@@ -167,7 +167,6 @@
<select id="selectAdminLivePage" resultType="com.yonge.cooleshow.biz.dal.vo.LiveCourseGroupVo">
select distinct
cg.id_ as courseGroupId,
cg.reason_ as reason,
cg.name_ as name,
cg.complete_course_num_ as endCourseNum,
@@ -182,28 +181,35 @@
cssp.order_no_ as orderNo,
cg.im_group_id_ as imGroupId,
- cg.course_plan_ as coursePlan
+ cg.course_plan_ as coursePlan,
+ su.username_ as teacherName,
+ su.phone_ as phone
from course_group cg
- left join course_schedule_student_payment cssp on cg.id_ = cssp.course_group_id_
- left join sys_user su on su.id_ = cssp.user_id_
+ left join sys_user su on su.id_ = cg. teacher_id_
+ <if test="param.studentId != null">
+ left join course_schedule_student_payment cssp on cg.id_ = cssp.course_group_id_
+ </if>
<if test="param.teacherId != null">
and #{param.teacherId} = cg.teacher_id_
+ <if test="param.search != null and param.search !=''">
+ and (cg.id_ = #{param.search} or cg.name_ like concat('%',#{param.search},'%'))
+ </if>
<if test="param.studentId != null">
and #{param.studentId} = cssp.user_id_
- </if>
- <if test="param.search != null and param.search !=''">
- and (
- cg.id_ like concat('%',#{param.search},'%')
+ <if test="param.search != null and param.search !=''">
+ and (
+ cg.id_ = #{param.search}
or cg.name_ like concat('%',#{param.search},'%')
- or su.id_ like concat('%',#{param.search},'%')
+ or su.id_ = #{param.search}
or su.username_ like concat('%',#{param.search},'%')
or su.phone_ like concat('%',#{param.search},'%')
- )
- </if>
- <if test="param.orderNo != null and param.orderNo != ''">
- and cssp.order_no_ like concat('%',#{param.orderNo},'%')
+ )
+ </if>
+ <if test="param.orderNo != null and param.orderNo != ''">
+ and cssp.order_no_ like concat('%',#{param.orderNo},'%')
+ </if>
<if test="param.subjectId != null">
and #{param.subjectId} = cg.subject_id_