+ }
+ }
+ r.onerror = function () {
+ errmsg('could not load the sound file '
+ + conf.sfu)
+ if (--w_instr == 0)
+ play_start()
+ }
+ r.send()
+ return
+ }
+ def_instr(s, sf2_create, parser, presets)
+ } else { def_instr(s, load_instr) }
+ }
+ function get_time(po) { return po.ac.currentTime }
+ function midi_ctrl(po, s, t) {
+ switch (s.ctrl) {
+ case 0: if (po.v_b[s.v] == undefined)
+ po.v_b[s.v] = 0
+ po.v_b[s.v] = (po.v_b[s.v] & ~0x1fc000)
+ + (s.val << 14)
+ break
+ case 7: s.p_v.vol = s.val / 127
+ break
+ case 32: if (po.v_b[s.v] == undefined)
+ po.v_b[s.v] = 0
+ po.v_b[s.v] = (po.v_b[s.v] & ~0x3f80)
+ + (s.val << 7)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ function midi_prog(po, s) {
+ var i = s.instr
+ po.v_c[s.v] = s.chn
+ if (i == undefined) {
+ if (s.chn != 9)
+ return
+ i = po.v_b[s.v] ? 0 : 128 * 128
+ }
+ if (po.v_b[s.v])
+ i += po.v_b[s.v]
+ po.c_i[s.chn] = i
+ }
+ function note_run(po, s, key, t, d) {
+ var g, st, c = po.v_c[s.v], instr = po.c_i[c], k = key | 0, parm = params[instr][k], o = po.ac.createBufferSource(), v = s.p_v.vol == undefined ? 1 : s.p_v.vol
+ if (!v || !parm)
+ return
+ o.buffer = parm.buffer
+ if (parm.loopStart) {
+ o.loop = true
+ o.loopStart = parm.loopStart
+ o.loopEnd = parm.loopEnd
+ }
+ if (o.detune) {
+ var dt = (key * 100) % 100
+ if (dt)
+ o.detune.value = dt
+ }
+ o.playbackRate.value = po.rates[instr][k]
+ g = po.ac.createGain()
+ if (parm.hold < 0.002) { g.gain.setValueAtTime(v, t) } else {
+ if (parm.attack < 0.002) { g.gain.setValueAtTime(v, t) } else {
+ g.gain.setValueAtTime(0, t)
+ g.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(v, t + parm.attack)
+ }
+ g.gain.setValueAtTime(v, t + parm.hold)
+ }
+ g.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(parm.sustain * v, t + parm.decay)
+ o.connect(g)
+ g.connect(po.gain)
+ o.start(t)
+ o.stop(t + d)
+ }
+ function play_start() {
+ if (po.stop) {
+ po.onend(repv)
+ return
+ }
+ gain.connect(ac.destination)
+ abc2svg.play_next(po)
+ }
+ init_b64d()
+ if (!conf.sfu)
+ conf.sfu = "Scc1t2"
+ if (navigator.userAgentData && navigator.userAgentData.getHighEntropyValues)
+ navigator.userAgentData.getHighEntropyValues(['model']).then(function (ua) { model = ua.model })
+ else
+ model = navigator.userAgent
+ return {
+ get_outputs: function () { return (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext) ? ['sf2'] : null }, play: function (i_start, i_end, i_lvl) {
+ errmsg = conf.errmsg || alert
+ function play_unlock() {
+ var buf = ac.createBuffer(1, 1, 22050), src = ac.createBufferSource()
+ src.buffer = buf
+ src.connect(ac.destination)
+ src.start(0)
+ }
+ if (!gain) {
+ ac = conf.ac
+ if (!ac) {
+ conf.ac = ac = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)
+ if (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(model))
+ play_unlock()
+ }
+ gain = ac.createGain()
+ gain.gain.value = conf.gain
+ }
+ while (i_start.noplay)
+ i_start = i_start.ts_next
+ po = { conf: conf, onend: conf.onend || empty, onnote: conf.onnote || empty, s_end: i_end, s_cur: i_start, repv: i_lvl || 0, tgen: 2, get_time: get_time, midi_ctrl: midi_ctrl, midi_prog: midi_prog, note_run: note_run, timouts: [], v_c: [], c_i: [], v_b: [], ac: ac, gain: gain, rates: rates }
+ w_instr++
+ load_res(i_start)
+ if (--w_instr == 0)
+ play_start()
+ }, stop: function () {
+ po.stop = true
+ po.timouts.forEach(function (id) { clearTimeout(id) })
+ abc2svg.play_next(po)
+ if (gain) {
+ gain.disconnect()
+ gain = null
+ }
+ }, set_vol: function (v) {
+ if (gain)
+ gain.gain.value = v
+ }
+ }
+(function (root, factory) { if (typeof exports === "object") { root.sf2 = exports; factory(exports) } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(["exports"], function (exports) { root.sf2 = exports; return (root.sf2, factory(exports)) }) } else { root.sf2 = {}; factory(root.sf2) } }(this, function (sf2) {
+ "use strict"; sf2.Parser = function (input, options) { options = options || {}; this.input = input; this.parserOptions = options.parserOptions }; sf2.Parser.prototype.parse = function () {
+ var parser = new sf2.Riff.Parser(this.input, this.parserOptions), chunk; parser.parse(); if (parser.chunkList.length !== 1)
+ throw new Error('wrong chunk length'); chunk = parser.getChunk(0); if (chunk === null)
+ throw new Error('chunk not found'); this.parseRiffChunk(chunk); this.input = null
+ }; sf2.Parser.prototype.parseRiffChunk = function (chunk) {
+ var parser, data = this.input, ip = chunk.offset, signature; if (chunk.type !== 'RIFF')
+ throw new Error('invalid chunk type:' + chunk.type); signature = String.fromCharCode(data[ip++], data[ip++], data[ip++], data[ip++]); if (signature !== 'sfbk')
+ throw new Error('invalid signature:' + signature); parser = new sf2.Riff.Parser(data, { 'index': ip, 'length': chunk.size - 4 }); parser.parse(); if (parser.getNumberOfChunks() !== 3)
+ throw new Error('invalid sfbk structure'); this.parseInfoList(parser.getChunk(0)); this.parseSdtaList(parser.getChunk(1)); this.parsePdtaList(parser.getChunk(2))
+ }; sf2.Parser.prototype.parseInfoList = function (chunk) {
+ var parser, data = this.input, ip = chunk.offset, signature; if (chunk.type !== 'LIST')
+ throw new Error('invalid chunk type:' + chunk.type); signature = String.fromCharCode(data[ip++], data[ip++], data[ip++], data[ip++]); if (signature !== 'INFO')
+ throw new Error('invalid signature:' + signature); parser = new sf2.Riff.Parser(data, { 'index': ip, 'length': chunk.size - 4 }); parser.parse()
+ }; sf2.Parser.prototype.parseSdtaList = function (chunk) {
+ var parser, data = this.input, ip = chunk.offset, signature; if (chunk.type !== 'LIST')
+ throw new Error('invalid chunk type:' + chunk.type); signature = String.fromCharCode(data[ip++], data[ip++], data[ip++], data[ip++]); if (signature !== 'sdta')
+ throw new Error('invalid signature:' + signature); parser = new sf2.Riff.Parser(data, { 'index': ip, 'length': chunk.size - 4 }); parser.parse(); if (parser.chunkList.length !== 1)
+ throw new Error('TODO'); this.samplingData = parser.getChunk(0)
+ }; sf2.Parser.prototype.parsePdtaList = function (chunk) {
+ var parser, data = this.input, ip = chunk.offset, signature; if (chunk.type !== 'LIST')
+ throw new Error('invalid chunk type:' + chunk.type); signature = String.fromCharCode(data[ip++], data[ip++], data[ip++], data[ip++]); if (signature !== 'pdta')
+ throw new Error('invalid signature:' + signature); parser = new sf2.Riff.Parser(data, { 'index': ip, 'length': chunk.size - 4 }); parser.parse(); if (parser.getNumberOfChunks() !== 9)
+ throw new Error('invalid pdta chunk'); this.parsePhdr((parser.getChunk(0))); this.parsePbag((parser.getChunk(1))); this.parsePmod((parser.getChunk(2))); this.parsePgen((parser.getChunk(3))); this.parseInst((parser.getChunk(4))); this.parseIbag((parser.getChunk(5))); this.parseImod((parser.getChunk(6))); this.parseIgen((parser.getChunk(7))); this.parseShdr((parser.getChunk(8)))
+ }; sf2.Parser.prototype.parsePhdr = function (chunk) {
+ var data = this.input, ip = chunk.offset, presetHeader = this.presetHeader = [], size = chunk.offset + chunk.size; if (chunk.type !== 'phdr')
+ throw new Error('invalid chunk type:' + chunk.type); while (ip < size) { presetHeader.push({ presetName: String.fromCharCode.apply(null, data.subarray(ip, ip += 20)), preset: data[ip++] | (data[ip++] << 8), bank: data[ip++] | (data[ip++] << 8), presetBagIndex: data[ip++] | (data[ip++] << 8), library: (data[ip++] | (data[ip++] << 8) | (data[ip++] << 16) | (data[ip++] << 24)) >>> 0, genre: (data[ip++] | (data[ip++] << 8) | (data[ip++] << 16) | (data[ip++] << 24)) >>> 0, morphology: (data[ip++] | (data[ip++] << 8) | (data[ip++] << 16) | (data[ip++] << 24)) >>> 0 }) }
+ }; sf2.Parser.prototype.parsePbag = function (chunk) {
+ var data = this.input, ip = chunk.offset, presetZone = this.presetZone = [], size = chunk.offset + chunk.size; if (chunk.type !== 'pbag')
+ throw new Error('invalid chunk type:' + chunk.type); while (ip < size) { presetZone.push({ presetGeneratorIndex: data[ip++] | (data[ip++] << 8), presetModulatorIndex: data[ip++] | (data[ip++] << 8) }) }
+ }; sf2.Parser.prototype.parsePmod = function (chunk) {
+ if (chunk.type !== 'pmod')
+ throw new Error('invalid chunk type:' + chunk.type); this.presetZoneModulator = this.parseModulator(chunk)
+ }; sf2.Parser.prototype.parsePgen = function (chunk) {
+ if (chunk.type !== 'pgen')
+ throw new Error('invalid chunk type:' + chunk.type); this.presetZoneGenerator = this.parseGenerator(chunk)
+ }; sf2.Parser.prototype.parseInst = function (chunk) {
+ var data = this.input, ip = chunk.offset, instrument = this.instrument = [], size = chunk.offset + chunk.size; if (chunk.type !== 'inst')
+ throw new Error('invalid chunk type:' + chunk.type); while (ip < size) { instrument.push({ instrumentName: String.fromCharCode.apply(null, data.subarray(ip, ip += 20)), instrumentBagIndex: data[ip++] | (data[ip++] << 8) }) }
+ }; sf2.Parser.prototype.parseIbag = function (chunk) {
+ var data = this.input, ip = chunk.offset, instrumentZone = this.instrumentZone = [], size = chunk.offset + chunk.size; if (chunk.type !== 'ibag')
+ throw new Error('invalid chunk type:' + chunk.type); while (ip < size) { instrumentZone.push({ instrumentGeneratorIndex: data[ip++] | (data[ip++] << 8), instrumentModulatorIndex: data[ip++] | (data[ip++] << 8) }) }
+ }; sf2.Parser.prototype.parseImod = function (chunk) {
+ if (chunk.type !== 'imod')
+ throw new Error('invalid chunk type:' + chunk.type); this.instrumentZoneModulator = this.parseModulator(chunk)
+ }; sf2.Parser.prototype.parseIgen = function (chunk) {
+ if (chunk.type !== 'igen')
+ throw new Error('invalid chunk type:' + chunk.type); this.instrumentZoneGenerator = this.parseGenerator(chunk)
+ }; sf2.Parser.prototype.parseShdr = function (chunk) {
+ var data = this.input, ip = chunk.offset, samples = this.sample = [], sampleHeader = this.sampleHeader = [], size = chunk.offset + chunk.size, sampleName, start, end, startLoop, endLoop, sampleRate, originalPitch, pitchCorrection, sampleLink, sampleType; if (chunk.type !== 'shdr')
+ throw new Error('invalid chunk type:' + chunk.type); while (ip < size) {
+ sampleName = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, data.subarray(ip, ip += 20)); start = (data[ip++] << 0) | (data[ip++] << 8) | (data[ip++] << 16) | (data[ip++] << 24); end = (data[ip++] << 0) | (data[ip++] << 8) | (data[ip++] << 16) | (data[ip++] << 24); startLoop = (data[ip++] << 0) | (data[ip++] << 8) | (data[ip++] << 16) | (data[ip++] << 24); endLoop = (data[ip++] << 0) | (data[ip++] << 8) | (data[ip++] << 16) | (data[ip++] << 24); sampleRate = (data[ip++] << 0) | (data[ip++] << 8) | (data[ip++] << 16) | (data[ip++] << 24); originalPitch = data[ip++]; pitchCorrection = (data[ip++] << 24) >> 24; sampleLink = data[ip++] | (data[ip++] << 8); sampleType = data[ip++] | (data[ip++] << 8); var sample = new Int16Array(new Uint8Array(data.subarray(this.samplingData.offset + start * 2, this.samplingData.offset + end * 2)).buffer); startLoop -= start; endLoop -= start; if (sampleRate > 0) { var adjust = this.adjustSampleData(sample, sampleRate); sample = adjust.sample; sampleRate *= adjust.multiply; startLoop *= adjust.multiply; endLoop *= adjust.multiply }
+ samples.push(sample); sampleHeader.push({ sampleName: sampleName, startLoop: startLoop, endLoop: endLoop, sampleRate: sampleRate, originalPitch: originalPitch, pitchCorrection: pitchCorrection, sampleLink: sampleLink, sampleType: sampleType })
+ }
+ }; sf2.Parser.prototype.adjustSampleData = function (sample, sampleRate) {
+ var newSample, i, il, j, multiply = 1; while (sampleRate < 22050) {
+ newSample = new Int16Array(sample.length * 2); for (i = j = 0, il = sample.length; i < il; ++i) { newSample[j++] = sample[i]; newSample[j++] = sample[i] }
+ sample = newSample; multiply *= 2; sampleRate *= 2
+ }
+ return { sample: sample, multiply: multiply }
+ }; sf2.Parser.prototype.parseModulator = function (chunk) {
+ var data = this.input, ip = chunk.offset, size = chunk.offset + chunk.size, code, key, output = []; while (ip < size) {
+ ip += 2; code = data[ip++] | (data[ip++] << 8); key = sf2.Parser.GeneratorEnumeratorTable[code]; if (key === undefined) { output.push({ type: key, value: { code: code, amount: data[ip] | (data[ip + 1] << 8) << 16 >> 16, lo: data[ip++], hi: data[ip++] } }) } else { switch (key) { case 'keyRange': case 'velRange': case 'keynum': case 'velocity': output.push({ type: key, value: { lo: data[ip++], hi: data[ip++] } }); break; default: output.push({ type: key, value: { amount: data[ip++] | (data[ip++] << 8) << 16 >> 16 } }); break } }
+ ip += 2; ip += 2
+ }
+ return output
+ }; sf2.Parser.prototype.parseGenerator = function (chunk) {
+ var data = this.input, ip = chunk.offset, size = chunk.offset + chunk.size, code, key, output = []; while (ip < size) {
+ code = data[ip++] | (data[ip++] << 8); key = sf2.Parser.GeneratorEnumeratorTable[code]; if (key === undefined) { output.push({ type: key, value: { code: code, amount: data[ip] | (data[ip + 1] << 8) << 16 >> 16, lo: data[ip++], hi: data[ip++] } }); continue }
+ switch (key) { case 'keynum': case 'keyRange': case 'velRange': case 'velocity': output.push({ type: key, value: { lo: data[ip++], hi: data[ip++] } }); break; default: output.push({ type: key, value: { amount: data[ip++] | (data[ip++] << 8) << 16 >> 16 } }); break }
+ }
+ return output
+ }; sf2.Parser.prototype.getPresets = function () {
+ var preset = this.presetHeader, zone = this.presetZone, output = [], bagIndex, bagIndexEnd, zoneInfo, presetGenerator, presetModulator, i, il, j, jl
+ for (i = 0, il = preset.length; i < il; ++i) {
+ j = preset[i].presetBagIndex
+ jl = preset[i + 1] ? preset[i + 1].presetBagIndex : zone.length
+ zoneInfo = []; for (; j < jl; ++j) { presetGenerator = this.createPresetGenerator_(zone, j); presetModulator = this.createPresetModulator_(zone, j); zoneInfo.push({ generator: presetGenerator.generator, modulator: presetModulator.modulator, }) }
+ output.push({ info: zoneInfo, header: preset[i], })
+ }
+ return output
+ }; sf2.Parser.prototype.createInstrumentGenerator_ = function (zone, index) { var modgen = this.createBagModGen_(zone, zone[index].instrumentGeneratorIndex, zone[index + 1] ? zone[index + 1].instrumentGeneratorIndex : this.instrumentZoneGenerator.length, this.instrumentZoneGenerator); return { generator: modgen.modgen, } }; sf2.Parser.prototype.createInstrumentModulator_ = function (zone, index) { var modgen = this.createBagModGen_(zone, zone[index].presetModulatorIndex, zone[index + 1] ? zone[index + 1].instrumentModulatorIndex : this.instrumentZoneModulator.length, this.instrumentZoneModulator); return { modulator: modgen.modgen } }; sf2.Parser.prototype.createPresetGenerator_ = function (zone, index) { var modgen = this.createBagModGen_(zone, zone[index].presetGeneratorIndex, zone[index + 1] ? zone[index + 1].presetGeneratorIndex : this.presetZoneGenerator.length, this.presetZoneGenerator); return { generator: modgen.modgen, } }; sf2.Parser.prototype.createPresetModulator_ = function (zone, index) { var modgen = this.createBagModGen_(zone, zone[index].presetModulatorIndex, zone[index + 1] ? zone[index + 1].presetModulatorIndex : this.presetZoneModulator.length, this.presetZoneModulator); return { modulator: modgen.modgen, } }; sf2.Parser.prototype.createBagModGen_ = function (zone, indexStart, indexEnd, zoneModGen) {
+ var modgen = { unknown: [], 'keyRange': { hi: 127, lo: 0 } }; var info, i, il; for (i = indexStart, il = indexEnd; i < il; ++i) {
+ info = zoneModGen[i]; if (info.type === 'unknown')
+ modgen.unknown.push(info.value); else
+ modgen[info.type] = info.value
+ }
+ return { modgen: modgen }
+ }; sf2.Parser.GeneratorEnumeratorTable = ['startAddrsOffset', 'endAddrsOffset', 'startloopAddrsOffset', 'endloopAddrsOffset', 'startAddrsCoarseOffset', 'modLfoToPitch', 'vibLfoToPitch', 'modEnvToPitch', 'initialFilterFc', 'initialFilterQ', 'modLfoToFilterFc', 'modEnvToFilterFc', 'endAddrsCoarseOffset', 'modLfoToVolume', undefined, 'chorusEffectsSend', 'reverbEffectsSend', 'pan', undefined, undefined, undefined, 'delayModLFO', 'freqModLFO', 'delayVibLFO', 'freqVibLFO', 'delayModEnv', 'attackModEnv', 'holdModEnv', 'decayModEnv', 'sustainModEnv', 'releaseModEnv', 'keynumToModEnvHold', 'keynumToModEnvDecay', 'delayVolEnv', 'attackVolEnv', 'holdVolEnv', 'decayVolEnv', 'sustainVolEnv', 'releaseVolEnv', 'keynumToVolEnvHold', 'keynumToVolEnvDecay', 'instrument', undefined, 'keyRange', 'velRange', 'startloopAddrsCoarseOffset', 'keynum', 'velocity', 'initialAttenuation', undefined, 'endloopAddrsCoarseOffset', 'coarseTune', 'fineTune', 'sampleID', 'sampleModes', undefined, 'scaleTuning', 'exclusiveClass', 'overridingRootKey']; sf2.Riff = {}; sf2.Riff.Parser = function (input, options) { options = options || {}; this.input = input; this.ip = options.index || 0; this.length = options.length || input.length - this.ip; this.offset = this.ip; this.padding = options.padding !== undefined ? options.padding : true; this.bigEndian = options.bigEndian !== undefined ? options.bigEndian : false }; sf2.Riff.Chunk = function (type, size, offset) { this.type = type; this.size = size; this.offset = offset }; sf2.Riff.Parser.prototype.parse = function () {
+ var length = this.length + this.offset; this.chunkList = []; while (this.ip < length)
+ this.parseChunk()
+ }; sf2.Riff.Parser.prototype.parseChunk = function () {
+ var input = this.input, ip = this.ip, size; this.chunkList.push(new sf2.Riff.Chunk(String.fromCharCode(input[ip++], input[ip++], input[ip++], input[ip++]), (size = this.bigEndian ? ((input[ip++] << 24) | (input[ip++] << 16) | (input[ip++] << 8) | (input[ip++])) : ((input[ip++]) | (input[ip++] << 8) | (input[ip++] << 16) | (input[ip++] << 24))), ip)); ip += size; if (this.padding && ((ip - this.offset) & 1) === 1)
+ ip++; this.ip = ip
+ }; sf2.Riff.Parser.prototype.getChunk = function (index) {
+ var chunk = this.chunkList[index]; if (chunk === undefined)
+ return null; return chunk
+ }; sf2.Riff.Parser.prototype.getNumberOfChunks = function () { return this.chunkList.length }; return sf2
+})); function Midi5(i_conf) {
+ var po, conf = i_conf, empty = function () { }, rf, op
+ function get_time(po) { return window.performance.now() / 1000 }
+ function note_run(po, s, k, t, d) {
+ var j, a = (k * 100) % 100, c = po.v_c[s.v], i = po.c_i[c]
+ k |= 0
+ t *= 1000
+ d *= 1000
+ if (a && Midi5.ma.sysexEnabled) { po.op.send(new Uint8Array([0xf0, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x08, 0x02, i & 0x7f, 0x01, k, k, a / .78125, 0, 0xf7]), t) }
+ po.op.send(new Uint8Array([0x90 + c, k, 127]), t)
+ po.op.send(new Uint8Array([0x80 + c, k, 0]), t + d - 20)
+ }
+ function midi_ctrl(po, s, t) { po.op.send(new Uint8Array([0xb0 + po.v_c[s.v], s.ctrl, s.val]), t * 1000) }
+ function midi_prog(po, s) {
+ var i, c = s.chn
+ po.v_c[s.v] = c
+ if (po.c_i[c] == undefined) {
+ po.op.send(new Uint8Array([0xb0 + c, 121, 0]))
+ if (0) {
+ if (s.p_v.midictl) {
+ for (i in s.p_v.midictl)
+ po.op.send(new Uint8Array([0xb0 + c, i, s.p_v.midictl[i]]))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ i = s.instr
+ if (i != undefined) {
+ po.c_i[c] = i
+ po.op.send(new Uint8Array([0xc0 + c, i & 0x7f]))
+ }
+ }
+ function send_outputs(access) {
+ var o, os, out = []
+ Midi5.ma = access
+ if (access && access.outputs.size > 0) {
+ os = access.outputs.values()
+ while (1) {
+ o = os.next()
+ if (!o || o.done)
+ break
+ out.push(o.value.name)
+ }
+ }
+ rf(out)
+ }
+ return {
+ get_outputs: function (f) {
+ if (!navigator.requestMIDIAccess) {
+ f()
+ return
+ }
+ rf = f
+ navigator.requestMIDIAccess({ sysex: true }).then(send_outputs, function (msg) { navigator.requestMIDIAccess().then(send_outputs, function (msg) { rf() }) })
+ }, set_output: function (name) {
+ if (!Midi5.ma)
+ return
+ var o, os = Midi5.ma.outputs.values()
+ while (1) {
+ o = os.next()
+ if (!o || o.done)
+ break
+ if (o.value.name == name) {
+ op = o.value
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }, play: function (i_start, i_end, i_lvl) {
+ po = { conf: conf, onend: conf.onend || empty, onnote: conf.onnote || empty, s_end: i_end, s_cur: i_start, repv: i_lvl || 0, tgen: 2, get_time: get_time, midi_ctrl: midi_ctrl, midi_prog: midi_prog, note_run: note_run, timouts: [], op: op, v_c: [], c_i: [] }
+ if (0) { op.send(new Uint8Array([0xf0, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x08, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x69, 0x69, 0x00, 0, 0xf7]), t) }
+ abc2svg.play_next(po)
+ }, stop: function () {
+ po.stop = true
+ po.timouts.forEach(function (id) { clearTimeout(id) })
+ abc2svg.play_next(po)
+ if (op && op.clear)
+ op.clear()
+ }
+ }
+function follow(abc, user, playconf) {
+ var keep_types = { note: true, rest: true }
+ user.anno_stop = function (type, start, stop, x, y, w, h) {
+ if (!keep_types[type])
+ return
+ abc.out_svg('<rect class="abcr _' + start + '_" x="'); abc.out_sxsy(x, '" y="', y); abc.out_svg('" width="' + w.toFixed(2) + '" height="' + abc.sh(h).toFixed(2) + '"/>\n')
+ }
+ playconf.onnote = function (i, on) {
+ var b, i, e, elts, x = 0, y = 0
+ if (abc2svg.mu)
+ elts = abc2svg.mu.d.getElementsByClassName('_' + i + '_')
+ else
+ elts = document.getElementsByClassName('_' + i + '_')
+ if (!elts || !elts.length)
+ return
+ e = elts[0]
+ e.style.fillOpacity = on ? 0.4 : 0
+ if (on && !window.no_scroll) {
+ b = e.getBoundingClientRect()
+ if (b.top < 0 || b.bottom > window.innerHeight * .8)
+ y = b.top - window.innerHeight * .3
+ if (b.left < 0 || b.right > window.innerWidth * .8)
+ x = b.left - window.innerWidth * .3
+ if (x || y)
+ window.scrollBy({ top: y, left: x, behavior: (x < 0 || y) ? 'instant' : 'smooth' })
+ }
+ }
+(function () {
+ var sty = document.createElement("style")
+ sty.innerHTML = ".abcr {fill: #d00000; fill-opacity: 0; z-index: 15}"
+ document.head.appendChild(sty)
+abc2svg.ch_names = { '': ["C-E G C+", "E-C G C+", "G-C E G "], m: ["C-e G C+", "e-C G C+", "G-C e G "], '7': ["C-b-E G ", "E-C G b ", "G-E b C+", "b-E G C+"], m7: ["C-b-e G ", "e-C G b ", "G-e b C+", "b-e G C+"], m7b5: ["C-b-e g ", "e-C g b ", "g-e b C+", "b-e g C+"], M7: ["C-B-E G ", "E-C G B ", "G-E B C+", "B-E G C+"], '6': ["C-A-E G ", "E-C A B ", "A-E B C+", "B-E A C+"], m6: ["C-A-e G ", "e-C A B ", "A-e B C+", "B-e A C+"], aug: ["C-E a C+", "E-C a C+", "a-C E a "], aug7: ["C-b-E a ", "E-C a b ", "a-E b C+", "b-E a C+"], dim: ["C-E g C+", "E-C g C+", "g-C E g "], dim7: ["C-e g A ", "e-C g A ", "g-e A C+", "A-C e G "], '9': ["C-b-E G D+", "E-C G b D+", "G-E b C+D+", "b-E G C+D+", "D-G-C E b "], m9: ["C-b-e G D+", "e-C G b D+", "G-e b C+D+", "b-e G C+D+", "D-G-C e b "], maj9: ["C-B-E G D+", "E-C G B D+", "G-E B C+D+", "B-E G C+D+", "D-G-C E B "], M9: ["C-B-E G D+", "E-C G B D+", "G-C E B D+", "B-E G C+D+", "D-G-C E B "], '11': ["C-b-E G D+F+", "E-C G b D+F+", "G-E b C+D+F+", "b-E G C+D+F+", "D-G-C E b F+", "F-D-G-C E b D+"], dim9: ["C-A-e g d+", "e-C g A d+", "g-C e A d+", "A-C e g d+", "D-g-C e A "], sus4: ["C-F G C+", "F-C G C+", "G-C F G "], sus9: ["C-D G C+", "D-C G C+", "G-C D G "], '7sus4': ["C-b-F G ", "F-C G b ", "G-F b C+", "b-C F G "], '7sus9': ["C-b-D G ", "D-C G b ", "G-D b C+", "b-C D G "], '5': ["C-G C+", "G-G C+"] }
+abc2svg.midlet = "CdDeEFgGaAbB"
+abc2svg.letmid = { C: 0, d: 1, D: 2, e: 3, E: 4, F: 5, g: 6, G: 7, a: 8, A: 9, b: 10, B: 11 }
+abc2svg.chord = function (first, voice_tb, cfmt) {
+ var chnm, i, k, vch, s, gchon, C = abc2svg.C, trans = 48 + (cfmt.chord.trans ? cfmt.chord.trans * 12 : 0)
+ function chcr(b, ch) {
+ var i, v, r = []
+ b = abc2svg.midlet[b]
+ i = ch.length
+ while (--i > 0) {
+ if (ch[i][0] == b)
+ break
+ }
+ ch = ch[i]
+ for (i = 0; i < ch.length; i += 2) {
+ v = abc2svg.letmid[ch[i]]
+ switch (ch[i + 1]) {
+ case '+': v += 12; break
+ case '-': v -= 12; break
+ }
+ r.push(v)
+ }
+ return r
+ }
+ function filter(a_cs) {
+ var i, cs, t
+ for (i = 0; i < a_cs.length; i++) {
+ cs = a_cs[i]
+ if (cs.type != 'g')
+ continue
+ t = cs.otext
+ if (t.slice(-1) == ')')
+ t = t.replace(/\(.*/, '')
+ return t.replace(/\(|\)|\[|\]/g, '')
+ }
+ }
+ function gench(sb) {
+ var r, ch, b, m, n, not, a = filter(sb.a_gch), s = { v: vch.v, p_v: vch, type: C.NOTE, time: sb.time, notes: [] }
+ if (!a)
+ return
+ a = a.match(/([A-GN])([#♯b♭]?)([^/]*)\/?(.*)/)
+ if (!a)
+ return
+ r = abc2svg.letmid[a[1]]
+ if (r == undefined) {
+ if (a[1] != "N")
+ return
+ s.type = C.REST
+ ch = [0]
+ r = 0
+ } else {
+ switch (a[2]) {
+ case "#": case "♯": r++; break
+ case "b": case "♭": r--; break
+ }
+ if (!a[3]) { ch = chnm[""] } else {
+ ch = abc2svg.ch_alias[a[3]]
+ if (ch == undefined)
+ ch = a[3]
+ ch = chnm[ch]
+ if (!ch)
+ ch = a[3][0] == 'm' ? chnm.m : chnm[""]
+ }
+ if (a[4]) {
+ b = a[4][0].toUpperCase()
+ b = abc2svg.letmid[b]
+ if (b != undefined) {
+ switch (a[4][1]) {
+ case "#": case "♯": b++; if (b >= 12) b = 0; break
+ case "b": case "♭": b--; if (b < 0) b = 11; break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (b == undefined)
+ b = 0
+ ch = chcr(b, ch)
+ n = ch.length
+ r += trans
+ if (sb.p_v.tr_snd)
+ r += sb.p_v.tr_snd
+ for (m = 0; m < n; m++) {
+ not = { midi: r + ch[m] }
+ s.notes.push(not)
+ }
+ s.nhd = n - 1
+ s.prev = vch.last_sym
+ vch.last_sym.next = s
+ s.ts_next = sb.ts_next
+ sb.ts_next = s
+ s.ts_prev = sb
+ if (s.ts_next)
+ s.ts_next.ts_prev = s
+ vch.last_sym = s
+ }
+ if (cfmt.chord.names) {
+ chnm = Object.create(abc2svg.ch_names)
+ for (k in cfmt.chord.names) {
+ vch = ""
+ for (i = 0; i < cfmt.chord.names[k].length; i++) {
+ s = cfmt.chord.names[k][i]
+ vch += abc2svg.midlet[s % 12]
+ vch += i == 0 ? "-" : (s >= 12 ? "+" : " ")
+ }
+ chnm[k] = [vch]
+ }
+ } else { chnm = abc2svg.ch_names }
+ k = 0
+ for (i = 0; i < voice_tb.length; i++) {
+ if (k < voice_tb[i].chn)
+ k = voice_tb[i].chn
+ }
+ if (k == 8)
+ k++
+ vch = { v: voice_tb.length, id: "_chord", time: 0, sym: { type: C.BLOCK, subtype: "midiprog", chn: k + 1, instr: cfmt.chord.prog || 0, time: 0, ts_prev: first, ts_next: first.ts_next }, vol: cfmt.chord.vol || .6 }
+ vch.sym.p_v = vch
+ vch.sym.v = vch.v
+ vch.last_sym = vch.sym
+ voice_tb.push(vch)
+ first.ts_next = vch.sym
+ gchon = cfmt.chord.gchon
+ s = first
+ while (1) {
+ if (!s.ts_next) {
+ if (gchon)
+ vch.last_sym.dur = s.time - vch.last_sym.time
+ break
+ }
+ s = s.ts_next
+ if (!s.a_gch) {
+ if (s.subtype == "midigch") {
+ if (gchon && !s.on)
+ vch.last_sym.dur = s.time - vch.last_sym.time
+ gchon = s.on
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ if (!gchon)
+ continue
+ for (i = 0; i < s.a_gch.length; i++) {
+ gch = s.a_gch[i]
+ if (gch.type != 'g')
+ continue
+ vch.last_sym.dur = s.time - vch.last_sym.time
+ gench(s)
+ break
+ }
+ }