@@ -0,0 +1,1105 @@
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http:
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.snaker.engine.access;
+import java.sql.Connection;
+import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
+import java.sql.SQLException;
+import java.sql.Types;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
+import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import org.snaker.engine.DBAccess;
+import org.snaker.engine.access.dialect.Db2Dialect;
+import org.snaker.engine.access.dialect.Dialect;
+import org.snaker.engine.access.dialect.H2Dialect;
+import org.snaker.engine.access.dialect.MySqlDialect;
+import org.snaker.engine.access.dialect.OracleDialect;
+import org.snaker.engine.access.dialect.PostgresqlDialect;
+import org.snaker.engine.access.dialect.SQLServerDialect;
+import org.snaker.engine.core.ServiceContext;
+import org.snaker.engine.entity.CCOrder;
+import org.snaker.engine.entity.HistoryOrder;
+import org.snaker.engine.entity.HistoryTask;
+import org.snaker.engine.entity.HistoryTaskActor;
+import org.snaker.engine.entity.Order;
+import org.snaker.engine.entity.Process;
+import org.snaker.engine.entity.Surrogate;
+import org.snaker.engine.entity.Task;
+import org.snaker.engine.entity.TaskActor;
+import org.snaker.engine.entity.WorkItem;
+import org.snaker.engine.helper.ClassHelper;
+import org.snaker.engine.helper.StringHelper;
+ * 抽象数据库访问类
+ * 封装SQL语句的构造
+ * @author yuqs
+ * @since 1.0
+ */
+public abstract class AbstractDBAccess implements DBAccess {
+ private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractDBAccess.class);
+ protected static final String KEY_SQL = "SQL";
+ protected static final String KEY_ARGS = "ARGS";
+ protected static final String KEY_TYPE = "TYPE";
+ protected static final String KEY_ENTITY = "ENTITY";
+ protected static final String KEY_SU = "SU";
+ protected static final String SAVE = "SAVE";
+ protected static final String UPDATE = "UPDATE";
+ protected static final String PROCESS_INSERT = "insert into wf_process (id,name,display_Name,type,instance_Url,state,version,create_Time,creator) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
+ protected static final String PROCESS_UPDATE = "update wf_process set name=?, display_Name=?,state=?,instance_Url=?,create_Time=?,creator=? where id=? ";
+ protected static final String PROCESS_DELETE = "delete from wf_process where id = ?";
+ protected static final String PROCESS_UPDATE_BLOB = "update wf_process set content=? where id=?";
+ protected static final String PROCESS_UPDATE_TYPE = "update wf_process set type=? where id=?";
+ protected static final String ORDER_INSERT = "insert into wf_order (id,process_Id,creator,create_Time,parent_Id,parent_Node_Name,expire_Time,last_Update_Time,last_Updator,order_No,variable,version) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
+ protected static final String ORDER_UPDATE = "update wf_order set last_Updator=?, last_Update_Time=?, variable = ?, expire_Time=?, version = version + 1 where id=? and version = ?";
+ protected static final String ORDER_DELETE = "delete from wf_order where id = ?";
+ protected static final String ORDER_HISTORY_INSERT = "insert into wf_hist_order (id,process_Id,order_State,creator,create_Time,end_Time,parent_Id,expire_Time,order_No,variable) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
+ protected static final String ORDER_HISTORY_UPDATE = "update wf_hist_order set order_State = ?, end_Time = ?, variable = ? where id = ? ";
+ protected static final String ORDER_HISTORY_DELETE = "delete from wf_hist_order where id = ?";
+ protected static final String CCORDER_INSERT = "insert into wf_cc_order (order_Id, actor_Id, creator, create_Time, status) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
+ protected static final String CCORDER_UPDATE = "update wf_cc_order set status = ?, finish_Time = ? where order_Id = ? and actor_Id = ?";
+ protected static final String CCORDER_DELETE = "delete from wf_cc_order where order_Id = ? and actor_Id = ?";
+ protected static final String TASK_INSERT = "insert into wf_task (id,order_Id,task_Name,display_Name,task_Type,perform_Type,operator,create_Time,finish_Time,expire_Time,action_Url,parent_Task_Id,variable,version) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
+ protected static final String TASK_UPDATE = "update wf_task set finish_Time=?, operator=?, variable=?, expire_Time=?, action_Url=?, version = version + 1 where id=? and version = ?";
+ protected static final String TASK_DELETE = "delete from wf_task where id = ?";
+ protected static final String TASK_HISTORY_INSERT = "insert into wf_hist_task (id,order_Id,task_Name,display_Name,task_Type,perform_Type,task_State,operator,create_Time,finish_Time,expire_Time,action_Url,parent_Task_Id,variable) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
+ protected static final String TASK_HISTORY_DELETE = "delete from wf_hist_task where id = ?";
+ protected static final String TASK_ACTOR_INSERT = "insert into wf_task_actor (task_Id, actor_Id) values (?, ?)";
+ protected static final String TASK_ACTOR_DELETE = "delete from wf_task_actor where task_Id = ?";
+ protected static final String TASK_ACTOR_REDUCE = "delete from wf_task_actor where task_Id = ? and actor_Id = ?";
+ protected static final String TASK_ACTOR_HISTORY_INSERT = "insert into wf_hist_task_actor (task_Id, actor_Id) values (?, ?)";
+ protected static final String TASK_ACTOR_HISTORY_DELETE = "delete from wf_hist_task_actor where task_Id = ?";
+ protected static final String QUERY_VERSION = "select max(version) from wf_process ";
+ protected static final String QUERY_PROCESS = "select id,name,display_Name,type,instance_Url,state, content, version,create_Time,creator from wf_process ";
+ protected static final String QUERY_ORDER = "select o.id,o.process_Id,o.creator,o.create_Time,o.parent_Id,o.parent_Node_Name,o.expire_Time,o.last_Update_Time,o.last_Updator,o.priority,o.order_No,o.variable, o.version from wf_order o ";
+ protected static final String QUERY_TASK = "select id,order_Id,task_Name,display_Name,task_Type,perform_Type,operator,create_Time,finish_Time,expire_Time,action_Url,parent_Task_Id,variable, version from wf_task ";
+ protected static final String QUERY_TASK_ACTOR = "select task_Id, actor_Id from wf_task_actor ";
+ protected static final String QUERY_CCORDER = "select order_Id, actor_Id, creator, create_Time, finish_Time, status from wf_cc_order ";
+ protected static final String QUERY_HIST_ORDER = "select o.id,o.process_Id,o.order_State,o.priority,o.creator,o.create_Time,o.end_Time,o.parent_Id,o.expire_Time,o.order_No,o.variable from wf_hist_order o ";
+ protected static final String QUERY_HIST_TASK = "select id,order_Id,task_Name,display_Name,task_Type,perform_Type,task_State,operator,create_Time,finish_Time,expire_Time,action_Url,parent_Task_Id,variable from wf_hist_task ";
+ protected static final String QUERY_HIST_TASK_ACTOR = "select task_Id, actor_Id from wf_hist_task_actor ";
+ protected static final String SURROGATE_INSERT = "insert into wf_surrogate (id, process_Name, operator, surrogate, odate, sdate, edate, state) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
+ protected static final String SURROGATE_UPDATE = "update wf_surrogate set process_Name=?, surrogate=?, odate=?, sdate=?, edate=?, state=? where id = ?";
+ protected static final String SURROGATE_DELETE = "delete from wf_surrogate where id = ?";
+ protected static final String SURROGATE_QUERY = "select id, process_Name, operator, surrogate, odate, sdate, edate, state from wf_surrogate";
+ protected Dialect dialect;
+ * 是否为ORM框架,用以标识对象直接持久化
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ public abstract boolean isORM();
+ * 保存或更新对象
+ * isORM为true,则参数map只存放对象
+ * isORM为false,则参数map需要放入SQL、ARGS、TYPE
+ * @param map 需要持久化的数据
+ */
+ public abstract void saveOrUpdate(Map<String, Object> map);
+ public void initialize(Object accessObject) {
+ }
+ * isORM为false,需要构造map传递给实现类
+ * @param sql 需要执行的sql语句
+ * @param args sql语句中的参数列表
+ * @param type sql语句中的参数类型
+ * @return 构造的map
+ */
+ private Map<String, Object> buildMap(String sql, Object[] args, int[] type) {
+ Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+ map.put(KEY_SQL, sql);
+ map.put(KEY_ARGS, args);
+ map.put(KEY_TYPE, type);
+ return map;
+ }
+ * isORM为true,只存放对象传递给orm框架
+ * @param entity 实体对象
+ * @param su 保存或更新的标识
+ * @return 构造的map
+ */
+ private Map<String, Object> buildMap(Object entity, String su) {
+ Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+ map.put(KEY_ENTITY, entity);
+ map.put(KEY_SU, su);
+ return map;
+ }
+ * 获取数据库方言
+ * 根据数据库连接的DatabaseMetaData获取数据库厂商,自动适配具体的方言
+ * 当数据库类型未提供支持时无法自动获取方言,建议通过配置完成
+ * @return 方言对象
+ */
+ protected Dialect getDialect() {
+ if(dialect != null) return dialect;
+ dialect = ServiceContext.getContext().find(Dialect.class);
+ if(dialect == null) {
+ try {
+ dialect = getDialect(getConnection());
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log.error("Unable to find the available dialect.Please configure dialect to snaker.xml");
+ }
+ }
+ return dialect;
+ }
+ * 由于process中涉及blob字段,未对各种框架统一,所以process操作交给具体的实现类处理
+ */
+ public void saveProcess(Process process) {
+ if(isORM()) {
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(process, SAVE));
+ } else {
+ Object[] args = new Object[]{process.getId(), process.getName(), process.getDisplayName(), process.getType(),
+ process.getInstanceUrl(), process.getState(), process.getVersion(), process.getCreateTime(), process.getCreator()};
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.INTEGER,
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(PROCESS_INSERT, args, type));
+ }
+ }
+ * 由于process中涉及blob字段,未对各种框架统一,所以process操作交给具体的实现类处理
+ */
+ public void updateProcess(Process process) {
+ if(isORM()) {
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(process, UPDATE));
+ } else {
+ Object[] args = new Object[]{process.getName(), process.getDisplayName(), process.getState(),
+ process.getInstanceUrl(), process.getCreateTime(), process.getCreator(), process.getId()};
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.INTEGER, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR};
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(PROCESS_UPDATE, args, type));
+ }
+ }
+ public void deleteProcess(Process process) {
+ if(!isORM()) {
+ Object[] args = new Object[]{process.getId()};
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.VARCHAR};
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(PROCESS_DELETE, args, type));
+ }
+ }
+ public void updateProcessType(String id, String type) {
+ if(isORM()) {
+ Process process = getProcess(id);
+ process.setType(type);
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(process, UPDATE));
+ } else {
+ Object[] args = new Object[]{type, id};
+ int[] types = new int[]{Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR};
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(PROCESS_UPDATE_TYPE, args, types));
+ }
+ }
+ public void saveTask(Task task) {
+ if(isORM()) {
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(task, SAVE));
+ } else {
+ Object[] args = new Object[]{task.getId(), task.getOrderId(), task.getTaskName(), task.getDisplayName(), task.getTaskType(),
+ task.getPerformType(), task.getOperator(), task.getCreateTime(), task.getFinishTime(),
+ task.getExpireTime(), task.getActionUrl(), task.getParentTaskId(), task.getVariable(), task.getVersion()};
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.INTEGER,
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(TASK_INSERT, args, type));
+ }
+ }
+ public void saveOrder(Order order) {
+ if(isORM()) {
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(order, SAVE));
+ } else {
+ Object[] args = new Object[]{order.getId(), order.getProcessId(), order.getCreator(), order.getCreateTime(), order.getParentId(),
+ order.getParentNodeName(), order.getExpireTime(), order.getLastUpdateTime(), order.getLastUpdator(), order.getOrderNo(),
+ order.getVariable(), order.getVersion()};
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR,
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(ORDER_INSERT, args, type));
+ }
+ }
+ public void saveCCOrder(CCOrder ccorder) {
+ if(isORM()) {
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(ccorder, SAVE));
+ } else {
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.INTEGER};
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(CCORDER_INSERT, new Object[]{ccorder.getOrderId(), ccorder.getActorId(),
+ ccorder.getCreator(), ccorder.getCreateTime(), ccorder.getStatus()}, type));
+ }
+ }
+ public void saveTaskActor(TaskActor taskActor) {
+ if(isORM()) {
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(taskActor, SAVE));
+ } else {
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR};
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(TASK_ACTOR_INSERT, new Object[]{taskActor.getTaskId(), taskActor.getActorId() }, type));
+ }
+ }
+ public void updateTask(Task task) {
+ if(isORM()) {
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(task, UPDATE));
+ } else {
+ Object[] args = new Object[]{task.getFinishTime(), task.getOperator(), task.getVariable(), task.getExpireTime(), task.getActionUrl(), task.getId(), task.getVersion() };
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.INTEGER};
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(TASK_UPDATE, args, type));
+ }
+ }
+ public void updateOrder(Order order) {
+ if(isORM()) {
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(order, UPDATE));
+ } else {
+ Object[] args = new Object[]{order.getLastUpdator(), order.getLastUpdateTime(), order.getVariable(), order.getExpireTime(), order.getId(), order.getVersion() };
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.INTEGER};
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(ORDER_UPDATE, args, type));
+ }
+ }
+ public void updateCCOrder(CCOrder ccorder) {
+ if(isORM()) {
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(ccorder, UPDATE));
+ } else {
+ Object[] args = new Object[]{ccorder.getStatus(), ccorder.getFinishTime(), ccorder.getOrderId(), ccorder.getActorId() };
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.INTEGER, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR};
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(CCORDER_UPDATE, args, type));
+ }
+ }
+ public void deleteTask(Task task) {
+ if(!isORM()) {
+ Object[] args = new Object[]{task.getId()};
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.VARCHAR};
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(TASK_ACTOR_DELETE, args, type));
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(TASK_DELETE, args, type));
+ }
+ }
+ public void deleteOrder(Order order) {
+ if(!isORM()) {
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.VARCHAR};
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(ORDER_DELETE, new Object[]{order.getId()}, type));
+ }
+ }
+ public void deleteCCOrder(CCOrder ccorder) {
+ if(!isORM()) {
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR};
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(CCORDER_DELETE, new Object[]{ccorder.getOrderId(), ccorder.getActorId()}, type));
+ }
+ }
+ public void removeTaskActor(String taskId, String... actors) {
+ if(!isORM()) {
+ for(String actorId : actors) {
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR};
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(TASK_ACTOR_REDUCE, new Object[]{taskId, actorId}, type));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void saveHistory(HistoryOrder order) {
+ if(isORM()) {
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(order, SAVE));
+ } else {
+ Object[] args = new Object[]{order.getId(), order.getProcessId(), order.getOrderState(), order.getCreator(),
+ order.getCreateTime(), order.getEndTime(), order.getParentId(), order.getExpireTime(), order.getOrderNo(), order.getVariable()};
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.INTEGER, Types.VARCHAR,
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(ORDER_HISTORY_INSERT, args, type));
+ }
+ }
+ public void updateHistory(HistoryOrder order) {
+ if(isORM()) {
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(order, UPDATE));
+ } else {
+ Object[] args = new Object[]{order.getOrderState(), order.getEndTime(), order.getVariable(), order.getId()};
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.INTEGER, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR};
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(ORDER_HISTORY_UPDATE, args, type));
+ }
+ }
+ public void deleteHistoryOrder(HistoryOrder historyOrder) {
+ if(!isORM()) {
+ Object[] args = new Object[]{historyOrder.getId()};
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.VARCHAR};
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(ORDER_HISTORY_DELETE, args, type));
+ }
+ }
+ public void saveHistory(HistoryTask task) {
+ if(isORM()) {
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(task, SAVE));
+ if(task.getActorIds() != null) {
+ for(String actorId : task.getActorIds()) {
+ if(StringHelper.isEmpty(actorId)) continue;
+ HistoryTaskActor hist = new HistoryTaskActor();
+ hist.setActorId(actorId);
+ hist.setTaskId(task.getId());
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(hist, SAVE));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ Object[] args = new Object[]{task.getId(), task.getOrderId(), task.getTaskName(), task.getDisplayName(), task.getTaskType(),
+ task.getPerformType(), task.getTaskState(), task.getOperator(), task.getCreateTime(), task.getFinishTime(),
+ task.getExpireTime(), task.getActionUrl(), task.getParentTaskId(), task.getVariable()};
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.INTEGER,
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(TASK_HISTORY_INSERT, args, type));
+ if(task.getActorIds() != null) {
+ for(String actorId : task.getActorIds()) {
+ if(StringHelper.isEmpty(actorId)) continue;
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(TASK_ACTOR_HISTORY_INSERT, new Object[]{task.getId(), actorId}, new int[]{Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR}));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void deleteHistoryTask(HistoryTask historyTask) {
+ if(!isORM()) {
+ Object[] args = new Object[]{historyTask.getId()};
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.VARCHAR};
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(TASK_ACTOR_HISTORY_DELETE, args, type));
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(TASK_HISTORY_DELETE, args, type));
+ }
+ }
+ public void updateOrderVariable(Order order) {
+ updateOrder(order);
+ HistoryOrder hist = getHistOrder(order.getId());
+ hist.setVariable(order.getVariable());
+ updateHistory(hist);
+ }
+ public void saveSurrogate(Surrogate surrogate) {
+ if(isORM()) {
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(surrogate, SAVE));
+ } else {
+ Object[] args = new Object[]{surrogate.getId(), surrogate.getProcessName(), surrogate.getOperator(),
+ surrogate.getSurrogate(), surrogate.getOdate(), surrogate.getSdate(), surrogate.getEdate(),
+ surrogate.getState()};
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR,Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR,
+ Types.VARCHAR, Types.INTEGER};
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(SURROGATE_INSERT, args, type));
+ }
+ }
+ public void updateSurrogate(Surrogate surrogate) {
+ if(isORM()) {
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(surrogate, UPDATE));
+ } else {
+ Object[] args = new Object[]{surrogate.getProcessName(), surrogate.getSurrogate(), surrogate.getOdate(),
+ surrogate.getSdate(), surrogate.getEdate(), surrogate.getState(), surrogate.getId()};
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR,Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR,
+ Types.INTEGER, Types.VARCHAR};
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(SURROGATE_UPDATE, args, type));
+ }
+ }
+ public void deleteSurrogate(Surrogate surrogate) {
+ if(!isORM()) {
+ Object[] args = new Object[]{surrogate.getId()};
+ int[] type = new int[]{Types.VARCHAR};
+ saveOrUpdate(buildMap(SURROGATE_DELETE, args, type));
+ }
+ }
+ public Surrogate getSurrogate(String id) {
+ String where = " where id = ?";
+ return queryObject(Surrogate.class, SURROGATE_QUERY + where, id);
+ }
+ public List<Surrogate> getSurrogate(Page<Surrogate> page, QueryFilter filter) {
+ StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(SURROGATE_QUERY);
+ sql.append(" where 1=1 and state = 1 ");
+ List<Object> paramList = new ArrayList<Object>();
+ if(filter.getNames() != null && filter.getNames().length > 0) {
+ sql.append(" and process_Name in(");
+ for(int i = 0; i < filter.getNames().length; i++) {
+ sql.append("?,");
+ paramList.add(filter.getNames()[i]);
+ }
+ sql.deleteCharAt(sql.length() - 1);
+ sql.append(") ");
+ }
+ if(filter.getOperators() != null && filter.getOperators().length > 0) {
+ sql.append(" and operator in (");
+ for(String actor : filter.getOperators()) {
+ sql.append("?,");
+ paramList.add(actor);
+ }
+ sql.deleteCharAt(sql.length() - 1);
+ sql.append(") ");
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getOperateTime())) {
+ sql.append(" and sdate <= ? and edate >= ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getOperateTime());
+ paramList.add(filter.getOperateTime());
+ }
+ if(!filter.isOrderBySetted()) {
+ filter.setOrder(QueryFilter.DESC);
+ filter.setOrderBy("sdate");
+ }
+ return queryList(page, filter, Surrogate.class, sql.toString(), paramList.toArray());
+ }
+ public Task getTask(String taskId) {
+ String where = " where id = ?";
+ return queryObject(Task.class, QUERY_TASK + where, taskId);
+ }
+ public List<Task> getNextActiveTasks(String parentTaskId) {
+ String where = " where parent_Task_Id = ?";
+ return queryList(Task.class, QUERY_TASK + where, parentTaskId);
+ }
+ public List<Task> getNextActiveTasks(String orderId, String taskName, String parentTaskId) {
+ String sql = QUERY_TASK + " where parent_task_id in ( select ht.id from wf_hist_task ht where ht.order_id=? and ht.task_name=? and ht.parent_task_id=? )";
+ return queryList(Task.class, sql, orderId, taskName, parentTaskId);
+ }
+ public HistoryTask getHistTask(String taskId) {
+ String where = " where id = ?";
+ return queryObject(HistoryTask.class, QUERY_HIST_TASK + where, taskId);
+ }
+ public HistoryOrder getHistOrder(String orderId) {
+ String where = " where id = ?";
+ return queryObject(HistoryOrder.class, QUERY_HIST_ORDER + where, orderId);
+ }
+ public List<TaskActor> getTaskActorsByTaskId(String taskId) {
+ String where = " where task_Id = ?";
+ return queryList(TaskActor.class, QUERY_TASK_ACTOR + where, taskId);
+ }
+ public List<HistoryTaskActor> getHistTaskActorsByTaskId(String taskId) {
+ String where = " where task_Id = ?";
+ return queryList(HistoryTaskActor.class, QUERY_HIST_TASK_ACTOR + where, taskId);
+ }
+ public Order getOrder(String orderId) {
+ String where = " where id = ?";
+ return queryObject(Order.class, QUERY_ORDER + where, orderId);
+ }
+ public List<CCOrder> getCCOrder(String orderId, String... actorIds) {
+ StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(QUERY_CCORDER);
+ where.append(" where 1 = 1 ");
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(orderId)) {
+ where.append(" and order_Id = ?");
+ }
+ if(actorIds != null && actorIds.length > 0) {
+ where.append(" and actor_Id in (");
+ where.append(StringUtils.repeat("?,", actorIds.length));
+ where.deleteCharAt(where.length() - 1);
+ where.append(") ");
+ }
+ return queryList(CCOrder.class, where.toString(), ArrayUtils.add(actorIds, 0, orderId));
+ }
+ public Process getProcess(String id) {
+ String where = " where id = ?";
+ return queryObject(Process.class, QUERY_PROCESS + where, id);
+ }
+ public List<Process> getProcesss(Page<Process> page, QueryFilter filter) {
+ StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(QUERY_PROCESS);
+ sql.append(" where 1=1 ");
+ List<Object> paramList = new ArrayList<Object>();
+ if(filter.getNames() != null && filter.getNames().length > 0) {
+ sql.append(" and name in(");
+ for(int i = 0; i < filter.getNames().length; i++) {
+ sql.append("?,");
+ paramList.add(filter.getNames()[i]);
+ }
+ sql.deleteCharAt(sql.length() - 1);
+ sql.append(") ");
+ }
+ if(filter.getVersion() != null) {
+ sql.append(" and version = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getVersion());
+ }
+ if(filter.getState() != null) {
+ sql.append(" and state = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getState());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getDisplayName())) {
+ sql.append(" and display_Name like ? ");
+ paramList.add("%" + filter.getDisplayName() + "%");
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getProcessType())) {
+ sql.append(" and type = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getProcessType());
+ }
+ if(filter.getOperators() != null && filter.getOperators().length > 0) {
+ sql.append(" and creator in(");
+ for(int i = 0; i < filter.getOperators().length; i++) {
+ sql.append("?,");
+ paramList.add(filter.getOperators()[i]);
+ }
+ sql.deleteCharAt(sql.length() - 1);
+ sql.append(") ");
+ }
+ if(!filter.isOrderBySetted()) {
+ filter.setOrder(QueryFilter.ASC);
+ filter.setOrderBy("name");
+ }
+ return queryList(page, filter, Process.class, sql.toString(), paramList.toArray());
+ }
+ public List<Order> getActiveOrders(Page<Order> page, QueryFilter filter) {
+ StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(QUERY_ORDER);
+ sql.append(" left join wf_process p on p.id = o.process_id ");
+ sql.append(" where 1=1 ");
+ List<Object> paramList = new ArrayList<Object>();
+ if(filter.getOperators() != null && filter.getOperators().length > 0) {
+ sql.append(" and o.creator in(");
+ for(int i = 0; i < filter.getOperators().length; i++) {
+ sql.append("?,");
+ paramList.add(filter.getOperators()[i]);
+ }
+ sql.deleteCharAt(sql.length() - 1);
+ sql.append(") ");
+ }
+ if(filter.getNames() != null && filter.getNames().length > 0) {
+ sql.append(" and p.name in(");
+ for(int i = 0; i < filter.getNames().length; i++) {
+ sql.append("?,");
+ paramList.add(filter.getNames()[i]);
+ }
+ sql.deleteCharAt(sql.length() - 1);
+ sql.append(") ");
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getProcessId())) {
+ sql.append(" and o.process_Id = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getProcessId());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getDisplayName())) {
+ sql.append(" and p.display_Name like ?");
+ paramList.add("%" + filter.getDisplayName() + "%");
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getProcessType())) {
+ sql.append(" and p.type = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getProcessType());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getParentId())) {
+ sql.append(" and o.parent_Id = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getParentId());
+ }
+ if(filter.getExcludedIds() != null && filter.getExcludedIds().length > 0) {
+ sql.append(" and o.id not in(");
+ for(int i = 0; i < filter.getExcludedIds().length; i++) {
+ sql.append("?,");
+ paramList.add(filter.getExcludedIds()[i]);
+ }
+ sql.deleteCharAt(sql.length() - 1);
+ sql.append(") ");
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getCreateTimeStart())) {
+ sql.append(" and o.create_Time >= ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getCreateTimeStart());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getCreateTimeEnd())) {
+ sql.append(" and o.create_Time <= ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getCreateTimeEnd());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getOrderNo())) {
+ sql.append(" and o.order_No = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getOrderNo());
+ }
+ if(!filter.isOrderBySetted()) {
+ filter.setOrder(QueryFilter.DESC);
+ filter.setOrderBy("o.create_Time");
+ }
+ return queryList(page, filter, Order.class, sql.toString(), paramList.toArray());
+ }
+ public List<Task> getActiveTasks(Page<Task> page, QueryFilter filter) {
+ StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(QUERY_TASK);
+ boolean isFetchActor = filter.getOperators() != null && filter.getOperators().length > 0;
+ if(isFetchActor) {
+ sql.append(" left join wf_task_actor ta on ta.task_id = id ");
+ }
+ sql.append(" where 1=1 ");
+ List<Object> paramList = new ArrayList<Object>();
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getOrderId())) {
+ sql.append(" and order_Id = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getOrderId());
+ }
+ if(filter.getExcludedIds() != null && filter.getExcludedIds().length > 0) {
+ sql.append(" and id not in(");
+ for(int i = 0; i < filter.getExcludedIds().length; i++) {
+ sql.append("?,");
+ paramList.add(filter.getExcludedIds()[i]);
+ }
+ sql.deleteCharAt(sql.length() - 1);
+ sql.append(") ");
+ }
+ if(isFetchActor) {
+ sql.append(" and ta.actor_Id in (");
+ for(int i = 0; i < filter.getOperators().length; i++) {
+ sql.append("?,");
+ paramList.add(filter.getOperators()[i]);
+ }
+ sql.deleteCharAt(sql.length() - 1);
+ sql.append(") ");
+ }
+ if(filter.getNames() != null && filter.getNames().length > 0) {
+ sql.append(" and task_Name in (");
+ for(int i = 0; i < filter.getNames().length; i++) {
+ sql.append("?,");
+ paramList.add(filter.getNames()[i]);
+ }
+ sql.deleteCharAt(sql.length() - 1);
+ sql.append(") ");
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getCreateTimeStart())) {
+ sql.append(" and create_Time >= ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getCreateTimeStart());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getCreateTimeEnd())) {
+ sql.append(" and create_Time <= ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getCreateTimeEnd());
+ }
+ if(!filter.isOrderBySetted()) {
+ filter.setOrder(QueryFilter.DESC);
+ filter.setOrderBy("create_Time");
+ }
+ return queryList(page, filter, Task.class, sql.toString(), paramList.toArray());
+ }
+ public List<HistoryOrder> getHistoryOrders(Page<HistoryOrder> page, QueryFilter filter) {
+ StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(QUERY_HIST_ORDER);
+ sql.append(" left join wf_process p on p.id = o.process_id ");
+ sql.append(" where 1=1 ");
+ List<Object> paramList = new ArrayList<Object>();
+ if(filter.getOperators() != null && filter.getOperators().length > 0) {
+ sql.append(" and o.creator in(");
+ for(int i = 0; i < filter.getOperators().length; i++) {
+ sql.append("?,");
+ paramList.add(filter.getOperators()[i]);
+ }
+ sql.deleteCharAt(sql.length() - 1);
+ sql.append(") ");
+ }
+ if(filter.getNames() != null && filter.getNames().length > 0) {
+ sql.append(" and p.name in(");
+ for(int i = 0; i < filter.getNames().length; i++) {
+ sql.append("?,");
+ paramList.add(filter.getNames()[i]);
+ }
+ sql.deleteCharAt(sql.length() - 1);
+ sql.append(") ");
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getProcessId())) {
+ sql.append(" and o.process_Id = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getProcessId());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getProcessType())) {
+ sql.append(" and p.type = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getProcessType());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getDisplayName())) {
+ sql.append(" and p.display_Name like ?");
+ paramList.add("%" + filter.getDisplayName() + "%");
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getParentId())) {
+ sql.append(" and o.parent_Id = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getParentId());
+ }
+ if(filter.getState() != null) {
+ sql.append(" and o.order_State = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getState());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getCreateTimeStart())) {
+ sql.append(" and o.create_Time >= ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getCreateTimeStart());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getCreateTimeEnd())) {
+ sql.append(" and o.create_Time <= ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getCreateTimeEnd());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getOrderNo())) {
+ sql.append(" and o.order_No = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getOrderNo());
+ }
+ if(!filter.isOrderBySetted()) {
+ filter.setOrder(QueryFilter.DESC);
+ filter.setOrderBy("o.create_Time");
+ }
+ return queryList(page, filter, HistoryOrder.class, sql.toString(), paramList.toArray());
+ }
+ public List<HistoryTask> getHistoryTasks(Page<HistoryTask> page, QueryFilter filter) {
+ StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(QUERY_HIST_TASK);
+ boolean isFetchActor = filter.getOperators() != null && filter.getOperators().length > 0;
+ if(isFetchActor) {
+ sql.append(" left join wf_hist_task_actor ta on ta.task_id = id ");
+ }
+ sql.append(" where 1=1 ");
+ List<Object> paramList = new ArrayList<Object>();
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getOrderId())) {
+ sql.append(" and order_Id = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getOrderId());
+ }
+ if(isFetchActor) {
+ sql.append(" and ta.actor_Id in (");
+ for(int i = 0; i < filter.getOperators().length; i++) {
+ sql.append("?,");
+ paramList.add(filter.getOperators()[i]);
+ }
+ sql.deleteCharAt(sql.length() - 1);
+ sql.append(") ");
+ }
+ if(filter.getNames() != null && filter.getNames().length > 0) {
+ sql.append(" and task_Name in (");
+ for(int i = 0; i < filter.getNames().length; i++) {
+ sql.append("?,");
+ paramList.add(filter.getNames()[i]);
+ }
+ sql.deleteCharAt(sql.length() - 1);
+ sql.append(") ");
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getCreateTimeStart())) {
+ sql.append(" and create_Time >= ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getCreateTimeStart());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getCreateTimeEnd())) {
+ sql.append(" and create_Time <= ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getCreateTimeEnd());
+ }
+ if(!filter.isOrderBySetted()) {
+ filter.setOrder(QueryFilter.DESC);
+ filter.setOrderBy("finish_Time");
+ }
+ return queryList(page, filter, HistoryTask.class, sql.toString(), paramList.toArray());
+ }
+ public List<WorkItem> getWorkItems(Page<WorkItem> page, QueryFilter filter) {
+ StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
+ sql.append(" select distinct o.process_Id, t.order_Id, t.id as id, t.id as task_Id, p.display_Name as process_Name, p.instance_Url, o.parent_Id, o.creator, ");
+ sql.append(" o.create_Time as order_Create_Time, o.expire_Time as order_Expire_Time, o.order_No, o.variable as order_Variable, ");
+ sql.append(" t.display_Name as task_Name, t.task_Name as task_Key, t.task_Type, t.perform_Type, t.operator, t.action_Url, ");
+ sql.append(" t.create_Time as task_Create_Time, t.finish_Time as task_End_Time, t.expire_Time as task_Expire_Time, t.variable as task_Variable ");
+ sql.append(" from wf_task t ");
+ sql.append(" left join wf_order o on t.order_id = o.id ");
+ sql.append(" left join wf_task_actor ta on ta.task_id=t.id ");
+ sql.append(" left join wf_process p on p.id = o.process_id ");
+ sql.append(" where 1=1 ");
+ * 查询条件构造sql的where条件
+ */
+ List<Object> paramList = new ArrayList<Object>();
+ if(filter.getOperators() != null && filter.getOperators().length > 0) {
+ sql.append(" and ta.actor_Id in (");
+ for(String actor : filter.getOperators()) {
+ sql.append("?,");
+ paramList.add(actor);
+ }
+ sql.deleteCharAt(sql.length() - 1);
+ sql.append(") ");
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getProcessId())) {
+ sql.append(" and o.process_Id = ?");
+ paramList.add(filter.getProcessId());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getDisplayName())) {
+ sql.append(" and p.display_Name like ?");
+ paramList.add("%" + filter.getDisplayName() + "%");
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getParentId())) {
+ sql.append(" and o.parent_Id = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getParentId());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getOrderId())) {
+ sql.append(" and t.order_id = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getOrderId());
+ }
+ if(filter.getNames() != null && filter.getNames().length > 0) {
+ sql.append(" and t.task_Name in (");
+ for(int i = 0; i < filter.getNames().length; i++) {
+ sql.append("?,");
+ paramList.add(filter.getNames()[i]);
+ }
+ sql.deleteCharAt(sql.length() - 1);
+ sql.append(") ");
+ }
+ if(filter.getTaskType() != null) {
+ sql.append(" and t.task_Type = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getTaskType());
+ }
+ if(filter.getPerformType() != null) {
+ sql.append(" and t.perform_Type = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getPerformType());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getCreateTimeStart())) {
+ sql.append(" and t.create_Time >= ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getCreateTimeStart());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getCreateTimeEnd())) {
+ sql.append(" and t.create_Time <= ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getCreateTimeEnd());
+ }
+ if(!filter.isOrderBySetted()) {
+ filter.setOrder(QueryFilter.DESC);
+ filter.setOrderBy("t.create_Time");
+ }
+ return queryList(page, filter, WorkItem.class, sql.toString(), paramList.toArray());
+ }
+ public List<HistoryOrder> getCCWorks(Page<HistoryOrder> page, QueryFilter filter) {
+ StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
+ sql.append(" select id,process_Id,order_State,priority,cc.creator,cc.create_Time,end_Time,parent_Id,expire_Time,order_No,variable ");
+ sql.append(" from wf_cc_order cc ");
+ sql.append(" left join wf_hist_order o on cc.order_id = o.id ");
+ sql.append(" where 1=1 ");
+ * 查询条件构造sql的where条件
+ */
+ List<Object> paramList = new ArrayList<Object>();
+ if(filter.getOperators() != null && filter.getOperators().length > 0) {
+ sql.append(" and cc.actor_Id in(");
+ for(int i = 0; i < filter.getOperators().length; i++) {
+ sql.append("?,");
+ paramList.add(filter.getOperators()[i]);
+ }
+ sql.deleteCharAt(sql.length() - 1);
+ sql.append(") ");
+ }
+ if(filter.getState() != null) {
+ sql.append(" and cc.status = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getState());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getProcessId())) {
+ sql.append(" and process_Id = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getProcessId());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getParentId())) {
+ sql.append(" and parent_Id = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getParentId());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getCreateTimeStart())) {
+ sql.append(" and cc.create_Time >= ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getCreateTimeStart());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getCreateTimeEnd())) {
+ sql.append(" and cc.create_Time <= ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getCreateTimeEnd());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getOrderNo())) {
+ sql.append(" and order_No = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getOrderNo());
+ }
+ if(!filter.isOrderBySetted()) {
+ filter.setOrder(QueryFilter.DESC);
+ filter.setOrderBy("cc.create_Time");
+ }
+ return queryList(page, filter, HistoryOrder.class, sql.toString(), paramList.toArray());
+ }
+ public List<WorkItem> getHistoryWorkItems(Page<WorkItem> page, QueryFilter filter) {
+ StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
+ sql.append(" select distinct o.process_Id, t.order_Id, t.id as id, t.id as task_Id, p.display_Name as process_Name, p.instance_Url, o.parent_Id, o.creator, ");
+ sql.append(" o.create_Time as order_Create_Time, o.expire_Time as order_Expire_Time, o.order_No, o.variable as order_Variable, ");
+ sql.append(" t.display_Name as task_Name, t.task_Name as task_Key, t.task_Type, t.perform_Type,t.operator, t.action_Url, ");
+ sql.append(" t.create_Time as task_Create_Time, t.finish_Time as task_End_Time, t.expire_Time as task_Expire_Time, t.variable as task_Variable ");
+ sql.append(" from wf_hist_task t ");
+ sql.append(" left join wf_hist_order o on t.order_id = o.id ");
+ sql.append(" left join wf_hist_task_actor ta on ta.task_id=t.id ");
+ sql.append(" left join wf_process p on p.id = o.process_id ");
+ sql.append(" where 1=1 ");
+ * 查询条件构造sql的where条件
+ */
+ List<Object> paramList = new ArrayList<Object>();
+ if(filter.getOperators() != null && filter.getOperators().length > 0) {
+ sql.append(" and ta.actor_Id in (");
+ for(String actor : filter.getOperators()) {
+ sql.append("?,");
+ paramList.add(actor);
+ }
+ sql.deleteCharAt(sql.length() - 1);
+ sql.append(") ");
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getProcessId())) {
+ sql.append(" and o.process_Id = ?");
+ paramList.add(filter.getProcessId());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getDisplayName())) {
+ sql.append(" and p.display_Name like ?");
+ paramList.add("%" + filter.getDisplayName() + "%");
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getParentId())) {
+ sql.append(" and o.parent_Id = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getParentId());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getOrderId())) {
+ sql.append(" and t.order_id = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getOrderId());
+ }
+ if(filter.getNames() != null && filter.getNames().length > 0) {
+ sql.append(" and t.task_Name in (");
+ for(int i = 0; i < filter.getNames().length; i++) {
+ sql.append("?,");
+ paramList.add(filter.getNames()[i]);
+ }
+ sql.deleteCharAt(sql.length() - 1);
+ sql.append(") ");
+ }
+ if(filter.getTaskType() != null) {
+ sql.append(" and t.task_Type = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getTaskType());
+ }
+ if(filter.getPerformType() != null) {
+ sql.append(" and t.perform_Type = ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getPerformType());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getCreateTimeStart())) {
+ sql.append(" and t.create_Time >= ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getCreateTimeStart());
+ }
+ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(filter.getCreateTimeEnd())) {
+ sql.append(" and t.create_Time <= ? ");
+ paramList.add(filter.getCreateTimeEnd());
+ }
+ if(!filter.isOrderBySetted()) {
+ filter.setOrder(QueryFilter.DESC);
+ filter.setOrderBy("t.create_Time");
+ }
+ return queryList(page, filter, WorkItem.class, sql.toString(), paramList.toArray());
+ }
+ public <T> List<T> queryList(Page<T> page, QueryFilter filter, Class<T> clazz, String sql, Object... args) {
+ String orderby = StringHelper.buildPageOrder(filter.getOrder(), filter.getOrderBy());
+ String querySQL = sql + orderby;
+ if(page == null) {
+ return queryList(clazz, querySQL, args);
+ }
+ String countSQL = "select count(1) from (" + sql + ") c ";
+ querySQL = getDialect().getPageSql(querySQL, page);
+ if(log.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ log.debug("查询分页countSQL=\n" + countSQL);
+ log.debug("查询分页querySQL=\n" + querySQL);
+ }
+ try {
+ Object count = queryCount(countSQL, args);
+ List<T> list = queryList(clazz, querySQL, args);
+ if(list == null) list = Collections.emptyList();
+ page.setResult(list);
+ page.setTotalCount(ClassHelper.castLong(count));
+ return list;
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
+ return Collections.emptyList();
+ }
+ }
+ * 根据连接对象获取数据库方言
+ * @param conn 数据库连接
+ * @return Dialect 方言
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ private Dialect getDialect(Connection conn) throws Exception {
+ DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData = conn.getMetaData();
+ String databaseProductName = databaseMetaData.getDatabaseProductName();
+ Properties databaseTypeMappings = new Properties();
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("H2","h2");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("MySQL","mysql");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("Oracle","oracle");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("PostgreSQL","postgres");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("Microsoft SQL Server","mssql");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("DB2","db2");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("DB2","db2");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("DB2/NT","db2");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("DB2/NT64","db2");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("DB2 UDP","db2");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("DB2/LINUX","db2");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("DB2/LINUX390","db2");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("DB2/LINUXX8664","db2");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("DB2/LINUXZ64","db2");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("DB2/400 SQL","db2");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("DB2/6000","db2");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("DB2 UDB iSeries","db2");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("DB2/AIX64","db2");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("DB2/HPUX","db2");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("DB2/HP64","db2");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("DB2/SUN","db2");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("DB2/SUN64","db2");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("DB2/PTX","db2");
+ databaseTypeMappings.setProperty("DB2/2","db2");
+ String dbType = databaseTypeMappings.getProperty(databaseProductName);
+ if(StringHelper.isEmpty(dbType)) return null;
+ if(dbType.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql")) return new MySqlDialect();
+ else if(dbType.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle")) return new OracleDialect();
+ else if(dbType.equalsIgnoreCase("postgres")) return new PostgresqlDialect();
+ else if(dbType.equalsIgnoreCase("mssql")) return new SQLServerDialect();
+ else if(dbType.equalsIgnoreCase("db2")) return new Db2Dialect();
+ else if(dbType.equalsIgnoreCase("h2")) return new H2Dialect();
+ else return null;
+ }
+ * 分页查询时,符合条件的总记录数
+ * @param sql sql语句
+ * @param args 参数数组
+ * @return 总记录数
+ */
+ protected abstract Object queryCount(String sql, Object... args);
+ * 获取数据库连接
+ * @return Connection
+ */
+ protected abstract Connection getConnection() throws SQLException;