#!/bin/bash # This script runs a visual regression test on all the images # generated from OSMD samples (npm run generate:current and npm run generate:blessed) # # inspired by and adapted from Vexflow's visual regression tests. # # Prerequisites: ImageMagick # # On OSX: $ brew install imagemagick # On Linux: $ apt-get install imagemagick # # Usage: # # # First generate the known good or previous state PNG images you want to compare to, e.g. the develop branch or last release: # # npm run generate:blessed # # Make changes in OSMD, then generate your new images: # # npm run generate:current # # Run the regression tests against the blessed images in visual_regression/blessed. # # npm run test:visual # # npm will navigate to the base folder automatically # # # or: (this should be done from the main OSMD folder) # # sh test/Util/visual_regression.sh [imageBaseFolder] [sampleShellPrefix] # # example: sh test/Util/visual_regression.sh ./visual_regression OSMD_function_test_ # # will run visual regression tests for all images matching OSMD_function_test_*.png. # # Check visual_regression/diff/results.txt for results. This file is sorted # by PHASH difference (most different files on top.) The composite diff # images for failed tests (i.e., PHASH > 1.0) are stored in visual_regression/diff. # # (If you are satisfied with the differences, copy *.png from visual_regression/current # into visual_regression/blessed, and submit your change (TODO)) # PNG viewer on OSX. Switch this to whatever your system uses. # VIEWER=open # Show images over this PHASH threshold. # 0.01 is probably too low, but a good first pass. # 0.0001 catches for example a repetition ending not having a down line at the end (see Saltarello bar 10) (0.001 doesn't catch this) THRESHOLD=0.0001 # Set up Directories # It does not matter where this script is executed, as long as these folders are given correctly (and blessed/current have png images set up correctly) BUILDFOLDER=./visual_regression if [ "$1" != "" ] then BUILDFOLDER=$1 fi BLESSED=$BUILDFOLDER/blessed CURRENT=$BUILDFOLDER/current DIFF=$BUILDFOLDER/diff # diff also acts as the temp folder here, unlike in Vexflow, where it is current. # it would be nice to have a tmp folder (for temporary files), but we'd want to delete the folder entirely, and we'd better not risk using rm -rf in a script # All results are stored here. RESULTS=$DIFF/results.txt WARNINGS=$DIFF/warnings.txt # If no prefix is provided, test all images. if [ "$2" == "" ] then files=*.png else files=$2*.png echo "image filter (shell): $files" fi ## Sanity checks: some simple checks that the script can run correctly (doesn't validate pngs) folderWarningStringMsg="Exiting without running visual regression tests." totalCurrentImages=`ls -1 $CURRENT/$files | wc -l | xargs` # xargs trims space if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ "$totalCurrentImages" -lt 1 ] # $? returns the exit code of the previous command (ls). (0 is success) then echo Missing images in $CURRENT. echo Please run \"npm run generate:current\" exit 1 fi totalBlessedImages=`ls -1 $BLESSED/$files | wc -l | xargs` if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ "$totalBlessedImages" -lt 1 ] then echo Missing images in $BLESSED. echo Please run \"npm run generate:blessed\" exit 1 fi # check that #currentImages == #blessedImages (will continue anyways) if [ ! "$totalCurrentImages" -eq "$totalBlessedImages" ] then echo "Warning: Number of current images ($totalCurrentImages) is not the same as blessed images ($totalBlessedImages). Continuing anyways.\n" else echo "Found $totalCurrentImages current and $totalBlessedImages blessed png files (not tested if valid). Continuing.\n" fi # ----------------- end of sanity checks ----------------- mkdir -p $DIFF if [ -e "$RESULTS" ] then rm $DIFF/* fi touch $RESULTS touch $RESULTS.fails # this shouldn't be named .fail because we have a *.fail shell match further below, which will loop endlessly if files are in the same folder (diff). touch $WARNINGS # Number of simultaneous jobs nproc=$(sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu 2> /dev/null || nproc) if [ -n "$NPROC" ]; then nproc=$NPROC fi total=`ls -l $BLESSED/$files | wc -l | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g'` echo "Running $total tests with threshold $THRESHOLD (nproc=$nproc)..." function ProgressBar { let _progress=(${1}*100/${2}*100)/100 let _done=(${_progress}*4)/10 let _left=40-$_done _fill=$(printf "%${_done}s") _empty=$(printf "%${_left}s") printf "\rProgress : [${_fill// /#}${_empty// /-}] ${_progress}%%" } function diff_image() { local image=$1 local name=`basename $image .png` local blessed=$BLESSED/$name.png local current=$CURRENT/$name.png local diff=$DIFF/$name.png-temp if [ ! -e "$current" ] then echo " Warning: $name.png missing in $CURRENT. Skipped." >$diff.warn #((total--)) return fi if [ ! -e "$blessed" ] then echo " Warning: $name.png doesn't exist in $BLESSED. Skipped." >$diff.warn #((total--)) return fi cp $blessed $diff-a.png cp $current $diff-b.png # Calculate the difference metric and store the composite diff image. local hash=`compare -metric PHASH -highlight-color '#ff000050' $diff-b.png $diff-a.png $diff-diff.png 2>&1` local isGT=`echo "$hash > $THRESHOLD" | bc -l` if [ "$isGT" == "1" ] then # Add the result to results.txt echo $name $hash >$diff.fail # Threshold exceeded, save the diff and the original, current cp $diff-diff.png $DIFF/$name.png cp $diff-a.png $DIFF/$name'_'Blessed.png cp $diff-b.png $DIFF/$name'_'Current.png echo echo "Test: $name" echo " PHASH value exceeds threshold: $hash > $THRESHOLD" echo " Image diff stored in $DIFF/$name.png" # $VIEWER "$diff-diff.png" "$diff-a.png" "$diff-b.png" # echo 'Hit return to process next image...' # read else echo $name $hash >$diff.pass fi rm -f $diff-a.png $diff-b.png $diff-diff.png } function wait_jobs () { local n=$1 while [[ "$(jobs -r | wc -l)" -ge "$n" ]] ; do # echo ===================================== && jobs -lr # wait the oldest job. local pid_to_wait=`jobs -rp | head -1` # echo wait $pid_to_wait wait $pid_to_wait &> /dev/null done } count=0 for image in $CURRENT/$files do count=$((count + 1)) ProgressBar ${count} ${total} wait_jobs $nproc diff_image $image & done wait cat $DIFF/*.warn 1>$WARNINGS 2>/dev/null rm -f $DIFF/*.warn ## Check for files newly built that are not yet blessed. for image in $CURRENT/$files do name=`basename $image .png` blessed=$BLESSED/$name.png current=$CURRENT/$name.png done num_warnings=`cat $WARNINGS | wc -l` cat $DIFF/*.fail 1>$RESULTS.fails 2>/dev/null num_fails=`cat $RESULTS.fails | wc -l` rm -f $DIFF/*.fail # Sort results by PHASH sort -r -n -k 2 $RESULTS.fails >$RESULTS sort -r -n -k 2 $DIFF/*.pass 1>>$RESULTS 2>/dev/null rm -f $DIFF/*.pass $RESULTS.fails echo echo Results stored in $DIFF/results.txt echo All images with a difference over threshold, $THRESHOLD, are echo available in $DIFF, sorted by perceptual hash. echo if [ "$num_warnings" -gt 0 ] then echo echo "You have $num_warnings warning(s):" cat $WARNINGS fi if [ "$num_fails" -gt 0 ] then echo "You have $num_fails fail(s):" head -n $num_fails $RESULTS else echo "Success - All diffs under threshold!" fi