Latest news ==== New effects added: Chorus, Phaser, and Tremolo. <br /> Be sure to follow us at <a href="">@DinahmoeSTHLM</a> for future updates. Feel free to create your own effects and give us a pull request! tuna ==== An audio effects library for the Web Audio API. Created by <a href="">DinahMoe</a> <img src="" alt="tuna, tuna, tuna"/> Effect list: ==== <ul> <li>Overdrive (6 different algorithms)</li> <li>Filter</li> <li>Cabinet</li> <li>Delay</li> <li>Convolver (Reverb)</li> <li>Compressor</li> <li>WahWah</li> <li>Tremolo</li> <li>Phaser</li> <li>Chorus</li> </ul> Usage ==== Start by creating a new Tuna object like so: <pre> var context = new webkitAudioContext(); var tuna = new Tuna(context); </pre> You need to pass the audio context you're using in your application. Tuna will be using it to create its effects. You create a new tuna node as such: <pre> var chorus = new tuna.Chorus({ rate: 1.5, feedback: 0.2, delay: 0.0045, bypass: 0 }); </pre> You can then connect the tuna node to native Web Audio nodes by doing: <pre> nativeNode.connect(chorus.input); chorus.connect(anotherNativeNode); </pre> or to other tuna nodes by doing: <pre> tunaNode.connect(chorus.input); chorus.connect(anotherTunaNode.input); </pre> All tuna nodes are connected TO by using the nodes input property, but connecting FROM the tuna node works as it does with ordinary native AudioNodes. The nodes ==== A basic chorus effect. <pre> var chorus = new tuna.Chorus({ rate: 1.5, //0.01 to 8+ feedback: 0.2, //0 to 1+ delay: 0.0045, //0 to 1 bypass: 0 //the value 1 starts the effect as bypassed, 0 or 1 }); </pre> A delay effect with feedback and a highpass filter applied to the delayed signal. <pre> var delay = new tuna.Delay({ feedback: 0.45, //0 to 1+ delayTime: 150, //how many milliseconds should the wet signal be delayed? wetLevel: 0.25, //0 to 1+ dryLevel: 1, //0 to 1+ cutoff: 20, //cutoff frequency of the built in highpass-filter. 20 to 22050 bypass: 0 }); </pre> A basic phaser effect. <pre> var phaser = new tuna.Phaser({ rate: 1.2, //0.01 to 8 is a decent range, but higher values are possible depth: 0.3, //0 to 1 feedback: 0.2, //0 to 1+ stereoPhase: 30, //0 to 180 baseModulationFrequency: 700, //500 to 1500 bypass: 0 }); </pre> A basic overdrive effect. <pre> var overdrive = new tuna.Overdrive({ outputGain: 0.5, //0 to 1+ drive: 0.7, //0 to 1 curveAmount: 1, //0 to 1 algorithmIndex: 0, //0 to 5, selects one of our drive algorithms bypass: 0 }); </pre> A compressor with the option to use automatic makeup gain. <pre> var compressor = new tuna.Compressor({ threshold: 0.5, //-100 to 0 makeupGain: 1, //0 and up attack: 1, //0 to 1000 release: 0, //0 to 3000 ratio: 4, //1 to 20 knee: 5, //0 to 40 automakeup: true, //true/false bypass: 0 }); </pre> A convolver with high- and lowcut. You can find a lot of impulse resonses <a href="">here</a> <pre> var convolver = new tuna.Convolver({ highCut: 22050, //20 to 22050 lowCut: 20, //20 to 22050 dryLevel: 1, //0 to 1+ wetLevel: 1, //0 to 1+ level: 1, //0 to 1+, adjusts total output of both wet and dry impulse: "impulses/impulse_rev.wav", //the path to your impulse response bypass: 0 }); </pre> A basic filter. <pre> var filter = new tuna.Filter({ frequency: 20, //20 to 22050 Q: 1, //0.001 to 100 gain: 0, //-40 to 40 bypass: 1, //0 to 1+ filterType: 0, //0 to 7, corresponds to the filter types in the native filter node: lowpass, highpass, bandpass, lowshelf, highshelf, peaking, notch, allpass in that order bypass: 0 }); </pre> A cabinet/speaker emulator. <pre> var cabinet = new tuna.Cabinet({ makeupGain: 1, //0 to 20 impulsePath: "impulses/impulse_guitar.wav", //path to your speaker impulse bypass: 0 }); </pre> A basic tremolo. <pre> var tremolo = new tuna.Tremolo({ intensity: 0.3, //0 to 1 rate: 0.1, //0.001 to 8 stereoPhase: 0, //0 to 180 bypass: 0 }); </pre> A wahwah with an auto wah option. <pre> var wahwah = new tuna.WahWah({ automode: true, //true/false baseFrequency: 0.5, //0 to 1 excursionOctaves: 2, //1 to 6 sweep: 0.2, //0 to 1 resonance: 10, //1 to 100 sensitivity: 0.5, //-1 to 1 bypass: 0 }); </pre>