t.id_ as id
, t.order_no_ as orderNo
, t.user_id_ as userId
, t.order_name_ as orderName
, t.order_type_ as orderType
, t.order_desc_ as orderDesc
, t.status_ as status
, t.original_price_ as originalPrice
, t.expect_price_ as expectPrice
, t.actual_price_ as actualPrice
, t.coupon_amount_ as couponAmount
, t.plantform_fee_ as plantformFee
, t.user_note_ as userNote
, t.create_time_ as createTime
, t.pay_time_ as payTime
, t.update_time_ as updateTime
p.trans_no_ as transNo,
p.fee_amt_ as feeAmt,
u.username_ as username,
u.phone_ as phone
FROM user_order t
left join user_order_payment p on t.order_no_ = p.order_no_
left join sys_user u on t.user_id_ = u.id_
t.user_id_ LIKE CONCAT('%', #{param.search}, '%') or
u.username_ LIKE CONCAT('%', #{param.search}, '%') or
u.phone_ LIKE CONCAT('%', #{param.search}, '%')
t.order_no_ LIKE CONCAT('%', #{param.search}, '%') or
p.trans_no_ LIKE CONCAT('%', #{param.search}, '%')
AND INTE_ARRAY(#{param.orderType},t.order_type_)
AND INTE_ARRAY(#{param.status},t.status_)
= #{param.startTime} ]]>
AND t.user_id_ = #{param.userId}
order by t.create_time_ desc
update user_order set status_ = #{orderStatus},update_time_ = now() where order_no_ = #{orderNo}