@@ -1,66 +1,86 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" >
<mapper namespace="com.yonge.cooleshow.biz.dal.dao.TeacherAuthEntryRecordDao">
- <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.yonge.cooleshow.biz.dal.entity.TeacherAuthEntryRecord">
- <result column="id_" property="id" />
- <result column="user_id_" property="userId" />
- <result column="subject_id_" property="subjectId" />
- <result column="introduction_" property="introduction" />
- <result column="graduate_school_" property="graduateSchool" />
- <result column="subject_" property="subject" />
- <result column="grad_certificate_" property="gradCertificate" />
- <result column="degree__certificate_" property="degreeCertificate" />
- <result column="teacher__certificate_" property="teacherCertificate" />
- <result column="teacher_auth_status_" property="teacherAuthStatus" />
- <result column="verify_user_id_" property="verifyUserId" />
- <result column="reason_" property="reason" />
- <result column="create_time_" property="createTime" />
- <result column="update_time_" property="updateTime" />
- </resultMap>
+ <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.yonge.cooleshow.biz.dal.entity.TeacherAuthEntryRecord">
+ <result column="id_" property="id"/>
+ <result column="user_id_" property="userId"/>
+ <result column="subject_id_" property="subjectId"/>
+ <result column="introduction_" property="introduction"/>
+ <result column="graduate_school_" property="graduateSchool"/>
+ <result column="subject_" property="subject"/>
+ <result column="grad_certificate_" property="gradCertificate"/>
+ <result column="degree__certificate_" property="degreeCertificate"/>
+ <result column="teacher__certificate_" property="teacherCertificate"/>
+ <result column="teacher_auth_status_" property="teacherAuthStatus"/>
+ <result column="verify_user_id_" property="verifyUserId"/>
+ <result column="reason_" property="reason"/>
+ <result column="create_time_" property="createTime"/>
+ <result column="update_time_" property="updateTime"/>
+ </resultMap>
<!-- 表字段 -->
<sql id="baseColumns">
- t.id_
- , t.user_id_
- , t.subject_id_
- , t.introduction_
- , t.graduate_school_
- , t.subject_
- , t.grad_certificate_
- , t.degree__certificate_
- , t.teacher__certificate_
- , t.teacher_auth_status_
- , t.verify_user_id_
- , t.reason_
- , t.create_time_
- , t.update_time_
+ t.id_ as "id"
+ , t.user_id_ as "userId"
+ , t.subject_id_ as "subjectId"
+ , t.introduction_ as "introduction"
+ , t.graduate_school_ as "graduateSchool"
+ , t.subject_ as "subject"
+ , t.grad_certificate_ as "gradCertificate"
+ , t.degree__certificate_ as "degreeCertificate"
+ , t.teacher__certificate_ as "teacherCertificate"
+ , t.teacher_auth_status_ as "teacherAuthStatus"
+ , t.verify_user_id_ as "verifyUserId"
+ , t.reason_ as "reason"
+ , t.create_time_ as "createTime"
+ , t.update_time_ as "updateTime"
- <update id="updateUserCard">
- UPDATE sys_user
- <set>
- <if test="realName != null and realName != ''">
- real_name_ = #{param.realName},
- </if>
- <if test="idCardNo != null and idCardNo != ''">
- id_card_no_ = #{param.idCardNo},
- </if>
- <if test="gender != null and gender != ''">
- gender_ = #{param.gender},
- </if>
- <if test="birthdate != null">
- birthdate_ = #{param.birthdate},
- </if>
- </set>
- WHERE id_ = #{param.userId}
- </update>
+ <update id="updateUserCard">
+ UPDATE sys_user
+ <set>
+ <if test="realName != null and realName != ''">
+ real_name_ = #{param.realName},
+ </if>
+ <if test="idCardNo != null and idCardNo != ''">
+ id_card_no_ = #{param.idCardNo},
+ </if>
+ <if test="gender != null and gender != ''">
+ gender_ = #{param.gender},
+ </if>
+ <if test="birthdate != null">
+ birthdate_ = #{param.birthdate},
+ </if>
+ </set>
+ WHERE id_ = #{param.userId}
+ </update>
+ <!-- 分页查询 -->
+ <select id="selectPage" resultType = "com.yonge.cooleshow.biz.dal.vo.TeacherAuthEntryRecordVo">
+ <include refid="baseColumns"/>
+ u.real_name_ as realName,
+ u.id_card_no_ as idCardNo,
+ u.phone_ as phone
+ FROM teacher_auth_entry_record t
+ left join sys_user u on t.user_id_ = u.id_
+ where
+ </select>
- <!-- 分页查询 -->
- <select id="selectPage" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
- <include refid="baseColumns" />
- FROM teacher_auth_entry_record t
- </select>
+ <select id="detail" resultType="com.yonge.cooleshow.biz.dal.vo.TeacherAuthEntryRecordVo">
+ select
+ <include refid="baseColumns"/>
+ u.real_name_ as realName,
+ u.id_card_no_ as idCardNo,
+ u.gender_ as gender,
+ (
+ SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(name_) FROM subject WHERE FIND_IN_SET(id_,t.subject_id_)
+ ) as subjectName,
+ (
+ SELECT u.username_ FROM sys_user u WHERE u.id_ = t.verify_user_id_
+ ) as verifyUser
+ from teacher_auth_entry_record t
+ left join sys_user u on t.user_id_ = u.id_
+ where t.id_ = #{id}
+ </select>