@@ -168,7 +168,8 @@
cs.course_introduce_ as courseIntroduce
from (select * from (
select cg.course_num_,cg.complete_course_num_,cg.course_introduce_,cg.pre_student_num_,
- cg.background_pic_,cg.im_group_id_,cg.name_,cg.subject_id_,cg.teacher_id_,cg.status_,
+ cg.background_pic_,cg.im_group_id_,cg.name_,cg.subject_id_,cg.teacher_id_,
+ CASE WHEN cg.status_ = 'COMPLETE' THEN cg.status_ WHEN cg.status_ = 'NOT_START' THEN 'NOT_START' ELSE 'ING' END as `status`,
from course_schedule cs
left join course_group cg on cs.course_group_id_ = cg.id_
@@ -176,9 +177,6 @@
<if test="param.groupState !=null and param.groupState !=''">
AND find_in_set(cg.status_, #{param.groupState})
- <if test="param.status !=null and param.status !=''">
- AND cg.status_ = #{param.status}
- </if>
<if test="param.subjectId != null and param.subjectId !=''">
AND cg.subject_id_ = #{param.subjectId}
@@ -190,6 +188,9 @@
<if test="param.search != null and param.search !=''">
AND (cs.name_ LIKE CONCAT('%', #{param.search}, '%') OR su.username_ LIKE CONCAT('%', #{param.search}, '%'))
+ <if test="param.status !=null and param.status !=''">
+ AND cs.status_ = #{param.status}
+ </if>